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what's going on guys all right so remember some rap finally already some rap all right so it's been a while since I've done any rap I've been like three to a half weeks now so winter out the hood the roof and the spoilers in true are carbon fiber this is vivid true our carbon fiber this is a Honda Civic sport touring model so not the type r I think it's just one level below that but not just a base model either oh yeah did I mention they're also doing the mirrors we're also doing the mirrors so this is probably one of my favorite carbon fibers just because it's a satin finish it's fairly easy to use and it's like it's not a completely dry finish but it's a satin finish so it's very nice actually I can actually get behind and show you this machine on it this is one of my favorites like I said because it's just easier to use the tech art is a little bit thicker so again with a more challenging where you're using a thicker material on top of that to do intricate pieces where the thicker material is going to be hard as well alright so to shut my mic yeah so to have a thinner material like this makes things a lot easier has are very 4d effect so you're gonna see that once you start getting the mirrors it's going to look really really cool especially on the hook too even though I heard the roof then and the spoiler is gonna look awesome so I'm gonna put this to the side and what we're gonna do is we're going to prep the surface of this hood right now and you just put it over here so the cars been washed sorry I already washed it it's got water dripping off of it still you might notice if you see that in the video don't worry so 70% isopropyl alcohol all right clean rag we're gonna strip any wax or oils off of the surface using the isopropyl alcohol I do push fairly hard and I want to make sure that I'm getting everything off so I'm gonna show you one little spot right there I'm gonna show you one thing here and that this put has some stone chips in it the carbon fiber will actually hide these stone chips very well there's a slow chip over here I can see it and they're probably one I can capture in the camera for you guys so I'm just as soon as I wipe underneath I'm gonna show you that stone chip so I believe Honda is still stuck in come on it's still stuck in the early 90s because they use a manual hood prop like come on there's got a manual hood prop on their car nowadays that's like it's this is 2018 or 2017 anything in the past ten years or even like as of 2010 should not have a manual hood plug so guys a Honda if you're watching this get it together so we're gonna spray on to the surface of the rag and I'm gonna go around the very bottom edge of this hood all right so I'm gonna ensure that we're not getting all the wax and any oil and contaminants off from the underside because we are gonna wrap around a little bit right I want to make sure that we are wrapping around a little bit so when we're wiping underneath here we're going in about an inch nothing seemed crazy [Music] perfect all in all it looks good I'm going to put this foot down now I'm going to show you the couple of stone chips that I've seen I'll actually leave it up and show you this probably better angle so stone chip right there remember this is on the passenger side all right and is there another one [Applause] yes you see it right there all right clothes just to there's a couple more another one back here again not that big of a deal they probably won't show through very much let's put the camera back sorry for the 360 spin there [Applause] cool let's drop the hood we're ready to wrap this we don't leave the hood slightly propped this helps this helps with me being able to kind of wrap it around the edges without even lifting the hood so carbon fiber vinyl what I lay down on the side of the car here I'm gonna grab my tape measure measure the hood so what kind of sucks about carbon fiber is that it's a bummer because this roof is longer than 30 inches all right but I have to run the carbon fiber across because the hood is wider than 60 inches so you can't win right so it's gonna run in two different directions simply because the hood is wider than 60 inches with the roof isn't but the roof is longer than 60 inches and the hood isn't so our carbon fiber is going to look different from the hoods of the roof unfortunately something that can do about that unless I want to put seams in the material again we don't really want to use seams if we don't have to so so again I'll measure from one side to the next all right looking at about 72 yeah 72 because I've done this before 72 will give me about two inches per side extra I'm just going to make sure anything else kicking her out on here and we're good [Applause] so let's grab my magnets I'm just going to unroll this quick cut my 72 [Applause] it's actually a pretty massive massive piece [Applause] perfect like I said when you're doing a roof in a hook to match your carbon fiber sometimes you just can't run on the same direction 72 let's cut it perfect so I'm going to take my extra material and put it to the side and we're going to drop this bad boy right on top of the hood magnets there and one magnet over so I've got plenty of extra I'm gonna push a little bit more of that direction Arielle and I'm only coming up about an inch past the top corners because the top is easy to do so we don't need to come that high up by the way if you see me sweating quite a bit it's like another million degrees in here today so it's pretty much the same temperature as Hawaii which is awesome all right so what I'm gonna do I have a ton of excess material here right normally I don't trim off a lot but this time in this case I'm going to simply because I can keep it straight okay I want to keep that piece straight it helps beneficial we'll take our excess material cuz we can use that for the mirrors and et cetera throw it in the car we're gonna do now I'm gonna wrap this bad boy and we're gonna do this without causing any distortion in the carbon fiber this is where a lot of people struggle or move to back you paper rolling so they don't cause any unnecessary creases or like those zipper marks that you might see if you're new at this those zipper marks are a huge pain [Applause] we're gonna take that piece and get it out of the way now the Horde hurry up on this part isn't terribly complicated it's pretty straightforward only I guess harder part about it is that it's very wide it's very long but we're gonna give it a flip the hood is hot this car just came in all right what I'm gonna do is hold this up so I can have air release how easy that is to squeeze you okay I'm gonna pull up this way so I did wash the car I was hoping that it would cool it down a little bit but there's still heats emitting from the engine so you're gonna notice that it's gonna be pretty sticky I could use tack reducer I don't need to because this is not that hard for me but again if you're newer at this and your hood is hot you're gonna want to use some kind of a reducer because it's gonna be hard for you to do cool outside we're good I'm gonna pull this down over here so I don't want to overstretch the film right if we over stretch the film we're gonna see distortion in the film because this is a patterned finish just gonna start locking Aaron a little bit over here just been sitting for a while and it's hot right there we go so mainly where people start to stretch too much is near the ends here you don't want to stretch too much okay keep that in mind no over on this side here I'll finish you there side after once I get this done then very hot heat activated adhesive makes it much more difficult again it's not terrible so I'm gonna glass it out and we're gonna get to that middle right now with carbon fiber you don't want to push too hard already you want to make sure the corners of your squeegee are covered by the buffer which is the blue part on here really well because you don't want to scratch it we can scratch it alright so I'm watching where the air is coming out now are there gonna be any blue lines in this because it's hot note 1 do not get any lines in this there's another nice part about it pop it up and we're gonna squeeze you the rest down here it's my wife's birthday today and so if you guys want to wish her a happy birthday sure she'd appreciate it I'm working and I wasn't supposed to be so not exactly in the good books right now cool no Distortion now we're going to show you all this up close afterwards so I'll have a recess here right I'm not gonna stretch into that recess I'm gonna lay into the recess very importance very stuck right now there we go there we go all right so let's get it in to this recess just like this kind of like a little scissor motion [Applause] once we're in the recess we'll Humphrey as far as that goes and everything comes out from there so if you heat and stretch this final what you make what you need to do is you need to let it shrink back otherwise you're going to get that distorted effect to it also if you're heating you can heat in stretch it you just have to do it in a way that's over a larger area and not such a small confined area because if we heat and stretch a confined area what's gonna happen is we're gonna get that distortion in the film especially when it comes to getting around here [Applause] I'm just pushing down there bubbles my fingers a little bit easier sometimes I'll bring it back to here bring it back to the corner if you put your hands under it also and stretch it you're going to leave finger impressions in it so don't do that wherever you put your hands it must be on the exterior part of the vinyl and not work you're actually going to be laying the vinyl all right so now right here is where we run into a section where we're gonna have to add a bit of heat I'm just looking at it I'm going to trim off the corner here's where it ends okay we're trim the roof off give myself something better to work with all right for now already I'm gonna heat it and bring it down I might not need to actually let's see it's actually really hot right now now I'm gonna have to heat it a bit so it's heated of it [Applause] all right all right hands over talk that's going to allow us to spread the tension out [Applause] [Music] I figured again here and just a little bit of stretch not much okay [Applause] all right Larry drink this down right here perfect [Applause] and very easy to overstretch so we have to be careful and now heating over here easy all right let's get that tucked around a bit and we're good to go on this side all right so let's move around to the other side just so I can show you all you got change the battery part way through this looks like it's dying all right so again we're gonna lay in this recess here got it up hold the vinyl up let it relax into this area this is my easier side actually because I can hold it with my left hand squeeze use my right since I'm right handed right get it pulled out a little bit yeah that's fine you can take some gloss black yeah all right I see a hair or is it not a hair he's not a hat I was wrong I did see a little stone here so we can kind of just rub that off and it'll go away again [Applause] not there it is stone is still there so I'm gonna pull back there it is I'm just trying to mary'll get it all I do is get it stuck to my finger and I was able to pull it back so it was no it was no hair it was just air bubble I should have tried pushing down on her first all right so let's finish this guy off so again we're gonna have to heat in this area right here let's do it cut off my access [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we're gonna warm it up right [Applause] not a lot just a bit [Applause] hands over top okay that's going to allow us to evenly disperse all that stretch all right and now that we're here I'm gonna heat shrink it whatever they need to come back down and relax before I get to the edge see move perfect yet not a lot of stretching just spreading it out okay go hold it was that way no I pulled a little bit this way with the pattern it's better to pull the pattern towards the edge as opposed to pulling it apart if we pull the pattern apart that's what really gives it it gives it an ugly look so keep that in mind you kind of want to pull straight on the pattern not so much on the angle of the pattern if we're gonna pull it [Applause] perfect good so now that that's all done I'm just gonna switch the battery quick it's gonna die alright so as I was it's changed the battery next thing we're gonna do here is cut out any excess around the wiper blade area leave yourself a little bit and don't cut too deep because we don't want to cut into the wiper arms themselves figured I'd do some videos on this because my everyday I do carbon fiber law like this so I guess we get to see what it looks like alright so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pull it off the edges alright this will allow me to lift the hood you can trim it like this if you want to I prefer I prefer to lift it and then roll it around myself and then cut it that's all I like to do it at least it's all just personal preference guys if you want to trim it as it was just a second ago totally up to you so probably gonna have it come lower than that be easier so I've got this fun tool by yellow tools and it's just gonna arrest that guy right there cool what you're gonna need now is a glove so we're gonna throw the glove on and we're gonna go over all these edges with heat before we do any cutting make sure there's no pull back during the corners it's very easy we just kind of pull down and around a little bit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] a little bit of air they're just getting it out from the edge [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] purr-fectly should be good to cut let's do it when I'm cutting I should just start at one end and work my way around so again remember I do have a GoPro a head and chest mountain coming so you guys will be able to actually see all this how cool is that so this in in this case if I was doing YouTube video I would zoom in I would switch I would cut to the GoPro mount and so you guys could see how I was doing this see everything that I see I was running right now I'm just running the back of my blade on the backside of the hood I always add a little tension to the film as I cut this keeps my line straight hey there's a line straighter then if I were to let the vinyl just fall no I'm fine thank you all right almost there put yourself into a body position where you can see things another important thing to do you can't cut if you can't see okay amazing that's all this is cut off in one piece then go over the edge one more time with a bunch of heat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] essentially what I'm doing right now is I'm post eating in the XK I'm having the vile seal itself and lock itself in I have the he'd been very close [Applause] [Music] and this is gonna allow the vinyl to kind of melt around the edge [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I'm gonna lift it up to show you the bottom first and then I'll show you the top let's check it out [Music] so let's check out the cut you guys see it me there you go nice and even nice and straight all the way down all the way through sorry there's a light it's hard with the garage door open behind you so hopefully you can see it from here sure if that's helping or not that nice and clean either way all right it's got a gorgeous finish on it no distortion in the film okay that's another important part to remember so I'm never gonna do right now is just put the hood down you guys see it hi Stefan I'm not gonna lock it in all right that's it check out the corner down here let's check it out all the way around that's it next is the roof or mirrors that's it guys guys if you liked the video on the carbon fiber hood rat do not forget to hit the subscribe button and rusty hit forget to the like button if you guys want to see some more videos do not forget to hit the subscribe button to post notifications I'll put a link to all the tools including the film in the description below so that way if you want to grab some true our carbon fiber you're welcome to would be straight off of Amazon and that's it guys thank you for watching take care
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 585,011
Rating: 4.8727288 out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, how to wrap a car, how to vinyl wrap a car, how to vinyl wrap, how to wrap, vehicle wrap, car wrap, vinyl wrap, carbon fiber, carbon fiber wrap, hood wrap, carbon hood wrap, carbon fiber hood, carbon fiber hood wrap, 4d carbon fiber, 4d carbon, 4d, most real carbon fiber wrap, Vvivid Vinyl, Avery, 3m, 3m 1080, APA, Oracal, Hexis, KPMF, dip your car, dyc, paint protection, ppf, vinyl, wrap, car
Id: xEa25A4BOX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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