Chinese Vinyl VS Vvivid Vinyl VS 3m Vinyl (part 1)

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[Music] what's going on guys it's Kristen here from CK wraps don't forget to check out my website see CARICOM we'll put a link up in the top corner for you now I'm gonna be demoing some film various films here some purchase from ebay Daily Express Alibaba and so on I also have some vivid and it has some 3m as you can see everything here is almost the same okay we've got some yellow and green mostly green and we've got some carbon fiber from these different manufacturers what you can get with some no-name stuff you can get some pretty cool finishes like iron I never even knew this existed but this is like it's almost like sandpaper really interesting film is look kind of thick it's got a square style air release and you can see all that okay so what we're gonna notice right off the bat also is that that no markings no branding no nothing okay just no name these are purchased from various places but they sell them as different they sell them as different brands but they saw them as it's all the same thing pretty much in the end so I cut off a strip of this actually take this I'm gonna party here the main thing that I want to talk about here is the the difference in okay difference in adhesives and things like that heats of styles adhesive strengths stretching finishes all sort of stuff that kind of comes along when you're you're buying wrap their arse different things and characteristics that come into play when it comes to your decision on purchasing product especially a wrap some are built or some are built differently okay adhesive strengths and things like that like I mean like what I can see already through this it's pretty interesting actually is if you can see the banding do you see the it looks like looks like wood grain almost you see that shadow through there the lines running up and down all over just nicely up and down now I don't know if the other one has it let's check it out it should but it's from two different places but same film okay this one has it to this is what we call banding or what I call banding that's with a more technical term for it it's heavier lines when they go to print it or make the color itself I take this to get to the car hopefully doesn't ruin my rap because this cars raps right now we've got some vivid similar color just doesn't have a textured finish this is a textured finish then it's got matte metallic green and I want to show you Dara he civ as well it's gonna be different though gray backing and we have a hexagon style pattern to the adhesive you can actually see it on the release liner to slightly in the glare movie wanna make sure you capture that initial tack much lower than these other guys right here I stick that down there let's grab I think this is yep this is not vivid this is 3m it's just has it piece of fitted tape on it now we've got 3m 1080 again in style and finish close but not quite the same this is more like your matte green this is more like a matte metallic so it's got a bit of a sheen to it personal preference when it comes to color all the way through your eyes I'm not here to suggest what color you like more if you like that sparkly stuff over there that has the sandpaper texture to it cool okay let's check out 3m s backing greyish and it very very hard to see their air release pattern almost doesn't even look existent but it is it's there they're just really tiny take something that off stick it to the head what I want to do is kind of play around with these a little bit and show you what they're like we're gonna take it we're gonna heat it we're gonna stretch it and I'm just gonna let it initially sit there like that - so I'm gonna peel off the rests let it sit there see what an initial attack is like to give you some idea any minute so I i've installed chinese film or no-name film it is chinese film a long time ago and my experience with it was pretty pretty bad the film was super sticky it basically bonded to the hood and I couldn't move it so like I thought I was gonna rip the whole hood off when I went to go reposition it this on the other hand feels a little bit different does feel like it's not sticking too much it could be a good and a bad thing you won't want we don't want to stick too little but we do want it to stick so air release not working so great yeah both those are just not coming out if I push down on them sure but the initial approach to actually squeezing it it's not really working very well and you can see look it's kind of like rolling through it like it's like water almost I don't think I like this very much because it's me that feels like the field the adhesive is sliding it's not grabbing enough so bond wise it's okay let's give it a little bit water here now makes a totally different sounds when you're lifting it you can hear that right off the bat we just kind of let it sit there and let's just see what it's like when we squeeze you okay air release it's working better got a wrinkle here yes appreciate that but the Aral is working better than the other one so I can squeeze you over a lot of it right this one I'm just getting a bubble stuck like that for no reason I'm squeezing it down all these this is gonna make it very difficult to install you know Vivid's air release works it works pretty well but it doesn't work as good as some other brands out there but does have air release this on the other hand is gonna give you a lot more problems we'll try the end piece in afterwards except it's almost the same as the one I just did hey here's 3m we're not much tack actually at all because it has control tack so it doesn't stick until we actually push it down let's see what it's like squeezing it it's gonna work very well because it is a slidable film okay this means that we can take the film and slide it across the surface tack feels good nice and strong vivid feels good nice and strong okay then squeeze use down nicely this one squeegees down nicely other one doesn't let's get rid of this piece right here and move on to the other piece see if it's the same I feel like it's the same thing but these are alias press and eBay vinyls I'm even just getting weird bubbles like that let's try and put a flood yeah see I'm just getting bubbles like that I am pushing it got me wrong I'm pushing very much similar characteristic and it feels like it could air bubble kind of slides through the film will they go away of course the go away if I give it enough time usually that one doesn't want to go away one doesn't want to go away at all so we're sitting here poking out all these air bubbles all the time that's just too much work let's grab a bit of heat stretch them out and see what happens I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna push them away here [Applause] so feels nice and stretchy feels good but mostly everything does when you got he's got a little discoloring around here it gets a little patchy that's what I noticed the comparison and this is not really so fair because we're getting into metallic and then really heavy metallic I'm just giving you a one on one on what I'm feeling here so three I might not change as much as these guys do when it comes to this bit of overstretching you're pushing it a little bit too far okay feels nice and flimsy it's got good pull it was good for sure I'm gonna see a line right here of where I overstretched right there we've got the metallic particle in the film let's check out this guy here I mentioned to see what this this is gonna do it's already textured and it's already matte so let's see what happens [Applause] it feels nice and pliable it's kind of different down here I do see a transition but not to me the transition doesn't show as much as this transition does again I could have stretched a little bit more here or whatever but that the finishes are different from each one of these take these off rigidness this is like pretty rigid stuff I didn't know that was gonna happen so it's yeah I mean it's breaking pretty easily I know I'm gonna try that with the other ones okay this is I'm not pulling not hard guys at all I'll try I'll try the end that's not broken how about that let's see it might be Oh still working okay this is pretty I gotta pull hard they're interesting see if it's a little bit feels a little thinner it's not breaking just like that so as far as handling goes probably get away with a little bit more force there we go I knew I could make it happen it's only vinyl guys so breaking it a lot differently it's not like it's kind of stretching and not tearing into shards like this tears into shards while this you can see it's not really tearing into shards it's a bit different it's in the way it's happening at different finals right looking to see how it's all just really torn this is sort of stretched along that tear line yes yes not the same thing feels totally different handling in the end is gonna be a lot different let's try 3m feels about the same thickness as vivid maybe slightly thinner there is a speck there somewhere for that it's holding up really well a little more again a little more gift a little more pliability where is ripping yep it's holding up a lot better fine yeah if you kind of find the spot it does tear but it's a different kind of tear again then then these guys here then start them in the no-name stuff more along the lines of the way vivid is tearing they kind of looked the same in how this is react and how this is responding here that just looks like a shattered piece of glass so I feel like that's gonna be very difficult especially in cooler temperatures when we're sitting abroad 80-plus in here today Ron 2324 resale seus 25 even whatever some around 85 Plus it's hot and film should not be breaking or cracking like this at all it should be more easy to install again Connie you get you're gonna get what you're gonna pay for I'm gonna do a whole separate video doubling the carbon fibers I did want to show you what this was like as far as these finishes go and these colors go and I'll even hit it up those yellows also for another video just to show you how they're gonna spawn all these are gonna respond a little bit different you know carbon fiber has a grain it has a weave to it which means you can actually tear it really easily along that weave so all of them will probably tear really easily you know these when we look at the finishes of these these are probably more like your 5 D car before D whatever you want to call it I mean I don't even know these names mean but you know 40 carbon fibers they've got a nice satiny finish to it they look a little weird to me you know not really a huge fan we put Vivid's flat up beside it you can see the huge difference in the actual texture of the pattern like this looks way more legit and this looks like it's sort of printed on and not so much textured it feels textured though and then we have 3m against darker but looks all more along the lines of vivid just kind of show you that I'm gonna do a test on the stretching and the heating and the adhesive and all that sort of thing with these guys but I'm gonna save that for a separate video for you guys if you guys saw this video was informative and helpful don't forget don't forget to give it a like and if you want some more videos don't forget the subscribe button again thank you for watching very much take care
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 444,812
Rating: 4.8467999 out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, how to vinyl wrap a car, how to vinyl wrap, how to wrap, vehicle wrap, car wrap tutorial, vinyl, wrap, fake vinyl, cheap vinyl, cheap wrap, fake wrap, worst wrap, worst car wrap, worst vinyl, bad vinyl, Chinese vinyl, Chinese wrap, wrap fail, fail, epic fail, broken, broken wrap, easy wrap, best wrap, best vinyl wrap, Vvivid vinyl wrap, 3m vinyl, 3m, 3m 1080, ckwraps, car wrapping tutorial, car
Id: eZP9m1UvGMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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