Matthew McConaughey and Hugh Grant Swap Iconic Movie Lines

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Starts at 6:10, one brief line read by each

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rtphokie 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

I see Matthew McConaughey , I click

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lil54321 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
-Matthew, last time I saw you we were in U.T. AUSTIN. -Yes, sir. -Where you were a professor at that university. -I'm still am a professor there. -You still are. Yeah, that's right. -I kept my job. -How was the class, yeah. How did it go? how -- -It went great. Everyone passed. Everyone got As. -Yeah, perfect. Man, come on. [ Applause ] -We actually studied this film, "The Gentlemen." -You did? -We were talking about it, yes. -Oh, that's right. And I saw from your Lincoln ads that, over the holiday, you went ice -- you went ice fishing. -Ice fishing. [ Laughter ] -In the back -- in back of your truck. -Everyone's always known how big of an ice fishermen I am. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] Have you ever, ever been ice fishing? -Absolutely not. [ Laughter ] But, I play one on TV. [ Laughter ] -Yeah. -A red flag come up and you get a bit of a smile. Go get the fish very slowly. [ Laughter ] -Yeah. -Have you seen -- have you seen his Lincoln ads? -No, I want to very much. -Oh. [ Laughter ] They're the most relaxing coolest, best -- one of the oddest things you'll ever see. [ Laughter ] -Really? -They're fantas-- I never know where he's going. -He's quite an odd man actually. [ Laughter ] -You think he is? -I have discovered, yeah. -Yeah, you have. Did you guys ever know each other before this movie? -No, and not on it either. We had no scenes together. -Oh. -So, we've really just met. [ Laughter ] -Wow. [ Laughter ] -We passed each other from a distance on a Chinese golf course, someone told us -- [ Laughter ] about 15 years ago. -Is that right? -But now we're just meeting tonight, yeah. -There's a question I wanted to ask you because I think it was last year you got a little political in England. You didn't want to get Boris Johnson re-elected. -Yeah. -Or to be Prime Minister -- so, you went -- is this true, you went door to door knocking on people's doors telling them not to vote for Boris Johnson? -I did. [ Cheers and applause ] -What can people do? What? -Well, they pretended to be very nice. [ Laughter ] I took eight different candidates around and, you know, we knocked on doors and I said, "Are you going to vote for Jim?" and they all say, "Oh, yes. very much so" and none of them did. [ Laughter ] -It didn't work. -Every single one of my candidates lost. [ Laughter ] -Oh, my God. -100% record of failure. -This is good. It's good to try it, though. -Well, I felt I had to -- -Did people to be like "Love Actually." [ Laughter ] And that's what you did. -I think some of the adults thought that and some of the kids burst into tears because they thought I was the guy from "Paddington 2," you know what I mean? [ Laughter ] Yeah. -The funny thing about this movie is you kind of got into this, Hugh, because it was your wedding day maybe. -It was an absurd encounter. -Yes. -I was on my way to my wedding with my wife. I was very late and trying cross the road in Sloane Square in London and a man falls off his bike in front of us. Idiot. [ Laughter ] Oh, Christ. [ Laughter ] I tried to pick him up and along comes Guy Ritchie who I know I bit 'cause I did "Man from U.N.C.L.E." with him. -Yeah. -And he said, "Sorry Hugh, it's my assistant. He's always falling off his bike. Get up, get up." [ Light laughter ] So, he got up. Anyway, "Bye, goodnight. Nice to see you." Guy said, "No, no. Wait, wait, wait, I got a script for you." I said, "Yes, fine, but I've got to get married and I'm really late." [ Light laughter ] He said, "No, no, I'll tell you the picture, the whole story." [ Laughter ] -Yeah. So, you were late for your wedding because Guy Ritchie? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -And it turned out to be this movie. It's fantastic by the way. -It's fun, isn't it? -It's so much fun. It's great. I mean, you must have gotten to know each or a little bit on set even though you didn't have -- -No. -You really haven't? -Really, tonight. [ Laughter ] -You just did really meet tonight. -Yeah, pretty much. -No, we -- we did a read-through together. -What was your first impression. -We didn't say anything to each other. [ Laughter ] -I tried to talk to him. [ Laughter ] -He -- really? He's not one of those. He's not really talkative guy. -It's a bit grand. -Yeah. What did you think when you were going to work with Matthew McConaughey? What did you think he was going to be like. -I -- I don't like working with very good actors 'cause they show me up. [ Laughter ] And I was aware that he'd won bloody Oscars and things like that. [ Laughter ] -Yeah. -Was not very happy about it. -No, yeah. -Yeah. -And what did you think about when you were going to work with Hugh Grant? -Well, what you probably don't know about Hugh is how jolly of a character he is. [ Laughter ] An infectious humor and laughter and just so happy. It pisses everyone off. [ Laughter ] -That's not the case at all. -One of the funniest men I've ever -- -I'm a humanist. It is an art. [ Laughter ] -Matthew, describe your character in "The Gentlemen." How did you come up with Mickey? -Mickey, he's is an American expat who is living in London, who has a very profitable marijuana empire and he's trying to sell off this multi-hundred million dollar empire, gracefully and civilly for a fair price, but because he's in the business with a bunch of scallywags, of course, they're not going to pay the fair price. [ Laughter ] So, instead of eloquently retiring as I want to he has to get up and get very violent again and try to eliminate the -- the bad guys. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -And, Hugh, your character, I've never seen you play a character like this. -How good is this man in this? -He crushes it. -Crushes it. -Oh. -This is amazing. -No, Matthew McConaughey. [ Cheers and applause ] Oh, that's very nice. He's a proper actor. I'm messing around in this film and I don't know if it comes off but, yes, I play an incredibly sleazy repellant, reptile of a human being. [ Laughter ] He's a private investigator working for a big tabloid newspaper and that, of course, was sort of joke casting on Guy Ritchie's part 'cause I've been ranting and raving about tabloid newspapers for years, but it was -- it was quite fun and I was able to -- I've now made friends, you see, during my campaigning with some of the guys who used to hack my phone, steal my medical records, in one case, burgle my flat. [ Light laughter ] That was weird 'cause the people I campaign with, give me a party every year and at each one they introduce me to another person who did something terrible to me and it's just strange they say, "Oh, Hugh, I don't think you've met Bill. He burgled your flat in 1996." [ Laughter ] And you go, "Oh, hi. Well, have a drink. I think you know where everything is, you know." [ Laughter ] [ Applause ] -"Let yourself in. you know the place." -Yeah. -"You know the place pretty well." Oh, you know, I had an idea I thought it would be kind of fun. I thought it would be kind of fun if you read a famous line of Matthew's and Matthew, you read a famous line of Hugh's. -Okay. -Would you be up for that? -Yes, please. -Alright, Matthew, you can go first. -Nevermind. -First one is Hugh's line from "Love Actually." -[ British accent ] "Who do you have to screw around here to get a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit?" [ Laughter ] -Wait, but how would -- how would -- that sounded like him. But, how would you do it as Matthew McConaughey? [ Laughter ] -"Who do you got to screw around here to get a cup of tea and a biscuit?" [ Laughter ] -So much hotter. -It's not bad. -Yeah. -And then Hugh, could you read this line here? This from one of Matthew's -- -"Alright, alright, alright!" [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] -Yes! Why, that did again. [ Cheers and applause ]
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 3,341,277
Rating: 4.8361988 out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Grant, Swap, Iconic, Movie Lines, movie lines, iconic movie lines, movie taglines, matthew mcconaughey movie lines, hugh grant movie lines, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight
Id: wIyj1XupNXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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