Full 2023 Timed Shootout | Goodwood Festival of Speed

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we're getting ready to go for the shootout now and the first of the cars beginning to line up is one of the most modern machines that could be very very rapid up here the rimac Rivera it's all electric Supercar that uh is being driven by Miro Suzuki and let's see what he can do he's part of the development of this car he's done a huge amount of work on it and off the line it goes it's able to do not to 60 and 1.7 seconds it's that kind of machine and already it is rapid through the first section 4.49 seconds to the 100 meters and then up through into the next stage yep so blazing underneath the bridge now kissing a little bit of glass you can see that the ABS is kicking in as it throws it into Malcolm corner where he sees plenty of cars ending up in the hay bales as it charges all the way up the hill now dab on the brakes just to get the front end in going past the wall there which can really make you feel quite faster as you can see again ABS kicking in to bring it up now up heading up towards the start line to set our first time in the shootout and I tell you what this is going to be a pretty good one so yeah 49.32 that is truly competitive we've seen a 48.5 as the fastest of the weekend so far but we'll just have to see how this goes now this is going to be an interesting run yes now a very very talented female driver loads of experience the edge of the grass as she storms up past the pack grandstands she was fourth in class this year at LaMore just missing out the podium in class they they did a fantastic job they had a bit of poor luck with the car just before but she's putting it together here let's see as we saw from the remark a moment ago but not far second down yeah I mean she's heading up through the speed trap now and she's topped the speed track compared to the river I don't think it's quite going to match the pace as she's going to bring it over the line to probably set a time yet into the the 50 seconds of the 54.2 yeah so Rahel Frey goes second fastest for the moment as uh now look at this this is a this is an amazing Beast uh this is the McLaren that we have seen going up this hill already the Solus GT and uh it's actually Marvin kirchoffer who's in the car this time so we shall see just how rapid it will be again this is another Supercar with a mid-engined 5.2 liter V10 let's watch it as it go ready to get off the line I think this could well be right up there it's a central seat cockpit as well as a racing driver loves apps and it launches off the line as we usually look at its first 100 meter and it's not quite as fast as the remark but it certainly has got the case to charge up the hill it's got eclipse of the Fantastic on board here of Rockville taking it up earlier 829 break horsepower as it steams pastry box slammed onto the break through Malcolm Corner takes it to the Magento you can see how dirty it is there Ben kicking after that yeah you've got to be so careful with track limitations here there are no curves to go on you could end up and you can end up in that wall too we've seen cars hit that flip more before but it was beautifully done is actually driving it very very well and the sector times are looking good this is going to be a very rapid time 45.34 that is a very quick time fastest so far yeah quite the record that we saw last year from Max Chilton of 39 seconds but I tell you what Ben I think that's going to be that could possibly be the fastest time we may see go up the hill today it's very very competitive time it is indeed right now you're going to see an older Formula One car always lovely to see this is the 1976 McLaren Cosworth and many of you will have heard these codsworth engines over the years they have a very characteristic sound to them and Michael Lyons is very successful historic racer uh race Formula Ford and former Renault in his times in British GT so he's done a lot let's see what he could do in the McLaren yeah beautiful sound as he takes it through Mortal Kombat a very experienced racer in these type of Machinery many many wins in historic racing so knows exactly how to drive these vehicles and has experience of racism up the hill as well he sends it through very very close to the hay bales on the right hand side there and the storms coming up to the line now it won't be fast it's a very good time and he's only just missed out 46.89 is the time that he's done it in so that's just over a second off uh what we've seen so far from Marvin kirchhoffer so very very impressive now Olaf Monte who is the man behind the organization that create this car uh very experienced but uh not perhaps the sort of top top Young Drivers he's somebody who who has been responsible for building these cars us making the work and this is a special Porsche 911 GT2 RS Club sport 25 they're only building a few of them and a good initial run let's see whether it's going to be fully on the face yeah just a little lock up there we added a quick look out of our commentary box window heading into Malkin Bend and actually of course was second fastest going up the hill last year with a 45.5 and it's a not a bad intermediate one quite as fast as the fastest time a couple of seconds off as he heads up the hill now we're kind of have a little look as he goes across the line and it is a 51.4 yep so that's not quite the taste that they've been looking for but I tell you what we've got to watch now is Adam Smalley because Adam has been a Pacesetter all weekend this is the Porsche 911 GT3 cup away goes Adam the 22 year old from Lancashire the party chatting chatting in genetics you know him well he's a great driver yeah I've had many times I've sat next to him in a Janetta Junior back in the day see last year he said a 47.9 and we saw the onboard for him last year storming up the hill as he takes it inside grass there and kisses the outside grass and this is fantastic the sector time is good it's right here in the mix 21.6 it's not the fastest we've seen but it's definitely on the game here isn't he yeah you can see making plenty of Corrections going up the hill getting ever so close to those hay bales on either side and he's gonna storm across the line at 47.4 47.4 for Adam small league so it's not quite the has yet it's still Marvin kirchoffer who has got that taste currently having set it just a few times ago they are all pushing on trying to get the best that they can possibly get but it is the McLaren Solas GT which is currently the fastest right now then maybe a former heading up the hill we're riding on the board and once again getting a really interesting view on a on a rally car this time it's not raining today and Ford fumer world rally car oh you see how a rally car is always happy going off the track now it was hot tanak of course he said of such a ratty Pace in the fort but let's see what Adrian former could do yeah as he screams through and this was a great lap that this car performed it's really really tricky conditions on the Friday and you can see the absolute concentration on Adrian's face as he's steaming up the hill yeah into the last section now uh he's done 36.3 into the sector so he's up there foreign [Music] seconds so yeah it's good but not quite enough no I think the rally car needed a little bit of rain as we're going to see yet another rally car take up the hill they were very competitive obviously in the tricky conditions that we saw on Friday so there's the Hyundai i20 n rally one hybrid that is going to be heading up the hill now yeah it's the great driver who is driving in and sliding it with great style let's see how this goes 500 horsepower in one of these uh rally one hybrid machines the World Rally Championship now uses hybrid machines and Hyundai have had eight podiums in the World Rally Championship so far this year looking good so far too beautifully done as he kicks up a load of dust which streets don't want to be the car that's going out next behind him we can see dab on the brakes and it's never so close to the wall as he's heading up to the finish line now Ben say right up against the Bales too is he just rubbing the car alongside them let's see what the time as he comes over the line is it it's not going to be enough see across the line he goes it's 52.7 so he has missed out a little bit and I have to say uh Adrian formo uh the other rally driver definitely a bit quicker on that run now this this could be one Jake Hill is in this wonderful Nissan Skyline and I can tell you there is a huge amount of power it is four-wheel drive the Nissan Skyline GTI it's a classic racer that had huge success in its early years and it's been driven by Jake Hill front runner in the British Touring Car puts a wheel on the grass but he's kept his foot on the throttle he has kept his Spirit currently sitting P3 in the British Touring Car Championship he's had great success in this car winning the spa classic in 2021 and also winning the 2021 shootout with this liveried car it's a beautiful girlfriend I wouldn't want to be a passenger next to Jake driving it's so effortless play up the hill he's very much in the mix but I'm not sure it's going to be quite enough but second intermediate has come through at 35.7 he's still trying to get a little more Pace 48.818 as he goes over the line it's not quite enough and we still got that pace that was set by Marvin kirchoffer 45.34 that is still the Target but I think that's a fantastic effort from Jake Hill really ragging the component and he really really does enjoy driving the car and this is back to now looking at Machinery that Jake is usually used to driving a British touring car as we're going to have Rory butcher now heading up the hill yeah you say one of Jake's Rivals from British touring cars he's in the Toyota Corolla his best finish this year he's had a second place at smencerton in this guy he's been with Toyota now for the last three years and he's got to keep it going nice and smooth but of course touring car limitations on the rules you don't quite the same power that some of the vehicles we've got out there had no you don't and that's why they are put into their their batches um so we can make it a little bit fairer for those that trying to compete as you can see Rory just a dab of the brakes and easing the touring car into the corner foot now flat to the floor as he heads up as you said not going to quite match the pace that we currently have seen but it's not going to be too bad then let's have a look he did 38.4 in the second sector 51.6 it goes just over the 52nd Mark to not as quick as Jake but of course Jake in a much more powerful even though it's an older touring car uh that had so much success in the late 80s and early 90s and I know I was talking to Jake earlier and they they've turned up the turbocharger a lot for today's run uh he said it was about 700 horsepower it might be even more than that but it hasn't been quite enough because at the moment it's one of the newest cars we've got here at Goodwood this weekend it is the McLaren Solace GT of Marvin kirchoffer who has set the pace and now of course all of those Front Runners are now watching the screens at the top of the hill waiting to see how they go and whether they're going to be threatened Adam Smalley there who's done a great job as well uh always competitive here at the festival of speed yeah certainly are they're all eagerly watching on as they await and so is everybody in the crowd really enjoying the atmosphere and seeing these wonderful cars be put through their Paces kicking up plenty of of dust on their way up and setting some very impressive times I have to say Marvin coach offers Pace uh setting it at 45.34 is so good are we going to see anybody able to beat that don't forget there are still some very rapid drivers to calm Travis Pastrana of course who we've seen competitive not just this weekend but in the past that could be exciting to see and uh Justin law who's been successful here several times in fact it looks like it is Travis Pastrana's coming up to the line now Alice so this is always one to watch one of my favorite cars the 1983 Subaru GL family huckster as as you'll see when he stamps on the brakes almost everything sort of flips up and gives us a wave and this is going to be an incredible laugh and if we've had the chance to watch any of the stream over the weekend you will see that he gives it absolutely everything the strongest away the runner-up here in 2021 he was fifth here last year let's see what he could do with this fantastic machine I don't think he'll be doing 360s this time early on today he's going the Sheep face yep chucking up more than just grass there load of dirt now watch this as he stamps and sends it in kicking up plenty of dusting [Music] the acceleration off the line was truly remarkable this is a great run from Travis Pastrana can he beat that 45.3 seconds I know he's not gonna quite do it the clock is ticking away over the line he goes 46.3 wow and it's got a round of applause from the crowds around here and so he should what an incredible time from Travis Pastrana he's going to be right up there again he hasn't still quite managed to beat Marvin kuchoffa though uh that was so close and as you say the style with Richie went for it that was impressive like the fans I know you all loved it as you could see just how much he was sliding to the very edge but still keeping it going in the correct direction an absolute pleasure to watch that really really was and actually it didn't look like it was going to be a good lap time with the amount of size sideways he was getting the dust and dirt that he was kicking up but then we were glued to the timing screens and then we saw these these sectors pop up and we thought hang on a minute hang on a minute but just lost out in the end there well let's see if anything is going to change the McLaren Solus GT is the fastest here and I think that could be very difficult to beat indeed even though it wasn't the fastest into the first little hundred meters it then picked up so much Pace In terms we have a speed trap and it was very impressive there as well one of the fastest through the speed traps let's go to Ed Foster at the top of the hill well what a fantastic shootout that was I'm joined by the Duke of Richmond and Michael you came in third there it doesn't look like you left much out there oh yeah we were trying I mean Travis's lap looked pretty impressive at the end there but yeah that's the first time I've had it hopped just before the film wall so I knew I was trying there there's a couple of little bits as always but yeah really enjoying hammering that thing up here it's a fantastic day isn't it it was a cracking effort right um if you follow me James we're going to uh go go down here we're gonna have to do a quick walk we'll find Travis um I've never seen such commitment on the hill you look a bit weak at the knees Travis the last turn I I was like I can do it flat I can do it flat it started going sideways I'm like this is going to be the biggest off ever on Goodwood Hill no I tell you what I just want to thank all the guys at Vermont sports car and Subaru this is so much fun to be here so many Legends I know that McLaren uh space shuttle uh definitely definitely has it the McMurtry is phenomenal but to be up here in an 83 wagon playing danger zone when the the eight track I've just man this is uh just an amazing time so uh thank you everyone for the opportunity and we we gave it all we had that's I think the fastest I've gone up the hill but uh there's not much left it was an amazing time well done thank you right James we'll go back up here um and Marvin congratulations that was an absolutely fantastic climb 45.34 you must be delighted I'm I'm super Delight I'm actually quite speechless because I did not expect that um as I said it's my first time here in Goodwood I have to say first of all amazing run from um from Travis Pastrana I was like I was just lovely to watch like the car control he has it's uh yeah absolutely stunning congratulations thank you so much thank you so much wonderful drive thank you so much fabulous car well done thank you well done back to the guys in the factory they've built that guy had the honor to drive it and yeah sure thank you so much thank you so much there's an um a fantastic effort congratulations thank you so much thank you so much so Marvin has been recognized as the winner of the Festival of speed Hill Climb and the young German racer who's had success in German Formula 3 and former Masters in the past now drives for McLaren and he's won I had a Travis Pastrana who probably put on the most dramatic display of all Michael Lyons was third Adam Smalley Ford ahead of Jake Hill uh the rimac Rivera was in sixth place ahead of the rally car the four puma and then we had the Porsche Toyota and Hyundai finishing in 10th place but it was all about Marvin kirchhoffer he did a stunning job yeah and absolutely incredible lap like they said there everyone was glued to the screen and we've got more cars now which are going to continue their batch of shootout we've got the Ferrari 488 challenge there that'll stream up the hill very popular race car this is yeah let's see how this goes it's going to be pretty rapid but I think we're just gonna see how quickly these cars are going to be going right now Andrew Morrow this is in the Ferrari 488 and the 488 in various versions has had a lot of success it won the spa 24 hours a couple of years ago and they have this uh challenge trophy now where you get Ferrari driver competing against each other in similar cars of what makes series let's see how okay pretty good pretty good uh stint 22.6 seconds so he's actually doing a good job yeah very good job and you can see the little dab on the brakes there you see how the car just pitches into the final technically the final braking Zone it should be at least for this car maybe not so much of your Travis and his Subarus it's steamed now across the line so the time that he has set is a 49.88 anyone who gets under 50 seconds is very very impressive indeed well now here's a very different kind of Beast of course about to come up the hill and uh this is that's what I love about seeing with all of this you get totally different Machinery from the modern era to the old era as well and you're going to see the Rolls-Royce the electric Rolls-Royce heading up the hill and we'll see what kind of time it can do quite quiet of course in terms of power yeah the Spectra just kicking up some dust there and each of their these cars are sort of in their individual classes as we mentioned earlier so we'll see the Specter now come into Malcolm bench you see how much it Dives going in and it screams the wheels screeching as it kicks up the dust and continues on up the hillbend does indeed and uh the times are looking quite impressive the speeds obviously in a big car like this that's the challenge in a way you don't have much space to to use a kind of racing line very much you've just got to squeeze it between all those Bales haven't you yeah you certainly have and the reason why these cars are in separate batches is just to make sure it's the Level Playing Field for all as it comes across the line and a respectful time there from from Joseph with the 56.6 yeah that is good indeed and as you say every little group will have its own battle so we can still enjoy the competitiveness of all of this we'll see some of the older cars from the 1920s and 30s as well as the most recent super touring cars like this Ferrari Roma with Edward Norfolk at the wheel Grand Touring two plus two Coupe front-engined memories of the uh the 250 GTO in the way that it's been a truly modern machine here see the hazard lights on there just meaning the ABS really fishing the limit to this Ferrari Roma as it's coming up across the line now have a little look at what time it's gonna do right it's gonna be close to the Bentley is it it is a 56.3 so ever so slightly slower right so not quite there but as you say only a tiny difference so now as I said you've got some of the the group the pre-war races group this is so uh obviously they're in their own competition they're not going to be competing in quite the same way as the the cars that we saw uh going up the hill just a little while ago but nonetheless you've got to see some great fun in terms of driving style when you look at the narrowness of the tires that they're having to run on as well all from the era it's a very different story yeah and this is if you haven't had a chance to come to the members meeting or you get to go to the Revival as well you get to see these cars actually racing side by side on track and actually they produce some pretty incredible racing and a hugely competitive racing as well so it's great to see them going up the hill and this car of course is power advice electric fuel and it just sounds just as good as well it does it's lovely to see it raced at the very first lemon in 1923. it finished fourth overall with fastest lap well it hasn't got fastest Hill Climb today 90.97 but nonetheless they've done a great job with it yeah they certainly have as now we can see an eye on this is the uh Hyundai Elantra ntcr and mikhaila is a very rapid driver yeah very quickly kicking up plenty of dust that just seem to be the fastest line to get very [Music] very experience of going up the hill here and it's successful racer as well then oh yes he's one Lamar he's he's had GT victories at Le Mans with Aston Martin he's won the spa 24-hour race he was Japanese GT Champion Way Back in the 1960s he can drive anything David brother and uh so yeah he's doing a pretty good so far looking pretty handy out of our country box window as he gets ever so close to the hay bales there that definitely how close can you get not much more from David Brown on there and it's just a beautiful car and it's great to see these type of cars with their famous liveries that are still shining upon these cars he goes across the finish line now and Records a 53.2 yeah 53.2 so just outside the 52nd Mark which is where you gotta try and just get below if at all possible but not lovely to see that very classic going on in the circuit so um Aaron Morgan is next out in a McLaren so this is a more morning version be quite as rapid as the other McLaren that we saw the place on but of course this is in a different class because that other one in here top class and this is a car that is designed for for racing but very much built around a road car yeah it is and they've really tried to make sure that they stick to that as it slows down goes through nice and gently through Malcolm corner and the famous brick Livery on there as well steams up the hill crowd eagerly watching on and it's been a fantastic show so far for this crowd today it has and of course we're going to see a lot more of McLarens coming up the hill as we celebrate with them 60 years since since the company was created by Bruce McLaren who created it as a racing company but in more recent years it is both a very important racing company but also producing wonderful road cars and supercars and track cars and so not quite uh up there but indeed within the group that will be interesting we'll get the final sort of group performance to figures right at the end and we can try and see who's where so here's another McLaren this is a Formula One car he had 29-2 this wasn't the best of the McLarens they ever produced and it was at a time it does 5576 that's still a very good time and it's lovely to see that those very familiar colors yeah it is and I just love that it's just such an incredible living and now we're here we see Garrett Owen going up in what you call the the Babs car I gather with the uh the timing won't necessarily work on this one because at the start was slightly different it may have been that he had to do a rolling start with a vehicle like that quite possibly and uh there's a no flask owner that's that's rather lovely to see as well this is a another classic rally car we've got a few of those here the opelouscon of 400 uh a car that won the World Rally Championship in 1982 with alter roll who was one of the great drivers Harry butman won the Safari in one of these as well [Music] see a car like this is not so much about the the sheer Pace but how lovely it is to see one of these rear-wheel drive cars that sort of followed in the footsteps of the Ford escorts no it's Beauty on it and a lot of these cars have such an incredible history behind them and as you can see near the lean going through Malcolm corner there as it comes up the hill beautiful opal and and again there's so much history and that's what I like about Goodwood is you can really get up close and personal to these cars and speak to the team and the drivers that they even have had the chance to drive the cars and really dive into the history yes they have and uh I think this is a lovely opportunity for Paul to take it over the line once again uh in just a moment we shall see him let's see what he's done uh across it's not going to be quite as competitive as some of the fastest cars but it's still a good effort 62.86 and the uh might want Jaguar is out there at the moment of Grant Williams he's sliding past our commentary position so we've just had a bit of a screech in our ears got it so there it is all going well thankfully nobody got hurt and uh he's now having a another run at the hill climb yeah sorry about that all there Ben because he was fully size going through [Music] keep it out of the hay bales of great car control there now we see something totally different we see uh one of the NASCAR Chevrolet Camaro going out and at the raw as it comes blasting under the bridge and heading up towards our commentary box yeah the very experienced Ed barrier who's UH 60 in his early 60s now and he's come here to Goodwood on a number of occasions in the this time he's using the Chevy Camaro has competed in but a car that was on to the NASCAR scene in 2022 uh the Gen 7 cup so that's sort of a new time where they've brought in some changes to NASCAR uh instead of having four or five wheel nuts they've gone to one wheel now on that's gone a bit like formula one that uh that was a bit of a change uh they have rear cameras as well Joey Logano won the first race um and uh it was a bit of a pre-season Clash to all of that but that was a nice run by Ed barrier uh lovely to see one of the many NASCARs that we've got coming up the hill yeah we've got the lovely McLaren Cosworth M23 now three liter V8 screaming up the hill on such a beautiful sight and again as I mentioned earlier such great Livery as it sets the time of 54.63 that's impressive that is a good time 54.6 uh just having a little look back um to some of those other times but uh yeah that is that is certainly a fast one and we've got some more Formula One cars that are doing this one well ington b192 that was an interesting year of course for Michael Schumacher when he was driving uh for Benetton and getting his first opportunity to take a victory on his way of course to becoming such a superstar of Formula One Lorena's a very regular Festival of speed yeah she is and she does great jobs with keeping this car and control I could see the Sparks flashing up as she's full chat now across the Finish Line stamping on the brakes and I know [Music] driving these cars have tried it's something that you kind of aim for all year to make sure the car is in good shape for an event like this which is so good to see um now the Porsche just coming over the line so max Moritz who has just set a time of 55.59 in one of our historic Porsches and we've got several of those uh coming around now Alex Ames is now heading up the hill with one of the later cars that we've seen so much success over the years with their Lamour history and these always very popular on Lovely find another famous Livery it's nice to see that many of these cars really try and keep their their original Livery as we see now Harvey Stanley behind the wheel of the Jaguar there goes through Malcolm Ben yeah this is the tajero jaguar a sort of modified version of what was a d-type in fact at the Goodwood this had some interesting history many many years ago in 1959 at the uh the TT race Marston Gregory uh that felt something go wrong with the car and left out before it actually hit something it was rebuilt it was good that was good timing wasn't it those days drivers you know leap out of cars have no seat belts of course and sometimes it was the safer thing to do 59.65 very very uh good run up there in the tajero Jaguar from 1959. yeah and steaming up not far behind soon will shortly be the Lola there it is on your screen t160 the 1968 8.4 liter V8 listen to that sound this is a Can-Am car which means American engines and it has that characteristic sound yeah it certainly does with again with another famous Livery on board and it was fourth in bid Ohio back in the 1970s as it steams past our commentary box and the crowd get some of them covering their ears I can see out of our company box with her just from the sheer sound of this Lola yeah we've got plenty of the Can-Am cars here this weekend and uh Lola was a very successful manufacturer of all sorts of cars at different levels the formula one as well was all part of that too but let's just see what Marcus black manages to do in this 1968 car is one of the earlier of the Can-Am cars 60.2 seconds respectable indeed and uh another run has been done 8.3 liters now here we go we're back with the Hyundai ionic 5n and this uh this is the very modern machine so you're going to the very latest type of machine where it's all electric but they've built it to give driver a real feel for what it's like going at speed yeah exactly the end standing for Nurburgring as well we got a great demonstration earlier on in the weekend of this car steaming out the first time we're seeing it here as it storms uphill very quietly jumping on the brace ABS is kicking in getting ever so close to to the Bales there on the left hand side and it's going to come up now to go across the Finish Line won't be the fastest time we're going to see today but also a fairly respectable time I must say 54.2 that is pretty respectful as you say I mean under 50 is the real top level but that is that is a good time I love this the mini Nick Swift in the mini uh Nick is a multiple mini racer his dad he grew up with minis in his life I know he has photographs as him as a kid sitting on the bottom of a car that was just like this but uh he's he's had it rebuilt he rebuilds cars now and comes up with great engines isn't it lovely brilliant wonderful it's a four-cylinder and the energy these minis are quite highlight I would say of the of the Revival and the members meeting they often quite take it to their their Rivals so we'll see Nick and I just love that what a shot this is Ben of the the mini coming up now actually moving in a pretty Swift Pace getting his sideways as thick does through Malcolm corner and heading up the hill now [Music] whether it's up here um he's certainly done it up the circuit many many times many events that have been raced around the circus he's been impressed with the John Whitmore trophy in 2021 the Revival for example he won that clearly he doesn't have a face in a mini to be the fastest up the hill climb that's a bit of a different story but it's still a great fun thing 59.17 seconds the taste that he says yeah [Music] dropping out here we go Ben Fred Shepard yeah Fred Fred's uh he loves coming to Goodwood as well part of the family that have been coming to Goodwood for many years and he's in the five liter V8 Ford Mustang Boss 302 from 1970. that's where the sort of cars it wasn't a Nascar this is a sort of car that raced in British it wasn't called British touring cars then but British saloon car championship and they were winning many many races in the class victories and sometimes you could win a different party lovely to see yeah it is just a sound of that engine Fred full pedal to the petal as he steams up maybe a slight lift at the top of the hill there as he brings it now across the line to set 59.07 yeah that's that's interesting actually because uh Mike Whitaker had just gone up just ahead of him in the Ford Capri and Mike was actually a fracture faster it's quite interesting that uh that those cars from the 1970s the Capri was a little bit younger not hugely different lovely to see benoitra Louis in the Ford Escort Cosworth Benoit Louisa loves this uh his Festival of speed he's always rapid here and 52.4 time that's a very very good time isn't it we all know the escort cosworth's massively powerful and he's a great driver tremendously talented with a huge Heritage of top level Motorsport slightly different and this is what I love about the shootout we can go from you could go for your Ford Escort your Mustang an hour on to the Sunbeam Tourist Trophy won't be setting you could say purple sectors but still not easy to drive one of these if you if you're trying just to even keep it on the black stuff yeah that's right and uh remember when these were raced when they were originally out in the 1920s no crash helmets were worn then of course what do you think about you know the safety side very good story see that no and they well they still don't have seat belts but they do have to wear the crash helmets don't they they're still allowed not to wear seat belts but uh it does seem a bit strange this this Sunbeam uh Tourist Trophy Car actually was quite undersized in terms of its engine size and yet had a lot of success so it started to teach manufacturers he didn't always need to put Aero engines in it's only a three and a 3.3 liter engine 87.66 seconds very respectable and uh I think that was a fun run once again for Nicholas yeah and not far behind will be Archie Collins and if any of you were at the members meeting you would have seen him racing around and actually pretty competitive I would say very competitive racing between these old cars yeah definitely there were three of these entered in the French Grand Prix in 1907 yeah that's how old it is 1907. they didn't actually win that Grand Prix they did the following year but uh their best finish was 10th they had I think quite a few different issues it's lovely to see the youngster though Archie Collins getting into doing some runs up the hill in a car like this it sounds wonderful and he's he's got some great confidence I think now we're gonna have to compare because his dad Ben is due oh we'll have to compare their their times yeah no and it's lovely to see him growing up and he's always got someone like you almost the passenger is acting a bit like a sidecar driver or or Rider as such really leaning to try and help Archie maneuver this Mercedes up the hill only 17 years old and here he is about to cross the line uh to put in another wonderful display and that was great stuff from Archie 79.9 seconds uh of course I think that's actually a good effort for some of the other three War cars that we've seen not quite as rapid as that now there's Ben Collings so Ben actually I thought he was going to be in the the other Mercedes but no he's in the Alpha Romeo T3 so this is likely to be faster because it was uh some years later and it was incredibly successful at its time wasn't it yeah yeah so 19 to straight eight super basing each other back at the members meeting so yeah I'm sure they won't be bothered about times but deep down maybe they will say oh hang on Dad I went slightly faster than you up the hill but we shall see well let's see dad's got the faster so we shall see um but I think yeah I mean Ben is always I mean he's part of the family at Goodwood so uh he knows how to go up this hill very very effectively indeed and we shall see when he comes over the line and as I say this Alfa Romeo that was so successful in the 1930s in Grand Prix they had multiple wins in 1932 1933 and even more I believe in 1934 they won something like 15 big events amazing 67.93 yep so he has won the the family battle there Alice oh next time Archie next time just get him if you're going to be racing him but uh survival in September quite right yeah so next up uh Pat Blakeney Edwards going up the hill and uh some of the other older cars this is the Sunbeam V12 tiger so this was a car that was kind of created for land speed records but then also for racing that was a a time when you might do both a bit of racing and Records in a straight line and uh Henry Seagrave who was a famous land speed record uh driver he he drove this that's a good time pat Leighton Edwards is always rafted here yeah certainly is and we've got another Julian majouk as well if you anyone saw that great race at the Memphis meeting that uh just missing out on the whim just because he quite didn't have the straight line speed to his Rivals but there we can see on screen he's all he's always spectacular here yes he certainly is he's always making plenty of Corrections behind the wheel so I'm actually quite intrigued to see what sort of time he sets here yeah I think you know one of the older cars this could be one of the faster times let's just see 65.4 that's quicker than Pat Blakely Edwards just did I think yeah Ben Collins did 67 so of those 1930s cars there I think as you say that he may well win that class yeah and now we're having a little look at the the record holder and it was done by this man Max children and look at the speed of the Torches off the line yeah it is astonishing see that taste that it has off the line uh and the that smoke that you're getting out the back don't worry that's not exhaust smoke that is air that is being sucked up from underneath and thrown out of the fan at the back isn't it yeah and you know the facts children said that he was going to be taking it slowly up the hill yeah I think that might have been somewhat really looks like he is giving it absolutely everything as he's steaming up the hill so yeah that's really interesting that he's going to get a good place up the hill here uh Max chill a new record and uh he is about to come over the line and you notice the clock has just come off our screens and as I'm looking at our timing screen and saying demo demo it's not to be timed so it was a demo it doesn't it doesn't count as a as a timed uh performance so I wonder if he was timing himself or not because he would be quite intrigued yeah I'm sure he actually when we had the clock on the screen I was thinking hang on a second it looks pretty pretty fast but uh this is just a demo just to show what the car can do I mean we already knew what it can do and I think actually if he was to go up the hill again I would be surprised if that record would be would be beaten so uh maybe we'll have to say to Max come on try and put it in to do do another record next year it's lovely to see again though because they're stunning what he did last year and this car itself and they're building uh you know for customers some of these special murderies there's an electric car that really does excite you and and we've seen what it's done in the past and he's just put on a little demonstration for us once again well I do hope you've been enjoying the shootout we can take a little look back at some of the highlights of some of those brilliant performances in such a variety of cars uh some great drivers at all different levels whether it's rallying or racing um and cars that have four-wheel drive two-wheel drive electric motors high power low power some Formula One cars from the past and there the glimpse of the car that actually set the outright Pace yeah and we said didn't we at the start that we thought that one that was going to be one of the cars setting the pace and we got that correct as we see Michael Lyons actually setting a very very impressive lap time for personally I think in that old beautiful McLaren yeah Adam Smalley was very quick as ever and uh right up there in the battle for topping the order I'd love to see him one day in another car here I mean he's a Porsche driver very much but he put him in a Supercar here and I think he could be a major Contender for the fastest we go saw the rally cars they were exciting to watch they didn't have quite the advantage they had in the wet though the other day no they didn't and it'd be interesting if it was wet but uh we see Jake Hill as well going up the hill and again a very impressive time from him yes it was no doubt about it Jake Hill one day I think he could well end up winning this we shall see but Rory butcher his rival in touring cars he was having fun too and some big smiles once he'll and I love this run from Travis Pastrana I'd say that was one of my favorites do you know what maybe if he wasn't so sideways he might have actually set the fastest outright time he just seemed to be always sideways going up the hill well it was great to watch Travis there but it's also fun to see Max Chilton do that final demo and he's up at the top talking to Ed Foster Max after setting that record time last year it's fantastic to see you both back here this year doing a demonstration but your eyes must have flapped your your life must have flashed before your eyes as you went into Malcolm there yeah that was um obviously the first dry run of the weekend we're not here for the time trial but um as we're now turn this into an actual production car and a track car that people can buy we wanted to show what it can do um and the new car that we're actually saying is quicker than that and that was blisteringly fast I have a feeling that was probably faster than last year but it was a joy um I loved putting on the you know the the show for the crowd you can see the the crowd sort of gasping and then you get the round of applause at the end so it's an honor to be back here I did have a bit of a lock up so I was definitely um sort of on the on the on the limit of the thing but hopefully everyone can see what this new technology can do and it's a great to be a part of a British brand McMurtry we chatted last year and you said that you you've led the Indy 500 and this was more nerve-wracking honestly my heart rate right now is probably come down to about 160 but when I was coming up that hill it was buzzing um it's just an amazing place I love it it's I'm passionate about it last year was very nerve-wracking that run was probably more nerve wracking because we had no practice so when you just get sent out there you'd have no idea if there's mud or all across the track but um it was it was great and I loved every minute of it and so this afternoon I think we've got one more run um I'll probably turn the traction control off this time and some see how much smoke this thing can create because it's got a lot of power a thousand horsepower straight to the rear wheels creates a lot of smoke well we can't wait cheers back thank you so much again here we are at the festival of speed on Sunday shootout and my word David what a shootout it was I think I heard you say you were watching through your fingers so was I that McLaren solos with Merchant Marvin kushov at the wheel just Sublime wasn't it unbelievable I mean an unbelievable car brand new fresh out of the box but also he's never been here before and you know I just think that's a real Testament to how good his Drive was and the car it's not only you know take the brave pills for this track but you have to be it's a very technical track so uh you know it's it's an incredible result there but you know that plus Travis I mean if you've got extra points for pleasing the crowd then you know he's up there as well and it's amazing the difference yeah certainly aesthetically between those two cars as well you had the sort of F1 almost Road car in the McLaren Solace and then the sort of 1983 Subaru it was just so different and that's part of the magic of Gilbert of the Festival of speed and it's either Travis Pastrana the way that he could just send it up that hill and he knows how to please a crowd doesn't he unbelievable and also the other cars you know we had old F1 cars there we had Jake Hill in a burial Nissan Skyline just absolutely nothing it's never going to leave anything left and then Adam Smalley he was one of my tips got very close on the Porsche as well so just an amazing array of cars and and they're all going so close at the end but you know full credit to Marvin in the uh in the McLaren yeah Marvin definitely uh read the scripts in me 60 years of McLaren I'll tell you what I'll take the brand new McLaren solid straight out the box straight up the hill and win it why not
Channel: Goodwood Road & Racing
Views: 1,073,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goodwood, Festival of Speed, Goodwood Festival of Speed, Goodwood Festival, Goodwood hill, goodwood hillclimb, Travis Pastrana, Family Huckster, hoonigan, Shootout, Goodwood Shootout, Goodwood timed shootout, timed shootout, Porsche, Nissan, calsonic, calsonic GT-r, GT-r, skyline, R32, Jake Hill, BTCC
Id: sjt3lZSfJnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 32sec (2852 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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