I broke the 1/4-mile world record in this new HYPERCAR!

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I'm sat in a new 2 million pound hyper car which is supposed to be the quickest accelerating Road car ever made I've got my specialist timing gear up here I'm going to launch it see how quick it really is let's do this go Buy sell car wow this is the Mercury spilling and this thing has absolutely blown my mind and I've got Kevin the chief engineer of this car to tell us about it so what is the concept of this car so this is a thousand horsepower single seat ultra high performance track capable Road car and it's electric isn't it it's fully electric and there's something very special about it which is it's fan system the fan system basically allows this car to be not only incredibly quicker for launch and quicker than anything else out there but also incredibly quick round corners with the daff also generates it will Corner as quick as any other race car in the planet in fact on the low speed Corners is where it really comes alive because it can generate two tons of downforce from zero miles an hour all the way up to its top speed whereas normal race cars you need to build up speed and the faster you go the more downforce it generates for us this is just two tons all the time already seen it go up the hill at Goodwood and it broke the record didn't it it did so what time did it do at the hill did the 3908 tell me about the motors and the power so you've got two electric motors got two Electro Motors in the back they are behind the driver spec is where they're packaged in here and can you use them independently for torque vectoring and stuff like that you can absolutely yeah so that'll help cornering and acceleration at the bends and stuff like that yes the car weighs how much less than a ton okay so you've got more than one horsepower per kilogram the quickest accelerating car I've ever driven is the rimac Rivera that has almost 2 000 horsepower but it weighs over two tons so it has just less than one horsepower per ton and obviously it doesn't have all the downfalls that this thing has so what's it made out of it's all carbon fiber like carbon fiber chassis carbon fiber by the work when it comes to an electric car efficiency is King the high deficiency the fewer batteries you need to carry around with use the less weight so the overall footprint is similar to 1960s Grand Prix car and how many kilowatts are the batteries it's a 60 kilowatt hour battery pack okay so let's do like geeky consumer stuff so how far can you go on a single charge so on the road and the wltp cycle it'll give you over 300 miles of range how long can you go flat out for on track with your 60 kilowatt hour battery so if you turn and everything to 100 if you want to use the full thousand horsepower and go a similar Pace to an F1 car you're not limited by the capacity you're then limited by temperatures so everything is going to start getting very hot very quickly so on qualifying mode you will be able to do just over one lap but if you turn the power slightly down and you want to drive let's say maybe a GT4 pace you'll comfortably do a 20 minute track session wow okay and that's on a full charge and then your battery is done and you haven't done within 15 minutes you can recharge 80 of the capacity really and go back out on track so what's the charging rate at DC it's over 200 kilowatts okay but you need a 200 kilowatt charger at your track day so let's have a look at the front let's start the front and walk to the back so what's going on here so you've got air intakes there so you have these letterbox intakes so they call your brakes and then you've got like big cutouts over the wheel so I can actually see the front wheels through these holes are these releasing the air pressure from yep pressure builds up in the wheel well and the openings behind the wheels as well they're there to control that pressure and to reduce the amount of turbine flow spilling out what about this part here this is like sending air towards the back because this into the diffuse again this is it controls the uh the front from the wheel well as well as the air that comes in to cool the brakes and it just manages it and then sends it towards the back through the tunnel in the back which is designed to improve the aerodynamic efficiency of the car in a sense some of the air down to the rear brake ducts called the rear brakes and the radiators which are at the back of the car and I noticed this effect around here on the door mirrors this feature is actually quite common in lots of F1 Wing mirrors it's just designed to accelerate the air behind the mirror and reduces the drag and then you've got this on the top it's like it's got a mohawk but this does a purpose right yeah it certainly has a purpose so we have two fins on the car the main purpose for this door thing here if you're running without fans and you just control and the car spins what this fin does it breaks up the airflow over the top of the car and it prevents it from lifting off now let's move back to the fan you see because one of the things about a Formula One car say if you start to spin or something you lose all your downfalls don't you yes whereas with this if you start to spin like you're going sideways you've still got your fan sucking into the ground absolutely you do not lose any downforce in a yaw or in spin or even if you're going backwards you still have all your all your downfalls which means you can just you know stamp on the brakes and the car will slow down better than any race car will be going backwards wow so can you tell me exactly where the fans are and how they operate so if we move around the back of the car we have two fans here we have one fan on the right one fan on the left the reason we have two is a dual redundant system similar to what you find in Aerospace it means that if there's any issue with either of the fans the car will maintain its down for us and you won't lose downforce you can keep driving it's still safe so are you running two fans at once or one at a time two fans at once one is enough to give you the majority of your downforce so any issue you have doesn't matter so the fans are in here yes can we see them well what you can see is the exhaust the fans which are back here yeah because I like this it looks like it's got an exhaust system like an internal combustion engine car but it's carbon fiber this is the rear crash structure so this is what absorbs the energy in the rear crash that crumples down and absorbs energy but above it you have two exhausts and these are the fan exhausts you showed me your flaps cabin yeah right so the flaps are here that part of the redundancy system so if a fan shuts down the flap will close down which means you don't have any backflow of air and you can maintain your low pressure underneath the car with a fans it's a bit like an inverse hovercraft so rather than blowing the air down and hovering it just sucks itself down and gives you all the grip you could ever wish for do you know what to really understand how the fans work I think we need to do some experiments while the murderous fan is primarily designed to give the car maximum performance you can also use it for some other activities for instance it can blow you off you know how hard it is sometimes when you're trying to replace a bimbo but you can never get them open well the Mercury can actually help you with that look at this in Autumn you can use it to clean your driveway now let's check out the interior first thing I've got to do is figure out how to get into it so there seems to be two doors and they're slightly different sizes this is the bigger door so I'm going to go for this one you press that is that the right way to do it I don't want to break it right let's get oh someone in there right this is Max Max Chilton is the development driver formula F1 driver so you're the guy that drove up the hill and did that record time I was indeed welcome to my office yeah it's a small office but it's very pleasant when you're in here loving it in the seating position it's like that's proper race car seat in position absolutely I feel at home here your knees are sort of just below your chin your feet a long way out but quite high up you're in the slanted back position but great visibility it basically feels like a fighter jet on the ground so you're saying I need to experience it for myself so can I have a little sit in it of course yeah looks quite snug and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to bend my body to get in there but let's see yeah I think it'll be absolutely fine I've got quite a lot of like clothes on because it's cold today place your bum on here this is just going to be so embarrassing and then swing your legs around and into the bottom of the seat and then slip your way down basically actually you slide into it quite easy it's it's actually oh my God that was that was surprising and even though it's snug in there you've got plenty of room so you can move your elbows around you feel quite at home obviously these have got the lmp1 headrest in for safety so that does make you feel quite closed in whatever the road car you wouldn't need that what the heck is this what's a safety pad which is designed for they have them in Formula One also Le Mans standards so when you have a big side impact your helmet has some cushioning for the road car you'll be able to disconnect that and leave it at home so you just remove that yeah because it seems a little bit intense but I suppose you've got one on the other side yeah on that door isn't it exactly that it is quite comfy and I thought the view would be off but it's actually pretty good yeah and do you know what actually the position I have a bit of a bad back right this is like a good position to be in if you've got a backpack well it's got Lumber support so the seat's got a bit of a wave in it and it really helps your back and it again it's snug but it's been designed to have some really nice beautiful features can we get the steering up we're alive so I can have a little go yeah so it's just a click connect there we go right okay so it's pretty high tech it's on we've got all loads of information oh my gosh well do you sensify that for you so it's a bit easier you've got this simple beginner version so the basics are the battery power dial is here that will turn in the battery from completely off to on then you over here you have your ignition you have P1 and P2 we're in P1 now so the car's got power but it's not technically ready to drive until you're in P2 you've also got a volume dial down here for when you're talking to your team if you're on a track day talk to the team not for your stereo not for your style but it'll probably be linked into the stereo on the road car version and then down here you've got a brake balance so that just moves your brake balance forward or rearwards depending on what you're locking but from my experience in this car the braking is on par with a Formula One car and it actually in ways performs better at certain corners but no ABS on this particular version not on this track version but the the next Road car track version will have abs yet the steering wheel itself it's like a conversion steering wheel which is is brand new last week and I absolutely love it it's got great visibility for the dash gives you all the information you need you've got an up paddle which puts in drive on the right and then the down paddle on the left either puts it back to neutral and if you click it again we're going to reverse you've got a ride switch here which is the active suspension okay if you want to come to sleep and policeman on the road we'll drive through McDonald's on the way back from the track day you can lift the car up get over the speed bumps and then you can lower the car back down so that's just how much ride height you want basically you know what I want to do with this next right order a Big Mac yeah let's go for the drive through so I've got ride we've got TC which I assume is structure control traction control you know what that does yep now this is the Holy Grail this is the one which you were only ever experience in the merch is feeling oh there you go oh that's exciting yes so that is basically currently set at zero so the fans are not turning at all you've got multiple different functions all the way from zero RPM up to 23 000 RPM that then creates a huge amount of downfall so a huge amount of noise and it will sound like a jet fly to on the ground so you could have that set at about 400 horsepower all the way up to a thousand horsepower and bring it back to like normal track cars or or like taking the fan away there's an addition that you fitted to this goal had fitted when I first saw it like two years ago it didn't have a wing on the back but now it's got a wing what's that all about when you've got the fan yeah absolutely that was my doing basically I joined at merch at the end of the last year and we did quite a lot of testing without the fans and I just felt like the car needed some more stability at the rear without the fans and it just made it more of a driver's car it made the balance of the car really enjoyable and then when we turned the fans on it just overall increased our performance changed our Direction and actually I think over increased the look of it yeah it works doesn't it it's an all-round game The Last dial you've got there is E-Pass which is electric pad steering this car creates so much load through the tire it can be a huge amount of force going for the steering wheel so when you're on a track there if you want full power and full fans it's quite nice to have some pad steering so that's all that is and you can control how much leveling degrees of that that you it's actually more useful at slower speeds as you said earlier I raced in formula and I've been fortunate enough to know what a Formula One car is like through slow speed meets big Corners this car is quicker and it it's just the amount of force that's going through the car onto the road it's slow speed Corners makes the steering unbelievably heavy so that's where the E-Pass is really needed is the slow speed Corners like Silverstone through the hairpin and we basically wanted to create a car which people with very little Driving Experience could go out and experience Formula One speeds and there's no better way of doing that with that with a fan car so that's the thing with Formula One car that everyone says who's like a normal kind of car enthuser so he's got the opportunity to drive on is that to really feel the downforce you have to have the actual speed it takes a while for you to build up the confidence to be able to really engage and feel the benefit of the Aero on a Formula One car with this you just got it straight away from the get-go you don't need big balls to be able to get it you just turn that dial your balls get bigger yeah do you know what I want to do can I just try it with it shut just to see what it feels like whoa I mean this is intense um let's open it again how do I open it from the inside so there's a little catch just here let's see if I can do the Dismount so I've got to release the steering wheel I was tightening myself in the face it's quite light and compact isn't it yeah it's a nice design okay and now you're not going to help me here right we'll see what happens you can make a fool of yourself foreign hatchling emerging from its egg no what this height is just perfect I actually styled that out yeah it's a good place to sit however the McMurtry spelling isn't perfect there are some annoying things about it for instance the tires are bespoke for this vehicle so if you get a puncture it could be a little bit tricky to replace there is no hinge on the other door so you have to lift it out thankfully when they build the road car it will have a hinge chicken door what they won't be adding to the cabin though is any interior storage so no cup holders no door bins nowhere to put your phone nor your drink unlike other electric powered hyper cars which are all four-wheel drive and therefore have Motors on both axles because this is real drive only you only get regen braking on the rear axle whereas ideally you want most of the regen braking to take place on the front axle because of the fat windscreen pillars you can't actually see the door mirrors from the normal seating position so they're gonna have to move the door mirrors back here for the production version well it's good this car has a reversing camera unfortunately there's no little cleaning system for it and it does tend to get covered in dust from the air exiting those vents that means you're gonna occasionally have to pop out and get your little cloth and give it a wipe so you can see where you're reversing kind of spoils the point of it isn't it however it's not all bad here's five cool things about the Mercury spearing one of the reasons petrol heads don't like electric cars is because there's no noise there's no drama well there is with this McMurtry because you can actually rev up the fan when you're stationary check this out [Music] I'm rubbing it with a throttle pedal [Music] just like ski goggles the windscreen are the track version of the memory spearlink has an iridium tint to reduce glare from the sun because the fan can produce two tons of downforce and the car weighs less than one turn you could effectively park it upside down when you look from above you can see that the Mercury Company logo is the shape of a peregrine falcon which is actually the fastest animal in the world according to Wikipedia it can do 242.3 miles an hour in a dive oh because the McMurtry is just 1.5 meters wide you can actually fit it in parking spaces that other cars wouldn't manage to get into look at this look plenty of room either side it's quick and practical if I drive this thing let me tell you about the chassis so it's a full carbon fiber monocoque and it's built to Lamont lmp1 standard so you've got full crash protection now the wheelbase this is interesting is just two meters long which is a Monty Python Style funny walk there now the reason I'm pointing that out is because that's the same as the width of a modern Formula One car now suspension you've got multi-link fully independent both at the back and at the front also it's got active suspension to code with all that crazy downforce then there's the wheels they're 19 inches in diameter and lightweight magnesium you've got carbon ceramic brakes and Center locking nuts that are made out of titanium they cost a grand a piece which means that you've got four thousand pounds worth of nuts anyway I'm delaying the inevitable because I'm a bit frightened let's drive it I've got my specialist timing gear up here I'm going to launch it see how quick it really is let's do this [Music] go okay so that was just insane off the line it was like being catapulted and he got up to speed I don't know what the speed was but then he like just seem to stop accelerating it's like it's got a limiter on it but it got to that looted speed so quickly times I've got up here 0 to 60 2.27 seconds not to 100 4.31 seconds and the standing quarter mile 9.34 seconds really really quick like off the line oh my God it was nuts but it like seemed to top out before I done the quarter mile what's going on yeah so you're you've got good Sensations so that's absolutely what it was designed to do so this is the official Google car we haven't changed it since it left Goodwood and we get it to do 150. so what that would have done is you've got to 150 ridiculously quickly and then it's just sat on the limiter yeah one thing I was thinking though it was wrap it off the line I can't believe for a rear wheel drive car does the traction it got through I was nuts not 60 really good 2.27 but I have been quicker in a rim acne of era now we've given you like around 600 horsepower we'll give you the full beans we'll get that so that wasn't full power absolutely not speaking miles faster than you've ever driven anything before so we'll give you a 4 000 horsepower now it is still damp so it won't be probably the best time we've ever done but it'll be outrageously fast and you'll you'll be pretty staggering I'm a bit nervous now because if that's 650 horsepower I'm gonna get an extra 350. this is going to be even more intense let's do it though Max let's do it darmi all the way up now I'm gonna go for the full thousand horsepower dial The Fan up Here Comes The Fan throw the throttle [Music] here we go [Music] back standing for mile 8.64 but it's actually like hit its limiter halfway through the run but you know that wheel spin ah notice that step up in performance when you go to the thousand horsepower well that is insane I know this car has more to give and if you have a hyper car or you have a friend that does and you would like to drag race it against this Mercury either contact us at car wow with you my car at corowa.co.uk or DM Mercury on their Instagram account okay it's on the screen now and we'll set it up and not only can you drag race your hyper car against this they'll let you drive this as well to experience what it feels like so make sure you do that do marrow do you know what I was so gutted about not quite beating the remark Navarro I managed to convince McMurtry and to let me have another go so what we've done we've come to Silverstone with higher the circuit we're on the back straight and we've used a special truck with a jet engine on it to dry the track because I want to see what this thing can do in the drive the last run was on a slightly damp surface so it was struggling for traction and the traction control was actually kicking it and it was just holding it back so now hopefully I can get a perfect launch let's do it here we go sport fan let's go [Laughter] [Music] that did the time me 8.35 it hit like it's 150 miles an hour I'd put it to 145 in like five seconds and it's got like three seconds where it's just not even accelerating that actually hurt my head that was a different level to before I actually don't think I did that properly either I think I might have come out the throttle and started braking too soon I think I might have done that because it's just rearranged my brain too much I need to do another run I don't know what I'm doing now I'm just like freaked out I don't know how to get into reverse or anything it's just messed with me oh just a mess I've never accelerated like that in my life I can't go into reverse so it's this way Go reverse I don't know what I'm doing I've lost it can someone come and help me I need help I don't even want to do that again it's uncomfortable but I couldn't help that my brains just I don't know what I couldn't find reverse or anything I was just a mess you can get reverse what did it do it's 1.4 8.35 but I backed out that I think I got so messed up by it and I set an extra parameter in the Box the the thing that flipped up was 145 and I thought that was the quarter mile I wasn't sure so I think I backed off so I think it's going to go quicker yeah I think I mean that note to 60 was ridiculous it was horrible traction control for some reason the guys at merch who want me to burn the tires up a little bit just to floor it and see what happens just for a split second I'm not sure this is actually a good idea but I tend to do what I'm told to do it wow that was so easy I'm gonna do it again [Music] oh good to go okay okay the tires are now bone dry hotter okay even quicker okay so fan remember Full Throttle yeah full break yeah wait for it to spawn like what you did was perfect last time just remember when you get to the end turn the fan off yeah okay I'll try and remember forget I'll forget I'm not sure if I want to do it again it's too insane let's do it foreign [Applause] oh 7.97 a sub 8. I accelerated launch a lot of cars I drag raced a lot of cars this is this is on another another level it's like two levels up all cars are now officially slow to me this has ruined everything so I actually did a 7.97 according to this [Laughter] not even I've done that mate that really that's because I'm a better driver you see I'm a professor I'm not perfect that was perfect conditions the launch is just mind-bending no traction control no nothing you didn't have any on the first one but then we got your tires nice and warm with your burnouts well I didn't back out this time I backed out the last time that was a problem oh why I've got to try and get out now and I'm absolutely broken episode oh God it's just utterly mental I've never felt anything like that in my life now I've calmed down and do a little experiment I want to show you how fast this thing accelerates relative to another car so I'm in an Audi S8 I'm going to get up to 60 miles an hour and as soon as I get level with the Mercury then Max is driving it now is going to launch it and you'll see how long it takes for him to catch up with me and then pass me three two [Music] I'm at 60. here we go here he comes [Music] just buggered off that car is absolutely insane now if you all enjoyed the video give it a like remember if you've got a hypecon you want to race it in a drag race and Abigail yourself then contact either us call out or McMurtry right if you want to watch some of the videos click on those windows there and don't forget to click on that box there to make sure you subscribe to this channel right you don't want to miss when I drag race that insane Mercury spilling
Channel: carwow
Views: 7,259,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, new car review, car review 2022, mcmurtry, McMurtry Spéirling, Spéirling, mcmurtry goodwood, goodwood festival of speed, festival of speed, hillclimb, goodwood hillclimb, hypercar, new hypercar, new electric hypercar, record-breaking car, record-breaking hypercar, hypercar carwow, hypercar drag race, hypercar 0-60mph, hypercar ev, ev hypercar, fastest electric car, fastest ev, quickest ev, quickest electric car, mcmurtry ev, mcmurtry electric
Id: TptzkkbC1vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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