High-Volume Shoulder Workout for Mass | Abel Albonetti

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[Music] today's a very exciting day signing my sixth or seventh year at bodybuilding.com so proud to be with a company for so long well welcome to the video guys today is a Saturday we're here with mr. Brady he's chillin on the mat and as you can see this house is looking more and more like a baby lives in it there's toys everywhere kasi spit up rags you name it we have it then we have mr. Gaynor in the house say hi guys so today like I was saying today's Saturday we have nothing really planned today I'm gonna be taking you along with me we have some chicken cooking right now or just got done cooking I like to have some protein cooked sitting in the fridge so we can have easy access so all we have to do is like heat up some vegetables or something instead of like what we normally do is have a chicken that we cook when we need it and I don't like doing that let me show you what I'm having for lunch keeping it very low-carb we have six ounces of chicken breast with half an avocado and then some broccoli was just some salts on it and very basic higher fat low carb lunch looks delicious so we're to eat this and then get on with the day so I woke up this morning did cardio I did 15 minutes of list which is low steady-state cardio and then did four rounds of bike sprinted at 30 seconds on two minutes rest I've been meaning to do cardio in the morning this whole entire week but recently I haven't been doing that I just been doing cardio after my workouts and the reason why is because of mr. Brady he's been on a new schedule he's not been sleeping very well at all maybe about a week ago he was sleeping until about 7:30 in the morning which was incredible but now he's been waking up around 5:00 I 4:00 in the morning you just don't know and he wakes up just screaming and we can't get him to stop until maybe like I don't know six or seven o'clock he goes back to sleep sometimes but he just wakes up like furious and we can't settle that kid down even when we put him in the bed with us to kind of comfort him and stuff he just gets furious snack time before the gym I'm gonna have a protein candy bar have a black coffee sorry I am turned around here with this vlog camera so I'm trying to grab the coffee without spilling it so I'm gonna be working shoulders today at the gym it shouldn't be that packed Saturdays are normally a pretty good day to work out tomorrow's give me my off day I'm gonna take one off day this week and I like taking Sundays off so I'm gonna drink this black coffee have the protein bar to have me a little bit of cars because the only thing I've had today was eggs this morning two whole eggs a cup of egg whites peanut butter and then that chicken with broccoli and avocado so no carbs so this will be on only carb source before going to the gym now I'm all ready for where the gym it is or a clock I'm not gonna lie I went in there and start playing video games and didn't get off for a while me my brother is playing Rainbow six so now I'm about to head to the gym tomorrow like I said he's gonna be my off day so I'm gonna go in there and train some shoulders I got half a scoop of this pre-build by MuscleTech this is the best flavor I'm telling you it's so good the gummy worm flavor but I'm have only a half scoop because I just got done having the black coffee and I don't want too much caffeine where I'm jittery and stuff so I'm gonna drink that and then head there and we're gonna kill some shoulders doesn't look that packed so I think it's gonna be a pretty good day to film so looking forward to that I got a comment on YouTube the other day and it made my day actually this is from Connor and he said the effort you put into your videos is amazing I originally came here just to watch the workouts but now just interested in the vlogs before and after keep up the videos man so that comment really means a lot to me because I try to put out content that is not boring and content that you guys want to see and content that I would want to watch myself because back then when I first started vlogging I put out content that I look back at and it was so boring I would never watch that now so when I put out vlogs and stuff that I would want to watch personally and so that content I'm super proud of so it really means a lot to me to get comments and people encouraging me to keep vlogging and saying they like my content what's going on everyone hope you're enjoying the video so far so this workout is extremely tough if you're looking for a very high volume shoulder workout this is it so I started off with seated dumbbell a military press I did a total of five sets now I did one set after warming up I did around three sets of warm ups of shoulder presses I think I started off with like maybe the forty pounds 60 pounds 80s and then in my very first working weight was with the ninety pounds I did that for 12 reps and then stuck with the hundred pound dumbbells for eight reps to four sets of eight reps and then on the last set the fifth set I did a double drop set I did not record that now before I do any kind of press movements for shoulders or anything like I said you need to warm up shoulders one of those things that you can injure very easy so I do some external rotations I do some stretching just to make sure my shoulders are good and warmed up before I go into heavy Apress movements because over the years and stuff I've had shoulder issues and I find that if you warm up a lot beforehand it kind of prevents you from injuring those shoulders so if you have shoulder injuries make sure or if you don't have shoulder in you if you want to prevent it make sure you warm up enough so after the dumbbell pressing went into standing barbell military press I did five sets of these for eight to ten reps so if I could get more than ten reps I would up the weight if I got less than eight reps I would you know drop the weight to make it lighter so I did those five sets after that went into a superset here two more press movements I know I did a lot of press movements in this shoulder workout went with a smith machine press I did four sets of these for around ten to twelve reps superset would dumbbell side raises so I would go straight from doing the press movements he into dumbbell side raises for same sets those four sets I did right at 12 to 15 reps with the side raised and on the last set the four set I did a triple drop set on the smith machine and that's what you're about to watch here in a second here now when I did the triple drop set what I did was just add a lot of tins so I could easily just take off a 10 pound plate off of each side so it was very quick so I would go here press this out for around I don't know eight to ten reps as many as I could do so just go into failure completely and then immediately when I hit failure just go to each side take off a ten pound jump back on it go to failure and then strip off other plates and do that until I just had the 45 on each side [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now after doing that superset went into more side raises more dumbbell side raises just for one set but it was a run the rack set so I started off with the heaviest weight that I could do side raises for around 12 reps of went to failure and then dropped the weight by a belief I think the first drop was 10 pounds so I went from the forty forty pound dumbbells down to the 30s and then 25 20s and then 15 so after the first drop initial drop which was 10 pounds then I would go down by 5 pounds on each dumbbell the only reason why I went by 10 on the first one is because someone was using the dumbbells and the gym was pretty packed so I wasn't able to go down from the forties to the thirty fives because if they had another if they had thirty fives up there I would have grabbed the thirty fives then went to thirties twenty fives 20s and then finished off with the 15 so the point of this was is just to go to failure on every single once it has dropped the weight by around five pounds and then go to failure and for me the last set was the fifteen pound dumbbells and when you see me do the 15s here in a second what you see me do is try to keep my arms straight out doing side raises because when I do lateral raises or side raises most the time I have a slight bend in my elbows which I do here but when you use heavy weight with dumbbells you're gonna have a slight bend in your elbow so when I liked so when I do lighter weight I try to keep my arms straight out as possible so after doing that run the rack set that was just one round of that went into cables I did front raises here for four sets of cable front raises into a cable upright row so I did ten to twelve reps with the front raise and then spun around raised the weight just a tad and did right at like ten to twelve reps with the upright row after that went into kettlebell side raises so I'm doing all kinds of press movements and all kinds of side raises so I was only using 20-pound kettlebells and so I'm trying to keep my arms straight out like I was saying the same way I would do used so if I'm using lighter weight right ooh keep my arm straight out so that's what I'm doing with the kettlebells so I did those four sets for around 12 reps after that went into rear delts I did cable reverse flies so I just crossed up the cables you know flying straight back the cable is at its highest point a lot of people lower that cable which is totally fine but for me I feel a little bit more in my rear delts if I raise those cables up all the way up so just stretching pulling back I did four sets of twelve to fifteen reps with the reverse fly and then this is the last superset I went into dumbbell shrugs for five sets of ten reps with the shrug superset with dumbbell reverse flies on an incline bench so here just going up as heavy as I could this is a hundred and fifty pound dumbbells just shrugging up for around ten reps so I go up try to pause and squeeze up at the top just for like a split second and then this is the reverse incline bench fly so I've stayed with the 20 pound dumbbells nothing too heavy for 12 to 15 reps but that's the end of the workout and if you want to give this workout a shot just scroll down to the description box it'll be all written out down there alright guys hope you enjoyed the rest of the video just riding home from that workout it was a long shoulder workout I was there for about I don't know an hour forty to two hours doing that shoulder workout it's a seven thirty eight right now I just walked in the door now I'm taking my celtech hyper bill this is a creatine product by muscle tech I like to take creatine right after my workout with like a protein shake and stuff so that's what I'm sipping on right now celtech hype reveals has like two different creatine's and it has creatine monohydrate then it has creatine HCL it also has different ingredients to help build muscle like taurine has BCA's in it so it's not just a creatine product that's why I like taking this over just like playing creatine monohydrate so now I'm gonna find something to eat tonight and we also picked up a movie because it is Saturday night and we can't go out I was gonna order pay-per-view tonight but we didn't really want to spend $65 on a fight tonight is the Anderson Silva fight and I really like watching him fight but I just couldn't see spending $65 most of the time when we watch UFC fights we go to Buffalo wallings and get food for you know maybe 40 bucks or something but I just couldn't see spending $65 on a fight that it's just gonna be me and Shelby sitting here watching two hours late tail done eating and took a shower and Shelby is putting a mr. Brady down for the night and I thought I would answer a few questions that I got on my most recent YouTube video so the first one here is from thunder Lord I have a huge question what is the best workout routine to do if you are trying to build 20 pounds or more muscle in so many months I am overall still a new lifter I just got in my new home gym overall setup only thing I don't have is cables okay so you're asking how to gain 20 pounds of muscle in months impossible you can't gain that much muscle in months it's gonna take you years and years and years I have been working out for 13 plus years and probably in that amount of time I'm guessing maybe 40 pounds of muscle now of course I'm talking about since I was a teenager because when I started working out I think I was like a hundred and forty pounds and now I would say roughly about a hundred and eighty pounds really leaned out and stuff so that's 40 pounds in 13 years then you have to understand a lot of that weight is like my body maturing because of course when you're teenager you don't have a lot of just natural muscle but when you get older you start maturing a little bit and the muscle that you do have turns more dense so you know I don't know how much muscle I actually gain by working out and of course being a natural athlete it's taken me a whole lot longer than people that's been taking drugs and stuff so if you're asking what's the quickest way to gain muscle it's just working out super hard and then watching your nutrition and supplementation that's the best way of gaining muscle all right next question this is from AVP 7 how many days apart do you work each muscle group I like to give each muscle group about 3 days rest I literally never saw any of these cereals in California lol good video Abel what were your thoughts on the game by the way the game sucked I thought that was the most boring Super Bowl I've ever watched but at least the Patriots one last question what do you eat pre-workout ok so this video I showed you what a pre-workout which is a protein bar most of the time I eat just like chicken and broccoli and stuff I'm not really a person that eats tons of cars before a workout if I'm gonna be working like back or legs big muscle groups I will eat a little bit of cars beforehand but most the time I go to the gym basically with no carbs and then after the gym I'll have like my bowl of cereal and stuff but that's gonna be the last question here I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did please give the video a thumbs up be sure to subscribe and I'll see you all next time our guys peace [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Bodybuilding.com
Views: 1,253,113
Rating: 4.8052912 out of 5
Keywords: shoulder workout for mass, shoulder workout, bodybuilding shoulder workout, shoulder workout gym, shoulder mass workout, mass, workout for shoulders, shoulders workout, shoulder exercises, how to build big shoulders, shoulder workout for men, weight training, exercise, fitness, workout for big shoulders, delt exercises, front delts, side delts, rear delts, delts, how to get bigger shoulders, pro workout, at gym, men, shoulder exercise, routine, shoulder routine, workout routine
Id: Mgkpk1pVBjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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