Best Motivational Video 2019 - Speeches Compilation 2 Hour Long - Motivation for success & Gym

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when that alarm clock goes off there's at least 50% of the time where you just met that soft little pillow is just caressing your head and you want to stay there and it takes discipline to go nope I'm gonna get up out of this bed I'm going to do what I'm supposed to do we all have you're probably about 5:00 [Music] tomorrow morning when that alarm goes off and you start feeling all the excuses that come in and that bed is cozy I know what you're saying I love my bed too and you then go five four three two one and you get up that discipline that you have at that moment you win that fight that's a big victory and then that that that pattern will carry out throughout the day because once you're up well now let them up I might as well go work out because I'm already up and I I feel good that I got up out of bed and I won that battle let me go win another back I'm gonna go get it done and that discipline carries on throughout the day so now you take that and you you expand that out over a week in a month and you end up with more discipline and it starts with that simple are active yet not to get morning I worked out twice before everyone wakes up so it started off four o'clock in the morning why let's start with some of my cardio then I have breakfast and then I would go to the gym and then I could work I wake up at 4:30 in the morning just no one else is awake yet so that gives me the opportunity to do things that I need to get done kind of selfishly for myself and the big one in that category is working out and it doesn't feel good at 4:30 when you get up but by the time 7 o'clock rolls around and you've already worked out you've already gotten some work done and you've got some time to say goodbye to your kids before they go to school it's infinitely better than sleeping in until 6:45 and you get out of bed now you're missed your kids going to school or or whatever you you're not prepared for the day it's it's awful wake up at the same time every day and if you pick that time and you start waking up at the same time every day that's very good for you it doesn't have to be 4:30 it could be 6:30 it could be 7 I don't know what your personal schedule is find out a time pick it set it stick to it look everyone has a problem with time but the day is 24 hours and we sleep six now I know there's some out there that say oh whoa whoa whoa I need eight but I say just sleep a little faster because the bottom line is we have six hours of sleep 24 hours are available so if 18 hours now available to your work your family your hobbies and also to learn something new or to do something new which could easily be that you want to learn a new language to read a book every week or where you say I'm gonna go and reshape my body so you're gonna go and take this hour out of your schedule and say I'm gonna train an hour every day so this is for most people a huge challenge but it is totally doable I can tell them because the kind of things that I did when I came to this country I mean I went to school almost working on construction I was working out my five hours a day I was taking acting classes from 8 o'clock at night to 12 midnight I was doing all of those things I wanted to make sure that out of the 24 hours of the day that I don't waste one single hour those hours were too precious and so they'll just want to tell people don't give me this thing I have a difficult time of at the time and I don't have time for this none of that you have time you make the time sometimes even if you're the most highly motivated person in the world that grind starts to beat you down a little bit and that's when you have to stop looking at the short-term thing because that's not that's not getting you to get it done and you got to look okay what is the long-term goal that I'm looking at what am I really trying to get done in the long-term and you say oh you know what I'm actually waking up today early so I can be ahead of the curve so I can sell more of these widgets or whatever so that I can buy a house and you know what today matters today matters this decision that I'm making right now is that first step it's me taking one stroke swimming in the right direction heading towards the shore and if I don't take this I'm not making any progress I've been struggling struggling struggling we still had all the same problems I don't a lien on the house still facing bankruptcy he's still fighting like crazy I was still unemployed the next morning the alarm goes off and I pretended NASA was there it's a stupidest store I literally went 5 4 3 2 1 I counted out loud and then I stood up and I'll never forget standing there and for the first time in 3 months I hadn't beaten my habit of hitting the snooze button I couldn't believe it and I thought wait a minute counting backwards that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my entire life well the next morning I used it again into work the next morning I used it again and it worked the next morning I used it again and it worked and then I started to notice something really interesting there were moments all day long all day long just like that five-second moment in bed where I knew knowledge what I should do and if I didn't move within 5 seconds my brain would step in and talk me out of it every human being has a five-second window might even be shorter for you you have about a five-second window in which you can move from idea to action before your brain kicks into full gear and sabotages any change in behavior because remember your brain is wired to stop you from doing things that are uncomfortable or uncertain or scary it's your job to learn how to move from those ideas that could change everything into acting on them in the smallest moment so how do you make it how do you overcome the odds I don't know what to say really three minutes to the biggest battle of our professional lives all comes down to today we're in Hell right now believe me and we can stay here get the [ __ ] kicked out of us or we can fight our way back into the light we can climb out of hell or you could be like me dream a pro football get hurt dream over find yourself with just seven bucks in your pocket so how did I get here by being the hardest worker in the room while worthy and you're able to do something special that no one else in the world can do are you ready to go out there and take what's yours what's your card for [Applause] all of us in life have things we want we don't get what we want we get what we have to have we all get what we tolerate in ourselves and other people but when you're no longer willing to tolerate something that's when your life changes [Music] everyone in the world has a list of things they think they should do I should lose weight I should work out I should spend more time with my kids I should work harder I should make more calls I should I should I should I should and then you know what people don't do their shirts and they get mad at themselves they beat them stuff up about it what changes people is when you should becomes a bust when suddenly the thing you said should happen has to happen that's when you redeems change it's like if you want to take the island and you're the head of the army if you want to take the island the most probable way to take the island is burn the boats because if there's no way to go back it's amazing what happens when it's a must to be something versus or should that's what makes you in succeed [Music] ego is the success inhibitor you have to do your best not to make decisions based off of ego for sure success and failure are generally slow processes either slowly building things up or gradually tearing them down and that's why I say you've got to pay attention [Music] you have to watch you have to watch every single second because those seconds they turn into minutes then minutes turn into hours and hours turn into days and days turn in two years [Music] and so that second that second that just went by that guilted until the backside and so did that one and even those precious seconds you're either building or you are decaying you are either gaining ground [Applause] you loser in that second second every second counts so second the dreams shattered sent home with seven bucks in my pocket I was like wait no I gotta play in the NFL eventually those are my big goals that's my dream you realize that that playing in the NFL was the best thing that never happened because it got me here so my point is look you're gonna get your ass kicked we're gonna get the [ __ ] kicked out of us you got to get up you got to have faith that the one thing you want it to happen oftentimes is the best thing that never happened so have faith just keep that in mind and keep plugging away [Music] it's another early morning every morning every day of our lives we have choices to make you have the choice to stay in bed to say forget it I'm not gonna work out today or forget it I'm not gonna work hard today you always have a choice every single day of your life tell them today no one cares what you hear yesterday you got change we gotta live yeah looky Beauty doesn't work what have you done today defend yourself today's never dead today is nerd and I'm faced with another choice to make so I'm making the choice again to put my shoes on early morning and get active again make the right decision well some of you read that I think about when it's hot outside that it's sunny and 70 well it's [ __ ] not today it's the reality if it's about 90 degrees the husband said humidity who gives a [ __ ] that being said September 3rd I have to have my book turned in and when I realized I'm reading this book a lot but I realized I wasn't boring this [ __ ] I made them at the bottom of insecurities fear self-doubt lies was me buried in the [ __ ] field position how about got out of that was recognized being honest with it being truthful with it and then fixing it we like to live on social media with lies about ourselves how great we are get to the source and fix the problem [Music] I'm a big believer in doing something that sucks every single day in your life I believe is the key component and to strengthening your mind every day you try to find more and put your kid full of that's the big question what are you capable of stop doing the things that should do every day right every day go swim let me tell winter for mine go deputy go something jump my bot cows in the mind do something that sucks don't get it twisted now about flipping tires I'm in Las Vegas right now and it's hot as [ __ ] it's not about any of that but what it is about is a lot of us give total control to life we don't have any control of it we just give all control in life I do this [ __ ] every morning to prepare my mind a healthy body usually healthy mind that's what it's about so it's not bad for a long run and grab realize for myself with a lot of people is that life it's one big tug of war between mediocrity and trying to find your best self so there's tricks to all this crap in life why does one think hey get one trick in this situation is so I didn't want to run so what I do I figure out a couple of things yet that sometimes men let me do I could you think that you're giving in to it so I said you know what instead of going for a twenty mile or so go out for an easy six or seven what that did that my brain was I said okay mediocrity thought it one so let loose a little bit and let go of that oh and she goes suck this could be okay it's not too bad the second should get to mile to guess what happens greatness pulls mediocrity in the [ __ ] mud get out there and get after him you're not going about the right mindset the right gear and combat you wear body armor but what we do wrong it's really strengthen their minds you got strength your mind take control of that so then when you get out in the real world and then [ __ ] you up you got protection some about fifteen miles from home and I I often talk about taking souls this morning this person I usually train alone its first ubuntu run with me I said 5:15 this morning he comes their stores coming in this way and the person calls and said hey why don't we do it tomorrow taking souls is where I told a [ __ ] I'm gonna run 15 today and I run through again tomorrow that's what taking solace is about don't worry about the elements and what's going on you gotta get out there and get it he wasn't the only one I thought if I'm taking the day off okay the storm is coming in right now and then I sold out here but me [Music] if you want to get better do the [ __ ] that no one else wants to do do the [ __ ] that no one else is even thinking about doing and everyday hard work may not be enough you still may feel just a adding buddy [Music] more things you can do get outside that zone now stories that only makes you feel good they're stronger your minds gonna get starts getting used to do a [ __ ] like this that's not fun my mind's used to it when you crawl out from underneath the covers every morning and you sit on the edge of the bed you have a choice before you we're wired differently we have to set a goal that if we hit that goal we're guaranteed to make sure all that other stuff in the middle is going out by three o'clock in the morning why don't you sleep my appetite my appetite I said Ichi I want more I can do more if I comp is this without a father what I've accomplished is with my mom being a teenage mom goodbye a conquest is as a high school dropout if I can accomplish these things from this start now that I'm at this place knowing what I know now what can I count and I want you to think about that I want you to think about more than jets what you're going to do financially more than what you're going to do in this industry in the next three years right more than that what's your appetite what do you what are you going to do that will ensure that when the alarm clock goes off that you are already up 10 20 minutes before your alarm clock blows up why do the word do the [ __ ] work you've heard me say it before no alarm clock mean it my passion wakes me up listen to me no alarm clock sometimes the only way to go about doing the work is get [ __ ] raw and get [ __ ] intense get angry and aggressive and make it [ __ ] happen for yourself start today I don't care what your life clock started ticking you can start [ __ ] right now today if it's 4:15 a.m. in my world you're on the East Coast and it's 6:15 a.m. and you're already up and you're already dragging ass by six sixteen you'd be change your [ __ ] perspective of the world love your life my advice [ __ ] do it dig [ __ ] deep and get it done dude no long I've been using alarm clock and over 20 years what is it internally here I want to be successful I want to execute I want to make all my dreams become a reality I want to do everything I said I'm going to do so my appetite increases it gets stronger every year I want more every I want to do more every I want to help more every I want to be bolder I'm gonna be better I wanna be stronger every single year every single year your appetite should go up you should never get saddled you should never get settled you should never get content every single year when you get content when you settle somebody's chasing ah s-somebody time take your spot and so every single day when you wake up you gotta set new goals new benchmarks you got raised it higher and higher and higher to make it a memory out your punter it's wired differently that has same makeup mr. Dubey what makes a gazelle a gazelle it's how these wires [Music] let me explain to you when a lion sees a gazelle and the gazelle sees the lion both these scenes ever the exact same time when the gazelle sees the lion because of high wire he automatically fear takes over [Music] you like so show time the hunt is on is where I was made for do the work do the [ __ ] work a lot of people say I just want to sort of their God a bling in the idea of improving themselves and the real way to do it is you got to write down what the [ __ ] you want and then go after if you decide I'm gonna get down to Bank I'm gonna do this I'm gonna run a marathon in less than five hours I'm gonna you know whatever the [ __ ] it is you got to write that [ __ ] down and go for it well my workout I scheduled every Sunday I scheduled everything that I'm gonna do during the week I say I have to do yoga two times this week I have to lift weights three times this week I have to run twice this week and however I fit that in I fit it in but I owe those things and you don't need two and a half hours you can get a great workout in 40 minutes and that's all you need for the whole day 100% you know this idea of time like how much time did you put in today one you could work out in a [ __ ] manner for two hours and not get nearly as much done as you can for a half hour hard just running so I have to get those things and the only exceptions are injuries and sickness I do everything that I can to put my body and my brain in a good place so that I'm keeping my engine smooth I'm changing my oil I'm changing my spark plugs I'm making sure that it's operating I mean it's not gonna be perfect but yeah I know that I've done my best to keep it working the best that they can there's consequences that you pay to constantly seeking comfort and and avoiding discomfort and avoiding art work and those consequences are you're never gonna feel self-realized you're never gonna feel like you accomplished anything you're never gonna have this feeling of understanding that difficulty and struggle and and the ability to push through that is a muscle and you develop that muscle but I'm doing it and once you do you develop a lot of self-satisfaction and you develop peace of mind and you you understand that you can overcome obstacles if you don't have to overcome obstacles you never know whether or not you can unless you are faced with actual adversity you don't understand how you're gonna feel and how you're gonna react when you overcome that adversity things that are difficult when you do these difficult things you're stressing your mind or I just don't stress in your mind who exercise in your mind and exercise your body's ability to manage intense situations it's hard it's very difficult it's very testing and in doing so you you lessen the stress of regular life the more stressful situations that I experience the more I understand what they are and the more I can relax but it's also like the matter of constantly being exposed to these stressful situations where there's not a long break in between doing stand-up or a long break in between martial arts training we're to the point where anxiety can build up and then once you get into it it's almost an it's an unusual situation instead of an unusual one what I tell people is the best advice I've ever heard the best advice I ever came up with is that live your life like you're the hero in your movie and right now is when the [ __ ] movie starts and your life is a [ __ ] bag disaster pretend you are right now you are in the part of the movie that starts and it shows you as a [ __ ] loser and just decide not to be a loser live your life like this is a documentary following you around [Music] what to do so they're kids one day would look back at it and see that documentary and look on it with pride like wow my dad was a bad [ __ ] he really did what he had to do Wow my mom really got her [ __ ] together I love a success story but even more than a success story I like a dude who [ __ ] his life up and then gets it back together again story those are my favorite stories and the way to do that you got to write [ __ ] down you're gonna think that you are the hero and your own [ __ ] movie and then you get to sit down and you got a write [ __ ] down write down what you need to do I was never the most talented never the flashiest I relied on grit other players might have been more talented but I can assure you no one was gonna outwork me the secret is in the dirt I learned early on in my life through many challenges that I could change my circumstances with hard work you came out really you came out won't me you came out work me no one will outwork me no one I will not be outworked right period yeah you know you might have more talent than me you might be smarter than me you might be sexier than me you might be all of those things you got it on me in nine categories but sheer concentration that is required to pursue a dream you see it's not for everyone but it was for me I yearned for the daily grind and I couldn't get enough of it 99% of people are not willing to do what it takes to make their dreams come true the Marines have a saying everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die and that's just real at the center of bringing any dream into fruition is self discipline self discipline is center of all material success you cannot win the war against the world if you can't win the war against your own mind work that's how you get it the will pay is hard will pay and we put in the Morgan that's that's what I'm I'm seeing at the top I poured it all on the line I show up I perform and I get the results from that that ability to get myself up in the morning no matter how tight I was uh to push myself through those pain barriers the bridge between reality and a dream is work a focus on on the work I show up and I work and I work a network a network everybody wants to be a beast in terms time to do what bees do you can't just say you want it you can't watch the video and say I wanted as bad as I want to breathe its to to say it but when it's Showtime when the Sun comes up oh you can do it's all you can do they nothing more than all you can do that is the absolute maximum you can't do no more than all you can do you understand that all you can do is all you can do all you can do is everything that's the absolute ultimate riders all you can do is all you can do but all you can do is enough the only thing that you can control that influences success in life is how hard you work how honest you are and how well you deal with others you can control those uh variables but less variables it you can't control how lucky you are although the more you work the luckier you get you have no influence on the intellectual capabilities that God did or did not give you but you can work as hard as possible you can be scrupulously honest so that people respect you and you can get along with others because nobody does anything by themselves did you have to pay a price though you personally well I think that everything is an either-or you there is a price in everything you can study or you can go out and play you can defer to others or you can try to hog the credit you can be honest and suffer the consequences or you can lie cheat and steal and short-term maybe even advance but long-term you are better off if you'll work harder you are better off if you're honest then you are better off if you give others credit and get them to help you with by helping them [Music] what makes life powerful and meaningful and substantive is the expiration date you do what you love doing and you do it well then everything should sort of fall into place if we were to live forever we could be slow full and lazy and indifferent cuz we have forever to get it straight but the fact that the clock is ticking puts a sense of urgency on each and every one of us and I know you say well I'm 20 I don't leave you yeah you do you need to hear that because you won't be twenty long so many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality what we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect so we never dare to ask the universe for it I'm saying I'm the proof that you can ask the universe for it in the few months you'll be 21 and two and three and four and five and it's ticket on everybody procrastination then becomes an enemy because we cannot afford to procrastinate with the times that we do not have most of us right now are looking at where we are with a certain degree of disdain expecting to have gone further than where we are by now we look back and wonder was I really a good steward of the time that God gave me imagine if you will be standing around your veil the ghost of the ideas the dreams the abilities the talents given to you by lighter than you for whatever reason you never acted on those ideas you never pursued that dream you'll never use those talents we never saw your leadership you never use your voice you never wrote that book and there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes and we came to you and only you could have given us [Music] that I really like remise my life and the question is if you die today what idea is what dreams what abilities what talents what gifts will die with you [Music] the truth of the matter is no matter how productive you are all of us have been guilty of wasting days and wasting time and sometimes wasting opportunities along the way in fact what makes you start to get wiser as you get older is that as the sands begin to fall more rapidly and you begin to recognize that you're running out of time you begin to mark certain things off of your list I'm not gonna let that worry me I'm not gonna let that worry me this was not important I'm not going to do that stupid thing again I don't have time to make that mistake I've got to redeem the time I got to make it count I cannot mess this up my time becomes more valuable the more it becomes limited my father could have been a great comedian but he didn't believe that that was possible for him and so he made a conservative choice instead he got a safe job as an accountant and when I was 12 years old he was let go from that safe job and our family had to do whatever we could to survive death is the destination we all share no one has ever escaped it and that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life its life's change agent it clears out the old to make way for the new right now the new is you but some day not too long from now you will gradually become the old and be cleared away your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life don't be trapped by Dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice and most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition they somehow already know what you truly want everything else is secondary I learned many great lessons from my father not the least of which was that you can fail so you might as well a chance on doing what what makes life powerful and meaningful and substantive is the expiration date how do you keep going why do you keep going when the world says everything else is supposed to be opposite pain is a repetition of the psyche until you learn how to figure it out until you learn how to tap it on the back and say I know you there but I'm built to deal with you I don't want nobody to leave here today and not understand why we must find a way to push to pain to understand this on the other side of that is glory do not take the easy way out do not give up based on instinct if you are forced to stand down to retreat so that you can rebuild Andrea tack so be it but make that decision based on logic not on the instinct of surrender and defeat and you need to train that instinct your instinct trained it to say get up go fight on and if that is what you become if that becomes your fundamental reaction to adversity if that becomes your gut instinct then you will overcome just about anything that stands in your bath there's two sides of pain that I don't think a lot of people really understand Frank there's there's one side of pain that's the suffering and the discomfort side of pain that's why everybody raised their hands for my first acts do you have everything I've ever been through pain because that hurts you remember what that felt like but then there's another side of pain that's called effort it's called glory it's called if you can find a way to push to pain there's something Freda on the other side of it and and and and if you never tap into it it's because the first time you felt it you backed off first time you felt ah that burn the first time you feel that it's too much we rationalize what ourselves so where we automatically give up so much life look that's why kids have a problem finishing things in today as soon as they feel a small bit of discomfort of things they might hop they're gone I can't do anything but suppose I told you the greatest pain of my life is the reason I'm standing well sometimes your greatest pain ain't even about you it's about the greater purpose that if you can find a way to push you but if you could find a way to not make it about you learn learn to appreciate the occasional stones they're coming your life learn to appreciate how small they are the occasional storms that come every day and then that's the ingredient of how you really deal with pain figuring that out stop if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you but make allowance for their doubting too if you can wait and not be tired by waiting or being lied about don't deal in lies or being hated don't give way to hating and yet don't look too good nor talk too wise if you can dream and not make dreams your master if you can think and not make Fantine if you can meet triumph and disaster and treat those two Impostors just the same if you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools or watch the things you gave your life to broken and stoop and build them up with worn-out tools if you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss and lose and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss [Music] you could force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone and so hold on when there is nothing in you except the will which says to them [Music] you can talk with crowds your virtue or walk with Kings nor lose the common touch if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you with all them not too much if you can fill the unforgiving minute is six seconds worth of distance run yours is the earth and be filled which is more you'll be a man nice [Music] there's all kinds of different ways to break you can break physically you can break mentally you can break your heart you can break your spirit and none of those are fun and all of those are gonna leave a mark but the mark that they leave can be the mark of victory or it can be the mark of defeat because every time you break in in every way that you break Wow it's a chance it's definitely a chance for you to give up and for you to just to fall apart but there's also opportunity there's opportunity to get stronger and get smarter and get faster and get tougher and get more stable and get more resilient and get better when break you have the opportunity to show the world the whole world what you are really made of so so if you break if if you break the fight isn't over in fact if you break the fight is just beginning and as you are all up and out of that dismal and wretched place covered and you're covered in blood and sweat and dirt and filth as you rise above what you were and as you take the form of of who you're supposed to be you see the very act of standing up in the very act of fighting on you will become and you will remain [Music] [Music] when I was in high school I early on about 16 years old has someone become president States so how can I contribute that most of society and I went to a seminar my man named Jim Rohn he stole some of our speakers I took a week's pay as working 40 dollars a week as a janitor and it was 35 dollars to the evening seminar so his big decision I listened him speak I came in so inspired it's mostly said I already believed Mao was an authority figure saying you really could be this way well I paid the price why work this hard why go this far why try to learn this much why try to do it all why try to see it why try to have it all why do it why learn it why study why put yourself out why try to take on this much responsibility why develop yourself to the full why try to become all that you can possibly become why try to earn as much as you can earn share as much as you can share develop every skill you possibly can see every human you possibly can go to every class you possibly can touch everybody you possibly can why do that much why go that far why share that much why give that much away if I try to see everything why try to do everything why try to become everything that's a good question why and you're the only one personally that can answer that question for yourself you've got to have your own list of water work on your list of wives if the Y is powerful the how is easy if you want to thank that enough to go out and fight for to work day and night for it to give up your time your peace and your sleep for of all that you dream and scheme is about it and life seems useless and worthless without it and if you're going to be sweat fought and fretboard and a plan for and lose all your terror of the opposition for that if you simply go after that thing that you want with all of your capacity strengthens and gastly Faith Hope and confidence and stern pertinacity if neither cold poverty famine God sickness a pain of body and brain can keep you away from the thing that you want and dogged and grim you can see gender centered the top of God but if the Y isn't strong if your goals are if the vision isn't clear the old prophet said without a vision we die without a vision we perish without a dream or nothing and because he spoke how people in their lives as a result of the story they believe about themselves he interrupted the story that I believed about myself work on your list of why make no small plans for they have no magic to stir men's blood I'm gonna do this [ __ ] until they throw [ __ ] dirt on top of my eggs until they bury me pain is temporary it may last for a minute or an hour or a day or even a year but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place if I quit however it will last forever there's two sides of pain that I don't think a lot of people really understand Frank there's there's one side of pain that's the suffering and the discomfort side of pain you remember what that felt like but then there's another side of pain that's called effort it's called glory it's called if you can find a way to push through pain there's something breathing on the other side of it I'm gonna prove to you that I can come back that I will come back because I got this [ __ ] right here I am determined it's my [ __ ] magnificent obsession but let me tell you when they split me open and I passed away three times in there you talk about bro damn god damn but this thing that we do with my [ __ ] magnificent obsession that's obsessed with this [ __ ] I'm gonna do this [ __ ] until they throw [ __ ] dirt on top of my eggs until they bury the greatest painting of my life it's the reason I'm standing I'm not afraid to die on a treadmill right I will not be outworked right period let me tell you something you already know the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it you me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much you can take and keep moving forward that's how winning is done you know what you're worth get what you're worth but you gotta be willing to take the heads and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you want to be because I anybody cowards do that in that a Jew you're better than that not one of you can I will me you may have been born but more than any powers than I have but you can now out determine me you came out really you came out won't me you can't outwork me you came out desire me no one will outwork me no one I love and I respect you guys [ __ ] won't work me I suggest to you that if you are facing a challenge don't stop stay busy work your plan continue to do those things that you know that work for you after you have evaluated yourself in the situation continue to move stay busy stay busy stay busy you can't just say you want it you can't watch the video and say I wanted as bad as I want to breathe its to to say it but when it's Showtime when the Sun comes up everybody wants to be a beast and tears time to do what bees do if you don't believe in yourself it won't happen for you this tough spot this number one that's mine when the losses come a damn it does the effort nobody can judge Jeff Oh Stefan is between you and you everybody got gonna do it nobody else not gonna let this opportunity go by without giving it my all you got to get up and make it happen don't [ __ ] the opportunity out if you want to be the best if you want to reach the pinnacle you must be obsessed greatness in any field greatness cannot be achieved because every day is a new day every moment is a new moment so now you got to go on and show them that I'm a different creature now that was five minutes ago because on this all for greatness there's a dream that me you okay with me go and no man you'll take me into space you made a choice to be average walk of the people around you I have to an average school or you work for an average company so if you decided you decided to go against who you are never say never because limits like fears often there's a great feeling in these overcoming these difficult things cuz life is never this just constant state of I'm at a nine all day and when I'm with my wife I hit ten yay and I stay like that that's not real it all comes from life lessons and the lessons are learned through struggle and I think that there's a lot of people out there that think somehow or another you're gonna get to someplace where you living in silk sheets and you're getting your toes done on someone's dropping grapes into your mouth I don't want that I've never wanted that that guy's not gonna be happy you have been fed this line of horseshit that you're supposed to seek comfort and I don't think you are I think you're supposed to seek lessons and you're supposed to seek difficult tasks and and and and accomplishments and through those things and through doing things that are hard to do because if I just think well tomorrow I'm just gonna coast and eat Twinkies and watch TV oh hello sadness my old friend hello depression and we can pretend that were something other than what we really are and we could pretend nah me man I'm just cool just chilling doing nothing little improvements I think are what life is all about and I think also they're they're a tool to feed the mind because I really believe the mind needs these little lessons the mind needs these little these little tasks stimulation and reward lack of these peaks and valleys and again this [ __ ] idea that we're constantly fed that you should be comfortable those were human reward systems are carved deeply into your DNA if you don't respect that if you don't respect the mechanism of happiness and fulfillment and what you really need to do in order to feel satisfied in life camaraderie love family friendship struggle testing yourself learning all those things are imperative they're all a giant part of being a person improvements over things it's why doing difficult things is good here's what I want you to look at they're winners they're losers and there are people who have not discovered how to win and all they need is some coaching all they need is some help and assistance just a little support all they need is some insight or different strategy a plan of action to make some adjustments that will open up the key to a whole new future for them that will give them access to the unlimited power that they have within themselves that's all that they need so what I want you to do is this think about something you want to you that's real for you that's important for you that will give your life some special meaning and power and I don't even want you to say I can do that I don't want you to assume that see five years ago when I started out in this area I would not have been able to make the mental leap that I would be up to where I am right now I don't want you to begin to just psych yourself out no no I want you to be able to say something to yourself that will enable you to maintain a level of integrity with yourself that when you say this even when you face tremendous setbacks it it will be a benchmark to keep you in the game to keep you moving forward experimenting and readjusting your strategy and your plan of action continuously looking for ways to win so what is that something when you got an idea you want to move on you might not have the money you might not have the education you might not have the support or resources you need what is that something that can keep us going that will enable us to act on our dream what's one of those keys that will begin to help us to discover the secrets to our dream say it's possible it's all I want you do when you look at your dream you say to yourself every day it's possible let's say that everyday to yourself it's possible because what does that do see it begins to change your belief system see the way in which we operate ladies and gentlemen it's a manifestation of what we believe what's possible for us whatever you've done up to this point all that it really is is a duplication it's a reproduction of what you believe subconsciously that you deserve and what's possible for your life most people operate out of the their personal history out of their memory things they have done things have experienced things they've seen things that they have observed what I'm suggesting that you operate out of a larger vision of yourself I want you to see yourself doing what you want to do experiencing what you want to experience it having what you want to have doing what is that gives your life the meaning and value operate out of your imagination not your memory because whatever you look at where you want to go I wanted to warn you you will have some conversation back here after you go through the data that you've experienced in life saying you can't do it [Music] and so what you want to begin to do is ignore that inner conversation what most people ladies and gentlemen when something happens to them what they do is they begin to believe that that's the way it is that's the way it's always been and they can't see the possibility of it being any different example before in April 1954 the common belief the universe will believe because it had been tried again and again and again and people that fail the belief laws that man was not physically capable of breaking the four-minute barrier that he could not run a mile in less than four minutes that was the belief on the planet it had never been done but here's what happened [Music] [Applause] [Music] Roger Bannister came along and he broke the four-minute barrier now here's what's significant about that since that time up to this day over 20,000 people have done it including high school kids [Music] what change 20,000 people what change here's what happened when they got on the track they knew it had been done and because they knew it had been done there was a new belief about this barrier about this goal that was unreachable and those 20,000 people died in the race believing going in their heart that someone had done it that it's possible the victim I'm saying that if you know anybody that had some goal some dreams something they wanted to do and they did it denied saying that you know in your heart that if someone has done it in and that if someone can make their dream become a reality that it's it's possible that you can make your dream become reality and so as you begin to look at where you want to go beginning to embrace that it's possible I'm less than highly favored I've got a lot going for me I've got some good stuff in me and it's possible that I can bring my greatness out here in the universe that I can do what I want to do it's possible I can write my own book I can have my own business I I can take the trip and travel around the world it's possible I can bounce back from adversity and reinvent my life it's possible regardless of where I am the things can get better for me it's possible to take that challenge when you answer the call and you see the other side of pain it's called glory this is called glory there's somebody sitting home right now there's a young 10 year old kid sitting home that don't have a father and he's ready to join the gang he's ready to give up I'm telling you don't give in and don't ever give up with the bed last night and all these ideas about her going up this morning it's gonna be different things are gonna be different yeah you're gonna start start taking steps towards doing some of those projects that you know get you closer to living that dream like you keep playing over and over in your head different from the practical life that you got to get up and meet every day to go to the cubicle infested world we work a job just to pay the bills but gasps and the guest to take you places where you don't really want to go to be put groceries in the refrigerator groceries that keep you fat and lazy keep you away from being healthy and fit in your life what what what drives you why are you playing pay the mortgage on a house that doesn't inspire you just a nuisance and you ain't coming home do what the [ __ ] are you doing anyone makes it even worse is if you counter before you got from the bedroom to the kitchen mr. Ruggles nice mr. resistance right in your ass telling you what you were gonna do different than what you want to do what the airport Society tells you you need to do with your life telling you that those things that you believe matter and have a purpose in your life Dalida supervision is stupid does there are those of you right now you should have cut a CV you should have wrote a book you should have got in school and got that degree you should have started your own business there's so many things you should have done you should have done but you didn't do it because you're scared you you say scared of what the eyes you're scared to make a mistake you're scared you're not what wakes you up what drives you why you playing are you a gazelle are you alive mr. resistance will be there every morning morning noon and night and while you are sleeping right in your ass kicking your ass unless you turn around you start throwing punches why are you doing what you're doing and when you know why you're doing it to your you saw my t-shirt no alarm clock I got up at 3 o'clock this morning no clock I need to pocket my passion my weights me what which would drive two white wins are you a gazelle we were like and I'm Justin today you ain't gotta be perfect I do get upset to do what you want to have what you want to be what you want it's a lot everybody concerned you don't have to be perfect but what you have to do is we perfected a that's what I want you to do you'll never be perfect as long as you're alive there's always progress you can always get better you listen to I want to practice perfecting sixteen 1,440 that's what I want you to concentrate on I want you to concentrate or not and you want makes it even worse is it ciao when I wake up in the morning I'm answering a phone call I'm right now every idea I drink about every movie I can't I can listen to music without write some down I don't write everything down it's writing everything so guess what guess what some of the practice I'm telling you if you fall in love with small if you fall in love with every second every minute every hour of the day and you stop thinking about 2012 you stop thinking about 2013 and you focus on that now you master that I'll you become an expert of the now I'm guaranteeing you you gonna blow up I need you to stop trying to do a big I need you to fall in love with small and guess what big gonna be attractive to you that there is something better for you to do with your time than even being here right now I am mr. resistance I'm distracting you from doing the work you need to do get the [ __ ] out of here and do the work of your life everybody can serve anyone can be the leader listen I raised on a gravestone has a baby my thing with your border they will you die and they're gonna dance in between and that - defines what your legacy is dr. miles my role compares leaders to the king of the jungle he says he says the line that's not the tallest having won the tunnel the Lions it's not the largest salmon when the tongue the light is smarter Florida's most intelligent Hannah Brundage on and yet when the lion shows up he is king he is king you don't need to be intelligent you don't need to be smart you don't need to have a certain height you don't need to have a certain way you don't need to have any kind of advantage and yet you can be a leader now what's not the biggest the strongest more fastest but my goals were clear my actions were and still on service those when the gazelle wakes up it runs but if a lion ain't chasing it it's not when the lion wakes up you don't need nobody to push it it pushes itself I'm faster now are you gonna say I'm trying to look at each second to make sure I'm doing something in seconds I want to make sure each minute I'm doing some of these minute how to make sure it every hour and doing something every I ought to make sure that day I'm getting some done on Monday or Tuesday or is it on Thursday Oh Roger that I'm a festive you don't have to be what wakes you up what drives you why are you playing this - are you a gazelle were you alive you take that challenge when you answer the call and you see the other side of pain it's called glory this right now I am mr. resistance I'm distracting you from doing the work you need to do get the [ __ ] out of here and do the work of your life we don't happen in the game you watching him on TV so you put up that shot in the last five seconds their death shot it's not where it happen it's not what happens in the game is what happened before the game and it's what's gonna happen after the game it's what you see this is what actually is happening Kobe Bryant didn't arrive on court five seconds before the game and hope that he's gonna make that shot he made that shot a thousand times before but that's why they have a mystique about him an essence of magic almost superhuman you are witnessing the results of their world you're not watching the 12 hours he was in the gym the weeks the months the years you just watched one game it's why you think they magic success is made in the gym success is made in the training success is made for the hard work and dedication success ain't the result success of the journey successes the day's the months the years you put in that's what success is to many people looking towards these stars and these inspirational people and seeing that results I'm thinking that's what success is but success was the journey success was getting out of dirt success was coming from the bottom you don't start your story to top you better be willing to put in those 10 hours 12 hours every single day it ain't gonna happen overnight you ain't gonna arrive one day in front of a hoop with five seconds left to win a championship ring and hit that shot it ain't gonna happen it's the Pope's s before there was a process before they got cobia it was a protest before they got my cool in there was a pope says before they got Pele there and just arrived there [Music] you think those great musicians picked up a guitar and stopped playing start rolling out the hits after hits after hits hell no 10 hours a day 12 hours a day fingers bleeding sweat on the drum skin let pouring out your hands minute after minute hour after hour rep after rep song after song it don't happen at the performance you're watching the pinnacle you're watching all there won't come together that's why it seems magic that's why it seems like you can't do it it you can stop looking at the end result what you want is an opportunity to shoot that shot just don't see don't see the floor you don't see those sweat tears don't see the crying the losses you don't see the ruin sleepless nights you'll see lost friends you don't see the world of pain don't see the risk the implications this might have you don't see the lost opportunities you don't see it all you see is one shot that's all you see you think Arnold arrived on the stage looking like mr. Olympia [Music] you really wanted bad you know what you got to do ain't no body willing to put in the work for the result everybody wishing for the result understand you ain't want to take the test you just wanna eight plus are you gonna get an a-plus if you don't take the test are you gonna take the test if you don't even practice you don't even revise you don't even study it ain't gonna happen everybody wanna be like Mike ain't nobody want to put in the work like money everybody wants to be the next big thing the next superstar but ain't nobody willing to put in the world none of y'all willing to put in the world and if you truly are if you really put it in the world ten hours a day 12 hours a day every single day you might have a chance you might be the one you might just be but it will never happen if you wish it bring no place for wishing in this game [Music] you'll have a chance to be great the minds of medieval [ __ ] it's constantly fighting against you it's the only thing in the history of the [ __ ] world that shows up on time every time he has the tactical advantage over you it knows your fears and knows your insecurities he knows everything about she might be the only thing in that world that knows all about you you're gonna know about it [Music] it's gonna show up when you don't want to show up [Music] as consultant the worst time possible when you want to be successful as Miss a take the easy road take the easy way out you gotta learn your brain but the brain has learnt you the mind is the battleground it is the place where the greatest conflict there are more people in this room having trouble in their mind and there are people having trouble in their finances - struggling in your mind this is why we have people who go to bed tired and wake up tired eight hours and you wake up steal time the reason you wake up tied and since you got sleep but you didn't get rest your mind has been in trouble all night was wet the bed of all talk just like you've been in a fight because your mind has not - sweet but your mind is still tied up in a war enemies after your mind afterwards de-stress I can make you think that you can't get up out to make you give up on your dream the warfare is in your mind it's not in your checkbook it's not in the savings account it's not all your job no retreat no surrender we live when we die by this everyman my searches on Soul people don't burn out because of what they do people burn out because life makes them forget why they do it the super cities talent every day of the week at a certain point don't let your actions betray your words no person that you're striving to become it's stronger than any opposition any adversity any challenge that you will ever face you know I've been playing a game of football since I was seven the second game in my junior year fourth quarter a little bit over two minutes left in the game we were playing against Air Force I went to make a tackle and I hit the guy my body went completely limp I fell to the ground and I blacked out I almost lost my life and ultimately it left me with a paralyzed right on in him my career ended [Music] but I couldn't blame any more I couldn't blame the game of football I couldn't blame the guy that I hit I couldn't blame life instead it made me question myself in such a way that I said Inc is this it you know there's one bad chapter define the book now you see life or what is really worth like is that it did you just want to make it to the NFL now it's gonna be hit just because it's never been done doesn't mean it can't be done my number one competition is me it's always you versus you I just had a paralyzed white woman hand my mentality was a paralyze my spirit was impaired that my drive was impaired my dedication wasn't my commitment wasn't I was the same man I just had an extra boost of energy but while I live my life I wear this as a badge of honor every single day the adversity the opposition that life said to break me I wear it as a badge of honor because I understand every day of my life I represent something so we already know what time it is we know they're gonna try to break us we already know anything we didn't we already know that we know they coming at us we know they gonna throw everything they got at us so here's how we gonna beat it what we're working for is greater than meeting you and so we gotta press forward and we got a conquer it [Music] you got to be the one to get up every morning beat discipline put in the consistent daily hardwork because that gained success no coach no trainer no mentor no boss can do it you versus you none of us wake up and say today is the day I destroy my life you can run into a trap and you you you set up a life that you didn't really want what we do is we kind of check out because it feels overwhelming or we check out because we're afraid or we check out because we start listening to self-doubt and then we make these teeny tiny decisions all day long we don't even realize it decision to not get up on time a decision to not eat the right thing a decision to snap at your kids a decision to not speak in a meeting a decision to not look for a job a decision to not deal with your finances a decision to not call your parrot is all day long these tiny decisions that take you so far off track and then you wake up like I didn't and you you look at your life and you think how the hell did I get here you're alone with your thoughts you get an idea of what your thoughts actually are and he run into the abutment of a bridge and his life was snuffed there if you had asked him a half-hour before how much sand he had left he would have said at least a half a century he didn't have a half an hour see the trick is we don't know how much sand we have left this is all we've got right here right now we don't know how much we have left in the future but we do know what we've got now and I have found the people that win are the people who make up their mind then I'm gonna waste the meds they're going to be productive they're gonna make it happen every minute often times people make the mistake of getting stuck and it is just a tactical mistake just like it would be a mistake if you got stuck on a video game the awful truth is is that life is easy truly living chasing a dream and truly living is hard you knew that there was more in store freedom but you couldn't figure out how you closed that gap how do you find the power that's and how do you discover your greatness honey solve these problems it's so overwhelming tooken chances navigated their way what do they do differently than you what what objectivity do they have that maybe you lack what insight into their own mistakes are they willing to delve into that you're not that you step back and good you know I don't just don't I just don't want to look at myself that closely but the person who's able to look at themselves the closest it's gonna get the more rational results is that we're living our lives in these very unfulfilled ways or you're going to this office with artificial light and you're doing something you don't want to do all day long and then you get home you're tired just go hike up to the top of a mountain and look out you know there's a reward that you get from that that is intensely like soul filling we're all taught that life is tough life's a [ __ ] life is hard but it's not it's pretty easy right it's pretty easy to skate by and go through life right we wake up every day most of us in the world with the roof over our heads a big comfy bed under our butts fridge full of food most of us in the world especially here in America never have to worry about starvation or homelessness we have friends and family that will help us out when those things come those are the things that made life dangerous a hundred years ago now we complain if life isn't convenient this isn't a statement on modern society this is a statement about motivation life is easy easy to skate by the question isn't can you handle the situation the question is can you handle your mind can you manage the thoughts and the emotions that are trying to poison your progress forget managing the situation manage your mind no matter whose fault it is that something is broken if it's your responsibility to fix it it's not somebody's fault if their father was an abusive alcoholic but is for damn sure their responsibility to figure out how they're gonna do with those traumas and try to make a life out of it [Music] it's not your fault if your partner cheated and ruined your marriage but it is for damn sure your responsibility to figure out how to take that pain and how to overcome that and build a happy life for yourself [Music] fault and responsibility do not go together his socks but they don't was something as somebody's fault we want to suffer we want them punished we want them to pay we want it to be their responsibility to fix it but that's that's not how it works especially when it's your heart your heart your life your happiness your responsibility your responsibility fear it's not real [Music] [Applause] the only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of future the product of our imagination causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist as long as we're pointing a finger and and stuck in whose fault something is we're jammed and trapped into victim mode when you're in victim oh you're stuck in suffering the road to power is in taking responsibility your heart your life your happiness is your responsibility and your responsibility alone I'm fragile I feel pain I heard I opened my eyes I create I conquer I hold the power I'm a thinker I crave victory I do not give up I feel no fear I fear no man I'm an athlete a warrior an artist the only thing I need every day of my life is 86,400 seconds work on your focus perspective is everything probably most of you is that you see difficult as something negative should I want you to see difficult differently are you hearing me I need you to see difficult differently it's amazing the one is you stood out to get it over here that [ __ ] is unacceptable can you be committed to the process of what you do without being emotionally attached to the result of what you do because a lot of people can be committed to the process of what they do if the results don't change but the moment the result or the outcome changes of what they're chasing they shut it down or they quit simply because the result change so can we be committed to the process of what we do but not emotionally to the result of what we do understanding every day I get up and give everything I got to everything I'm apart of simply because this is a way I stop saying I've gotta wait for good things to happen to me and I said I'm gonna cry I'm going to fight I'm going to work I'm going to press forward I'm going to learn I'm going to do everything in my power to become a Victor and not a victim winners win and losers lose what show to the dream if you could be anything it'd be the last night now with the time we're getting to think about it so you know wherever you wet we're making no excuses got no fear don't care if I fail I can't explain it any better than that I don't know how it happens but winners win and if you create a culture of losing if you keep being a victim if you keep letting losing happen to you if you keep letting people do you a treat you mean a count away it's gonna become a culture there's nothing you can't accomplish you're gonna go on you're gonna become world champion see it should drive you it should it works for me it should drive you you get all the talent the world it's all here it's all here everybody's next best thing everybody's the thing everybody's the best it's all here I deep its fear is not that we are inadequate our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure I never feared about my skills you know because I put in the work work ethic eliminates fear yes you know so if you put forth dirt to work then what are you fearing you know you what you came over to what you're not it never say never because limits like fears just an illusion what it what aspire you what motivate you what it make it hard for you to sleep to get up early and start early go to see blade whatever that is that's your call [Music] make large plans for they do have magic determined blood impossible is not a fact it's an opinion it's your opinion they'll say no science shows and I say yeah I know how many times the scientist shows something's impossible now science shows it's possible things are impossible till somebody does it divorce the story of your limitation and marry the truth of your unlimited capacity than the whole game changes success is born out of luck its awareness of mind that takes advantage of that opportunity you will all be confronted with opportunity you must take advantage of it so you don't take advantage of your opportunity you'll never realize your dreams whether you want them or not is the relevance you don't know that until you achieve it but most people have strategies available or they could get them or you could create them but the problem is you got a story and your story is why doesn't work and the story is I've tried everything if you tried everything you'd be fit you try everything you'd be profitable if you tried everything you'd be there but people say [Music] I was born two accounts to stay having a job at the hotel since George was my passport to escape the world that I was born into to start a new world do I have what it takes I said to myself yes so I started pushing and push you push you he pushes now self-belief at whatever cost you can do more than this if I had to walk ahead and walk it just became just a process of grinding and grinding and grinding the good word for it it's not even a good word for it and just just going further and further and then when I got to running I'd go to the bike I'd go to the pool if I got tired somewhere my legs are tired I go to the gym and I develop this crazy workout where I was doing volume things don't happen overnight you have to make the emotion of personal investment to make your dreams come true you never throw in the towel if I threw in the towel pick it up never giving never ever ever get in [Music] and when you're young it's very easy to get in to walk away it really is so whatever you want to do in your life don't ever work it don't overthink it do you realize your dream trust me any money to dream it but you'll never see it until you're willing to be committed to it when I anything Church in having any members I get off work working at carbide and drive up the rooms and work on the church till I had to turn around and go back to work we didn't have food [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to me they said that boys lost his mind [Music] [Music] it's not going to be easy it was hard laying on the floor of the Penobscot building looking out of the window daydreaming saying les can you do this can you make this happen I used to listen to tapes day in and day out about see you at the top don't let nobody steal your dream I used to ask myself can I kill this and something said within me you're the one you're the one and let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen while you here and before you go back on to your respective cities and communities write down at least five reasons on why you deserve your dream and why you won't give up what's gonna make you unstoppable why you must be unreasonable because logical practical thinking says you can't do it today but if you want to produced unreasonable results in your life like living your dream and taking charge of your destiny you've got to be an unreasonable person you've got to be an uncommon person the world might say you are not allowed to yet I waited a long time out in the world before I gave myself permission to fail please don't even bother asking don't bother telling the world you already show it do it there are a lot of sharks in the world if you hope to complete the swim you will have to deal with them so if you want to change the world don't back down from the Sharks [Music] if I have learned anything in my time traveling the world it is the power of hope the power of one person the Washington a Lincoln King Mandela one person can change the world by giving people hope so if you want to change the world start singing when you're up to your neck and mud don't wait until they tell you you are ready get in there sing if you want to be successful you must be willing to do the things a day others won't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have what did Beckett say ever tried ever failed no matter try again and fail again fail better finally a SEAL training there's a bell a brass bell that hangs in the center of the compound for all the students to see all you have to do quit all you have to do to quit is ring the bell ring the bell and you no longer have to wake up at 5 o'clock ring the bell and you no longer have to be in the freezing cold swims ring the bell and you no longer have to do the runs the obstacle course the PT and you no longer have to endure the hardships of training all you have to do is ring the bell to get out if you want to change the world don't ever ever ring the bell if you do what is easy your life will be hard complain report at your circumstances give up your power blame the government blame the economy if you do what is easy your life will be hard start each day with a task completed find someone to help you through life respect everyone know that life is not fair that you will fail often but if you take some risks step up on the time through the toughest face down the bullies lift up the downtrodden and never ever give up if you do these things the next generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far better than the one we have today and what started here will indeed have changed the world for the better but if you do what is hard your life will be easy it's hard to make a radical change in your behavior it's hard to take ownership it's hard to swallow the bitter pill that wherever you find yourself at some point in time you made an appointment to be there as hard the world is yours [Music] treat everyone kindly and light up the night to everybody who's has somebody tell them they can't do what they want to do family members even tell them they can't do what they want to do the people who look in the mirror and when you look in the mirror all you got is that one person that believes are you I'm here to tell you that's all you need roll the dice don't give up on me just yet don't give up if you're gonna try go all the way otherwise don't even start to beat a man you gotta be the man if you're gonna try go all the way all the way all the way this could mean losing girlfriends wives relatives jobs maybe your mind do we gotta keep going go all the way could mean not eating for three or four days it could mean freezing on a mountain bench never give up go all the way I'm in jail could mean duration it could mean mockery isolation to beat a man's gotta beat to beat a man's gotta be the man isolation it's a gift don't stop let's don't you let's go chat all the others are a test of your endurance of how much you really want to do it and you'll do it when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful despite rejection and the worst odds and it will be better than anything else you can imagine he who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right if you're gonna try go all the way there's no other feeling like that I feel all the way all the way let's go that's not you you'll be alone with the gods and the nights will flame with fire Oh dedication deputation do it do it do it all the way oh you will ride life it's perfect laughter it's the only good fight there is if you're gonna try go all the way Paul work dedication hard work dedication Paul work dedication dedication hard work dedication self-discipline is everything if you don't have it I don't look at you right now I know you're capable of mortgage it's not discipline so much for me it's all on you it's all on you I'm still come on top I'm not the best at anything I'm not I'm not gifted I'm just driven to be the man right Elaine's gotta be the man to beat taking ownership take extreme ownership don't make excuses don't blame any other person or any other thing no matter whose fault it is that something is broken if it's your responsibility to fix get control of your ego don't hide your delicate pride from the truth take ownership of everything in your world so good and the back to power is in taking responsibility your heart your life your happiness is your responsibility and your responsibility alone take ownership of your mistakes take ownership of your shortfalls take ownership of your problems and then take ownership of the solutions that will get those problems solved take ownership of your job of your team of your future and take ownership of your life and lead lead yourself and your team and the people in your life lead them all to victory you're getting to your limit getting to your limit getting to your limit you can't lift that you can't do that you until you get to the point that all of a sudden your body makes the adjustment and then you can do it failure actually helps you to recognize the areas where you need to evolve [Music] successful people fail a lot they fail a whole lot more than they succeed but here's the thing I didn't quit fail early fail often fail forward you say to your mother this kid's gonna be the best kid in the world this kid's gonna be somebody better than anybody ever knew I had failed on an epic scale let me tell you something you already know the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently to your let it you me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much it takes they keep moving forward that's how weird it is done now if you know what you're worth I bloody get what you're worth but you gotta be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him or her or anybody I have no idea then how far the total extended and for a long time and he liked at the end of it the reality [Music] it is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not live at all and so rock-bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life but until you start believing yourself you gonna have a life I want to be forever proud of who I was as a man and change who I used to be the liar the insecure guy the guy who can whatever I want to be proud but if I die now if I die at 80 for diet 90 100 I want to look at myself a city proud of myself we don't know how much sand we have left the future we don't know the past it's gone now the only thing you can deal with is what's right here right now and if you look the sand is always moving you're gonna fail and you're gonna be in your head you could be saying I'm not good enough and it's how you get through that it's how you get through that on a daily basis you're sad and down and out and you ask yourself why did this have to happen it's in this moment that you find out who you really are and what you're really about you aren't handed anything you earn everything every single day all of us have greatness within us but greatness is a choice it's not our destiny you think about this person that you now see I did not know that he existed I was born in a poor section of Miami Florida called Liberty City an abandoned building on a floor still chair let's go check see some people listen but when you really want to change you must here at 43 I'm still putting hundred-mile weeks still doing thousands of pull-ups do two thousand two push-ups because I'm not allowing myself to become civilized I always always try to figure out what's the difference between good and great good great the worst didn't happen to a man has become civilized you are the uncommon a must uncommon people these try putting yourself in situations as suck you'll find yourself [Music] is this time now so we must readjust our comfort zone don't look for those don't know long nothing spectacular become out the sky clear the sky to change we must change and who only way to change this make sure you ain't doing the same thing every day of your life if an alarm clock is waking you up every morning we might find our second fuse in ten years Sam to readjust how comfort zones it's time to figure out whatever majority is doing imma find myself doing the opposite life isn't fair it's not supposed to be life is not biased to anyone and there's a matter if you're black or white gay or lesbian rich or poor life doesn't discriminate once you accept the fact that life is going to [ __ ] you up in one way or another you can start preparing for the right mindset is everything and be the only thing that would get you through life now they can't hurt me mentality will always keep you in the fight the body is truly amazing it can handle almost anything you throw back it's the mind the mind that is left the mind as always say is trying to find that easy way out one thing important is that we all have these moments these moments of time that either make you or break you that can determine the rest of your life first year life can be timid by one simple decision a lot of us give total control to life we don't have any control look please give up control life [ __ ] every morning to prepare my mind for life's to throw at me a healthy body gives your healthy mind I miss about go into battle but my set the right gear and combat you wear body armor well we do road it no stones in our mind you guys take your mind take control of that so then when you get out in the real world they [ __ ] you up you got protection like to take these very quick fixes in life we want the 6-minute ABS approach to life you know nah man there's no permanent in that there's no permanent real and there's no scarring it must be scarred get up and keep on going that one moment change the rest of my life as we run toward it as we work on it day in and day out sometimes we can't say I can do that but what we can say that it's possible that I can have my dream I was willing to take a chance and most people won't do that most of the people that you talk to to try and bring them into the business these are not risk-takers most people have done all that they're ever going to do they raise a family they earn a living and then they died but people who are running toward their dreams life has a special kind of meaning in the process of working on your dreams you are going to incur it incur a lot of disappointment a lot of failure a lot of pain a lot of setbacks a lot of defeats but in the process of doing that you will discover some things about yourself that you don't know right now that you have greatness within you you're more powerful than you can ever begin to imagine you're greater than your circumstances that you don't have to go through life being a victim most people don't work on their dreams why for many years I did one is because of fear the fear of failure what if things don't work out and the fear of success what if they do and I can't handle it they stop growing they stop working on themselves they stop stretching they stop pushing themselves and they throw in the towel on themselves and on their families and on their dreams most people don't feel worthy what I'm doing now I could have been doing years ago but because I did not have a college education because I didn't believe in myself because I allowed other people's opinion of me to control my destiny I didn't act on my ideas I was born in an abandoned building on a Hardin Olien floor with my twin brother we were six weeks of age we were adopted labeled educable mentally [ __ ] and stayed in that category until I got out of high school I don't have any college training I applaud you for believing in yourself because that's what life is about stretching and challenging looking for ways that you can begin to improve yourself sometimes we can't say I can do that but what we can say that it's possible that I can have my dream no one could have convinced me that after just over six years I will have my own book entitled live your dreams just over six years I will have five specials on public television just over six years I've done motivational speaking I will now have my own talk show that will premiere on Monday Labor Day I'm saying to you your dream is possible [Applause] [Music] not only is it important for you to know it's possible for you to choose your future but it's necessary that you work on yourself that you develop yourself it's necessary that you get the energy drainers out of your life people who don't want anything people are not striving people are not challenging themselves people who aren't growing people who have stopped dreaming it's necessary that you align yourself with people and attract people into your business who are hungry people who are unstoppable and unreasonable people who are refusing to leave life just as it is and who want more everybody won't see it that everybody won't join you that everybody won't have the vision it's necessary to know that that a lot of people like to complain but they don't want to do anything about their situation that you are an uncommon breed you know you have to know within yourself and I can do this even if no one else sees it for me I must see it for myself that no one can do it for you but you and even though you face disappointments even though you will experience some setbacks it goes with the territory you must understand that what if all of us took that attitude after we face a rejection and a no or we have a meeting and no one shows up or somebody say you can count on me and they don't come through what if we have that kind of attitude the car's repossessed nobody believes in you you've lost again and again and again the lights are cut off but you still looking at your dream reviewing it every day and saying yourself it's not over until I win it's hard it's not easy it's hard changing your life it looks hard when just over three years ago and the Penobscot building in Detroit Michigan where I was operating my business and I fell on some hard times and I was sleeping in my office it was hard coming into the lobby and the security said scuse me mr. brown can we see you for a moment please do not sleep in your and I said excuse me sir I said I just worked long hours in creating my business I'm an entrepreneur and right now things are bad for me but they're not going to be this way always and I just asked for the opportunity to continue to operate like I'm doing I'm not trying to make this my home and it was hard coming through the lobby and sometimes they would laugh there's a guy talking about becoming successful and look at it he's bathing in the bathroom upstairs on the 21st floor he sleeps on the floor look at him it was hard ladies and gentleman coming to speak to people and I was facing financial difficulties in my own life I was behind on my bills and my dreams and I'm saying to them you can live your dream it was hard ladies and gentlemen it was very difficult to pick myself up each day believing that I can do it there were times that I doubted myself why is this happening to me I'm just trying to take care of my children and my mother I'm not trying to steal a Rob from anybody how did this have to happen to me it was very hard and here's what I want to say to you for those of you that have experienced some hardships don't give up on your dream no one could have convinced me by holding on by continuing to push forward by continuing to run toward my dream that one day I would have my own talk show it's a long shot ladies and gentlemen from Liberty City an abandoned building order floor never knowing my mother or father it's a long shot being here with you today in this dome in Atlanta it's a long shot no college training labeled educable mentally [ __ ] but I kept running toward my our moments when you're going to doubt yourself there rough times are gonna come but they have not come to stay they have come to pass it's very important you to know that don't say I'm having a bad day say I'm having a character-building day probably won't be about thousandth time the whole life I did it the morning breeze has secrets to tell you do not go back to sleep let me say it again the morning breeze has secrets to tell you do not go back to sleep so they hit snooze they roll over they go back to sleep no get up and get going rage rage against the dying of the light inspiration is when an idea gets ahold of you and takes you where you were originally intended to go in the first place see no one is going to give Les Brown speech no one is going to write your book see if you've been given something to do and if you don't do it what you're doing is short-circuiting the flow of the universe when you live an inspired life you begin to feel as if you're on purpose I'll guarantee you that at the end of this show you will not have to ask the question what is my person you can find your calling by just being willing to listen it may not be in the writing of a of a symphony that you're calling that you're called to it could be anything it could be the adoption of a child it could be the creation of something that you've known you wanted to write for your whole life it could be opening up a business it could be raising horses it could be anything do not go gentle into that good night [Music] that there's something bigger there's something that is greater in our lives and when we connect to it we allow it to take us where we were intended to go when we signed up for this most men and even quiet desperation the most of us don't feel like because we're not using that which we've been given that we are punished that we're going to write getting up in the morning with no reason to get up once you find out your preference in life and once you decide that you're going to live a life of sharing and giving and contributing to life you don't need an alarm clock to get up you are needed what is it that I'm supposed to do what is my life worth [Music] but we're in if you decide that I'm going to begin to start living like generously I'm going to stop giving more of myself I'm going to stop putting out more contributing more to life here's what's going to happen ladies and gentlemen I guarantee you that life will take on a whole new meaning for you I guarantee you that as you begin to give more of yourself in your work give more of yourself in your marriage get more of yourself in your relationships with your families and friends get more of yourself to your talent to your vocation to your job or your business as you begin to set high standards for giving that which you have been given to share in the universe I guarantee you that light takes on a whole new dimension there is there is something that is calling you and when an idea gets ahold of you you get into this place of surrender we say a motivated person doesn't allow obstacles to show up in their life and doesn't allow for anyone to interfere with them and it's really highly directed towards a particular goal so motivation is getting a hold of an idea and carrying it out the reason mozart didn't have to ask anyone how to write symphonies is that symphonies presented themselves to him invented enlarged produced all at once in what he described as lively dreams ray rage against the dying of the light I choose not to sleep in I don't give in to the temptation of the warm blankets not go gentle into that good night rage rage against the dying of the light doesn't matter what your age is it doesn't matter what your beliefs have been it doesn't matter what other people have tried to convince you of it if you're gonna have lasting change in anything you're really talking about just raising your standards the true quality of a man is what do you do when nobody is looking I mean I always tell people if you want to know how to change your life and give it to you in three words boring as it sounds raise your standard and get out of bed at 4:55 a vast majority of the world is still sleeping do you want you are up getting after it the world is yours or up before the enemy there's no traffic the gym is empty there is no one to distract you or call you or send you some stupid text about something you don't care about everybody in life gets their lusts they don't get their shirts lasting change is different than a goal you don't always get your goals but you always get your standards but when you decide something as a must for you an absolute must when you come up any possible you say I'm gonna find the way I'm gonna make the way human beings when they resolve things may I make a real resolution inside themselves which is they raise the standard they make it a must they find the way I tell people the strongest force in the whole human personality is this need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves so go to bed early and wake up early people constantly ask me for the secret of getting up early I tell them it is simple set your alarm clock and get out of bed when it goes off that's it so they hit snooze they roll over they go back to sleep no get up and get going and so they go through life holding back holding back on life not understanding this also that what you hold back from life life holds back from you so most of us go through life ladies and gentlemen not giving and we're cheating ourselves and you're also cheating life human-beings absolutely follow through on who they believe they are and you say said to me well I'm really gonna work hard to stop smoking but you know I've been a smoker my whole life and I'm you know I am a smoker I know your days are numbered you're gonna be back smoking cigarettes again because we all act consistent with who we believe we are [Music] the key to getting to sleep early is getting up early do it every day people ask me if I still get up early on the weekends yes say I believe that that all of us have some work to do I strongly believe that that each one of us showed up to do something that showed up to contribute something to life and that don't do it turn off the computer turn off the smartphone stop checking social media stop watching one more into video don't break the cycle get up early everyday [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the battery people constantly ask me for the secret of getting up early I tell them it is simple set your alarm clock and get out of bed when it goes off you'll see a fight sometimes you see a fighter and I mean that fighter is getting his ass whooped from pillar to post he's getting not damn beat-up eyes black and bloody face beating and everybody is wondering why don't he just quit why don't they just stop if you really want your life to work then you're gonna have to give and get on the goddamn Road and stick your thumb out it's been hitchhike start walking now nobody is gonna head you the fulfillment of the dream you have in your mind about a great life you want to live don't write me and tell me that in five years you picture yourself as a pro wrestler but when you answer other portions of the question here you're not even in the yeah this is what's wrong people today this is what's wrong with people today they think that great lives just bother the die if they dream hard enough fantasies hard enough and long enough they keep stroking that that their life will turn out just the way they dream it supply you're feeding yourself every day alive why when they continue to fight it why would they continue to go home even though they are being beaten all across the ring the Octagon or a wrestling match why would they do that what would make them do that your life will not wait for you quit telling yourself lies it will go by and your hope in life will be a lie and the answer is simple they cannot help themselves because they are a fighter and being a fighter it is in bread in them to fight no matter how difficult or lost the situation may seem they cannot help themselves it's impossible for them to stop fighting [Music] so don't write me and tell me that kind of [ __ ] I just don't care I don't care I want with every part of my being for every human being to succeed in life now the dreams that they have but I don't give a [ __ ] if you fail I've never met any human being who didn't damn it within themself to succeed in life but I've met plenty who choose to and if that's your attitude that you're to that you choose to and you're waiting for somebody to rescue you don't waste my time all I want to do is give you some tools with an intense emphasis in the way that only I can try to bury knock them in your head so you get out there and you chillin at life whoa when I'm doing nosedives in the parking lot will I continue to fight yes the answer is yes when I'm laying in a hospital bed with tubes and needles sticking out like will I continue to fight yes when I'm laying dead on this book we'll continue to fight yeah whoa I came from why do you do I can't care about I'm a fire [Music] until it's good Roman fefe Gretchen to fight until opponent man throw the towel [Music] [Music] find something you love to do do it everyday be obsessed balance to come later use your imagination put pen to paper declare your intentions set small goals lock them off set more goals you have a lot of potential as a child but none of that is capable of manifesting itself as freedom before you become disciplined build confidence grow a deep belief about work people play the long game you don't have to be the chosen one the secret is to build the resolve and spirit to enjoy the plateaus the times when it doesn't feel like you're improving and you question why you're doing this if you're patient the plateaus will become springboards finally never stop striving reaching for your goals until you get there but the truth is even we get there even you when you get here standing on this stage it's the striving fighting pushing yourself to the limit everyday that you miss and you longed for if you want to be a grocer or a general or a politician or a judge you will invariably become it that is your punishment if you never know what you want to be if you live what some might call the dynamic life but I will call the artistic life if each day you are unsure of who you are and watching them you will never become anything - is your goal when you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your your life is just to live your life inside the world try not to bash into the walls too much try to have a nice family life have fun save a little money life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you how many of us I wonder can recall that childhood moment when we experienced happiness as a state of being that single moment of untarnished joy that moment when everything in our world inside so alright everything was alright we always talk about hunger and now you always want to help work your competition regardless of how successful you may be lucky enough to be you want to be hungry and you know what it's like to be hungry you'll never be full it's one thing to be hungry it's another thing when you're starving for greatness and starving for success what if a lot of times I'll be the tours of my run or something like that and I'm all jacked up body's broken mines broken spirits broken I started to say what if I can pull this off [Music] greatness it's in my DNA I know what it's like to operate every single day regardless of the success that I've been a lucky son-of-a-bitch to achieve I operate every day as if I'm starving what if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be and just that just be talking about that I have the hair going up on my off cuz it makes me just like what is when you try to get better in life the grinds forever there is no end there is no countdown as long as you're breathing you gotta keep trying to get better you've never arrived in life stay hard a lot of people say that nothing is impossible [ __ ] Ivan said that nothing is impossible several times in my life I lied there's a lot of things that are impossible for you to or happens is when we come across something that's very hard and we try it want to make it twice and then say we're done we can't do it anymore before you say something's impossible do it and do it and do it to a level that people think that you might be [ __ ] crazy until you say it's impossible people will know Wi-Fi must drink that where I get my strategy I'll get [Music] Monday hey this Monday and I'm loving rabbis get a weaker I'm getting stronger to swim into preceptive sit-ups is about what those things yeah couch you get better by coming out getting the [ __ ] after you that's one thing to be hungry too when you're starving for greatness and starving for success the people in the world become weaker people is by caffeine your brain is by putting this kind of garbage in it about not attacking but you're not good at it's about putting the cap on managing your expectations if I live that way process like managing expectations I would be working some job at me and our my capability I would never have been I'll raise you school all these things I did gotta take a shot you have to live at the edge of your capabilities work through the weakness fight through the temptation hold the line you gotta live where you're almost certain you're gonna fail fail early fail often fail forward whose minutes and those hours they turn into weeks and months and years and moving the line in those critical minutes will put you in an infinitely better place physically and mentally if you maintain the discipline I think they're all heading into an unforgiving environment what we're gonna have to be both bold and disciplined you know when you go to the gym and you work out you're actually seeking failure you want to take your muscles to the point where you get to failure because that's where the the adaptation is that's where growth is realize when you rewind the tape of your own life is that there are these crucial moments where if the luck had gone the other way you might have gotten killed [Music] and so what you have to do is to always be exploiting those extra disciplines in place because I was lucky to live and what I took from that is I never want to have to be reluctant to live a gift discipline is the root of all good qualities but you have to absolutely apply it to things outside of just waking up early I want to live because of my discipline not because of my wife [Music] that's what discipline is disciplines taking hard road the uphill load to do what's right for yourself and for other people [Music] and most importantly it'll put you on that path to freedom it does start with waking up early it really does so often the easy path the easy path that calls to us to be weak for that moment to break down for that moment to give in to the desire and the short-term gratification but the discipline will not allow that the discipline calls for strength and fortitude and will it won't accept weakness it won't tolerate another break down the discipline can seem like it's your worst enemy but the reality is discipline is your best friend it will take care of you like nothing else can and will put you on that path the path to strength and health and intelligence and happiness and most importantly it'll put you on that path to freedom discipline is eating the right foods to fuel your system it's about disciplining your emotions so you can make good decisions it's about having the discipline to control your ego so your ego doesn't get out of hand and control you it's about treating people the way you would want to be treated and and doing the tasks that you don't necessarily want to do but that you know will help you or help your team about facing your fears it's discipline to face your fears so you can conquer them how do I get the desire to have discipline how do I get the desire to have disk I keep getting asked this type of question how do I get discipline or how do I want discipline or how do I maintain discipline and the answer it's it's a simple answer but obviously it's not easy and there's all kinds of little tricks and methods that people talk about I've never met a person who was not successful that didn't have a great amount of self-discipline within their life self-discipline and being able to perform and being able to keep your life on schedule and being able to keep commitments and promises and meet deadlines is essential to success none of us none of us can afford to have a life that is controlled by someone else or a life that is basically controlled by our emotions you know do the little things people say and wake up early I say that and write things down and take cold showers and tell everyone what you're going to do so broadcast it and make promises or or make bets with with your friends but the fact of the matter is that the reason discipline is hard to maintain is because it is hard to maintain I learned many years ago that there are two kinds of people there's the type of person who says I'm gonna wait till I feel like it before I do it and then there's a person who says I've got to do it so that I feel like it that's what makes discipline hard it's hard and if you hear me claim that discipline is easy for me then straight up that's just my ego talking that's what that is and it is work to maintain the discipline that's what it is work one will never get anything done because they're sterile waiting to feel the moment to move when the other person says no I need to move and then I will begin to feel the movement maintaining the standard giving no slack none that's the discipline that's the discipline and it is hard so I have a challenge for every one of you this weekend the challenge is simple ask yourself am i practicing self discipline in my life am i doing the things that I should do because I need to do them or am I kind of waiting to feel the moment [Music] and if there's one thing I would say that does make it easier it's to envision what it feels like when you're done what it feels like after you've worked out or you've held the line on your food intake or you've pushed through some monotonous project that you have to do in all those things when they're done that they feel good they're all simple if you don't work out you don't get a you don't get a muscle right so I always tell people this is there's a daily practice like priming if you don't do that if you get up and you just have no discipline whatsoever you get no value of anything your diets don't work when you don't do them exercise doesn't work when you don't do them but most of people have have some experiences that they want to shift and once you shift those things your whole life changes but life is constant growth [Music] contrary to that envision what you will feel like later when you let the discipline slack you know the feeling feeling weak and defeated and you know that you're falling behind hold the line maintain the discipline it is not easy but it is worth it because yes because discipline equals freedom
Channel: MulliganBrothers
Views: 4,594,983
Rating: 4.8063626 out of 5
Keywords: mulliganbrothers, motivational speech, motivational video, motivation, best motivational video, motivational speeches, motivational, motivation for success, best motivational speech, success, best motivational speeches, best motivational video ever, bodybuilding motivation, workout motivation, motivational compilation, motivation for students, motivational video for success in life, motivation 2019, motivational speeches compilation
Id: 7e5SQL_xLN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 36sec (9456 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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