FSR3 Frame Generation MOD FIXES Official FSR3 versions... WHAT??

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so let's start this video by saying that I just fixed FSR 3 frame generation implementations and you might ask you fixed what what well I cannot say that I fixed it myself I can say that I fixed it on my computer by using mods in this case the Luke FC's mod both with the FSR 2 to FSR 3 mod and the new Unis scalar mod that it just released and believe me it works and if you just landed on this video and you don't really know what what's going on well basically some recent FSR 3 implementations or some recent updates made the FSR 3 frame generation not work properly it shows the high FPS numbers in some scenarios it even shows a smoother frame timeline but the frames just aren't working as they should and the gaml does not feel fluid as it should it happened with the latest update of Avatar frontiers of Pandora it happened with RoboCop Rock City it happened with th tur and so on so yeah lots of recent games having uh frame generation a bad frame generation implementation although the mods fix it using this mod actually makes the the frame generation in The Last of Us work properly it makes the frame the frame generation on RoboCop work properly as well and in some games like th tur yeah it is still better than the official implementation which is kind of funny if you think about it so the mod works better than the official implementation the mod done by one or two people let's say that works better than a team of people implementing that that same that same thing on a game it's things nowadays are so messed up and in order to get this mod you actually need to be a patron or a patron whatever of Luke FZ you just go to his patreon become a patron or a patron once again doesn't really matter you go there and then you have access to download um all these Unis scaler and preview drivers that preview driver preview uh mods that he has so you can download everything there and you have access on Discord to the mod chat to the mod questions and so on but after you downloading the mod for example the Unis scaler it will be something like this you download it you copy it to a single folder and it will be like this but once again let's start with the L of us because even on video I can definitely assure you that you can see the difference but before let's just lay an eye on today's sponsor today's video sponsor is gvg Mo bringing you lots of software deals like Windows 10 Windows 11 office 2019 or 2021 with a new windows 11 design and for all of these you can use my skg discount code for 30% off getting a Windows 11 serial key for $22 and the Windows 10 1 for only 15 then use the key on your Windows settings and you'll have an activated system and well we're now in the last of us as you can see 1440p and we have the native AA let's just disable frame generation yes and we have 7374 and yeah I mean it works as 70 FPS should it is using once again 1440p um 1440p ultra settings with Native AA and we have 70 68 72 72 FPS it depends as soon as I enable frame generation this is the official implementation we go to 120 and if you look at the frame timeline it it feels fine but look at the image I don't know if you can see this on video but it is perfectly perfectly noticeable when playing and it just doesn't feel right I mean it says 10030 FPS but it feels like I'm still having 70 FPS but with a lot more motion blur it means that the frames aren't being are aren't being put where they should be in order to achieve that real that real smoothness that we can get from frame generation basically what I feel here is like having still 70 FPS but once again with more motion blur but now look at this we have the Steam folder the Steam folder of The Last of Us Part One basically what you have to do is go here open the folder then you download the latest Unis scaler version of The Mod which is the version um the version four I believe the preview the preview five is coming tomorrow or something like that now all you have to do is go copy the Unis scaler files paste it on the game folder just like this and you're good to go and now we're here with a mod enabled with frame generation enabled and yes look at this so so much better we're still using frame generation as you can see we have uh we have no issues with the HUD so it is all working once again everything working fine as it should but the smoothness of the frame generation is just here look at how much smoother it is it's just impressive and if we go here uh once again sorry about that you can see that the frame generation is enabled and we still have the the same 120 FPS but instead of having that feeling of having 70 FPS with more motion blur we actually have the frame generation smoothness working as it should and damn it feels great finally once again the moders are doing what the developers can't and this is actually working very very well very very well I mean it seems like the the developers the the developers team don't really have functioning High Sight in order to see that the the smoothness isn't there when they are implementing the frame generation techniques but now with the mod from L FZ it is working as it should from the beginning but let's try another game now with RoboCop Rock City and RoboCop is an excellent scenario to show you exactly what I want to show you because we can use the the both of the of the frame generation techniques at the same time we're using tscr for example TSR at 67% and we're getting 100 FPS 100 something it is smooth now we can go to let's say I know that it appears here the the LSS and I'm using an MD card but we'll get there now we can use for example the frame the the the the official FSR 3 implementation without frame generation and as you can see 190 119 sorry and it still works great still smooth very nice the official FSR 3 implementation as soon as we go here let's say to yeah frame generation the frame timeline gets completely messed up if you look at the frame time line it is a chaos and even though I'm getting 190 FPS the game just doesn't feel smooth and you might say well you're having tearing because you're H you're out of your monitor's refresh rate so you're not using free sync but that's not the case it is not tearing per se it just doesn't feel smooth at all and if you look at the frame time you know why it just feels strange feels way worse than that but now as soon as we go to the dlss one which is actually it shows D LSS even though we're using an MD card it shows the LSS because it is the the LSS to FSR mode it says the LSS on the game but we're actually using the FSR 3 mode on the background it's just the game that sees it as the LSS in order to enable it and as soon as you enable this Frame generation look at the frame timeline it gets very good and yeah now it is smooth even moving the mouse I can see it is smooth now I can see the tearing of course but at the same time the game play is just really really smooth that's that's an awesome thing to have as soon as I move the mouse I can see that we have fluidity something that does not happen with the FSR 3 frame generation implementation the official one it just doesn't work as well it just isn't fluid for example here even with tearing yeah the fluidity is there as soon as once again I go back to the official implementation of FSR 3 the timeline gets messed up and yeah it just just feels like it's scratch it's crashing and it makes no sense feels like it isn't connected as soon once again as we enable the mod yeah so much better so so much better and I mean we're running at really high FPS numbers but if you're running at lower numbers like we did with the Last of Us for for example you can clearly clearly see the difference in between the FSR 3 frame generation implementation and the moded one the official and the moded one you'll get a bigger difference there since we're running the 7900 GRE and this game isn't that heavy um the difference isn't as noticeable because once again you can notice of course but because once again I mean we're getting very high FPS numbers and and yeah still such a big difference but wait there's more now we have th Turk I believe that's how it's pronounced and we're running TSR with scaling quality set to high with heic settings basically maximum settings I believe so thk yes do we want to make the changes and as you can see we have 80 FPS and the game the game feels smooth at least for what 80fps should feel feels fine the character moving feels okay as soon as we go for example two let's say let's try to enable FSR 3 we enable FSR 3 but we don't enable the frame generation this is actually bugged it automatically enables the frame generation but yeah so no frame generation and we have 83 and still the character moving is smooth for what 80fps should feel it's fine as soon as we enable the frame generation once again the official frame generation implementation you enable it and immediately you get this this messed up frame time like we did in Robocop and if we look at the character movement I mean it just feels like once again it feels like still 80 FPS or 70 FPS but with a higher motion blur I mean if you look at the character properly I know this is hard this is really harder to see on video but if you look at the character when he's moving yeah it just doesn't feel smooth it feels like there are some missing information there and it feels like we are actually running way way lower FPS than we are in fact we are running 140 but it definitely doesn't feel like 140 but once again as soon as we go because we already have the mod installed like we did in Robocop I just copy the files there and tweaked it a bit you can see on this video that I made uh of course showing you more games and RoboCop was one of them but basically if we go here once again to the dlss which is the mod and we enable the frame generation as soon as we enable the frame generation the frame timeline gets better not even close to what we had before and look at the character moving now oh just so so much better now these are real 155 FPS at least 155 FPS smoothness just once again enabling the frame generation one more time for you guys to see if it's start three frame generation the frame timeline gets messed up and the character moving just doesn't feel as smooth it's not even close I don't know why but it isn't even close I don't think that the developers have functioning eyesight if they actually are implementing the dfsr 3 frame generation in their games and they think that this this is normal no this is not normal this is like 80fps fluidity with some more frames in between but it just doesn't feel like real 144 as soon as we enable the mod and we enable real 44 FPS yeah so much smoother so so much smoother it feels like a different game already yeah not even close and yeah guys basically that's it it seems that once again the mothers need to do what the developers don't the Avatar 1 was the first real FSR implementation FSR 3 frame generation implementation um and it it it was indeed working very very well it was working very well it was one of the best implementation so far uh it was the third implementation but but the best the best of them it worked really really well with variable refresh rate and so on but as soon as the developers updated it it started working poorly once again like the the one in the last of us and if developers think this is normal no this is not normal and it should not happen and if you want to know how to install these mods I actually have this video passing right now on the screen where I show you the settings that I use and how to install the mods properly I actually show you that uh for the wicher Cyber Punk and some others once again you can use it in games like thurg you can use it in games so many games actually even Horizon forbidden West it works in Horizon forbidden West it isn't perfect but it definitely works and just because I don't want you to think that I'm lying here we are in for in Horizon forbidden West and look at it we have 170 frames we're running maximum settings with the LSS enabled but one thing that I I can't I can't make it work properly on this game but that's my bad most likely my bad not the mother's fault but for example if you look at the HUD or the UI the UI is still shimmering the frame generation is working definitely but the UI is shimmering I can for example go here and enable the the frame generation option like we did in games like uh the last of not the last of us like we did in other games like for example The Witcher 3 or cyberpunk I can go here and enable the the frame generation option for example example on apply and I mean the the HUD now works the the UI but the frame generation although it says that we are having 160 170 the frame generation isn't working as you can see yeah we have way less data than we had before basically we have just the numbers the input numbers but the frame generation isn't working but that's what we get in these games but in others like The Witcher 3 RoboCop ther and so on you have no AG issues and the games work fine sometimes way better than the official implementations and well guys that's all for today's video thank you very much for watching don't forget H like subscribe and share this video I just really wanted to make this video because it is really important I believe it is really important for people to understand that I don't really know if the the issue is actually on the AMD side or on the developer side and recent games like RoboCop the last of us and so on uh and the th Turk for example having really poor FSR 3 frame generation implementation but the FSR 3 frame generation isn't broken it can work as soon as you do the mod it is butter smooth meaning that FSR 3 frame generation is working in those games it is just not properly applied so someone needs to step it up or AMD or the developers once again thanks a lot for watching don't forget H like subscribe and share this video and see you in the next video guys and by the way leave your comment in the comment section and let me know you think about the mods if you tested them if they're working for you or not and if you have any doubts as well leave them in the comment section [Music] [Music] ciao [Music] oh
Channel: Ancient Gameplays
Views: 34,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AMD, amd drivers, amd 24.3.1, radeon 24.3.1, ancient gameplays, 24.3.1 amd, amd radeon 24.3.1, adrenalin 24.3.1, rx 7900xt, rx 7900xtx, 7900xt, amd settings, anti lag+, fsr3, amd fsr 3, fsr 3 vs dlss 3, amd fluid motion frames, frame generation, frame generation amd, 24.3.1, 24.3.1 drivers, best amd settings, amd, alan wake 2, amd driver fix, amd radeon settings, helldivers 2, fsr 3.1, amd fsr 3.1, fsr 3.1 vs dlss, dlss3, fsr3 mod, frame generation mod, nvidia, fsr 3 mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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