I just found out this ONE SETTING is LOWERING your FPS... so I did some AMD & NVIDIA Benchmarks

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and well today's video will be short but in my opinion it will be worth it so stay with me no it happened that a couple of weeks ago when I was testing the 7800 x3d actually my brother was testing it uh to make this video that you are seeing right now in the screen of the 5700x 3D versus 5800 X 3D versus 7800x 3D it happens that when he was testing Microsoft Simulator the 7800x 3w was barely getting the FPS numbers that I have with my 7700x with the same exact Ram configuration and we thought to ourselves well that's impossible I mean it's a 7800x 3D and we are still on a CPU bottom like scenario on both cases so we searched and searched and searched we tried other drivers uh e play he updated the BIOS and so on and nothing fixed it but as soon as I went and tested some more games on the 7800x 3D uh I actually went to bios to see if everything was okay and I found that virtualization was on and as soon as I disabled virtualization the FPS just shot through the roof from the usual 160 to over 200 FPS which is actually the usual number for the 7800x 3D and from that moment on I immediately knew what was the issue and it's called core isolation according according to Microsoft core isolation is a security features available on your device that use virtualization based security and then we have the memory Integrity which prevents attacks from inserting malicious code into high security processes and this same setting the memory Integrity inside the core isolation is what was making the 7800x 3D perform much much worse than it should usually windows will enable the core isolation and memory Integrity but by default meaning that by default when you enable on or when you install Windows memory Integrity will be enabled and sadly it will reduce your FPS in CPU driven scenarios and all you have to do to avoid this is go to bios and disable virtualization but then you might say well but I need virtualization I use lots of emulation for example that uses virtualization I use Virtual boxes to run Linux windows or even Mac inside another system and so on so I need virtualization so what can I do all you have to do is go to Windows search bar and search for core isolation go to the menu and disable the memory Integrity option after that just reboot your system and you're good to go you have still virtualization but you don't have the FPS decrease technology called memory integrity and yeah I know this is due to security reasons but honestly I couldn't care less I just want my FPS to not be crap so if I can get way more FPS disabling the memory Integrity especially a thing that I didn't ask for yeah I'll just do it without blinking an eye the same way I'll show you to the sponsor without blinking an eye have you ever wanted to upgrade to a larger disc but didn't want to lose your Windows installation and programs just use is's dis copy is's dis copy allows you to create clones of any partition or dis making you able to move your operating system and files without the hassle of reinstalling everything from scratch oh my and it even allows you to create bootable discs for your windows or Linux installations for example and this with a simple interface allowing new users to easily use it with one I shut lay an eye on E's website where you can get the E's disc copy for free and later upgrade to the pro version according to your needs and now you can say well but he's just saying that he has more FPS how can he prove it and what about other systems like let's say the 7700x the 7600 X how can I know if in my scenario the difference will be more or less well don't worry let's go into the benchmarks and let's start with my 7700 x with the 7900 XT let's see how it goes starting with a setto Corsa we can immediately see the differences even with the CPU as fast as the 7700x with core isolation off being 7% faster at 1080p but most importantly 21% faster in the 1% lows difference that just gets shorter at 1440p as the load goes more to the GPU side Microsoft flight simulator is another title where the difference is just big being at 1080P or 1440p at 1080p we see the core isolation off being 13% faster in the averages and 177% faster in the 1% lows at 1440p things don't change much as we are CPU Bott neck in both situations but still free performance man shares goost of new ween is a way heavier game that most people think especially in the village Parts where the CPUs really suffer in here the 7700x difference was minimal when using core isolation on or off with core isolation off delivering around 2 FPS more overall but still nothing really relevant in this game as we move to Dragon's Dogma 2 well this game is quite broken in terms of CPU performance and somehow I got even less performance with core isolation KN but since this is a gameplay Benchmark I believe some things might affect the FPS generally like the time of the day and so on so take it with a grain of salt Starfield is another CPU heavy title and yet we get our results inside the margin of error with core isolation on versus off being virtually on par I thought Starfield would show some more interesting results here well but I guess I was wrong as for Spider-Man the difference is small but it is there mostly at 1080p where core isolation is 5% faster which is nothing big for sure but I mean all the performance that comes for free is very welcomed at least for me enabling rate racing shifts the load to the GPU a bit more and the difference gets quite smaller now with a COR isolation off being barely faster still better safe than sorry I guess so my my advice is to keep it off yeah The Last of Us is one of those titles that really needs a strong CPU to perform well and interestingly the difference is almost n even at 1080p where we have just only a bit higher 1% lows and even less average FPS which doesn't really make much sense but still inside the margin of error this leads me to believe that a slower CPU would maybe see a bigger difference here Far Cry 6 shows us basically the same results where the C isolation off simply delivered a bit higher FPS but something that wouldn't be noticeable in real gameplay scenarios especially since it seems that anything below the 150 FPS Mark we'll get the same values with or without core isolation as for the overall results the differences are quite small and that happens because even though some games show a big difference like a setto Corsa or flight simulator others show a difference of exactly zero decreasing the overall difference obviously still pretty decent results for both configurations and of course if you want to play games like AET Corsa or Microsoft flight simulator core isolation off is a must and well as you saw the difference overall wasn't that much because of course in some scenarios we didn't have any difference at all so the overall difference will be shortened but still in terms of games like cetto Corsa Microsoft flight simulator the difference is there and will definitely make a difference in gameplay scenarios especially for people running High refresh rate panels but once again I just wanted to go even further and what about if I had a slower CPU a slower in CPU paired with an Nvidia GPU and since Nvidia gpus are known to have a higher CPU overhead from drivers meaning that slower CPUs will suffer more with the Nvidia gpus because once again of the higher CPU overhead in the drivers what will happen if I test core isolation off and on with the 12 600k and the RTX 4070 TI super let's see and now with a more or less equivalent Nvidia GPU that once again are known to have higher CPU overhead from their drivers with a slower CPU from Intel in this case the 12 600k and please refrain yourself from commenting from commenting I'm even stuttering commenting crap like you could have used the better Intel CPU yes I could but this is the fastest Intel CPU that I have as of now I will get maybe a better one soon for more CPU benchmarks now as for the results we can see as we did with the 7700x that a sow Corsa well in the sow corser so the CPU suffers with core isolation enabled with core isolation off being 10% faster at 1080P and with core isolation on strangely delivering more FPS at 1440p and that happen since at 1440p the load shifts more to the GPU side and in some cases it makes a slight difference with Microsoft flight simulator things get even worse with cor isolation handicapping the performance by 14% at 1080P and 19% at 1440p and once again you may ask why do we have a bigger difference at 1440p since 1440p uses more the GPU well first of all I would say that the results are almost inside the margin of error and having those those variances on both end on the core isolation off and off makes the difference grow if you know what I mean bishers ghost of new we and add almost no difference with the CPU as fast as the 7700 x with a 7900 XT but as soon as we use the slower 12600 G paired with an Nvidia GPU in this case the RTX 4070 TI super the difference gets noticeable at 1080p with core isolation off being 11% faster which is a very good Improvement for free and Dragon's Dogma 2 had some funny results with a 7700x as well but with this combo we can indeed see some difference performance- wise with cor isolation off being 7% faster at 1080P and 4% faster at 1440p which once again shows us that the core isolation needs to be turned off especially if you have a slower CPU Starfield was a game that made no difference with a 7700x and 7900 XD combo and it seems that even with this one the differences are quite small with both settings delivering the same average FPS but with the 1% lows being higher with core isolation off and the closer the 1% lows are to the average FPS the smoother the game playay is so that's a very nice thing and Spider-Man is a game that we know that is very CPU dependent so I was expecting bigger differences something that didn't happen as score isolation off was barely faster at 1080P and that was it in this case by 6% and as we enabled rate racing those differences just disappear as the results are basically within the margin of error as for the last of us it is more of the same as we didn't see any differences with the previous AMD combo but now we do still it is more or less like Spider-Man where the biggest difference is really at 1080P and isn't actually that big in this case 6% as well as we move to Far Cry 6 we finally see some relevant differences once again with a core isolation off being 11% faster at 1080P and 10% faster at 1440p and while these results might not be that relevant well or that might not seem that relevant they are we're talking about the 10% performance loss because of of a setting that was introduced without most people knowing but these are just my two cents of course and finishing with the averages we can see that the differences are bigger with this combo as they should with core isolation off now being 7.4% faster at 1080P and 4.1% faster at 1440p and remember that some games made no difference so the average is lower because if you're playing a game like cetto Corsa or Microsoft flight simulator you definitely want to keep core isolation on or simply disable virtualization on bios that's also a thing because it will disable virtualization but it will also disable automatically the core isolation so it's a you thing I guess let's now move to the final thoughts and well guys that's all for today's video I guess thank you very much for watching as for the differences well as you saw it seems that well the slower the CPU the more it will be noticed in some game scenarios for example in stronger C in a stronger CPU with an AMD GPU that has less CPU overhead like the 77 andx 7900 XT combo games like bishers and so on didn't make any difference with core isolation off and on but as soon as you get the slower CPU especially paired with an Nvidia GPU that has more CPU overhead the difference will be even more noticeable as even on bishers and in some games where the previous AMD combo had no problems we we could see that well core isolation on did in fact decrease the performance of the 12 600k and in some scenarios by a lot once again as setto Corsa um flight simulator was a big difference bishers also had a difference at 1080P and some more games had indeed a difference so in CPU driven scenarios the core isolation on will definitely definitely decrease the performance if you have especially especially of course if you have a lower tier CPU that's what will happen so my opinion is if you don't use virtualization by any chance just go to bios and disable it it is the easiest way and when you are installing Windows once again you don't need to care about it because as soon as virtualization is off on your bios you won't be even able to access the cor isolation menu on Windows meaning that you can't even enable it and it won't be enabled automatically so the best way to do it is disabling virtualization on bios as in terms of security I mean if someone really really wants to act your system it will not be the memory Integrity option that will save you so why not have more FPS when you can have more FPS and a smoother gameplay so yeah but but that's just me of course you do you thank you very much for watching don't forget it like subscribe and share this video that really helps a lot and leave your comment in the comment section let me know for example your experience and the FPS difference that you have if you play for example a setto Corsa or Microsoft flight simulator let me know the difference in FP yes that you have when enabling or disabling core isolation I'm really eager to know thank you very much and see you in the next video cheers [Music] [Music] ch [Music]
Channel: Ancient Gameplays
Views: 283,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nvidia settings, low fps fix, windows 11, amd radeon settings, best radeon settings for fps, best amd radeon settings for gaming, nvidia settings 2024, ancient gameplays, amd drivers, amd 24.4.1, amd 24.5.1, fps boost, amd fsr 3.1, amd fsr 3, amd fsr 3 frame generation, amd fps boost, amd fps drop fix, amd fps settings, nvidia fps boost, nvidia fps drop fix, 4070ti, 4070 super, 4070ti super, r7 7700x, i5 12600k, 7900xt, rx 7900xt, ryzen, amd, nvidia, how to get more fps
Id: 9rHwTN6U5cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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