fSpy Still Image perspective matching for Blender

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I wanted to do something familiar on let's look at software the feature on this channel hello oh hi Ola a handling greeting I'm not affiliated with any drawing AIDS software but I draw here's a hasty five point perspective done by pen here's an hour-long sketch on a tablet while I waited for an oil change I did it freehand but infinite painter offers a one-point perspective aid that I use to check my accuracy it's not horrible so one might think that perspective in 3d is easy we can open blender 2.81 a and with the camera selected we can activate background images and add an image thinking perspective is easy when we press zero on the number pad and and in the View tab lock our camera to view and manipulate the grid in our 3d software to match the perspective of the image from the photograph it's easier said than done of course as I said I'm not affiliated with any drawing aid software blender users will remember blam that was retired November 2018 and became F spy F spy works in all 3d softwares it's an open source still image camera matching software however when you download and run F Spy as a standalone application you can drag your picture in and it will give you all of these numbers to copy and paste into your 3d application of choice before you do that you'll want to arrange the ones and the twos so that they are projecting across right angles to one another these numbers will then translate to your 3d software in this particular case the clever observer may notice my z-axis is upside down if your 3d software is blender as we had just opened up you'll be happy to see there is an official F spy importer add-on that sets those parameters with a click once you download and install the blender add-on you can access it preferences add-ons and use the install feature in the add-ons to simply run the zip that you've downloaded it's called F spy blender not to be confused with the application download which is just F Spy as soon as it's installed it's ready to use and it's found beneath the import menu before I import something for you in this case I would like to handle this inverted z-axis F spy works by having you describe where the vanishing point is you may remember from my tablet drawing that there was a vanishing point up in the top right and I sketched some lines to make all the waiting room chairs point to it and then kind of validated my own work by using a drawing aid to tell me where in fact that vanishing point would have resolved but the things that I was drawing in different areas of the room well you're the guide and here we've said the vanishing point axes are along the positive x and the positive Y here's the positive x Illustrated and here's the positive Y illustrated with blenders default cube set up to be our example you can see that the positive y-axis indeed up into the right but the positive x-axis does not shoot up and to the left that is the negative x-axis that acts as our vanishing point in the top left so if we go back to F spy and change the vanishing point to negative X our z axis is restored vertically now since with the blender add-on we can just press a button and import all these settings it's worth a moment to check the settings right now the camera position is almost too blender units below the origin the origin in blender as with pretty much any 3d software is at zero zero zero where the 3d cursor is quite naturally we normally don't construct things from below the plane or the grid we do it from above so one way to get this camera position z-axis into a positive number is to simply move if just moving the origin of 3d space isn't enough for you you can activate a 3d guide like the grid floor that you see in just about every 3d software this will help you get a better understanding of where the camera is and so it will translate for you items in the properties of the image saving a project and F's by simply means naming it and not worrying about the file extension once saved F Spy can be closed and inside blender at least you'll find your f Spy project ready to import the interesting thing is it will create a new F spy camera that matches the project this is the default camera you will no longer need blenders default camera and zero on the number pad we'll send you right in to the F spy camera remember earlier we looked inside the cameras data properties and we saw background images and we set it as a JPEG image well now it is an F spy project and just like an F spy here's origin down here putting our camera 1.45 - - for blender units above the grid floor it's easy to say that the F spy website makes the basics really easy to understand of camera matching and all of the different tips and tricks that they suggest you use and the tutorial is very basic and easy to follow and included as one of the F spy projects when you download the software if you use a different software and click on source code you can find from stuff o matic the F spy github page and participate to help port it to Maya or 3d studio max blender users rejoice here it is and now anything we create is aligned to the perspective that we dictated from the image we used in F spine at least it's as well it's as well matched as your perspective lines were a quick note some of these images look better when they're in front of the model another quick note if we were to open this and try to change it it would appear to be unopenable by clicking on the project file it merely opened the application but by dragging the project file into the application it opened we can see the project file and then make little changes as we see fit like perhaps I'm interested in the corners matching up right here and then when I press file and save I have a brand new F Spy project that can be refreshed without leaving the scene the origin jumped over to that corner immediately one word of caution there are times in another project where my ad images stacked up of the project I was working on again and again and again however that was when I was using blender 2.8 this is blender 2.8 one and also if you are still using blender 2.79 good news there is support for blender versions older than 2.8 if you're using an older blender version download version 1.0 dot 2 one final note for blender users making a piece of geometry match the image that you're using imported from F Spy will give you happy access to that projection method that everybody's doing these days in object mode the modifier UV project benefits from more subdivisions simple top of the stack choose the F spy project when a material is put on to the object that you've modeled that matches the F Spy project choose the image if you choose the F spy project as an image even more subdivisions will tighten it up only so much what you'll have to do is adjust the aspect ratio to match the aspect ratio of the image that you're using when you depart F spies camera view you will have projected whatever it is like this guy who should consider eating somewhere else while that's the essence of everything F spy I'll show you something that I've been working on which is how I know more about F Spy I took a photograph when I was at brunch in Germany and I really liked where I was I used that image to create 3d models that I will soon be giving away so keep an eye out on this channel for a class that I'm giving on creating materials that match real world pictures I'd seem when you're using viewport shading solid you may not immediately see the effect of your f Spy project so I would recommend you take a look at the settings that I have here and use that in your project when you switch your viewport shading to material preview the f Spy project will begin to shine through and remember of course will it be behind your model or in front of your model since this picture was taken with a cell phone camera I am having a little difficult time at the edges matching some of the heavy distortion that my cell phone camera produced but generally speaking a strong camera with a good sensor that's more like a DSLR will produce a good perspective that is clean and easy to read with less distortion at the edges and you should find F spy pretty convenient in your workflow that's all I got every interaction you do with me on the Internet makes me feel good and thanks for watching
Channel: HelloHiHola
Views: 9,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, perspective drawing, BLAM, camera matching
Id: l4uKw5XKAzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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