From Zero to THIS in 84 minutes (Zero to Highroller) - Dark and Darker

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oh what a shot there dropped him from that far away that was a nice shot hey there guys today we're going to be going fresh from level one on the fighter we're going to be going with a pretty traditional thing we're going to be running probably not defense Mastery R the bat I think to be honest we'll probably run uh let's go weapon Mastery right off the bat I don't normally run this perk but I actually like it in the very beginning when you don't have any gear and so you can just use pretty much whatever you get your hands on again valuing that versatility we're going to get straight into it but I just want to say guys if you watch the video and you enjoy I'd appreciate likes if you want to see more like this i' really appreciate subscriptions a lot okay without further Ado let's get into it hey there guys so today of course we're going to be playing as a fresh um fighter straight from level one now the reason for this is I kind of wanted to do something with from like a point of view of like a newer player uh although we are going straight into High Roller so I guess immediately that kind of makes it not the most uh new player friendly experience we actually already got two pretty decent gloves off the bat I'd normally prefer the Viger but uh in fact honestly I think we will go for the Viger although there other ones are solid as well now we're not going to be going really for AP much so we probably will actually store gear we're not doing a hardcore thing today so we're not going to be deleting this character although actually we probably will at some point because I already have a fighter I don't really want to I normally just delete this character to do whatever kind of videos we're having at the moment going immediately into High Roller not advised for new players however if you've got some experience under your belt you know roughly the attack patterns of most mobs you should be okay just make sure you're patient with the PVE I was talking to a firm recently and I was saying it's it's like something like Dark Souls right where you just have to be patient and you'll be okay against most mobs at least not the um at least most the normal ones maybe not the actual really dangerous ones like The Wraith and the skeleton Champion stuff like that poetri also the cockatrice you just have to cheese basically I don't know maybe there's a way to not do it or to do it without cheese but so much easier to just cheese it right really good loot here lots of boxes one of the best or some of the best like Loot on the map here in Ruins just on this bridge due to all the boxes aside from that of course the cemetery very good as well over to the southwest of us also down the well to the West of us but probably a lot of players over at the side of the map so we're going to just probably not PVP too much at the moment we're just going to look for whatever upgrades we can as always I don't really like running plate boots however right now I think those are just so much better that we're kind of forced to uh the reason with plate boots is you're so loud um I feel like it makes you now this is like kind of unscientific and everything it's just what it feels like but it feels like people are more likely to focus someone who's wearing plate boots rather than someone who's not wearing plate boots so immediately just feels like it puts you down at a disadvantage uh let's drop the hatch here keep the lantern I suppose we could have actually kept these things there's another box here a few more chests here we'll grab this Shrine then I guess we'll head over to the west and see nice potion always nice to find meds um honestly maybe we should just head safe to be honest yeah let's do that actually let's head south immediately there's quite a few more boxes here might have to do a little bit of PVE but no worries might Agro these little insect things these honestly honestly these drop like better loot than most mobs in the game so these are actually not bad to kill bit annoying when they take two hits but oh well it'll be all right okay perfect let's go ahead and take a look at what they had okay pretty okay okay pretty low to your loop I don't know I feel like from those things I get jewelry quite often compared to most mobs where you just get you know some like white trash uh weapon bad damage there completely unnecessary unfortunately that's what I get for not being as patient as I should have been I guess remember as well you can always cleave your attacks through multiple like enemies at the same time both PVP and PVE wow purple a cultist h wish we got that when we were playing on the uh warlock yesterday that would have been a nice find it's it actually any good uh it's not bad it's got some useful stats H interesting okay I was going to say cuz someone spawns here so for this to be unlooted that would be a bit surprising it looks like they just immediately opened this door and run south somewhere so let's go ahead and just see what kind of loot we can get our hands on uh find a crossbow would be really great that's a pretty terrible um well it's a spellcaster kettle hat knowledge magical power spellcasting speed would be very good if we had any spells but we don't we're a fighter so right looks like the is this skeleton swordsman already died or have we just somehow not agged it I guess it's already dead now you see this green Horseman's axe is actually probably like worse than the arming sword it does slightly higher damage but it slows us by more but screw let's try anyway honestly the Rope here would probably be a better use all right let's pop a bandage as well we won't quite get to oh wait maybe we will h no we won't quite get to full HP on that we would have if you used the other high bandage but it's actually blue well let's just not worry about it for now now the horsman a one of the worst weapons in the game honestly worst one handers anyway low damage slows you as much as a two-handed long sword I don't understand the bouncing on this weapon my um theory is it's balanced for the Barbarian axe perks which people just don't take so maybe this is okay if you take every single axe per but it's just worse than most things okay um okay interesting I did actually want to try something like this I did want to try a um not full PDR not a Slayer but like a 200 variant with like a Chappelle probably dark play armor cuz I think dark play armor is probably just the best chest for the fighter and then also [Music] probably well probably not much other play either um actually yeah let's just take a white arming sword over a gray hor uh green Horseman going to be a lot better let's quickly go and destroy this real quick however I do think the halber is probably better than the Bish but I know the Bish is like kind of okay it's not horrible I just don't really like its attack patterns that much but you do of course get um if I can actually ever hit this you do get access to block with a Bish which might be useful sometimes however it's quite a thin Block it's a bit difficult to use you have to be quite good at actually blocking okay um now while these gives less stats they aren't plates so I think we're going to be taking them just purely off that um basis uh we can actually use throwing knives because we have weapon Mastery normally you can't as a fighter which is a little bit weird I don't know would kind of expect fighters to be able to use those I guess this has very good box breaking capabilities if you hear that there someone into the East let's have a quick look those are actually pretty good light foots I think we will actually take those to be honest we can hold on to what we had before for now uh every now and then decent idea just to look up to see if the um well a if there's anyone up there or B if the mobs are aggroed on anyone up there or if the the mobs are gone okay nice Shield I say nice Shield it's an all right Shield it's not amazing but it's okay definitely an upgrade either way um yeah like I was saying I think the halber oh my God okay those are solid gloves let's take those five strength magic res Fizz damage bonus really solid right now we're looking for a better chest better helmet better legs aside from that we do have some pretty decent pieces right at the start of this um because this is a very low rank Lobby I mean we're literally level one this is the lowest rank it can possibly be let's go through here and see if the cemeter is actually looted I have a feeling perhaps at very low rank people actually just don't even know how good the loot is here someone has looted a little bit but looks like they've left some of the tombs I imagine the raw coffin is gone yep it is just make sure there's nothing left in here no okay well honestly these Stone tombs also give pretty good loot as well um one more thing about this video we probably won't be doing too much PVP like we're definitely okay to engage in PvP if we do get some however we're down a lot of our perks it's generally not a wise idea and I did kind of want to try and make this a bit more um new player oriented I suppose I probably shouldn't be playing a bit of an aat build okay this is where you loot these um areas in here very nice actually a solid Cape like three dexter2 truth is and we got better loose trasers got a little bit of action speed let's actually check our action speed right now um 5% so we're attacking 5% faster than the average average fighter with like base stats it's not too bad it'll help us out with our Bish um dexterity is the primary like contributor to action speed along with of course action speed rolles on gear so dexterities a pretty solid set I think agility does give a tiny little bit as well but it's quite a limited amount compared to but inventry is a bit of a mess already we can definitely drop like a lot of this stuff though especially because we're probably going to be going down to Crypts can we not use the B by default no we actually can't uh someone's through here I can hear that we might try and fight them or at least see what class they are it sounds like they're on this Tower yeah they definitely are you can see the light through the wall okay they're up at the top it's very possible that they actually just died I think they just died I'm not going to lie uh okay well I went up here to kind of try and fight them but looks like we won't have to um strength amulet perfect well not perfect it's all right um yep it was a is that a ranger don't exactly tell what that is nice wow honestly surprised I know we hit this in the wing but either way I thought it so would have died let's go take a look I mean we can definitely take this guy's bow honestly I think we will so let's drop that let's drop those as well let's store this Shield let's take the Bish let's take the oh they have like no arrows for us actually um okay well let's take this chest piece aside from that uh we probably should be taking some of these Treasures I guess let's just grab those yeah that'll do for us for now uh do they have they have literally zero arrows left which I guess explains why they died so um I found out recently I think whoever commented saying that portals are worth 30 red portals actually are worth 30 it's just Blues are only worth 10 so these things are absolutely crazy levels of AP like way too high to be honest someone is still here someone's within our VoIP range no idea where trying to listen out can't quite hear anything um slot more AP down there but I want to loot this chest to see if we can get anything more usable and then we're just going to take a red down into the next level okay let's just take up this red down could have went and got a little bit more AP but we'll probably be okay so I should just use this bandage okay that took us forever to load in so g a bow is nice we of course have weapon Mastery which is why we're allowed to use that it's actually why we're allowed to use both of our weapons right now War more I don't really like the W more uh let's right let's probably drop some of this stuff then let's drop uh White throwing knives we do have a decent amount of throwables which I like let's drop white Treasures as well we're not going to need any of these white Treasures uh we can definitely do better than white Treasures okay perfect all right green diamonds decent let's grab this Shrine let's H where should we head I think let's head into this is the room of the scotton champion right yeah it is I believe yeah forgot to pick up the torch unfortunately let's try and aggro the skeletons without AG gring the champion um someone informed me of a good way to actually cheese the champion in here which is a lot more consistent so we'll try and look for that I think there's maybe a ranged skeleton in there couldn't hit him okay all right this might be a little bit awkward right I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to do this I guess we probably shouldn't have AGG the branch skeleton what we can do is now that they're probably going to lose argro as we shut the door uh let's loot up here okay some arrows is nice we can probably use the arrows to take out the skeleton uh the crossbowman that is more throwables I guess we'll W grab some of them um if we could find some more arrows that would be ideal I'm not sure H ooh nice okay so let's go through let's make sure we reload our boat first I think there might be another skeleton yeah there's one that we need to spawn in there again let's just be patient let's not AG gr the champion yet right really high damage especially soon as we're doing a 10% penalty I guess it is 56 base damage right so we'll probably going to okay it's going to say we're almost certainly going to aggro these C and Champion here I'm just trying to kill the little ads before we actually kill the big one should make it a lot easier to deal with that way let's try and kill this range one and then we don't have to worry too much about the rest of them okay perfect actually this guy randomly came over to this side right I guess we were doing more damage or we two hit the other one due to the second and third attacks in your combos generally do more damage than the first one which is probably what happened there can't even see this skeleton let's try not to let him destroy the door hopefully we can actually drag him out this way now we can try and yeah Dodge that easily enough I've missed so many arrows actually don't think it's going to die now right let's just use some throwing knives okay perfect we actually did kill it there so I'm not sure EX exactly where is the chees I think it's on like one of these shelves yeah okay I jumped off there I was trying to see if it was all right let's kill the other little skeleton first hly I guess with the Bish a longrange weapon you don't have to worry too much about standing here uh I say that maybe not yeah I guess with something like a Bish it doesn't really matter too much but I think that is um the location that they mentioned this little shelf here wait for him to come back not sure if he can actually hit us here or not let's actually just full Crouch and see if he can hit us it actually doesn't cuz um I believe it's Shield slam is like the biggest um hit that it has like the most area bit awkward to hit it here with the Bish keep hitting its Shield actually I'm trying to hit it in the chest yeah let's uh let's not do that it's probably a lot better if you have a a weapon with a normal attack pattern but the Bish is such a I honestly really dislike the attack pattern but I did want to try some of the longer weapons like the um mainly the halber the halber is one which I think is maybe the better ones okay I mean I guess we'll take a blue Horseman's ax just to sell it there is quite a bit of loot in here so let's go ahead and grab some of this uh let's go and grab our arrows from the skeletal crossbowman oh a longbow okay well we can definitely make sure we get grab a few more arrows Longbow is a pretty nice pickup God damn I wish we had our torch Arrow Arrow okay perfect uh we're going to take a little bit of damage here but don't worry about it we'll be fine survival bow throwing let like a few more Franciscus there's a bigger chest in here we're not going to Lo everything in here now because we don't want to take too much damage from The Zone we don't have a huge amount of meds we're still on our first run of course dark plate armor okay that is a nice find uh at this point let's drop that Shield let's grab a few more arrows and buy a few more arrows actually quite a lot more there we're not going to be going through the middle part of the map because there was actually like a huge amount of PVE in there I guess we could for XP I think what we're going to do is we're going to use oh okay okay oh nice there's another um oh nice oh it's actually a lock pick one we do have lock picks but I don't think there's any point of actually uh picking that lock not going to be worth it we're going to get better loot just from around the map I do believe another Horseman let's just leave it well we can definitely vender some of these things we're in High Roller so we can probably get better loot even if it's just other better things to vendor the skeleton he up up above I believe so you don't actually have to worry can't get here uh let's make sure we actually use some of these meds uh let's just pop both our bandages hopefully we can get to full HP I think it'll be uh actually no we will be full HP perfect okay right another bandage uh the death scores again are another pretty good thing to loot they give quite often as you can see bandages or also they also give uh jewelry somewhat often and also throwing weapons especially if you're a fighter or Barbarian Mitch or Rogue I guess make sure you're looting those Franciscus and throwing knives are actually really solid we got another helmet upgrade that's really good find uh let's try it's time to drop those more raw Heights I guess we'll take raw Heights instead of the oil lantern now I don't think we're going to be going to hell um our inventory is already pretty damn full while we could definitely upgrade some of our pieces I think right now honestly we have a pretty decent kit this is kind of the thing that I wanted to run do we just go long sword instead of bish like the long sword is definitely a better weapon and also we won't have to get the 10% physical damage loss on the Bish however this Bish might be better than this long sword I'm not sure I think yeah I think we will long sword is just a more fun weapon as well if we get a halber now that might change my mind but a Bish yeah let's go for the long sword we got long sword long bow we're a very long boy right now lots of PVE in this room but there is some decent loot in here so it's not too bad of a place to clear I was trying to kill that I guess we should just use the Longbow the only problem is the Longbow is the fighter of course you don't get any of the perks to like draw your weapon faster or anything uh sorry draw your bow faster you don't reload faster but you know you also get access to better melee weapons for when people actually push into you honestly I'm impressed with how good our kit is already this is probably a lot better than you can expect to get on average for you know just an average Fighter game well not just fighter but oh yeah it must have weakened itself on the traps oh my God so many arrows of course don't get the um big head shot multiplier as well like Ranger does now what we're probably going to do is we're probably going to go into the Zone a little bit take a little bit of damage from this or to get this um chest if we have enough time we will have to clear some PVP so sorry PVE so maybe we won't actually have enough time right okay H I'm not sure if we will I don't think we actually will have enough time so let's actually just open up all these portals reload our bow we'll check that big chest over there it's not a lion's head or anything but it is still a decent chest let's stock up on arrows again as well from which other mob had the arrows oh it's from this Archer actually hopefully we can get something better unfortunately we lost both of our torches but not that big of a deal [Music] at this point we could maybe get away with running the plate boots but I mean what's our move speed with nothing out 274 like we're actually pretty fast still probably primarily due to these loots boosts and light foots okay anyway that's a good enough run let's head out and see what we got 840 AP of course no penalty right now it's starting right from the bottom level seven from that one run so nice we are going to be able to get an additional perk slot now we do have quite a few options here what do we want to go for projectile resistance is just an always solid decent perk combo attack I don't think is actually that good it also it seems kind of buggy I don't know sometimes it just doesn't proc Counterattack very good option if you are blocking consistently we have a long sword so we could but you know it's a bit more skillful I don't think it's that necessary I don't think we're going to be going for that whilst our perk slots are quite limited what we will probably end up going is just Swift how much move speed do we gain we gained like nine movement speed from running Swift so I think we will actually just go ahead and run Swift right now probably a pretty good option all right let's go ahead and vendor all these things and see how much money we got from this that's 345 from the treasures that we had and then from the other various items we have an additional 134 so that's almost 500 gold a pretty decent kit we do have some gold to spend it's unfortunate that this ring of V it is actually gingerbread if this was gold we would buy it um right now this dark plate armor is actually pretty solid the armor rating on it is will give us quite a nice defensive bonus unfortunate that there's no jewelry here so we're not going to be buying any um instead let's just go ahead and make sure we're stocked up on meds uh let's go ahead and buy a campfire as well always want to bring it a campfire in as a fighter if you bringing any sort of gearon this is too many Franciscus to be honest but it's okay we'll keep them all for now our inventory is quite a mess but it'll be okay hopefully I mean I guess we might as well accept every Quest we're definitely not going to be focusing quests but I guess we'll utilize what we can and let's go ahead and head into Goblin caves haven't done any Goblin caves in a little while so hopefully we can just get in get enough XP to get level 10 and head out okay hey there guys we're into our first goblin caves now there are actually a few Wizards in this lobby but the good thing about running the dark plate armor is we actually have you know we take a sixth less damage from uh Magic damage which if you're running the fine curus you are slower which hurts that match up a lot okay that's bad damage and also you generally have negative magic resistance which just means you absolutely just get destroyed by Wizards and warlocks uh I actually forgot to buy bandages that's quite unfortunate damn okay well we have plenty of meds we just don't have like the ideal meds I guess uh let's check this Phoenix choker pretty terrible but I guess at least the mod oh at least the mods synergize that's people who are like new and don't really understand what items are worth and things um it's hard to say you know this will be worth x amount cuz the market changes all the time however okay I thought this guy was going to Agro the important thing to note is just do the mods synergize together do they work together cuz if they do that's a good combo of course now it's pretty obvious in hindsight but something like magic damage oh sorry uh Magic damage and spell casting speed of course they synergize right um in most situations something like a warlock who's playing with the Crystal Sword and playing without any spells won't get any value from that and Smite cleric will get a little bit because they generally still have to cast spells but it's not that this is a hetian neck right it's still at the end of the green most greens are not going to be worth maybe if you get an insane green it might be like 200 gold but usually they're worth like 100 Max so but I'm not someone who trades a lot either so I'm there's someone like right here let's go take a look at what they are I think it's a Rogan stealth what we're going to do is pop a protection pot H I may have misjudged well the missed the perfect diamond and a blue bangle I think I misjudged either that or this guy has or this is a rogue and they're just sitting here in hide Mastery H interesting I guess either way I must have misjudge something there oh wow okay that those are probably nicer gloves um I do think heavy leather legs are an option for a build like this but they do make you quite a bit slower and of course in Solo you truly need to like balance your stats you can't really go full damage and full tank cuz you're never really going to be that tanky against Wizards as a fighter so if you're not careful you definitely might get yourself um heed you can also just you know take these things off during fights but then you're having to micromanage these things definitely does help um you do lose magic resistance but generally the speed is probably going to be more valuable against Wizards and things warlocks than having a little bit of magic damage reduction cuz it's not really enough to make much of an impact let's head down here there's usually pretty good loot down here on these [Music] shelves hopefully the goblin doesn't steal out kill okay he actually did that his poison unlucky no normally doesn't matter I guess you lose a tiny bit of AP but the AP you get from Monsters is so low uh but right now we need the XP so that's the annoying part we do of course also have the Longbow however honestly for PVE I'm probably not going to be using it too much just due to how slow that we actually are utilizing that how much it slows us down how slow our reloads are I think hopefully we should just be able to burst this guy okay perfect right now makebe make sure you loot everything on these shelves you can get some really good items from here or you can get just loads of cracked Bangles I guess um yeah pretty low to your loot honestly you don't normally get this unlucky right let's have a look pretty decent pendant honestly probably better than as let's go ahead and check out our action speed 6.8 so that's 1.5% action speed there from two dexterity we also get a little bit of extra health and Max uh sorry projectile damage reduction the interesting thing about projectile damage reduction is it actually works on like um projectile spells as well such as like Fireball if you get direct impacted magic missiles uh ice what's what's it called ice ice bolt now it's not going to make us super tanky against Wizards it never will do but it can help a little bit in certain situations this is one of the levers I was talking about in the previous video where it's like buggy as hell and you have to get it like perfect um oh no that's roast I actually maybe you just can't interact with this there's got to be some way you can but I don't know like what the angle is whatever all it does is it opens up um this little hidden part here and there's like another chest and like a a skeleton body on the floor I'd be surprised if we don't get much PVP that's a that's an okay recurve I guess we'll hold on to that for now notice we can actually use the Crystal Sword as CU a weapon Mastery pretty fun little interaction the only thing to not is of course we're not going to be that tanky until we're running like you're never going to be that tanky if you're not running like full PDR gear versus you know physical damage classes we're at 35% which is okay but we're still kind of going to get shredded by most things it'll only it doesn't turn you into a tank it just reduces your incoming damage that you take a little bit not much at all so that's one of the things I say you still have to play like your squishy as you're playing this kind of build for a fighter cuz you are still pretty squishy especially not having a shield um Rangers might just have like a field day with you or Fighters with crossbows the crossbow is probably going to be much more effective than this Longbow that we're using ideally we can find a crossbow I guess we could have just bought one and then we could actually just swap out uh the weapon Mastery perk and take something a bit more useful whether that's the armor rating or maybe Counterattack or the projectile resistance I don't know there's quite a few good options V has pretty good perks in [Music] general although I think the class that has like the best perks is probably Rogue like Rogue has so many different options like if you could have like six uh six different perk slots I feel like Rogue would be the class that probably gets the most out of it nice another campfire was decent we'll take a potion of enies just in case um no one's within our vo radius okay I said that and then immediately someone appeared within our void range and then left again so they must have just been on the edge somewhere um yeah I hear someone up to the north I think they're actually above us as well I'm down to take a fight right now we will be a little bit weaker than they should be than we should be of course due to the perks they're up there however that I'm not sure what class that is it's a decent Viking sword but I don't think Viking Viking sword's only good if you're um a barbarian I wouldn't recommend it if you're playing fighter even though you can use it without weapon Master even it's just yeah it's just um the attack pattern is not ideal it's kind of low range can we go up and peek our heads wait this was not a wise decision I'm just going to be honest did they die or like what happened oh thank you to this Archer helping us out took a one hit there but it's okay this time we should remember to actually buy meds or buy bandages that is again you can loot these mobs but just in general they're just going to have generally low Tio loot so it's not really worth it too much we'll probably be leaving soon as quite often it feels like in golin caves you're struggling to find a portal in the current iteration towards the end I guess right now we could there's plenty of options to come back and just pick up one of these portals if anything does go wrong so I guess what we actually will do is greed a little bit more I'm not sure what's happened in this run there were loads of players in the lobby well there's a that's going to go and extract and there's nothing we can do about it unless we just hit a random head shot and one tap him oh we got a bit stuck there oh thank you ah bad Miss there unfortunately if we hit that throwing ax I actually think he was going to die I missed one Longbow shot or at least one one was like the game decided there uh there's plenty of PS back behind us but we might as well open this get a little bit more AP a little bit more XP do a little bit more looting we still have decent bit of space before we have to leave we just need to make sure we're listening out in case anyone's going to sneak up on our portal or on us but more likely our portal uh let's just grab whatever random things we can and let's probably head out of here now pretty safe Goblin caves run did try and take the PVP um generally a pretty poor matchup against I see that there's a bow thinger there attacking H they actually just left all right well whatever let's just get out of it uh against the wizard but we do have probably the better variant of fighter for fighting Wizards except maybe Slayer Slayer fighter might be better overall okay perfect we did actually get level 10 now we could buy a crossbow that might be a better idea so for now let's just stash away this Longbow let's actually stash this recurve as well pretty decent recurve I'm not going to lie let's s these riveted gloves let s these riveted gloves we have so many franciscos it's actually really nice to have this many franciscos uh stash away the quest items quite a probably not much money let's take a look yeah only 127 from Treasures we really didn't loot that much in that run uh I guess maybe the new Goblin caves I'm just not not that um good at looting yet oh those are pretty good heavy boots I mean those are good light foots as well let's just save those light foots for now we can even save those let's sell the riveted gloves 48 gold from those stash this necklace cuz we already have one stash that for now we can maybe sell it if we want to on Market later on we're not going to be doing any trading right now but let's go ahead and make sure we actually buy bandages this time and let's buy one more potion just to stock up our little stash and I think all looks good we don't need to surgical kits we don't need two campfires that means we can put Potions there uh I don't like having not having a torch let's go ahead and buy two torches as well from The Woodsman let's also go ahead and remember to buy our crossbow almost forgot there we will actually pay double the price for an extra four damage that's might not be worth it but we have the gods right now to spend so seems like a decent option this actually means now we can drop weapon Mastery we don't need it for the long sword or the crossbow and now we will probably run defense Mastery gives us another 5% PDR and then again there's a few decent options here um adrenaline spikes okay projectile resistance is okay cter attack is okay we're probably not going to be blocking too much with the long sword I'm not the most um confident at blocking with the long sword so I think we'll probably just take something which is always pretty decent and we'll take projectile resistance okay hey there guys we're back into ruins we got the cemetery spawn so we're going to try and do the strategy again where we just basically immediately go for the Royal coffin and then probably leave very good loot here as I say get in one poke get him to Fireball the wall hopefully he's in the radius of that you hear that there's actually someone in plate coming down here got one shot but it's it was pretty low on his body this guy's pretty low gear actually again it's plate boots that's the reason I went after him cuz he's so loud make sure he doesn't hit us if he hits us with that fireball it's going to hurt okay perfect get the drop on him let's quickly look the skeleton Mage we'll probably go north and actually play against or uh go ahead and see what that guy is doing in there unfortunately we did P the skeleton so we're going to have to spend a little bit of time just keep baiting his attacks so he can't actually hit us in here or can't drop us in here any further make sure we loot the raw coffin uh ideally we're looking for some jewelry okay some jewelry we can equip I guess I should have specified right let's go take a look to the north plenty more good loot here so honestly because this is outside the Zone people probably won't come here especially due to how low rank it is let's go ahead and see what happened to this guy okay it looks like he's draging all the mobs over there so it's probably okay for us to just comment take whatever loot we want from in here although I'm actually wondering if this guy died it looks like he may have died just due to the fact that the um PVE or D I imagine this guy's gear is quite low kill the Wisp they're kind of annoying mobs to fight the Wisp trying and bait him to hit the skeleton incl speed it up a little bit for us he steals our XP it's fine okay perfect these can drop um some rare items Ruby we don't need a white Ruby um they can drop some I forget what it is but some item that's specific to them which is like worth a lot in trou it crafts into the high Tier gear there's actually an armor there the armor is also another option for the helmet in this run if it's any good or in this kind of Kit just the more offensive oriented one whilst the H skull is the more defensive oriented one this may have been a misplay um actually coming here instead of just looting all the stone tombs Stone tombs are so good it's a shame that's will and magical power like I I guess we can take cuz it we'll probably end up voring that but if that was um physical power and vigor or something we honestly could or potentially more move speed as well we could probably swap out like what are we with a long sword out oh God we're only 250 now with our long sword out I guess when we do use our Sprint we will actually be like 300 so we will be pretty fast we'll be like on par with like Rogues and things whilst they um have their daggers out which have very little movements penalty like I think Sprint is like the most important ability for the fighter maybe when you're newer and you're not as good as the game um second win might be a bit more important but I don't know I just feel like Sprint is probably the actual like it's not underrated cuz almost everyone uses it but I think it still might be a little bit underrated people don't value it as good as it is i s I just heard someone yeah there there is someone like right on the other side of this wall couldn't see what class they are um all right fine now if it's a rogue that's a no I think it is a rogue I think they're in stealth no okay they must have just left somewhere or died but I didn't hear anything attacked so I can't imagine they died I did want to quickly check that um bug that we killed there I'm not sure if the um cross women actually have p uh armor pen on their crossbows like normal player crossbows do but I assume they do so they probably hurt quite a lot as well through our PDR more BS we don't really need this many we can absolutely drop another or drop the secondary stack if need to we also honestly have way too many franciscos but for now it's okay we'll probably use quite a few if we actually get into a fight with someone trying to kite us so don't have to worry too much about it very dead raid at the moment or Raid game match I don't know almost destroyed some of the boxes here but not all of them why is this a CST Hood so like flat let pick it up yeah I was going to say there could be a bangle underneath it or something so H I kind of feel like I want to do a little bit of PVP let's go and see if we can find another player we do have plenty of crossbow shots left as well someone's within our vo range but they could kind of just be anywhere oh anywhere like right there why is everyone using the long sword recently I'm not sure if this guy wants to fight or if he's like kind of worried okay he does definitely want to try and fight we going to have an honorable long sword youel all right all right he's gaming okay well honestly he had a pretty Good Start I was kind of getting a bit worried I was thinking maybe I'm going to have to proc our um Second Wind but we out geared him so much that we didn't really have to actually hit him that many times pretty low skill uh long sword jeel though I'm not really sure exactly how you parry it looks like he may have been practicing his Parry or I take the bones oo some nice Treasures for us as well uh is this hand skull any better no not really it's worse all right well honestly good try there's still someone with another vo range so there's someone somewhere honestly couldn't tell if that guy wanted to fight or not but the way he was like uh moving from side to side maybe think he probably did you see that there was like a light at that back door I think someone's in the hell room that we came from yeah they just opened the door door okay well poor guy not sure what that was look like a loo Rogue probably now there's no one within our fo range takes a little while to kill this mob with a crossbow but yeah I don't know the crossbow like is so nice even after like the few Nerf it's got it really should probably have another one I don't know it damage is so front loed though which is probably why it feels so oppressive cuz like it it just immediately hits you with like a big you know 40 damage blast or something right which like most classes can't really just instant hit you with a big hit like that let's check for heer Treasures take a crossbow Bolt from his body so high to a r but who cares uh we'll open up this these boxes here we'll open up this blue as well of course still on the lookout for upgrades however it's mainly jewelry and I don't think you can actually get jewelry from these boxes no h we're there's probably not many people left in the raid right now let's pop a health potion let's pop this bandage and then we'll head further to the east we'll probably be taking a red soon I kind of just would like to get an idea of how many players are actually left in the game I feel like there's probably not too many but we'll see uh the only thing is with the long sword is I don't really like the uh okay I don't really like the attack pattern too much especially in long sword draws I guess it is good for the draws cuz the um initial stab is kind of hard to Parry at least if you're someone who doesn't know what you're doing like uh me okay well that's convenient the red just opened up immediately however we can definitely run back and take that but I think for now as I said we kind of want to do a bit more scouting and see who there is in the lobby if there's anyone I assume there is it would be really early for there to be no one I imagine it's just in our little Zone currently there's no one I hear the spider down below the like big giant spider okay yeah someone within vo range not sure where probably to the e though probably killing wol oh no well the wolves are alive or at least one of them is let's go see hopefully we can get level 15 from this run and have all of our perks unlocked it's been pretty good so far we've been going pretty fast but I guess the slowing uh the leveling does slow down quite significantly when you get to level like 10 plus there's triple red right there waiting for us it's 90 AP decent chest is all behind us that we can grab H someone's still here there Barbarian oh he's opened up all the ports we're not going to be able to kill him but maybe we can hit like a crossbow headshot and then he'll have to use some more meds Pro tip reload your crossbow like early there's a hand shot so we're never going to kill him there it's just going to maybe he has to use a few more meds now we can get one more dungeon portal maybe he's left some loot in here though it's looking like it's probably pretty pretty fully looted to be honest um yeah screw it let's just head down okay hey there guys into the Crips now the only problem with that inventry right now is we just have too much um too many throw balls honestly wow that actually did clip us this room's pretty annoying to clear sometimes ideally like to kill the Zombies before you get gas clouds but honestly quite often here you're not able to kill them in time okay perfect right probably won't have anything good from any of these actually had a blue one this zomie surprising maybe a bandage from The Mummy yeah perfect okay let's go ahead wait for the gas playes these things do magic damage goes through all your PDR it's kind of annoying especially the nightmare ones uh in hell my God those things absolutely destroy you you just kind of disintegrate whil you're in them now again I probably would like to try and kill that skeleton Champion again just chance of the golden key pretty low chance but either way a chance not too many things that you can get us just straight up golden key from so Ah that's why I don't really like the um swings of the long sword so much as well they are a little bit uh what's the word a little bit at risk of smashing into walls and things on necessary hit there but it usually it's okay it's not as bad as this yander or something the war more but and I guess you do have that just first attack which just immediately pokes right so don't complain too much about the attack p another the long sword honestly two uh two magical damage is like a pretty good find let's drop the bolts I guess for now don't need that many another potion we'll definitely pop that keep getting hit by these little dragon flies but but they don't really do much damage so it's just a bit annoying really um okay yeah let's try let's fit that somewhere do we need this many Franciscus like no probably not but let's drop the bottle instead although now it's going to be really awkward to actually like manage imry cuz we have quite a lot of two slots uh two slot consumables in fact I want to try and find that Barbarian so we can actually fight him and hopefully use some of these consumables oh let's make sure we Agro the Mage as well I can't actually see him so slow but should honestly be able to kill the SC Cross by BS as long as he doesn't um cast the invulnerability thing okay nice got him just before now this room here uh to our West let's drop a a green gold ball we can if we find a blue one sure we'll take it but um has a few High tier mobs it has both a skeleton champion and a wraith which we could take out and get some pretty good gear the only thing is you definitely want somewhere to choose them and there are a few good options I think one the room to the South might be the easiest halber but it's not really good enough Propel defer as well definitely one of the better um options for this fighter build it doesn't slow You by as much as the Hound skull or the armor gives you extra agility little bit of action speed but less defenses a bit less like raw damage but as I was saying like um balancing your stats is so important in solos like like in trios it's obviously you can wear four plate and it's not really that bad for you you can still be buffed by you know a wizard or whatever um okay so that's the other WTH room so let's yeah let's Head West now hopefully we can cut through this without actually agroing any of the PVE then we can clear out the room to the South and then we can head back someone is within our VoIP range uh I noticed a few moment ago it wasn't here the void Pon and now it is which I think okay this has already been cleared there Barbarian definitely down to fight this Barbarian probably have to kill this as well I was going to say I imagine this isn't dead yet this room is very good for cheesing High tier mobs what you do is you just Dr them down there and they can't jump up on that this guy could I feel like this guy might be in this parted or maybe [Music] not oh that's a wraith well I was right this guy was in this potted H okay I thought he was in this potted now this is Barbarian we don't want to just run into him and fighting melee immediately we'd like to get some poke on him before ideally [Music] H bad misses there let's take this so we can't use this guys's already low otherwise he probably wouldn't be trying to take the hell Shrine now Barbarian of course has the advantage in a straight up melee 1 V1 uh we probably outgear him a little bit by the look of it God damn but now he's probably in a better position like on the map in fact screw it what do we care let's just drag this guy back through here and let's cheese him on the um spot here we have a little bit of time left before we're going to have to leave this room okay I'm honestly surprised that I missed the um oh my God these are bad hits why am I getting hit so many I'm surprised that I missed both the uh throw balls on him actually whilst I thought he was in this potted oh these are really bad hits that I'm taking so much unnecessary damage lockpicks very good crossbow very nice crossbow upgrade can still hear this guy fighting mobs somewhere just right through there um so it's going to be a bit awkward to get to him unless we can okay we can just sneak through here without falling okay no we didn't fall one Archer should just be able to kill this guy without yeah much uh trouble only thing is let's pop a few more meds what okay it's The Wraith what skeleton Mage is that it's the one down in church I think down there and the thing is with this static being open it's going to be hard to try and get this guy there was a blue out here let's go and open this just in case honestly soon we're going to be running out time this is going to be a bit of an awkward place now the guys is no longer in a void Indus so probably either just left or died don't know which but yeah that was the demonstration that I was trying to look for of the PVE there you can do that with The Wraith as well the wraith's actually easier it doesn't actually um lunge at you as hard when it attacks at least on that location however I believe skeleton key generally has better loot uh sorry skeleton Champion generally has better loot let's try do we just leave I'd like to try and get these golden chests lockpick but The Wraith is going to be like a pain yeah no we're not going to be able to whatever this guy hits us he's going to slow us we'll do one more ruins after this and then we'll probably go to hell in that one so let's see 858 AP not too bad unfortunately only level 13 we are a decent way to level 14 though this is just how much xp you get in High Roller 326 gold from our celal all right we' sorted ourry out bought some more meds bought another campfire uh stashed away a lot of the stuff sold the boots we had uh stashed the necklace and things like that very good crossb I'm happy we found this this was such a huge upgrade I think we went from 38 damage to 44 then of course plus the extra one so 45 then plus an additional five physical power this is a pretty solid crossbow magical interaction speed unironically might help us sometimes that's a very high roll 15% yeah pretty unlikely let's go ahead and head into another ruins run this is probably the final run of the video whether we live or die let's see okay hey there guys we're into our final run of the video probably not sure how long this has been getting but first of all let's immediately check if the Scot and Champion is Al in this building down here again golden keys one day I'll get one hopefully not on this character hopefully on one of my main characters but either way I go key a golden key I guess with how lucky we've got on some of the gear today um honestly wouldn't be that surprised so we're probably going to take a hit here cuz I didn't wasn't quite in range to actually kill it quick enough uh but no worries we bought plenty of meds I actually bought like extra this is quite often now how many meds I'm bringing to a raid I'm bringing like at least six health potions and six bandages perfect okay he actually is alive if uh if you're good yeah you can actually just Parry this guy and fight him normally I'm not going to do that I'm going to choose him cuz why would I risk it need him to come a little bit closer yeah this is like the perfect spot to cheese him perfect head shots he never swings or I say never he he does sometimes but sometimes most of the time he'll just stand there all right I guess now maybe I'm just gaslighting everyone maybe just attacks on like cool down try and keep an eye out see if anyone's pushing us quite often some people will push you at the spawn people want the skeleton Champion golden key if you do get one there's actually do a very good extract just right there uh which opens up quite early on in the game you might have to Camp a little bit but it's okay as long as you bring enough meds should be fine unfortunate pretty good Quarter Staff here three weapon damage plus 4% armor penetration pretty solid honestly uh use quite a lot of meds there was not a good start but hey this is why we bring So Many Meds we'll take more bolts for now we probably not going to need that many but always just drop them later nice nice to get some meds back uh there was a treasure in there which I wanted uh yeah whatever the only thing I will say about selling gear at the moment it has to feel it has to be very good otherwise people just won't actually buy it like that Quarter Staff it probably will sell to be honest for a decent amount I guess we will take it um the only thing is like it's quite an awkward thing to carry around in your inventry cuz it's so bloody big but 42 weapon damage armor penetration SLA and buff duration bonus also applies to like a barbarian's rage or you know claric buff something like that that is there's someone close here warlock good shot to start off the fight okay phantomizer is kind of annoying actually let's Sprint and try and keep up with this guy the thing is he is walking into mobs we hit him again there but he's not quite Dead Oh What A shot there dropped him from that far away that was a nice shot I'm going to P myself on my back a bit there [Applause] verbally what just be patient with the archers again as I was saying being patient with PVE that's how you take damage is just by not not being patient case some point that um skeleton archer earlier this run the skeleton Champions that have been fighting and getting hit by it's all about not being patient let's go take a look at what um this guy had on him he looked he had some gear he wasn't pure Basit uh he had like the knowledge chest on okay notice still our void pons here so someone else is somewhat close not sure exactly how close of course but relatively close all right where did we actually drop this guy I think it was like around here somewhere yeah there those are some pretty nice crossbow shots unfortunately for this guy his movement just he wasn't like uh switching his movement up enough if he was moving more side to side it would have been much uh more difficult to to deal with that H we do lose a bit of Defense if we go for this but we will get a bit more damage I think we'll keep the high defense right now it might be a mistake but I think right now I prefer having like that as I say that decent decent mixture plus with a crossbow I don't appreciate having that much added uh Magic damage I prefer that normally when I'm running bows CU obviously you're able to put um arrows down range a lot quicker okay this would actually be a perfect time to loot this golden chest try and hit the skill shots okay luckily we've got three by skill shots I of course mean skill checks honestly probably the worst golden chest I've ever seen um not going to lie okay we got sent to BL a decent heavy gloves there but let's not worry about them see if there's any High tier stuff here probably not the only thing is with ruines is there's not too many locked chests I don't think we should go ahead and loot the lion's head not stuck down in the next area where we came from I believe there's actually two I think one's locked and one isn't locked okay uh someone's already looted this one I guess it was probably the Warlock yeah unfortunate um oh that's I mean I think those lanterns the plus two weapon damage sell for like 100 maybe 150 gold on the market so like they're decent but you can do better always check the wolves that you kill cuz they can drop wolf belts which are quite rare you need them for a quest and they also sell pretty well on the market aside from that this chest sometimes I believe is a lion's head not always as you can see uh someone dropped some white Treasures some reason I can't loot that one but whatever just wanted to check what tier it was mainly right again no one in our VoIP range so we're pretty good to just chill if that magical power was something else we probably would swap over in fact I think we will swap over yeah I think we will we'll lose tankiness but we're dealing a bit more damage let's actually check our physical power out with the crossbow out yeah 177% bonus damage with this much physical power and strength and stuff pretty good someone's already been here this chest is open someone's close I think I know where they are I think they're down in that area like here I yeah what's that no there will be no friendly spam here oh my God straight in the face I think I'm getting better with the crossbow uh let's take a look this guy is probably pretty low gear yeah any I think we will actually go back over to the Hound that Hound scull that's a pretty good Hound score lockpicks for us uh protection potion is getting a little bit awkward again now already candy canes moldy bread is good um I think I left some moldy bre in the previous one which people are probably going to be annoyed about but uh I don't plan to play this character much so we're probably not going to be using it for quests or anything and I might delete it soon so we probably won't actually be like trading with it either so okay that's a bit annoying yeah I guess that's a good tip if you fought a ranger or if if you've seen a range it always be rary for traps but sometimes it doesn't matter got to be careful in here there could be the ocat the boxes are still here so we can't easily cheese it there's a health potion there that someone's just left for some reason we'll go ahead and grab that that's sounded like a long sword we've got another long sword gamer on our hands what's up hello games okay [Music] okay I would fight those guys but you know what's going to happen if I try and fight those guys I'm going to get teamed by both of them and I'm not down for that the voter looks probably similar gear levels to us the guy in the back I think was a ranger so all that's going to happen is the Rangers just going to sit oh sorry the fighters just going to sit there defending against us and the range is going to Pepper us from range unfortunate I don't like um I don't mind being friendly to people sometimes but people are just way too friendly in High Roller I understand cuz that's how the current ranking system works but like so many people are friendly like if I teabags and um or did the Crouch spam in this to everyone to come across do you think we would have engaged a single player like probably that one guy who wanted to have the long sword battle although I'm out gearing him so I feel like if I offered the friendly Crouch spam he probably would have taken it but what we're going to do is we're just going to keep space between us and Them hopefully we don't have to run into them again we did of course get this ring but this ring is pretty terrible um I guess a little bit of armor penetration is okay resourcefulness speeds up our looting a little bit honestly we've probably got most things on the map right now like there's a goblet or something there but let's just not worry about it I think the circle is so small now that it means that the um those guys already took Reds I imagine they will not be going Blues my mic for some reason didn't seem to be working in game when I was trying to talk the Wolves if you're not that slow you can easily just side step and not get hit by them easier for the normal ones if you're wearing plate um you might get hit you might be a bit too slow especially if you have a heavy weapon set out and you're going slow all right anyway let's make our way down into the crypts and see what we can do down there hopefully we're not going to encounter those teamers again but we probably will okay Corner spawn so okay thankfully we're not going to have to be chasing the Zone all game that's nice the Spearman uh you can duck that but I don't think it's 100% consistent for some reason so I don't know if you can actually always duck that generally you just want to strafe left um not versus these I'm just demonstrating for those cuz they are that like poke that they have is kind of awkward to block or Dodge sometimes so just stay for random to the left and you'll be okay Broken Skull Quest item should I progress this I already have a fighter so I don't think I really want to progress another fighter so I think we're just going to leave that for now um if I was interested in progressing the quests definitely take that broken skull you need them pretty early they I think they're for like the second quest for one of the characters plate pants nope we are not using them slow you down too much again I feel like those okay in Duos and trios but in solos not really whilst Wizards are quite rare warlocks are not and both of them will just kite you forever and eventually probably kill you as long as the wizard doesn't run out of spells or the Warlock runs out of health or something which that's on them you know while you can do your best to try and Dodge I going to say I think unfortunately we're going to have to um waste our crossbow B on this like webbing okay I actually don't think either of those with head shots I think we just two body shot that CR which is nice make sure we focus the pot so we're not having to deal with just endless hordes of spiders we one shot that one cuz it already took damage from the spike trap that's why I was waiting if you were curious while I was waiting to just shoot that crossb I was waiting for him to shoot first so the um web disappeared but looks like they actually don't they just wait for you to shoot so swallow up slow us down a little bit right let's head H there is a wraith that we can kill okay let's head in this way actually there is also a health Shrine that we could have used somewhere close instead of actually using more meds I forget where exactly but it's one of these rooms somewhere close this room is going to spawn a bunch of mummies we walk in there it is yeah so that probably would have been the smarter decision that also stops of course anyone else from using it not that there's probably likely to be anyone here uh of course those those two team is I'm almost certain will have taken it and they'll be down here as well when most people in the lobby of friend people are you know more inclined to take Reds unless they've got some very good stuff in their inventry I just wanted the treasure for that let's go ahead and go and grab this right after we kill this mommy doing pretty good damage with the long SW right now I'm enjoying it now if you're unaware the bigger the treasure is like the more slots it takes in your inventry it's generally like I can have this which is four slots this is less efficient than having four blue um like individual one slot Treasures right which makes sense so sometimes it can be you know more efficient to just drop if you find like a big green scroll or something yeah it doesn't bother I'll keep single slot Scrolls but we're not going to keep um sorry I'll keep single slot greens but we're not going to be taking big uh multi slot green Treasures uh going to have to drop something else here let's just drop let's drop this explosive bow wa what did I just pick up a lantern actually a decent Lantern but can't trade for now so I'm not going to hold on to that it just be going to the vendor decent option but I said we're not going to use meds but then we needed to actually um create some inventry space so we use meds so never mind on that one we'll probably go ahead and up here and try and Kill The Wraith no let's head from this direction actually I prefer going it from this way especially with the zone is right now we'd have to walk through the room that room has a lot of ranged mobs it's bit annoying to deal with as a fighter especially without a shield if you have a shield you're okay this room can be pretty annoying as well spawns a bunch of mummies I think maybe just one I think if you um explore around and stuff a bit there's actually like a lot more mummies there's probably some decent loot down here as well but I actually want to go and demonstrate The Wraith cheese and hopefully we can actually find the skeleton Champion as well of course if it if the skeleton swordsman hits from the uh your left it will always double swing if it hits from the right it will only be one swing you can use that to easily Dodge my friend hello oh man can you give me bandage and cl please give you what bage uh I have two I I not give no one man okay one and give you one okay okay okay I don't I guess we could fight this guy it's a warlock good luck my friend don't ask the accent I have no idea I'm not liking this I feel like we're going to get a blow corruption to the back of the head but if he pulls out his weapon I'm going to be a lot more uh cautious he's pulled out his weapon he's used blow of corruption on the mobs I don't feel like he's going to betray us he already had good options to if he wanted to uh he's actually a demon plate warlock so I respect that he's getting a bit too close I'm not appreciating how close he's getting to us I'm not going to lie I guess now I am the teamer I I I I'm down to team with demon plate Warlock and joys I respect it of course it's a mimic I'd still like to collect like um I don't have much of an idea how good loot these um chests [Music] drop which is the main I'm not oh my God that's actually a crazy good P all right skeleton Champion room in here no no never mind I'm looking at the map wrong wow this is not what I was expecting today okay no you didn't it's okay some reason I struggle to talk in voice with my normal voice I always go to put an accent on it's cringe what the [ __ ] I getting k well we'll be taking the first blue out of here that we find I don't really feel like I was planning to go to hell but I guess honestly if there's any time that you go to hell it's going to be when you have teammates in Solo but yeah I don't know I wanted to have like an extra challenge when we went to hell to some extent there will of course be a challenge to hell hell is still hell it's still designed for three players to not be an easy experience I'm keep just waiting for the double shot if you're Wonder what I'm doing on this guy but he's just not sending the double shot this is the only Archer I think I've ever fought that just doesn't send the double shot that's interesting he's single shotted like that many times in a row crazy all right I think there's a portals well obviously there's are definitely portals let's go ahead and see if they're blue or red and if they're blue we're just going to head out of here good luck to that guy I hope his demon plate treats in well more franciscos do we have any white franciscos we do yeah uh where are the portals are they up above here or are they Down Below in this room okay it was just one one blue but that's good enough for [Applause] us it's a bit of a mess here kind of ducked into that head shot there I actually can't believe we didn't oh it's it's nightmare that one I was wondering why it didn't die from one hit I salute the nightmare mob see what it's got pretty garbage I wish they'd buff nightmare mob loot as well I guess they maybe just they have normal like mob tables it's generally pretty like pretty terrible let's kill the skeleton and let's make our way out of here he probably hit us here but who cares intact skull again if we're going to be questing we'd be taking that but we're just going to be out of here let's see how much and how much gold we got from this so This Guy's running spell warlock actually has some okay gear physical healing magical power some strength yeah blow corrupt and phantomizer it or anything was there anyone else in here yeah there was that teaming fighter let's take a look at his gear yeah his gear is pretty good would be a nice fun skill match up against this guy looks like The Archers already either left or died not sure which but anyway Let's Make A Way at okay well we did get to level 15 so we can also of course trade all these things so the final perk I'd probably run with this setup would either be honestly there's a few options Shield Mastery is pretty good this works when you don't have a shield this works with um whilst you're just blocking with the long sword so you just get 10% movement speed bonus while your blocking adrenaline spike is also another decent option barricade again another decent option combo attack is okay however I feel like this is a bit buggy so I don't really like running combo attack that much again Counterattack another good option there's plenty of good options for fighter i' personally would probably I still want to experiment a bit more with adrenaline Spike so i' probably run adrenaline Spike this doesn't just affect your attacking this also affects things like um your block animations and reload animations for the crossbow stuff like that so it's a bit versatile that's 285 gold from the various cbles we have of course we have plenty more Loot on us as well we have moldy briad Quest item grave Essence Quest item golden teeth Quest item along with 15 candy canes we also have this pretty high tier purple Quarter Staff which we could sell on the market maybe a few hundred not exactly sure plenty of different potions and things but I think that's going to be it for today guys so we went from level one we're now of course level 15 pretty solid kit I'm not going to lie we got bit lucky here especially with some of these items like the crossbow uh thank you for watching if you've watched this fine you enjoyed the video I'd appreciate likes massively if you want to see more like this subscriptions go a long way to helping you for that and also helping me out thank you guys for watching I hope to see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Esomn
Views: 11,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Kj1o5sNsXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 39sec (5079 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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