How Daniel Negreanu Became The World's Greatest Poker Player ♠️ PokerStars

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why are you doing that that's so mean [Music] joe you can't go wrong by delivering a best of daniel negroni video you gotta give the people what they want uh you say that i think what they actually want is a retrospective of the evolution of his hair over a 15-year period maybe we just stick to the poker then good idea also don't forget to like and subscribe i'm not saying it's like a bad thing okay italy i'm gonna play with latvia because latvia is calling sorry no he gets through the eastern block and now over to new zealand pretty meaty ace king and no you don't have any sold equity if that's what you're thinking what new zealand announces all in re-raised and the kiwis are moving all in we want to win this thing we got to gamble why are you doing that that's so mean oh he's all in right oh brother well 7 76 77 okay let's see do you have ace king race queen no for sure no no ace king no ace queen he might have aced jack or ace 10 or pocket sixes this is a huge re-raise for daniel to call here none of aces kings queens ace king race queen if i'm putting you on that i cannot fold i don't think you have any of those hands call canada calls daniel's made the call and he takes a look at the bad news here he's dominated there's a lot of queens in the deck good guess man all right any queen will do the trick here's the guy take it easy ace of diamonds lee nelson and team news i'm in the academy of hearts how's that the maple leafs are looking to spike a queen on this flop king of spades instead it's a king king of spades three of spades four of diamonds still looking for a queen here flush possibilities team canada is looking for ladies looking for queens let's see the turn card please turn card is the deuce of spades three outs for team canada their tournament life at stake here early on world cup in ninth place let's see the river card please can they stay alive nope the ten of spades steals the deal and team canada eliminated earth is that a mall that flew out am i playing that type was that a moth that flew out of daniel's church what is that sledging might be a little little trash talking there but either way daniel legrano probably the best poker player in the room with the best hands yeah and who's that new player yeah daniel shank actually won this event just two years ago when they played it in vegas right he's going to make a call and still will mike so we're going to go three ways to the flop okay here's the flop almost unfair daniel grano with top set three aces there tyndall with a pair of kings shaq's got the gut shot needs the queen to make the straight so we watch a master at work checking there he decides to give a free card maybe trap his opponents well turn changes nothing although the check on the flop might force tyndall to think he has the best hand and it looks like tyndall's going to bet this even though he has a zero percent chance of winning the pawn unless of course negrono folds yeah daniel's going to make the call let's go yeah nagano just just decides to call this i'm going to interrupt you there david do you know who that is in the audience uh i don't it's uh zara phillips who is the girlfriend of mike tyndall granddaughter of the queen wow she's a uh she was our great hope in the olympics last year sadly eliminated in the show jumping events here fantastic show jumper that's too bad well whichever way you dressage this tyndall's got himself into a tight spot well he's not gonna win this part he'll do well to avoid losing any more chips okay you're gonna bet at all and then you checked huh you chickened out is that what it okay i'm not gonna chicken out i'll put it daniel that's all in oh no this is a trap isn't it well it's a strong bet and it's made to look uh made to look weak actually it's kind of an over bed of the pot big one big one two nine there's one two eight there's the other one daniel with king queen offsuit a raise to 475. if we were in a tournament together lawn i bet we'd knock each other out on the same hand and either of us would earn the bounty if that's possible to the big blind and john hennigan 9 8 off suit he'll call for 275 more you see the red box next to a player's name indicates whether they're in the small blind or big blind or on the button the flop 10-8 jack bottom pair and a straight flush draw for john hennigan negrono with an up and down straight draw hannigan checks i believe the first hand we show is always a straight flush draw line just to get me jump started daniel checks and they'll both see a free turn card turn is a nine negranu with a king high straight and again with two pair nines and eights and he checks it and of course henniken could hit a straight but it would be no good daniels is higher but johnny world still withdraws to a full house and a flush a bit of 1000 from negranu johnny world hennigan not going anywhere with two pair and a straight flush draw he makes a call so two top pros butting heads here gone to the river river card is another nine hennigan you see has the best hand with a hundred percent he's got a full boat and he checks it oh i couldn't check that i might have made a pot-sized bet make it look like um pretending i have a big hand and daniel will bet and daniel will oblige 3 500. he doesn't do standing to make that exact type of bet hey he's johnny world and i'm just norman world and again with nines full and a check raise to ten thousand five hundred that's a big raise from hannigan and boy daniel grano king high straight tough to get away from what does daniel do now all right i'll take a wild guess jack nine of diamonds oh that's close enough and what a lay down what would tobias do okay i've seen him make this exact play before on tv and now we have the mary on the button with the ace three he's putting in a three bet to 1850 he thinks daniel's talking must mean he's weak now there's serious action and serious money in the pot daniel goes quiet he's thinking if he can re-squeeze this and pick up the 45-25 out there already yeah okay i'll go for it 1850. oops sorry he will cool and we will go to the flop top pair for daniel and the nut flush draw but second set for bonnardi what a flop this is everybody gets a piece of it bonnati's loving it negrono's ecstatic and maneri thinks he has the best hand but little does he know he's actually drawing dead there's 6 000 chips out there he's the pre-flop aggressor he has top pair i expect him to put more chips in this pot 28-75 that's exactly what he does he announces the size of the bet he bets half of the pot he's raising 7 100 what do you do if you're negroni's position here negrono started this hand with 40 000 in chips this could be a good spot to re-raise it but he elects to just call and now the action's back to minari who clearly cannot continue with this hand being sent a very clear message that his weak ace is no good a radar should be going off in his head no good no good he got the message william he's folded heads up to the turn negranu will need to see a club to improve here bagnati wants to see anything but a club it is a club negron who has the nut flush bonyardi goes behind and will need the board to pair on the river bagnati should be very wary of negrano hitting this turn card 13 000 doesn't slow bon yatti down at all he's not worried about these clubs he put 13 000 in the pot over to negrono who has the nut flush and he is counting out chips he wants to know how much he has behind this 13. i already 36 000 chips in this pot this is more chips than you start the day with and now it looks like negrono's taking a page out of bon yari's playbook and going to hollywood he's moved all in and that would put bonnardi all in he has the slightly shorter stack clubs clubs clubs bagnati he has the flush there's 68 000 in there and bagnani only has pennies left and he makes the call and sees that daniel has an ace jack of clubs it's the nut flush bonnardi's out have a shot huh i still have a shot oh yeah i mean it's not over never over until the river card is dealt plenty of seven i can't play short ships you don't like playing short stacks okay neither do i so very tempting in position makes the call ace nine suited for tobias rancher meyer also pretty tempting from out of position with okay pod odds need calls as well justin bonamo with jack four suited will call out of the big blind there's a classic bottom of a move to call min raises out of the big blind with a super wide range getting huge pot odds and flops a flush draw bono's got the third nut flush draw but the best draw at the table negrano has also flopped a flush draw plus a pair of sevens plus a backdoor straight draw action's been checked to him and he bets 104 000. perfect spot for daniel to try to take a stab at this in position with top pair tobias reinkemeyer calls he can't really love that hand these guys have just given justin bonimo a couple hundred thousand reasons to raise he checked raises to 350 000. justin's repping a huge hand but pretty much hoping he gets everyone to fold and easy folds for do amel one down justin's got insane implied odds against daniel if daniel doesn't fold and come on let's be honest we're talking about daniel here another heart is surely going to be disaster for him how can you ever get away from a parent of flush draw you can't especially if you're daniel so negronu elects just a call he doesn't inflate the pot anymore reinkemeyer folds his pair of aces bonomo does get the actual best hand to fold but now technically daniel is ahead jack on the turn not any more bonimo turns an excellent card one he should have no problem making another bet with it's a perfect spot for another semi bluff because he could certainly get daniel to fold a better hand than his and this is one of the few cases daniel could maybe even call with worse bonomo considering his options a million in the middle migrano the effective stack with 1.7 million i'm all in bonamos shoves daniel's in another spot where to some players it looks like you've got half the deck is out but daniel's no dummy even if he can't put justin on a made hand he knows justin could easily be doing this with bigger hearts and that his two pair and straight outs could be no good either pretty big hand of hand he lets it go i give daniel a hard time for calling but he found the fold at the right time there hair flush draw straight draw whole deal okay so you couldn't call no i couldn't call just annoyed oh you might have some type of combo that i wanted out of there yeah that's what i had that's 675. nicaragua back in the action suited ace five makes it 675 to play fold it to the blinds transo in the big with pocket queens re-raises to what 10 and a quarter that is so adorable i love when you do that it's so cute well i mean obviously um that is adorable strictly speaking it was an underrated from a tranto but no one seems to have noticed so let's just get on with it shall we well said high flop negroni takes the lead flops colder for two queens on the north side of the wall that's gonna be like 300 how much seven you guys i love this stuff this like extreme small ball oh i like the small bet in general because daniel's not the kind of player to raise here as a bluff too often and he's content to call down small pairs another ace on the turn not too much you scare me how much is that i love you all right sweet keep it small keep it small small ball style give that man his money i can't tell if rounders coats are back in yet or not ruling out oof clubs came hey flush came just letting you know full house vinegar um it's time for the value value bet yeah all right oh boy [Laughter] two thousand six hundred please tell me daniel says razie daisy now uh-uh nope i don't buy it okay nice time for me to reassess the situation please do take your time daniel's stuck six thousand on top daniel's the kind of player who very rarely turns his hands into bluffs the race king i call a transo calls this is good okay thanks rounder daniel negranu one of the most successful players in the world in prize money and he raises it up makes it 95 000. he's got pocket fives over to tom dwan who's leans across takes a bit of a peek and he makes a call now this is grant you know we talk about the different kinds of play at bubble time duane has just made a call with pocket nimes perhaps at another time he might have raised ivy looks interested yeah i mean possibly nines can be three bit there but he's playing it pretty snug on the bubble oh check this out phil ivey's picked up pocket tens yeah i'm pretty surprised yeah i'm pretty surprised by the flat call from phil it's usually a spot where you'd like to squeeze especially the fact that he's on the button it's going to look pretty fishy and uh quite possibly have someone play back at him tens is such a strong hand i'm surprised phil just calls there my caxton folds we have three players three players to the flop uh just some familiar poker names ivy duane negranu between them around about 43 million in prize money two of the most winningest players if you can say it that way in daniel and phil there's the flop queen six three misses all of them this will be interesting i don't think any of the three of them are going to be too thrilled with that flop to be honest queen's certainly in the calling range of of tom and phil hands like king queen nice queen a check from daniel over to tom now he checks also i expect phil just checked this back as well phil does we'll see a turn and it is a four the four of clubs opens up the straight draw for daniel and given the fact that he was a pre-flop aggressor both players have checked back the flop it's only natural that he leads here he does take a stab let's see if uh tom dwan well he doesn't look like he's gonna fold yeah well the fact that it was checked through on the flop i think tom is more than happy to peel one here with nines he's got to assume that daniel's to better queen on the on the flop there he's got his eye on both daniel and phil looking at across the table to both players and he smooth calls here so around to phil ivey and that's this is a tough spot well it makes it really hard to call for phil now the fact that tom's called it's really hard for the tens to be in front of a bet and a call even though he does have the best hand it's probably correct to fold yeah well phil ivey kind of stuck there tom dwan now eyes only on daniel negrano and the rivers are two of hearts and daniel gets there and as far as tom's concerned that he that card shouldn't change too much oh daniel checking he's gonna try and trap him and look at this it might work duane reaching for chips yeah tom's thinking about turning his hand to a bluff here oh wow tom dwan checks daniel not happy how wow dwan's really relieved he's raised from the hijack he's been called by ike haxton action is now on asian businessman paul poir hey remember son of a woman calls as well three way to the flop ooh for what i'm intrigued yeah we've only caught one of his cards well there is a four along with an ace and a king so we know haxton has top pair and daniel's about to continue into two better hands a continuation bet of 36 000 pair and they're not flush drawn someone's betting into you tough not to be excited in this spot axton calls and falls heads up to the turn six of spades haxton now has a lock on the hand and wow daniel's gonna double barrel this with a zero equity hand 85k and this is daniel using his image you wouldn't expect him to be this light very often obviously it's bad timing on his part though because i cannot fold he calls a second time and we go to the river which is the queen of diamonds ike whiffs but he's still got the best hand can daniel fire a third time with an air ball of course he can wow negronu empties the clip 185 000 and for daniel style this is perfect bat sizing this is a standard value bat nike's not beating any value bets especially the kind daniel usually makes haxton fold's the best hand well done show me a block why because i never do that it'll be so fun [Laughter] he is laughing really hard he was smart that was poetic oh i have to see you should play blind huh should play blind yeah right no daniel calling out of the big blind with pocket fours he's got enough chips to try to hit a set and he does hit a set check that's because daniel is set mining and sand continues with his overpair there is an argument for daniel to raise he just calls the turn card is a seven pad board now daniel improves to a full house and i was saying is probably not gonna love this card he checks behind ten on the river looks like daniel lead get some value from his set and send calls i got a full house wow wow wow daniel raises to 115 000 from under the gun bonomo and luther have passed mike haxton's out sam greenwood on the button has eight six off i'll let that go that's like an old school race 2015 believe me old school would have been 3.50 just to protect your hand at least one only if you have like exactly jacks though yeah well nines two ace king poker riffing so carrie katz has defended his big blind with ace jack well the flop gives cats top pair an inside straight draw for daniel negranu the action has been checked to him so kerry would defend wider than hands with just aces in them so it looks like daniel's gonna take a shot continues for 65 000. maybe carrie's got a pocket pair or some kind of suited connectors that would fold here we know he won't sure enough he makes the call and we go to the turn which is the nine of diamonds carries now a 93 favorite he checks a second time and a second barrel here we'll get a lot of tens to fold some broadways that have a draw now that's a chunky bet 360 000 from negranu damn daniel back at it again with a big bet even though we know cats is in great shape this is a tough spot for him all right that was a hell of a bet i'm pretty sure i'm laying the best hand down yep i had three aces in the nut flush draw with it [Music] you
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 3,018,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Negreanu, Daniel Negreanu poker, Negreanu poker, Daniel Negreanu poker pro, Daniel Negreanu wins, Daniel Negreanu reads, Daniel Negreanu bluffs, Daniel Negreanu tournament, Daniel Negreanu throwback, throwback poker, poker compilation, poker edit, pokerstars, Poker, poker stars, pokerstar, poker star, poker game, poker 2021, poker tournaments, poker videos, poker hands, top poker hands, poker live
Id: XA4PlGjdWVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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