Blazing Our Way Through Supernatural Chaos - Pacific Drive

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[Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm cryptic Fox and welcome back to the Olympic exclusion Zone playing some more pacific Drive had fun with this so far a couple of them I had to upload as videos a couple we've been able to live stream hopefully the stream tonight will hold out its Integrity we don't spiral into disconnection uh the way we have in the past but welcome everybody who's here in the chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterward welcome as well as always a very big thanks to everyone who's clicked on that join button to become a channel member thank you very much for the support it's really appreciated and a special thanks to our top tier mistakes or made members for choosing that top tier mistakes are made option this is our wonderful battle wagon that we're taking through this uh weird paranormal chaos as we try to find our way through and get out of the uh the Olympic exclusion Zone Alex Arnold with a 27 month member message hey we streaming yeah we're live finally I was live uh the other night too but it uh you know things have been things have been poor it hasn't gone well anyway have some fun tonight hopefully like I said the stream will hold out and we'll make a little bit of progress uh I've been uh working on the the last time I uploaded a video was of this was uh the other day and I was working on improving the car uh so I got some more like armored pieces for it I kind of got the car destroyed at one point but it's okay it's okay we fixed it all now we've got armor so we're good that way uh we're supposed to head back over to sium in order to uh progress the story line so we're going to tackle that tonight as we try to make our way through uh we're still in the outer zone area so we got that going on three scanner charges I don't know what the scanner charges are about I don't know what I can do with this I I I built a weird scanning thing actually it probably is in the back of my car I built some sort of little handheld scanner thing but I don't even know what it's used for at least I thought I did where'd it go oh my god did I not save my progress it seems like something I would do I've got a lot of junk in here well actually I'm going to go scrap this tire we don't really need a whole lot of that we got better tires now anyway we're going off-road tires uh we also got the steel oh here it is here this anchor radar I have no idea what the anchor radar does I'm going to bring it with us just in case we can try it out and see what it'll do for me um but it says it can uh can detect the energy that anchors give off I don't know cuz normally it marks it right of the map so I don't know what it's used for exactly we'll have to see scan anomalies and materials is that what that's for cuz I've been doing it with just the C button like I didn't really need to do anything with a special tool Le not that I could tell I think we've got fuel and stuff let's check the car status here before we go anywhere wait a minute how many times have I got to fix that stupid light oh okay all right I already repaired it but I just haven't like fixed it up so that it's like oh I already have the stuff on me I just haven't gotten it back to like full condition so that's good uh the tires aren't all in good shape either I guess I should deal with that they're not in bad shape okay the tires are pretty good I'm not going to bother wasting my putty on that uh I think I might even have some more out here no I don't no stick this out here oh that that's why that was in storage I already have an anchor radar in the car I kind of accidentally made two of them turns out I already had one when I made one before so we've got two this one can stay here I have quirks enabled I don't know maybe how do I where is it settings assuming that's in game play uh car damage realism modifiers car quirks default whatever the default is that's what we got I'm I'm going to assume they're there at the default rate whatever that rate is anyway let's go and see if we can get back to sium uh we're we head [Music] here one destination plan two scanner charges again whatever that means oh can we see like some of the stuff here so we've got like stable anchors abductors i' I scanned the abductors but there's two other types of those little Graber guys I didn't scan I didn't realize there were different types of them so I should probably do that few other things I haven't scanned there work to do we got work to do uh is C hard like being a parasite which the uh the quirks yeah you can get weird things like your hood will like whoops your hood will randomly open and other things that door is not in great shape hold on a second what condition is that door in right now oh say it's not that bad it's fine this thing's a beat up car anyway it's not going to be in perfect condition doesn't need to be get out of here yeah like things like the doors randomly open like maybe your radio like randomly turns on all the time or something the silly little things it's adorable all the puns have I been hit by bunnies yet yeah I've gotten uh have gotten a bunny on the [Music] car um a couple times it actually drove my car over to me the other day like I I don't know what happened oh what's going on here extreme conditions Swift storm heavy fog let's maybe not go through that particular spot let's go through this one this one seems less less awful I'm going this way so avoid the Big Orange stormy business that's probably not good go back to the tracks from last game that were high on the mountains then jump for science what off the uh off the bridge I think I know what'll happen I think we all know what'll happen which is why you're asking for it how dare you oh this is a pretty small Zone uh what do we got here there's four uh four anchor points here but we want to go over here first might as well do a little looting all the way through there's no point leaving good stuff behind we might even find a boat you much we wanted one of those oh it's this area oh wait the buildings are different now though so when I came here before there was a second little lootable building right there now there's only one and there's no plasma here it's it's already broken somebody had said that there the vacuum thing works really good on the these I don't know if I brought the vacuum with me did I bring the vacuum with me it's not there crap it's not there either I don't have any materials yet so I guess we're going to do we're be using the cutter on this thing cuz I don't have a don't have a better option at the moment apparently the uh oh just broke my little Punchy machine that vacuum thing works really good at getting the stuff out of the uh oh machine come on it broke my Punchy punch but he Ste Fox's car again when he's not looking it was the craziest thing I I saw the lights coming through the woods and I was like oh my God there's something coming what even is it I can't scan it and then it turned out it was my car the bunny was driving it it's a little awkward what else have we got over here find that music suspicious Little's near oh I hate how these things move don't do it stay right there I can't get through the fence oh was following me it's creepy there are stuff in here that's lootable I can get right through the fence nice what happened ah back off get your own sandwich I don't like those things they're creeping me out man all right I don't have the vacuum thing so I guess we'll just have to use the cutter on this apparently we can get some good chemicals and stuff out of these if I was using the vacuum sodium vapor light oh I I had scan that before recommended tool handb back oh yeah well if I can get out materials here will make a handb cuz I'm pretty sure I left the one in back at the uh prettyy sure left the one back at the base oh you can cut the fence oh I guess it makes sense let's see else we can do is blow the fence up get out of here but mind if I do oh radiation now why is the radiation worse oh I totally knew that now that I did it though I don't think there's even anything in here there's nothing I can reach grab the stuff with that going inside not that though don't know why I didn't think of trying the uh the saw on on the fence that that that kind of makes makes a whole lot of sense 27 million bucks oh I wish Alex be my new best friend still 27 months you have all right let's unload I can see another little plasma Tower over there so I'm going to want to go grab that cuz I do need plasma uh food can just go on the side here I guess see if we can reach this thing oh there's a got a couple things around it oh no ow thought I had like an insulated shirt that protected me from electricity a bit I don't think it's working jeez little low on health now I got to get some healing the plasma here feel like I missed the Plasma on this one oh well that's my car back to the jalopy wagon oops wrong one there we go okay so those are done uh we'll just move on here to this thing oh there's a storm coming too why's my car smoking whoa whoa what whoa what what happened to my engine busted fix mechanics kit please tell me I have a mechanics kid here somewhere I do can I make one yes thank goodness that would have sucked that's the first time I've run into that I love that I fix it by just smacking it with a wrench makes perfect sense give me get a tuneup all right we're good now no longer smoking like these anomalies make him stop Mr old man with the five gifted memberships thanks for that I appreciate it wonderful support thank you thank you okay I'm going to park over here hopefully this will be out of range of that stuff just grab this thing and run shees it open the door okay we're good just find a problem it's still good it's still good a weird light show over there invisible wall we can't go through I'm let that guy he up on me get him this game is very dark oh that's closing there oh I'm getting radiated here too just should pay a little more attention to the r radiation in this game thought I wouldn't loot anything it's radiated everywhere oh my flashlight is running out guess better be careful with that wow uh no I don't have a lot of flashlight Powers I'm going to turn this thing on and off to try to conserve have to make another one I guess that's it that's it that's all this the Rin stopped have I scanned a door yet uh you know it didn't occur to me to do that you mean like the doors before I knock them open kind of thing if so then no I probably shouldn't do that didn't occur to me I would need to oh great we're we're driving into the storm here that's wonderful it's weird like anomaly storms or something else one of these guys oops fig if he's not alive he can't come and get me sweet got that little my inventory last time too before I grab this thing this building over here has got some weird red light glowing in it what's up with that there's something in there oh it's like a uh photo lab that's fun you follow the best I think uh they very well might be Shad they very well might be they come for the chaos they stay for the to be generous have little check box next to the name oh for the door ah I got to got to make a point of scanning those things I got to watch for like every opportunity where the like when I approach something if the scanner comes up as an option wait can I can I scan this thing is this scanable oh it is pneumatic deposit box [Applause] okay I don't know that noise is but it'll look it wait a minute did I not I thought I smashed this thing so I forgot here run is that what wait is that the red storm that noise let's find out I me it doesn't look like it the other one went away at least let's go the red up on the hill there I don't know what that is this here's just a can opener to turn the headlights on the alarm is the Zone starting to collapse doesn't oh I see okay well that's fun oh what the heck are these okay hold on I got scan those I haven't seen those before oh what the where' they go it's just hot dust we've already done that CP guess I passed it when I shouldn't have somewhere here is the anomaly thing let's let's pull over big Dan leave the car running again oh let SC this let get the gas station shoot where's the uh where's the Anchor Point I thought it was like oh it's back here lock door I don't like how dark it is go go go I guess if I get out of the Zone before it all collapses on me and I get St up here again oh I didn't remember opening that door handy it's raining again oh yeah we better get moving here let's get out of here there's some Vehicles here that I might have been able to salvage some parts from but the interest of not getting caught here maybe I should just bug out well there is still one more of those anchor points here and it's right right along the way we have have to go anyway um never mind I was like where's the wipers I got it figure it out not there I go this way the engine died would that be epic to pick this point for the engine to die on me oh we got zappy Tower and everything how close is this thing's not that close I think we'll be all right I can use more plasma so if I can snag this thing without getting electrocuted to death that'd be great come on ah it's so slow to like wind this thing up there we go my flashlight man I can't see anything flare I still can't see chees it oh there's a wait wait there's an anomaly that popped up here minute man not a fan of those all right we're out of here it would be if I put it in Drive ganger buddies an exploding statues block the only exit yeah wouldn't that be my thing that would be most fortunate right here and we got all the stable anchors which is important cuz we need the research points okay so there were still a couple things I didn't uh I didn't scan there so a couple trucks I guess I need to scan uh something else related to electricity and then another sort of grabby thing I don't know anyway we got to go here uh this one is In Perpetual [Music] stability yeah that's I ignored the enclosing danger well it was a pretty big ring relative to the sides of the map we we were in for that one we had plenty of time to grab it all it wasn't really collapsing quick or anything welcome back to sium there's a whole lot standing between where we are in the Deep Zone like another wall and the entire mid zone for starters going on here it's not as simple as driving there we can't control the instability anymore than we can control the weather at the height of limb R&D thousands of us lived and worked here in the zone so we built limb stabilizers to make certain sectors and Roads a little more predictable than others is the only way we could operate as a live research compound despite the instability and yes the same technology that destabilized landscape in the first place technology was always a double-edged sword from the beginning we're going to put those stabilizers to work and clear you a path the old observation towers surrounding Sierra M to have a map of the stabilizers in that sector mind swinging by and find finding one I would mind we see the weather around here this one of those dramatic uh drop things here look at this weather to oh this door okay I I guess we found our first Quirk see if we can make this vacuum thing uhoh can I not make the vacuum maybe I didn't unlock it ah I don't think I unlocked the vacuum and I left the only one I have at home that sucks I go here this way I guess is this even a road some kind of is jeez was right on top of me oh what okay hold on we got another bunny that's on my car Happy Hair over the past year I've seen anomalies caused all manner of chaos and I've seen them dismantle art facilities all trucks into puddles of goo and tear human beings apart uh but this week I saw a first time that things might change I caught a rare glimpse of Po perhaps not everything blah BL blah certain settings of a new anomaly think it's actually fixing my stuff it's got that the green glow let it it wouldn't stay there oh yeah the car's getting fixed sweet no complaints here no uh I want over here my god this weather is intense oh it's up the hill there there's another one oh I forgot my uh my flare flashlight thing BR it's darker here chees it oh oh interesting it grabbed the bunny off the car instead of grabbing the car take it with me take him to go if if the uh if the abductor things are going to grab those things too then that's an added bonus okay we got to go all over to here I guess um which means I need to double back there the rain stops expoy dude in the road they got I lost one of the little bunnies it's time we're going this way that's a lot of the uh lot of the visitors there tourists or whatever they're called stand on my way you crazy tourists good Bo live hope you're doing good yeah so far so good I haven't blown anything up yet so that's going to be a positive right the towers are locked up tight but you can tighten up security protocols all day only for one disgruntled employee to program in his name for farun and mess it all up anyway the overload code is 4735 find that stabilizer map and scan it for me oh boy I was assigned to clean these towers out every time the gods rotated and things I saw let's just say that keeping a watch on sium day in and day out did not make for a good time oh wait I got to make another those Gods one bit uh there we go relightable flare yeah we're keeping it as a pet well if it's going to heal my car for me I mean why not right it's a bonus give me all the loot first then we'll do what she wants push the right button there we go okay what was I supposed to do here now scan the stabilizer map scan the transmuter there's the stabilizer map there I got it I'm overlaying the map with the available routes near you okay there you go found three sector stabilizers that'll do the job they're not too far so I've added the location to your route the access road will lead you straight there once you're ready that's good as long as we don't have to mess around with cppy cpp's too big great concept I reckon there's a lot of space for sequels or an expansion for this game yeah I think so too I mean I don't know what how the story progresses still pretty early on but uh I like when uh you get survival games that take something that is really common in the genre and like change it up a bit all good enough ditch this in here and get on our way door's closed hoay okay what do we got here so where does she want us to go she said you oh is she talking about this over here that's a Gateway oh she's got a route out over there okay well I want to get more of these stabilizers if we can see if we can get to that one yeah stable anchors or whatever they're called people on radio yay we're finally the free the sucker freed us the fox in anomaly I can see them doing [Music] that so it seems like there should be a way to turn left here somewhere although that seems kind of [Music] downhill little chance it we got a bunny to fix our car anyway oh crap I just knocked it off all right well we had a bunny now we don't oh God all right maybe I should take it at least a little bit easier than this oh it's back here that's where we jumped into cppy for nice spare crowbar although that one's pretty damaged I'm going leave it here think I don't care about that we already got one we can craft another one if we need it anyway can I scan this I can oh wait the pry bar will do that oh I've been using The Punchy thing I could have just pry barred it other works I guess R bunny that poor bunny it was useful for a little bit till my My Fabulous driving took care of it we got that thing oh look I can I can open up the uh Little Wall there again again I thought we need to go that way but oh no I think the um oh it is the stable Anchor's down there in the middle of all that nastiness that's not Epic what's in here do have to like scan everything in this game oh there's the bunny I don't think the abductor will bother to me will it doesn't just go after my car I steal the bunny I wonder if it'll notice and come after me let's go bunny we got to go before that thing grabs you back I think it is actually coming after me it's all right We rescued our friend we're good to go what going on here maybe the yellow bunnies give you rat protection I don't know I want these lights but hey what are these oh lead shielding is it a bad thing if I break the Le shelding hey hey back off get your own sandwich that didn't work me all this stuff oh I broke my grinder or did I throw it on the ground by accident I think I broke my Scrapper thing it seems to be more interesting than just hanging out with the the Bad Bunny there so let's take off oh I need to uh I got to close that door I think I'll be exposed to the uh nastiness if it's open looking Dan it's just a little radiation it's still good it's still good okay no it's very bad it's it's very bad radiation get in the car oh I turned the engine off again I can't see anything behind me we got to go all right that may have been in the smartest mood but we got the thing oh what's this was I supposed to do something up there crap I got to turn around why just says proceed to the next Junction exit the area to Vis be the St so why is that thing orange over there whatever we'll go here if I can get there if I hit the Bad Bunny will it just s the the happy bunny will it just stick no it didn't I think I just knocked it down the way I think I have a flat tire barely oh that's not flat that's that's something else it's blown out fix none oh oh no okay um can I make a replacement tire in here I need a gear oh I also need a tier 2 bench I can't craft here okay we can go with the spare tire we'll make a spare tire spare tire is better than no tire see we can we'll put that in here see if we can I don't know if I can fix this thing I don't think I can it said there's like no fix okay we're good I need a scramber again oh give me that back the heck was that noise some of the audio in this game is creepy man nothing it definitely wasn't something coming to murder you I swear uh I should eat some of this stuff too a little bit of healing back this silly door man it was the bunny crying for me cuz it misses me that makes sense oh oh where did that dust comeing from like out of nowhere spreading it's spreading crap uh where am I going here I can't I can't tell what go go go get zap back here in the woods I don't have four Offroad tires now so I'm going to have to be probably a little careful about how I drive oo that's an armored car right there armored door yeah baby armored panel too over at nice get that off of here oh threw my thing down this door is toast but we can fix it is there any more panels or anything on this that's it okay I'm getting radiated here where's that thing Jesus what did you get all that armor for that's going to hurt you oh yeah sure definitely nothing oh look for a ride happy bunny all on the roof of my car again oh crap okay I can see where I'm going uh I need to go all the way over to here now so we got to get up to the road over here and get out of here excuse me no they didn't need that fence anyway it's the apocalypse who needs a fence in the apocalypse Fine's awesome don't worry about us folks keep an eye out for a new engine do I need a new engine I mean I fixed the one I had [Music] but didn't occur to me to look for an engine upgrade though I guess it's probably something I should watch as we drive it's fixing the new armored pieces that I stuck on the car that's sweet uh this way more happy bunnies or Happy Hair I guess it's called whatever you go right there is that bigger no that's a regular abductor it's coming to steal my bunnies I don't like it I got a peculiar whatever that is oh double double abductors but they're grabbing the bunnies instead of my car so that's kind of all right wait did they come back and take the car no they still mess with the bunnies all right let's [Music] good I feel bad about the bunnies but you know self-preservation and all let's not go Save the Bunnies we don't need to Save the Bunnies they're fine they're fine uh all right we got to take the road up here to the right pass these things so long bunnies mind you my car door is not entirely fixed yet and my tire is also looking a little weak maybe I should grab one yoink got to go F this and grabs the bunny off oh my Lord I got up and go got up and went with this car it's got like no pick up anymore I think I got another wrecked Tire hopefully the uh the bunny Will Repair it as I drive crap was that we got to clear that thing there's radiation here yeah it's the this wheel here I think it just needs a seal sealing kit yeah oh place that in the wrong spot okay we're good let's get out of here oh no the bunny a poor bunny I'm not done with him I think it was too slow yeah it's not on the car dang it oh well yeah my door's open too it's uh there's a I got a quirk where my door keeps poping open I don't know how to deal with those it's the first one of those I've had so far oh the again got to fix that Quirk I think it's whenever you set your parking brake oh you think so every time I put the parking brake on the door pops open that's funny I don't know how to fix the quirks guess I got to scan the door and see what it tells me found the way out anyway use that Tinker station to diagnose the issue Tinker stations okay I don't know what that is but all right uh okay so we got to move on to whatever this is my fuel's low guess I should do something about that see what this has in store for us inside the battery charger at the shop okay there machine lets next to the batter allows you to diagnose the quirks okay well I know there's a thing by the door that will normally tell me like what I need to do or whatever but is that the thing you're talking about or is it on the same table as the charger oh interesting there's no ST oh what the the woods there can be a bit of a maze if you get lost follow the pipes the limtech and those stabilizers ran so damn hot only more limtech could contain it from complete meltdown okay I don't like that I only have a spare tire on that one wheel we have to go offroading that's going to cause problems it's my turn to give you an explanation about the mass hallucination event that Tobias and Francis were going on about but don't worry I won't be nearly as longwinded because there honestly isn't much that we know about it it happened on the morning of September 14th 196 my colleague Dr James K was conducting experiments at a highly classified site in the Deep Zone he was assisted by my husband Dr Alan Turner at 0400 their experiment Unleashed a gaming surge that instantly killed both of them gam wait impossible amount of energy borders of magnitude greater than any mad Mage Source it also triggered hallucinations in anyone awake within a 10 m radius it was a burst of widespread insanity but only for a short moment oh I don't like this what happened what is this stuff oh this is the wriggling rec I had to scan that's awkward my car's all Sparky oh the stupid doors open again stupid door God guess there's like a lightning rod thing I can get that uh might help protect my car a bit what is this here all your letter belongs to [Applause] us like they were trying to protect their stuff from radiation man with all these lead Shields around it loot the rack oh the rack's lootable okay go check it oh how far back was that though right here I can't loot it there's no uh there's no option here too no I didn't you're right I didn't put the parking brake on this time time stor is crazy loud wait my engine's showing problems too my engine's smoking a need another mechanic kit probably yeah busted need mechanics k oh weary fix none so the engine's weary I guess I do got to watch for another engine I can stick in here that sucks I need sealant for that door too there we go okay it's a little better shap than it was it's not awesome though wait why is it so light in here jeez um okay I got to back up and get out of here going to be daylight that's nice that's what happens you don't keep up with the oil changes yeah I guess I've kind of been abusing my car a little bit who knew I'm usually so good with cars why are those things electrified there goes the door sh shocked tourists they're uh they were very surprised by the price of uh Chach keys while they were on vacation I got to go around them [Music] this oh sizzling Mist sizzling mist is feeding the shock tourists that's awkward oh the door ah I'm going to forget that door like every time stupid door we definitely did fix that morning and happy you again hey Jean Paul how you doing or is it John Paul good morning my good night okay we're in the green area that it wanted us to go to my tire slot again better fix that flat before it becomes a problem oh I'm getting low on gas too uh unfortunately we still have this little tank in here but I don't know how much this actually fills that's the first time I've had to use that thing my wipers now too unless I just act what just happened there there what just happened oh uh hi guys um what are you doing here bunch of jerks okay what was I doing uh oh yeah Tire um oh crap Houston we have a problem that tire is not fixable I think I might have driven on it a little bit too long oh the tourists were throwing the cans at me is that what was happening they're like look we can get him to follow the cans and while he's doing that we'll go and attack his car being just leak clever door's open again you know what I'm going to do I'm going to close the door first this time that way I won't forget it oh wait where's my fuel can there I guess my flashlight broke again there we go so we got more lead plates over here more Electronics you so I've got to get that vacuum thing unlocked so I can collect those things properly you lost find a cool in pipe and follow it yeah yeah be quiet busy looting she just doesn't understand the call of the uh the loot monkey we have to find a fuel thing I can loot too to refill my spare tank here we go I did a thing you know 30 seconds of hallucinations sure didn't feel short when I was Free Falling throughout of space heck of a ride though did you know the rings of satin sing I saw disembodied arms tons of them they were grasping and crawling and uh what about you opy what did you see I saw nothing how is that possible everybody else saw saw something must have passed me by I don't know what to tell you maybe she's just were you working in your lab that night and weren't you supposed to be doing your research rather than keeping track of my whereabouts okay wow touchy she's very suspicious that lady see the new battery update for Icarus uh I didn't actually I I uh I've got to read up a couple of the patch notes for the last few weeks I haven't read it since the B update all right what do we got so I guess I have to hit all three of them so this one to be next but we're going to like hit a cluster of whatever this is over here on the way by that's fun lobl more loot monkey goodness maybe we could find turn those off maybe we could find something with uh and some some replacement tires from my car where's the dirt road here there we go rather be on the road than Offroad since my spare tires aren't going to hold up too well now that we know the remnants were connected to the mass hallucination maybe we can figure out what caused it oh boy oh boy do I have theories don't start Dr K and Allen clearly uncovered some new way of using limbs to motivate that Gamay burst oh yes precisely where G but out of space feedback on planet Earth kid there are plenty of terrestrial sources of Gamay thunderstorms for example no no no no you said it yourself the energy levels from that night were much greater than anything we've seen on Earth sure but going straight to aliens when there's countless perfectly scientific possibilities yeah Decay and Allen develop a Lim assisted Mass particle collision how do I get the tire off though without destroying it Gamay Reservoir a reservoir or a p I got the I got the armored door too oh it's steel door to where exactly to Atlantis of course now why didn't I think of that that's absolutely it okay that's one there got to be another one oh that one's toast yes spare tire schare tire turn yourself up a little bit the voice is a little low I really can't uh my mic is already kind of peeking in uh in OBS Studio I'll just try to turn the game audio down a little a little bit maybe but I don't I can't go any any higher it's already peeking out in uh OBS forget to scan the truck in the back oh yeah I keep forgetting I can loot the back of these things uh scan I guess I already scanned it cuz it give me anything there oh man look at all the stuff back here that's crazy which one's better shape this one slightly not by much but a little bit oh my God so much loot monkey goodness I'm not going have any room for all the loot I'm going to collect probably should have broken down that steel door oh well at least we have four off-road tires again so we can M her along a little better although that front right TIR is looking a little damaged should probably deal with that before it gets too bad like is it radioactive here oh no I don't have any putty I'm puttys this actually wasn't even though that bad TI storage will wear out over time and dump storage and stuff oh will e that's problematic to keep an eye on that too hey NWI not a bad day it's Friday so I can't complain too loudly I want to listen can't be unhappy about rolling into the weekend there's got to be another thing we can activate here but these the abductors are here too can I hide my car from the abductor like if I park back here will they just not know that it's here oops well they might know now that I Hon the horn my bad wait a minut where's the thing I got to activate here huh oh wait this is just the building thech never mind this isn't the activation Point what am I thinking flare gun wait a minute does that work on those guys can I blast the Flyers with the flare gun oh a weird place one of those oh crap I threw it oh that sailed way over it I kind of missed I guess but it's chasing after it so similar objective I guess drinking vodka all I got just like Vitamin Water we have a storm incoming another one of those things I'm kind of running out of room to store stuff anyway so I think I'm just going to leave this place where did I parked my car though where did I park the car there it is all right uh we got to go here so we're going to take a right and then a right and that'll get us to that next one oh crap oh that did a little zappy damage it's just a little life for it's still good it's still good keep for gas too I guess that's another one of those wobbly anomaly things there I think oh maybe not o actually that probably has gas thanks for the fuel buddy cuz it's not a diesel truck That's All She Wrote to truck Hey where's the road oh these little gas can or these uh barrels I here also typically have gas in them right we can get rid of this guy here then we can hopefully get some gas out of the barrel whoa okay guess that was a uh that was a shocking one yeah oh man it's full although it didn't hold all that much there we go good to go baby freaking door all right let's go slow progress this time are we there yet yeah sorry it's taking a little while here we had to stop and do some looting a little bit of refueling little more looting like slippery traction notice popping up there that's weird with the off-road tires on remember not to run into the floating things that'll damage your vehicle yeah I'm kind of going around them but want to check my car for an engine I got to start keeping an eye out for an engine too since the one I have is weak guess I could try to like unlock and craft a new engine from the home base too there's a new engine in there somewhere watch out for that bang tree yeah like just like George of the Jungle over here one thing is right now I'm not even sure what the best resources are for me to collect at the moment like in terms of what I need so I'm just kind of grabbing everything oh there goes my internet hopefully it'll but the bit rate is not not looking good it looks like it's going back to normal hopefully hopefully it'll settle down no it's not improving it's pushing a high bit right now so you might be starting to see it come back to normal it dropped down to almost nothing but it seems to be like like way back up now so it should be getting better sorry everybody the joys of Internet service or lack thereof service is probably a bit of an exaggeration your bandwidth is falling down hey OPI you've never cared about any of the S stories and superstitions what just happened so why now something like exploded or something what I do is not and has never been any of your business you're asking us to trust you so yes it's our business now all right's our business how about this you two sign off and count orbs or whatever it is you like to do and I'll get the driver to the mass hallucination Source myself left excuse me I got to go all the way oh this is his Discovery sure and I'll send you a nice gift basket to Mark the occasion but I won't let anyone interfere with this she's so rude to hell with that we either throw everything we can in this thing or we lose his chance and the answers to the mass hallucination are gone forever this isn't like one of your little sasquat hunts I'm not letting you get your tin foal pseudo science anywhere near this this is too damn important to me it sure didn't seem too important earlier when you messed up and nearly killed the driver yeah when she was trying to get rid of us you really want to talk about our track records screw you opy I'd rather run this Remnant into the the ground and work with either of you wow we're driving lady old B it's got to be another way she's out of her mind I can't do this I look if you want to waste your precious time picking apart bird dropping and squinting at Constellations by all means follow their lead I were better off without them trust me I'll get you through no matter what she said she' Drive The Remnant into the ground though when I'm in the remnant so I don't know if I trust her just doesn't seem that trustworthy oh no oh God go go go go I think we got through fast him that time that looks like a scenic drive now the cake is a lie Cake's always been a lie oh think I did a little damage there uh all right we're at the crossroads here if I go left I don't know what this break here is if I go right I can go up and then take a left and come down here I guess I guess we'll go right oh abductors leave me be my car my car oh don't pull me into the crap oh God no no no no oh bad oh bad oh bad oh God all right everything's fine bunch of jerks giant flying magnetic jerks this the miss you just bailed to the end your advice is to stick to the roads oh yeah that's what I'm trying to do but it was a question which road to follow I'm going to guess there's no engine in here find a car that's in reasonable shape I can try to get an engine out of that one side sword's got a little damage but not too bad all right so we're taking the next left that'll Loop us back around to here and then I guess this will be our exit Point once we're done plan escapes from zones when before you select them you be set up straight shots it helps survival rates I don't know what you mean by plan escapes before you select them Oh you mean like the uh the before you grab the exit Point figure out how you're going to drive there yeah and there's one that's fairly close there I one left here wait where does the road go here I'm having trouble seeing the road oh there it is got this Mission picks for you though so that was your issue oh okay so it just gave you a specific point that opened it up and you had to get over there so do you have to start the whole mission over again right from the beginning if so that would suck mdle Mouse button zooms by the way oh right so it does I totally knew that L monkey for the win all right this the last switch to hit turn to the auto shop got to get the are falling out of that thing we're in business the stabilizers are coming online and the way looks clear but I'm also getting spikes stability in your region is tanking get out of there that's not very kind of [Music] her oh there is only one Gateway oh that's fun all right I can't set way points hopefully I got enough opportunity to double back here cuz I want to stay on the road rather than going offro my my car will just get a thrashing if I don't oh no oh it's closing in quick okay hold on we can go this way everything's fine just a little steep it's still good it's still good come on come on go [Music] one of those grabby things behind in the abductors take a left up here might need to go off road maybe I mean I went off road for a moment back there but I'm hoping I can stay on the road the rest of the way cuz I'll be able to drive faster and it'll trash my car less the whole way why is everything flashing am I shocked car's not going very quick uphill you can see the whole wall coming in over there what's that purple thing on there there's like a purple triangle on the map now just past the exit Point need to open the Gateway I thought it was already open no it's already open the uh thing's there big nasty column of yellowness that's a drop pod no is the drop pod just like extra loot it is I kind of want to try to grab it do I have time is this a Fool's errand this might be a Fool's errand where is this thing drop pod equals good loot huh what is that is that is that the drop pod there this big glowy thing oh crap oh this might have been my death that's not it where is it I can't even take everything what is this a blow torch oh crap I can't get it all get in the car get in the car oh I got shocked come on car you have protection compromised oh no this may have been a bad idea come on car you just got to go a little [Applause] farther boom jackpot uh that did not do good things for my car but we uh we got through it nice work out there the sector stabilizers are fully operational you've got a straight shot toward the expansion wall one more thing you may want to consider armoring up a bit and once you cross that wall the mid zone is another Beast alt together I mean I've got armor some anyway I need more armor probably wo all right we lived that was uh my poor car it's it's not doing too good you know oh this thing here this is what analyzes my car right Diagnostics required no fix available error log oh I see oh what seems to be the problem uh car oh wait no no any car door is opened front right door is opened um so front ride doors open when shifter toggles submit diagnosis you have eight guesses remaining yes bad guess what uh all right so oh wait if I got to start first with if I go shifter is in park uh front right door opens bad guess three and four CR come on ship is there shifts to park there we go there good guess okay we got it correct diagnosis guess refunded now what pixes mechanics kit here's what you need to fix it okay and then this other thing I don't even know what it is says diagnostic required but I have no idea what the other thing is yet I haven't observed the other Quirk enough I don't don't think but at least we can fix the one the one that's really annoying is the car door and I might even grabbed a mechanics kit no light bulb kit it's a good thing I got all that putty out of that drop Pond cuz I'm going to need it to fix the car Houston there may be a problem left side's the trigger the right side's the effect yeah I see that now now I do didn't see it first all right um my car is tilting so there's got to be a tire that's toast here yep need a ceiling kit for that that's better oh this tires needs a mechanics kit oh my God that one was loose you mechanics get to fix the door oh wait that didn't work how do I do that so this thing here said that the whoops uh close oh I back this thing up here we need to fix this a man mechanics kit oh okay there we go I get it I get it I didn't realize I had to do it in the machine but now I got it car whisper diagnosed and cure a quirk oh me front right door there we go nice can I upgrade a tier 2 car crafting I mean I don't know how to do that yet so I'm going to go with no got to unload the car here me all this crap wow okay I'm going to need to unlock more storage this is crazy hey you know I think I to get rid of this steel door don't think I actually have a need of it anyway oh no no uh no close PE I don't know what that does but going I guess I don't want to do that when in the lockers press y yeah but all that does just group the stuff together I mean hooray it's grouped together now what let's see what this deal is do I put it in here yes I do look all the good stuff we got out of there have another one of those things there too somewhere uh I thought I had two of those things is the other one still in the car did I nope it's definitely not here blowtorch this extremely atypical blowtorch is fueled by restorative semi-organic compound that aids in reshaping and repairing damaged metal work it's not durable enough to last long but it will help with the base repairs on the road huh fancy iot I had a second storage thing over here I could have filled up my bad let's get some Putty work done here so we'll have to unlock a few things we did get u a few of the um stable anchors so that will give me some stuff we can research with oh man the car took a beating when it was in that storm you press y it doesn't tell you that and it fixes your storage sort of yeah I I did that already twice see it's all organized in here someone else was saying I should do that I think it was Joe no I'm not using two spare tires I found off-road tires we swapped those out already there was a truck that we came across that had off-road tires and I replaced this paars it's raining again this place is flagged by bad weather man pick engine in the dumpster well the engine's Now not showing any issue oh just say weary there's no fix for that cine with five different memberships thanks cine very generous of you thank you congrats to everyone who gets the thing fragile oh no one's fragile it's an armored door and it's fragile that's not fair I found a scrapper in there I guess all this putty too okay let's go see what we can unlock over here I think I might need to unlock expanded storage loggers oh I need more steel sheets for that I can make those I guess um we still don't have unstable energy so there's looking to be some things I can't get to yet matter regenerator would be a nice thing shred it and the dumpster will give you oh the engine wouldn't that be funny if I shredded it and then it didn't give me one that'd be hilarious okay so there's our matter regenerator we just slap stuff in here and it fixes it I guess now that I just spend a whole bunch of putty fixing my car don't think I can even have anything left I can stick in there now maybe a tire does it work out tires let's find out and how quickly does it work let that do its [Music] thing you can just make one which the engine yeah I do have that to oh I want to unlock the hand back cuz I I didn't get that before and I meant to uh that gives me that now there was jump Jacks somewhere back here there was a um lightning rod this here that's the plasma charger lightning rod there we go that just stick a lightning rod on the car so I'm going to need another another side storage thing I guess there side rack where's the lightning R in here there it is there we go that should protect me from electricity a little bit works best if you have duplicates so when you come back your parts are repaired yeah I could see that for sure it probably needs more time than I can give it at the moment to do the repairs but I just wanted to see what the deal was uh I can't even make the armored panels right now I can make these uh insulated panels also lead panels say no to radiation with a thick coat of somber stoic lead well this can't stop all high energy particles it will provide improved short-term protection top rack side rack roof rack need more steel sheets to unlock that one these other headlights take unstable energy corrupted energy stable energy for this one I need Advanced workbench too which is expanded matter regenerator is the workbench too anyway Parts lockers expanded let's do the expanded Locker I'm going have to get some steel sheets made make some steel sheets over here it's not time base it just fixes stuff while you're gone oh I see that sucks wait a minute didn't make enough steel sheets here we go it goes right here more storage baby workbench is down in the first menu okay uh fax machine Advanced workbench to I need unstable energy for that which I just don't have access to yet what is this investigator module upgrade for the Tinker station will report back to you which elements of a diagnos diagnosis are correct a new chip also adds the ability to oh that could be handy I guess Junction rest stabilizer expanded Locker well you're going to don't care about I'm assuming we get the unstable energy in like the next area over what is this lead plated bumper insulated bumper deflect some of the unwanted electrical energy that's been unhelpfully striking the front and back end of your vehicle with new smarter bumper design it's shockingly [Music] effective that has Health 60 how's that compared to like a steel bumper oh steel bumper only has Health 50 so that's already an improvement right there plus it's got the benefit of being electrical resistant error failing conditions scan a crackling crawling anomaly oh crap I don't know what that is well we're not making that you can make a lead plated thing that has Health 60 but I have armored doors already so I don't know span a full tag might fuel tag might be good oh where's that that's over here right taller deeper wider this container has much more capacity than your previous fuel can yeah that would be handy let's get that um I got oh wait a minute what about an engine is there another engine I can make what that even be not stor oh car storage a trunk in the trunk said Spartan a little junk in that trunk right there well there's that blow I need unstable energy for that carbon fiber glass that's fun uh all right so error missing whatever I have enough limb so what am I missing here turbo light engine 8 cylinder custom crafted power hose b a turbocharger electronic multi-point injection blah why can't I missing ingredients oh it's four Lim I thought it was point four duh I are smirt I'm the smist all right I we'll strip some parts out here I thought it was point4 for some reason I don't know why going to call that a brain part Hooked on Phonics worked for me I need to go to the Derrik Zoolander school for kids who can't read good oh look my Scrapper guess got to take that tire back if it's not going to fix it while I'm here I might as well just slap it back on the car I guess wait a minute can I search the dumpster again oh I can hold on let's let's try this engine trick so long engine jeez you get a lot of parts out of this thing that's crazy if I got one if I got a free one out of the dumpster that's nuts it's like three parts there it is it may not be any better than the one I have though or had I guess I don't have one now essential fix none okay so throw a little repair putty on that we're good to go that's like a a weird way to get a ton of free materials just scrap the engine in your own car that's crazy we tried the hooked on monkey phonics it did not arrive at the best to shape it would only Screech all the time well that's just how it communicates my friend did you unlock the out bench yet to upgrade you oh I did actually yeah uh where did I put that thing it's in here right yeah this thing here oh powered boots enjoice softer and safer Landings courtesy of the power of plasma technology lead apron offers basic protection from radiation with the option for some substantial Improvement if you could find more materials radiation resists 20% Don't Mind If I Do I I I assume this stuff just like shows up on me automatically right I have the medium backpack already like I don't have to equip this stuff right padded parka toly better than nothing this will provide you with a motum of protection against the knock and bumps of his Zone inflicts though it could definitely be upgraded sometimes supect I have ADHD no it's only it's only when I'm playing video games I'm like this craft the padded Parker grounded sweater needs more plasma okay so I made myself betterer look at that I don't know where to like see what stuff I have on me but I did a thing open the log book oh I see powered boot fall resistance 35% lead apron radiation resist 20% all right sweet nice look at that I'm better I'm the better me can't find a better man so I made my own some I don't believe this your like only when you're playing games no no totally it's a it's a YouTube thing I'm very easily distracted when gaming oh this engine is going to take a lot of puty to fix man that's crazy maybe I should try the blowtorch on it how's that work where'd it go where my blow torch go there it is thought I H in the little sign compartment oh that's way better nice okay we got an engine I left that open right that didn't just pop open on me i' got too much food on me could put some of this away I guess all right I need to make a new uh new Scrapper the handback I have somewhere I don't know where I put that darn thing I'm sure it's here somewhere unless I accidentally dropped it when I was doing a mission I don't know where it would be though down there maybe I lost it maybe I should make one stick that in this side compartment here used it in broke maybe but I don't remember using it so I don't know um oh wait so I want I want this to be number three cuz that's what I was using it at I need another one of those Punchy piston thingies impact hammer so I've got that uh Liberator is a half gone but it'll have to do okay we got all that okay I think we're good to go what's it say tires in good condition two of four that's fine headlights in good condition one of two I mean the headlights are oh wait what's wrong with this one worn out fix none oh I got to just replace it all right oh I got to make the large fuel can too I want that unfortunate to leave it without that [Music] sucker uh can't use the fredly dumpster more than once uh I did actually I used it twice already I still melt my fuel can in here oh no there's one there uh H fill this like her up old school the 14-month member message oh my God 14 months right time flies man thank you for the 14 months of support kind [Music] sir there we go might as well fill up this one too it's not taking up any extra space take bonus fuel with this be fine oh what we got going on here fragile fix none oh that's great fragile fix none okay so I got a got a couple fragile things I got to fix hey you know what I'll just leave them maybe we'll find replacement panels we can stick on there instead rather than trying to craft my own you can leave the small fuel can of the car and fill it up oh it's in yeah whatever I guess I probably good it's all right all right uh says visit the friendly dumpster again so this would be time like the third time since we came back here it's kind of a very friendly dumpster I can just keep visiting it over and over again now it's done not feeling so friendly anymore did I do this thing I don't remember just in case okay what a mess okay so we got to go over here now we got all this nasty extreme condition going on here extreme conditions over here too though how do I get to there though I don't have a connection Point old school with the Super Chat Fox Icarus now has batteries flow meters and tanks water tanks oh that's cool thanks for the Super Chat yeah someone mentioned something about the battery update uh earlier in the Stream and I hadn't seen the patch notes on it so that's very nice actually have an achievement if you manage to close the trunk door on yourself too many times I think I might have that achievement I bonked myself in the head with it a few times I don't know how many it takes so maybe not this is the Zone I died in oh I guess I got to go that way cuz it's showing the shadowy line going there or this one's got frost directions what's the number beside it mean oh clim for Gateway okay it's based on the distance away you are probably all right let's go uh let's go here cuz I haven't been here before we'll try to make our way over that way new shotty ammo I did see the something about the shot the new shotty ammo the like cold metal or whatever shotgun shells and stuff come on little Bobble dude hey Ralph I'm good thanks how are you it's the end of the work week pulling it why am I pulling to the right here that tires toast are you kidding me right now I literally just left in this tires toast are you freaking kidding me how did that happen come on please tell me I can go back cuz that's ridiculous it's it's kind of pulling a lot this a little hard to steer going backwards the uh my right front tire is shredded and I have no idea why it like it got shredded just by driving out of the garage that's nutty it's not even flat I can't I can't repair it I have to destroy it and build a new one that is just craziness well I had checked my tires though and none of them were in that bad a shape I don't know whatever sure we fine star think I should pack a spare [Music] where are the other oh this one here bald fix none well this one's coming off too then I think that's one of the ones I actually unloaded from that truck all right those are the ones will do all right I think jeez think we didn't try to leave prematurely or anything good Lord B ties will blow it eventually well it did I didn't realized that front tire was bald I guess I didn't scan it oh I my back door's damaged too cuz I backed into the railing a I broke the glass on It come on there it's fragile but if I can get another replacement door we'll swap it out okay take too did Jack I thought you played border cop I did but actually does this as a courtesy it knows the tire won't last so long so it blows it out instantly so you can just go back it's kind of cool I guess take two of trying to leave the garage that time cuz I tried to leave and it didn't work so good uh all right let's go [Music] here yeah at least I was close enough I could go back and craft a new one I got to get the um the tier 2 crafting buch unlock but we can't get that until we get unstable energy which can't get in that first Zone um I'm assuming the size of these things to pick how much limb you get out of them so we'll go to for the big one first little foggy in this Z sort of think I should be playing this with a controller so I can steer W whoa whoa whoa whoa no you little jerks got oh they got on oh you son of a Bad Bunny a broken bunny I guess that's what you get the succulent uh I think that's a paint we just picked up oh it's an air freshener nice little Pine air freshener can't go wrong I think those broken bunnies they're the ones that add quirks to your car right if you keep like running into them sort of thing like retir with 24mth member message leaving premature is always a bad thing okay no leaving premature is fine it's arriving premature that's the problem that ruins relationship uh can I scan that yeah the left R whatever that is that's right another word for arrive yeah exactly okay I'm right next to it I think give me give me give me I'm so happy that passenger do is not popping open all the time now oh whoa whoa a you little jerks oh no oh God stop stop wrecking with my car they put it in gear it's like the one that drove it the car to me the other day when I was recording all right uh we're got to go over here for now catch that one no wa it was already in gear of course oh god oh wait some's not right here there we go ooh a truck Wonder has over doors doesn't look like it steel door hey can Timber how you doing oh no my light still doesn't work dang it sorry buddy that steel door off of there oh I can't craft anything what's going on here guess I have to actually loot things first uh well that's problematic I going to try to make a ceiling kit but um I can't so the best I can do I guess right now is slap some repair potty on it hi Timber how you doing buddy and fix the light no it's like a yeah it's a stream deck uh button that I have set up to turn the light on for my camera but uh it's not working for some reason got to reset my steam deck or something so this is just a fuel truck but oh it's got off-road tires I wish I could like pull these off with a blowing them off since I had those Tire problems last time I'm going to stick some spare tires in here these are [Music] huge Tim I goes to my Liberator got to make another one of those now eventually oh crap I don't have the stuff on me to make another Liberator well this is all we're going to get here for uh for spare parts this time cuz I screwed up and didn't bring another Liberator with me that's problematic I could turn on the cat cam but it might be a little dark cuz the light's not working well we'll see uh it's literally black that's not how that's supposed to work not look that either there we go stop look at my hand buddy it's uh yeah it's just coming up straight black I think there might be more problems than just the light I think I need to reset my PC so think it'll be a non option for tonight sorry everybody no cat cam what I need to do is set up a web a uh YouTube page for uh Timber specifically he'll have his own cam but can watch him laying around like a fat cat just sleeping all the time dude don't rub on the mic man to noisy can't make a ceiling kit yet what do I need for the ceiling kit duct tape a I just corked myself in the head all right so we got uh two we're going all the way down here now for the next one just stay on the road not a lot of buildings to loot in this area oh I didn't grab this one here yet duh get distracted by the truck and it almost forgot about this thing [Music] stay back there anomaly oh there's a Pneumatic drop thing here that just a can opener yeah makes that high pitch noise it's craziness now we're keeping on the PVE Road as it goes to the right up here right through the can opener did you hear the guy calling for help what guy calling for help I hear no help calls cat can with treat drop oh man he's already so chunky from getting over bed that would be disastrous for his health I think if people just could like trigger uh treats to drop for him that'd be funny use the scanner on the blender anomaly with the the can opener I've already scanned that thing unless you're talking about like that hand scanning thing I don't even know what to do with that yet so we I'll try that next time I did like the the scan with the c button on it already hold on a second so I've got this um this thing here the anchor radar I don't know what this does it sounds an a pulse of some kind is there a point later on in the game where anchors are hidden and you don't get to see them or something cuz they're marked on the map which kind of makes it weird that you have to have a a scanner for it how about my C with bacon drop uh I approve bacon not that I need the added weight either hand scanner tells you more okay do I have that kind of scanner I mean that that anchor thing wasn't what I thought it was something else got another gas station and a lot of visitors T us whatever leave my car alone you jerk there's a lot of these guys here I don't like this it's not really triggering the too many of them either I thought I saw one of those little red Crystal fly over here it's not Anor scan is pretty useless for now okay yeah it did seem like it wasn't terribly useful the only lootable in here that's nuts fine Marge I don't even know why we have a jar try bust it in the bathroom oh there we go big box with almost nothing in it any well uh the anchor is over here at least though so we can go grab this chees it no jeez sorry Zer no come back with don't you take off with my car you little jerks Bad News Bears right there ton of those things came out of nowhere um where was that I think about the flare if you throw a flare into the center of the group of visitors without blowing them up then turn your back they'll gather around oh really that's fancy I'm about a flare though okay I got to get out of here uh oh wait no that's not what I want I want an exit point oh there is no exit here that's weird gateway's open let's going to the Gateway I thought this was like a through Zone where I go through here and get to the next area but it didn't have a connection they bumper you can get to Lim there's a thing you can get that um makes it difficult for the bunnies to stick to your vehicle I guess that would also apply to the beneficial bunni Leroy Jenkins oh perfectly good driving that's that didn't hurt the car at all just don't look at the little screen that says there's damage the Lim pulse emitter yeah I think I unlocked it already Le I thought I did I just think I just was lacking something to make it I'm marginally impressed not bad newbie Dar right you're impressed Lady ain't that new if you're in a bind pay a visit to the friendly dumpster out back I always seem to find just what I need in there all right I'm going to unload all the stuff here and then we'll uh go back out again wrong thing oh uh all right so this goes in here easy peasy good night Silent Flight H okay where were those tires that I grabbed so that tires are right let's check the status of the car here road flares and car repairs not much needed there really you know I could probably just replace these things with the proper panels I can make steel panels easy enough the ones that aren't fragile anymore kind of more of a pain in the butt to use the Liberator to take them off which reminds me got to make another Liberator oh steal sheets there's a impulse emitter there I don't know where does that go is that is that a side that's going to be a side mounted thing right yeah okay I'm going to need another uh oh man that's huge need another side Rack or a top rack or something for that there we go all right front bumper for it doesn't go on the side it goes uh goes on the bumper oh really I assume it needs a mounting rack though right so if I go to like seat rack side rack roof rack nope how do I attach it on the bumper oh remove and replace oh I see oh I got you now okay that's fun I'll just scrap this thing I really need to put it in storage got one more fragile panel here to remove glorified bumper yeah I see that like a high-tech bumper but not meant for bumping okay I want another Liberator uh I'd like another rechargeable flare a relatable flare but one have is I guess going to have to do for the now since I have no flares at all up to 3.7 limb maybe I should hold on and try to get that new motor instead of like buying any other components [Music] here that do for me you trying to figure out how to pay me a visit don't bother by regular standards I'm about 10 mil West of you in zone terms consider me on another planet there's a valley of Perpetual instability in closing my corner of the zone and yes I chose to live here for that exact reason leave an old woman in peace feel like I need to like scan something else to find points guess we'll go [Music] here think's already B new motor takes 48 of those uh Theros Saabs and it takes a while to get oh it does yeah that that would take a while good Lord all right see what happens saw my back tire here's got a yellow dark marker thing on it Loose needs a mechanic kit ow my head again oh and I still need the sealant for this back window okay now we're ready on the road again I just can't wait to get on the road again the unstable Zone had another exit point I saw I had like a sh shadowy thing there but it was similar to this other one that that I just went to that didn't actually have an exit I had to take the Gateway back kind of weird are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet so I could change direction here if I wanted to right like I could go to this thing high in stability check conditions that looks not fun though look at all the question marks on that sucker I've got to go to intermediate spot first I guess right I can't just jump straight [Music] there set up li balls M on the shortcuts panel oh yeah yeah I guess I got to do that too don't I [Music] uh that would be here um f wait changeability rear bumper Lim pulse sub minutor select option there we go where am I right now oh so there is one exit point over here damn lappers going like the further areas the game will automatically set way points for you yeah yeah all right that's cool I tried to collect that farther spot but it wouldn't let me so maybe I have to go through and open up the doted line to it first something in the woods over here oh perfect absolutely no problem for my car smashing that stuff great the duct tape I need for ceiling kits oh no FL nice this one turns crowbars into whatever that weight thing is I want to try it out just to see what happens let's make another Prime right what did that do for me it got me another prar but don't see how that did anything can't figure out the transmuter they always spit out the things I put in uh you need four Riders to make one lead oh is that what that is okay all right well I don't want that that's lame it doesn't give any so it just says pry bar a lead plate but it doesn't really give a an indication of like the quantity you need that's interesting unless this that thing at the bottom there is the indicator so like it's got four pieces of the pie weird anyway I don't really need the lead right now anyway um there we go yeah look at me a noob I don't know how to use the transmuter what an absolute Noob uh we're g to go over here see like I figure out how to back out of here safely nailed it absolutely flawless do need some plasma but I don't really want to mess with that storm that's coming in there get out of here before it catches up too quick I got to drive right towards it oh good times all right which we're avoiding it these baller things already SC hand so I don't need to do that again somebody needs a mod backup c yeah the visibility when you're backing up in this game is pretty brutal again can't really see a whole lot of anything we got one of those little supply drop things or pneumatic tube things all your dramatic Storage Des are belong to us oh and I can try out my hand back pump thing I could have I could figure where I put it oh my god did I not make one I know I unlocked it there it is jeez error what oh I see it sucks out the the ones that are lit up first and then you scrap the remainder that's fun very nice couple things anyway okay storm already passed so that's a plus we got to turn right pretty much right here little foggy hey Shirley how you doing Happy Friday and or Saturday I guess depending Where You Are all right think it's going to get crazier when I grab this thing ooh plasma Towers all the good stuff need that plasma where's my car get me out of here that wasn't too bad do want more of that plasma again though so I'm going to park here hopefully I'm far up away was a speed boost thing there do I have a flat uh I mean there's no symbol on the tires suggesting I do oh let me quickly scan the tires no oh wait there's one there that's got something 15% 10% I don't know what those thing symbols are um but no we don't seem to have a flat oh crap I don't know just in case they a got be worried now everything seems all right all right um I guess we'll grab this and then try to double back and get that exit point it's the easiest way to get there to go the long yeah I'll go around the way I'm going already I guess oh I got zapped on the way by speed boost oh oh too much too much oh God got it no no you don't yeah that's right let go jerk use my new toy ooh a jumpy it's probably a very bad idea oh God oh God uh I made not have hit that in a straight line I think I think we might have caused problems maybe I shouldn't have gone over that this MC B Spot with the Super Chat please install Night Rider turbo button I mean I I picked up a yellow one that was just floating there does that count T you're laying on my keyboard buddy what are you doing that was cool do it again yeah he it was fun I don't know if cool with the right word damage the panding on my car no there's a truck there but there's also this hot dust stuff I shouldn't stop in there we go oh oh God oh God everything's fine everything's fine we're good a I got Za again that's the Sparks on the Super Chat do a bar roll oh wait it was really more of an Aeron roll my car didn't appreciate it though either way oops uh that was not the road yeah we can probably get through over here car is equipped for off-roading sure's fine found it oh crap these things again don't grab my car you'll regret it and so will I Jes it oh there Parts flying around here what's going on with that oh boy perfect let's get out of here before the storm closes in on me now old schol Super Chat Are We There Yet family vacation simulator yeah pretty much only my car is generally not sparking like this when I'm on vacation is that car purple that's weird need the next right coming actually the roadway I guess will stay have to stay on the road all the way out of here no dirt roads for this guy I know as a vacation spot this place is a little shocking I don't think I can endorse this on uh Speedy or travel aity or whatever it is oh boy oh oh god oh that was a little rough all right made it off to wherever this is going um this I guess or I guess I got to go over here right that's a new dotted line which means I haven't gone there before extreme conditions I can't lose just desp not having aerons it was still an Aeron [Music] rooll okay uh there are no exit roads out of here that's fun heavy fog disruptive discharge Swift storm oh good fabulous let's let's go loot over here thought this was where it was telling me I was supposed to go but now I'm not so sure I really need to fix my car too maybe I should take a moment and do that before things get bad I can't see much of anything but oh don't want my my luggage getting [Applause] wrecked these aren't too bad this needs [Applause] fixing all right good enough just a little little patch up it's really dark in this area man what's up with that we did Timber bobblehead for the dash that'd be funny all that hot dust business oh oh that is that's not something I want to toy with right there Bondo fixes all yeah that uh that magical stuff we use to fix our car is pretty impressive oh there go my flashlight already I want to search in the dark Dam all right let's go over here focus on getting these things and get out of here place is scary it's all dark and spoopy I got shocked really if I can turn right here that would probably be the easiest way to go is I can't see the roadway if there even is one Theo J it oh crap um that that might not have been a good idea sure everything's fine everything's fine come mind me excuse me sir coming through no no I don't think so all right everything worked out fine sort of oh my God I cannot see the road though it's so dark down here here F door roads where we're going we don't need roads yeah or tires or functional Electronics my Scrapper scrapped itself holy crap I really can't see anything down here all right what are we dealing with here um maybe I should grab this one first pretty much like straight down this road if I can actually a way to keep an eye on the road oh no all right we're good it's fine what is even happening right now a little gas station here oh are these bad bunnies what are these ones these ones don't look familiar oh oh the radiation ones I don't know how H dust bunnies I don't have uh I don't have a scrapper made if I break them down actually there's no radiation there what's that deal with these things lead plates and stuff maybe they are radiation based didn't raise the radiation meter but I did take some damage I think oh my one headlights toast um I got to turn to the right here somehow see a roadway though no radiation why do I have a third arm valid question there's the road wow this area is crazy dark man oh that's bad oh that's bad oh Lord I don't think we're getting out of here alive this car is in really bad shape already we haven't even gone anywhere I got to go into the woods to get this thing where is it yeah there it is I got to get the car turned around so I can actually if I keep going straight I can't tell if I'm going if it's going to be uphill or downhill over this way that's the worst thing going to happen oh god what the hell was that oh I grabbed my my Scrapper this unstable Where's My Car come back with my car little jerk oh my God it grabb me kill me okay everything's fine I turn my car off uh all right I need to go down here can I get through Woods okay off-roading may not have been the best idea that's fall tree there oh more the bunnies back off bunnies oh they're on my car Ste ler Jesus no I want want to put a marker on that thing okay go go go go my battery might be wearing out this is stressful driving I can't really see the road very well oh a to that thing stop the car a the bean we just got to get over here this would not be good time to wre a car all right we made it the music is stressful oh I did so much damage that time that's going to take a little bit of repairing you know interesting thing about those anchor plugs they use limb technology to stake down pockets of stability in an area basically they delay how quickly you're turned into swiss cheese out there oh swiss cheese very nice oh what a mess my poor car I just beat the crap out of this thing sound Design's almost on part with subnotica yeah it's really good actually I'm impressed it's kind of fre freaky let's get uh the car unloaded okay so we got that uh there's going to be a lot of little repairs and stuff that are going to be needed on this thing the car is at 38% uh we did some damage a little bit of damage let's grab the uh blow torch thing here well that thing repairs pretty quick just multi with Super Chat it will buff out oh yeah sure will fortunately we got magic tools we can fix pretty much anything this B is great practically like new already surprisingly after all that uh that rough driving we did there the uh the tires are in reasonably good shape check the racks too oh yeah yeah uh this one is this one's worn [Applause] everything else is in pretty decent shape oh that light is toast uh so we need a light replacement and repair putty to fix the general breakage on that thing light replacement kit it's already half fixed do enough to make repair putty so we good that way okay so not bad actually that considering how badly I beat the car up it was a pretty quick repair job there wasn't really much that was like severely damaged on it s from the light you know that that was a bit of an issue but quickly and easily fixed at least let's go see what else we can unlock how much uh how much stable energy have I got o 7.6 now see Clon with a 22mon member message did I do that yeah I sure did I smashed her good thanks for the 22 months of support that's amazing so the turbo light engine basic workbench install scanning antenna research steel sheet let's unlock this thing but oh jeez it's aggressive I want to see what it takes to make this here fancy engine turbo light engine so it takes uh 10 steel sheets 42 of the ther thermos stap crystals that's that's crazy that's going to take me forever to get I think somebody had said if you break down armor pieces you can find the the thermos saap crystals as well could be wrong thought that's what I heard though so that's nutty um side battery what is this thing oh unstable energy this one is hydrogenerator not simply that energy from raindrops is being converted into electricity it's at the acid and heavy metals sometimes present within the zones rainfall are being so utilized so probably don't drink the water unlocks a unlock a side rack oh that has to be these are side mounted things mini turbine that's cool I'm bumping into all this unstable energy I have to get now corrupted energy what's this here oh that's the upgrade for the investigator module if I make a circuit board I can unlock that just install the turbine it's neat does it just like generate power as you're going along this thing here turbine using a large propeller to capture wind energy a kind of janky concept could be does it look uh does it look just a little amateur it might does it work great Scott it certainly does Great Scott unlock a seat rack what is this jump Jacks nothing to do with aerodynamics and everything to do with Brute Force Jackhammer like power will make your car airboard for a brief moment really oh my God that's [Music] awesome it's like night rider baby insulated headlights sometimes you just need to cut the little Faraday cage um I need Advanced workbench to for that which is here requires unstable [Music] energy frequency analyzer and extractor machine doesn't receive anything is this even hooked up to the phone light what is the fax machine for that's weird make a I want to make a fax machine just cuz I'm curious what it'll do for me curiosity killed the fox fax machine where does this go jump Jacks are the best in this game yeah like like hopping over obstacles and stuff new slash Tacoma May 16th 1969 account Alejandro Lopez was reappeared after 8ye absence claiming to have no memory of where he's been or no awareness of the amount of time that's passed this from our pror Simon open inventory no idea what this is about boat okay well I made a fax machine I literally have no idea what I'm supposed to use it for but I'm sure it'll come in handy at some point something will happen oh good that did open up a further point in the dark Zone again so we've got to stretch out here I wonder if I had gone up this way if I could have got got into the uh mid Zone up here although this is marked as the destination so we got one more dark Zone to go to and when we vacate that one that should open up the passageway into this mid Zone area used it for sending or receiving facts are you sure I'm not I'm not convinced of this feel like you're lying any right it's already 20 after 12 my time uh I think I'm going to call it for tonight crash and have a good sleep and stuff uh thanks everyone for coming hang out tonight appreciate the the super chats and all the gifted memberships and everything I should be live again tomorrow tomorrow night around 9:00 p.m. eastern time hopefully my internet will continue to cooperate in at least reasonable fashion had one hiccup tonight but uh could have been worse we'll continue the adventure again uh tomorrow night I'm not sure be playing just yet I think um I think I have access to Winter survival a little bit early it comes out now on March 6th we might play that tomorrow night otherwise I might lean towards uh playing some Nightingale I don't know we'll see but uh thanks so much everyone I was always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next [Music] [Music] time
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 9,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, pacific drive, pacific drive gameplay, let's play pacific drive, pacific drive first look, pacific drive part 1, pacific drive ep 1, pacific drive live stream, pacific drive sneak peek, car survival game, pacific drive survival game, survival game
Id: -9fl5x8tp50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 42sec (11862 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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