From Base Kit to THIS in about 63 Minutes (Zero to Highroller) - Dark and Darker

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hey there guys today we're going to be doing another Zero to Hero this time as the ranger now if you haven't seen it recently there's been um someone called the dark Harvester who's been doing videos with a lot of the top rated players in dark and darker and he recently did one with Vincent one of the top Ranger or no the number one Ranger in solos the number two overall so you know this guy is very high ranked very good and today we're just going to be taking a few a few ideas out of his book and trying it and seeing how they feel of course generally for the long B not that I play Ranger too much but I honestly I always thought the recurve was a little bit underrated and so we're going to be running a load out that is more similar to what he runs well I think it actually might be exactly his load out we're going to be running enhanced hearing which is interesting um apparently it's very strong solo I'm not sure if it's going to be that strong for me as we're going to be yapping away all the time pretty much but we'll see what we can do maybe it will make them so loud that I'll be able to hear them over this and of my own voice but we'll see aside from that we're running Nimble hands quick reload and Sharpshooter uh we also running quick shot the triple shot and also quick fire we're going like full DPS build here and we're just going to hopefully be kiting people out but we'll see how it goes um whilst we're running with our default gear it's probably going to be pretty rough but we'll try and try and do try and accomplish what we can 28 damage Reco bow is a bit painful but let's get into ice cin and see how it goes I'll see you guys in game okay hey there guys welcome into the game we are doing our first run in ice Caverns um now I want to apologize about the lack of videos and stuff recently um I've just been very busy at work so I haven't really been able to play much of dark and darker at all but um hopefully as it kind of calms down a bit in the coming uh weeks and stuff should be returning to a lot more videos I haven't played basically any dark and darker unfortunately so I'm I'm not sure how the meta is playing out at the moment what how people are feeling um I saw that hope there should be a patch coming soon uh with some pretty nice changes hopefully they're improving server stability they are uh what else were they working on uh oh they possibly might be removing the map rotation which honestly I liked it a lot at um the beginning but I think it's kind of grown on me in a negative way where I kind of just want to play runes I don't really want to play Goblin caves Ice Cavern is good as well but I really enjoy the like three layer system of ruins a lot more than anything else right now so that's primarily what I've been wanting to do that's actually a Rog cow uh arming sword plus one weapon damage that's nice dexterity will resourcefulness nice okay some meds as well let's drop that Ro cow we'll keep the straw hat um aside from that uh let's drop our doublet and our cloth pants and honestly let's drop our Ranger Hood as well let's just go full move speed uh let's equip those as well because of that we will keep these cuz they're blue anyway but right let's start killing some mobs I haven't got this spawn before there's actually a huge amount of um uh huge amount of boxes and things here to destroy so this is probably a pretty damn nice spawn on a Zero to Hero hopefully get a bunch of upgrades from there if you spawn there consistently I'm not going to bother with the barrels cuz um honestly Barrel loot generally just kind of sucks I'd rather just continue moving and exploring the map a bit more believe this is actually a nightmare death Beetle so let's be careful okay or we can just eat a um head shot from the crossbowman and almost die in a single shot so that's cool I guess luckily we have a surgical kit so let's just make sure he doesn't nail us with another shot that actually very close way closer than it should have been let's go ahead and pop the surgical kit it's a shame that we're having to pop it so early bit of a waste but it's better to use it than to not use it and just die to some random hit that I don't see coming I see up there there's a a big chest not sure what that is that might actually be a golden chest in which case it will be locked although someone did say a while ago that there was a very very low chance to um actually have them spawn open survival bow no I don't think we're going to be taking a survival bow if the survival bow was blue we could consider it but I think a green survival bow without the correct um like load out for it is just not really going to be that viable for us um especially in low gear like we'll probably just run out of arrows before we actually kill anyone so yeah let's not go ahead and take that um let's be careful with the mobs in here um I did unfortunately die on my very good fighter set in this um map recently I died not even to players or anything I killed a barbarian and then died to um PVE I the Barbarian as I was fighting him pulled like h I don't even know like maybe 10 skeletons and when I killed him they all just went onto me and it was a mess and unfortunately I just got uh beaten down by the stacking blow that these skeletons actually put on you the frost skeletons and yeah that sucks wow we got another buy another surgical kit already that's a nice little find let's go ahead and make our way over to this big chest uh let's try not to miss too many arrows try not to get nailed by this bloody crossw as well I don't want to waste our second surgical kit for no reason really Suppose there is actually a heal Shrine down there oh there's a l head down there as well haven't played much of this map at all yet still I think we will take the Longbow for now just because uh the default recurve is so bad that a white Longbow even when we don't quite have like the I guess we don't really have a bad kit or layout or setup for um the Longbow we just don't really have like the best probably I don't really like the double shot on the Longbow but I do like quickfire and of course we have both so this kind of actually lets us be able to use either let's try and kill the more dangerous enemies first server performance still not the best Unfortunately they still haven't like improved it at all it feels like but like I say hopefully the patch that's supposed to be coming next week should possibly fix that for us or at least reduce it and make it a little bit better we'll see but I have High Hopes honestly I'm this game oh uh sure knowledge is useless but it's just extra movement speed that we'll take [Music] um miss an arrow over here but oh there's a skeleton archer in there as well okay two head shot on those is actually pretty good this one wasn't actually Elite for some reason though so that's probably why um of course in my last video I was actually using multishot I think multishot is good but only if you're running the Longbow um I don't think it's actually good if you're running recurve particularly I think the skills that we're running now are going to be better with the recurve and also I'm not playing melee right now just I probably don't need to tell you guys you probably know like how ridiculous barbarians are at the moment with Savage raw it just kind makes me not really want to play mow right now so we're trying this hopefully if we fight any barbarians we can just kite them out I'm not sure what happened to the loot in these boxes I guess it's dropped down below or something but let's not worry about it too much let's go ahead and look these chests so we've got some decent pieces this cap honestly might not even be worth equipping but yeah okay so as I thought so um takes us three head shots for this Longbow to the elite version of The Archers let's just go ahead and use our skills to kill this guy a bit quicker I'm honestly surprised that this didn't die to four head shot the only thing is with ice caverns of course is it's you it's a bit sketchy to extract in this map you need to kind of um start moving pretty early and find one before it gets like really stressful so right now we're entering stage two or whatever where like we start taking the ticking dot uh let's actually take a look at those uh 11 move speed oh wow those actually really good I'm honestly wondering if this increases the um strength instead of decks uh sure and small more arrows fine why not let's go ahead and go up to check whatever a God right to check whatever there's actually someone over there not sure they almost certainly see us but I'm not sure if they know that we see them look like they could have been emoting to be honest oh no sorry i' we're in stage one which is not the ticking dot it's actually the slow action speed slow and movement speed slow I'm not sure how big so yeah that is a golden chest up there so let's not worry about that Dam there's a lot of loot in this room like a lot of loot uh taking armit armit is pretty good actually two Vigor and two agility as well that thing will self quite a bit on the market I imagine armit is probably generally a bit less appreciated compared to the Hound skull Hound skull is the defensive option of course armit the more damage oriented one so I do kind of want to loot that Lin head but I'm wondering how many enemies down there we'll actually have to kill and if while we're clearing that out we get dropped on by the other player that could be risky I think honestly what we start doing is we start looking for the uh extract that we're going to be taking that's why I don't God can you see this it's so weird there the um the lag was like making my shots Miss maybe maybe I'm coping with that but I'm pretty sure those were like should have been hits but kind of like rubber banded me to the side a bit anyway we need to like go so let's head to the side of the map um I don't think it particularly matters where we head we probably don't really want to head into clear too many mobs um I'm not sure I think we're roughly Central I don't know exactly where though okay so these guys really can like actually still have not really uh fought many of these mobs oh God the the Tantrum is definitely a little funny thing that they do there I think ice Gavin is supposed to be broken for AP as well but I'm not exactly sure how as I haven't played enough of that or seen anything about it particularly but we're going to try and do what we can do we're not particularly playing for AP honestly we're kind of just playing oh my God I honestly don't think we're going to leave we need to like go so where do we go um let's Head West then I think we need to stop clearing mobs and just run at this point okay perfect uh down there that's a blue let's just go ahead and take that and hope that they haven't added any uh fall damage to the game which I'm pretty sure they still haven't I wonder if you fall down there if you just die interesting anyway getting a bit sketchy there I think we were getting close to the end uh 600 AP not bad we got some decent loot for us it's a decent starter kit uh just one barbarian left so let's go ahead and head out and see how much money we got from The Collector it's looking like 267 gold an extra 64 gold from these things that we're going to vendor which currently gives us a subtotal of 33 1 but let's go ahead and see what we can sell this armit for this is a pretty good armit to Vigor to agility debuff duration bonus is negative but let's just not worry about that so for 300 gold we need six bags so that works out perfectly so 301 gold and we're selling the armit for another 300 gold 350 gold so this gives us about 600 gold for to work with so let's go ahead and see what we can do now the thing is we need to be building move speed so I don't know if we're really going to buy um chests or legs especially with how overpriced they are right now I think we might go for some legs we might go for the agility ones uh loose trousers but ideally we're looking primarily for a better weapon we're going to swap out from the Longbow and look for a better recurve okay perfect for 100 gold we are grabbing the six physical power recurve bow blue pretty decent we could probably spend about another 50 to 100 gold and get like a pretty good purple but this is good enough for now the good thing about recurve is cuz it's kind of a little bit off mattera not particularly but like a little bit it's a little bit underrated I would say you can usually get pretty good ones for relatively cheap and we'll vendor this Rico for uh that long bow for another 8 gold I'm going to be buying these loose trasers for 300 gold uh maybe a little bit overpriced but they give us honestly it's not that bad almost 5% physical damage bonus plus we actually gain one movement speed from this memory capacity is of course useless and aside from that I think we're just going to save the rest of this gold to buy a few more consumables we're going to buy some more potions some more bandages some more traps and then probably make our way into another run let's go ahead buy two more traps then from The Alchemist let's go ahead and buy six more potions six more bandages that leaves us with just over another 100 gold we could try and get like one cheap ring for 100 gold I guess we will let's have a look and we're going to buy this cheap pendant for 100 gold one strength two additional Fizz not too bad aside from that let's go ahead and sore our coin purses put uh sort our inventory out a little bit in fact let's actually do it over here so we have this neat area on the right side it's actually free and let's go ahead and head into runin all right I'll see you guys in game okay hey there guys welcome um let's it' be interesting to see how much damage we're doing right now like obviously we're still missing a few pieces we still don't really have much jewelry uh bow is definitely pretty good but we don't have like the highest damage pieces uh let's go ahead and take that actually what is that over there is that really weird lighting or is there a player in there and that's it's like a shadow I'm actually not sure all right well let's just go ahead and clear out these mobs as uh as quick as we can try and Dodge this uh can't really see what I'm shooting at so unfortunately it's going to take a little bit longer than I would have liked we have a enough arrows thankfully to just be able to kind of miss a few and it's not a big deal although to be honest with the amount of Ares on this map we actually might gain them um looked like there was actually a decent spread of classes in the lobby um I didn't get to see very much but I saw like a rogue a barbarian a fighter I think I saw a warlock as well so I'm not really too sure what we're going to end up dealing with here I kind of do almost just want to quickly go I really don't know what that was I've never noticed that before I'm not sure if that's something that happens often it's just like a lighting bug or if that was [Music] um that player there or what it was almost certainly that player there and uh I annoyed that guy there cuz I definitely hit him how much damage we did I don't really know of course uh I didn't get time to go to the um training dummy to check our damage so I think what we'll do is we'll set up a trap here preemptively and then we can try and use that to kite uh however we will quickly I would like to loot these things of course but however we will quickly grab this and then loot this um chest and then we'll head over there and see what we can do oh my God that's a nice cloak actually and a high long SW wow there's actually some really good stuff we got okay well I'm not seeing any one in there the moment he could have went around or something uh let's take a look if these are actually any good armor rating Max Health bonus these are pretty good these will would sell for a decent amount well I'm not sure if we do really want to keep them um I guess we'll just keep our Lan cuz at least that Lantern literally does something for us even though it is quite minor the long sword yeah we could can drop these pretty easily these are not like super high tier for now we don't mind keeping probably a few too many arrows of course we can just drop them when we need to pick up loot or that scared me I'm really trying to listen out here so might be talking a little bit less than usual Al probably just a bit out of practice oh my God I forgot that we put that trap down honestly almost just kind of backed up into that uh yeah do not take that let's go ahead and peek into the North after we've opened this chest oh my God again we need to remember that we do have a trap up we do have another three as well so like we can put another one down pretty happily and just um chill with it uh let's actually just inspect this cape real quick uh it's two true magical damage unfortunately I thought that was um true two true physical which would have been like a crazy good Cape to just randomly find two strengths of course some AR ating armor pen and two truth no not quite but still very good Cape to get for nothing the power of Lin head honestly Lin's head gives such good loot in general sure I didn't need to tell you that but honestly I used to underestimate them quite a bit like I used to not worry about looting them to that much but yeah no I definitely undervalued them so the interesting thing to note is um I'll just quickly explain I'm sure some of you guys definitely know this but the differences between true damage uh added damage and uh weapon damage so weapon damage actually scales with your physical power bonuses or so your physical damage bonus so that's where you can only really find it on um weapons which is kind of why like melee weapons that have weapon damage are pretty much B especially if they have like physical power on them as well physical damage is just or sorry added physical damage uh adds flat damage which does scale with head shot and limb shots so like if you hit someone the leg you'll do only half a point of damage instead of one if you have one flat damage but you do one and a half on a head shot while true physical damage as long as you hit them it always does one damage no matter where you hit them so no head shot multiplier no limb penalty nothing like that now I am a bit worried regarding um moving into the Zone because Rogues I saw some at least one Rogue in the lobby so that's always going to be a little bit sketchy for us to push into we can try and listen out of course I'm not sure how okay let's take that L cuz too Max Health with the weapon I guess is a little bit of an upgrade to me definitely seems like it makes footsteps of mobs louder as well cuz I don't feel like I would be able to hear them that oh from this far away usually let's go ahead and open this but let's actually go ahead and put a trap let's put a trap here and hopefully we can try and use that to kite people as well although um no let's not put a trap there yet because it's so close to the edge of the Zone it's probably immediately going to be made pretty irrelevant however if you can trap someone outside of the zone so if you like you know drag them through and kite them into the Zone God damn that is like really powerful cuz they're of course going to take the ticking Zone damage and then you can light them up it's so good but it's just a bit Niche cuz then of course you're probably going to be taking Zone damage and stuff we're just going to go ahead and try and play safe um I'm sure why it's feeling so quiet to be honest like ruines does not normally feel this quiet maybe it's because of the side of the Z I do think in like one of the most recent patches they did lower the amount of players that you encounter a little bit I could be wrong on that so I'm not 100% sure but I think they did so that is something to bear in mind I also think um the recur is like or sorry uh let me explain as I was saying about how um the scaling things work for uh the damage scalings that added physical damage the true physical damage stuff like that this can determine your build right so you can and stacking flat physical damage is going to work best with a survival bar right cuz you're faster attacking you have the quad shot you have more arrows in your H I don't really quiver I guess so generally stacking lots of those bonuses is going to be better with the recurve and the survival bow than the long bow however the long bow because it has such crazy base damage scales better with physical power of course ideally you would scale both of these but you can utilize these mechanics to like um strengthen your build why is this so quiet I'm not hearing anyone PVE I'm not hearing any any PVP I'm this is a really odd raid it's not like it was the final few seconds of the raid or anything and it's not like it timed out either this was like a full Lobby so I guess everyone must be on the other side of the map or something but I definitely hope to um release some more I'm not sure I'm thinking I'm going to push towards uh demig guard possibly we are starting to run out of time though I probably should have done a bit more grinding uh before it got so close to the end of the season but I think I'll probably try and grind most of it presumably I'm going to do it off stream however I'm down to do it on stream if people would like to see that it's just I don't really tend to play in big um sessions I tend to just play like a game and two here and there so but we'll see uh purple Shadow Hood let's definitely take that to and that's pretty garbage um because we're probably going to be do going down to cits here and possibly even hell let's not worry about um filling up with purple gear and things let's just go for like pure Treasures now if we do start getting overwhelmed here or we do have a player coming over it's actually a nightmare buy skeleton mommy um we do have that red portal so we can just go ahead and leave uh what intending to get into a PVP in this I was going to attack people on site um however where is everyone like I don't [Applause] know really don't know why it's so quiet I mean let's go ahead and destroy the spider part at least and then grab a little bit more Loot and then we'll probably just take the red unless well I don't know actually I guess we could go and take a look and see if we can find any players in Ruins however at this point they probably have portals open and we do also run the risk of running into a Rogue which would not be ideal let's go ahead and look at that forthood it's okay let's take a surgical kit as well um right we do actually need to I'm doing a thing to like try and manage my inventory a little bit better H oh my God why is none of the PVE cleared it's really crazy just nothing's cleared such an unusual run okay yeah uh yeah no barbarians overpowered but it's not that overpowered you can't just run at me like that you know like uh not going to work out for him like that but this guy had like almost no gear or anything guys like a rocking Base Kit this guy didn't even not really sure but this was a bit of a bully kill to me honestly guy didn't really stand much of a chance I understand we're kind of in low ranks We're only in green um so I don't think we're at the like the threshold where it splits off into the um higher tier of matchmaking okay so let's drop this long sword let's drop this hand crossbow this Fenix choker is okay however let's keep it for now but we can definitely drop that if we need to uh gold coins we're already at 50 gold in our purse thing so let's not worry about that let's go ahead and use this single stack bandage now heater Shields do actually sell for a decent amount even if they're just okay this one does have armor rating and also additional health so this would sell for a pretty good amount on the market I do believe however if we're wanting to play for AP we can also absolutely drop this as well let's go ahead and stab this campfire there for now um it started as soon as we went into RS so I uh we could be alone but I imagine we're probably not I'd be a bit surprised if we are alone granted as I say we are put in the um lower ranked like matchmaking I think um that's an okay chest but it just slows us down by so much being able to kite people is definitely like the biggest thing about Ranger it's so strong uh kind of like a voice break though with h I thought we were going to take damage so I was a bit worried but now we're okay and then I just walk into it and take damage anyway so guess it is what it is right let's try and use some potions our gear is looking pretty decent at the moment like um right now if we can just save up like a a few hundred gold from this run we can probably buy like a pretty basic jewelry set as well and be pretty good honestly like the rec feels like so much easier to hit shots with than the um Longbow as well I'm not exactly sure why it might be because of like um well probably because it draws so much faster I guess but also I think honestly potentially the um lower projectile speed might help at lower rain no no that doesn't really make sense thinking about it yeah never mind scratch that one but I assume it's just I don't know it just feels so different if you've played Ranger before you probably like realize like it feels so different it must just be because of the like wind up time but something about it feels more fun to use for me for the recurve although you definitely do suffer at range when you're using the recurve compared to the um not even bother worrying about these things so like what are we going to L in here is there actually anything good in this room uh I see there's a little trap there so be careful about that blue recurve but not very good TR is damage and vigor it's tempting let's take a look at a fist power bonus from 14% to 11% but we good um what about health 108 versus 107 really we gain only one Health from three oh right that's three max Health um yeah sure let's just stick with what we had I think that's going to be better overall for us aside from that let's go ahead to some of the like like higher loot areas uh there might be something down here somewhere but all I've ever really experienced here is just killing hordes of bloody zombies and getting like three three partied or where you're just all of a sudden you're fighting everyone cuz everyone just seems to like uh end up together in these rooms it's weird not in Solo so much but in jewers and triers when used to play those quite often very nice two uh two shoting Rangers with just a recurve head shots right so this room's pretty good in here uh as long as I can remember where the lever is there's like I'm actually not oneshotting these with head shots that's crazy let's just try and kill as many of these as we can there's usually a l head up top there's also a Lin head down below in like the little hidden area okay we are eating through quite a few arrows here but we'll go through the mobs and try and pick them up after as well this room can be pretty risky if you um P too many mobs at once so just try and like nail them down a bit it's also like risky if you're a rogue it feels like I do not understand how to dodge these things I assume there's going to be some pretty consistent way but I am not aware of it yet so I was trying to do a rogue Zero to Hero for a little but straight up just died to like the ruins room with the Royal coffin o additional movement speed is good but we lose quite a bit of damage from that so I don't think we're going to utilize that um these things of course drop necks very commonly and also throwing weapons so if you're playing like fighter or Barbarian these are very good to check also Rogue of course throwing knives oh there's so many there so just yeah see that I think I just ducked into a head shot there but let's check if this is unlocked if it's not we actually oh there's actually a golden chest here as well still one more these things we'll probably take a little bit of Zone damage but let's not worry about it too much took us so long to clear this that unfortunately we're not going to be able to loot the hi your chest below but it's fine okay perfect oh my God an insane ring oh my God that's good as well and let's loot this Lin's head as well ah I missed it damn really close but just about missed it I think honestly let's just use a surgical kit let's use the handled one um honestly I prefer keeping the smaller meds here so what did we get so we got this ring two strength additional movement speed three additional movement speed actually kind of crazy and we got two w three magical healing two additional magic damage that is an insane warlock neck it's only blue but it's still insane that I don't know how much that will sell for honestly that's a lot of gold right but um I think we probably will go to hell although we honestly it's probably not the smart uh decision because we do have some very good gear on us right now we taking a bit too long to kill some of these mobs um a very uneventful game so far to be honest uh let's not worry about looting these lower tier chests so let's just go ahead and start clearing out the mobs that we're going to need to clear uh if there's no range mobs in here we actually don't really need to worry about it too much okay well probably be good if I hit the shots thought we were going to get hit there let's be careful you know what honestly it might be the smart idea to just try and break our way there oh no honestly let's just use the sword though we'll be fine oh you hear that there's someone here okay someone was there I was hearing them walk around so that's why we just dipped out of that room we don't want to get pushed while we're trying to clear mobs let's go ahead and heal up and then we'll probably head around the other way instead that might be a little bit bit less risky we'll take some Zone damage but yeah let's just not worry about it for now um where actually do we go can you go this way you can [Music] okay right this is going to be a bit sketchy bit the hit from that open this oh okay you know ah I don't think we actually can right this is a bit sketchy okay let's pop a health potion and let's just go ahead and try and open up a blue portal let's just go for this one this gas code comes back I'm going to be very upset I was going to go to hell but honestly I think it's wise for us to just leave we're going to get a huge amount of gold from this um necklace I'm pretty sure uh so yeah we're against a ranger um I'm not sure really how the Mir match would go let's see he has multishot but we're honestly I feel like we're favored I feel like recurve is probably better than Longbow at closer Rangers which is what we were probably going to be fighting at this guy does have some pretty nice gear so it would have been nice to kill this guy but unfortunately we were just in a worse position than that guy was so yeah so from The Collector we we got only 129 gold looking at it our inventry is actually relatively empty I mean this didn't quite go to plan but we'll still get quite enough uh quite a bit of gold just from the things that we were running uh well these two here these things are like really good The Shield we'll probably get a few hundred for this pendant honestly I'm not sure but this is like insane this is like the best blue pendant I think I've ever gotten uh these this we probably won't really sell for anything uh I doubt people will buy that maybe cuz it's move speed we might get like a 100 but that will be pushing it honestly and honestly this choker is pretty good as well two additional movement speed two Tru fiz damage a little bit of PDR pretty good as well so let's go ahead and head to the market see what we can get for these we're getting 200 gold for the C to Shield pretty decent I thought we'd honestly get a little bit more I was looking for probably 250 to 300 but either way when just don't want to be trading for ages okay we're going to be selling the amulet for 700 gold which we could maybe get more but yeah I'm getting impatient uh I've been I've dropped it quite a lot I started it honestly tening it I have no idea what these things really sell for but magical healing is like crazy with how much it just um amplifies the price of things but yeah that's not bad we'll take that uh now we can probably look to pick up another ring for ourselves and probably let's look for a good chest and aside from that we're going to be pretty damn set I guess we can try and sell this as well let's have a look we sold those final two amulets for 150 gold as a pack they weren't amazing so it's fine uh let's just quickly get rid of them and let's go ahead and buy one better ring for or another ring for ourselves and probably head for a chest as well and then let's head into a few more games before we head out going to be buying this chest for 200 gold um pretty cheap honestly for a pretty decent one it's not amazing it's just you know a few stats but not bad at all for 200 gold for 100 gold we're going to be buying 150 gold we're going to be buying this Ranger Hood this makes it so it's movement speed neutral plus we also get a little bit of physical power um we lose a little bit of defensive stats but honestly the movement speed is probably going to be more valuable and of course we get a little bit of damage uh we are going to be buying these crazy good gloves for 200 gold four strengths two additional physical damage and one agility very very good uh not going to worry about selling the things that we have uh could maybe just render them they're okay they might sell for a little bit but not much so from that let's go ahead and store all the rest of our gold that we're not going to be needing make sure we stock back up on meds and let's head into another run we'll do maybe one or two more I'm not really sure shame we don't have any blue potions yet but it's okay for now I couldn't be asked to get another ring I tried looking for them but people are only selling like crazy good Rings right now there's not many people that are actually trading them by the look of it so let's not worry about it and let's just head into ice Cav 85 damage head shot with a recurve bow that we're going to be we also have triple shot and also quick fire for putting lots of arrows down at them really good okay hey there guys um maybe we should have got a better weapon melee weapon just in case but we're in the ice gaves right now let's see what we can do uh these mobs here are generally a lot scarier than the um than their normal counterparts in the uh quips or ruins or what oh my God they're so tanky Jesus how many head shots s arrows when we're doing like 85 damage head shots I think one or two of those might have not been head shots but come on that's ridiculous I want to go up there and check that weapon that like dedicated weapon spawn is honestly pretty interesting I'm really glad that they're adding stuff like that I I don't know if it uh how high tier it can be seeing as there's no boss or anything that you have to kill to do it it's just there but I think it it's a good idea to have like interesting spawns and things around there is that an actual yeah it is an actual skeleton these guys just eat hits though yeah I'm really excited for um when they actually hopefully fix the oh my God these guys move in such a weird way that I haven't really experienced before honestly I should just stab them so far though I'm definitely appreciating this hearing perk with bug it seems very strong it's actually it doesn't just slightly increase them it makes it the ridiculously louder which is it does feel quite strong especially uh probably only in solos what is this magic stuff yeah it's the blue magic stuff I mean let's take it and see if it's any good H memory capacity it's okay I guess but no not really right so I'm not really sure where the uh there's a decent let's not worry about them where the best loot in this map is um I know that there's a treasure horde somewhere I believe it's somewhere near the middle of the map it probably is somewhere close to where we are but I'm not exactly sure those are pretty good gloves those might s for a little bit although there are better Caster bases um such as the raw hides for knowledge or leather gloves for Will and dexterity either of those is generally going to be better so people also ask for trading tips I suppose this video isn't really one to be giving trading tips or like how to tell if an item's going to be worth anything and a lot of it is for that item base do the stats make sense with them so that'll be you know is it a strength base if it's a strength base does it have movement speed is always good right so agility is always fine does it have physical power does it have additional physical uh does it have yeah additional physical damage does it have um did I already say physical B not sure but basically if it's a strength base which is only really works for physical does it have physical scaling things if so that's probably going to be a very good item now that doesn't that's not always a set setting Stone you can also have good items that are so you could have like good physical items that are not on a physical base it won't be worth as much but it'll still be okay right and the key thing is just things that synergize together and but there are a bunch of things which don't really synergize and it just kind of generally always is good like Vigor is pretty much just always good uh agility or additional M speed is pretty much just always good so these things can work on physical or on magical damage man they need to fix This Server like oh my God that was so not a hit until I get rubber banded back into it these things are so tanky though glad that he didn't actually live to get that hit off there cuz that might have hurt could have ducked into that and made it into a head shot ice C's very cool map though uh I'm glad it's finally out I'm hoping soon that they release the um either first or final layer for it just so wow okay so those are pretty damn good wait those do those increase our movement speed 296 298 they do and we also gain a little bit of physical power as well we do lose Health though how much do we lose we lose three honestly I don't think that's going to be worth swapping over to but those are very good so let's go ahead and keep those if these were purple and had like another sat these would be like really crazy boots they're still pretty good light foots people kind of want and there are also 15 movement speed life fors and two strengths so a barbarian or something or a ranger or a rogue pretty much just anything physical could really like those maybe not so much a fighter cuz Fighters generally want their heavy boots for the extra strength um I'm not I'm really surprised at how uneventful these runs have actually been really when it comes to um PVP primarily it's just been us fre looting right like I don't know why they made the skeletons on this map so tanky though they feel like like these ones aren't even Elites and still look at how many hits they take that's three head shot from this recurve and then an extra three stabs and I think at least one of them was head shot wait someone's been in here H the only thing is I feel like traps don't work so well on this map because it's so bright maybe that one that one's pretty damn hard to see let's check in here but let's be careful I hear a backat coming down yep now let's remember that we have this trapped down so if we do get someone running after us like a barbarian or something we can try and bring them into here and kite this let's leave this door open so we can shut it behind us if we are running from someone of course as Ranger we're going to be running from some uh going to be trying ah sorry going to be trying to kite any melee classes that come after us they didn't loot the lion's head that could be that it's locked or possibly they just don't know that there's a Lin set up here but let's either way let's go ahead and take a Peak okay it's probably just un looted then from the fact that the mommies are still here I imagine a lot of people are probably rushing straight to the um let's be careful not to get hit here cuz if we get hit by these we're probably going to get head shot by them and it's going to bloody hurt right uh a lot of people are probably rushing to the treasure pile um not sure exactly where that is but apparently it's some of the best AP you can get in the game line it's actually unlocked well honestly we should probably take white Treasures on this map just cuz it feels like you don't really get that much time to loot maybe it's just cuz uh I'm inefficient at looting on this map and that almost certainly contributes to it cuz I don't really know where the best loot is or anything I'll probably try and practice a bit more but I wanted to get a video out soon cuz it's been a long time unfortunately much longer than I would have liked to it's not the schedule I'm looking for but we'll do uh do what we can uh I feel like we should probably start clearing towards an extract so let's just pick a direction and start moving that way although there is the elevator in the room just north of where we came from so maybe we should go and check that at least um but let's actually try and get a bit of loot because we kind of have nothing right now we have to make sure we don't step in our um trap that we placed down obviously there is also an extract in the room that we came from I think we'll honestly just try and fill up on with whatever we can get and then um head out through one of these extracts this one is already open so that's good to know let's go ahead and take a peak though into the north I just want to see this room to be honest I'm still interested in exploring and seeing how the map actually looks things with these Cobalts is while they are very similar to goblins they actually feel like they lunge further like much further further than the Goblins do when they attack so you have to be careful that kind of feels like the theme of this map every mob seems to um lunge very far forward they die fast though and they have the funny little Tantrums when they're quite damaged I'm hoping no one comes up behind us and just uh sneaks into our portal looks like there is a bit of treasure in here uh this is also the I believe it's the lift room elevator room um let's find way to take that just so we have a bit more thing uh sorry a bit more gear that we can sell a bit more gold we can get a little bit more AP we can get uh White treasure we'll take the blue stiletto I guess cuz something think but pretty low AP values from those all right I think we're just going to head out it's probably not going to be the most interesting when watching me play um ice covs cuz I don't know what the hell I'm doing unless you appreciate the uh Clueless Parts but I don't know we'll see I think let's just head out and of course head into another map uh I think while we were doing that trading it progressed to ice cabins and most of the way through ice cavins wi this crossbow not hearing anything though but the stutters yeah not ideal on this map anyway let's head through only 272 AP uh soon we're actually going to be in the blue ranks so there was a warlock somewhere who extracted there was a Slayer fighter to the very north of the map uh warlock in relatively low gear just chilling down in the South there's quite a few players in here oh why this Barbarian is dead he's in our room actually he's trying to take the extract we took unfortunately for him he dies right as he get there we've already took it from a Treasures we only got 111 gold 96 gold from selling some of the other random pieces that we had we'll go ahead and try and sell these boots on the market see how much we can get for those just out of curiosity and then head into probably one final run although it won't be ice cabin by the time we' sold these boots most likely okay these life foots are actually selling immediately for 400 gold maybe I underpriced them a little bit I'm not too sure huge movement speed but I didn't okay these boots are selling iMed immediately for 400 gold so this probably means that I'm underselling them but I'm not going to go ahead and cancel it just cuz I incorrectly price checked them all right let's go ahead and honestly actually let's do one final ice Caverns just to see a bit more of the map explore it a little bit more maybe get a little bit more um experience with the map but not before we stocked up on bandages again and potions and also traps I'll just give this a little tip that I've been doing recently I've been trying to um increase the efficiency of my imry management so what I'm doing is I'm moving the Torches down to the bottom and then you can right click and it will swap out the top left row so you can use these for your like meds and consumables that you're going to be using in combat quite often and then you can use the other side for your kind of more out of combat things I think this is just a little bit of an optimization okay hey there guys welcome to ice Caverns I would like to do some PVP in this run so we'll try and push to some areas which I think might be spawns um let's try not to aggro those things down there cuz I don't really feel like fighting that Frost giant thing oh my God I thought that aggro last there right okay good to know that they don't actually oh my God there's one behind us really okay well the CB AR archers do actually destroy the doors it just takes them a few hits all right careful here right careful of the Archer that seems to be maybe a nightmare one or maybe a normal one I'm actually not sure I'm hearing someone into the north of us let's go ahead and pop some meds real quick um let's go ahead and pop a trap down here as well that we can hopefully use for our advantage they'll probably hear that though so that's not ideal it sounds like they're into the West oh this is actually the wo room so this is pretty scary let's go ahead and open the door it's a barbarian okay is he just hugging the door on the right side I think he is well we can't really push into this guy so I think what we'll go ahead and do is pop this potion maybe he'll push into us here no okay we got them on the Run okay we did eventually get him took a fair few hours but um I was going mainly for body shots when people are good at dodging it's easier to just hit them with body shots rather than to hit them with with um the hard-hitting uh head shots so I think honestly going for the more consistent play is better quite often this guy was definitely a throwing weapon Barbarian though godamn look at that uh we'll take his blue potion as well is this SW Hunter any good it's okay a lot of his gear isn't really that good so let's not worry about it but this ped tunic will probably sell for quite a bit I honestly consider no or slow us down by I think too much let's go ahead and gra a few more arrows out of there um let's sort arry out a bit let's grab a few of these arrows that's an important thing about Rangers as well I'm sure you don't need mean to tell you that but just utilizing or being able to just fire off arrows and not worry about running out is oh hey I'm sword upgrade now I think this actually might possibly no I thought this was possibly the um treasure the treasure pile but no it's the another one of the wers that's where the door was destroyed I honestly wonder about equipping this we'll lose quite a bit of movement speed though we'll go from 298 down to yeah that's too much movement speed to lose in my opinion on Ranger we do have an extract available here so let's try and use this as a backup now you see there the Trap did actually work out and this perk actually does feel kind of broken I'm not going to lie being able to um hear people from this far away is kind of crazy to be honest I can definitely see how this is one of the most powerful perks for solar Ranger I'll uh make sure I credit the um Vincent and uh the dark Harvester in the description below for their channels uh Vincent's just qu streamer but dark Harvester is a YouTuber as well so there'll be links to both of them in the description uh this is the only reason those people are the only reason with their videos um why I'm actually trying this and honestly yeah no Vincent was right this is very very strong uh we could have grabbed another stack of arrows as well uh rip is okay but honestly prefer a purple arming sword let's go ahead and physical damage movement speed that's actually nice let's check down here uh looks like no one's been in here so let's just try and not worry about this oh wait no I think someone has been in here oh there's a cleric in here right now okay we will kill this guy it just might take us a little while all right let's go ahead pop some potions and stuff how are these missing I don't understand how are these missing it doesn't Mak sense how impossible is it to hit this guy when it's so laggy okay finally Jesus I don't know is this me being bad guys is this a skill issue or is this server just making it impossible to hit this cleric probably a bit of both I definitely there definitely was some skill isue there I'm not going to lie but God damn honestly surprised he even managed to get hit but that's uh basically why I stopped playing um cleric in solos it's just unplayable you get kited by so many things and if you're not getting kited you're going to be too slow to run away from a barbarian or something so like you're just going to die to the matchups that you're bad in anyway so yeah that's what I know I've played quite a bit of uh cleric on the channel before but right now it just feels a bit too painful honestly those are pretty good legs I think we'll probably try and take those although they are will but they're okay claric legs umide from that we can fit like morning starts B's not very good let's go ahead and grab these and I think we'll be out of here we'll quickly loot a few of these chests and then head out but yeah that matchup is pretty much un losable the Barbarian for clerics as well that feels terrible let's actually check this morning star interesting at least we got a little bit of PVP in at the end even though it was bit scoffed with how laggy it is but hey or maybe I'm just hoping that it's skill issues who really knows honestly let's check down here as well I need to find out where this treasure hord is so let's do a little bit of scouting okay no screw that no thank you we can probably cheese that guy I imagine but I don't know where um I do like this map it has like oh sorry one thing I like about this map is it has quite a lot of verticality which you don't really get on like many other maps in dark and darker a lot of them are very flat uh okay let's take that as well we have like way too many meds let's drop some bandages or something H looks like very similar room to the one we spawned in that might just straight up be the one that we spawned in actually I'm not sure right I might actually quickly alt Tab and see where the treasure pile is nah let's not let's just leave time's running out if someone takes this extract I'm probably going to die honestly cuz I don't know too well where the other extracts are I know that obviously they're marked on the map but bit risky all right 184 AP yeah got very little 60 from kills which was almost some of the highest we got actually we only got a tiny bit from Treasure and actual items so there's only one player left anyway and he was in the very top left of the map so we weren't going no experience or fight against that guy selling all our random bits to the collector we got 83 gold and then probably won't sell these in this video but of course we got quite a few random items as well uh a lot of these probably weren't F looted yeah a lot of these were handled so that's why we didn't really get much AP or anything in this game but anyway guys that's going to be the final one for watching now but anyway guys that's going to be the final game for now a kit went from of course base to very very solid we also earned a lot more gold than we actually spent here uh of course here we've got even more items to sell some some of these are pretty good some of these are pretty average and some of these things would probably be vendor honestly but this hopefully was a decent demonstration on how you go Zero to Hero uh very good kit now not well not B but anyway thank you all for watching uh there'll be more videos coming out soon I've just been very busy at work thank you for being patient and I appreciate you all watching if you made it this far and you enjoyed the video I'd appreciate liked if you're not already subscribed consider subscribing it helped me out it help you to see more if you're interested thank you very much guys I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Esomn
Views: 5,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NoxpAdjkp6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 27sec (3807 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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