From The Depths | S2 Ep 16 | Dustwind's Destruction!! | Ashes Of The Empire Campaign

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greetings sir ants Rhett and welcome back to from the depths with me a laugh through acts and of course welcome back to the map which is looking incredibly two-sided we definitely need some more satellites very soon because there's a few too many blind spots it's very difficult to see what's going on in some places and although we can guess where the enemy are coming from sometimes they do just randomly go a completely different way so yeah going to launch some more satellites very very soon but today we have two major other goals the first of which is to finally take out the dust wind gypsies at their main stronghold the land Marauder once we kill the landlord the dust when gypsies can no longer reinforce and we get access to yet another unlimited resource own which will be amazing a permanent increase to our resource generation after that we are going to go north and we're going to do a bit of science a bit of testing at least in which we're going to throw our Ferro tanks our Ferro tanks against the onyx watch I want to see just how well they can deal with the onyx watch tanks in theory they should crush them with their Hesh shells they should be able to absolutely obliterate them with very minimal effort but don't worry in the next video we are going to focus on getting a brand new vehicle into our into our ranks if I can actually speak which will either be some kind of bomber or a missile artillery unit so a ground unit which just loves missiles over a very long range with very similar AI to our laser vehicles so they stay about 1000 mm somewhere in between their metres away from the target at all time and just constantly go backwards if the enemy gets too close all the while lobbying very long-range missiles at the target probably not going to be the most effective unit in the universe but because of its long range we can skimp a little bit on the armor a little bit less on the engine and so we can make them quite cheap and just have them as true support units they would be terrible on their own but fantastic when supported by the scorpion and by the Pharaoh that's kind of the point I want more units which have to be paired with other things I don't like having jack-of-all-trades units as much this time around although to be perfectly honest the Scorpion is probably the closest we have to last anyway let's just get into a fight these strengths 93 versus our copters two scorpions a mosquito and I don't think I'll be using the bikes you know I actually take it back the Scorpion is not a jack-of-all-trades vehicle after looking back at some of the footage from the previous battles honestly the Scorpion just really really struggles whenever it comes against anything with any decent armor especially layered armor and then also struggles immensely versus shields I think against the strength 5 field when I did a bit of testing in the sandbox mode only one in about 60 of its shells even get through and considering the whole point of the scorpion is loads of shells hit hitting the target in the exact same place having so many shells deflected just gives the enemy time to slightly turn and then the shells that it's worthless it needs lots of hits to take out a single metal beam which normally isn't the problem but you had shields or layered armor which increases the armor value of the metal beam and then the Scorpion becomes utterly worthless but against wooden armor or alloy or fast-moving targets it's fantastic ok the enemy is slow so let's see what is causing that slowness ice and viper a sand ride a scrap work scrap books and Viper Copperhead typin King Cobra Copperhead Copperhead sand Viper or is it pronounced Taipan I can't remember I know it's a type of snake I know exactly what it looks like I can't remember how to pronounce the name my pet snakes now very upset on me I'm sure of it ok and here we go I didn't make sure the line was borned in oh please don't say that was because the land police say it was just them spawning in incorrectly anyway if that's the case I don't feels too bad nope that's definitely a bike yet that was definitely a bike exploding underneath there yo yep definitely there's the wheels well good to know it wasn't me who caused the problem oh did I also accidentally spawn in the bikes yep I am NOT being smart today okay good you're both just off and you're right at the back there good okay then never mind that's why I didn't see them they were right at the back oh that's good because the problem with the bikes of course is when they hit the target that's it they die and we have to repair them I want to use them versus the land Marauder so it is what it is are you okay yeah it looks like you just hadn't quite landed yet before you took a shot and it's causing you to flip but seriously that's not how things should work okay they're moving slowly again tremor two tremors oh okay that is actually potentially quite bad the cram shells from that could do a lot of damage the scorpions bikes could you move out with them so I don't forget to separate you before the fight so we have how many so we have seven copters two tanks and one mosquito versus two tremors yeah we should be okay we should be okay I'm actually tempted to use the bikes here no I think I could make a couple more copters in fact I could quickly make another mosquito we have the resources to do so I think I will okay gonna duplicate you the scorpion should be able to heal you since they both have one repair tentacle age okay that should be ready before the fight starts of course though the enemy might send another attack in time well even if it does send another attack it's just going to delay us it's not going to cause too many problems when people ask me why do I even use the mosquito it's just because of this it's that cheap and that's small we just made another one and still have four thousand resources left for repairs missile crafter normally like that you can make them very cheap and that's why I'm thinking of a dedicated and missile artillery with all of its cost honestly mostly in ammunition so it can constantly regenerate new missiles I think could be really really good especially as a small assistance vehicle rather than going over the top like tanks a random thought since I like to be transparent with how I'm doing things in the game especially when it comes to my honor rules which some people hate and some people love how about when it comes to spawning in fuel because at the moment you basically have two ways of getting fuel into the craft you can either just spawn in fuel by simply making these boxes which do indeed give fuel instantly you can even replace ones which were already there to refill them but then that costs 100 per 1,000 fuel if you go down the refinery routes this is converting seven material into 209 you can make it more efficient or you can make it a lot smaller and a lot faster at making fuel so the trade-off is you don't really get a choice in how you're getting this fuel it's always 100 for a thousand which really is quite expensive especially with a full group which is all using fuel but at the same time it means you don't have to stop off at somewhere making fuel and you don't need someone following you around refueling so it makes it a lot easier is that a bit unfair sporting these in because I just did that I just spawned in a little bit more fuel for the group because I think I made just about run dry before we fight the land Marauder so I spawned in 3000 fuel to be shared out amongst everything and then realized is that a bit cheaty I'll let you guys decide I won't do it again until the next episode anyway so do I do this or do I just focus on making a fuel tank related vehicle to follow us around a fair bit of lag I haven't seen like like this in a while I wonder what's causing oh maybe all of the impacts here with several creations ramming into each other yeah that is definitely the source of the lag well the mosquitos doing exactly what I wanted it to do is being a bit of a sacrificial porn here that is gonna hurt so much or not go you dodging all that missile to that one Copperhead though incoming lots of copperheads oh the mosquitos trying to avoid them please don't hit the Jets oh that was a bad shot for that missile okay it's not too bad at all incoming our copters lots of missile hits there and whoa you're flying sir I think there's a bit of a chain reaction and look at that the tremor has lost its but the tremors but is lost the tremor no longer has a rear end that looked how did how did that split so perfectly I don't actually know how that happened seriously though look at all the different parts which must have been attached there's a line of metal there there's wood there there's a line of metal there but somehow it perfectly split weird okay no I need to know what happened here I need to know so it's on the very top of this so it's like here oh it's got oh okay so it's got a gap naturally and that's where the weapon is wow yeah that weapon is a major vulnerable point of the tremor if you hit that you win as more missiles rain their hell down I don't know why all together the tremors that went so much better than I expected also yeah that's the correct altitude that one copter should be at since that's the lowest they all have an area of about 50 meters they're meant to stands the RAM each other oh it's the simplest it's the simplest way to avoid that oh dear no no no no no no no no no yes thank you stop using cram he's already dare to fire at someone else I'm saying that oh maybe isn't that stopped you for a second actually that copters okay I need to check that out I've done it wrong with these copters they were working correctly but right now they seem to lose too much altitude on the attack run I originally wanted them to dive a little bit so they dodged but it seems like they lose too much altitude then they don't get it back up I don't know what's causing that considering we have used these copters before I did upgrade them though recently so clearly I've done something wrong because that's what I'm like but still mosquitos you you made me proud seriously just repair up the minor damage you've took and then we can fight the boss himself the land Marauder turns out the tank actually took a lot more damage than I expected two of its cannons were completely destroyed so right now I'm having to reload them from basically scratch the third was damaged but thankfully didn't have any Auto loaders removed and only this one remained the mosquito that took the missile to the back actually lost almost all of its controls the only thing which remained was the ability to fire because he still had the mainframe it lost the land AI it lost its internal rotor blade so it couldn't move backwards and forwards and a little bit more thankfully did have the Jets though still at the back so I was able to kind of go forwards but the rotor blades were actually controlled properly the Jets kind of on a always go forward no matter what sort of things so it works but it took more damage and expected via the tanks still okay shows how much damage cram can do though I don't know how it did that damage it must have hit here obviously this is the weak point at the top because I like being able to see the gauge increases but they are vulnerable so is the mantlet so I'm thinking it hit here and then broke into the actual turret itself I have no idea how this doesn't get destroyed more often to be perfectly honest I mean look at it it's just crying to be destroyed that's really slow just a random observation Bert's the fortress strength increasing is way slower than I expected I think it needs to reach at least thirty to sport in a unit but yeah that takes forever and that sometimes - okay for some reason I just thought that was faster on times - clearly my expectations for how fast the enemy attack has been massively overblown so I'm tempted to maybe fight two other enemies at once wow that would be an interesting idea wouldn't it every time we kill a faction we have to declare war on two more so eventually we would have a lot of them fighting us for saying that is actually not all that many factions so yeah so we knock out the district gypsies then onyx watch and maybe steal Striders or the twin guard oh but then there's only one left anyway so we'd only be leaving one behind two behind I should say one more set of enemies that's what I meant to say there yeah random thought bird I really hope the bikes work now I haven't tested them in a proper battle yet I've got his horrible feeling they're just going to crash when they spawn him that is the problem with using all the jet controls it does have a horrible habit of going too far down or too far up anyway battle the land Marauder okay so I need you to go an attack now before the enemy spawned in more because otherwise that has been really annoying okay so bikes go there and there should have a clear shot I'm assuming that the land Marauder will be the same as the tremor and stuff and spawning loads of little copperheads that only makes sense to me gonna be a bit more aggressive with the scorpions here really want them to be able to hit everything as soon as possible I feel like once the land Marauders out we're okay I mean to be fair once the land Marauders out the enemy can't spawn forces anymore so it's pretty much game over over for the dust wind gypsies we still have to clear out all of this defense though before we can use the resource so it's just a matter of there we are clearing our buildings and I forgot to heal the mosquitos I only healed the one which is really badly damaged the other one apparent the others left and once again I'll use the mosquitos a bit of a suicide just get in that flight as soon as possible the bikes though do not want them hitting the bikes okay both you go over here as far as you can go oh dear oh maybe not okay you go all the way over here then you ask is suicide there you're there I'm hoping your missiles won't hit these guys it might do and it's getting to nighttime let's make sure the land spawns in that would be pretty darn useful there we are the land Marauder sporting in slightly incorrectly it's now the air Marauder yeah that is so cool I love how they've done that just grab them or order and really converted it to be on the land looks so cool okay so let's see how everything goes then come on bikes do your job no don't act the bikes come on little guys know what the bikes already removed now I know how annoying it must be to use copperheads I'm still attached to something that I had to do that come on come on come on you can do it little guy for me yes you broke off a whole section actually no no that was you yeah that was you hit the side of the wheel that was rubbish that was utterly dreadful copter why is it always you thanks captive scorpion to do oh that looked painful yeah that's why I didn't want to say scooping spider okay that Graham shots it's trying to repair one of its copperheads yeah I've done something wrong to these copters oh well they're still working I'll fix them after the video I'm glad you're firing at the copter dink a ditz airborne as it as it should be scorpion offline yep school no not flying but broken you're not allowed to target welded lobster I always believed some of them were working yeah what if I do I must have how I know exactly what I did I increased their ammunition yield and I didn't test them afterwards they're holding too much ammo that's why they've been able to fire missiles for so long I forgot I had done that because it was maybe a week away I'm so dumb I gave them too much ammo did that go through one school can someone please take out that crown before it fires mosquitoes one badly damaged one damaged oh yeah look face the wrath of the signal repair tentacle which is what I decided up in the end that was weird that you just went to your friend but you know what that's that's the word I'm trying to think of is not loading in my head right now it's just friendship okay French works now we're just destroying houses okay one mosquito they're just sitting there so it's lost its ability to move the other one is actually doing what it's meant to do it's meant to get too close then run away then attack again you know what the mosquitos definitely did their job now we're just slowly riddling buildings full of bullet holes see you're working okay not going down I might be just could you spawn so high up yeah I need to check that I need to do a bit of a diagnostic on all of those just to see which ones are working which ones aren't and why could you kill this guy please he's not even fighting back he's just sitting there actually we could capture these buildings for scrap yeah they're not fighting back let's do it on a rules allow this who's the closest that would be you hellooo was no gap in this glass I built specifically yeah look how about you oh well Ida sacrificed your own your blade so you so you're gonna crash it a bit come on miss I'll you can do it ah the little missile that could that almost killed me he's a film coming to cinemas near you well that was nice and convenient now wasn't it cannily hits it or are we going to have to use the grenade which almost always kills and make somewhat dumb-dumb do a few breaks lugging it in there thank you hey man frame hey you're mine well yo you're mine but you're gonna be scrapped you're gonna build more tanks basically converting wooden structures into metal tanks because I don't know because game okay we're gonna go full-on aggressive here brawler goodbye hello to stormtrooper now my attacks will do a load of extra damage but the same time I have almost no help out the grenades aren't really working out because you don't really fire them upwards or straight forwards you fire them downwards oh god those shots can't hurt me by the way if they land on me yeah it's lost some health right then and again there we go did it work this is mine hello you're mine yes you are okay onwards I'll skip a lot of this because this will be really boring otherwise seriously though you can still fly what's they do wrong to you you get in there you get in there but that's why even though this one has four cannons all firing at 600 rounds per minute it still takes a while to break through metal I don't think you were firing at that right although you may be slightly higher gauge welcome in oh yea the NPC's don't work anymore do though is the AI room it looks like it's yeah a room is that the mainframe looks LED the mainframe there's a door I wish the melee works better by the way also for hearing beeps in the background that's because our fire had our smoke detector actually broke last week I thought you ran out of batteries but no it's broke so it keeps on beeping after I removed the batteries because it turns out it's got a little backup thing in there which I can't remove legally so it's a weird one because we're renting and stuff but I need my landlord to come here to properly remove it from the wall and occasionally beeps at me just to remind me that it's broke I know it's broken do you mind yes you are lovely well know much you're worth as the smoke detector beeps me not bad 17000 resources there that's almost the full tank we're gonna have a load of stuff to fire at the yonex watch roof brains removed and the house is ours a fair bit lighter and there's only two left and I'm going to assume you just ran out of fuel like I was saying they were really close before seems like that extra thousand fuel shared between them so maybe only a hundred each really really was needed okay I didn't even check where your mainframe is but I'm going to go out on a limb and say at the top is happening to be like a staircase okay so it's actually the bottom oh yeah it is a staircase looks like your stairs and everything I might not fancy hmm I was saying ain't that fancy I was saying isn't it lovely there we go gap there okay because we've shot it a number of times I forgot about that didn't I excuse me it's cute oh I see that gap there just slowly why is this the most difficult thing to climb when it has actual functioning stairs I found everything else far easier tada it's like a gift click that's go scary those warnings please go off my screen oh yeah we have this which is 3000 how many left three left is that bike oh cool we can make a bike that's good we can use it it's designed to maybe improve our suicide bike so to be fair it did definitely get the job done it just didn't do enough damage so it's just a matter of when it upgrade the shells going to assume your eye is gonna be in the middle here that's the ammo next to the main frame well isn't that good these warnings are getting more and more annoying because they're coming from the things we're stealing not our normal craft well I think one of them is coming from one of the tanks but the rest yeah we don't have resource gatherers on our vehicles did I just go past the bike didn't I just there it is yep I I'm going mad I figured it's been staring at like armor for the last maybe 30 minutes it's starting to get to me a little fella okay so you clearly using the same balancing the our bikes are using now while i double the cost though to be fair so why are you so expensive as my question also where is your eye eye of god that's gonna be so difficult if you're anything like my bike oh that's cool though I'm guessing that's for controlling the pitch so you don't end up flying up so you've got a small under thruster there then you have those cute missiles Jack kind of adorable so where is your mainframe it must be somewhat accessible is that the mainframe it's hard to tell when everything is painted like dark red yeah so what's the safest way I can get into that because I have no idea where your ammunition storage is and I feel like if we hit that you're dead it looks like going in from the front should be okay yeah there's no explosives on the way to the mainframe so just be slow here don't use the minigun let's just destroy the wheel first okay there we go then we'll knock out this come on come on a stop to the minigun now the damage is so low I'll be here until next week it looks like we're hurting it now because that keeps on twitching please stop Oh was that it nope so he went boom but it wasn't the mainframe how is the surgery going doctor as the mate okay the mainframes almost fully exposed now keep shooting through here should knock it out oh dear God nope nope there it goes did I get low no I still captured it okay that's fine then that is absolutely fine because that means we've got the blueprint by default okay so we've got the blueprint now for the Copperhead and because it died after being captured it means we got full resource for well whatever was left one last house oh my god this is probably balling for you all well you can imagine how boring it's been for me for the last half an hour and I'm not kidding but oh I just took over half an hour now I've said to memorize where these things are now tada finally ok the village is ours kind of keep it honestly just because it looks so interesting all the poor coppers out of fuel look trying to fly but no motor drive for their own blades jeez okay let's put down a spin to win in the resource circle and then we'll see if we've got time to do a fight versus Yonex watch otherwise we'll make that next episode we just have it completely fighting if I want to build next episode I don't know what I'm doing help me I just did a dumb dumb and accidentally allowed all of the buildings to repair before building the spin2win well there goes all the resource that is captured okay let's just knock out a couple of the houses then we'll use that resource to no I told you to stop healing I just said no you're not apparently none of you are classed as being healing right now so why did you all heal still Oh cuz the copters are still okay okay okay everything stopped healing except for this only that is allowed to heal okay there we go because now I'm harvesting resources from an unlimited resource owed and now everything can repair because I'm getting resources forever you know what I'm actually going to leave the village there for a while YouTube can you make your way back to the main that would be great then I'm gonna use the resources we've got to make four of the Pharaoh Tanks the Pharaoh Pharaoh whatever and then we're going to attack one of the Onix watch the things I do for my viewers because I feel like I could fall asleep right now and I'm still gonna edit this it's been a tired day today rather than three we've just quickly made - since that's how much resource we've got and yes that means that entire time I was attacking the dust wind gypsies I managed to get resources for just two tanks on the upside they don't really die per fight so it's definitely an increase in my overall force counts and then I'm stealing one of the tanks from the defense force over here which is currently preventing the lightning hoods from really doing us any damage the Dauntless is now going over here to to collect the 17,000 this resource harvester was getting so I should be able to make one more tank after that and then this one here is still repairing everything what I think I'm going to do to make things faster is I'm going to make a new resource transporter although this one's fine it's over 40 meters per second and has never completely filled up with resource yet I'm going to build another one either copy of the Dauntless or a brand new vehicle which is a bit faster and have that go from this to this so a constant loop of just going back and forth getting the resources from the unlimited resource zone and then dropping them off in this fortified emplacement with our steel curtain that then can be transferred back to the main banks similar to how we're sort of doing over here although honestly the resource from over here was just used for repairs and he's now completely used up we have completely drained the lightning hood resource owned so it was a good timing to get this resource on over here so it turns out a strength 100 is a lot more than I originally gave it credit for at least with the onyx watch there's a rhino in this group three hundred thousand materials worth of tank right there with an escort I'm going to move tactically like this because this way there's a chance they'll shoot each other that is the level of fear I am currently feeling now we did kill the Rhino in that test during one of the videos a carnival which but we did kill a rhino using just four of these tanks and I have killed the Rhino in tests which I didn't record faster depending on where these shells hit also that it's an awesome time to pause it look at that that's a cool and we are going to focus on the Rhino but still this is gonna be horrible so that's a bison and then I don't know the rest by now but yeah there's a lot of crammed cannons there and that one's pooping out flares why wouldn't it that first set of shots did not do as much damage as I was hoping thank you there we go Oh cramp it signals crown is hitting us we've lost no no no we haven't lost the tank we're in fleet move though because we're done I didn't really matter all that much honest leads we're still fighting and fleet move just means we're returning why are you not firing why are you not firing why are you not firing did fleet move actually stopped you that shouldn't have stopped you you can still fight in fleet move more shells incoming Jesus ok we need to swap targets that's just not happening we need to kill the small targets first ones cramp shots to the side they also got their aye-aye oh that's some serious internal damage lovely not enough though just so you know even these smaller craft like this one cost ten thousand more than my tanks and break the volume limit still killed it though yeah against that tank the shells just devastating lovely look at that Rhino stuck in some serious damage as well now thankfully I do have a couple more Farrow tanks and the lasers on their way to this position since I saw these guys coming before we started fighting I was like okay we're gonna lose this still though think of a serious fight didn't I should kill it yeah the Pharaoh does well but nowhere near well enough okay well we did kill one we killed one and considering how many were fighting us that's actually one half of our tanks worth the cost by the way on its own and I'm sure we did more than a tanks worth of cost of this I mean look at that just gone I'm not going to quit the fight just yet because they have hurt each other a fair bit on the way and I'm gonna make them pay every last bit of blood to hurt us oh lord stop shooting me oh he's trying to move no is that okay yep that's it we're done I'm still impressed by how many cram cannon shots did actually take though to break them considering okay endless now me on board I thought I was moving you obviously I was mistaken can you be dumb and follow that I'll be great you're technically dead anyway actually yeah you can just distract in fact you don't have to move it won't be too expensive to repair you I don't know why I got out with you two alive I guess because you weren't blockaded and you didn't take that much damage you can't really repair each other can you know mostly because you have no money no money at all no there's a lot of money around here what do you so much money around here that's great we can make some more Farrow tanks really quickly I don't know who's holding all that material oh yeah the dismantlers hold loads because they're steam boiler driven okay you do that split though a force has been assembled whilst the enemy is just kind of lording over what of our recently scrapped vehicles so that we can actually destroy the force the scrap to said vehicle but I'm afraid that will happen in the next video it will start off with us wreaking revenge and destroying at the Rhino I am under no illusion we will win this one because we have two of the lovely dismantlers and then loads of Farrow tanks along with scorpions and such and honestly we didn't do too bad considering we were sixty thousand resources versus well over 500 thousand yeah why over ten times our own resources so just under ten times her own resources it was a pretty nasty battle the Rhino itself we actually managed to get down to sixty percent so forty percent of its original cast is gone in fact if you look at the cost now it's much much less on of that we've damaged two of the other vehicles and destroyed one of them so I think that does prove the faroe tanks will win one-on-one in terms of material but we need more support for them they will get destroyed in number and that's the problem so if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out may helps out the channel and most importantly shows that from the depths as a series you wish to see continued in the future in the next episode onyx watch destroying perhaps vehicle building I don't really know either way it should be fun thank you for watching I'm going to get some sleep good bye [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 49,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: from the depths, from the depths gameplay, part 16, sandbox game, survival game, vehicles, vehicle, game
Id: cPx_DLXgJxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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