From the Depths: Weapon Tier List!

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hello ladies and gentlemen i am borderwise and welcome to the from the depths tier list or at the very least uh my idea of what um uh the best and worst weapons are in from the depths so a little disclaimer to begin with is saying that this is based uh on a combination of my own experience and what i have heard over the years people say in the community and like on the on forums and like on discord and just uh in a youtube poll i did uh not too long ago and keep in mind that the best weapon system is the one that you have the most fun with because at the end of the day the game's about having fun you know if you want to use a weapon that i might uh that i uh i'm about to dunk on that's okay like they've all got their little niche and that's fine with that all being said let's start at the bottom so down uh in f tier uh we've got i'm sad to say uh cram cannon so where is bertha there's bertha and does bertha have a local weapon controller she does not so cram cannons are at the bottom a tier of from the depths weapons and i say this as an enthusiastic cram gunner as someone who really likes crime cannons are the first weapon type i learned in from the depths i've stuck with them ever since but even i have to admit uh they are not the best overall they are in fact the opposite they're the worst they're down here and if tier um f for feeling good but not very effective so let's go over the cons first um assuming i remember my math right cram cannons have the best uh firepower per volume and per cost of any weapon system in the game even after a patch or two that made them more pricey uh they're still got more affordable um dps per per material spent both in terms of like you know just ammunition costs in terms of blocks and also in terms of volume there they can be very compact they're very compact cheap firepower so to speak but that's about it really so there's go there's a long list of reasons why they um otherwise kind of suck and one of them is really slow shell speed so 200 meters per second is the fastest the cram shell can go and that really hinders their ability to well just it re basically a slow fire rate and slow muzzle velocity uh means that uh cram cannons are not useful against a wide variety of targets so they're pretty much only good against uh surface vessels which are uh big slow that do not move erratically and do not have a significant amount of anti-munition defense so i can demonstrate that uh quite handily is this a prefab it is yeah cheeky sod let's uh have this with one of my biggest favorite uh favoritist uh crams this is the doom waffle with nice white coloring so this is a well it's not as strong as cramps get but it is very very strong frag doomgram and so against things which are big and slow it does absolutely great so where is our friend yeah the bulwark bulldog is nice and block is nice and big and slow so the block has crowns of its own you can tell and so against things that are nice enough to be big and fat and stay reasonably still cram cannons can make quite a mess of them so that's this is unfortunately the only thing they are good at against uh say anything else so let's have a fast thing let's have let's have the terawatt the terawatt is a big thing but it's a fast thing and how's our reload go so the terawatt is a fast moving thing even though it's quite big it did just shoot itself though so that helps us no end no small end and we missed by a country mile because that thing is going at about 100 meters per second and crams are not very good against anything moving over 40 meters per second which frankly is most things in the game and they are also completely useless against things that are under the water so where is my friend the submarine where is a submarine submarine submarine oh here we go here's a submarine so this guy is hanging out and reason nope never mind where they go so we did clip it right there but uh generally speaking anything below the water surface crams can't really do jack diddley again so that's why their bottom tier unfortunately is because they're just not versatile they're they're kind of the most specialized weapon type in the game and unfortunately that is not very good so yeah even without the time fuse that cram shell would never have gotten near uh that submarine at all so crams down here in ft are sorry to say so the next uh thing up up in d tier so to speak is simple weapons so that's basically all of these uh lumped into one category so that includes all these uh little simple uh guns and cannons tactical nukes uh the shard cannon and rams simply because simple weapons are great mostly because they're very well as the name implies they are simple uh they um they do not require much thought you basically stick uh stick them on a turret uh have local weapon controllers controlling them and that's basically bob's your uncle fanny's your aunt and really like that's basically it really it's just they are nice and simple even um even people who are reasonably new to from the devs can like even the custom shell weapons you can very quickly figure out how to use them what goes well with them and it's just it's nice simple straight forward and they're very compact so particularly these are simple ai guns right here and these are custom shell weapons over here and the tactical nuke for that matter um they jam a lot into a very small package so these fellas are only two blocks high and then three by three which means that they're far more power dense than an equivalent uh sized uh cram cannon or advanced cannon would be or maybe not the cram cannon but yeah so it's just jamming a lot into a small space small compact simple the cons being that they are actually quite expensive for the kind of damage they deal so if i just undo all my good work here and if i find that prefab right here control mechanisms this and let's have a few of these just little weapon controllers here there and everywhere and we're going to stick a few of these colors down so these fellas uh simple weapons are good against things well generally that um well they're all kind of specialized so the aa guns whoopsy daisy the air guns are exactly that they're good against uh lightly armored things small lightly armored things and that goes for basically all of these getting up to here you can get some more medium-sized things except these guys don't have very good fire rate tactical nukes you need to well hit the thing uh good for making kamikaze craft but um that's the only thing it's good for and rams are well they're good for ramming craft and um thing is these are heavy and well all of these are kind of expensive what they do so a ram is only about 30 materials but the kind of vehicle that uses a ram to maximum potential uh they tend to be on the pricey side because that require a lot of speed and also a lot of durability so that's kind of where their cost kind of comes up and yeah so yeah like they're all kind of uh every single weapon is kind of pricey for their performance like look at the nuke 2 500 bucks for something that is just meant to kill itself on contact and yeah so these are simple weapon guns they're like 1 500 each and these are the these aren't even the most expensive ones and so for that price against things like where are you so against things like dusters for instance let's just modify this fella so he goes at the right range so against the little things like dusters which literally have no armor whatsoever they do absolutely fine they do a spanking good job in fact uh you can just clip the wings out of the out of the air just for a very little for four feet with very little forethought just slap down these little air guns wherever you like and you can trim the wings of planes uh the problem comes when you've got something a little bit more substantial flying at you so where is it so something like the maelstrom which is also a plane uh but actually has decent armor it's made out of metal and i believe i believe that it does have yes it does it has heavy armor on it so for the same cost of all these uh these little a guns you could have a different weapon system that could actually damage the maelstrom you could have missiles you could have a laser you could have stuff like that damage numbers are winding up a little bit but it looks like yeah we just trimmed its tail feathers a little bit actually knocking this thing out of the air is going to take a little bit more than that so yeah that's the drone side with simple weapons that's why they're down here in d and a little disclaimer like you will kind kind of find niches for all weapon types but the higher up we go uh the more versatile we're gonna get basically so let's do this all right so up and seat here cc seashell c cells on the seashore uh what is this fellow we've got a particle cannon an old one uh not very good one what is that color scheme and i just remembered we need some kind of batteries for this so yeah so particle cannons are up here in c exactly in the middle so to speak the middle of the tier list is where things can kind of get a bit debatey it's pretty clear um what's at the bottom and what's at the top but in the middle there's a lot more room for debate so where is our friend where is it let's have electric pigs one two and three so particle cannons what can we talk about with particle cannons well for one thing uh they're hit scans so when you fire them there's no projectile travel time at all it's instantly hit and they are one of the few things uh in the game that are not penalized when firing through water at all so let's go find the submarine again and wait for this fella to recharge you'll notice we managed to hit this thing even though it's down under the water so yeah so powder will cannons tend to see a fair amount of late game use because i should also mention they have no hard counters there's no form of active defense that actually uh counters them uh whatsoever which is super handy dandy i need a passive sonar on here yes i do come on hit that submarine one more time one more time for daddy how did you miss how'd you miss that's very silly of you i don't like it but yeah there is uh there's problems with part of plans and well uh which is why they're up there down here in uh in seat here in the middle of the line so to speak one of which is that literally everything about them is expensive and i'm gonna be saying that a lot as you uh as we move up the chiller so the smallest particle cannon uh component just the one meter tube is 200 materials so already that's um that's like really damn expensive so compare that one particle cannon tube is the same is more expensive than a 50k than a 50 caliber aa gun so yeah they they cost a lot and they're expensive to run so they cost a lot of uh money to set up to build and they also burn through energy like nobody's business so these fellas i believe yeah so no overclocking whatsoever uh the length of the tube is isn't that long 20 35 meters the energy needed per shot is 24 000 and 42 000 and this isn't even twice as long so yeah it's uh they are expensive they're expensive no matter what you do so they're not ideal for starter craft and stuff like that so because well you probably won't have the money for them unless you're very good at making them which i am not and um so yeah they're also volatile so if i am dumb enough to uh let's go over here let's turn you off actually let's destroy all enemy vehicles do that and if i am a dingleberry and i decide to do this and i fire the particle cannon as you can see um when they're damaged they damage things even more so they're volatile uh first thing on the list that is actually volatile uh you really don't want your particle cannons to ever get damaged because when they do they will probably take a lot of your ship with them so that's why they're down here okay next next we will talk about the other energy weapon lasers so now we're getting up into the stuff that you're probably gonna see a lot more of wait maybe wait no did i do this right hang on c d a b c d i just remembered f okay so simple weapons are an e tier my bad i forgot the alphabet paxon d the letters aren't really uh important what is important is like the stacking of them so over in c tier and this is the part where you start to see stuff that's uh is useful and stays useful throughout the whole game or throughout any level of a tournament for instance lasers so let's see if we can find a laser system did i ever save a laser system as a prefab no i didn't thankfully uh the devs have beaten me to it basic laser setup right here right here and we just need an engine or three here we go where's my favorite thing with cute terry there we go there we go lovely jobly lovely jobly and we're going to have here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and we're going to have a laser turret we're going to have a different laser target we're going to have this one because this one is my favorite because it has mirrored cranberries on it so yeah lasers are one of those weapons that um they stay useful like say if you're playing the nato campaign for instance they stay useful throughout the whole game because like particle cannons they are hitscan and they are by far the best long range option you have and they do huge amounts of damage and they are very good against armor provided you set them up correctly so uh yeah this uh basic laser system isn't that amazing but it's okay and the best anti-air in the game i should mention as well so if we have our friend where is it so if you have something really annoying like a flying squirrel for instance oh yeah i should probably mess with the detection to make sure this actually works well didn't even see it what happened so against the kind of things that are very good at dodging shells even fast ones uh lasers are very very nice and they are better at particle cannons for uh anti-air duty simply because it's easier to get a laser system to aim straight up in the air which means they can even shoot down spacecraft which is very very good the reason they're not the absolute top tier best weapon in the game though is because of a lack of versatility they are only good against things in a similar way to cram cannons they're only good against things that are above water so if we have um let's bring back our friend marianas right here i believe the local weapon controller here is set up so that um it doesn't shoot at things below the water nope so we're doing absolutely nothing uh right now so you hold your fire there wait for the damage numbers to go away wait for it wait for it wait okay so now we fire you'll see we're doing absolutely nothing and that is because lasers you see right here water damage of 100 meters is about 71.25 water damage at 500 meters is 18.36 so lasers are hugely weakened by water they are absolutely useless against anything that's even slightly under the water so that's not pretty good they're also reasonably easily counted uh via smoke so if we i believe our friend the maelstrom has smoke so where is it there we go if it doesn't have smoke i'm gonna be very embarrassed oh hello the maelstrom does not have smoke also this isn't a very strong laser so yes just um let's see what does smoke do let's have a look at the smoke smoke here oh wait a minute was that smoke that might have been as well so you see uh the smoke reduces laser ap to about 22 percent so if we go over here look at the ap of this laser 44.8 22 percent of that is a very low number that will barely even damage uh very light materials how are we doing there not very good go away maelstrom you're distracting so yeah they're also um shield projectors are actually pretty good uh against lasers so this is a strength one shield and uh let's uh just actually do that so smoke show the equivalent is that laser ap is reduced to this is keep in mind the strength one shield this is as weak as they get it is reduced to 64 percent and if you uh jack up the power of this a little bit just to two um laser ap is reduced to about half so shields and smoke are not hard counters to lasers it is possible to just stick way too many frequency doublers on your laser system and get it to just basically ignore smoke and shields but these are very very expensive and it means the laser uh the laser line so to speak the cavity tends to get very long so uh that is uh it's not very efficient to do that so lasers great against everything above water that is not smoking and doesn't have shields and otherwise um not great against things hiding under the water or that are smoking or that have a shield up so that's why they're down here they're in situ and then next um i'm just going to delete this fortress and uh load up a new one because i'm efficient like that not that one not that one either this one so now we get to be tier so this is the one where um i'm i was kind of convinced um having thought about it after seeing what people were saying on the poll that i put out uh we're looking at missiles and so missiles are beat here so second best weapon category in the game and yes you can probably already figure out what the uh what the absolute top one is because literally everyone said it well not literally everyone but most people said it uh but missiles there they are in the number two spot uh because uh they are simple versatile and powerful so if we we're going to have a whole bunch of these let's have medium missiles because that's fun [Music] and just gonna we're gonna switch that to a radar seeker apn well no we'll put the ap in there signal processor fuel tank uh and let's have frank wait because why not and tada we have a perfectly functional weapon system that will work against most things so if we spawn in something big and mean let's spawn in [Music] marstrom how good is the maelstrom's end here auntie miss up i mean not good enough so that took what 30 seconds for me to make and i've already got something that is um capable of doing a real damage though admittedly not towards the maelstrom ah i should not have spotted the maelstrom as the example forgot it had a lambs on it yeah not the maelstrom we need a different one you know what when in doubt bigger missiles so missiles they just do a large amount of damage and they're very simple to make launcher let's have a large launcher see how large these are so it's one of those things is that if smaller missiles aren't doing the trick you just make them bigger what is this apn processor [Music] now deal with this mouse room again that took around 10 seconds and let's see what happens let us see what happens oh you know what's a really good idea though fins never mind it took me slightly longer than 20 seconds okay so there are problems with missiles though um there are many many ways to counter them there's depending on what kind of missile is being fired at you there's decoys uh there's flares there's there's laser anti-munition defense there's sea wiz there's missile interceptors there is hiding under the water if it is a thruster based missile and there's flying out of the water if it's a torpedo and if it's a combination of a missile and torpedo then it's probably not very fast and you can outrun it and so yeah there are many ways to counter missiles despite the fact that they are simple and versatile and by gum i really want to upload this maestro up in the face just to prove a point that's more like it so yeah what else is there to talk about missiles like yeah it's like they are also expensive so similar story let's just go to small missiles and you will yeah like similar to the particle cannon a single small gantry is 200 smackers so yeah you could get a lot of simple weapons for the cost of one missile system or even a small laser or just something but you wouldn't get a missile and that's punishment enough these are actually surprisingly good little large missiles i've made here what kind of damage are we doing here not tremendous amounts of damage but enough to be satisfying so having done all that uh what is the best weapon system in the game says me uh says me well it took me a very long time to get the hang of them but the warning is in the name advanced cannons they're the best they are like um pretty objectively they are the best thing in the game ever since they were first introduced uh let's see do i have any of them saved here yes turrets well this guy will stand in i'm trying to remember what exactly a shell type this thing has this thing has two meter shells and this is what 180 millimeters let us just reverse engineer the shell here so one two and we're just gonna one two three four which is gonna be and what are we gonna do we're just gonna we're gonna we're gonna be we're gonna be we're gonna be risky for a whiskey so 180 what's the shell length okay we can go a little bit more than that how's it doing now a little bit too much we'll dial that back down there we go and let's just refill all this and we have a thing not a particularly good thing this is again an older one makes a satisfying noise though so aps best weapon system in the game reason being they're versatile they can do anything and build them right they do large amounts of damage and i'm just going to chuck them at the marauder because the marauder makes me happy when it dies and these aren't even particularly good shells they're kind of uh semi penetrators what is the stats on this it's not amazing is it uh yeah it's all right let's switch that to frank actually there we go come on now yeah it's a little bit of block confetti but yeah so combination of numerous handy components in particular if you go here as super cavitation bases uh which removes 90 percent of the slowdown cleared by water means that advanced cannons can shoot under the water quite nicely so they are in fact pretty good counter against submarines especially when you're shooting against submarines that um have very good torpedo defense and high velocity shells means that they're good against fast targets and distant targets and once you start messing around with rail guns they get well even better at everything they do uh kinetic rail guns um like uh so whether they be hollow point or kinetic penetrators like with a chemical payload attached or not they can you can use them right throughout the entire game right through the nita campaign or a custom campaign or in tournaments you will pretty much always see if advanced games are allowed you will pretty much always see them and the only real downsides to them is that they are expensive volatile and complicated they are called advanced cannons for a reason ladies and gentlemen they are advanced it took me literally hundreds of hours to figure out how to build them and that was with um a lot of help from people as well i i don't remember at what point i finally managed to cotton together uh how to build them but it did happen the kind of apropos of nothing so so yeah that is the only real downside to them and even then um it is possible to build whoopsie daisy it is possible to build cheaper versions of aps guns so if you're efficient about making them you can make them quite affordable and they're just very good bang for buck so even if they cost more than say an assembly size cram cannon they'll be able to hit the target more reliably anyway so the cost is usually worth it uh being volatile you can use at cunning things i tend to armor up the turrets so that if the turret explodes let's just disable that and i'll show you what i mean by so these things um having an armored shell in here means that the thing doesn't uh take out its neighbors very easily that's one way to do it the other way is to use ejectors so where are you here you are so using ejectors is something i keep forgetting to do but that's a great way to stop your advanced cannons from being too volatile and as for complicated well that just that's something that's fixed with time so overall advanced cannons uh best weapon system in the game like whether you well i don't know i say this like i should mention as well that despite um the fact that i've kind of dunked on every weapon system in the game a little bit uh especially crams my favorite is still cram cannons because partially because they're the worst weapon in the game it's just so much more satisfying when you do manage to get good results with them which with advanced cannons is like well i just made a shell that goes uh faster than the speed of sound and uh yeah it's just um it just makes um you know and well i was about to say it makes the game easy mode it doesn't it doesn't at all but yeah there you go there's the tls down an f tier just for recap down in ft we've got cram cannons because they're not very versatile at all least versatile lenses from the game uh e tier we've got abcdefg a b c d e f yeah i remember the alphabet uh e tier simple weapons because they're um they're compact and simple but they're pricey for their performance and uh each one tends to be rather specialized and require and depending on things like well things like nukes and rams that kind of require extra effort then in detail you have particle cannons because despite the fact that they're hit scan and are one of the better submarine anti-submarine weapons you can have they're volatile they're expensive to build and run and they're also kind of complicated to build and i also forgot to mention they generally suck at long range they're not as good at long range as lasers which are often seated here because they're a hit scan they're the best long-range weapon they just suck against anything that's under the water and they are they do have reasonably strong counters i should turn godmother back on wow that's why you army your turrets ladies we've got an invisible barrel right here it's an invisible barrel it's using telekinesis what was i doing oh yeah so then uh up and beat here we've got missiles because even though they've got many ways to counter them and they're expensive they're just very simple they're very versatile and they're very very powerful and then well you're looking at it right now eight here we've got the advanced cannons because they're the most versatile weapon system in the game you can get them to do absolutely anything and all of their drawbacks can be counted with good design so there you go thank you all so much for watching please like comment subscribe if you want to see more videos like this support me on patreon yeah support me on patreon or youtube membership if you like it really helps and there's fun perks in it for you thank you to all my current supporters and i will see you next time in from the depths [Music] farewell [Music] bye
Channel: BorderWise
Views: 28,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BorderWise, PC Games, From the Depths, PC Game, Rambly, Guide, Building, Creative games, Early Access, Brilliant Skies Limited, Funny, UI, Tutorial, Update, Steam, Strategy, Advanced Cannons, CRAM cannons, Lasers, PAC, Simple Weapons, Missiles, Torpedoes, Tier list, Tiers, Best weapons
Id: lCv1XYdnofM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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