Bullet Fricking Dodged! | People Stories #344

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what's the biggest bullet you've ever dodged i was subletting an apartment in college and got zapped by the electric stove gave notice immediately and moved out with very clear reasons why i was moving out the building burnt a few weeks later lol i can't stop imagining you getting a static shock and then just packing your crap eater i know that's not what happened but still how ha i was a team driver not paying attention at an intersection at the crest of a hill with low visibility when the light turned green the car behind me honked in just as i was about to go a truck barreled through the red light on the perpendicular road at decidedly ludicrous speed if i had been paying attention and gone when the light turned green i very likely would have been t-boned to death closest call i've ever had i was out kayaking on a lake and several bullets whizzed by me there was a distinct buzz crack buzz sound as it went by i think some people were just out blinking in their backyard adjacent to the lake and didn't think a backstop was necessary this also happened to me a few weeks later when i was paddling on a small stream bullets was by above the bank just over my head i don't think anyone knew i was there either time regardless when you go out and shoot stuff make sure there's a backstop ffs also i don't know how big the bullets were so i'm unsure which was the biggest bullet dodged as a dead guy i would be so p off to learn my life ended because i was floating in a goddang boat at the wrong second i matched with a guy on tinder who played for the atlanta falcons he was really charming and seemed nice he asked me to fly down to atlantic city for memorial day weekend said he would pay for everything airfare hotel food etc but i had never met him before and he refused to give me his phone number i was uncomfortable flying to meet a stranger so i told him no two weeks later he was on the news for kicking and killing his girlfriend's dog this one just materialized yesterday actually about a year ago at my job i was offered to switch from my current team where i was established for a few years had seniority etc for a new department that just started to kick it off right processes basically start from square one a lot more work for the same amount of pay i figured frick it and went yesterday they announced that they just closed the physical hq office for my old department and everyone in that entire part of the company would have to either move to one of 14 random states that we can pick it's chosen basically by a roulette wheel for where you're going to a local office or they're going to be fired on the 22nd of june thankfully since i'm part of the new department i wasn't included in that mandate phew 2005 my friend and i evacuated new orleans two days before hurricane katrina and drove to mississippi with the little money we had we were trying to decided on where to stay for the night and it was between a mid-range hotel or a really cheap motel but decided to spend a little more for the hotel during the night the eye of the storm came through mississippi and flattened the roof of the motel we decided against my mom wasn't going to leave for katrina i told her i was going to take me and my little sister and hitchhike if she didn't pack the car and leave within the hour my dad didn't leave and he ended up on the roof with our neighbor because our house got flooded no way all of us would have survived katrina decimated my town everything two miles inland or less was destroyed i was booked on pan am flight 103 which went down over lockerbie scotland i didn't have a premonition or anything supernatural i just decided to cancel my seat didn't think anything of it until the plane went down and my mother had written down my flight plan and reminded me this was back in the day when you could cancel without a penalty up to a couple of days in advance pro tip to avoid the few days away cancellation fees call or go online and reschedule the flight for a week or two out then wait a day and cancel physically a bus i grew up in bermuda and since it is such a small island cars are limited to one per family and everyone drives mopeds i was driving into town and came up to a red light behind a bus as this tradition i scooted around the bus to be in the front of the line of traffic literally two seconds later a second bus smashed into the back of the first bus at like 30 miles per hour i would have been pancaked without question 100 dead i just sat on the side of the road for a bit and thought about my mortality it's crazy how one second life is in front of you then nothing i was in an accident in my motorcycle a few years ago last thing i remember before paramedics arrived was saying ofu it changes your perspective on life not me a dutch mate of mine living in tasmania had to visit his sick mom in amsterdam booking his flight online he said to his wife you know i'm sick of flying malaysian airlines the food is crap the hosties are miserable it'll cost more but i'm booking with singapore so instead of dying on mh17 he was on a plane 40 kilometers ahead of it butterfly effect if someone at malaysia had made a better menu he could have died i really needed a job and the manager at a dispensary in my area offered me a spot i said no and four days later they were raided and everyone got arrested attempted suicide ended up passing out in some bushes near the train station early the next morning a girl i went to high school with who i barely knew saw me while she was boarding the train for a college interview early in the morning she recognized me and told the conductor he dismissed me as a junkie who just needed to sleep it off she said i know him he does not do drugs or drink call nine one one now three days in a coma etc etc i am very grateful had a friend who asked if i wanted to move to ca with him and his family i was 16 and thought it sounded fun i didn't know at the time but he was actually rescuing me from my insane mother and a not so happy home life when you are abused sometimes it is hard to know you are abused until you become an adult and gain a perspective i shudder to think what would have happened to me if i had stayed there i had two job offers in different states at the same time the one i didn't take was offering more money but i just didn't gel with the guy who would be my boss and really liked the guy who would be my boss at the lower offer the better offer was in a state i had always wanted to live in for a company i admired but something felt off so i went with the lower offer i ended up meeting my wife in the city of the lower offer meanwhile the company that had given me the higher offer abruptly closed and laid off their entire staff with no severance so if i had taken that i would have been stuck on the other side of the country with no job and no money about six months after i left my aches he got caught sexting at 12 year old he was 34 at the time my first serious boyfriend as an adult is now serving time in federal prison after being busted for distributing child pornography absolutely horrifying my first ever boyfriend dated me when i was 14 and he was 16. we only dated for one week before he took me into the woods and forced me to kiss him i started to feel a key and broke it off that same day five years later i found out that he was now in prison for raping two 14 year old girls i broke my lease and moved out of a terrible apartment complex i was living in to move back home because i was broke two weeks later the whole complex burned to the ground from a room lab in another unit a few edits for some commonly asked questions the apartment was right outside of downtown birmingham al i didn't have renters insurance broke 2yo at the time so wouldn't have got any kickback from that i did end up getting my security deposit back which they said i had forfeit by breaking the lease so that was nice that m lab wasn't mine i packed mine up and brought it back to florida with me where it belonged hi i have a similar one i broke a lease to move home due to being broke during the course of that lease there were multiple murders and break-ins all throughout the complex my apartment was on the first floor so easy break in that time i didn't go along for the ride when a friend of mine was running weed years ago back when it was more illegal i was bored and unemployed at the time and passed on this trip because i had to go to a job interview to be a zombie for halloween festivities at an amusement park i got the job my friend got arrested and did 30 days in jail that sounds like an awesome job a year ago almost to the day i was offered a new job it was exactly what i was looking for and was really excited they told me they would email the contract but after a week i hadn't had anything after a lot of chasing they told me they'd change the structure of the organization so the position wasn't available i have a month's notice for my current job and if i had taken the job my notice period would have been after the cut-off date for furlough in the uk the new job was in an industry that collapsed through the pandemic in the industry i work in has boomed if i had received that email i would have probably been close to bankruptcy now finishing up my paper route when i was a kid walking home on the sidewalk next to a busy road with sister on the inside me dragging our little buggy on the outside middle of winter car jumps a curb and takes out our buggy neither of us know what the heck had just happened other than the ungodly scraping sound and that our buggy was gone find out later that the driver saw us run home scared and brought back our buggy which was utterly destroyed in a crumpled heap i was pulling the cart and my hand was on it so i'm not sure how i avoided eating chrome that day not a single scratch on me i still think about it regularly and it's been over 30 years i got on an intercity bus and almost sat in the middle but moved and sat at the back the bus later collided with a truck and got opened up like a tin can if i had sat where i originally intended i would have been killed i was late to my bus and instead of running to catch it i decided to miss it and it was later hit by a speeding truck caught the one behind it and later saw the aftermath two people died not me but my friend we were in a bar and she was talking to her do she met on tinder when she turned around i saw him put something into her beer i walked up pretended to stumble and knocked it out of her hand apologized told her i'd buy her next beer and when we walked over to the bar i told her what he did we left right after decided to grab a case of beer and play mario kart that night instead i only tagged along because she asked me to which i'm always perfectly happy to do glad i did pro tip to people if you aren't in a crappy establishment tell the bartender the rapist may get some repercussions at least kicked out if you're in a crappy establishment just foe if the rapist is a regular the staff may have their back could get sketchy for you was driving on a freeway in the right lane when there was a sudden traffic jam ahead i slammed on my brakes and was about to swerve onto the shoulder when i noticed that i wasn't sure the semi behind me could stop and i didn't know how long we actually had a shoulder construction was happening at the time made the decision to rear-end the car in front of me to stay off the shoulder the truck went onto the shoulder brakes squealing and finally managed to stop when the back tires of their trailer were level with me good thing we weren't in a center lane and that we happened to have a shoulder at that moment as a bonus i stopped in time and didn't hit the car in front of me after all though i would have happily taken that hit and hopefully only would have shook up the people in front of me in place of literally being hit by a truck you have some good split second decision making skills once at a bar a woman was surprisingly into me as we danced if i had had more confidence back then i definitely could have taken her home in the end one of my karaoke buddies ended up with her instead and got caught by her husband that night i knew a guy that got stabbed by the husband after he went home with a woman apparently she liked seeing the husband go crazy on the dude she brought home a few months ago i was driving on i-80 at night when out of nowhere the biggest buck i'd ever seen is in the middle of my lane i did exactly what you're not supposed to do and swerved and thankfully managed to keep the rear of the car content with it i literally shaved that box but my mirror was folded in i know you're not supposed to swerve but i drive a tiny little thing and that buck's body would have gone through my windshield into my and my wife's face at 70 miles per hour i was supposed to hang out with a couple of friends one night we were going to go to a party that we were all invited to the weekend before i asked to get off work early so i could go to the party my manager let me go early so i went to go find my friends but i had a really bad feeling all day and it just kept getting worse instead of turning left to go to my friend's house i went right and went home i found out a few weeks later that they got busted with c in their car they were 16 and 17 at the time i was 18 so i would have been screwed in 1996 my parents were deciding between two houses to move into they picked the new construction that resulted in being placed on shoddy soil and years of lawsuits when we ultimately moved in 2001 anyway the other house they could have picked presumably on better soil would have placed my older sister at columbine high school as a freshman for the 1998-1999 school year reading this at first like this doesn't seem like a dodge below not me but my dad he traveled to london for work back from 2001 to 2007. he was booked for the day off on the 7th of july 2005 as that is my birthday and the train he normally got to work was one of the ones that was bombed by terrorists i think that was the one where people would normally have taken the piccadilly line change because of a delay so a lot of people died due to a fault on the piccadilly line i was 18 and nearly went to work as alive in housekeeper for a single man overseas i naively thought it was going to be a straightforward cleaning arrangement and somehow my parents never thought to raise any concerns luckily i changed my mind and took a nanny job with a family instead depending on the count is involved here yeah you might have lost your freedom that day if you're gone jesus not me but my dad coveted saved his life he was having trouble breathing in general signs of heart trouble middle of the night woken up to a panic my mom's first instinct was to drive him to the hospital about 20 minutes away on their way out of the driveway my mom realized that there was going to be full of people with covet and didn't know where to take him she went back into the driveway and called for an ambulance about five minutes later thank god they were closer paramedics showed up right as my dad collapsed they were able to revive him and sustain him until they could get him to where he needed to go if my mom had stuck to her plan of driving him 20 minutes to the hospital he would have died in the car on the freeway i know covet has screwed a lot of things up for a lot of people but for me it's been a blessing in disguise so glad your dad is okay covered saved my mom two she's a big time if you ignore it it will go away when it comes to her health but when she spent two weeks with covered sounding symptoms she was at least scared enough of covered to get herself yo a hospital turned out she had been ignoring a heart attack for two weeks i almost fell for a pyramid scheme in high school my friend brought me to one of their meetings acn and i was so on board but my parents talked me down i was upset with them until i learned more about mlms and quickly change my mind sometimes i imagine where i'd be now if i went through with it it wouldn't be pretty that's for sure wow i remember acn what a sham friends and i went to the top of bunker hill in boston it's 294 steps and they are straight up at the top i took a picture of them and backed up a little to get them in the view after the picture i turned around and realized there was no rail and i had almost stepped directly into the hatch leading down the stairs i think stairs that go straight up are called ladders nine millimeter christmas 2008 me and lil bro were opening gifts on the living room and a bullet came through our crappy roof landing a few centimeters away from where we were people who fire guns into the air are worthless i found an explosive device in a national guard training area when i was 14 it had little pull string and a metal plate to attach it to a tree i held the thing in my hand and almost pulled the string but decided to attach it to a tree instead and put on a longer pull string i pulled the string and it blew a five-inch hole in the tree the explosion was so loud the police came and it made the local news they didn't catch me i would have lost at least one hand maybe both or worse they didn't catch me i'm sure you would have gotten warned to call for help if you ever found something like that again but you wouldn't have gotten into trouble for finding some old military ordinance when i was in high school i think i was 15 my boyfriend and some of my friends were going to a party my mom refused to let me go and made me stay in the room with her so i wouldn't sneak out we got a call that night from one of my friends my boyfriend got super drunk and called his sister to come pick him up she was completely sober but was hit by a drunk driver on the way home she was killed instantly and my boyfriend was paralyzed from the waist down i know i would have been in the car with them had i gone to the party that was 25 years ago but i still tell that story to any of my friends who say i promise i can drive just fine after drinking what's crazy is your boyfriend was smart enough to call for a ride and not drive drunk yet still ended in a drunken car accident i once met a girl or a bar a few years ago she was hot and she started a conversation with me i don't remember about what but at the end of it i wanted to ask her out but being extremely shy i couldn't if she hadn't started to talk to me i would have just admired and avoided her being a big and awkward guy anyway i went to the bathroom to clear my head and when i came back i saw my friend who i came with asked her out a total dong move because i told him i wanna ask her out and i just stand there with an awkward smile waiting for them to leave so i could drink my anger away couple of days after that a mutual friend said that that friend from the bar was robbed by a girl he had brought to his apartment so still today i get mixed feelings when i see him well you should still hate him but at least the stranger got him back for you meet a guy years ago thought we were friends got into contact with him few years ago he was acting sketchy so i unfriended him i look him up found out he on sex offenders registry my friend is giving me a ride to the bus station we get pulled over by the police and i have several ounces of pot in my backpack my friend has about 20 dollars worth of pot in his underwear which i had given him as payment for the ride the cops give some crappy excuse like failing to signal within 50 feet of an intersection which was obviously a pretext cops ask for permission to search the car and my scared butt friend gives consent like an idiot cops tell us to exit the car i grab my backpack and we both get out of the car one cop begins to search the car while the other two cops prepare to start searching us my mind is racing what can i do to get out of this this could put me in jail for a long time out of desperation i ask the cop about to search me a sergeant if i was free to go since i was only a passenger it was the only thing i could think to ask to my surprise a sergeant hands me back mired and says i am free to go i later realized that at that point they hadn't yet found anything illegal and they didn't have reasonable suspicion to detain either of us i am dumbfounded that gambit wasn't supposed to work but somehow it worked i put on my backpack and stroll calmly to the nearest intersection round the corner and as soon as i'm out of view sprint about three blocks to a construction site and hide inside a porter john where i stay for the next two and a half hours my friend calls me about an hour after the stop while i'm still hiding in the toilet and says the cops found his weed right after they let me go and gave him a 500 ticket he says that the cops suspect i'm the one who provided it to him and they're out driving around at that very moment looking to pick me back up i waited until well after dark to emerge from my hiding place and caught a taxi home i laid low for a few weeks expecting a knock at my door any day but fortunately i never heard anything about it again high school gf wanted to talk about baby names i was headed to college no thoughts of being a parent my mom even found a note in my pocket listing her favorites if we had a boy anyway we broke up after two years the next guy she dated was a dad within 9.5 moss she was gonna baby trap you yikes when i was about 10 years old i leaned backwards onto a tall bookcase shelf which happened to have a sword collection on the highest shelf many of these swords had their blades exposed for show and what would happen at that very moment that shelf gave way and all of the swords came and landed on me including my head surprisingly i got not a single cut no concussion and only a small bruise on the head and being young i dismissed this incident with gracious forgetfulness book case of damocles two consecutive seizures from alcohol withdrawal the day i checked into rehab without detoxing i was told afterwards that it was 50 stroke 50 that i survived that night i'm currently just a couple months shy of five years sober i had my alcoholic withdrawal seizure in a hammock on the beach in front of a bunch of tourists but not fun stuff i overslept to work a few years back and arrived about 20 minutes late when i got there a car had barreled through the fence at the edge of our parking area and was head first into the rear of my co-worker's car it was a hit and run while the car was reported as stolen so there was no driver to get insurance information from and my co-workers insurance ended up being billed for his own repairs my normal parking spot was the spot between the fence and my co-workers car if i'd of been on time it would have been my car that got hit and the car would have collided with the side of my car causing damage to at least three panels of the vehicle and likely breaking all that sides windows happiest i was ever to be late i was working in an amusement park during college summers i used to come home from college on a friday afternoon and usually pick up a friday shift as well as a full weekend during the month that the park was only open on weekends i was a manager at my attraction one particular friday i got home and was too exhausted to do a friday night shift so i bagged it and decided to just work the saturday sunday and be back at school on monday i got a call from a good friend and co-worker telling me that our attraction was in flames there were casualties and a couple of my friends and co-workers were missing seven people lost their lives my co-worker assistant manager went back in and pulled people out to safety he was okay i was in shock for a few days had i done what i usually do i would have been there in charge and i know i would have gone in to help it could have been an entirely different situation so yeah i dodge a bullet did a devastating event happened you'll never know i took my wife to an indoor shooting range in 2014 i had been at this range many times and safety was always their top priority they made you sit through a safety video take a quiz and get a temporary certification before they allowed you onto the range place got really busy and their safety policy became less stringent as time went on i noticed that the lane next house had three people in it already a violation two big guys and one tiny woman probably her in twenties they were handing her various firearms and laughing when she couldn't handle the recoil big violation there and incredibly irresponsible this girl was muzzle sweeping everyone another huge violation i got a bad feeling told my wife to pack it up because we were leaving as soon as we started walking away bang that girl had fired around right where my wife was standing just a few seconds prior i told the range officers that they needed to get in there and do something about those idiots and that we weren't coming back i have only been to a range a few times since that happened and now i don't even go at all too many idiots i moved a dresser into the basement at my mom's house before i moved out i lost my grip and fell down almost an entire flight of stairs against a solid cinder block wall the dresser right behind somehow i managed to walk away unharmed it was unlikely to kill me but i'm still surprised i walked away without being hurt or breaking something the human body treads that fine line between surviving deadly catastrophes multiple times and freaking itself up for life if you turn your head wrong when i was a teen i was very sick i was like 90 pounds and couldn't hold down food i knew something was wrong with me but doctors were falsely under the impression i had an eating disorder and thought i was lying and that my parents were enabling me at one hospital visit when i was 17 years old i was like to buy a doctor and tricked into joining an eating disorder program against my will they kept telling me they were going to keep me in the hospital for three six months and had this whole program planned out for me and they put me on an insanely high dosage of anxiety meds that turned me into a zombie person they were not telling me parents much info though my mom actually caught them having secret converse about me they didn't want her to hear we were starting to get vibes they might forcibly take me away from my parents so i made up an excuse to leave the hospital and said i would be back in a couple days but never did go back i waited a very hard year alone with no treatment until i turned 18 when i was legally an adult and couldn't be kidnapped lol and then i felt safe enough to try to give medical treatment another try finally found out i had lupus the whole time it freaks me out to think about what would have happened to me if i had been forced into eating disorder treatment for years for no reason and gotten zero treatment for the pretty dangerous disease they were so sure i didn't have lol everyone had good intentions and doctors save so many lives they are often really really really good people but i hate that people like me slip through the cracks and almost die sometimes if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 64,609
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: bullet dodge, bullet dodged me, bullet dodged reddit, bullet dodger, bullet dodge sound effect, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: _0XgtByZEe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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