From Panic to Peace w/ Dr. Joe Dispenza

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hey everybody super honored to have Dr Joe despenza in studio today we're talking all about your thoughts how powerful they are how they can make you ill but how they can also heal you uh we're talking so much oh my God there's too much talked a lot about change and transformation change and transformation and how much change is available to us like we really can do all of this we can heal mind body and soul we have the power to do all of it and it's not hard friends trust me cuz I did it and I have changed and I didn't think I could change anyhow more coming soon don't forget to hit subscribe it's it's addictive because you see the results I see the results or I would not be able to fit this into my days I'm I'm fitting it into my days because I never want to feel the other way ever again I want to keep feeling like this and better and better and better and I know what's possible now and I see it and and the women that I had on the show that everyone will hear this week Evie who was um on stage in San Diego and Kristen who hasn't done a testimonial for you but this is a woman who had breast cancer spread all over went to her brain she had 150 brain tumors radiated and um she had 20 to 40 new ones they were going to radiate she had been doing your work for 2 years both of them said we had to keep changing before we got our full healing now I know some they're both still in progress but she somehow went back from a week-long Maui trip to her radiation treatment they were doing the final MRI and they had all disappeared 20 to 40 brain tumors I'm pretty sure she had said just deleted so I said you're my new 4minute mile cuz yeah I only got one to go yeah and I know it's going to go and I've always known I was going to heal it actually I forgot to tell you Dr Keith Black do you know Dr Keith Black at Cedars mhm when he and I sat together at after I had surgery and you know I was a little disappointed all of it didn't come out but he would have paralyzed me and we decided that was not a good idea um I said well I'm he's like I want you to radiate the rest of it and I said I'm not comfortable with that I don't feel good about that I saw what radiation did to my mom I want no part of it he's like it's different I go no I don't think it's different I'm going to heal myself I said I know you're going to think I'm crazy and he said I don't think you're crazy he's like I've had one person do it and I believe in you and I told him about your work back then and how I just interviewed you or I was about to interview whatever it was I had just come familiar with your work and that was another Epiphany I had at the event where I was like I said I was going to do this I didn't know this was how it was going to happen but it was like even just like my dreams growing up my parents were janitors and I used to dream so big I'm like someday I'm going to have a house looks like the White House and it's going to be so big and I'm going to have this and that I have everything I said how did I know it was going to happen I was a poor Greek girl from Medford Massachusetts I had no business having any of this but it did so I know the same thing is possible with my health and I know you talk about how our thoughts can make us sick so if our thoughts can make us sick they can make us well and I really want you to help Hammer that home for people well um cuz my thoughts made me sick yeah my mom's thoughts made her sick yeah and it's that bottle that just you that no well no I'm saying the the amount of emotion that comes with the thought because every time you have a thought you make a chemical right if you have a good thought and make you have a chemical that makes you feel good you have an arousing thought that causes you to feel angry uh short term that's okay but the long-term effects of that keeps knocking the brain and body out of balance so when we turn on that primitive nervous system called the fight ORF flight nervous system we're mobilizing enormous amounts of energy in our body's resources that we would typically use for healing digestion reproduction whatever assimilation we're T we're robbing those systems and we're saying there's a threat there's a danger there's something really really needs all of your attention in your outer environment and that that arousal causes us to feel fear or any deriv derivative of it aggression or anger or pain so when we respond to the environment like that body's knocked out of balance because we're mobilizing all that energy pupils dilate respiratory rate goes up heart rate goes off up digestive juices shut down blood is sent to the extremities the body is ready to run fight or hide all organisms in nature can tolerate that short term if you turn on that stress response and you can't turn it off now you're headed for disease cu no organism can live an emergency mod mode without a moment for for regeneration or growth and repair all right so the arousal for for some reason feels good to human beings and that arousal gives us a rush of energy and then we need the bad news we need the problems in our life we need the poor relationship we need whatever it is to cause us to feel this kind of arousal and because we're addicted to it we become addicted to the life we don't even like so then that's the biggest aha moment it's like you actually become addicted to the life you don't want right so then so take it a step further then when you think about that life you produce the same chemistry in your brain and body in the same exact way as if you were actually re experiencing it so now the thought is turning on the stress response and it's a scientific fact that the long-term effects of the hormones of stress push the genetic buttons and create disease well if you can turn on that stress respon response just by thought alone then your thoughts can make you sick so because you're knocking your brain and body out of balance over and over again and depleting your body's resources that you could be used using for healing and it just turns out the stronger the emotion you feel the more you pay attention to the person or the problem and that's our Vital life force we're giving to that person or that problem well and then we're telling the story 50 different times to all of our friends can you believe this and then this reff reaffirming reaffirming the same feeling over and over again and the body's actually uh moving out of balance more and more every time we do that there we're actually draining in the body from energy right so so it makes sense then that when people do this a long time then they they can't feel anything else but anger fear pain suffering guilt shame anxiety competition Envy jealousy insecurity resentment those are all derived from the hormones of stress you know and and psychology calls those normal human States Of Consciousness those are Altered States Of Consciousness so so it makes sense then that if those emotions make us feel one way because the body is always out of balance we decided to do an experiment we took 117 people and we said listen we want you to stop feeling those emotions just for three times a day for 15 minutes we're just going to practice feeling a different emotion yeah I know but I can't feel it I know I know you can't feel it now cuz you're really good at feeling that other stuff but if if we work with you just work with us turns out 10 15 minutes of gratitude two or three times a day their immune system strengthened by 50% they they made the most robust immunoglobulin you know immunog globulin a which is the primary defense against bacteria and viruses the body's getting a boost there's an internal Army now and turns out that when that occurs a lot of pain and inflammation goes away and a lot of immune mediated conditions from cancer all the way to food allergies and everything in between so so we found out that your thoughts could actually make you well mhm so um whenever I like just yesterday when I had a little bit of a rickety day this was one of the first times I had to use my inhaler since and it was because I was a little stressed and how funny the body couldn't now probably breathe properly whatever it was old pattern old pattern I caught it pretty fast and then I gave myself compassion this morning I said Maria CU I was like oh my gosh this is going to take me back so far in my healing cuz now if I was to do blood work today it would be different that was the perfectionist in me and I was like okay perfectionism got it next thing we got to keep really working on is is getting rid of those thoughts um because as I'm Conquering the other things I'm like okay this is the next thing but um but I was like you know what it was just a couple of moments and you totally redeemed yourself this morning so all good um because up until now there have been very maybe one other moments like I've been really really good and so the perfectionists in you like will catch things really fast and start to sabot well I think I think it's more important to have fun I think it's I play with this you know like it's not that you react I mean we all react the question is how long yeah that's and so so like learning how to shorten the refractory period of your emotional responses is worth more than all the gold in the world because if you can't control your emotional reactions to conditions in your life they turn into moods those are one long emotion into temperaments and ultimately personality and so then learning how to do that and catching yourself is the learning process and that's so important for a perfectionist to see it as like hey I did pretty good I did I fell off the horse I got back on not a big deal I'm going to keep going yeah the person who says oh I failed I'm I'm not good at this you know I'm going to get sick again that's that's a huge default and that's kind of talking ourselves out of change it's so important for us to realize that this is a very uh intense process it takes an enormous amount of awareness an enormous amount of energy to master yourself in that moment because valid Justified or not the only person that is hurting is you and when you finally figure that out as my daughter would say living by this emotion isn't loving to me and and and we have to really decide is this loving to me so so it turns out when you teach people how to feel elevated emotions um they make so so many wonderful chemicals that make them feel good that they're no longer dependent on anything outside of them to take away their emptiness their lack their separation their pain Their Fear they're actually learning how to do it without any exogenous substance without anything outside of them without any scrolling through there this feels way better than any of that now that's the moment where we're all of a sudden free from our environment and and and people self-regulate and when when that happens their health gets better they have a headache it improves they have pain it changes they learn that they can do it by thought alone how valuable is that I don't know if we could teach our kids that it would be amazing right it would be amazing for everybody but that's that's I feel free because I don't have those thoughts anymore if they do they're very quick and I can get rid of them or or I can meditate myself back into a good place whatever it is um and so I'm grateful you just shared that because I was having to tell myself that this morning I was like you're fine you've been doing so great like you're you know no take it just remember it's an experiment I always go it's an experiment okay okay I I went unconscious okay how long you going to do that for how long you going to feel bad okay just knock it off okay let's get back and and and I'm I always say to myself God I'm so happy that I did that because the the alternative is just a lot of pretending well also it shows you growth right because if everything's going Jolly you don't really know until you're tested how you're going to be so even Kelsey you were helping me in that moment where I was you know worried about Maximus and his leg and getting him to a vet cuz we're traveling tomorrow for a while and and I said Kelsey I need help I don't know how to do this Google Drive collect everything put it in can you help me and I said to you normally I would be at like a 100 right now I'm at a one and you said yeah I know so it was like it was you have to be test I'm curious um for you girls listening and especially you Kelsey with all your stomach stuff are is what he's saying about your thoughts having that kind of power over your health resonating with you oh yeah well and I feel like it's something we talk about so often on the show and it does it makes perfect sense I mean I think Dr Joe what you were saying like we don't even realize what we're thinking it's like until you are like at this level of like super high awareness to be able to like catch it and be like oh my God I think this every second of every day or whatever it is it's like or I'm unkind to myself or right we're just in these routines so I guess for me it's like diving into the world of meditation where would one even begin because it's like I'll go lay on the couch for 10 minutes and close my eyes but like is that the same thing as doing like the formula or you know something like that well that's a really great great Point turns out the third thing about meditation that I didn't get to at the beginning is is you're answering that question and that is to learn how to change your brain waves and and when you're when you're aroused you're in this beta brain wave pattern it's a very very high beta brain wave pattern that's that arousal is when you're feeling a lot of anxiety a lot of fear a lot of depression a lot of resentment that's when the brain is super alert like it's it's got all of its attention on the outer environment that's where the danger that's where the that's where the cause is and and some people when they get in that state they overanalyze and they can't slow their brain down and they over focus and they try to control and they try to predict and they they have the perception that everything's going to get worse in their life and they get ready for the worst thing all the time and that's that's what you do when you're in survival right so and when we're in that state we become overfocused we we we we we we narrow our focus on the material world the chemicals cause us to become materialists and our senses are heightened and our senses plug Us in the reality so now we're more engaged in the 3D world nothing wrong with that but you can't stay there for a period of time we found out that when you well you do this when you go to sleep what do you do when you go to sleep you just kind of lay there and then you stop thinking and that you think of nothing and when we think of nothing you actually fall asleep and you restore and if you can't stop thinking you actually can't go to sleep so you can't slow your brain waves down because you stay in that kind of analytical State and our our data shows that when you're in that analytical State and you're aroused by some emotion you will actually make your brain worse because the analysis is actually making the chemicals for you to get more aroused and you drive drive yourself further into these higher States because you're overfocused so we said okay let's have people do the exact opposite let's have them focus on nothing because that's what you do when you go to sleep we just go from that narrow Focus to kind of a broaden focus and just sense nothing sense space right and the act of doing that actually slowed the brain waves down into mid-range beta lowlevel beta and then all of a sudden into Alpha now once you cross from beta to Alpha you go from your conscious mind to your subconscious ious mind now what separates the conscious mind from the subconscious mind is actually the analytical mind so when you're analyzing the thinking you're in this beta brain wave pattern you close your eyes and you start relaxing your inner world starts becoming more real than your outer world and your brain starts stop stops talking to you like the chatter in your head and then that analysis tends to suppress and you start to see more in images and pictures you get creative that's Alpha yeah you're like in a VR world yeah exactly if you can let yourself fall into a a light sleep while you're sitting there you move into this Theta brain wave pattern and that tends to be when the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is wide open there's no editor so you could actually rewrite a program you could actually install a new rehearsal a new way of being you could a that's exactly how we rewrite the program so so we teach people how to regulate through those States and just before you fall asleep on the couch we want you right at that that point where you haven't fallen asleep but you could and right there if you can stay relaxed in your heart and we can teach you how to do that while you stay awake in your brain you can make some really dramatic changes because when you have no analytical mind you're suggestible to information and what is suggestibility your ability to accept it believe it to surrender to it as if it's the truth without analyzing it and that's what actually programs the autonomic nervous system so we teach people how to regulate their brain States so that they can they can reprogram yeah you're getting into like the spot where you can change your life you can't do it in you can't do it in beta cuz you're outside the operating system and in fact you can say I'm healthy I'm healthy I'm wealthy I'm wealthy I'm free I'm free and that thought never makes it past the brain stem to the body because the body saying no you're not you're miserable you're unhappy you're in fear that affirm can't you're not affirming anything that the body is agreeing with so you get a person into a state of gratitude well that's a very interesting emotional state because when you receive something or you just receive something favorable something wonderful happened to you or something wonderful is happening to you you feel this intense feeling of gratitude so its emotional signature is something wonderful is happening to you you feel gratitude I guarantee you you will accept believe and surrender to those thoughts that you're thinking and that will actually program the autonomic nervous system into a different outcome so we got to get that person in this that state of receivership right and so meditation and changing your brain waves is an important element will you explain coherent heart and coherent brain Kelsey's like yeah that's what I want to next yeah wrote that down well this isn't this isn't foreign to any of us when let's talk about incoherence when you're in that high beta State and uh you can't predict or control anything in your life we have the perception the things are going to get really bad and you switch on that system what you want to do now is control and predict everything in your life cuz you know you're getting ready for the the worst thing that could possibly happen so as you begin to think about every person every object every meeting every place that's all mapped in your brain and you're shifting your attention to all of these elements the brain starts to fire out of order because of your attention shifting so quickly because every person every object everything has a neurological Network in your brain keep that up in high beta the brain starts to compartmentalize It's A house divided against itself and when the brain's incoherent we're incoherent when the brain isn't working working right we're not working right and with that that default State actually is an unhealthy State for the brain to function and so people become relying on whatever it is that makes the the Discord go away they they try to make the feeling go away by Gaming or whatever it is whatever it is they need to do to to to settle down that high beta State okay well you're on the zoom meeting right and you got the gas pedal on you're judging that person on the zoom call you want to reach across the screen and throttle them but you're smiling and you're stepping on the break so your your heart is racing because it's pumping blood it's what it does when it's under sympathetic dominance but you're not running and you're not fighting you're not hiding so the heart is actually beating against the closed system you keep that up the heart starts beating very incoherently and when incoherent waves interfere you lose energy so you lose energy in the heart and you lose energy in the brain and so then we just become automatic that's the default right that's 95% of who we are so our data shows over and over again that you can make your brain more coherent what does that mean when you're sensing nothing when you're sensing space the act of sensing causes you to stop thinking and analyzing and if you're sensing and you're feeling you're experiencing you're noticing and you're doing that you're not analyzing and your brain waves naturally change from beta to Alpha but good it when you drop down to that level if you stay at it there Comes This Moment where those different compartments of the brain that were once firing out of order out of rhythm all of a start all of a sudden starts beating In Cadence and they start to synchronize front of the brain starts soing to the back of the brain these networks over here start oscillating with these networks and all of a sudden you see recruiting of more communities of neurons firing in the same Rhythm and all of a sudden when the whole brain is firing the same rhythm that's called coherence and that's a very strong signal to the brain that causes a very strong signal to the body that everything's moving back to regulation stress is autonomic disregulation this kind of cadence is CA causing autonomic regulation the body is going whoa whoa whoo something information is traveling along the nervous system that's very coherent very very consistent it's carrying the right information so then when the brain is coherent then um there's a there's a more energy because waves build on waves and so all we see we see this happen and all of a sudden we see a person move into Theta and if they can just hang in there a little bit longer something really profound happens they move into these super aroused states of gamma now gamma is superc consciousness it's actually faster than high beta only difference is it's very compressed and it's very organized so the entire brain now functioning in gamma the person's having a very profound arousal now the arousal is not fear the arousal is not anger the arousal is not pain the arousal is ecstasy the arousal is bliss the arousal is something that could say it's connection or love at the same time we see the heart all of a sudden feeling this feeling start to move into this beautiful Rhythm boom and all of a sudden the heart starts to cause the body to move out of survival and drop down into this relaxed state so we become relaxed in our heart and when that happens waves tend to build on waves let's see if I can explain this we see in the brain a very slow wave called Delta that's deep sleep but the person's oscillating in delta in coherence and then the wave riding Delta is Theta like in a harmonic two dolphins yeah and then Here Comes Alpha riding on Theta and then beta on there and all a sudden you see the person go into this gamma State and the Heart Is Telling the brain it's safe to create now it's safe to be in the present moment there is the the the danger the threat the trauma's over and the Heart literally informs the brain that the event is over and it resets the Baseline for anxiety for trauma in the survival center of the amigdala of the brain and all of a sudden the person can relax into the unknown the present moment and no danger nothing happens that they're so afraid and the unknown is always the the scary place that's how we survived and adapted for thousands of years now the unknown is the perfect place to create in the person's relaxed in their heart and the heart's sending this beautiful Rhythm when that happens it's causing these waves of energy in the brain and the brain is receiving it from the heart it's saying it can get creative this is the creative Center so now the heart and the Brain start working together and somehow there's a profound shift in everything from electromagnetism to biology to neuros circuitry to neuro hormones and you you see the person not wanting the moment to end yeah and when the heart beats in Rhythm it it produces a very profound magnetic field that's up to 3 m wide right so you got this you got this Broadband base that's that's that tends to be magnetic and you have a coherent brain which tends to be electric so the the thought becomes the electrical charge the directive you send the signal out into whatever it is that you want into the field you got to feel a feeling before it happens and the Quantum get a coherent heart and you begin to draw the experience to you so when there's a vibrational match between your energy in some possibility that exists in the quantum field that you haven't experienced yet the cool thing about it is now we don't have to go anywhere and do something to get it you do that three-dimensional reality when you're matter trying to change matter when you're creating from the field in connection instead of from matter the events tend to come to you instead of you going to get them now that's the fun part right that's why we do it so what I love the most about our community is that they get it they're they're not they they once they get it and they feel it they want to feel more of it there's nothing wrong with that they want to experiment more they don't want to go back to that stuff they they outgrow it like they outgrow a shirt that they no longer ever want to wear again you just you don't ever you're never you know you're never going to wear that shirt again you just outg grow things and now this kind of Regulation that leads to all these mystical unknown cool experiences causes the person to be less interested in television less interested in all hey that's me I stopped watching stuff and and why my husband's like our life is going to be so messed up now I go honey I'm so sorry my best friend had come in town it was like the week before the event and normally like we have like the things that we do and I'm like I'm so sorry you guys it's not you it's me I just want to go upstairs and meditate I don't want to play cards and I don't want to watch TV so yeah you don't you want that feeling so I must have gone in a gamma I know I wrote in my notes that I went in a gamma for sure at the event but I must have gone in a GMA to reprogram the amydala to remove the anxiety right yeah yeah so so we find that people are are moving into these states of gamma and and they're they're you know they're not even aware a good percentage of them not even aware that they're in this this state because they're so relaxed in the present moment and they're so awake in their brain it's there's this beautiful gamma pattern that takes place and once the Harden forms the brain it it dumps the Baseline for those stress hormones to a different level it it happens really quickly so one of the cool things that I started seeing when I was doing the progressive at home was like I could feel my body lift out of my legs like just and I would get so scared and I remember in the class you said you know you're only one thought away don't be afraid so then I started to train myself like don't be afraid we're just we're just going to go and at the event there was a couple of I mean there was some crazy moments I mean I was in this amphibian world and then I was in a a Blue Water World where I could feel the mist of water on my face I was on a Cliffside being healed there was a bed it looked like it was like in Jerusalem and I was on a cliff being healed I had the Virgin Mary I had Jesus in like right there with me and my coherence healing there were crazy insane moments so when you go into those mystical places in your meditations first of all I always say if kids knew they could do this they would never do drugs because it's free and you really like you're swimming in these places it's so cool um is that gamma uh we have seen people in very very high states of gamma having very profound mystical experiences in fact so way outside of normal that some of the scientists actually broke the person from The Meditation cuz they were worried they had never seen anything like it and of course the person was having a very very very profound very full-on sensory experience without their senses and they were in a whole another world and they were like what what what what did you just like you know they were having a profound but we also see people in very very deep levels of theta having really Lucid moments as well so um I don't want to categorize it as one brain wve state or another but but but when there's an arousal uh it and it tends to cause everything to become very real uh yeah you're you're moving into gamma and you have not in the not in the neocortex the gamma is in the lyic brain the seed of the autonomic nervos SYM the arousal that that coherence in that very high frequency is is is regulating information energy is in forming matter and the body is feeling very electric it's feeling very enlivened and um and so so the person when they have that moment of course they feel that new feeling they're going to pay attention deeply to the pictures that they're experiencing in their brain it's going to see seem very real now the cool part about that is what is real I mean reality is where all of your attention is right and if all of your attention is in that world I mean I I I'm not a whales and space guy you know I mean I'm pretty practical person that's why you're a good teacher because we we know that and and when people when I wanted to know when I saw a person 200 300 400 500 standard deviations outside of normal and Gamma please just tell me what happened and you know these stories are profoundly enriching you know so the the person when they come back to their to their self again the experience tends to enrich circuits in their brain and the feeling that they feel that electrical arousal tends to remove the body out of the past into the present and they get a biological upgrade a lot of times the cells start jiggling the energy and frequency and and the cells start emitting more coherent light and information and there's the there's the tumor then it's gone you know there's the the eczema and it's gone you know it's gone it's a whole new Addiction so so yeah so so I traed it up in my addiction so so when you have a few of those when you come back to your senses and you put you come back to your personality your spectrum of reality is broadened right we don't see things how they are we see things how we are so the inner experience that's so profoundly Lucid is actually reorganizing circuitry in the brain for you to perceive more of reality that always existed yeah but we just didn't have the circuitry to perceive it now this is when it gets fun because now you can you can how how I mean it's it's a scientific fact that we perceive less than 1% of reality the the statistics say it's 100% the mathematics say we perceive less than 1% of reality so this is the moment where you get an upgrade to the circuitry in your brain and now you broaden your perception of the way the world really is yeah well we could we couldn't possibly even understand the the space of the universe right and and the and and what exists out there right and we're also growing I was reading something the other day we're growing at faster Paces the like the universe is growing at faster paces and scientists even ever thought so we can't understand that we can't understand this either um I want to go back to fight ORF flight for a minute because I was able to see my mom and what got her to where she ended up right so she was in figh ORF flight 24/7 my dad was severe type 1 diabetic and she didn't even sleep at night cuz she was afraid he was going to die in a low blood sugar uh attack funny enough when you get to understand some of this work this makes sense we didn't know how to categorize it back then but my dad would have nightmares of dogs chasing him and it would be as if his body was really being chased his blood sugar would drop he'd be in a pool of sweat and only by you know my mom noticing because she wasn't sleeping would she be able to save him from a complete you know you know death from low blood sugar so I watch her pattern she was in fight ORF flight her whole life trying to keep them alive and then I was the like Lieutenant right under her and we would just feel i' in school and have no idea but I knew he was sick and he needed me and I would race home skip a class and find him comos on the floor so we were so connected with him that we would know when he wasn't okay and he wasn't okay all the time um so the both of us got that and and then we both had kind of like a lot of the toxic work situations too that just now we didn't have boundaries we were never taught boundaries so now that anger just kept building and building and building and when I thought about where the anger goes in the Progressive chorus it goes right up to like that pineal area I'm pretty sure from that diagram I was like oh yeah we kind of we kind of did this with our thoughts and I know a lot of people have a hard time with that notion but I'll accept it for myself I believe that we were the illness because and it was unknowing we didn't have tools we didn't know we did the best we could with what we had in those times but it is our our thoughts and the way were living and the way we were so fearful and so worried and in trying to control everything yeah that got us brain tumors because the top researcher says it's like lightning striking twice this doesn't happen so and it's not genetics and they weren't genetically connected or anything so I want for the sake of the people because I know a lot of people who are listening to this have autoimmune conditions I want to really Hammer home Hammer home fight or flight because I know Kelsey is even nodding in there um you've had your versions of it as well um and and what we're doing to ourselves so that they can really see the control that we can have if we start to focus on it and even though you say it's hard and it's a lot of work it really isn't because the second you get in and you start to understand this is scientific and that's why your approach is so different and why I think that you are resonating so much more with people because it's not woo woo some of the woooo are saying similar stuff but yours is science-based and there is 100% success stories to see that you can buy into and believe and you're doing so much scientific you know research as well um I just want people to really have that breakthrough to understand that that this fight ORF flight thing that I was watching women at the event there was a woman who was like I don't know if I'm doing this right and we were all having this thing like what if we're not doing it right because as women we want to be be perfect and we're taught to be good girls and to be perfect growing up and we're going into a coherence healing and this one woman is running around trying to find her friend over here and I'm watching her and I'm like oh my God she's killing herself yeah yeah yeah well here's here's the the cool thing about being human we can all relate to this this is so primitive it's so innate in us the game that that we've been playing for as long as you want to believe human beings have been here is the game of survival I mean 100 years ago 150 years ago it wasn't easy being human I mean you could die from all kinds of things and famine and your predators and all of those things were important elements to Keep Us Alive and in fact fear was really adaptive you don't walk up to a lion and pet it something tells you instinctually to not do that right so that's very adaptive and and when stress becomes maladaptive it's a different story because uh there when we react to someone or something that's in our lives but your your reaction whether it's a lion or your motherin-law doesn't matter to the body yeah because if if it's a lion for the most part you're not going to go 20% in you're not going to go 40% if it's l you're going to go 100% in right so but if it's your mother-in-law and you're having the same response what was once very adaptive becomes very maladaptive right so it turns out that as I said valid or justifi the only person that that is actually hurting is you because you're knocking your body out of homostasis you're knocking your body out of balance health is balance health is order so let's see if we could drive this home really well you have three types of stress physical chemical and emotional physical stress is trauma accidents injuries Falls chemical stress is viruses bacteria blood sugar levels uh hangovers toxins pesticides pollutants that emotional stress is just your reaction to everyone and everything in your life well 75 to 90% of a person that walks into a health care facility in the Western World walks in because of psychological and emotional stress you could have the best diet you could eat glutenfree vegan ketogen intermittent fasting with a little macrobiotics on the side organic all of that take all your vitamins take all your all your supplements all your herbs drink your teas do all of that you could work out you could run you could do Pilates you could do yoga what doesn't matter get yourself chemically balanced get yourself uh physically balanced but if you haven't taken care of your responses to everyone in everything in your life your cells when you're living in fear in perfectionism in rigidity the signal to the cell is there's a danger there's a threat and the cell is going to take the signal and the cell is going to make a protein from a gene and if you keep signaling the cell that there's danger in the environment the cell is going to start to downregulate a gene and make a cheaper protein so so then you could have you could you could actually wind up creating or organic fear proteins that's what you're making right cuz the the body still isn't in a place to rest so person can't sleep then they can't sleep they can't restore they they can't digest there's an emergency out there how can you digest if your body's perceiving that the next moment there's going to be danger there's your immune system's dialed way down there's no energy for long-term building projects the the the everybody's attention is on the outer world there's no Homeland Security everybody's out fighting the fight right so the reproductive system says this is not a time to grow a baby uh the brain the blood flow goes to the hindbrain away from the forbrain you stop thinking you start reasoning you start reacting to everyone and everything blood blood sends adrenaline liquid energy to the muscles but you're not fighting you're not running you're not hiding muscles get tight it's just it's just stored energy in there and the body stays in that kind of maladaptive State and and it it that inbalance becomes the new balance and now we're headed for some type of Crash some type of disorder some type of disease and when we're in that state we're altered and there's always a gap between the way things appear and the way things really are and if we act during that period we'll always say I should have never said that I should have never done that I should have never sent that email I should have never thought that because we're altered and that's say in survival we're selfish you though you got when you're getting chased by T-Rex there's three things you're thinking about my body like have to take care of this in my environment where am I going to run and how much time do I have to uh to get there the body the environment and time so the stress hormones actually cause us to feel more like our bodies more pay more attention to objects and things in our environment obsess about time to change is to be greater than your body to be greater than your environment to be greater than time stress is not a time to change stress is time to run fight and hide and if you spend 70% of your day living in that state there's no energy for a person to ever repair there's no energy and there's no energy period forget just to repair and so the disregulation that's happening in the autonomic nervous system remember stress is uh moving the body out of balance right so it's the autonomic nervous system that's mobilizing all that energy right and starts disregulated because it could never catch up right so when we start creating brain and heart Co herence the autonomic nervous system is moving back towards regulation it's moving back towards order and there's an innate capacity for the body to say the war is over it's the the trauma's done let's get back to growth and repair turns out the more coherent that autonomic nervous system is the more regulated it is the more information can travel to the cells and tissues and organs of the body with the proper Cadence with the proper signals right so the body starts upregulating back to balance and back to health and so autoimmune conditions tend to be one of those conditions that heal really fast in this work inflammation heals really fast in this work cancers do really well in this work neurological disorders do really well in this work because there's a lot more regulation that goes on so so so if if if you can get your body more emotionally balanced and more physically balanced and more chemically balanced then you'll be more resilient so then the trauma the the the the the thing that falls apart in your life your response won't be the same because you're out of survival right and relaxed in the heart and awake in the brain is so much better than stressed out unconscious and living in a program and that seems to be what's accepted as normal in the world perfect explanation Kelsey right y I see her nodding in there um one of things you talk about is like new behaviors right so I want to give people just something they can grab on to right now it's like you say you wake up you do the same things whatever so I knew one of the things I grabbed fast was like new behaviors will create a new reality and so I try to mix it up I instead of making a coffee like I normally would in the morning sometimes I'll run out and grab one at the coffee shop or I'll go to another coffee shop I just try to change my routine every day so it's not overlapping the same over the same over day um um what can people do that's conscious like that um to help start changing themselves yeah 86% of the people in the Western World the first thing they do when they wake up in the morning is grab their cell phone that's almost nine out of 10 people so more than likely there's a good percentage of people that are watching this podcast or listening to it that do that and when they reach for their cell phone and they look through their Facebook and their Instagram and their Tik Tock and their emails and their uh Twitter and do all of that they're connecting to everything that's known in their life they're actually making sure that they're connected in a in a certain way in place of that you can still do that but before you grab unconsciously for your phone and start changing your chemicals in your body it would be such a great idea to sit down and before you start your day just review the thoughts you don't want to think review the behaviors you really want to change about yourself just review them just go over them in your mind re review the emotions that you feel the most in a day and just remember that those emotions aren't loving to you just just review them in the beginning just so that you're aware of them have to change you'll start becoming aware of them and when once you can observe them you're no longer the program once you're conscious of them you're no longer unconscious right you're out of the program before you start the day ask yourself what how do I want to think today how do I want to feel how I want to behave I mean what would greatness look like what would love look like today what could I do that would be really cool for me at the end of the day say wow so I had a good day today what what what would make me feel that way and if you can't find an answer to that start reading who reads anymore read a book I read so many books a week I know I'm that way too so read something about you want to be wealthy read a book about someone who became wealthy and get get real and realize they may have failed 50 times before they actually pulled it off or what were their characteristics what were their traits What made them it's not wasn't about the wealth it was about who they became that's the key right so so so fill your brain with a little knowledge and then just start asking yourself what's the greatest expression of myself that I can be today and and and rehearse it rehearse how you're going to be and and then if if it leads to a different Choice that's the unknown and just know that it's not going to be predictable it's going to be a little uncomfortable that's where the magic happens if you can stay relaxed and awake in the unknown things get pretty exciting when you're back to the known you're back to the familiar don't expect anything to change in your life and if you say it's that person or that circumstance ah you default and went back to the program of the victim allowing your outer environment controlling your thoughts and feelings if you truly do this well this is what I discovered if I truly feel the feelings of my future before they occur and I live in that state I'm no longer looking for it to happen how could I look for it if I feel like it already has right so I try to stay in that state because then I don't then I'm not separate from it and and that's tends to be when the magic happens there there's no control anymore there's no predicting there's no perfectionism there's none of all there is is just kind of an experiment like I'm experimenting to see if I changed my thoughts and feelings if my life will change and that should be the experiment everybody has and and and do it with with curiosity and do it with just seeing if if the experiment works if it doesn't change something else about yourself until it starts to work well those experiments are what's so fun right so when you're creating your like I wrote down the list of things I never wanted to feel again I I wrote down the things I wanted in my new life so I had my H and then I would have my n so my new life and I was I was thinking about all this adventure and so much fun that I wanted to have and even just I know this is silly but this weekend I asked my husband I go do you want to go on a hike and normally he growls at me and he said sure I said all right why don't we go somewhere new we've never gone let me just look up like crazy cool hikes that end in a waterfall I really want to see a waterfall so I said I found one and I said it's in Sunland he goes oh cool I want to go out that way it's like quiet and wide and not frenetic I said yeah let's go there I picked the easiest hike it's only two miles cuz I know you don't have a lot of energy very burnt out and I said we'll just do that so we went and it started out hard and I could tell he was like ah frig I want to kill her and long story short we kept going and going and every hiker would tell us we were a mile away I've been on those hikes and and it was hard on me and I'm somebody and I'm wearing leg weights thinking it's only 2 miles we went six miles we had a Repel Down rocks with rope there was this whole experience that was so cool and I gave him opportunities to quit along the way and then we had one good opportunity when we actually could see the waterfall from a distance but we could get closer I said but honey we did it we saw the waterfalls he's like no I want to go who are you and so we had this amazing experience he loved it he's like yes it was a lot but I I want to do this more I don't I don't want to sit on the recliner on weekends anymore he loved his everything was watching TV on the recliner so then it had to become my everything and then I would rope him into some stuff here and there now he wants to go on adventures on weekends that was what I was dreaming of in my head as I dreamed about what I wanted our relationship to really look like I created all these things in my head he doesn't know I'm like Mr Miyagi him into whatever I want oh he he's really going to like me I'm sure no but now he came back from that hike he's like I'm all in I'm all in cuz he was in but he's like I need to he was being precious about it it's like I have to do it when I have time and this and that I go no there's never going to be time but you do it when you want to do it I'm not pressuring you whatever you want now he's like I am diving in I'm landing this week I'm going to do it in Connecticut when I get there I was like all right so now when the unknown becomes an adventure you know you're over the hormones of stress or at least changing the hormones of stress because the unknown is a scary place in survival and stress and but when becomes an adventure it means now we're craving the unknown and that's I think that's one of the things I love the most about our community people really crave the unknown I mean they their mind is not limited in in any way and and you if you believe in yourself you got to believe in possibilities right you got to if you believe in possibilities you got to believe in yourself and you're not going to get possibilities sitting on the recliner you got to go out and get them yeah and it creates a zest for life like I have such a zest I don't want to keep you much longer even though I'm going to keep you here and I'm going to hide you in the basement um one last thing I and was something we started talking about earlier before we sat down and it's like the energy field right so we talk about quantum physics a lot in your work and and I think it's so cool uh um but can we talk about a field in which the people around you are all getting the same things because I'm starting as I said to make the connections brain tumor mom brain tumor me brain tumor two of my dogs my dad diabetes my brother diabetes me DI pre-diabetic but I've been cleaning that up uh my mom thyroid all of her side of the family thyroid me thyroid Kevin thyroid my best friend Kevin breaks teeth we're in the kitchen talking about it then I broke a tooth and she broke a tooth we're all of these things are happening around us and there was a moment in the brain tumor Journey where I started cracking jokes don't get too close to us you might get a brain tumor but that's messed up because it it does happen so is there something to that have you studied any of that no we we haven't really well actually it's kind of funny because I think you were at the event where we're studying twins yes yeah we studied six sets of twins yeah five identical twins and one set of fraternal twins and we're actually looking to see how much you know expression can change when you change your emotional state in with identical twins that share pretty much the same genome but then we started doing these cool experiments where we were separating them and one was having a meditation the other one was watching The History Channel you know in this room or her room just to see and when this person had a profound experience what kind of brain changes were they were they in training their their partner to so so I do think that the more we are emotionally connected to people the more suggestable we are to each other right because I think we accept believe and surrender information that's equal to our emotional state right so so maybe the sympathy or your connection to people in your life the the information goes in that it actually it actually creates this kind of um Collective Consciousness you know that that everybody starts to experience the same thing uh but it could be like the 100th month funkey could be in a in a in a really other really profound way where you start changing your energy and you start changing your your your emotions and then you start moving to a greater frequency and you break that you break that pattern and now all of a sudden everybody starts entraining to a greater level yes and that's what we're after right so so I just think that's it's just a a level of unconsciousness because we when we share the same emotions we share the same memories we can relate with one another when we share the same energy we share the same information so we're very prone and or susceptible to that information so I don't think it's a bad thing I just think we have to really be very clear that that's something that I'm definitely not going to experience if if it slips past your analytical mind and you take it on and you feel it with that person I mean that's that's powerful Voodoo you know that's powerful medicine or powerful medicine either way but I'm aware now yeah so that's a a good thing Queens I'm going to give you the last question whoa Dr Joe you talked about relaxing the heart and you said you have a way way to do it how do we do it it's not something that you you don't know how to do it's just something that we want to make a skill for you and and so when people first thing they have to do is they have to overcome their survival States they have to over overcome their programs they got to be willing to sit with themselves long enough to wonder what's on the other side of I can't or it's too hard or I want to give up or this sucks what's on the other side of those thoughts those are just programmed thoughts what's on the other side of this emotion called guilt or this emotion called frustration what's on the other side of it right so you get people to a certain point and give them uh a little bit of help but the key then is we've done we've done studies on this if you close your eyes and you place your attention on your heart turns out where you place your attention is where you place your energy right so if you can put your attention on your heart and not your cell phone and you can keep it on your heart and and feel it and experience it and pay attention attention to it by paying attention to your heart you're actually giving it your energy now your heart tends to feel different emotions uh than other parts of your body and what emotions it loves to feel is love Compassion Care kindness gratitude inspiration Freedom these are elevated emotions so if you could put your attention on your heart we see from the technology that we built in time and not a very long amount of time just a few minutes you'll start to see this very low frequency of the heart start going up which means the the the energy that's indigenous to the heart what the heart uses only you're actually feeding it it's it energy so if you could do that then and then you can slow your breathing down when you slow your breathing down you slow your brain waves down we've measured that thousands of times so instead of this short breath or this instead of this kind of shallow breath you really work on taking long slow breaths through your heart inhale with the intention of relaxing hold it with the intention of relaxing while you hold it exhale with the intention of relaxing blow all the air out hold it for a few seconds you're not going to die relax again inhale again and just do a series of three or four or five or six of these depending on working with your body so that it starts to feel safe again that's what it is it slow your brain wavs down you slow your breathing down you slow your breathing down you convert from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic and that's what we see then all sudden we see the person's parasympathetic nervous SYM go up and sympathetic goes down what does that mean they're moving out of stress okay the body is moving into that state of growth and repair now put your attention on your heart now do something really cool amplify that's the amplifier that's the creative Center so what do you want to feel like what emotion do you want to feel when a future experience happens whatever that is feel the Gratitude feel the joy feel the freedom and breathe and feel and feel and breathe and keep relaxing into your heart keeping your attention nowhere else out of the millions of things you can put your attention on that's your Target and you work with your body and you breathe and you feel and as you start relaxing into your heart you keep working on relaxing into your heart and you feel it you feel that emotion there'll come a moment where that energy will naturally start moving up to the brain and when that happens the survival centers shut down brain moves into Alpha you see more in pictures and images you could take it's like a taking a sheet of paper uh a sheet on a on a on a bed and going like this the heart sends is propagating wave right into the brain just follows boom right after the stroke volume and it's telling the brain to be creative to dream to be you know to be unlimited uh so the more you do that here's the key the more you do it the more it becomes a skill now when a person has a panic attack right what they do is they mismanage their attention they they picture the worst scenario that could possibly take place and then they say no what if this happens what if this happen what if this happens so they're making it actually 10 times worse because if you prepare for the worst there's always better chances of survival the problem is they're combining that image in their mind and they're actually living the experience emotionally and so they're taking that thought and that feeling that image and that emotion that stimulus and response and they're conditioning the body subconsciously to become the mind of fear after a certain point when the body is that out of balance it will have a panic attack try as you may to control it with your conscious mind can you programmed it subconsciously then it gets worse because after that one you can't anticipate when the next one's going to happen so you start getting ready for the next one and that's what exactly starts the cycle okay so what we discovered that the more you relax into your heart and feel these elevated emotions it's exactly like a panic attack only it's a love attack so we're looking at people's hearts for 24 hours we see them sustain this beautiful coherence 30 minutes 40 minutes 60 Minutes they get good at it they can do it now they know that they know they can it feels really good but then all of a sudden they're wearing the heart rate Mon and they're not doing a meditation and their heart is in coherence for an entire hour and they're unpacking their suitcase and they're getting ready for bed and this spontaneous feeling of love just the body starts wanting to feel that cuz it's been conditioned to feel that no different than be being conditioned to fear so it it we have to practice sustaining it that's the key right so if you can sustain it more and more and practice with your heart it'll get better it'll get deeper it'll get richer get more profound it'll it'll keep changing as you keep doing it and and uh for me it it it's still changing it it still changes for me so simple technique rest your attention and then after you rest your attention in there slow your breathing down bring up an elevated emotion feel it within you tune in radiate it you know um uh shine I don't know whatever it is that is for you to Glow In Your Heart there and um and then we see this parasympathetic nervous system drop down and here comes the sympathetic nervous system coming up and now the person's relaxed in their heart and they're moving into this gamma brain wave pattern all of a sudden waves start building on waves are standing waves and all of a sudden right up to the brain and the person is out of the program they're conscious now they're relaxed in the present moment and awaken the brain that sympathetic arousal is Awakening the brain creating that wonderful feeling of wakefulness of bliss of ecstasy of a a a joy for existence a gratitude like I love being alive and when that occurs pro-social networks in the brain switch on and instead of being protective and separate and surviv rival those pro-social networks cause us to want to connect and connect and commune and and form tribes and form communities and take care of one another and support each other and love one another and heal one another and Shine for one another and and inform one another and honor one another and respect that's what happens when when this when this Center kind of opens up and it's a different Consciousness it's an emergent it's an emergent Consciousness so we tend to be more present and appreciative when we're truly in this state and that's why it's mind body and soul healing all of this work is healing everything yeah well I think I think you know if you want to just touch on the soul for a second I do think that you know the Soul's really interested in adventure it really wants new experiences right and it can't go on to the next experience if it's stuck in an emotion from the past it can't go it can't go because it that emotions keeping the person anchored to the memories and the stories that go along with it I would never tell a person to relive their past I would always tell them to just overcome the emotion cu the memory without the emotional charge is wisdom and that's what the soul wants like I'm done with that I'm done I got the wisdom from it I got I got all of eternity I got a long time to figure this out so I might as well create the next experience so I think they all heal kind of simultaneously you know one one with the next yeah think one of the big things that happened for me too at the event was and I didn't realize that you like I said you see so many of the things that you need to fix or you need more of and I was like oh I started feeling my heart and and I realized I wasn't loving myself I wasn't loving my brain I wasn't loving my body and so now I have like that whole practice every day where I tell myself that I love myself I tell myself what I'm proud of or what I've done that was good and what I'm working on and um I tell my brain that I love it and my body that I love it let let your heart love your brain just like basically when the heart and the brain are coherent There's A Love Affair yeah between the heart and the Brain it's it's one of the most beautiful things it really is a love affair the heart well I'm telling you it just loves the brain it's an amazing thing and love and gratitude will will heal too and it's like the hippie stuff was kind of real it's like it really is about love and having compassion for people where they're at because they haven't gotten to that next level yet haven't gotten a tool yet that they need whatever it is um so I think that that was another thing that I learned I mean I could talk to you for hours about the things that I learned I want to know one last thing what is your vision from here yeah well um where does this go where do you go gosh um there's so many um wonderful things that are happening right now just with our research you know I was on the phone with one of the top researchers in our in our um scientific team and uh just every day the data that we're discovering is so important for people to know I want to give people um my greatest understanding of the truth and numerous opportunities to experience it I I want to free their minds and open their hearts with a simple formula that leads them to a door right a door of unlimited possibilities and I want the door to show people that they are greater than they think more powerful than they know more unlimited than they could ever dream and and I think by providing people the science in taking it to a point where it's understandable and digestible changes a Consciousness it changes a collective Consciousness uh and and the testimonials are so important because those four minute miles are uh opportunities for people to to believe in themselves again cuz someone else is doing it right so so a an emergent Consciousness emergence in biology you know this flocks of birds and schools of fish that are moving and behaving in the same way there's no leader in that process it's not a top- down phenomena everybody's leading right so the coming of a new Consciousness is it it can't be done uh with the same Consciousness that's created the problems that we have in the world today you know and I think no matter what you believe what I think one thing that everybody is aware of that something doesn't feel right you know so so providing people with the information the right information that allows them to believe in themselves and to believe in possibility the side effect of all of this is some of some really cool things happening in medical schools where they want to investigate what we're doing and bring it into medical schools uh in operating rooms now uh with Navy Seals uh in and Veterans with trauma uh we were working with um prisons and and that was amazing actually stories yeah a lot some great prisons and nobody's talking to these people about why they did what they did and what it really means to change especially the ones that are going to walk out into the same environment you know so so um we're working with lots of companies and organizations around the world and teaching them what true change means in the Neuroscience of culture and how you how you change a culture what it takes to change a culture and what it takes to change individuals so uh and then you know then there's all kinds of fun things like I'm I'm so invested in our youth Community right now uh because they are the seeds of the future and uh they're going to have to resolve the problems that were given to them from a greater level of Consciousness and they have to learn the principles of leadership they have to ingrain that in them and embody it uh they have to understand their hormones they have to understand values they have to understand how to create from the field instead of from matter so they can short the distance between the thought of what they want and the experience of having it without having to work so hard to get it and so we're investing a lot of uh my time and energy into into our youth and every event that we do we have over a hundred kids under the age of 25 that come and and they're very passionate and I and I I take time uh I go and see them uh after I walk off the the stage or at the end of the day and I I talk to them and and I say listen I don't care if you go to school or you you you you teach yourself just get really really really good at one thing just be just own it just know that you know that you're the best at it you do that you'll always be valued so um so many crazy things so many wonderful things are happening um with with um where we're at right now so I'm pretty excited I like the idea for I know you're getting close um to be able to go to Children's Hospitals and do coherence healings in there well we had a woman in the event in uh San Diego who uh who is the the top administrator for Children's Hospital in in Mexico City and she had a profound profound healing profound healing from her disease and she's ready you know and I'm not going to do it uh until I have the data that shows that our community uh one out of two times can produce a change that's eight nine or 10 out of 10 in a person's health when we're 50% and we have all of our all the research that we're doing with all the questionnaires and all the epigenetic studies we're doing on the heales and the Heart coherence you know we're we're measuring to see if everybody's in Co in a state of coherence when everybody's in the you know in the cage when they're when they're healing another person we're looking at the data so when our data is all sorted out and we're uh 50% um that's when I'll be very comfortable in and walking in there and and changing children's lives you know children with cancer and children with tumors and children with all kinds of of health condition we had we're we're seeing crazy stuff happening with this orphanage that we're working with in Mexico right now with you know kids born with a lot of health conditions and and tremendous reversal in in their in their in their bod so it's pretty cool thank you this podcast and all related content published or distributed by or on behalf of Maria manuno or Maria manuno is for informational purposes only and may include information that is General in nature and that is not specific to you any information or opinions expressed or contained herein are not intended to serve as or replace medical advice nor to diagnose prescribe or treat any disease condition illness or injury and you should consult the healthc care professional of your choice regarding all matters concerning your health including before beginning any exercise weight loss or Health Care Program if you have or suspect you may have a healthcare emergency please contact a qualified health care professional for treatment any information or opinions provided by a guest expert or host featured Within website or company's podcast are their own not those of mar manuno or the company accordingly maram manuno and the company cannot be responsible for any results or Consequences or actions you may take based on information or opinions
Channel: Maria Menounos
Views: 191,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maria menounos, Better Together, Better Together with Maria, healsquad, heal squad, Healing, energy healing, interview, information, health, education, cancer, fight cancer, cancer remedies, eastern medicine, astrology, EMDR, Therapy, self help, wellness, spiritual journey, growth mindset, heal, mental health, caretaking
Id: DJ9Ov9lHnMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 6sec (4146 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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