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welcome everybody welcome back to Homestead heart and today you all we are uh outside we are busy working and it's hot it is hot you can see I've been putting putting that working got the sweat yes you have got the sweat going yes you have yes we still out here working at Homestead hard yes we are we know it's been a minute but we've been out we've been so busy working y'all just trying to get caught up we recently discovered a brand new peach tree on the homestead yes and Mrs H she she looked around and she started screaming I'm like what are you screaming about she said oh my God she ran towards this tree I'm like what is she doing now come back here bud and all of a sudden it was a peach tree full of peaches I'm like wow what this Peach Tree been hiding it has been hiding because we don't like in the space that it's in we don't like cut this area often you know so we don't even bother like looking in this spot because we don't hardly cut the area at all we just kind of leave the grass kind of tall and it dies back and we have all of this um Golden Rod that grows out here and the deer like to come over here and bed down so this is an area we typically don't touch sometimes we just leave it untouched but it got cut recently yeah and and and it's it was amazing to see how big this piece tree was oh my goodness because I remember cutting that area yeah and I Ved that tree I didn't't know what it was yeah so I Ved it it wasn't that big first of all it wasn't as big as it is now so yeah he avoided cutting it and I'm trying to see how did this tree get here oh my goodness I looked at that tree I was like oh my God yeah yeah she was excited I was it's loaded with peaches y'all it is loaded with peaches so uh I can IM like some the the tree is so big now that even if the deer ate all of the Peaches on the bottom there's no way they could get to the ones on the top get to this it's about as tall as big Bera yeah it is it's not as wide as big Bera but it is as tall as big Bera right yeah and we do still have to do in a few more days it's going to be time to do the unveiling of big Bera when we tried to do the um the um the air layer on big Bera right so it's almost time for us we haven't even peeped at it so it's time for us just about in a couple of more days ain't it a couple more days to do the unveiling for big Bera yeah and hopefully we get some good results hopefully yeah yeah so you know we out here we going to talk to y'all about uh you know the garden you know we we rebounding it's been a minute mhm you know it it was it was a trial yes oh yes it was a trial oh it was a trial but you know we uh we decided not to give up we're taught that trials are made to purify yeah so this was a purification moment yeah yeah W my mouth and mind yeah this the kind of thing that goes on when you out here on the homestead the ups and downs the good and the Bad and the Ugly right yeah yeah so like Mr H said we are in rebound mode we definitely want to say thank you to everybody who reached out to us so many of you wanted to send donations and so many some of you did send us um donations using our PayPal account y'all thank y'all so much some of y'all sent us letters in the mail just heartfelt you know well wishes because of what happened yes and you even explained how you experienced the same thing right so y'all it was so appreciative everything and even the things that you all have sent us in the mail we we we received a beautiful wooden plank yes yes that was hand stained and they use this um gosh if I know what it is if I wouldn't had to say it I would I know what it is but I'm going to show it in a video later but it's beautiful it's absolutely beautiful I actually have it in our house don't it yes on one of our tables on display it is so beautiful so thank you to the viewer who sent us that and the hats that I got for the kitchen someone made two hats for me to wear in the kitchen to kind of hold my hair in place while I'm in the kitchen canning so thank you so much just to everybody who has sent us things yeah you know sent us gifts in the mail sent us cards letters and pictures yeah Garden hats yeah Garden hats everything thank y'all so very much for that yes but most importantly thank you for your prayers and your well wishes you all we really appreciate that yes so very much you know and some of you have even sent emails uh letting us know that when we had that uh failure in the garden that you emailed the company and they told you all that they were working with the and that they had tried to reach us or that they reached out to us and was working with us and we're going to let you all know that that is not true yeah yeah it's not true we were stunned yeah because some people sent us emails showing the response that they received from that company and the response said that we are working with um they were working with us that's what the response said in the email so I'm just letting you all know that's not true um I looked through our emails and I did not find a single email from this company and by the time I actually considered reaching out to them after my emotion settled so many of you reached out to them and I was like well I'm pretty sure they know what the problem is now so I don't need to vent what the problem is cuz I we showed it all in the video so I don't need to vent what the problem is they will be able to see it if they look at the video that was sent because some of you sent your email to me with where you actually let me know that you sent them the video and all well actually several of you did that you know I'm like well if they've seen the video that's really all they need to know that hey there's a problem somewhere and we were even specific we said it was the Lowe's in Warner Robbins Georgia there's only one yeah there's only one Lowe's in W Robins so it's not hard to track that down right especially you know given all of the information that we shared in the video was a recent purchase so it wouldn't have been hard to track um the pack the bags do not have lot numbers and all of that on we looked so it wouldn't have been hard to figure that out but just to let you all know that was false they did not reach out to us we do not have any they're not working with us on nothing okay now we did um replace all of the starts yes almost all yes yes so we still we still working on that and we decided to move on you know we decided to put all that behind us we we don't dwell on failures you know we don't dwell on the bad things so what we going to do we going to move on with Plan B we make adjustments yes there you go and and and what we do is um instead of dwelling on it like Mr H said yes we learned from it and we basically Say Never Again yes right that's really our attitude like this right here will never never ever ever happen again happen again no it's not going to happen not like that it won't ever happen again not like that right and I'm just you know I'm just glad that we were able to just kind of like gather ourselves and then just kind of pull ourselves together and start to pull ourselves up yeah you know and it it was really a huge motivation for us yes it was because we had we had hit that low yeah to where we was low we was like when it happened that that day I was devastated I think for a week over over several days yeah yeah like about over a week yeah and we discussed it and we said to ourselves you know we going to we going to uh do something different we going to adjust ourselves we going to dust ourself off and we going to try again we not just going to lay here and just be like oh it's over with for the season right so we doing something totally different y'all yeah totally different now and we are so excited to share we're not going to reveal a lot of things to you all yet but we think y'all are going to be excited about this because we've been working really hard yes um on this like from that day forward after I calm down she was hot y'all cuz I had to calm down I could even I could even get a bowl of soup for a couple of days I'm serious I couldn't even get a bowl of soup I'm like man I got to come with something to get her back into theen of things oh boy y'all look you don't you don't one thing you don't do too much of is Cook look she when you [Laughter] angry you don't do you look I stay out of the kitchen right cuz I don't want that that deliciousness turning into poison okay so I avoid the food at all cost but he was so kind though he yeah even the dogs and cats when come around y'all they be like oh what's going on with her I was hot she was I was mad too but you know I was Furious y'all I was Furious I'm not going to even pretend like smoke and Flames they was coming out of my ears my nose my head I look it was fire yeah it was it was it was I was so hot boy I was mad and I was like man what can I do to switch this this this uh atmosphere to get it more you know more pleasant what can I do and I said what time will make it even a little bit more better then we going to brainstorm and we're going to come up with a different solution to make sure that you know we can do something that won't be as U I guess you can say devastating to the starts to it starts yeah you know yeah something more safe that's right yeah but something that is efficient that it works no matter what yes and that it would be like the this is the best decision that we've made and not only are we going to benefit from it many of you are going to benefit from it too yes and we are excited to share it with you but we just not ready yet we almost to that point like I said we've been like it was literally see let me tell y'all something how once I calm down how things go in my mind I was taught that everything that looks bad is not always bad sometimes it's a blessing in disguise and this right here was exactly that it was a blessing in disguise right that's why I'm not angry no more yeah right because this right this event became literally The Firestorm that we needed to do something we had been contemplating for a long time yes and this just solidified it this was like that's it enough no more done yes right and so now we have moved out full force mm about to make some things happen for Homestead heart and for many of our viewers as well yes so we can't wait to share it with you we almost ready right Miss almost ready we almost ready we almost ready it's going to be just a few more weeks God willing a few more weeks and then we'll be ready to share with you all what it is right so we do believe that this is going to be a great benefit for our farm and for many of you as well okay now we've had some wonderful people giving us some wonderful advice y'all they've been really helping us a lot come here bud they've been really helping us a lot he was sitting right there by them big old ants they've been really helping us a lot you all with this decision and they've been very kind opening their doors and information to us and it's been wonderful it's been wonderful and we've been learning so very much many of you were concerned about um our so possibly being contaminated with the chemical gron right that they use to spray on Hay fields we didn't believe that that was a problem for us right we didn't believe that was a problem for us so and yes we did see that video with uh Danny and wand over at Deep South homestad a long time ago when they first put that video out which is the reason why we have always been very careful about where we buy our hay from yes right where we get our hay from for our goats and for bedding and all of that they don't use that chemical CU it's just hay in their little field for their animals so they're not using chemicals on their personal stock right so we we were kind of careful about where we get our hay from and we always pretty much get it from the same places yeah yeah make sure you know that's not the problem right but uh but we when we figured out that we need to move on from animal manure period yeah you know because too many problems with it you know and actually David the good even posted a comment on our Channel where he was saying that he's been warning people about using animal mans for animal mans for especially the stuff that comes in the bags for a very long time and we're not familiar with every brand you know we've never used every brand um the brands that we've used we've pretty much tried to stick with what we know for many many years but as many of you stated in the comment section below yeah just because you're familiar with it and it's you've been using it for years that doesn't mean that you should ever let your guard down which is what we did yeah yeah and and especially you know like when we we smelt it it smelted a little different but it wasn't bad no it wasn't it didn't get bad until it got wet yeah yeah when it rained yeah when it when it rained that day that cuz I think you all remember us saying that we were trying to get everything planted because it was about to rain and we was like the Thunder was coming and everything you know but so after it rained you all it was like crazy to smell the odor was just so you could just even y'all we're going to show you the video of what we had to do to get our soil together all right that video is coming too but even after Mr H was taking out what we put in the area itself it's still yeah it's still just stunk yeah yeah so it was disgusting yeah so you know we we made it past that hump but now we F to get ready to do something more you know safe and I feel so good about that Mrs a I feel a lot better about that yeah you know yeah yeah we're moving on to greater things right and you know also like our chicken manures and stuff we are more than likely going to continue using our chicken compost we're not going to let that stuff go to waste our chicken compost has been fantastic yes you know ever since we've been using the compost from our chicken pans we've never had a problem not once have we ever had a problem so you all here comes your bird where'd he go we have this blue heron oh there he is he's going behind the we have this blue heron that lives on our pond he goes every morning and comes back every evening yeah he's a beautiful beautiful bird he's absolutely stunning he is just gorgeous he don't like company he don't like it when we come back there like oh here they come yeah so yeah we're going to continue to use our chicken manure even if it's in our um in our food Forest around all of our fruit trees or whatever the case may be we're going to always use our chicken compost we're not going to let that go to waste right yes it's been doing a good job for us yeah it's been working for us all these years so we're not going to switch that you know um it does really good for us you know and also uh I think one of the concerns that I received a lot about either in the comments or in emails is to let the crops harden off and many of you know we've been gardening for a long time right so we're not new to this yeah we been anything that we start indoors you know our crops go through a hardening off period um this year we did it for two weeks exactly mhm 14 days days actually and uh some days were very very cloudy which made it easy for our starts to kind of be outside literally all day yeah you know because that allowed them not that they would get used to or acclimated to the Sun but just the wind blowing you know that would help to strengthen them that way make their little stems a little stronger right and so even if it was on a cloudy day they went outside it was a couple of days that they didn't go outside which is why we did it 14 days instead of 10 days or so and that's because it was raining just way too hard and I didn't want to take the chance on the rain just beating them down so that it damag the stems yeah so no but hardening off is is something that if you're starting seeds indoors that's a must do okay and and we know that all right so we do that all the we do that every year here yeah so our plants were not just taken from inside under grow lights and then thrown outside in the full blasting Sun yeah no I don't know maybe some people are new to our Channel and haven't seen our Gardens in the past so you know there's no way our plants would have survived if we would have done that so no that's not the case we did harden off our crops properly yeah yeah and so like like I said earlier we're going to continue uh to Garden this season you know it's not over with you know we going to we going to we going to stay out there and we going to work hard and make it happen again yeah so yeah we are you all so but yeah we just kind of wanted to give you all an update and let you know that we're still working on the homestead but it's been a lot of outside stuff yes right so I mean we're out here working right now we're just taking a break but you know we're just busy we're just busy you know so I had an opportunity over the last few weeks to meet a few of our viewers um I met a young lady her beautiful daughters we were at minons getting the starts to replace um the starts in our garden we went to mentens to get them right uh we were menant came recommended to us but Mr H has always known about right so I uh I went to mittens and that's where I met one of our viewers and her family and you know I've just had an opportunity over the last few weeks to meet several of you and you know it's it's been very good to meet those of you who view our Channel and who enjoy our Channel you know so yeah yeah but we're on we're we're moving on from that big and better thing yeah yeah we got to move on y'all yeah you know this is what we do we out here we Garden we growing our own groceries we have our ups and downs yeah you know we going to bounce back just like many others bounce back you know we going to we going to make it happen I have Mr h on a new diet oh yeah yeah she got me on a new diet she trying to both of us are actually on a new diet it's temporary this part like because we've been eating vegan for what the last week or so yeah I give it like uh what two weeks maybe two weeks or so yeah well no because we did have fish and chicken so we it hasn't been a straight two weeks yet you know but we've been primarily on a a vegetable diet you know everything and and Mr H who didn't think he could do it yeah I was totally against it I'm like ain't no way I'm going to be able to survive salad you got me eating this This little light fluffy stuff how this and and I got to do all this hard work you know all this lifting she talking about a salad at the end of the day oh man I'm telling you it's more than a salad I wanted some grilled chicken or something but then he admitted today what I had more energy see you know I had more energy but I didn't like it I mean I love the energy part about it but I didn't like the the light fluffy stuff he getting no I didn't like it y'all he was getting the light fluffy stuff but he did admit that he feels light yeah and he feels more energetic and so do I right so we both been feeling real good and and to me it's like um I don't know I don't know if it's going to be indefinitely or not but I like the way I feel right now yeah so we going to give it some time yeah but uh just because you know I do more hard work I probably have to slide a little something in there you know while she ain't looking when when I'm away I'm going have to slide some in there cuz fellas y'all know we got to get that you know we got to have something oh my goodness bab what going to be eating B what you talk about I know I can't eat salad and yogurt no that ain't going to get it y'all oh that's show what we been eating look here y'all but I bought some vegan sausage and in the vegan sausage it contained gold potatoes um bell pepper celery onion and spices no soy okay y'all know we don't do no soy products so we that's all that was in it and so when I air fried it and I put it in I made this delicious um uh Arch choke spinach kind of like a a dip but I added some extra stuff to it to kind of make it like a nacho and I put the vegan sausage in it as well he loved it yeah I did I loved it but uh loved it but I want to say this he thought it was ground turkey I want to say this this is dealing with Le former 73 and he loves the grill right he he can Grill yeah he be out there grilling I think I'm I'm going have to shine my grill up in a little bit that's right we going to put them vegan sausages on there you going to put the vegan sausage on there put them vegan sausages on there baby but yeah it's I had I even said okay the ingredients are this simple but come on man he get his hair in that paint I'm like you know what if the ingredients are that simple perhaps I can figure out the recipe right and how they put that sausage together oh yeah and make our own so I'm going to see right I'm going to try okay is there going to be any chicken breast on the r i mean you know it ain't going to have that much fat on it I mean you know what mhm yeah okay we can do that if you want chicken breast yeah yeah we going to throw some of that on there y'all okay and then I can put it on the salad then it can be still a salad you yeah that's right with chicken breast on okay that's if that's what you want yeah you can do that that's the deal bless your heart okay but that's pretty much it you all we are still working we just wanted to touch bases with you all and just say thank you to everybody for all of the comments the emails the well wishes the donations thank y'all so much we really appreciate each and every one of you for all of it you know some of you were just as heartbroken as we were and we could feel that through your messages right you could just feel it through your messages you know and to say that we've replanted yes we have the garden we've rep planted the garden with what we've done everything is growing beautifully yes we're excited to show you all once we get everything back to normal cuz it's a mess because of everything that we were doing and working on out there trying to get the garden back together that was a lot of work oh it was it was that was a lot of work that was a lot of man hours that was a lot of time you all to recover watch that watch that good move that was a lot to recover from the damage that was done to our Gardens yes it was it was a lot to recover from you know it's like we literally are starting over because we built that soil over the years mhm and we had to take it out yeah because once it rained that stuff just went you know yeah and we going to have to let all of that stuff we took out we gonna let it sit for a whole year yeah we G to let it sit yeah we're GNA let it sit till it's some good stuff hopefully yeah yeah it's some good stuff I guess without the yeah hopefully we'll test it but we don't even know we probably just don't even use it you know because you know it it did so much damage to to our STS I don't even traumatizing I don't even know if I want to take that chance anymore yeah and the soil test hasn't come back yet and when I took the uh temples in to have them sent out I like I said we did several soil tests so when I took one into um the off the extension office she said what is that I told her I'm like that's our soil sample mhm you know and she said oh my and and shook her head you know and you know she made sure the bag was sealed tight because that was just some awful awful smelly stuff it stunk so bad you all yeah and it was still like glue like I literally literally just when I used the um we were given this um uh gosh I forgot the name of it but it shaped like a te and it's where you actually take the samples in the soil you push it down and you twist and then when you pull it out it has a 6in sample for you to offload into whatever bag you're putting it in or cup that you're putting it in to send off for testing right so that's what we use we received that um it was a gift to us from um the beautiful gentleman from Fort Valley State University he gave it to us to be able to take good soil samples to send that in because he knew what our problem was so he gave us that to do that so we did and so we're still waiting on the results hopefully they'll be in this week yes yeah so I think that's going to do it we've been sitting down a minute we got to get back to work said we got to get back on on the grind y'all yeah we got to get back to work you all but we just decided to stop and take a moment to uh just talk to y'all and just let y'all know we're still here we're still working to recover it's just been a journey we have been filming footage of um kind of trying to get things back to normal and what we've decided to do yeah like I said y'all are I think they're going to be very excited I think y'all are going to be excited oh yeah about what's to come for us and what we are doing next you know I think y'all are going to be very excited about it because we are so excited about it this is a brand new Journey for us and we are happy to Embark upon it yes we are so this experience has been great it's been great you know yeah it's been great you know it's been great lessons learned and now it's time to move forward yeah it's time to move forward you know New Opportunities await so so that's what we're going to do we're going to push forward that's right that's absolutely right you all so that's going to do it for this video you all we so glad to be back on the camera talking to y'all again we just had a moment we just had a moment a break so we decided hey's go sitting here chilling yeah may as well talk to them and let them know what's going on right oh yeah so y'all if y'all like the video like the video don't forget to share if you haven't seen the video that we are referring to we will post the link I'll do my best if if I don't do it like right now right now I'll come back and put the L Link at the end of this video so that you all can see what we are referring to just know that we are on on the menend okay we're going to show you what we did we're going to show you what we did how we resolved it so that if you ever experience anything like it perhaps the same thing that we did will work for you yes okay yes that's it that's it all right y'all thank y'all so much for watching Homestead heart peace and blessings y'all blessings to each and every one of you and we will see y'all in the next video remember y'all no matter what even in the face of adversity y'all keep on growing your groceries growing your groceries y'all we got to keep on growing it got to keep on growing them groceries yes we do even though I just bought a ton of celery yeah we going we going to grow up we going to bounce back I'm juicing celery I'm on a celery fre juice cleanse for the next seven days yes she is and she had me to drink one it was pretty good yeah but uh it worked yeah it's different but uh but you know I got to get that grill grill going y'all I know but the juice thing no yeah yeah the juice thing is good I actually may be on a complete 7day fast no solid foods just straight juicing but not just celery I'm talking about like fruits and veget and all of that but yeah I don't know about M AG cuz yeah I'm I'm I'm going do the best I can y'all I'm put it like that okay I could take that okay I'm do the best I can what more can I ask for just doing the best you can okay I appreciate that peace and blessings y'all we G to see y'all in the next video peace
Views: 18,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XJeQdFmtG6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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