This Is Possibly A GREAT OPTION For You! ~ Let's Look At The Vego Garden Beds Together!

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welcome everybody welcome back to Homestead heart and today you all we are outside Mr H and I and we have been just anxiously waiting to bring this video to you and this product as well you all so if you remember we have been talking about different methods of growing your groceries right M stage yes different methods growing your own groceries and also a safe way to keep it away from piss that's true that's true we've been having a problem with Pest and it's time to put an end with yeah we've had vs coming up just kind of wiping out our little root crops yeah so you all but we've been talking to you all about different methods and so today we decided to bring to you all another method but this time we're just going to show it to you Mr H is going to do the honors of just kind of walking us through everything as to how to get this done but you all we were excited to share this with you and the company that reached when they reached out to us you know we were excited to have an option to show you all and give our honest opinion as we go through this process okay so today's video this is going to be the first of a few that we are going going to do okay but for today we're just going to show you what the item is and hopefully you'll be excited about it yes cuz I know we are excited about it we are y'all what is it that we're talking about I think we kind of gave it away with the background but that's okay but you all we are talking about the [Music] vgo ra garden beds that y'all an't that beautiful that is a nice garden bed now don't worry we're going to take you all up close in personal but before we do that we just kind of wanted to go over the garden bed that we have itself now as you could see we have a second one right here we've already put one together and we're getting ready to put the next one together and we're going to take you all along with us while we do that now the raised garden bed that we have is is the vgo 9 in1 modular raised bed okay meaning well what is the modular part what are they talking about well that just means that you have nine different ways that you can choose to put this particular bed together see that that's really cool different shapes yeah different sizes yeah if you have a balcony you can make it square or whatever the case may be that's true that's true fit it in and way have supposed to be yeah the best way you can right and so we thought that this was excellent but for us we chose to go with the 8X two which is this one right here for us I had been wanting to do something different for our carrots because the vs always seem to find a way to come up and just take a nice big chunk out of our carrots now we have carrots growing over in our race bed and so far they're growing pretty good because of the hardware cloth that we put down we literally dug the bed out put the hardware cloth down and then re you know put the soil back in so we don't know yet how well they are doing until we Harvest them we pull it up and see what's going on yeah but we wanted to do something different for our carrot beds yes and so that's why we chose this uh uh 8 by two right here that's why we chose this one because we felt like these would make excellent excellent carrot beds okay and you don't have to just use carrots or whatever you can put in it whatever you want as you can see your sizes will vary look at that if you wanted to do something a little wider you could do that you know you have this one as well this one look at me trying to read without my [Laughter] glasses so you have this one which is a 6 and 1/2 by 3 and 1/2 bed right and then this one one is a 5x5 and a 5 by3 and A2 all right so you can do the larger ones if you like just from this one system right here okay so you all again we chose to do it this way because I'm just anxious to see how my carrots are going to grow in this raised bed right so you all without further Ado let's go ahead and get into putting together our bed all right so y'all stay tuned y'all join us hopefully if you like this don't worry we're going to give you more details at the end all right so y'all stay tuned time to go to work let's do it ready set go he got out of there too fast um uncle tiger bro he's not going to move bye all right so Mr H is opening the box and taking everything out these are the panels here we got four of those like this these are the corners right here in the stage yes these are the corners Corners okay you can see they're rounded yes okay got Corners then we got the flats yeah that's the side panels right there these are the sides right here they come with plastic so I'm have to take the plastic off oh yeah we got to take all that plastic off and then of course the hardware mhm so much Hardware what I like to do is keep the hardware in the Box okay this this my strategy so I won't lose and also in the hardware we got this top piece yeah this is the gasket that goes around the top and then we have all of the hardware all of the screws I'm going to separate the screws out for you miss so we can keep up with those okay it's a lot of screws yeah I'll separate everything out okay so while she's doing that I'm going to take the plastic off okay so we're going to get started we're getting all this plastic off there's plastic on these pieces you all now one thing I'm going to let Mr a show you is that there's plastic not just on can I see that one M there's plastic not just on the front side okay I thought it was just on the front side when we was doing this one but it's plastic on the front and the back you just can't tell it's there but it is there okay so you will have to take the plastic off both sides oh these are my strawberry watermelon oh you got them my okay so I have my pouch full of screws I mean I'm glad she got them in in in that pouch yeah because they they kind of slippery you know you we feel the other ones yeah we don't want to lose any of them we had to go back and find some yeah so I have the screws all sorted out to kind of make Mr H's job of putting this together a lot easier I am his assistant and he is going to show you like all this plastic y'all so y'all can see it cuz it really don't look like it's a lot of plastic on there oh but it is on both sides too so what I do I'm going begin try to make this thing quick and efficient as possible I'll take your jump okay thank you thank you Mrs H you're welcome I'm your assistant it's good to have you as my assistant oh yeah there we go all right that's all the dump okay got the flat part side panel now I'm going to get the curve oh yeah y'all make sure y'all take that plastic off don't leave that plastic on okay take that off of these panels and I know it's a lot to take off but it would be hard to take off once you put it together take yeah yeah so take it off before I got game back yep okay there you go oh bucket no more overtime game over y'all awesome all right now we can get into putting this bit together yes we are we going to number box okay we're going to start with the side panels and this is a really easy process really really easy and the tools that that I'm using is this tool that came with it sure them Mrs H I'm the assistant show them that too and A Philip head screwdriver and A Philip head screwdriver that's it just for the raised bed yep we going to get the cooking with it oh and then these um what they call uh cap nut Fasteners so on the top rows he has to use these top two rows here has to use these cap nut Fasteners here with these with this uh bolt right here and the washer and then on the the remaining rows he just uses a plain bolt right here okay plain Fastener okay okay so let me make it quick okay that's the first one okay so I'm going to hand tighten it I'm not going to tighten everything up okay just yet okay give me another one okay okay okay okay okay oh that one's already ready okay here you go okay you got two of them on here oh y'all me and this assistant thing already struggling okay oh my goodness okay okay okay okay let me hurry up you see how fast he going through this so I'm trying to keep up okay Miss H I'm coming hold on okay okay okay I'm coming wait a minute there's the first one okay oh and I got to give you a a regular one yeah don't hold your hand out before I'm [Laughter] ready okay Miss assistant Miss assistant y'all see how fast this is going I can't even keep up there you go now I'll take this too cuz you going to be wanting me to you goe your hand out in a second you right about that it goes pretty fast y'all when we are uh when he is putting this together if I could just find the right boat Mr you going to get it good gracious maybe I just should have had these sitting on a cardboard box you at the bottom huh at the bot okay I think one more yeah pass one more I'm finally catching up my goodness y'all see how easy this is it goes faster if you have um an assistant like me you know cuz I'm so proficient eat fast oh yes you are okay okay so he's putting them together in sets of twos the side panels right cuz we have a total of eight panels so he's putting them together in sets of two so that's the first set of two right there and then we're going to start with the next set of two let's do this you want me to move this one out your way yes you can move that one and I just do this one right here same way I did that one real fast quick and Hur okay okay there you are sir and your boolt sir okay give me the other one oh oh that's right you're doing the top that's right my bad my bad my bad good catch M St good catch okay give me another one yeah you are Mage oh you getting faster and faster I'm working on it she's getting more efficient look at that I'm trying I'm working on it y'all I'm working on it oh I dropped one nice F nice fine okay so I think that for me the beds go together pretty easy so that's you ready for me already mhm I gave you one oh no you gave me the one I need another one I gave you the wrong one oh man oh yeah I picked up the wrong one I had both of them in my hand so you all I think they go together pretty easy I'm going to say that is the first thing that I noticed now one of the things that I will tell you here you are sir is that these beds you all are designed to last for 20 plus years is that right stage 20 plus years 20 years you all so and they have have a nice coat on them look at the nice beautiful beautiful coat here you are here you are so you going to put them all together in twos and then we'll go back and do the long sides together yeah and I can help hold them I'll take that for you so it goes easy like this like when you're not trying to like put the whole thing together at once he's just doing it like oh my bad oh wait a minute I got to get you a washer hold on for me okay take your time take your time I'm trying to get everything set up take your time take your time there you go this is Homestead heart assembly line okay so you all these beds are designed to last for 20 plus years you all that's longer than raised beds made from just wood right pretty much last of wait a minute is that the right one this cap right here I need I no you need that other one here you go thank you you're welcome so now they're designed to last quite some time you all which is pretty good I mean 20 years is is a a long time for a garden bed to last and as you can see we have the I think it's an olive type of a green and they come in various colors okay so if the green is not something that suits you you can look at the other options but so far as far as ease of putting it together I'm going to give this one a 10 out of 10 yes it's pretty easy pretty easy you agree with that M I agree it's real easy yeah 10 out of 10 for ease uh for the um ease it is to uh to assemble to assemble like Mr H just said I'm putting your washer on for you okay and your bolt sir now this bed is 17 in high but they have a they have one that's even taller so if you are someone that maybe needs the beds to be a little taller for the sake of your back then I think that the 17 in or higher or taller would possibly be a good fit for you okay are you arm stage so we're almost done like with these few panels right here so if you got somebody that that'll give you the screws while you put it together makes it a lot easier like I said this goes really really quick as you can see okay I'm struggling to keep up with Mr H everything is fine we got the homestead hard assembly line yes sir in effect so it's going to go pretty smooth once we do team work Makes the Dream Work yeah oh I need a regular bolt okay hurry up now it says it takes 40 minutes to assemble but if you have a coworker I don't think it takes that long no maybe if you're doing it by yourself it might take you 40 minutes but if you got somebody that can do like what I'm doing to offer a distance it won't take that long you all and just like that bam the side panels are done this Mrs H you are the best assistant why thank you so much okay we got the side panels on okay so we're not stopping the video anymore we're going to let it keep rolling because we want y'all to see okay the only way it stop is if somebody call but other than that now he's just taking two of the four that he put together and we're just going to connect them I'm going to stand here like this and that'll give Mr H some help with putting the screws in standing the standing them up so he doesn't have to hold them okay oh wait you need the other one I got to remember that for the first top two rolls you have to put that cap screw in yeah that's two okay cool to get this baby in we doing it we are Mr H oh I need a washer I'm going as fast as I can be Zoom he like Speedy Gonzalez oh my goodness that was a throwback was it speed Gonzalez yeah you I think you let Gonzalez you got to be quiet you can't let her I can't let people know you can't let them know how old we are [Laughter] right can't be talking about Speedy Gonzalez what yeah what I did wrong I gave you too many yeah okay cool oh we almost done that's the last one yep okay so now we're going to lay this panel down and we're just going to do the next grab the other one all right Mr H I think they I need to come back to him so they can see that D fly getting on my nerves oh he is busy yeah we're good he's like you don't want us to set this raise hold that I'm going angle it down okay let me tilt y'all down some more don't go nowhere oo y'all just going too far okay okay okay okay I'm hurrying that's that here's the cap you got the cap okay that's your cap pretty easy H Massage pretty easy you get the washer on I'm drop it you doing good so y'all can see just how fast this is like going it's going so super fast oh y'all can't even see my face I'm cut off you want to angle angle okay I'll fix it I'll fix it in a second okay that one and that one and that's the last one now I'mma fix the camera so y'all can see so now he's just attaching the corner panels the circular panel yeah and I want to put it on the outside outside trying to get some washers come on come on [Laughter] C oh you There You Go sir oh that's the last one m I just put this on the bottom oh okay so I can line all the holes up that's another way how you can speed it up okay putting one at the top and put one at the bottom okay kind of help line the Hol Up got you there we go that's it oh he's got to come on this end putting it on the outside y'all there we go I drop the screw right here okay got it here's a washer oh man I'm out got all these bolts I got in my hand I ain't got a regular one okay so I moved the camera closer so y'all can see cuz it was quite a ways away here you are Mage thanks and that's the last two going in there last one yeah okay all right and that's one whole side there you are oh what happened I got to get some washers you doing good you doing good okay okay okay you doing really good thank you so much thank you got my confidence back thank you this is the mascot of this raised bed right here he loves it so much like man let me go man let me go man let me go you know I like being on camera somebody probably seen me they know what I did last summer he don't want to be recognized don't want to be noticed yeah I see got to protect his identity yeah I got to get you a regular boat so Uncle tiger is the mascot and he is a babysitter too so you yeah that's why we call him Uncle tiger keep he the uncle he keep the little ones nice and cozy all right we ready to go down the other side ready to go down the other side all right let safe and y'all can see that corner panel is on the outside let me open it up again so they can see see that corner panel it has to be on the outside of this panel okay on both all the way around all right Miss H hereall come [Applause] there you go and the next cap need washers my washers always disappear H here you go for once I'm waiting on you how about this all right finished let's move to the last end now in business that's going to that's going to do it ain't yeah all right there your first one for the top oh I'm sorry let me hold that up for you thank you you're welcome you need this and you need this too this goes so much better faster with an assistant y'all it do she's helping out a great deal well thank you m a great deal let me gather the rest of my screws and washers man look how fast this went I know I don't know we beat the time of 45 minutes but we kind of close I think we are close I think we are probably well under our time here you are sir wow you you getting better and better wow thank you now that I'm at the end practice I don't have to stand here and hold it anymore it's kind of stable now practice made perfect yes it does Dam okay that's the last one for that one oh I put that in the wrong pocket I think it's looking good miss a what you think it's looking perfect okay now what we're going to do we're going to stabilize the raised bed this Rod right here I'm going to install it from the third screw from the top the Middle Screw yeah so it's going to make it real steady mhm it's kind of wobbly right now yeah I'm going just take this this nut out right here you give it to Mrs H I'll hold that for you okay she's going to hold this for me I'm going take this one out here you go give it to I'm going to scre it in there we go going in M yep okay they have to pull it out a little bit so you won't scratch it it's flexible yeah it is so you won't hurt nothing going to have my Philip head screwdriver right here need to turn yeah there we go oh yeah got to do this side too yeah let me do this side I got to move oh I ain't got to move okay no you don't okay it's tight now all right then we're good so what I'm going to do I'mma to go around and tighten up all the screws now because they've been hand tighten so I'm going tighten up with this tool and this philli upad screwdriver see I want to use uh Phillip I don't want to use a drill so you know I don't want to strip the screws anything so this is better just just to do it by hand yeah in case I want to take it down and move it everything will work out fine yeah we don't want to use too much tarp so Mrs H has been really helpful thanks thanks M thanks I don't know exactly uh how difficult other raised beds are hard to set up but this is really easy I like this one yeah it's very easy to put up ease of installation definitely gets a 10 and it's solid too yes it is once you tighten everything up you can just see how solid it is so this is pretty good for nine different configurations right here and the fact that it's 17 in tall I like that oh yeah you can just grow your own groceries really good in this container you can I'm going have to put the whole bed in frame for you put the whole bed in framez cuz I'm cooking with Fish Grease that means I'm hot H now what I'm going to do while he's tightening this right here is the edging that goes around the top of the bed and it's nice and thick I like that and what that does it just kind of protects you from the top of the bed we haven't been scratched or hurt or anything by have we m not at all so I think that you know putting this on it does protect you when you're bending down maybe leaning over on the bed or whatever the case may be but it's a nice strong material it's really flexible but it's nice and strong it's thick as well so I like that so I'm going to follow Mr H with this right here and this is also very easy to go on okay or maybe I should wait you should wait nah I can do it yeah go ahead and do it you follow me this way okay you've already done this one right yeah did you do this one too no uhuh okay I kind of want to start it down here okay so I'll wait for you to start that in and then I will put put it on okay or I could just start down here where you were you did this one right oh no you just okay I'll wait yeah just wait it ain't going to take me that long okay I'm on last two right now okay okay yeah it goes on pretty easy pretty easy huh yeah got to get over that H you over the H mhm y have it lined up pretty smooth yeah I do like it it's going on pretty good pretty smooth Mrs a yeah that's good y'all come see it's good yeah I think that's pretty cool it's going on like super easy look at there just pressing it down where you where you get to where there're like two panels together then you have to you know make sure you get it over that little hump there but afterwards Lord afterwards it goes on pretty easy that's pretty good that looks really neat yeah it makes it neat and gives it a nice clean look I do like that that little hump just mash it on down I like it mage you like it yeah okay I got a couple more screws and I'm going to SK right past you okay there we go thank you s sir you're welcome hey Grizz hey boy come let the people see you d That's a Wrap I just have to cut off the excess let me find my scissors oh man oh I know where they at they should be right there in that b the last thing to do um the last thing to do is to cut off the excess right here so I'm going to go ahead and mash that down and then once I get here I'm just going to go ahead and snip off the excess and then mash the rest of it down like so and this is what's left all right and just like that it is done yes it is the last thing we got to do is they give you this little sticker to put on your raised bed right so all you have to do is just peel this off and you can put it on the front side or you can put it on the uh you can put it on the side or you can put it on the front but I'm going to put it on the front for this video right here and I guess I should put it in the middle right here Dam and boom just like that that's it y'all the rais bed is done yeah I don't know how long that took we kept having to stop because we kept being [Laughter] interrupted but y'all it's done let me LIF this camera up thank you it's done so I'm going to go ahead and take y'all around and show y'all this race bed real quick okay all right y'all and just like that that's it these are our 17 in tall vgo Garden 2T wide raised bed 8 ft long vgo garden bed you all a that beautiful let y'all see that just look at that that's two of them that's beautiful that vgo is nice though yeah they look absolutely beautiful to me I just love the look I love this design right here I just love the way they look I love how easy it was to put them together so this is how they look this is that finishing touching I love that green y'all I love that green looking good all right y'all that's going to do it for the Veo garden beds you all like I said I like them I'm not I'm not just saying that I like them so far like I love the design I love the color I love how easy it was to put them together I love the fact that they uh say on their packaging that they last over 20 years right yes so I love that right so the next thing for us to do Mr H is what we're going to do in our next video you're going to see us put these babies in place their permanent home and then we're going to be showing you all how we are going to fill these raised beds okay what we're going to do to fill them and what we're going to do to plant in them right that's right and also you all after talking with the the uh lovely representative from vgo you know we were explaining to them about a project that we were going to be doing up and coming but we weren't sure the direction that we were going to go in and so now actually after looking at these garden beds here I think these will be perfect for that project yes and so they're going to be working with us through that project okay so that means we have more exciting things that we will be sharing with you all in an upcoming video all right so y'all stay tuned for these things because yes this project being able to do this project is going to be very exciting for us it's something that we've been wanting to do for years yes so now that we are actually going to do it we have decided that we are going to work with the go Gardens to get that project done because so far we are liking these and I don't think it's going to be too complicated to fill them is the h no they're not and then you know the Lego garden rais bed is solid yeah you know once we put the the the rod in the middle and tighten up all the screws I can see why they say it would last 20 years yeah yeah and the coating on this as well is just beautiful inside and out it's just absolutely beautiful right and so we're going to just kind of keep you all updated on how well these go but I think it's going to be pretty good right I've done some research into them right since we talked to them I really just kind of went in to kind of get more information about the company and so I think I'm liking what I've read so far and so you all we're going to keep you all updated yes but that next video that we that we do you're going to see us fill these babies and plant in them hopefully plant in them right but we'll see about the pl P yeah and then well we hope we'll be going down hour one two three and four yeah growing our own groceries that's that's the main thing you know yes yes and yes all right y'all that's going to do it for this video we surely hope you like this video now the information about vgo Gardens we are going to put in the description box below along with a discount code just for our viewers okay so if you're viewing our Channel and you like these beds as an alternative for whatever method maybe you think your mom would enjoy it or someone you know who would really enjoy a nice raised bed garden it doesn't have to be 17 in tall you can get one even taller okay and so that would be easy on the back is that right so that's what we are uh looking into as well like there's a couple of them that I saw that I'm like okay I think I might like that right so y' we're going to put that information down in the description Bo below so that if you decide to go ahead and grab yourself one of these garden beds right here the ones that we just put together cuz I can tell you now this one was easy to put together right and these these raised beds can go in places that people never thought they can Garden in true true because they're so narrow right they're only two feet wide you can shape them the way how you want to that's true that's true you saw the different designs that we shared with you all at the beginning of the video so you can look it's a it's a it's a modular raise bed you can do these nine different ways okay that's nice all right y'all so that's going to do it for the video if you like the video like the video give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and hit the notification Bell so you don't miss any videos that we upload to our Channel and thank you all again so much for watching Homestead heart peace and blessings y'all to each and every one of you and we will see you all in the next video video and remember y'all grow your groceries peace grow them groceries y'all
Views: 12,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: STAvqhWrzag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 35sec (3035 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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