Surgery Didn’t Go As Planned. Health and Life Update!

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hey everybody welcome back to living tradition's Homestead well the last few weeks here on the homestead have been anything but normal we normally have a pretty routine life here on the homestead where you know we wake up in the morning we do the same chores we pretty much have the same kind of basic layout of the day and you know we really enjoy that that uh we kind of know what our days are going to be like ahead of time but the past few weeks have been completely different now a few weeks ago we gave you guys kind of a Life Update video and we shared with you that several things were going to be happening in the near future at that time uh Kevin's dad was going to have major heart surgery Samantha is going to graduate high school um some other things I don't remember all what we talked about but we were having some major things happening over the next few weeks and uh today we really just kind of want to give you another life update since all of those things have occurred and now we are very glad to be re-entering kind of life as normal for us right so first of all I want to say thank you to all of you who have been praying for my dad uh surgery did not go exactly as we expected up front uh you know they always kind of give you I think the best case scenario before you go in for surgery so we were told that he would probably spend one night in the ICU and then maybe four 5 days in a regular hospital room and then he would be discharged to come home well instead of the like 5 days that we were planning he actually ended up being in the hospital for about 20 days uh the first eight of those were in the ICU he had some pretty scary moments the days right after surgery uh luckily I was able to be there uh my mom was there U my brother was there for part of that as well and so we were all able to be with him but you guys he had some pretty scary moments where we weren't really sure what was going to happen I'll just put it that way uh luckily all of that has resolved and after being in the ICU for 8 Days uh they were able to get him into a regular room uh he was in a regular room for I don't know four days four or five days something like that a week maybe and then he transferred to an Inpatient Rehab Facility he was there only about four days three or four days and last night you guys he actually got to come home so even though he is doing really well uh he came home really kind of strong and energetic from the inpatient cardiac rehab facility uh he does have a long road ahead of him uh soon here he will be starting outpatient cardiac rehab in Springfield I think uh they are saying about three days a week he'll be going there yeah and that's that's a pretty intensive thing now my dad is 75 years old so you know the surgery isn't going to turn him back into a 40-year-old uh so you know just age related things that slow down progress a little bit but you guys he has made huge progress already we're really proud of him for working as hard as he has to get to where he's at now uh I think in the end I think he's going to make a full recovery uh and I think things are going to be really good for him um not only do we want to thank you all for the prayers for Kevin's parents we also want to thank you for really your understanding through all of this um Kevin and I were busy uh the couple weeks ahead of all of this uh filming extra videos to make sure and so we hoped uh that there wouldn't be kind of any Gap in our normal routine bringing you guys um videos but this this whole process ended up um taking longer than we had originally expected so we did end up missing one video and that was last Saturday's video um also we ended up missing two news letters while all this was going on um Kevin ended up being away from the farm for um 10 nights um out of this whole thing dad surgery was in Kansas City which is about 4 hours away from where we live and actually ended up being more than that he was gone for 10 days straight um and then he was able to come home for Samantha's graduation we had family coming into town for several days during all of that and then once family left um actually I had to go speak at a conference for three days so I was away from the farm uh for 3 days so Kevin came home for graduation um then um I left for the conference then when I was gone he left to go back to Kansas City uh Drive dad to impatient rehab yeah it it was it was a really kind of crazy time um but we got it all figured out and and we're back now but it really was uh it was really kind of stressful it was stressful um and uh we're glad that that that's all over right yeah during that time we were just trying hard to maintain everything here on the homestead uh this time of year you know just mowing the lawn is a huge chore usually twice a week mowing the lawn and it takes us about if one of us is doing it about 4 hours to mow the lawn here so you know that's a big thing when you have to do it at least once maybe twice a week during this time of year so that type of thing alone along with all the animals I mean Sarah really during those 10 days when I was gone that was all on her and she did a great job making sure that everything uh you know we didn't do a whole lot of new stuff during that time but everything that we had going on was being taken care of uh the best that one person can take care of it um it really is th this has showed us I think that maintaining this place really is a job for both of us to be doing and if it's only one person it takes a good part of the day between chores and right now because it's it's growing season we have two large growing areas that need to be maintained and watered and you know make sure that everything is going okay with that and um while Kevin's mom was gone she was gone away from their house for while she spent 19 days in a hotel um and then transitioned home so during that time we also had their dog along with our two dogs so it was it was quite a time here on the homestead and you know our daughters are around uh but they have busy lives Mana has been working she was still finishing up school Grace is working um not full-time but several different part-time jobs marriage she doesn't live here anymore yeah so it was uh you know it was it was it was a lot and you're right we realize that everything that we do on a daily and weekly basis really does function better with two people and it is a lot for one person right so now that at least the majority of all of that is behind us we're really excited to get back to our normal weekly schedule uh bringing you guys videos you guys we've got uh some some pretty major work that we need to do over the next couple weeks because like I said Sarah was able to maintain things while I was gone but there are things that really are twers jobs that weren't able to get done so we're excited to bring you some of that in the upcoming you know week two weeks uh where we try to kind of play catchup a little a little bit on some of the things that we going on around here we've got work to do in the greenhouse we've got work to do out in the garden uh both of those are starting to really take off and we're excited to show you the progress that all of the plants are making in both of those areas we also have some update updates to share with you about the things have been going on with animals got some animal work to do that we hope to bring you guys along with um also we have had some like significant weather here uh during this these last three to five weeks and um so while we really uh were unscathed by some of the severe weather that came there were no tornadoes that touched down right in our area there were some pretty close by maybe you know 20 minutes 30 minutes from here but none right in our local area but there were several times of flash flooding and while we're up on a hill there are parts of our property that uh can be affected by flash flooding and down in the lower part we have there's a a wet weather Creek that really only flows during this time of year during the basically flooding rains and that came up so high that it just completely removed a bunch of our Barb barbed wire fencing um and that is the next Paddock area that we need to move our cows into uh so we need to repair that before we can move forward and we hope to bring you along for that as well yeah that night we got 5 Ines of rain in less than 12 hours and when that happens you know it doesn't have time for anything to soak in it just runs off and The Creeks rise up and man it can be it can get bad pretty fast and uh luckily you know no damage to like our living space or any of the animals or anything like that but yeah we did lose a pretty decent size piece of fence out of that so we'll take you guys down there in a upcoming video and show you where all of that is and how we're going to fix it and kind of a new plan that we have going forward so you guys thanks again for being so understanding uh during this time thank you again for your prayers we really do know that prayers help and we're always appreciative of the prayers that you were saying not only for my dad but for Sarah and I during this time as well and for my mom uh and we all are looking forward to just kind of getting back to normal life yeah we just wanted to pop in here we know this is kind of short and it's just us kind of talking here at the table we just wanted to pop in and say hey we're we're back we're okay and uh you guys can expect kind of you know normal programming from here on out right so that's it for today you guys we'll see you on Saturday with another video uh we're excited to show you guys what's going on in the garden and the greenhouse until next time thank you so much for stopping by our Homestead take care and God bless God bless
Channel: Living Traditions Homestead
Views: 89,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Living Traditions Homestead, Missouri, Ozark's, homesteading, Ozarks, self-sufficient, homesteaders, unjobbing
Id: 51wicSKmsx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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