From BAD to WORSE - Blazing Beaks Ep6

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what is up you guys my name is Alex and welcome back to blazing beats let's jump back into this thing I think I'm liking penguin I think I'm gonna stick with penguin people in the comment section we're saying that penguin is pretty Opie right now anyways you know I want to get a victory in I want to win this game that you guys don't know what he does he sometimes clones enemies which I believe gives us a double chance to get more loot drops they might even be able to : more than once I'm not sure oh my goodness look at all these egg grows back here this I don't think they clone themselves if they killed himself I'm not sure about that when was this guy know more corn corn corn drops no more coin or key drops I mean it would make sense to just not even take it honestly how much are you for the artifact and this 0.5 nah let's save it because uh the money money to buying a better weapon I think it is better let's stop stealing stuff from the shopkeeper thief I got achievement for that sweet we're cruisin so somebody said in the comment section as well depending on how quickly I get to the boss that's how easy the boss is the stool quicks okay what happens are like clone a frog and I don't even see the other frog she's still invisible we should be careful as penguin so if I went to the boss right now it'd be easier to kill we have zero artifacts what have we just ripped into the boss quiet I don't know man yeah newt one one skull there on the bottom I'm not exactly sure like if that means he spawns more enemies a response lots enemy sorry or if the as less help I know I don't really know but we weren't getting anything so let's make stuff happen maybe get to the later floors maybe the floors also will be easier this the sooner we get to them probably not but one can dream one more time but thank you got him we're cleaning we're cleaning I'm feeling good I'm feeling real good I don't think there's any reason to try to find a secret I'm in here but wow that's a lot of health that just dropped indicates where the secret room the doors are okay there we go crystal ball turn on shield protecting from projectiles for five seconds that sounds amazing just projectiles though it's sounded like toys scanner I don't want you I don't want it so let's not take it I think this could be a quick run we've been averaging like two runs per episode anyways so whatever you guys will get the content stop complaining would you geez you big whiners get that no ice that looks like a amazing chalice of doom goblets of Meijer pretty close teleports you to the hatch every time you take damn it that sounds actually like like it's safe think I would want that I I feel like we're moving too fast and ink like last time you were penguin I like ten times the amount of artifacts by the time that guy got hunted down by the ghost so these guys shoot the little ghost statue ghosts come after them - it looked like he cloned himself after the ghost school killed him that scared me actually you're done you're done you're done oh hey look huh buddy wait what that's theorem right that's so telling me the secret was right there do I have to take damage in order for me to even like look at it yeah okay I mean okay so now I know when I have to take damage I just wish it would just allow me to open it you know I mean I also wish the secret homes are just better but here we are with a gun nail gun it shoots out like it took it basically a shotgun and we know how I feel what the shotgun so well we need that crowd control like right about now okay this is where this guy really does not come in handy with the fact that everyone just keeps one in himself and it's like you can't get a moment of rest [ __ ] that more no keys or no coins again I think that means like remove all of my coins the purse the cursed purse the purse all right there's a secret room here so we've touched these Oh Don't Tell pull me away let me have it okay got all our help back we got the secret room what's this you can't pick up coins anymore 13 cents is that enough well we do have the nail gun which should be able to get us through bagi so let's go siga room what do you got prizes for me it's nice why don't the fight for it teddy bear our ability to be invincible for three seconds invincibility so probably including melee or do you want to stick with their shield to make us invulnerable which I totally didn't use in that last fight which I totally should have used because I am not good at active items in this game I'm new to this I'm a little overwhelmed by everything so I'll having to think about multiple things at once struggling okay got these that now maybe it's okay I guess I sorta back to the thing okay I can't pick up coins okay lot of good luck lots going on lots going on we're fine we're fine I'm fine you know and I'm fine I haven't seen an artifact room or a shop rather for what 700 hours entering our 700 first hour in this game we cut out a lot of footage do we want I just looked it right for the boss again no not really but kinda let's just do it [ __ ] it I don't even care anymore I should probably start Carrie Bob me what do you got ha ha see I'm bouncing them back at you you little poopoo beg beg Oh poo here's a one skull boggy it's gonna kind of be difficult yeah because I have to be so close to him at the nail gun maybe we should just wait for our shield to be back before we really try to step in and do the damage maybe Brown look at that look at that boggy how do you feel about that so the problem there was he stopped his animation when all the things shot back at him right so I had less time to shoot him we want to try to get him to shoot across the map cuz I'm gonna get the most time in on his face like that that's gonna be given right here oh yeah one more hit and I'm dead though that's the problem no hey what's up everybody welcome back to blazing beats totally the first episode not the second one first run I mean and I feel I feel like we should just take our time and not rush the boss and try to stack up passage not not to experience I just know this passively takes away your active ability I don't know he's in anyways I don't necessarily feel like I'm bad at the game but I'm definitely not good at the game oh my frog scared me again spoopy frogs someone's like they're invisible or something once again just charging through with very minimal artifacts here appreciate getting maybe some more drops maybe some passives that allow me to get more drops would be pretty neato as well that's possible kollene bro flame bro I gotta go gotta go get good tried to touch him whoa okay that worked out pretty well it's worth it yeah buddy I don't know how I didn't die through that whole thing I mean that is what it looks like to be a professional I am really good at this game did I say I was not good at this game because what I meant was I'm like the best at this game what do we got shotgun maybe I should just steal something I'm gonna do it good range and it's new so we're gonna try it you can take that rock off my hands if you so choose enemies that deal damage will be kicked off kicked off off of what don't even don't even get me started on black hole gun song fine I'm gonna black hole gun won't you come holy [ __ ] it's okay it bounces okay we're learning can't pick up Bart's I don't even why would I need to ever used to me I'm gonna take damage it's never happened neech I really wish they had like different bosses I'm not sure they're even like still working on the game just bring a damage seems like maybe I can shoot another void out once the previous one hinge okay I'm not getting any drops right like ever and then now I'll send them on the boss when I don't need the health and it's just raining hell hallelujah also I have the artifact that allows it makes me not be able to pick up hearts okay what's going on here what the hell let's do this finish Jim it seems like it's sucking everybody up into the voids too so interesting weapon what do we got lots more money there's our there crystal ball chance to loot more items that's the one doubles countdown time for your active ability well I don't keeps it anyway let's go oh let's go a little bit slower though hang on hang on hang on here Oh Oh No Oh Nelly oh this is good damage is pretty balls on this oh that got hairy probably gonna buy a new weapon as soon as possible - one HP and max HP when leaving uncollected artifacts unless it's your last Yolo I can't afford losing max HP and honestly in this game I don't understand how like they only give you between two to five max HP enemies do anywhere from two to five damage on a single hit and then I would say like 20% of the artifacts affect your current health or max HP probably even closer to 50% it's ridiculous how how are you supposed to survive it's just like it's a game where they just say never get hit ever good luck but of course that's why you like watching me play this game you sickos don't get like a nice bounce shot off this seems like it's very unpredictable - bouncing [Music] today it doesn't bounce off enemies and then continue to do some crowd control that would be really helpful alright let's go buy something like a medium Crystal gun maybe well you got for me three seconds for secret indicator versus acid fade time plus two max HP plus two HP they look at bird six move Marquis fifty-fifty finer artifact insider gift one max HP and okay we got the max HP seven health bro Here I am complaining about not having enough health and they're loading it on crystal garden yeah I was just talking about crowd control and how I wish it balanced two different enemies and then we got that gun too so maybe I should just start bitching about everything else that I want to have man wouldn't that be nice if this game had a lot more damage upgrades let's go the more the merrier at this point in time and honestly this gun I think works pretty well with this character with the whole cloning thing go the range on this sucker too is wonderful it's not really a good place for me to hurt myself for one elf I could shoot this ghosty probably he does like to damage I bet to damage and there was a seeker um so hell yeah it's a new gun now teeny tiny laser gun I'm gonna say no to it I think that's one of like the like three or five cost guns not very impressive glad I hurt myself for that wonderful yeah good oh good we have here Senate percent chance to break a Kia and trying to use it that rarely ever happens I don't really understand the whole like using a key thing they need more uses for keys it I would say maybe some like hidden chests in a bush or something would be a nice touch I don't know I hurt myself for one from one tick here probably I'm one of these little shits maybe I'll just take the health and it's gone when enemies die not from your shot - three coins are - one key if you have no coins left which happens like a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot so I think we would just end up draining our coins but we can't pick up coins and we have very little so Yolo oh my goodness why are you after me it's possible that if you shoot it he goes for the nearest enemy there we go okay so we can use that I thought he hunted down and overshot it that's useful hurt me serum no lewd from enemies sands I don't like it but it'll post the three loot even if I get one extra loot on the next level it's still worth not having taken that because that's very low 0.5 to my artifact meter balls give me all the enemies more the merrier yeah we're at zero coins because two people just died right there not from my shots wandering idiots time for a ball game let's go you'll squeak your [ __ ] bagi three three skull boggy we just cut him again maybe the last time it works works like a charm extra range and this gun is gonna be super good look at me go [Music] you all right do it right we got to start them off in the right path that was the problem there when I don't go a long ways not short ways yeah yeah yeah come on finish him you got God increased Chancellor keys and locked doors up here more often great Devils cooldown for your active ability I want to go back to yellow I'm gonna prove myself once again okay I don't know if that is Oh like Starcraft 2 lore crash in there oh man he's got some range - we need to really be careful with the bomb guy seems incredibly dangerous cool everything else here seems pretty simple that's right and I got a key here for these key rooms that are showing up I don't know that is go okay you missed buddy not not too bad here he calling himself a little [ __ ] I got a shop maybe drink some more loot oh wow easy-mode shot me shop no shop they throw me right into the bomb guys and alert and the fans angry things got the follower goes not the best here probably still will take it though there we go give me those artifacts give me a frickin shop no weapons to buy in the shop 40% weapon range I was like just sitting here thinking like the range is really what's like allowing me to stay alive we'll get a shop next turn though I'm bettin I'm bettin we'll get a shout next turn I'm betting that not this term but the next turn will get a shop is what I'm gonna bet I'm gonna bet on that probably Oh doesn't seem good to me oh the ghost is coming up I forgot about you already died instantly by touching an enemy that's not good because there's a lot of touchy things here that all the ghosts [Music] [ __ ] it I'm taking it how would I die if I touch the goats no one knows you late for science bro we got to go I got to leave where's my flipping shop here there's a there's a flipping shop as a flipping shop I've never been in more danger in my life I've never been in more danger in my life your cloning them looks like I'm trying to break here do you mind the shop was right there I'm doing the best I can I'm doing the best that I know how to do I would not say that that was a very good run as far as artifact drops and the timing on the artifact drops but that's just how roguelikes go sometimes the RNG is gonna bite you right in the keister I hope you guys still enjoyed watching this episode let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below if you know more about this game please help me like I said thanks for watching and I will see you in the next episode see you guys [Music] you but he cloned himself after the code
Channel: Hutts
Views: 72,552
Rating: 4.9530916 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Blazing beaks, bird, game, indie, roguelike, rogue like, rogue-like, dungeon crawler, top down, shooter, guns, unlocks, secrets, boss, music, let's play, walkthrough, character, best
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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