"Not of This World" | POWER HOUR | Ep.170 - 8 Sept. 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good afternoon are our people around the world it's episode 170 can you believe it and i am back with the original team uh the joy that is mr sam robertson good to have you back soon it's good to be back how are you yeah i'm good i'm excited to be back it's nice to be on the screen with the the three amigos from way back in the beginning fabulous thank you yes really good house house full of teenage girls getting ready to go to uni with a big brunch of course that's what you have to have don't you or you go to university because you're not going to eat properly when you're a student you take me out of house and home literally having or something mental yeah yeah pot noodles on toast yeah i have to say david did that at university that was a really his eating at university was very suspect do you remember those um fray bentos pies you have to get a tin opener and open the tin and there's an entire pie in a tin so a free pentose pie the pastry and the meat and everybody it's all the tin yeah yeah yeah a heart yeah that's great isn't it yeah and super ninjas on toast pot nose on toast yes yes but i have to say sergey and your daughter is uh marvelous at uh brunch that is her best she is yes and and she's got such a gift of hospitality i love watching her you know i come home yesterday from a full staff day in glasgow and there's flowers all over the house new plants that she's taken to uni that she's got make candles you know making it look beautiful and the place just so welcoming for her friends i love that gift that she has she's she's just so generous in her spirit for hospitality and if you're fortunate enough to ever get invited to our house it's usually sophie that does all of that stuff which is lovely yes i have just taken that roll on soph never turns up at my house without flowers yeah yeah usually she buys me a bunch of flowers every time she comes and i'm thinking that child is well raised she's so pissed she so is high five that mother i'll take all the credit free bentos pies are still available at poundland david do you want to go and revisit your your misspent teenage years oh you can have a student theme night for dinner one night uh stark house and eat free bentos pies and noodles on toast yum sam your mother yesterday bought me plants because she'd heard on par that i was doing plants and your your brother actually turned dry turned up at the my house last night with plants from your mum so but but here's a slight embarrassment about all of that i mean they're lovely and thank you joanne robertson for for me this is how little i know i wasn't sure whether they were indoor or outdoor is that not very pathetic so i've actually brought i i ran out as soon as david hit the button for the music i ran outside to my front garden thinking i might miss it the start of it to go and find because i put them in the garden thinking they were outdoor plants so somebody now needs to help me are these indoor or are they outdoor in the british isles i know there's an ivy there but ivy can be both indoor or outdoor does anybody have either it is you've got either there because cyclamen can be in or out as well um i'm hearing outdoor that the consensus is outdoor somebody said you can put it outside for the summer and then when it gets cooler bring it in i think it would work i mean confession time i didn't even know there was a difference i don't know i mean all right you're coming here for a lesson in plants with alastair i mean i have a better one fully fake doesn't need maintained or looked after this is the type of plant i like it can be inside or out though or outside and it's fine it's all weather waiting i don't think fake plants would last outside to be honest some is that not is that from ikea uh this one it may well be i actually don't know but it's fake he sits sits next to my astronaut astrology bethany bethany says willie says they're outdoor plants sam's dad says it's outdoors just to clarify on the stream now that my dad's really old he's into his garden are you suggesting gardening's only for old people shame on you ages personally i feel like it's something that arrives around about the [Applause] [Music] it's gardening is the way of god is the thing of the kingdom husbandry garden you need to get it get it good excellent and sam you are moving house this saturday back to the land that god has kissed which is glasgow the greater glasgow area and we've missed you down in the borders you're nearly almost in england so uh yeah yeah so uh i we're excited to have you back and uh sam's going to have a housewarming party are we going to invite everybody sam absolutely not but do you know what absolutely not my facebook box in case you'd like to send the gifts that's completely applicable for the for the new flat you can give me a gift but you can't come in is that what they're saying yes no real plants though none because they'll die i move on saturday and i'm finally gonna have an actual room dedicated to just an office because you guys don't know but underneath here there's a washing machine and a tumble dryer and loads of dirty washing because this is a utility division office so i'll finally have an office without any washing machines yes well we will come around and bless it might turn up for sunday lunch sounds quite a good cook yeah you could do that i would love that i thought we were having a chat party we have multiple excited for that i hope that's not just a thought that's not happening the food for your party we've all decided we're doing a cheese fun day i literally this is how crazy it was i am now i was going but i had got a flat right went away wasn't on the po we used something called slack for communication came back on about five hours later to an enormous chat in the director's chat with them planning all the food and all the drinks for my housewarming parties so we're excited for your house and obviously your move but it's an excuse to get together and have a wee party surely oh dear dear old emily lives on um youtube she says i kill she even kills cats that's not what's up i had one cactus and it grew mold is that meant to happen so you've over watered it sam really oh yeah it went moldy and started to go fluffy it went fluffy yeah that's too much work cactus don't need water we are now going to prophesy actually can i tell you i i know i have two books words books worth of revelation about this morning and all your notes from you too so i don't know how we're ever going to get through all of this in an hour but we're going to we're going to try i think when seasons change guys you do get that that rush of just whoo revelation for the new season so and we are we're i feel like i'm bouncing with revelation like some kind of uh on springs if that's possible i feel like i could just stand and prophesy literally for ours there's so much in this new season so um who if you're not getting stuff i just bless your ears so i'm throwing pens at the screen i just bless your ears to open right now that you may not miss out on the revelation of this season we released by the raising of our hands to the screen and impartation across the airwaves that you will come into the place of hearing that you will come into the place of seeing that you will come into the place of perceiving what god is doing in this shifting day and i say come and join the company and the prophets oh let your revelatory ability come up higher i bless you into that place for your voice is needed for your perception in the spirit realm is needed for your prophetic gift says the lord is coming into a spacious place and the spirit of the lord says spacious place for revelation spacious place for revelation spacious place for revelation so i pull you into that that you and i may be those who dream that you may not be those who have open visions and encounters that as this season changes that you like saul when it was written in the in the old testament would be counted amongst the prophets and i speak over your life that people will point at you and say is not timothy matthews is not linda horner is not amber hamill also among the prophets and the rest of you as well you can feel this movement and this a conscription that has come out from heaven for the army of the prophetic people to coalesce together and to advance and so right now i pull you out of your revelatory cage and cave in the name of jesus and i say the lord wants to speak to you right now come up now into that army of revelatory warriors in jesus name come on oh do you want to add to that prayer you can suddenly feel this shift of a mass movement of prophetic types yeah we see the door is open the door is open to revelation and as soon as you started to speak and as soon as you started to pray the joy of the lord as we step into that revelation the lightness freedom and so love you still into the joy of freedom into the liberation into the the expansive place of your revelation space god you're the healer of mysteries and there is a sense of god putting on us almost like these um hats if you will or caps of understanding for the for the mysteries to be revealed in this era and if you don't know the god mysteries at this time the lord is saying look to me for there are mysteries to be revealed and it's that sense of attention people of god attention over here and so put your attention on the revealer of mysteries for he will give you the ability to understand to see and perceive what it is that is hidden in his dark mystery for this era and for this time i just feel that great excitement and great joy bubbling up in me it's new it's new it's new everything's new literally a revolution and it's coming to us it is not rehashed it is not an echo it is not something that we have heard before in a different form it is brand new revelation coming and it's for you each one of you not just for us amen come on yeah i just heard the lord speak out of psalm 40 verse 6 and he says this is the verse that i am actioning right now and it says sacrifice and offerings you did not desire but my ears you have opened well for years you have opened and that word for opening your ears literally it's quite a violent word it means to dig them out to dig out what has blocked your hearing to dig out what has blocked your ability to hear the voice of god and the lord says right now on this day wednesday the 8th of september i am dispatching angelic hosts to come and dig out what has blocked your ability to receive revelation says the lord and this is a moment a shift and it feels like one of those moments those kairos moments where we're hitting a work of god and the lord says this isn't a word of something that's gonna happen next week next month next year this is what i'm doing right now i'm digging your ears out i'm opening up your ears says the lord and there is a new ability to perceive to hear to enter into and someone's saying you're starting to even hear sounds right now and some of you will start to hear sounds and movements and words as god starts to open and dig out your ears and the lord says it is a new dawn a new day for hearing my voice but he says this do not expect revelation to come as it did in the past i have trained you he says even in the last weeks to let go of how i used to speak or how revelation used to come but in this digging out of your ears it is time to press in for a different sort of revelation a different language a different way of receiving so do not expect it to come in the way that it did in the past for this is a new dawn for revelation and your life says the lord very good whoo you can feel it you know when i got up this morning and and uh just kind of coming to and i i i heard such a you don't always hear forceful word when you wake up but there was a very strong sense as i got out of bed this morning of the lord saying the prophets are coming to their expansive place and i actually could have wept with joy and actually wept with relief as the spirit of the lord says it's the expanded place it's the expansive place of flourishing and i just want to speak that over you that the lord even just from the few hours ago this morning is saying come into your expansive expanded stretched wide place of flourishing and it's that is not just about a life of ease i really felt that was a life of ease in the hearing of revelation that that was an expansive place of knowing the voice of god and the lord says prophets you will come to an expansive place very much like the isaiah 54 concept of stretch wide and expand the place of your dwelling but the lord saying i'm going to do this prophets are coming to their expansive places i can feel that all over my body i can i could feel the physical shift and oh we weren't going to start here but let's uh right okay guys let's go to what we were prophesying yesterday and we were doing a staff worship time yesterday morning one of the most special we've had in a long time i mean the glory of god literally was in about 90 seconds really everybody was on their knees it's i mean a lot of us worship regularly on our knees as kind of our default positioning but actually all my staff including look who was playing the guitar are are on their knees and on their faces and there was this word of the lord that rose which i wasn't actually going to but here we go anyway i heard the lord say this and you guys jump on the back of it in 2004 i put the pause the pause button on on the move of my spirit in the british isles and i also felt that happened across the rest of certainly the western world that the paul's button had gone on and the spirit of the lord says this since 2004 you have had years of faithful labor and of hard work as my saints but you have labored without much reward and the spirit of the lord says since 2004 i have sustained you but it has been in a surviving place not a thriving place says the lord and the spirit of the lord says that you sowed seeds during those years and you developed your muscles of loving not your own lives and pouring yourself out but you looked at the fields of your planting and there was not much to show for it since 2004 and the spirit of the lord said i named your years fallow years and follow years for 18 years since 2004 and the lord says you were not really reproducing you were not even producing and you were barely even pregnant says the lord and the spirit of replication and the spirit of awakening and the spirit of revival was not in the midst of you said the lot says the lord and the spirit of the lord says watch in these next few months as i put my hand again on that pause button and as i pressed it in 2004 to say pause now i put my hand on it to release the pause button of the move of my spirit and the spirit of the lord says this in these next few months my hand will be slowly pushing the pause button to re-release it but the spirit of the lord says know that you will fear the pre you'll feel the pressing of my hand on you for you will go low and you will be established in the fear of the lord says god as i press upon you to re-establish a move of my spirit in the nation and the spirit of the lord says this the seeds that you sowed were not anointed well you know that because you weren't able to bear much fruit and the spirit of the lord says today i open the seed chambers of heaven and the seed is golden and the seed is glorious and i saw the lord firing seeds and they were landing in people like a gunshot like a machine gun where god says receive these seeds to plant receive these seeds to plant receive these cease to plant and the spirit of the lord says this that there are new mantles new anointings new abilities new skills new evangelistic capabilities for the lord says this is the generation this is the generation says the lord oh this is fresh revelation right now the lord says this is the generation of the release of worldwide evangelism says the lord for i am putting a seed in you of the ability to be the disciplers of nations and you will have a harvest of souls and i am seeding you right now with anointed seed that you may harvest many people from every tribe and tongue a nation and the lord says receive the anointed seed that you may be a farmer and a scatterer of my power and my truth and my liberation says the lord the spirit of the lord says pause button off huh and for days i've been praying like like bent over like curled up in a wee ball in the throne room and the lord says you have to get low you have to get low you have to get low you have to get low you have to get low you have to come and release ego and you have to come and release pride and you have to come and release all the things that you even have loved about how the church works let it go let it go let it go let it go because it is going to be so different i need to press expectations out of you that are expectations of a man-made system and how it would thrive so that i can give you new glory anointed seeds that you may seed my kingdom and replace the man-made way we have done church pause button off pause button off wow sergey and sam jump in i thought we would come to that maybe next week but here we are [Music] yeah and i've been saying the same thing the throne of man and the throne that we have built and called it christ's throne and the lord showed it to me and it was so ugly i had to weep and actually gasp in what i saw in the spirit of what we have been sitting on as the people of god that we thought was something honoring of god something holy and pure but it turned out to be something man-made and and actually satanic in taste and look and feel and i literally i mean i saw myself sitting on this throne that was the throne if you will that the church had built in this age and so it was that sense of throwing ourselves on the floor as emirates said and getting as low as possible and this again for me has been the last couple of weeks of the lord revealing uh this in the spirit this sense of actually on your knees and remember um there was a word a couple of years ago where the lord had said on your knees church and now i heard the lord say now on your hands and knees it was on your hands and knees it was like that position of ready to bear the weight of the lord or ready to bear his burdens and actually be positioned in a servant leader posture the other thing that i saw which is linked to this which is really key is um this this way of the lord jesus christ is now opened and i saw it in the spirit now what is that we've been praying lord show us your ways teach us your ways for this era what is it and it seems so obvious does it not to say that actually the way of the lord jesus christ is the way that is opened to us because that's the way we all want to go but let me tell you it almost looked in the spirit that had been hidden for this time that we the church of this era of this point on the earth we're now being allowed to find the way of the lord jesus christ the way of the servant leader the way of the humble and the make the one he was submitted and is strong and strengthened in his submission and that is the way that we are being um invited into and it is a narrower and narrower and narrower way where we have to let everything come off again and every day and go to that place of lord search me and know me show me illuminate with the revelation that is new show me what is available that i need um to unhook myself from and so this narrow away is open to those who want to walk it the way of the lord jesus christ is open and it requires humility and it requires us to be on our hands and knees very good you can feel that i'm not sure how much worship we're going to be able to do in our usual standing up in the weeks ahead i don't think i mean we i mean it's almost like assume the position and everybody goes immediately like this certainly in our culture in our church culture you know we are an absolute you know uh on mass at hand raising uh culture and our children are too and i think that's right it's mimicked and it's caught isn't it by our children um but i really feel lord saying the only way you're going to be able to worship me is on your face and on your knees i agree yeah because we have to that that physical posture is so helpful in the spirit and the physical posture informs our emotions uh our physical posture is one of those things that god looks at and if you're struggling to get low in your thinking will get low in your body and train your emotions yes the floor has been beckoning ingrid smith you're absolutely right but it's the drawing yeah yeah yeah yeah and um sam you have a word on us becoming a high security and then we'll unpack that after just two things because i the lord started to speak to me i can feel it on seeds uh just as you were prophesying there emma and the lord issues in word of warning and he says let go of seeds that are not anointed do not hold on to them any more and the lord says this non-anointed seeds well become weeds non-anointed seeds well become weeds and you're gonna have to say god search the seeds that are in my hands and reveal if they are anointed or not and you're gonna have to be ruthless letting go of what no longer carry or what no longer carries the anointing of god because if you plant them they will become weeds if you plant them they will become weeds and the lord has really are joined today if you want to add anything onto that before a process i'm just reading revivalist deanna oh it's it's going so fast sanford's comments i i think this is a great uh add-in she says the floor isn't is the new door the floor is the new door that's a brilliant phrase of the season that's good during worship yesterday i actually heard the lord say you have too many seats and not enough floor space to the church on mass you have too many seats and not enough floor space and you see that temptation the glory of god comes into the room and most of us sit in our seats that actually we don't get down on our face we don't get down on our knees and the need for worship to have a space a floor space because that's where we're going but i heard the lord start to speak about a purification of the church and this purity in the church that we're entering into and this is quite a strong word and so bear with me as i kind of unpack a little and the lord said this for many years you've made for me a house of worship yet i've not met you there you've made for me a house of prayer and still i've not met you there you've made for me a house of ministry but i've not really met you there for your worship it's been industrialized your prayer monopolized your ministry publicized so i've not met you there and i was like god that's such a strong word you've not met us when we've we've built what we thought would welcome you and he said this but if you make for me a house of repentance then surely i'll meet you there build for me a house of longing and then surely i'll meet you there build for me a house on its face and then surely i'll meet you there and the lord says this to the church the fullness of my glory waits for the fullness of humility to be embodied fullness of my glory waits for the fullness of humility to be embodied and god started to speak and really this was sharpened by by emma and some conversations the last few days about christendom and the empire of the church and this empire structure that has been built by the church and the lord says this christendom has trained us in the art of pride christendom has trained us in the art of pride and the lord says this now it's time for you to be trained in the art of going low that is the season now it's time for you to be trained in the art of going low and god is being ruthless at delivering us from pride god is being ruthless with those pride structures in our life that make us resist the lowly place that he has called us to assume and the lord is saying these are the days where i want to train you in the art of going low damn you guys i've got more but do any of you guys want to jump in and add on to that i mean it's very good so i think we'll give a bit of a definition of what we mean by christendom because i have some words around that interestingly it just uh on the spot here when you're in the throne room guys and and you're in worship i just had a sudden thought as you were saying i don't think i've ever seen any chairs in it in all the years i have been in the throne room of god and had encounters there i've never seen apart the chairs to the left and the right for the ruling and the reigning and of the saints but i have never seen chairs ever in front but that i mean that's um and the elders not not any other seats always either standing or on the floor in the throne i have to say when i'm worshiping god in the throne i rarely ever see the elders on their seats no i mean they're just not no they're casting down their crowns they're getting off from the cast out yeah yeah yeah interesting uh uh yeah we'll get keep going sam and then we'll talk about the death of christendom yep no problem and so i started to ask god and christendom really is the empire of christianity the worldly structure that has been raised and not not the kingdom of god structure and i asked the lord who's christendom like in scripture and why now if you come to any of our training days we'll teach you to ask god that question for other people who are they like in scripture and why but i was like god who is christendom like in scripture and why and straight away he replied and he said isaiah christendom as isaiah and isaiah 6 1 isaiah 6 1 we get introduced for his death that it was in the year that king uzziah died that isaiah saw the lord and i usaiah i know it's complicated with the names who's i you zed-zed-i-a-h different from isaiah died before the fullness of the glory of god could come to isaiah and it's interesting because he was a king uzziah he was crowned at the age of 16 he was known as one who wholeheartedly pursued god his beginning was marked by faithfulness by great success by victory and 2 chronicles 26 says as long as he sought the lord god gave him excess success but there was a turn there was a moment of weakness where things started to turn and 2 chronicles 26 16 says this but after uzziah became powerful his pride led to his downfall his pride led to his downfall and pride we see here shut down the move of god that's what got it down and we have got to say god would you kill an us pride because we recognize that if if you don't kill pride than us pride kills a move of god pride shuts it down and that verse isaiah 6 1 we can prophetically save for this epoch of time even this year in the year that christendom dies in the year that the worldly structure of christendom dies then we see the lord and then the glory of god comes brilliant wow what a word whoo sj do you want to jump in and bring what you've got and then i'll talk about christendom okay on the back of that i just really feel um we're back in isaiah 58 aren't we where the lord really challenges israel and says you know you think you know that you're going my way you think you're choosing the way of the lord and even in prayer and fasting you think you're doing it unto me but it's a false attention my nostrils and i think we're in that place where the lord is saying look and see um where you are as church that i believe that it is a mercy of god that he is opening our eyes he is opening our senses in this place of revelation revealed to see the state were in i actually woke up um a couple of weeks ago with one of those words that you get first thing in the morning and i saw it and i heard it at the same time i saw it the writing on the wall the many many of nebuchadnezzar there are many many um word of you have been found wanting and i heard it resonate and i actually was one of those words where i thought like this it was like the audible voice of god which i have never had but it was like it was resonating through my spirit and i felt it was for me i have been found wanting that it was for the church and it was for the nations and i felt like it was a word over us that we have been found wanting as the people of god as well as the people in nations and that was if you will the judgment word of god over us that was revealing the state that we are in and so his his judgment coming off you've been found wanting but actually there is mercy in our response and so for me even yesterday as god started to reveal this whole word the first thing that he showed me was as um under leviathan as a church and that sense of we have put ourselves under the king of pride in the spirit realm the strong man of pride leviathan because of our arrogance islam is prophesying and remember the word about it um we're in the sin of sodom which is ezekiel 16 word of the lord where you are arrogant overfed and unconcerned that we have been a church of christendom like that a man-made church who is arrogant and prideful and so we must go thank you lord for your mercy that you've got us here to see the state that we're in but actually thank you lord that we can respond and say lord have mercy on me and get on the floor and and break agreement with all of that because the arrogance has made us a prayerless church and that's a whole other word that will part for now but i really feel like this is the grace and mercy of god that he's revealing this to us and we we must take it to heart and we must do business with it very good excellent okay let me talk about christendom this is major and stay with me as i unpack this i feel we are in a time that the lord is calling the death of christendom the death of christendom and that means that an entire structure the structure of christendom is being dismantled and is dying now christendom is a a lot of the structure of certainly the western world and it's the structure where um the state and politics and the law married christianity and so you didn't just have a church you had christendom you had the uh state defending the church you had the state coming to the age of the church you had laws that looked semi-religious and that is christendom and in essence you think well does that not sound quite good but let me tell you why that is completely nonsense it is the fact that this the the kingdoms of this world which are politics and the law uh they are the kingdoms of darkness they are the kingdoms that satan uses and the kingdom of god the church should not be marrying and relying on the world systems the church should not be saying oh world you come and rescue us oh world you come to my aid oh world you come and back me up and christendom is an epoch of hundreds of years where the church relied relied relied on for survival on wood the kingdoms of darkness back them yeah that's christendom okay and so we surrendered our par the power of god to liberate and we surrendered that and said well politics you be powerful on our behalf well the law you be powerful in our behalf well the justice system you be powerful on our behalf and it depleted the church of stewarding the presence and the power of god because we were dependent on the world's systems and so i feel like jesus is saying christendom is dead jesus is risen hallelujah christendom is dead jesus is risen and i think it has taken a long time for us to learn this this is not a loss but it is the call of god for the church to return to its radical roots and christendom is tying the gospel to empire christendom is the church mixed up in conquest christendom is the church mixed up in colonialism christendom is the church mixed up in imperialism christendom is the church mixed up in military adventurism and subjugating nations around the world christendom is the deep place of compromise that the church has gone into and secularism has won and secularism has brought christendom to its knees hallelujah oh come on yes and the gift of secularism oh come on you need to hear this the gift of secularism did you ever think a prophet would say those words the gift of secularism is this that it takes the millstone of the demonic structure of christendom off our necks we had christendom versus secularism yeah that's been the war we thought we were in christendom versus secularism but can i tell you christendom is man's version of christianity yeah it's the empire version of christianity yes and so we actually were in this battle of christendom and secularism fighting but actually they were both kingdoms of this world they were both demonic structures and what has happened is that we have wanted a dominant church rather than a purified bride we have wanted to be internationally accepted rather than be counter culture the world will not be changed for jesus christ at the ballot box and we are suddenly waking up to that the world will not be changed for jesus christ at the battlefield of military conquest come on the world will be changed for jesus christ by a counter-cultural bride who screams we are not of this world and the world has changed at the altar where hearts accept christ individually and christendom says oh the world will come to christ through politics the ballot box and the battlefield and that is being destroyed come on and when the world seems lost to secularism and when the world seems lost to cancel the culture and when the world seems lost to the spirit of the age you need to get excited and you need to say hallelujah jesus because we had a flesh colored christ we had a human culture and the hope is now in a bride that says i am not of this world and the hope is in the god of power coming to be with his people in a kingdom structure not a christendom structure who and i feel like the lord is saying you are now in a rescue mission era you are not in a rescue era uh rescue mission era come on you're in a rescue mission era you are not in a gospel of a private faith come on you are not in the gospel of a private faith no you are not even in a gospel where god has told you to influence the kingdom of the world that's the lie of a generation oh we need to influence the world's culture oh we need to influence the world's culture what no no you rescue people from the world's culture you don't just influence the world's culture you're a rescue mission your point of the culture of the world you're not influencing satan's system come on oh we've released prayers you be an influencer you be your influence or you be an influence or you be an influencer what nonsense you'll be a rescuer and you may work in politics and bless you and you may work in education and you may work in business you're not there as an influencer you're there as a rescuer come on you are rescuing people into the kingdom of christ you are rescuing them from the world into the domain of king jesus you are infecting the world you are demonstrating the kingdom of god and you are screaming the whole time i am not of this world right sam searching boy is that a course correction we understand why we wanted to be influencers and i think we started out well i think we started out well wanting to be influencers but we lost we lost our way because actually what we did was we married mammon and we married climbing the tree for wealth and we married the concept of position and we married the concepts of domination and we married the concepts of ego and once you think i want to have an influence you are actually marrying a wrong system of thought jesus goes to the cross in humility and scandal and he goes there in loss and in weakness and in suffering and the gospels focus on the revolting degrading humiliating punishment of the cross but jesus is about a rescue mission he's not there to influence the romans that's right and he says jump ship john kingdoms come on i know this is strong stuff but our title we've eventually got to it for today i am not of this world guys jump on the back of that and he rocks up on a donkey not in some chariot or politically large or military large pursuit jesus rocks up on a donkey that's how he rocks up jesus rise the donkey that's the next line in my notes sam you're reading them i read it in the spirit and we've made political triumph the goal rather than purity we've made domination the goal rather than loneliness meekness humility and we've sought to transform the world in the way that the world seeks to steward transformation and we've got to say god who are we mirroring in our practice who are we reflecting are we reflecting your ways jesus or are we reflecting the world's ways are we riding up on a donkey or are we trying to enter and transform the world with chariots chariots and military power and a world domination sort of mindset and it's the humble it's the humble it's the meat that see god and that bring change it is that's the way and weakness is the way in the kingdom of god that then brings transformation tolerance and separation are the two words that have been striking me as i'm listening and we've been thinking about this revelation for some time the sense of the right separation from the world and the right separation and timely separation from the kingdom that is to come and the age that is to come the tolerance and the intolerance of that kingdom the intolerance that we are supposed to have of things that bring mixture into the church and bring mixture into us and who we are as the purifying bride the mixture that is out there in the world and we have to set a standard of tolerance of kingdom culture that is modeled that is positioned that is seen that is the city on the hill that is not under a lamp stand but is actually bright and shining and how are we supposed to be bright and shining if we're trying to influence the mixture and the muddy waters we have to be the standard we have to become that intolerant in the right way and separated right way uh kingdom of god and so for me it's the allow god to bring trans transfiguration allow jesus to bring transfiguration as we gaze on him and we go his way allow him to take his lower and lower allow him to get us into the place of going narrower and narrower so that we come out of the man-made structures and we come into the way of the lord and it is gonna cost us everything again but it's so worth it and it's so beautiful and i love it because it's so challenging again for those of us that feel like we've worked the walk all our lives and found ourselves so what far from what the lord is asking of us but thank you lord that you're allowing us to go on that journey and and be the the standard and be the light on the hill of matthew 5 that will not and cannot be hidden yes yes i mean trudy lane is asking a good question and it's a good question for clarification what about being salt and light yes this is this is symbiotic with the rest of scripture of being salt and light that the difference is this mindset this mindset shift of when i go out to work and when i'm in my business and when i'm here and there and everywhere we are suggest by the system of the world we are seduced by the kingdom of darkness and we think we seek to kind of fit in with it and to not be too offensive to it and we we we kind of want to have an influence there because we think that's the right way and what we have forgotten is that my presence in the world as yeast or salt or light or whichever biblical analogy you want to use is through the lens of a rescue mission that is counter culture and i think what we forget is this that the radical thing about the early christians was not that they worshipped god your radicalness in church your radicalness on your knees in a service is not a problem to the lost but the radical thing about christians was that they worshipped jesus christ as emperor yeah they said jesus is lord and jesus's lord was so subversive they were loyal to his kingdom they shunned every value the world had and they looked like a threatening cult wow and so caesar already had some titles that were on roman coins but the church took them and reappropriated them so words like prince of peace king of kings son of god savior of the world lord of all they were already said about caesar and the christians come and they say no no no we're gonna use that abide jesus and it's the same as us saying today jesus is my commander-in-chief jesus is my prime minister jesus is my president jesus is my first minister it's not religion that got the christians into trouble it's the sovereignty of christ they were so kinder culture that they were seen as deeply unpatriotic [Music] it was their depth of unpatriotic behavior that got them thrown into prison can you be measured by your depth of unpatriotic behavior to your nation that is a threat to those to the left and the right of you because you are living for the kingdom of god first amen peter and paul were executed by the roman empire not because they believed in an afterlife it's so good they're executed because they believe the kingdom of god was higher than government it was higher than politics it was higher than the nation and this early church rebelled against patriotic gestures that could be misconstrued as a loyalty to a kingdom on this on this planet they would not have saluted the flag they would not have burned incense at a bust of caesar yeah because they understood they were part of a different kingdom yeah it is so deeply wired into us to be in the world that we have forgotten the end of the verse that we are in the world and but you go with a subversive rescue mission culture yeah come on very good oh that got a bit intense didn't it but i think you know do you know matthew 5 13 i think i would go back and read that again about the salt of the the earth because it's exactly where we are what good is salt if it loses its saltiness the church has lost its saltiness because we've been so in the world just as you said emma and we have to see that recognize it and say god make me salty yes yes and can i just have a little let me just toss a grenade about 666 and the number of the beasts and then i'll say good just look differently bye everyone so i can't read your comments afterwards should we just do that why not why not our time zone but i do think that when john revelation is talking about the mark of the base in 666 he talks about it being on your head and on your hands he is right in the place where he is talking about anti the world systems and really what he's saying is don't you get marked by the world don't you get marked by the world that's really what he's saying in that whole chapter of the mark of the beast and the beast of course in that time 666 is likened to caesar nero that's his his numerology in hebrew it is more about a mark of agreement with the world's system and can i say i think we get too hit up in is it a bar code or is it a vaccine but actually i think it is a heart alignment with the kingdom of this world where you want power and you want influence in satan's kingdom that will mark you with the beast that's how serious it is and it's on hands and it's on hearts because it's about action and it's about thinking and the lord is saying you are actioning and you are thinking with the mark of how the world or babylon thinks and behaves and that is what john is raging against and again the cry goes up i am not of this world wow wow okay shall we just go now okay see you later very good so you stay where you are you stay where you are in your workplaces i'm not telling you to come out of them but i am telling you to go in with a much more subversive kingdom mindset that is not looking to the world to prop you up that is not looking to the world to bless you that is not looking to the world to give you power and space but you go into your workplace subversively on a rescue mission that's good oh right we're going we're going yeah we will see you oh i'm preaching sunday morning so uh yes i will see you sunday morning live on par church and we're back next wednesday for par r all the words with par because it's the season of the church of park love you guys bye [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 10,322
Rating: 4.9116998 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 11sec (3911 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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