Emma Stark (8 Dec 2019)

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well hello gorgeous people hi are you doing this morning do I have any glass regions in the room whoo-hoo oh there's a Scottish person in the front row yay so I come from our live in Scotland but I come from Ireland and this is an Irish accent whoo-hoo that's regardless yay and that we just we are intense war faring people the Celts so hopefully we'll bring a little bit of that this morning if that's okay with you and it's just been a joy thank you for inviting me we feel like we've prophesied over everything that moved this week actually lot of words and it's just been an absolute joy to get to serve and to bless you okay let's just pray Oh Shi AR Massey Keanu oh my sheikh EA uh oh come on just open your hands whoa CA Islandia seek EA oh Jesus we want the authentic real deal lightning strike of God in the midst of us oh god we don't want any substitutes oh god we don't just want a warm glow we want any kinder with you O God our hearts cry ight that we're fed up of just the Holy Spirit goosebumps in a light wafting way we want to be radically transformed oh come on you just make that your prayer with me this morning we're just resurrecting our hunger for God we're just telling God that we must have him and him alone oh you tell them that God I must tell you I must have you if you're not hungry I list hunger to you right now if you feel it your spiritual life has gone into lukewarm mode in the name of Jesus I pull any stony heart out of you right now and I listen for you to be resent surprised to the move of the Spirit of God then as happening on your life amen yay Jesus we welcome the Ministry of angels into this place right now the room is full of angels we welcome the minister those Hebrews 1 angels who come to deliver and minister we welcome the Lord sabe us to come in is the god of Angel armies that God would arise this morning as a mighty man of war to fight for you right now so let me just bring a word this morning that is partly mainly a word for the church but also to give you an indication of what we feel like God is doing in this epoch of time as prophets in the earth so that you are sensitized to his ways and what he is blessing right now how does that sound good excellent let's start with Scripture Daniel 2 praise be to the name of God for ever and ever wisdom and par are his as I said earlier ha have a practice ha one-syllable par ok then it's really anointed a bit like the Gulf term I think you use in Gulf part but you spell it differently apart ok he changes times and seasons let's just say that to each other look at our neighbor he changes times and seasons heed opposes kings and raises up others he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning he reveals deep profound and hidden things he knows what lies in darkness and light dwells with him he changes times and seasons and the Spirit of the Lord is saying look Toronto I set the calendar and I am not playing catch-up and I am never out of time and this is a year that you are going to see Pro find remarkable things that were hidden even some of your destinies that were hidden will be released in this are because God is shifting the times and God is shifting the seasons and he is moving us into a unique time and I don't know how many of you are caught up in the spirit for me that happens nearly every day and so you get used to the business of heaven and let me tell you that heaven and the angelic host have been busier than they normally look to me because they have been in preparation mode for the pouring out of some remarkable things in this next calendar year and we are entering one of the most strategic years of our entire lives and we're gonna need sobriety and focus and alertness because let me tell you this year is a bite to shape us for many years to come and the spirit of Lord is saying to the prophets that the change that the church is a bite to go through is going to be greater than even the days of the Reformation under Martin Luther it is immense and truly new means new and historians will write about this coming year as they reflect on church history and they will call it the pivot year they will call it the hinge year by which all things changed and Donna saying I would rather that you were amateurs in the new than experts in what was old and the Lord says I'm about to turn some tables and I'm gonna turn over things that have been set up for a long time that no longer hold to my glory and God is overthrowing with force some things in this are and the Spirit of the Lord says it is time to see me turn your world around this is the r of a turn around and things will happen so fast the Lord says he's going to feel like your head is spinning because everything's gonna happen at once hallelujah Jesus the verse for you for next year is this Sam 50 verse 3 our God comes and will not be silent a fire de vars before him and around him a tempest rages it's very tempestuous around God in other words the booming voice of God will be heard by you he will come close and scorching devouring purity will be established and storms of change will be your new norm now some of you need to get more excited about that I tell you why because God is ending boring Church there are some days most of us are like goodness do I have to go there I'm sure not in this church but there are times I saw an my pastor at church if I wasn't the preacher even I wouldn't turn up is that too much honesty anyway I love my church at home in case you're watching it meaning this year you're going to have an understanding of what it is to shudder in the fear of God as he moves like an unexpected storm with such power it will be totally shocking and the Spirit of the Lord says you are going to step into roles that you are not yet comfortable with you are going to step into places you are not yet comfortable with you are going to step into a seasoned church that you have no idea how it works and it will not make you feel peaceful and calm you will feel under the part of God gloriously on mass uncomfortable hallelujah because the Spirit of the Lord is saying I want to talk you back into something outrageous more outrageous than you have ever seen the Lord as I'm talking you at the moment into a wild adventure that's why some of you feel quite Restless because the Lord says I'm talking you out of your stillness I'm talking you out of your mediocrity I'm talking you out of same-old same-old I'm talking you out of business as usual where you just think in those linear ways the Lord says Toronto I am talking you into something he says there are a hundred million new things that he wants to do in Canada and he says I want you to be a part of it and he says heaven is not a storage facility the Lord says you are going to know it this year as a distribution center of signs and wonders and miracles and unless it's decreed by a prophet it cannot be established and I know lots of you are stewarding disappointment and I know that that disappointment because I can feel it in some of your hearts is like an eye-roll of cynicism going I like to believe her but and the Spirit of the Lord says I will take your cynicism off you the Lord says I will heal the disappointment of your previous season and the Lord says I will give you back your childlike faith even now as you sit in this room says God oh come on my profits profits are high risk fast-paced and quite dramatic Hertz all marvelous or it's all awful with a profit no shades of gray but profits are notorious for saying it's gonna change it's gonna be celebration it's gonna be acceleration and so my mother would you would tease me and she would say Emma does a prophet ever say it's slowing down or actually you might not break through so I've kind of avoided words of acceleration and celebration because I felt like I don't really want to be just repetitive of everything that the prophets have a bad reputation for and so when I'm praying and the Lord says Emma tell them it's a time of celebration an acceleration I'm like you've got the wrong prophet for that message God but I want to tell you because I'd be disobedient if I didn't you are moving into a day of great celebration in this hice it is the days of Amos 9 let me read it to you verse 13 the days are coming says the Lord when grain will grow faster than it can be harvested and grapes will grow faster than the wine can be made and the mountains will drip with sweet wine and the hills will flow with it the season that you have been in has felt like you've been stuck it's felt like a pause has been put on you and those preparation seasons can be so slow and so arduous and you need so much battle resistance just to keep turning up that you can actually forget what it is like to be in celebration mode you can get so into a battle rocks that you forget what it is to work with a God who is actually quite happy and God says to you Toronto I am dealing with your irritated frustrated battle weary tired hearts in one day he says the Lord the Lord says it is not the promise making time it is the promise keeping time and the Lord says in one day I will reorder and realign your insides and you will be even unrecognizable to yourselves as I reap art nur you with joy come on we are set up of smiling on the outside when it doesn't feel like it on the inside this is a day of authenticity of contentment and ease and even giddiness a mischievousness back in the hives if you feel like you lost your sense of humor in growing up the Lord says I'm about to make you a funny people oh come on I actually hear the Spirit of the Lord say that there's gonna be comedian open night might open night - at the right thing you know I mean open mic nights I've never been to one but I hear him say that he's gonna open them up even in this building and a new breed of clean comedians will start to set the tone for how this city laughs says the Lord and the Lord says it will start with comedians in the house those feels that they are supposed to be a stand-up comic who see I actually felt like suddenly a rush of several of you if you feel like you're supposed to be a stand-up comment why don't you jump to your feet and I huh come on come on just raise your hands I loose the mischievious wit of God to you the I know you will tell the funny God story rather than the Kreutz or the rude and I open up the heavens above you that you may see the anointing of the gods who giggles when his angels tell good jokes to him come on it's yours grab hold of it do you remember the children of Israel they've been 70 years in captivity and they've been quite studious about fasting for all of those 70 years and when they get freed and the season changes you go to Zechariah 8 and they're debating with God do we still need to fast and God says look I'm gonna turn you're fast you're fasting season into a feasting season it is not the time for fasting hallelujah Jesus and the Lord said the Lord says I'm gonna make you joyful and glad but people will grab hold of you and want to go with you because it's going to be evident not hidden it will be visible that God is with you and the spirit the Lord says don't you dare think about hiding away right now he says don't you think of moving Heist to retreat don't go to a disconnected place don't get yourself in independent isolation don't get bogged down says the Lord's Oh some of you are gonna have to talk yourself out of where you've got to am pet talk yourself we're starting to withdraw for the Lord says I want to get you into a place where you are flexible because I want to move you at speed I do not want you playing catch-up at this time says the Lord and the Lord says you need to learn a fluidity to obey at once the Lord says I am ending the days where I give you permission for endless confirmations and this will make me sign like a parent parents or tyrant but I actually very nice to my children but what about when I'm disciplining them I say to them when do you do what I say first time it's not as hard as that but God is on that as well first time he's saying I'm gonna change your pans at such speed that I'm gonna kick you into some things that you don't actually feel that you are ready for and that's the joy of being an amateur in this season and the Lord says there will be days where I just say to you do it now but the Lord says joy will mark that and the Spirit Lord says this is the most opportune time to sell your house move jobs begin no new projects birth new businesses there's a rush of a birthing and a building and a shifting capability because you are coming to the end of the pause stagnant season and so if you if you know you need new jobs new highs as wave and just grab hold of the fire look at the numbers of you of the fire of the momentum of God that is in the atmosphere as God says new season new shift anointing so God's interrupting God stretching he's in a tempestuous storm of change but none of that not all of that sounds glorious but the promise is that this year you will never have felt so alive I saw angels come dine-in in like parallel train tracks and they started to run alongside people and I heard the Lord say the angels of baton passing have come and the Lord says they're going to enable many battles to be passed and the Lord says some of you this year will be picking up things that you have long waited to steward and to hold and these were like really quite dramatic angels who are gonna force baton changes and enable even another generation to come into place and the Spirit of the Lord says put your long-term calendar away I will just move you and some of you think well I think I'm ready Plus as you are not ready for what I'm about to do and your assignments and even your job titles will quickly shift some of the moves will surprise you and God has not told you all of your future even though some of us would like it quite logically set it-- he says because if I told you at all you would move with presumption but trust me says the Lord in my suddenly assignments that take you to do things you had no idea you would be doing but through it all the Lord says this it is the year of Isaac that is the name that God has written in the heavenlies above this calendar year and Isaac of course means laughter and sometimes it is in the extremes of change sometimes it is in the extremes like the biting bitter cold wind on a snow storm e-day like the blasting of thunder and the drama of lightning that in those moments of extremes you feel more cutting-edge and conscious than you have ever done before some of you would like to be sitting still on a sandy beach sipping a cold drink but let me tell you it is in the extreme moments when the winds of change lash your legs and the salt lands on your tongue when the stars in the sky are not twinkly things but they are seething balls of fire then you are more alive more dynamic than you have ever been and the Spirit of the Lord says to you Oh Toronto open your eyes the Lord says I am not telling you make believe it is your turn to steward and see the extremes of gods and laughs oh come on and the Lord says don't you dare think small don't tell your neighbor don't you dare think small I speak to the smallness spirit around your heads and we destroy it right now in the name of Jesus where you are in dead and cul-de-sac thinking where you are in repetitious mindsets I list the part of God's to go and search through your thinking right now and I loose a creativity into your brains even as you sit here that those of you who have been capped creatively now I list the part of God to uncap you that even your stories new sculptures new arts new businesses new books new music may not explode in the midst of you as the smallness is removed from you so that you can I see who you are supposed to become in the name of Jesus but this acceleration and celebration is not just for you as individuals it is for your nation and Canada is about to change in unparalleled ways you've got to know that there are three heavyweight angels that are circumnavigating the globe right now and they are the Angel of harvests the billions so harvest they are the Angel of Awakening and they are the angel of deliverance and the Spirit of the Lord says to you that you are going to be a church that is known internationally as a deliverance warfare expertise hub and the Lord says it is time for the deliverance training to be normal and commonplace for you with ease not fear to kick out every demon that you see on a person and the Spirit of the Lord says I will put not just a warrior spirit in you cuz sometimes we fightin it and we just get worn out but the Lord says I will put a victory spirit within you the Lord says I will sew tattoo on your heart like I tattooed in Jeremiah the understand of who he was that you will know that you have all power and all authority and that somebody else by default must have none if you've got it all come on in so the Lord says Canada you will laugh at the harvest you will see an unprecedented number of souls saved the Lord says you are shifting from a gospel of salvation to a gospel of the kingdom that is so important because we've had this very narrow approach to saving souls and so we scored it by say the prayer sign a pledge is totally not scriptural but very nice but the gospel of the kingdom is not just good news for salvation but the gospel of the kingdom introduces the rulership and the government of God which enables a people to know not just Jesus as Savior but to know that Jesus who pushes them into their destiny in the right way to rule and reign and transform on the earth and you're going to see an army of people who come to Jesus in Canada who don't take years and years and years and years to fix but actually come suddenly into the understanding of the gospel of the king who suddenly know what it is to do godly business deals and to bring righteous ideologies into the earth the Lord says it is the day where I will end your long term fruitless frustrating evangelism the Lord says I am releasing the joy to Canada of sustained harvest so if you are an evangelist you need to jump to your feet right about now and I'm gonna pray for you I know some of you were here for two services you just get double portion okay let me see you oh no that's not all of you come on where are you if your pal next to you isn't evangelist and they've not stood up dig them in the ribs all right evangelist in the name of Jesus come on catch evangelists i list to you the miracle working power of God that no you can work signs wonders miracles signs wonders miracles to you I listen to you right now the Holy Spirit alarm code that you need and I say to you evangelist boy evangelist wait are evangelists and those of you who have got the spirit of Fela on you the spirit of intimidation I release the fire of God to burn off every iota of intimidation offs the Evangelist and in the name of Jesus I lists a momentum to you and I put the fire of God on your feet that you will not be able to stop yourself we're running running to the loss running to the last do you know I think you need do you know I think you need to shite because I think you've forgotten is three words and I'll tell you what they are evangelist because I feel like when you cite them something's gonna break and it is give me Souls give so come on again huh he a young man eh yeah yeah I see an influx into this church of the LGBTQ community I see salvation and healing and turning and I hear this birth lore says I will even give you the famous people who are lost and stuck in homosexuality as a signpost and the Lord said even what I did with Kanye West I will do in the LGBT community says there will be a famous sign and the Lord says I want you to get ready to say that God heals in that arena and the Lord says you may not any longer be vocally on the backfoot as I listen to you the words to the lost that there is a healing solution for that community have a seat evangelists huh wow wow wow the spirit vellore says you have been a people who have been known as those who dip in a night of a river but the Lord says you are not going to anymore dip in a night of it you're going to live in it and the Lord says you are not going to know what it is to warm yourselves up but the Lord says I will have you so in my presence as your everyday lifestyle that the sign of this will be different to any sign you've ever had before of my Holy Spirit hallelujah because some of our Holy Spirit manifestations were getting quite religiously repetitive and the Spirit of the Lord says that the manifestation that is coming to this house is that many of you will prophesy with I ceasing for 20 30 40 50 minutes and windows of heaven will open over you and dine loads will pour and you will not be those who can stay silent who's nervous about the prophetic just me I'm quite nervous about the prophetic sometimes so you thought can be as well anybody never ever prophesied in their puffs Oh some people here who are going to know some remarkable change but the Spirit of the Lord says there's going to be a rush of people who flow with prophetic revelation you will lose your fear of being a bold redemptive truth teller and the Lord says you will be broken out of the fear of your own voice you will be broken out of the fear of failure and I will take over says the Lord and the assignment of fear that is sat on the roof of this house the Lord says I will kill it in the days ahead and there will be an ability to break a partnership with your anxious sleepless stress live says the Lord as my river overwhelms you and the Lord says the stifling of the prophetic will be no more and you will prophesy like never before and the Lord says even the prophets in the room right now you are a bite to receive a revelatory upgrade and the Lord says words of knowledge that bring life will pour forth from you and your voice will command the impossible to come to pass the Lord says I'm about to burn on the inside of all of your mouths and you're about to feel it now and the Lord says you're mice is about to become a heights of intense revelation and I will live in it says God and I will put an ability for you to create the miraculous by what you say you know God has authorized you to speak in his behalf yes you do know that no other being in creation has that task no animal no fish no bird was ever told to speak on behalf of God as a lifestyle the only reason God has given you a mice so you could mirror him by using it to release par and Satan has to obey your voice let me be controversial but biblically accurate Satan is your slave and you are his master and the Lord says you have used your voice for lots of conversations but now I am asking you to use your voice for spiritual legislation that says the Lord and the Lord says that your voice registers in two realms you register on the earth as you chat but you register in the spirit realm as a legislator who pulls dying principalities and Parrs by your vocal language tell your neighbor you're a beautiful-looking talking spirit your authority is in the spirit realm can I tell you that sometimes when you feel misunderstood and misheard in your earth realm conversations that the spirit realm is always paying more attention to you than the earth realm sometimes does because all of the demons tremble when you open your mouth and they pay attention to it because they know you are anointed to speak on behalf of God No and the Lord says in this house there will be a fresh prophetic move of God and that the prophetic is undergoing its greatest change in decades and that revelation will no longer be rare but the Lord's will give even prophets with teeth who are able to bite Giants heads off to you in this arm and the Spirit of the Lord says you will find that when you open your mouth it will open doors for you that you never thought would open and the Lord is saying be my vocal representatives now interestingly in our Greek Hellenistic worldview we value examination we value reading we value thinking we value that sort of schooling but the Hebrew mindset which is biblical values the spoken verbal word above all things why because God's rules and governs with his mice he doesn't govern with his hands and God fixes things with his mice so Jesus goes up to the demon and he speaks and he says demon you are coming out right to bite now he doesn't just imagine it God doesn't imagine the blind man heals he speaks to it Jesus doesn't imagine the mountain moved he speaks to it he governs by what he says and the Lord says I want you to play a very close attention to what is coming out of your mice in this year for the Lord says I am gonna clear up your speech you are gonna have clarity and the Lord says I am even burning some of you right now where you have known what it is to self curse with your words and the Lord says you're going to have to accept yourself to a new way new level with your language says the Lord but this is a bit weird but I really want to put the fire of God in your mouth so I need you to sit with your minds open which is a kind of a knob of a weird thing okay but we'll all look silly together alright okay so even that is a sign before God so with your minds open I list the fire of God in your voice box right now and I list you to be even as your minds are open the new generation of spokesman and spokeswoman in Jesus name come on see the part of the problem is that we don't live in a pre in in a post-christian society where most of the world in Canada has a memory of something to do with church we actually live in a pre-christian Society at the moment so what that means is that most of the people we meet have never heard our version of truth or the truth from us they've never really tasted the body of Christ and the Spirit of the Lord is saying in this vocal revolution in this place the Lord says you will speak and people will taste and see my goodness for the first time and truth the Lord says will not be an offence to them but will be seen as redemptive and necessary truth will be pleasing and urgently desired and the Lord says I have had to purify some of you in the last period of time to squeeze you through a narrow gate so you could become a voice and God is making it right so that principalities and Parrs are going to be uprooted because you said it the power structures will be torn torn down why because you said it that even human rulers are going to be overthrown why because you understood that you decree a thing and it becomes established and the Lord says come on there is a passing away of some unholy structures in Canada and the Lord says the way it's going to happen is you are going to speak them out says gods come on it is the year to release a decree and it's a year to have the right word in your lips and the Spirit of Lord says this it is gonna be normal in Toronto to set a model for businessmen and women to have paid profits on staff and that business leaders are going to say to each other what you don't have a profit how can you possibly do business and the Lord says I am normalizing profits even in the marketplace to keep businesses righteously on time and the Spirit of the Lord says I will even go to your teenager says the Lord and the spirit of the heart says I will burn the noise of those in their teenage years and the Lord says is the burning bush moment for the teens just like it was for Moses and the spirit of the is your teenagers will know my fire in their Moi's and no longer will they be on the back foot and bullies trying to defend my truth says the Lord but I will make them like a nuclear detonator in the spirit because I will go to their voice says the Lord [Applause] if are the teenagers in the room or they are yes if you're a teenager where are you teenagers if you're in the room stand up hey ministry team can you get your hands on their vocal cords or somebody who knows you know what lay on hasn't saw this they Amish I am NOT teenagers just raise a hand to me teenagers partly so I can see you but partly see you can catch it in the name of Jesus teenagers I break you out of the assignment of sexual perversion against you and in the name of Jesus I list to you a fiery purity I listen to you a vocal purity I listen to you the fire of God for the defense of the gospel on the inside of you that you will know what to say how to say it when to say it that brings the kingdom of darkness dine even in the universities and colleges the Lord says I will end the days of your tertiary education being those that cleave to a liberal agenda and I will do it through the mouths of the teenager says the Lord bless them eyes amen you can have a seat oh hi long I forgot I'm gonna have to talk fast but remember I said to you that there were three angels circling the earth what were they harvest awakening deliverance actually can I tell you those deliverance angels are there called destroyer angels in Scripture if you read about Sodom and Gomorrah you realize it's destroyer angels who come and destroy that which is sinful so these are steely-eyed these are not like kind of they are they're angels these are the ferocious angels of Scripture who know what it is to destroy things that are sinful but I saw those deliverance angels turn up in this house and inhabit your worship band and work with your signs and the Lord says there's a new level and a change of direction even in worship that is coming and the Lord says the demons will flee because of the anointing that will be released in your worship now I know you love present centered worship who wouldn't but the Lord says I will build on the foundation of presence worship and the Lord the find says the foundation is complete of knowing what presence worship is the Lord says that will underpin you but what I will put on top of it is warfare and freedom and messy worship and the Lord says get ready for mass deliverance in the realm of worship as I invite you into another level of glory and the Lord says demons will fly off you in worship but the Lord says this ha the Lord says it's conditional and the Lord says it's conditional on this he said you must come back to worshiping with intent he says if you worship with a fresh determination if you change your hearts and you run into worship saying I'm gonna give my all I'm not gonna wait for the warm-up it doesn't care how I feel I'm just gonna do it anyway I'm gonna get over myself in my week and I'm gonna pour myself white because he alone is worthy and I'm not gonna be an observer I'm gonna be a partaker I'm not gonna be a spectator I'm gonna be the one who sets the tone for the rest of the highs the Lord says if you would do that again if you would shake where you have got to in worship off yourselves where actually it feels like it's a waft of the Holy Spirit and just a slight breeze yes I felt a little bit good the Lord says if you would really go for it the Lord says I myself will descend in the midst of it as the Lord sabe off the god of Angel armies and the only casualties in the room will be the darkness that you brought in with you and the Lord says this expect to feel shocked in worship because I saw angels come in with machine guns and they were firing at the demons in you look and if you think Christians don't have demons let me start by delivering you of a lying deceptive spirit the Lord says expect to fall on the floor as the angels kick the demons out of your life and the Lord says that this church will understand that the Lord is mighty in battle right in the midst of them demonstratively and you are entering into an unusual breakthrough situations in a situation in corporate worship times if you are involved in worship at all please can you stand to your feet she am a CPA Yama there is a war fairing signed there is a rhythm that God is releasing to you who are standing it is not just about new sweet songs that go Jesus is my boyfriend it is about the kind of song that to shatter the chains of addiction on the many and in the name of Jesus I pull off you an old wine mindset of kumbaya and in the name of Jesus I list to you an anointing look for warrior breakthrough worship in the name of Jesus I listen to you the ability for deliverance in the house of God as you play your instrument I listen to you the ability even to break the chains of addiction and the Lord said to me in the earlier service that there was going to be rushing in of the homeless from the homeless shelters in Toronto or people who had particularly heroin addictions and the Lord says they will hear on the grapevine that if you stand in this house during worship your heroin addiction will get heals in an instant in the name of Jesus and Isis that to you right now the Lord says you will have even new buildings in your car park says God and they will be artisan shops where I will lose sculpture and wax works and instrument making and new songs and new creative expressions will be sold and practice in your car park and even Toronto will come to buy things from you that are godly art that liberates so if you are a creative person you need to grab that anointing right now I see somebody that you can sit down worship I see somebody who is burning with a Holy Spirit clothing line but they have never walked into it who is that who knows they're a fashion designer for the kingdom of God is that you sounding sorry I can't see I can't see you okay yet wave at me if it's you oh yeah right there okay there's a few of you in the name of Jesus oh ho we agree that the door to the fashion industry breaks ride open that's what I hear the Spirit of the Lord say there's a wide open door to fashion that our fashion houses says the Lord that will partner particularly with you sir and the Lord says you will create a holy clothing range that even is not overt but when people put it on it will heal depression for the spirit of Lord says to you son you knew what it was to bank battle with mental health issues and the Spirit of the Lord says because you have won a victory the Lord says I will give you a victory in the lives of many and those in depression and schizophrenia will come into their right mind as you dress them says the Lord okay finally I saw the Lord in great soberness and with great honor pick up the move of God that had happened in this place all those years ago and it had had a the the new wine he had in a in a jar a lot can only be just described as a display cabinet in his throne room and God took the wine of this hice and he lifted it out of his display cabinet and he ripped off the label new wine and he put it on it the label old wine and what you had known have known he then took out of the throne room and he put it on the shelves of a storage facility in the heavenly realms and the spirit that should excite you that should delight you I know it's sober but the Lord is doing that because he is saying that the end of that has finally come he is shifting even the last remnant of the old out and the Lord says now I have a hope of giving you the new and something had to move in the heavenlies it had to become time and the Lord says do not be defined by your yesterday the Lord says you can be influenced by it but you may not be defined by it and the Spirit of the Lord started to talk to me about high wineskins work and you know that a wineskin starts to take on like this solid shape when the wine ferments within it so if you pour new wine in that has never fermented a second fermentation process will split what has become solid and the Lord says to you I want you to submit to me to have the old shape soaked out of you the Lord says I want you to cry out for a new malleability a new flexibility says God that I may do with you what I want not only what I can and the Lord says at this point I am only able to do with you what I can for the Lord says there is an inner inflexibility but the Lord says even as you stand and you cry out for an internal the Lord says I will put the line of the fresh on the inside of you again and we need to cry out to God for a renewal of our individual wineskins and the Lord says to me it's easy to point the finger it's easy to say Oh church leaders you need to do something different Oh church leaders you need to produce on the platter something new for me to eat but the Spirit of the Lord says I want you to examine your own hearts first and the Spirit of the Lord says I want you not to make it demands on leaders that's inappropriate I want you to make make a demand on me says God to make you flexible for this shift and the extreme change that I am bringing into this house says the Lord and the Spirit of the Lord said something absolutely remarkable he says this if this house that wears a lead pioneering mantle for the nation of Canada if you would unmask humble yourselves and ask me to rub out of you the old shape the Lord says I will take that and I will answer that prayer not just for you but I will answer it for houses who don't know how to pray that prayer and the Lord says you will stand in the gap not only for yourselves but you will stand in the gap for your nation as you pray for malleability and flexibility before God for the Lord says when you stand and you pray that I will put in Canada even the entire old wine denominations through a renewing process and the Lord says about this the Methodists the Presbyterians the Dead will come alive I need a prayer haneda he says I need a prayer in Canada he said I need a yielded people who will be malleable again and the Lord says I will take those words and congregations across the face of this nation will break out of their old ways and the Lord says it will be more traumatic than anything you ever hoped to imagine and the Lord says even houses and churches that it only got people over 70 within them even houses and churches that long ago forgot what it was to have a new person through the door the Lord says I'll take your prayers and I'll answer them for them as well and the Lord says I will have a resurrection of the old wine into the new wine across this nation but the Lord says I need you to get yielded again so I can do what I want to do for the Lord says I'm lonely and I want my friends back because friends let friends be themselves so I want you to stand to your feet and the Lord says I ain't gonna help you because the Word of God in the Gospel of Luke says that who after tasting the OLT wants the new because they say the oles is better we all go knownin and though that scripture can't possibly apply to me yet it does so the Lord says let me help you write the Lord says let me give you a vomiting anointing yes you heard me right that's exactly why you came to church this morning isn't it the Lord says I will so sensitize your taste buds with my very essence that you like me will throw up and vomit and spew out immediately that which is old just like I spewed out the laird decisions in Revelation Chapter three who had got themselves tepid the Lord says I know what it is to violently throw up and the Lord says I'm gonna take you into my inner kind soul and I'm gonna let you be sick like I'm sick sometimes and the Spirit of the Lord says I know that you're going really do I actually want that anointing but the Spirit of the Lord says this will rescue you you will taste things ago oh that's not the new to raise your hands my lovelies in the name of Jesus I loose a Holy Spirit Revelation chapter 3 vomiting anointing right now that you will become so super sensitized to the new move of God that your leaders wouldn't need to whip you into shape but that you would just start to throw up spontaneously everything that is not God and I sensitize you to the new wine in the name of Jesus now if you fell as I was talking about voices and I know my voice have ended my allotted words probably for this year but if you felt like you had that sight a silence issue that your voice was not heard that there is even an intimidation around your voice box that words that you've said have not had the effect that they should have had you need to run to the front right now and I need to kick off you a spirit of silence and intimidation and that enemy girls that wants to muffle you that wants to say I will not let your words have any effect to the worship team come back okay she am I just run the minute ministry team help me out here this is mass deliverance by the way this is not softly softly sweetly sweetly this is mass deliverance and do you know what demons are their breath their wind their spirit so how do you get wet rid of breath or wind or spirit you go and it comes I on the breath that's how you live rinse ministry works it's only wind okay it's only a spirit so this is the only time in church your alight too young burp cough and the other way wind goes as long as that wind comes out of you as long as a demon of silence comes off you I don't care whether it's upper eye or dinah night it just needs to shift okay so I'm gonna lead you in repentance so repeat after me my family okay in the name of Jesus I repent for each and every time knowingly and unknowingly that I partnered with the spirit of silence I'm sorry for withholding my voice I'm sorry for being on mute I'm sorry for partnering with intimidation I tell those spirits of silence and intimidation to get out of me right now in the name of Jesus so you're gonna have to start coughing or blowing them out like that let me talk to you vile spirits of silence in the name of Jesus I had to take you with the fire of God and you are coming up and you are coming out on their breath right now you do not own them you may not have then you may not live on the inside of them and I destroy the throne in the midst of you where silence has sat and in the name of Jesus I speak to you spirits of intimidation some of you need to lay hands on it because putting the fire of God on it burns a night on your hand wherever yeah there's a lot of using you where you can feel the demon inside okay whoa I speak to that spirit of intimidation and you are also coming up an eye on the breath right now again we take a big deep breath and all the spirits of intimidation some of you if it stuck in your throat you need to artificially cough I know it's a bit weird just expel i'ts right now although often the breath all of the off on the breath all silence comes off this ice all intimidation comes off this heist in the name of Jesus so huh good good good so right now right now I put the opposite back into you and in the name of Jesus I loose back to you not just your voice not just your signed but your Holy Spirit victory ruler God God God [Applause] unstoppable army unstoppable army unstoppable army you will govern like God governs and he will back you up because you spoke and he will hold your voice and your words and they will not return void because the Spirit Lord says that his words in your mouth are as powerful as his words in his own eyes and I commissioned you as the unstoppable vocal army of God
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 30,532
Rating: 4.7589579 out of 5
Keywords: Catch The Fire, Toronto, Praise, Canada, Christian, Spontaneous, Live, Encounter, Presence, Transformation, Church, Production, Broadcast, Stage Design, Glasgow Prophetic Centre, Prophetic, Emma Stark
Id: b7TmLnZmvPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 43sec (3883 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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