FRIED PRIME RIB LOIN! Deer Meat For Dinner!!!!

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hey what's going on you guys I'm Robert Arrington this is deer meat for dinner and welcome to my makeshift office right here at deer camp in North Carolina I'm up at Michael Goddard's place all the guys are here we're having a blast and we got a whole 17 pound ribeye not like one steak but like the whole entire loin with the bone on and we're gonna fry it we're gonna grill it we're gonna make a sauce and we're gonna eat it here you go what's going on everybody please excuse the dog noise in the background I'm Robert Arrington this is my good buddy Kenny we're here at deer camp and they just showed up with about a 17 pound rib roast all right one end we're gonna make a roast out of this is the side we're gonna do the roast on let's take the boat off I can tell this your first time 20 years experience where did you work for 20 years Publix that looks good okay so we called that a rib roast what what do you what are you working on there just take it off some of the cap off with that top side of the rib roast and I see that they left a little bit of tenon on here so let's get this off all right that's awful pretty knife you got there yeah this is a woods in water you can get this at a silver stag so now if you cut this like that those would just be ribeye steaks yes all right so here's what we're gonna do I brought the turkey fryer up here because we look I wanted to fry a big ribeye you know the whole rib roast I'm gonna fry the whole thing we're also gonna cut the ribs off of the other side and grill them trick is I want to see what's better a whole fried ribeye or grilled ribeye then we're gonna make a homemade horseradish sauce and this stuff's gonna be amazing look at the confident knife handling skills and why do you need to cut that off be very chewy like eating bubblegum okay so we're gonna grill we're gonna grill these rib eyes we're gonna fry that big huge loin and I think we're gonna fry these two sounds good you kidding me a little bit of rosemary here send it on down in this hole oh my gosh garlic here we're putting a little bit of kosher kosher salt a little bit of Everglades you know what's fun about this Kimi is an awesome dude he's an amazing meat cutter he's also a great friend and uh yeah here cooking with him that's what deer camp is all about you know our friend Mike Goddard he owns got a drip this is his home and it's sort of like the it's like the guys deer camp Sarah and I were here a few years ago and this is always a great place to come we love it any oils uh the best of all to use for frying turkeys rib roast whatever you want to fry so if you don't want to just automatically use three gallons this is how you measure it take your rib roast before you season it set it in your pot fill it up with water so that it's submerged then take your rib roast out your water will go down because the the rib roast will will displace it turkeys the same way once you take it out the water will go down make a mark right there pour the water out dry it out and fill your fill your oil up to that level and then you know when you put your rib roast in it will submerge in hot oil you're doing a good job the number one thing when you're frying something don't let it overflow because then you'll have grease hot oil exposed to open flame which could lead to a huge fire in big-time safety hazard we're looking for a 350 degree heat oh it's a good idea to let your meat come down to room temperature and makes for a better um got to put on the I got to put on the um um um counter um he was just telling me he's like it's so easy when somebody walks into Publix and starts talking to you it's easy to talk but whatever you when you point the camera on people so what he was trying to say is if you're gonna do a roast or if you're gonna do a turkey whatever you're gonna do like that it's best if you can let it warm up to room temperature that doesn't mean you have to leave it out all day long just let it warm up a room temperature then you get a lot a much more even consistent cook all right separate these ribs here so we cook them individually so my real job is a landscaper really cut grass 10 winters long service in winters lawn service and where do you service the before County area ladies and gentleman whom live in Brevard County this man will come over cut your grass trim your trees cook you a steak hash tag that's a fact nothing goes wasted here we even use a cap neat the tails yes that's the tail it's the rib roast so on the whole roast we get all those steaks this big loin all them ribs and out of 17 pounds that's all that's left over okay so this roast is about eight pounds we're cooking it for three and a half minutes per pound which equals 28 minutes very important 28 minutes at 350 degrees when you put it in the oil it will reduce the heat so cooks in between 325 340 that's dead off that is amazing all right cool you guys anytime you're cooking especially like a big prime rib or a rim roast you want to make an awesome sauce take mayonnaise there's a bunch of us here so HACC will make a big sauce like that a lot of mayonnaise plenty of horseradish put plenty of horseradish in there I got make this off by looking good already take some ketchup take some sour cream and then we'll take some ah chives fresh chives would be good but I couldn't find any fresh chives so we'll just put some chives in there like that take you a whisk pretty good missing one thing never Glade the seasoning is amazing in a sauce one of you guys come over here and taste it and tell me if you think it's all right you wash your fingers having either excellent that's awesome I'll pay you later good stuff man very very easy delicious gonna go great on a prime rib all right so we got like 10 minutes left now we're gonna throw the ribs in there this is this is gonna be amazing you can tell it's starting to smell good because the buzzards are showing up oh yeah throw it all in there why not that's the only thing left after cutting up a 17 pound roast do it I mean seriously who thought I wasn't supposed to do that this is gonna be amazing time to check it out I'll hook one of the ribs look at that that's proper right there y'all now here's the key just let it sit there just like that and we're going to wrap it off nice nice and tight it's kind of chilly out here you guys so we'll move this inside to just a normal ambient room temperature we're gonna let it sit for thirty minutes that will lock all the juices all the flavor inside man those ribs look so good look at that y'all look at that mm looks tender man oh look at the garlic in there all right y'all come get a piece of this loving goodness you guys formerly named him his sous you know everything came together properly when no one's talking and everyone's piled up to the bar getting food Gator Nation so what do you think about the new higher coach Mullen [Music] coach Mullen you have your first public supporter right here those ribs are awesome yeah awesome fried beef ribs brother never had them but they are awesome okay Kenny so what was it like being a part of the video and doing all this good time yeah yeah good stuff all right this was very good you like the ribs for you Steve who's your favorite football player who's your favorite okay this is just a great way to have a lot of fun make some fantastic food with you and your friends people ask me all the time why do you love going to deer camp I have not hunted one time since I've been here I've just been up here having a good time hanging out fellowship and although I am going squirrel hunting this afternoon cooking good food and making memories like that that's what it's all about go out there get you a loin make you some food and leave a comment what you think I love you take care we go
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 3,456,239
Rating: 4.7803321 out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, deer meat, deermeat for dinner, deermeatfordinner, dmfd, prime rib, rib roast, fried beef loin, everglades seasoning
Id: Tr0lhihCn6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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