DEEP fried {Prime Rib, Boston Butt and Turkey} Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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hey what's going on happy people I'm Robert Arrington this is deer meat for dinner and I am getting ready for Thanksgiving Day now I've got a 10-pound prime rib a four and a half pound Boston but an eleven and a half pound Butterball turkey I want to show you guys how to cook something amazing we want to start out with some salt nice kosher salt this is a huge chunk of meat so don't be scared to go liberal with your salt next we have some coarse black pepper oh yeah put it all on there mash it down nice there you go and we're gonna we're gonna season these things all up but just for right now I'm gonna do the top just so everyone can see what we're dealing with to save time I'm only doing the top but I will be seasoning the whole thing just like that now you oh my gosh if you've never tried it that is some Everglades heat it's not super hot but it's got a wonderful flavor oh yeah look at that beautiful then Everglades original the original has just uh you almost can't even explain the flavor that the original has and lastly this is our rub the rub Everglades rub a nice sweet flavor so we're gonna do like that whole sweet and salty you just want that dry rub just to like become a part of your meat yeah that's all there is to it I mean that's just like a little home brew dry rub now I'm gonna take two and a half gallons of peanut oil put over there right fires going lock ready to rock we're trying to reach 325 degrees first thing I want to do this is what a turkey will sit on when you fry it I took a little knife and just poked a hole in there right down the center that'll come right up there I did the same thing with my pork and that's gonna sit right on there just like that now really the only reason and I didn't measure this before so I was really impressed how perfect that bit takes your one that was a pre-planned um the main reason that you cook it like this is so that it doesn't lean on the sides it can sit right in the center and get a consistent flow of hot peanut oil around it this beef prime rib loin weighs 10 pounds the pork weighs four and a half and typically you cook your meat for three and a half minutes per pound at 325 degrees now we have 14 and a half pounds of meat right here but I'm only gonna use the weight of the prime rib because I believe by the time the prime rib is done the pork will be as well so we're gonna do 10 pounds three and a half minutes per pound I'm gonna let this cook for 35 minutes I threw two and a half gallons of oil in here put all that meat in and as it was boiling it started boiling over that's why it's so important to measure how much oil you're gonna put in here the best way to do that is take the turkey or whatever meat you're gonna fry put it in here fill it up with water until it's submerged then pull your meat out and measure how much water you have that's how much oil you need if you just fill it this full with oil drop your meat in it next thing you know you're gonna have boiling hot oil going everywhere they couldn't burn you you can burn one of your kids or you can start a fire so always make sure you measure how much you have now we're gonna let this cook for 35 minutes and as soon as this is done we're gonna cook our turkey okay so it's been 35 minutes let's take the meat out of there put it in here take the shiny side put it down so now I'm gonna take this love package throw it in the oven at 200 degrees until we're ready all that's gonna do is just make it become tender and amazing I just put the meat in the oven now we're gonna change in truck if I could speak correctly now we're gonna change it up take our turkey that's just been falling in love right here take your little hook put it right there this comes right up through the neck and then I always make sure that this little back area that sucker is ready to cook in the world we go now if I did make myself clear the first time hopefully this made it clear always measure your oil and that turkey had some water in it so the water really makes it bubble up very dangerous make sure your butt your pot is not over full [Applause] oh are you guys I apologize that it's getting dark I just could not keep the Sun in the air luckily we've got a nice campfire going and our turkey is almost in Chris all the way done so let's pull it out all right you guys we're just gonna let this beautiful golden-brown turkey which looks black in the camera we're just gonna let it sit right there for a minute so literally you guys I have a light shining on myself and if you don't know I'm actually using my tree arm that I film in a tree with film date because I couldn't find my tripod the camp fires going check this out look at that look at that golden brown love and that's really bright goodness want to go wrap this thing huh wrap it up in some aluminum foil throw it in the oven because I've got friends coming over once they get here we're gonna bust it all out neat but check this out last little thing I don't know if it's gonna be good or not I've never done it but these are Yukon Gold potatoes I'm gonna go through them in oil fry them up hole [Music] you know what they say if you don't try something new you never learn anything new let's see how it turns out it's time to eat this dude has been in the oven at about 200 degrees now for a couple hours look at this look so I just cut those strings now I'm gonna pull our bones back holy mackerel that's gonna be delicious now look at that love and goodness perfect absolutely perfect take our gone here someone is gonna enjoy no one on them let's see this is a much smaller piece of meat but let's see how it turned out [Music] still beautiful moist [Music] now for those of you who get sketched out about cooking I did I cooked all this while moving today so we've got all of our prime rib fried prime rib we got a fried Boston but now we got a fried turkey look at that doesn't matter where you are or who you are you have something to be thankful for all these friends of mine this family this life that we did live on a thankful every single day and I'm thankful for you this is mr. Ricky white see yeah he owns the company that mounted our gator they just came out here tonight the biggest thing we can be thankful for we would have life yes I can and we thank you for that we thank you for the food we thank you for the hands that prepared it we thank you for this new home we asked a special blessing Robert from Sarah and Heidi and their to the girls Lord that you would bless them bless the home and we just give you the praise the honor and the glory in Jesus mighty name let's see a really good name for me it's amazing really delicious potatoes you did a wonderful job this is the way we live stand up sit down roll around we're just thankful to be here y'all great food great times be more interested in the fellowship the French of the camaraderie you have with your family and your friends then the little details that don't matter man I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving I hope you have a wonderful year and have you happy I hope you have a wonderful day that's all I got for you now take care god bless and we go [Music]
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 811,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, robert arrington, deer meat for dinner, deermeatfordinner, fried prime rib, fried boston butt, fried turkey, butterball turkey, peanut oil, fried roast beef
Id: P15XYSt-SEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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