Friday Khutba | Best in the World | Sh. Moutassam Al-Hameedy

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[Music] [Music] all praises due to allah we praise him we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness we seek refuge in allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our actions whomsoever allah guides none can lead astray and whomsoever allah leaves to go astray none can guide i bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but allah alone and i bear witness i bear witness that muhammad sallallahu alaihi he will early he was his foreign five traits anyone among my ummah takes them any person in this ummah takes them and acts upon them or teaches them to someone else who would act upon them who said i will do that o messenger of allah the messenger sallam took the hand of abu hurairah and he counted them on the fingers of abu huraira five things he said avoid prohibitions you will be the most among humans in terms of worship you'll be the best among humans in terms of worship you'll become the top worshiper just by avoiding the things that are haram and be pleased with what allah wrote for you what allah provided for you you will be the richest of people the wealthiest and be good and dutiful to your neighbor you will be a believer and love for others for people what you love for yourself and you would be a muslim and do not go to excess in laughter indeed excessive laughing kills the heart beautiful advice from the prophet salallahu and a profound lesson in all of these five things because the prophet sallam here is teaching the essence of everything because we humans have a proclivity a negative tendency towards numbers we think we become the richest when we accumulate more money and we get more money when we have more possessions so it's in monetary acquisitions and it's in numbers and that's not only limited to this dunya but even in terms of worship sometimes we abuse worship we think worship is about the number of raqqa's that we perform or the number of pages of the quran that we recite or the number of the ad car that we make we think it's in quantity and we want to be believers and sometimes we take the hard way in order to achieve that or we start coming up with ways that are not true as to how to have more faith or to be true believers we make our own theories about this or we want to be a good muslim and sometimes we lose the way the prophet sallam teaches us belief if you are a believer it reflects on your social behavior how you treat your neighbor if you don't treat your neighbor well you can't be talking about faith you can't be talking about belief and that shows that iman is a very dynamic concept it's not a theory in our heads it's not some kind of specific actions that we do then we claim to ourselves believe it's a very dynamic it's it's it's a it's a lively concept and it reflects on how we treat our neighbors but that's not the only criteria that's just an example and in terms of islam being a muslim someone who has submitted their will to allah that reflects on your attitude towards people how what is in your heart is it love for people is it concerned for their well-being if so then you have truly submitted to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala again these are not the usual parameters that we have these are not the usual parameters we usually have something else and the problem with other parameters is that they are easy to fake because the hypocrites at the time of the prophet sallam some of them would pray the jama'a in the first line and seemingly they would perform all of the acts expected of a muslim sometimes they came across more devout than than true muslims so people can actually fool others with the wrong criteria so the prophet salallahu is drawing our attention to the real to the real thing in matters of the deed and matters of the dunya sometimes you know we practice so-called practicing muslims we think because we look like a muslim or because we practice some of the outward clear manifestations of islam we think we assume and we act as if we are better than others who might actually be closer to allah than us there might be falling short in the outward aspects of islam or in in things that are considered to be recommended in islam yet their hearts are better than ours the love of allah is more profound than ours their devotion is stronger than ours and that's a problem with external manifestations they can be easily hijacked by our nafs by our ego so that we start bragging about them anything that is self-serving it beats the whole concept of faith of worship and devotion so the prophet sallam is drawing our attention to the real criteria and the real criteria is true goodness islam is not different from true goodness that's what islam really is don't make it very technical islam is not a club or a cult or some kind of external manifestations that whoever displays them more is more devout that's not how islam works that's a very silly reduction of islam that is profound so the prophet saws is saying you want to be a worshiper then don't start counting numbers but resist the temptation within you to commit that which is evil to commit sins to violate the rights of allah and this is something that is between you and allah because a lot of the sins are actually personal and hidden and no one knows about them the majority of sins that humans commit are sins of the heart only allah knows about that so it's not about how many numbers you achieve or about the quantity that you do because humans are naturally motivated towards numbers because they can make an impression with them it's easier to give a good impression with these things so we are naturally drawn to that and it doesn't necessarily separate those who are truly devout from the ones who are just trying to win some kind of social currency and people in order to get a sense of of wealth or financial security they they pursue numbers they pursue the socially accepted parameters of buying your own house having a brand new car wearing the best of clothes hanging around with the best guys who are making a lot of money with the entrepreneurs with the business people with the successful ones all of these external parameters yet the prophet salallahu says that if you are content with what allah gave you that means you appreciate what allah gave you because when you are always greedy you don't value you don't appreciate the richness that allah already gave you the wealth of blessings that allah has already given you every human being is rich every human being has been given a wealth of blessings that if they open their eyes to and they appreciate they would live a very happy life a very content life but greed blinds us to our inherent wealth and abundance so the prophet saw i'm saying that if you pay attention to what allah has already given you and you are content with that and content is not that you force yourself into contentment but you just wake up to the reality that you've been given enough you've been given what you need at least for now don't think about tomorrow allah will take care of tomorrow tomorrow has its own providence when you wake up to the fact that allah has already made you rich then you will be the richest person in the world because many people have billions and still they feel it's not enough they are poor inside in their hearts and be good to your neighbor you will be a believer because faith is not some kind of information you store in your head or some book that you memorize or some slogans that you post on social media or you cliches that you use in in conversations that make you look righteous or a believer that's not what it is faith translates on how you treat others and the prophet specifically mentioned the neighbor because a neighbor usually puts you to the test a neighbor is someone that you have more frequent friction with you're likely to see their deficiencies and they are likely to challenge you because all of the negative things about the noise they make the annoyance they create and even the fact that you share with them a space physical space brings about some kind of commitment towards them so just by being good to them by being uh dutiful to your parents or dutiful to your neighbors that's actually a sign that you have faith in your heart because faith is in the heart and is on the tongue and in our actions so it's not about you feeling good about yourself or feeling happy with what you have done for the sake of allah or how much you've memorized and then the prophet salallahu says and the fact that you wish for others your love for others what you love for yourself that selflessness that connection to other humans appreciating their humanness is a sign that your heart has submitted to allah subhanahu wa atwood submission sometimes and for some people it comes about easy but this one is tough this one is tough because shaytan feeds into our ego into our nephews that makes us separate from others that places us in a position of competition against others we see everyone as a rival everyone as a competition everyone is a threat everyone is an enemy unless they serve me as a person that's selfishness that's self-centeredness that ruins us yet the prophet salallahu saying the reality of islam the reality of your submission to allah becomes clear a clear gauge of that is that how much good you love for others just as and if it gets to the point where you love for them what you love for yourself then you have reached a good level of submission to allah and that gives us some sort of a different appreciation of islam it makes us see the the beauty the humanness of this beautiful religion and that's the natural way of being says and do not increase or go to excess in terms of laughter and this is not about smiling because the prophet saws was a very smiley person and he advised people to have a smile to smile to others and he said it's a sadaqa it's an act of goodness yet so the prophet would smile and but he would rarely the prophet would rarely laugh and somebody might wonder does islam doesn't doesn't islam like as if it seems as if islam doesn't want us to have joy but there is a difference between joy and between excessive laughter excessive laughter is usually a forced act it's a response to some negativity this is why it comes about forced it's an expression of some bottled emotions it's excessive joy and excessive joy does not come within us from the right place and it cannot be for the good reasons and that's why the prophet did not say do not laugh because there are moments where this excessive joy takes you over takes you by surprise it comes it's spontaneous it's natural that's fine but when you always seek in moments of ex of extreme laughter this shows that you have so much pain and you're trying to cover it up and usually that comes from your the negative sense of self from the ego it's more of a compensation you're making up for negativity it doesn't come from a bright place whereas joy balance joy when it comes from the heart it's beautiful it's it's deep it and and doesn't necessarily make a lot of noise outside and a lot of expression and this is something that is noticed in islam allah says so that you do not fall in extreme negativity because of what you lost and that you also do not reach extreme joy and happiness because of what you gained allah does not want us to be captives to our condition our external conditions that extreme conditions make us extremely sad take us really down and extremely positive conditions take us excessively into a high no we should have some detachment from our external circumstances we attend to them but we're not completely governed by them and this gives us balance so our laws our laws are not too low and our highs are not too high and that's what's called composure balance emotional balance because if you're someone who reaches excessive joy easily with any kind of external conditions that you are someone who's hit hard by negative conditions and you will be destroyed you're just very sensitive and dependent on external circumstances we're talking about emotional health mental well-being it's definitely connected to faith definitely connected to our relationship to allah wa ta'ala and here we see it in the advice of the prophet sallallahu and he was in them so if you look at if you look at those it's about being the most or the best among the worshipers being the richest being the highest in faith and being the most submissive to allah and being the most balanced emotionally by these five things you can become the best in the world very simple that's the profoundness of the words of the prophet salallahu it's divine wisdom given to the messenger and these are words to live by and they just give us a glimpse into the profoundness and the beauty of islam and the practical manifestations of this wonderful way of life and this is something that we should hold on to before we open our mouths and preach about islam it's very easy to preach because there is social gains with that there is a tension that comes with that so a muslim should be very careful when it comes to external manifestations because everyone is motivated to do that by the way because they they get you credit with people but the most challenging is that you do the things that only allah knows about only allah knows about and you get no credit in this life for that's the real challenge and that shows that if our hearts are in the right place or not and that's what allah loves the most we ask allah to help us appreciate the essence and the value of our faith and to be living uh human or to be living examples of this beautiful religion and of this divine guidance allah foreign
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 14,326
Rating: 4.9522672 out of 5
Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: zDzApR_Bxt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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