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[Music] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet one more time is is are you excited i have what god says when the holy ghost jesus is my salvation is peaceful peace foreign is everybody it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava the man you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your flavors never never oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] father we praise and bless the name of jesus thank you father for the privilege to come before your word thank you for the opportunity to worship and to praise and bless the name of jesus tonight i pray for viewers around the world that reveal knowledge is granted your people the eyes of each man's understanding is flooded with light veils fall off clarity comes by your word whatever is not planted but god is rooted out thank you lord that your word rebuild edify and equip your people and by the end of this service nobody leaves this service the same way they came we give you praise in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together there's an echo on my monitor there's an echo somewhere here lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together as we say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never do the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everyone connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube instagram twitter and everybody connected tonight you know on on on radio comfort fm here in aqua bomb state all of our house centers and all our campuses is a joy to have all of you connected to the service and i'm excited we're going to have a great time of studying it's still the 30 days of glory 2020 and we're excited to have all of you connected grab your notebook your bible and you know yours your pain and you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the world tonight glory to god all right so we're still looking at soteria season seven soteria season seven i'm gonna do some foundational work quickly so that more clarity comes as i proceed in the course of this teaching tonight turn your bibles to hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward observe the word spoken by angels next verse how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him so two things here number one word spoken by angels then number two so great salvation which came by the lord so two things the law from the angels and so great salvation which came from the lord so the escape from the law is by embracing the so great salvation and it's so important to realize that now we have established some things yesterday very doctrinally and i'd like to go back over them very quickly if you have a good bible come with me to galatians chapter 4 verse 21 please pay attention i beg of you galatians chapter 4 verse 21 tell me you that desire to be under the law do you not hear the law next verse for it is written that abraham had two sons the one by a bond made the other by a free woman next verse but he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh if your bible was mine our on the line was born after the flesh but he of the free woman by promise by promise 24 which things are an allegory or figurative for these are the two covenants the one from the mount sinai with gender right to bondage which is agar next verse for this agar is mount sinai in arabia an answer to jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with her children next verse but jerusalem which is above this free which is the murder of us all next verse for it is written rejoice thou baron that bear is not break forth and cried out that travails not for the desolate had many more children than she without her husband 28. now we brethren as isaac was are the children of promise as isaac was are the children of promise but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit even so it is now so in the house of abraham we see the law and we see the promise we see the law and we see the promise we see the child born out of the flesh and we see the child born out of the spirit isaac the promise of god ishmael human effort the law is a man-made system or man's desire to meet up with god's requirement the promise is epangelia god's self confirming promise unconditional promise to raise jesus from the dead all right now look at galatians chapter 3 verse number 16 galatians chapter 3 verse 16 now to abraham and his seed where the promise is made he saith not unto seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is christ verse 17 and this i say that the covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ the law which was 430 years after cannot be at all that it should make the promise of non-effect next verse for if the inheritance be of the law it is no more of promise but god gave it to abraham by promise verse 19 now pay attention verse 19 wherefore then served the law served the law it was added because of transgressions till the seed shall come to whom the promise was made and it was ordained by angels in the hands of a mediator look after me everybody so we've established that man man made the choice for the law by transgressing the promise man did not believe the promise so he made choice for the law that's why it is called a man's commandment so man's transgression from the promise given to god was what gave rise to the addition of the law what you see there is that man doubted and operated in the flesh that is why the law is called the law of sin and death that is man going to god is the old testament in the old testament is about man going to god so what moses just uttered was man going to god or man's craving for god or man's attempt to do it by himself which is what abraham did but the new covenant is what god of his own self accord did for us so the old testament is man going to god or man attempting to go to god the new covenant is god coming to man new covenant god coming to man that's why the new covenant is based on the person of jesus jesus makes the difference between the new testament and the old testament the old covenant is based on carnal efforts carnal efforts so the law was added because of transgression from faith man through that came to the end of himself what he wanted to do to please god he couldn't fulfill it he couldn't accomplish it so the bible says the law has concluded all under sin now please pay attention so it's not like god came up and said thou shalt not steal thou shalt not kill thou shalt not commit adultery the law came from man the law came from man ishmael came from abraham ishmael came from abraham isaac came from the world isaac came from the world isaac is a son of the spirit isaac is a son of the spirit ishmael came from the flesh ishmael came from the flesh please pay attention ishmael came from the flesh moses was not under the law he gave the law but he lived by faith he gave the law but he lived by faith that is why moses today is in the church you know under the law moses is disqualified from being part of the church under the law but moses is by faith because moses disobeyed moses did things that were not right but because he was working by faith it was not credited to his account the same thing with abraham abraham did the things that were wrong but because he was working by faith not by the law he was qualified in the sight of god but moses lived and functioned by faith people say well you know moses did not enter the promised land because he sinned no matter what you do in this life one small sin will make you not make heaven at all well remember moses gave the law and he never kept the law moses gave a law but he never kept the law because the law is not of faith the law of moses is not of faith god did not give man a law to punish him god did not give man a law to punish him if you observe all the commandments of the law and all the figurative representations of the law all right and all that man is able to produce at the end of the day you are still not going to please god because there is no man that is able to please god in the flesh let me explain other fundamentals people always have a confusion about israel people always have a confusion about israel this is very critical people have often you know thought that israel israel are a very special people and they are they are the people of god and people are so in awe of israel i remember a few years ago a man of god i respected came to me one day and he said uh abel let's go to israel as a watford he said you know there is something about israel if you're a minister and you do not go to israel you are not going to experience a dimension of ministerial grace i was so disappointed because this guy is supposed to be a father he's older than me by far but in ministry and in life and i was wondering where is he coming with that kind of thought pattern then he said in fact when we go to israel we will take offering so that when we go we can give our friend to israel so that god can bless us i'm still looking at him then he said to me in fact when we arrive we will go to the tumble of jesus and pray inside he said because the last time i was there i was praying in the tomb jesus appeared to me in a vision i looked at him i couldn't hold myself at that point all my respect went through the window i looked at him and i said sir even when jesus rose from the dead the angels told the people that came to the tomb to look for jesus he said why are you seeking the living among the dead behold he is no longer here if he was not there at the point of resurrection is it two thousand years after i have to go to at home to go and meet jesus you know israel they were still they were used to idol worship the woman at the well was busy worshiping on a mountain and jesus showed up and then she was talking about mountain worship jesus said to her madam the hour comment and now is you shall no longer worship in this mountain worship will no more be a mountain or a location the time combat and now is when true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth so i want to deal with this israel issue because it's really an issue in the body of christ and a lot of christians have been called to think you must go to pilgrimage in israel we are not muslims it is muslims that must visit mecca once in a lifetime in christianity our god is not in a location he lives on the inside of man i will live in them i will walk in them i will be their god they will be my sons and daughters knowing not that your body is the temple of the holy spirit please pay attention so now let's do some spiritual logic let's do some spiritual logic god wants to bless humanity he now sets a pattern in adam he made every he made a nation and erased a people he set a pattern in adam he now made a nation a race and a people but adam fell so he now set a pattern choose one man and through him initiate the process of blessing man he sets a pattern choose one man and in blessing him in shed the process of blessing man this was his covenant people they had the law and through them the law was futile it was clear that man needed a savior who was going to give us salvation on the platform of grace i am using carnal terms to explain these spiritual realities this is israel and they are only israel because of abraham remember that israel as a nation did not operate with abraham israel as a nation came out of jacob the 12 tribes of israel they came out of jacob who was a grandchild of abraham now so israel came through abraham israel god's promised people they now those two nations became the only nations on the earth jew and gender jew and gentile those are the two nations two nations in him abraham will all nations of the earth be blessed so jesus now actually came in through abraham to bless all nations of the earth jesus came on his own and his own nation did not receive him his own nation did not receive him all right then that one nation that one dreaming of god ended the moment israel did not receive jesus that one nation that one dealing of god ended then now it was left for individuals individuals no more a nation individuals to receive the gospel so israel cannot receive the gospel as a nation because that pattern ended before abraham everybody was once was one race before abraham it was after abraham that we had a jew and a gentile now god picked abraham to fulfill his plan his plan to bless you in spite of you abraham indeed shall all families of the earth be blessed now then you hear them say but salvation is of the jews well it didn't say salvation is for the jews he said salvation is of the jews meaning it came by the jews because the messiah will come through the tribe of israel and die for mankind so israel is now jew and gender as a nation god doesn't deal with them as a nation because as a nation they rejected the gospel they rejected the gospel so jews were getting born again but the nation of israel does not have a responsibility again of being saved it now had to be individuals look at john chapter 1 verse 11 pay attention john chapter 1 verse number 11 he came unto his own and his own received him not verse 12 but as many as receiving to them gave the power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name so because god stopped dealing with that group now individuals will determine where they want to belong individuals will determine where they want to belong that's why the jews got it wrong they thought it was by being born by abraham but they didn't know that the protocol has changed that's why they kept challenging jesus we be abraham's children and then jesus said to them if you are abraham's children you will do the works of abraham for abraham saw my days and he rejoiced and they said how old are you are you older than abraham and then jesus looked at them and he said to them but abraham is not your father you are of your father the devil and the works of your father you will do for he was a murderer from the beginning and about not in the truth because there is no truth in him for when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of lies so israel is no more dealt with by god as a nation he now deals with them as individuals so it is now an individual decision no more erase that's why the gospel came to israel first to the jews but that protocol they rejected why they rejected was to show that god will not deal with a race anymore god will not deal with a race anymore so when he says israel rejected the gospel is not all of israel he is talking about the nation or all of them together so now do we see israel today no that nation ended when peter was going to write look at what peter said first peter chapter two verse nine please listen this is a very important teaching tonight but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation this holy nation here is not israel it's not israel israel is no more the holy nation there is a new holy nation put it up for me but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation a peculiar people that you should show for the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light look at the next verse i love the next verse which in time passed we are not a people you we are not considered to be israelites you were gentiles but now you are the people of god which have not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy please stay with me brother paul will write about the same thing peter was writing about in romans chapter 2 verse 29 romans chapter 2 verse 29 but he is a jew which is one inwardly inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of god so a jew is not one that is born from israel a jew in god's protocol today is of the heart is not a natural natural location being a jew is of the circumcision of the heart look at galatians chapter 3 verse 13. galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ has redeemed us from the course of the law be made a course for us for it is written cost is everyone that hangeth on a tree next verse that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles might come on the gentiles how through jesus christ that we might receive the promise which promised the promise that god gave to abraham that we might receive the promise of the spirit today not through walks but through faith so a jew is not outwardly a jew is inwardly so there's neither jew nor gentile so the nation is now in christ holy nation is in christ is the tribe of christ is the tribe of christ is the tribe of the regenerated from the heart all right now so the reason why it first came to the jew and they rejected this was part of the protocol to now make all nations equal israel is equal with nigeria nigeria is equal with ghana so both jew and gentile are now equal all have sinned jew and gentile nothing makes israel special anymore because christ has demystified it and broken down the middle wall of partition if anybody in israel said yes to the gospel it will have been that it is because they were programmed but now all of us jew and gentile has been condemned under sin so somebody will have to hear the gospel whether jew or gentile that's why paul said to the gentiles you too were in unbelief but that god may have mercy upon all so god deals with people based on the promise of the messiah and jesus who shed his blood for all men look at galatians chapter 3 verse 27 pay attention galatians chapter 3 verse 27 for as many of you as have been baptized into christ have put on christ 28 there is neither jew nor greek there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for you are all one in christ jesus for you are all one in christ jesus many do not read this scripture that is why they go into judaism and judaism is not christianity and christianity is not judaism judaism is the jewish religion that sees moses as their savior judaism is a jewish religion that does not have regard for jesus that sees moses as superior to jesus judaism is a jewish religion that is the religion brother paul was in he was he said i was in the jewish religion among my people he said but when i saw the excellency of jesus christ i counted judaism has done that i may win christ as dung that i may win christ please stay with me now israel is now the church of god the born-again people are now the israel of god look at galatians chapter one i mean chapter four verse one galatians chapter four verse one now i say that the heir as long as he is a child different nothing from his servant though he be lord of all next verse but is kept next verse verse 2 galatians 4 verse 2 but is under truth and governors until the time appointed of the father making reference to why the law was given look at verse three verse three even so we when we were children we are in bondage under the elements of the world verse four but when the fullness of the time was come god sent fought his son made of a woman made under the law why next verse to redeem them that were under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons that means if you're under the law you cannot be a son for you to be a son you must be redeemed from under the law then when you are redeemed from under the law you can receive the adoption of sons give me verse 6 galatians 4 6 and because you are sons god has set forth the spirit of his son into your heart crying about father so that happened only for a time for a time as long as the law was in operation so we don't clarify again based on israel in christ jew and gentle now have one identity jew and gentile have one identity a christian is someone who is a jew in the spirit a believer in jesus we are called the true israel the true israel that is why even people born in israel must be born again because before the righteous standard of god they are seen as until they receive christ of course you know the jews god saved on the day of pentecost acts chapter three four five six you see a lot of jewish people getting saved but they didn't get saved as a nation they got saved as individuals some people go to israel today to look for jesus they go to the grave to pray they go to the wailing wall and they think that there is anything special in that wailing wall well the only thing on that wailing wall is the wailing there's nothing special there's nothing special they go to liver jordan the water in in oral river is even better than the water in river jordan there's nothing special about river jordan anymore jesus has demystified all it's just protocol it has nothing to do with individuals so what god did is in christ jesus what god did is in christ jesus look at the wisdom of god god predetermined events that he will do not that you will do that he himself will do for example god did not give the law the law was not part of god's plan god did not predetermine the law that is why he said that the law could could not annoy the covenant that promise of the messiah came to adam and adam fell look at genesis 3 15 so that i can get what i'm dealing with here genesis 3 15 and i will put an empty between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise the head and you sh thou shall bruise his heel the seed of the woman which seed the seed is christ the seed is christ now before the fall of adam in genesis chapter 3 look at what god did in genesis chapter 2 genesis 2 17 pay attention genesis 2 17 but of the three of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that doubt it is thereof thou shalt surely die god didn't say i would kill you god only pointed man to the consequence of an action that will be detrimental to him because god is a god of love look at the next verse verse 17 i mean 18 give me 17 genesis 2 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat of it for in the dead it is thereof thou shall surely die so god pointed man to what was in the garden free of life three of the knowledge of good and evil and the choice was man's three of life three of the knowledge of good and evil but the choice was man that means god offered to adam the gospel of life before the fall god gave man the gospel of life so the gospel of life is not a reaction to the fall of adam the gospel of life was before the fall god gave to adam the gospel of life the tree of life which is jesus look at the way john will put it in john chapter one verse one john chapter one verse one in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god in the beginning meaning in genesis the same was in the beginning with god verse 3 all things were made by him and without him was anything made that was made verse four in him was life so the tree of life was a figurative communication by moses of the gospel of jesus in eden before the fall so adam had the gospel eve had the gospel but they rejected the life of god the life is in christ the life is in christ so even before adam sinned life had existed for him even before adam's sin life had existed for him when he sinned he now said that life will strip the head of the serpent life which is jesus will bruise the head of the serpent all right after the fall of man god's plan still continued god was not acting after adam's sin god had predetermined how he was going to bless humanity that he was going to bless humanity in christ he was going to bless humanity in christ the seed of abraham now please pay attention when you hear the name adam adam means two things number one adam means a person number two adam means a race so we use adam as a person and we use the name of adam as a function adam as a function and he said the seed is in itself and it will bring forth after its kind that is why in jesus it is the second and last adam he determined it like that so things will be counted by adam by adam if anyone be in the second and last adam he's a new creation all things are passed away it's not referring to conduct he's referring to status now you are in christ it's not a conduct that is your status so god determined it like that so that there will be no more offering for everyone there will be one place for everyone there will be one man for everyone so who did god determine to be saved will not be who did god determine to be saved it would be what did god determine to be saved not a who but a what that's why he said for knowledge and predestination are two separate things it is for knowledge that informed predestination for knowledge is what i know you will do predestination is not what i will do because of what i know you will do [Music] for knowledge what i know you will do predestination what i will do because of what i know you will do god before adam was created determine humanity to function in one race determine humanity to function in one race please pay attention so he created everyone in adam everyone do you know that god did not create everyone together what we have is a creation in adam so from adam we now had a generation that is adam now generated a race adam generated a race so when the bible says in first corinthians 15 22 put it up first corinthians 15 22 for us in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive shall all be made alive romans 5 12 wherefore romans 5 12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so that passed upon all men for that all have sinned that is to say god determined to handle this race in adam this creation of his in adam look at adam now in this context as a race not as a person adam as a function a progenitor of the human race a function this creation adam so god is going to deal with a race just like you are saved and you are in christ you are saved and you are in christ just like that the first adam also determined the destination of those in adam the first adam determined your stay and with your choice but by faith in the blood you find yourself in the second adam you know romans 5 12 is by one man seen entered into the world and death by sin the romans 5 19 says by one man's obedience we are all made righteous we're dealing with functions so that which god determined is independent of human choice independent of human choice nobody prayed nobody fasted nobody willed that was what god chose to do it was not dependent on man it was not dependent on man's prayer that was what god chose to do so let me call election another name election is the word of god election is the word of god god's choice is the word of god what is god's election his word and the word is a person the word is a person that is the election of god look at ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 pay attention ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who have blessed us with our spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ who is christ the word so he blessed us where in the world he blessed us we are in the world so if you are going to have that blessing it has to be in christ you can't get that blessing if you're not in christ and somebody's hearing me so if giving does not bring receiving if i give to god money and it doesn't multiply my money of what benefit is being a christian somebody said that if i give god money and it doesn't multiply it back then of what benefit am i a christian i said to him that's why you're not because if you were you would not be arriving at this conclusion you are not a christian because of money jesus didn't come to give you money that's not why jesus came jesus is not a means to an end jesus is the end you don't use jesus to get something you come to jesus for jesus there are blessings we have in christ that the unbeliever cannot access and those blessings are spiritual those blessings are spiritual they are not material before jesus came people married and gave him marriage so he didn't come for marriage before jesus came they were rich people multi billionaires who were not christians who didn't care about god so that's not why jesus came before jesus came people are building cities and powers that's not why he came why did he come to save his people from their sin man had a common problem that he could not cure it was sin and that is why jesus came that is why faith in christ is freedom from sin behold the lamb of god that taketh away the sins of the world so if you're going to have that blessing in ephesians 1 3 it has to be in christ because that blessing is only available in christ that blessing is only available in christ look at verse 4 now ephesians 1 4. according as he had chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love he had chosen us in him so he now begins to explain that that choice that blessing that choice that blessing that election is in christ that choice that blessing that election is in christ so the election is in the world it is not in individuals it's not like god elected akbar an abandoned jew god has elected christ a man and joe will have to make their choice to enter christ for them to be elected it's not that god made jewish people special from gentiles no god's choice is christ but jew and gentile will have to enter christ for them to be part of god's program so he determined what he will do in a person god determine what he will do in a person so individuals now determines what happens to them he determines what he will do in a person everything god will do for humanity he sorted it out in jesus christ everything god will do humanity will now have a choice the day you eat of that tree you shall surely die see that the day you eat of that tree you will surely die you determine what you want god offered my life but ultimately man will have to make the choice you determine where you will be so that principle is what works in the place of salvation that man will have to make the choice for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth that's a choice you will have to make the choice it is upon making the choice that you are now in christ choosing if you reject the choice you have determined to be out of christ so the question will be does god determine who will not be saved yes god determines it i ask it again does god determine who will not be saved yes how anyone not in christ will not be saved does god determine who will be saved yes hell anyone in christ is saved so the determining factor is christ are we in the building the determining factor for salvation is christ question how do you get into christ by believing the gospel by believing the gospel god has determined everything in christ look at ephesians chapter 1 verse 10 please pay attention this is so important to me that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in christ all things both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him verse 11. in whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated being predestinated how according to the purpose of him who worked at all things out after the council of his own will what is the council of his will christ the council of god's will is christ so predestination has never been against anybody the determining factor which is christ has been offered to all that whosoever jew gentile rich poor native doctor wicked man whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life god for knew then he predestinated christ listen the word for knowledge predestination election are not english words they are not english words in the sense they have bible explanations they have bible explanations for their usage not dictionary if you follow dictionary you will end up in the bush these are bible words that derive their meaning from the bible not from dictionary romans 8 29 watch romans 8 29 glory to god for whom he did for know he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren whom he did for know he did predestinate so what is god's predestination in christ to be conformed to the image of his son that is that you will be a son like jesus that is all that is the climax that that the born-again man will be a son like jesus so god's plan through jesus is that sons should be born to the kingdom sons should be born to the kingdom look at romans 8 30. romans chapter 8 verse 30 moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and who be justified them he also glorified so it's not like i like this one i don't like this one god's choice is christ jesus god expressly told adam two trees choose life knowledge of good and evil why did god predestine life what did god predestine sorry god predestined life what did adam choose adam chose death he chose that so he has produced him everything in christ then he predestined again that everyone should be conformed to the image of his son please listen carefully life is a person life is not a substance life is not an experience life is a person jesus is life jesus is life what we call eternal life we call it eternal life when we are referring to man receiving what god has given what we call eternal life we call it eternal life when we are referring to man receiving what god has given when man is receiving it it is called eternal life but we call it life when we are referring to what god gave when we are referring to what god gave we call it life when we are referring to my receiving what god gave we call it eternal life in the sight of god it is life but when it comes to man it becomes eternal life it is when we receive it it is called eternal life when god gives it it is called life this life is in his son glory to god this life is in his son look at first john 5 12 glory to god first john 5 12 i'm enjoying this i tell you first john 5 12 he that has the son had life and he that had not the son of god had not life life is in the sun look at verse 13 glory to god these things are very unto you that believe on the name of the son of god that you may know that you have so when it is given to man it is eternal life but when it is what god gave it is life he that has a son has life these things have i written to you that believe that you may know that you have received eternal life glory to god it is to us eternal why because we stay in time so since we stay in time it is eternal to us but when you get to heaven and i'm using that word loosely you know when you get to heaven means when we drop mortality to put on immortality it will no more be eternal life it will not be life it will not be life it is eternal because we are still in time once we move out of time it becomes life glory to god it becomes life all right so to god life is a person to god life is a person not an experience how do you find yourself then in the second adam john 1 12 but as many as receive him to them gave me power to become the sons of god even to them that believe faith in christ brings eternal life mark 16 15 go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned romans chapter 10 verse 8 pay attention romans chapter 10 verse 8 but what sayeth it the word is nighting even in their mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach verse 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in that heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved that is how you find yourself from the first adam into the second adam that is how you move from death to life by faith in christ so god has determined that man can only be regenerated in the person of jesus does god determine how long a man lives on earth i'm closing with that does god determine how long a man lives on earth it's a bush you know when somebody dies at the age of 28 he said ah god has taken him okay when somebody god has taken does god determine how long a man lives on earth no no god doesn't determine how long a man lives when a man dies i said god took him no god didn't take him the man went god does not god has never determined how long we live on it god determined everything in christ and the problem is many people don't believe christ what does hebrews 9 27 say pay attention i want to close with that note hebrews 9 27 and as it is appointed unto men wants to die but after this the judgment so if it's an appointment every appointment is kept by two people i can't keep appointment by myself apartment is between two persons it is appointed unto men wants to die so now he's talking about two parties observe that death is not of god death is not of god god did not create death in genesis chapter one we see a record of all that god created and at the end god saw that everything he has created was good there was no death in the list so where did that come from that is not a creation death is absence when life goes dead comes in just like god created light but when light goes out darkness comes in alright so that is an enemy of god first corinthians 15 26 first corinthians 15 26 pay attention the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death so death is god's enemy that is not a friend of god and it shouldn't be your own friend also look at first corinthians 15 55 first corinthians 15 55. first corinthians 15 55 oh dead where is thy sting oh grave where is thy victory 56 the sting of death is seen the strength of sin is the law the strength of sin is the law the sting of death is sin so death is an appointment it didn't come from god the only thing that came from heaven is jesus he is called the lord from heaven [Music] everything else including you came from the earth everything else including you yourself came from the earth you didn't come from heaven man gave birth to you only jesus came from heaven you came from adam but now you are a new creation you came from the second adam the lord from heaven so where did god create adam on the earth so the new creation came from heaven the lord from heaven so again does god determine how long a man lives on earth no why god did not make a robot man is not a robot that god was okay you come you come you your time is up come god did not make a robot if god oppressed like that the first place where you will see god operating like that will be in salvation he will not save everybody by force because his ultimate plan is that all men be saved so in the crux of the matter if god does not interfere with man's will then god does not interfere when it comes to the decision of how long to stay on earth why because god doesn't sin so whatever god says cannot be seen it becomes a nature for you that is an appointment philippians 1 21 as a round pay attention now philippians 1 21 for to me to leave is christ and to die is gain this is a man talking next verse but if i live in the flesh this is the fruit of my labor if i live in the flesh this is the fruit of my labor yet what shall i choose i don't even know next verse for i am in a state between two having a desire to depart i want to go and to be with christ which is far better this is paul talking next verse nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you and when he took this decision he told that go i'm not ready that left him this is the same poll that they stoned and invented they concluded he had died the next day they saw him teaching in the synagogue because a man had made a determination that he's going to stay longer he had made a determination that he was going to stay longer so god don't determine you how long you live on it paul is thinking should i stay should i go should i stay look at paul second timothy chapter four verse seven i'm rounding up second timothy chapter four verse seven pay attention i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith i have kept the faith i have finished my course you know sometimes when people die they will say he has finished his work but paul finished his work and he was still writing paul said i have finished but he was still writing i have finished and he was still here writing are you following my my dream paul was still writing then they said a brother died in an accident oh he has finished his race look at paul choosing second timothy 4 6 brother paul will choose now second timothy 4 6 for i am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand nobody could take this guy out until he decided i am now ready to be offered i am now ready to be offered death is not a spell death is a choice that's why even in the hospital when people die you hear doctors say he fought hard but he gave up he fought hard because it is within the poor view of man's choice and yet you will see somebody in command for five years five years in command the man refused to go the man refused to go and sometimes after five years in coma he wakes up he comes out of the hospital and continues living why because to depart this head is within man's choice within man's choice remember hezekiah as i said you will die say give me chance i will not die god say 15 more years man has the choice to stay as long as you want to stay that's why paul would tell the children honor your father and mother that it may be well with you that you may live long that you may live long on the earth because living long on the earth is within man's activities it's within man's choice it's a choice you can determine how long you want to stay here and if you do the right things make the right choices you can take authority and leave you as long as you want to leave but let me tell you ultimately whether you live on earth for 50 years or 100 years or 200 years it is not long enough even if you live for 300 years on earth it's not long enough after all in bible days people live for 1 000 years and it was still not long enough but i have news for you with long life shall i satisfy you and show you my salvation with long life long life there is eternal life the life of god the day you got born again god's life entered you and that life is eternal that is what the bible means by long life long life is not how many years you stay on ed because this head cannot guarantee long life long life is life in christ eternal life he that has the son has life god's choice is christ if any man in christ is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things are new and all things are of god glory to god stand on your feet that's all we've got for tonight's service father thank you for everybody under the sound of my voice in this building online all those listening by radio and all those that are watching in the house centers and campuses i come against everyone that the enemy every threat and every oppression of the enemy on anyone the fear of death the fear of death the hold of death the torment of death lose your holes in the name of jesus you lose your house you threat get out in the name of jesus for god has not given to us the spirit of fear but of love of power and of his sound mind that voice of fear that voice of harassment that voice of intimidation those useless dreams that the devil has used to torment you i command them to cease in the name of jesus and i command the reality of god's life to overshadow you right now and beyond that the revelation of jesus grows big on your inside until nothing else matters great grace is upon you tonight in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen like thunder glory to god somebody bless tonight if you're blessed can i hear powerful amen glory to god you know we're going to go to the next segment in another two minutes but before we do that quickly grab an offering everybody we give every day we hear the word every day we give generously we give willingly we give intentionally for the advancement of god's kingdom and i want to thank every one of you that has been giving us support in the conference and supporting all that we're doing here and i rejoice with those of you that have made it a point of duty to share the message every time on your pages on social media and those of you on radio that gather people to listen to the teachings in your homes and around your neighborhood we celebrate what you do to see that the kingdom of god continues to advance lift your offerings of father we pray for everyone giving tonight online in the building on campuses or in all our house centers those watching by social media and television we decree that our giving tonight is a sweet smell and we thank you for the privilege to make a difference in the gospel thank you for answer prayer and thank you for the blessing upon your people in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality glory to god i tell you i'm excited believe me you don't want to miss the next segment and i'd like you to invite more people as we begin to confront questions and interact with you through the next session or segment of this broadcast we love you guys it's a joy looking forward to catch you on the other side in the next two or three minutes enjoy the rest of your few seconds amen can somebody shot glory in this building glory to god praise god this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominant please call us 234-806-800-9939 or email powercityoffice jesus is the exclusive custodian jesus is the soul carrier jesus is the perfect imprint the playroom the corporate headquarters of the godhead jesus is the executive carrier of the father so if you don't know jesus you don't know the father you can never know the father outside of christ church in the air and church online so his antique that he used on adam was deception join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july and 30 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 2nd of august 2020 time 6 p.m to 8 p.m from mondays to saturdays 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm uyo by 6 pm to 8 pm mondays to saturdays and 11 am to 1 pm every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 pm to 9 pm daily be a part of this program don't miss it [Applause] [Music] this is forever this is [Music] never seen love like this love so great you rescued me you paid the price for me care for me set me free we've been made alive thanks to jesus who gave his life nothing can be like it no one can do more than that you gave me power to spread the fragrance of your grace i am alive and not the same now and forever i am sad this is forever this is forever this is forever forever i am saved by your love this is forever this is forever this is forever [Music] forever to the north and south the east and west i bring to you the greatest and the best dead in scene and trespass he was my sacrifice all i need is receive what he provides where are the blood butts the righteousness of god anyone see by the word [Music] god loved me way before he made the earth gave me power over sickness and death so now i testify that i am alive and beyond that i have eternal life it has been his will that we all be saved and to know him and to walk by his faith all who believe you know what's the worth he give you power so you can't share with love that's forever ever fully functional nothing better unconditional never ever letting go of me the way love is forever ever fully functional nothing better unconditional never ever letting go of me this is forever i am saved by your love this is forever this is forever this is forever i am saved by your love this is forever this [Music] is jesus is the exclusive custodian jesus is the soul carrier jesus is the perfect imprint the play roma the corporate headquarters of the godhead jesus is the executive carrier of the father so if you don't know jesus you don't know the father you can never know the father outside of christ church in the air and church online so his antique that he used on other was deception join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july and 30 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 2nd of august 2020 time 6 pm to 8 pm from mondays to saturdays 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv a strong decoder and live on comfort fm uyo by 6 pm to 8 pm mondays to saturdays and 11 am to 1 pm every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 pm to 9 pm daily be a part of this program don't miss it the quarter past seven on a saturday evening out here in uyu the capital city of akwa boom state in south south nigeria it's the seven of 30 days of glory put together by power city international and we're so excited super excited to be here tonight with you my name is michael bush i'm the anchor of the second part papa who led you in the first part was always living in the first part and about whom and god this is all about it's here with me help me to welcome the reverend dr ebell damina thank you mr bush so good to have you again today always a joy so nice to see you papa okay papa um i'd like to thank you for the fantastic work you did just um some 15 minutes back but before we set cell tonight papa um akwa boom state where we are is agoc because our leader and governor is celebrating his 54th birthday today and i just thought it would be respectful to allow you say a word of happy birthday or a prayer for him well happy birthday your excellency the governor of aquarium state we thank god for you your visionary leadership and all the sacrifices you make to keep our state intact to keep our state progressive to keep our state protected and all the blessings that come into this state our prayer for you and your family is that this one here added to you will be your fulfillment a year of peace a year of comfort and that all the dreams and desires that you have for quite bomb state you will see them realize that god will keep you and perfect that which concerns you in jesus name amen once again happy birthday your excellency amen so good to celebrate it thank you thank you thank you papa a great time to start and it can't just be said now since this is on the global stage that power city international is leading the church in aqua boom to celebrate the state governor it's excellence udom emmanuel okay papa we take off tonight by looking at something you said during teaching and that's disgrace by christians in nigeria i don't know about other parts of the world uh perhaps around the world to visit israel yes and see some of the signs they say oh jesus will say jesus was there i don't know listening to you i thought you left the list now the viewer wondering whether christianity is not currently too much about idol worshipping or superstition well that's what it is a great deal so many people are in idle worship and don't even know it you know they they are worshiping a god they don't know that's where brother paul says my heart's desire and prayer for israel the same israel is that they be saved for they have a zeal he said i bear them with their zealots they fast they pray they do all of that but they have no knowledge it's without knowledge once a man is in the worship of a god he doesn't know it's idol worship so that's why this message on the revelation of jesus which unveils the believer to know who he is is critical in these times and that's why you see the kind of passion with which i'm pushing this because we want to flood the entire world with the truth of the gospel so people can really have a reason for their faith in god fantastic okay papa let's move away from 30 days of glory for a moment um just now i asked you to wish governor domi emanuel uh uh smashing 20 20th birthday and you did that with so much fondness i thought he didn't like him i thought you were not happy with him considering considering that um recently the the aquarium state government and uh khan as a christian association of nigeria came together and said oh churches should be open but power city internationals refused to be open i thought that some some way of saying no why did the government even close in the first place no no no no no i'm not i'm not angry with the governor i mean all the governments that have come into this state from when i got into acquire bomb in 1989 till now i have always been fond of them because i mean the governor and his administration helped to protect our city they have to give us a kind of life we have the peace and all of that so what we do them for them is to pray what are all the government is prayer and i pray for them all the time i wish them well you know sometimes they may not make the decisions that favor everybody but they have to make a decision whichever way you know as long as it makes the state better so i pray for them and i i don't feel anything funny the reason i was not reopened was because i just felt like we have effective house churches the apostolic pattern of church is not congregational gatherings the bible pattern is house churches that's why jesus said we are two or three so what we did as a church is because we follow the bible pattern we build apostolic patterns we have house centers all over the state so even when churches were shut down our church continued because people are meeting in clusters everywhere and then when they say churches should open with all the conditions around it i just feel like there's no point since our churches are effectively running in houses let's continue like that until we see where this whole thing is going that's all so power city is not afraid of kovit 19. no we're not afraid of covet 19 at all at all what do you think what does the church think about covet 19. it's a disease it's just a disease you know whether it is manipulated by men or manipulated by whatever but you know even men these devils are walking men demons walking unbelieving men so but at the end of the day jesus defeated the devil where in authority where the salt of the earth i am very positive that will soon get behind it and the light of god's word will keep shining fantastic papa let's go to questions coming from across the world my producer pastor ij aquari has said is the first key question that i see so i'll take that and um it comes from a tomato local government i'm quite excited because i know that barrister manon that's his local government area and i can wilson sir please what is the curse of the law according to galatians galatians 3 13 second listener are you saying that it was not god that gave moses the commandments the law and the ordinances well again you must be able to know let me begin with the commandment there's a difference between the ten commandments and the law of moses they are not the same the ten commandments if you look at them very carefully there is no cause in the ten commandments and it is only in the old testament they are called ten commandments jesus never called them ten commandments he called them the commandments and jesus reduced all of them to two love god love your neighbor that's what they are now the law of moses is not the ten commandments the law of moses are the laws that moses gave to israel when they said they didn't want to relate with god they wanted to qualify for righteousness by their by the standard of the law of moses so moses gave them laws and in that law in those laws were causes but when jesus came he said i am not calm to destroy the law but to fulfill the word fulfilled means to match his demands so jesus provided all that the lord demanded by dying and on his resurrection the law has no hold any more and his causes on a man that is in christ that's what he means okay um still within that federal constituency of a quite inaugural federal constituency comes another question he lived on writing from a back since i learned yesterday that god does not tempt any man what about the man born blind in the bible jesus said that the salvation was for the glory of god well he didn't say that the reason is blind is so that god will have glory what he said is that the man didn't sin nor his parent sin however because he was born blind doesn't stop the fact that god will still heal him that's what it implies so it's not like god makes you sick so he can heal you and take credit he's not impressive he's not a man no he doesn't the man was born blind just like it would have can happen to anybody just like children that are born without legs or people you know certain things happen in the formation and development of of pregnancies and sometimes people get deformities god's will there what god does in such circumstances is to heal to show his mercy and his love okay let's move out of our boom and get into the southeast of nigeria where ezine is waiting for us in enugu is in the rights my question papa tonight is what kind of angels gave the law to moses was it satanic or good angels the reason of asking this is to know what kind of angels do evil through man for example when they believe how a pastor pause curses on someone and it comes to pass or they come to pass what is um was it the good or bad angels that carried out the action well the good thing is that you know that there are good and bad injuries so you know that good angels will do good things bad angels will do bad things okay anonymous from abeokuta that's in south south west nigeria it says if a believer consistently falls to sin out of israel will what should that believer do to be free in conscience it means that that believer is still struggling with identity crisis that believer has not come to a place of realizing who he is in christ so what that believer needs to do is to give more time to bible study give more time to teaching give more time to meditating in god's word the more of god's word as you keep growing in the word of god it will change your appetite it will change your desires and suddenly you will find yourself you know no more interested in those things it's like the prodigal son after a while the prodigal son came to incenses he stood up and said what am i doing here he arrows and went back home that's what happens as you keep focusing on the right mirror and your identity comes right into your consciousness certain things certain habits certain bondages that you're struggling with in your mind are totally broken and you're coming to the liberty that is in christ jesus another anonymous entry says thank you pastor for making it so clear god only gave the new covenant but why did hebrews 8 8-9 say i will make a new covenant with the house of israel not according to the covenant i met with their fathers please which covenant did god make with the fathers that hebrews is talking about well again remember the covenant is not it's the mode of writing the mode of writing makes it look like it was god that gave it but if you studied very carefully it was not god the law was given by moses that's the old covenant but grace which is truth came by jesus christ papa the next two entries one comes from italy the other from namibia i'll still take them even though it seems to me i've taken them before it cannot be in italy right please papa i did a little explanation on romans chapter 11 especially verse 26 that says all and says and all israel shall be saved sir is both those that have not received jesus or which israel is he talking about israel as church or israeli as those in the middle east thank you sir that's blessing to this generation romans chapter 11 you must remember that in romans chapter 19 and 11 paul was using israel to communicate the realities of the new covenant he used them as a pattern and as a type he wasn't talking about literal israel it was a mood of brother paul's communication wow okay anna zan hirip is in namibia she writes it's a language one i'll try and see how i cut it down because of time of the lack of it thank you for your neighbor in christ papa and being deadly filled with this knowledge through your teachings so in genesis 1 27 28 who are dem then if the image was christ in verse 26 well the image of christ the damn is male and female are in christ so them there means male and female in christ if the son of adam was not literal but figurative why is certain compared to the characteristics of a natural snake genesis 3 14. no the scene of adam was literal it was real but the serpent the serpent was figurative disappeared that's when the new testament say the serpent which is the devil meaning it was a figurative communication in genesis chapter 3 verse 22 it appears as though god admitted that men are like him knowing good and evil did the devil speak the truth in genesis 3 5 now when he says they have become like us what it means is they have become independent they have they have become independent they are no more relying on us to know god we look at jesus and there is no anger in him what emotion did jesus express when he met scotch and chased those who were selling out of the temple it is called the zeal of the house of the lord jesus himself said it the zeal of my father's house has consumed me it was not anger it was zeal and he didn't flock them he only sent them out of the tape and then turn overturn their tables paper i would like to tell you that anna what anna did was ask those questions and provide all the answers and all the answers that you gave and and anna was exactly spot on she's quite correct so she's been fooling you quite closely i just wanted to read the question and see how the answers come out okay solomon god's will is you know a wary emo state says good evening purpose in the book of genesis 2 25 they are both naked and we're not ashamed and that word naked was repeated three times in chapter 3 7 verses 9 to 10 sir that word naked was it literal metaphorical or a figure of speech thank you papa it was a figure of speech it was a mode of communication i don't know who wrote this i don't know his handwriting okay greetings papa in the name of the lord jesus christ but i give to our generation our father keeps you healthy for all of us my name is benjamin in asaba papa considering the fact that um in the bible the name oh no was mentioned that the name christian was mentioned twice by unbelievers king agrippa in verse 26 28 and unbelievers in arts 11 26 although peter made mention of it once can we proudly call believers christians i mean here we can for the purpose of identification because as the way even government and the secular world addresses us it's not a label but in the real sense of it that god doesn't call us christians he calls us believers believers you know so that's it but for the purpose of education why not there's no big deal about it okay and another commendation coming from next door he bisuppo as sutan and comes from henry who writes good evening dr damina so it has always been great from the beginning go to those fighting grace messages i'm catching revelation i'm blessed glory i love you papa henry thank you let's go to norway and be be right sir i hope you answer someone considering it like just sending lions i thought we answered this before but just for emphasis to eat up the little children who mocked his bald head my question is today is a possibility for people or men of god to function this way such that people they offend them not to encourage a man of god there are many who function that way because they are still operating the old covenant however those prayers and curses will only have effect on people who are ignorant people don't have knowledge of who they are if you don't have knowledge of who you are and they speak those words fear will come on you and once fear comes on you fear creates an enabling environment for all kinds of satanic activities okay let's make progress now and let me turn to christian armadillo doesn't say where she is writing from say thank you very much for helping us to know we're in christ you are really a blessing to bless us i you are really blessed to bless us i'm a new creature because of the knowledge i have now i want to ask about the rapture ahead when the believer is gone can you explain the verse that says elijah and moses are going to come back to preach to the unbeliever from revelations no there's nothing like that in the bible it was just a mode of communication none of them is coming to preach anything jesus already said even if somebody comes from the dead they will not believe they already have people on earth that they should listen to so elijah and you know elijah and moses there were just metaphorical of the personalities that they represented the prophet and represented the law okay papa this is precious k writing from you nigeria that's exactly where we are says my question is how do we communicate the gospel to those who don't believe in god atheist who don't even believe in existence of god let alone christ i look forward to your answer well the atheist the reason why they say there is no god is because somebody has not taken the time to really show them from the gospel from the scriptures god's reality and god's power so if you take time and just engage them and share with them the word of god and engage them with the gospel the gospel is the power of god unto salvation when you keep preaching it eventually the holy spirit by the power of the gospel will open them up to the truth that's the way to engage them still the same gospel my producer pastor ij aquira has passed on this one he calls very key questions so papa i put them out to you they come from a berry who is in texas united states of america please papa i came into the knowledge of the gospel of christ just recently from a very religious background please what message on salvation will you recommend for me and some of these teachings are sounding like i jumped first degree to master's class i need to get the basics to flow more well the foundational message on salvation is so terrier one abcs of salvation is about 35 hours that will give you the the fundamentals but in the course of all that we're teaching we still repeat some of the fundamentals here and there because you can never do without the fundamentals anyway faith in christ is the basis for salvation still from a bear in texas i'm seriously battling with how to pray write and what songs to sing as i i i love to think so much so my first question from that would be do you have a teaching on how to pray especially about tongues or in tongues i've listened to complete 100 answered prayers yes i mean we have teachings that will help you but you know the thing is um we have teachings that i can recommend for you to get but the thing beyond teaching is for you to be able to reach our office with your number and we can call you spend time explain things you answer your questions and pray together with you so you can receive the utterance to speak in tongues okay does the church have some recorded songs because from the 100 answered prayers i found out i've been singing and praying wrongly well we don't really have recorded songs but we have songs that we can recommend for you some of them we wrote them in church here and some of them are written by other music artists but there are songs that are in agreement with the new testament yes we can recommend some for you if you request for another very important question comes from catheter zambia and louise chronicles chapter 4 7 14 if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land on every 18th october papa we do have national day of prayer and fasting and reconciliation uh in that is in zambia this program was started by politicians in 2015 and every year the clergymen whose behavior program always called diversity both second chronicles 7 14 which indicates us if we are sinners according to ephesians 1 7 to 8 colossians 1 13 to 14 and other episodes god forgive our sins there is no prayer one can pray so that god can forgive him or her why do they quote this verse every year and apply to the nation and people as if we are sinners by nature when we are not because they are ignorant they do not understand the difference between the old testament and the new testament so they have made the cross of christ useless so somebody needs to reach out to them somebody needs to prayerfully see how he can get the government to see that we cannot keep operating like that we've got to move forward and receive what christ has already provided papa i go to taqwa ghana where prosper is waiting for me next but before i do that papa this should be full of questions to that okay so there is the right way to pray and the wrong way not to pray well there it's not like a right to any wrong way it's just the knowledge of praying the knowledge of praying you don't pray for forgiveness of sins no you don't forgiveness of sin is not a prayer is a preaching is a preaching forgiveness of sin is what christ has provided by his death when you receive christ you receive forgiveness it's not a prayer so proper how do you pray you pray in jesus name and you thank god for forgiving you okay even before jesus that david began to pray like that bless the lord oh my lord is within me bless his holy name who forgiveth thee all your iniquities it's thanksgiving you thank him for the forgiveness of sin the gift of christ is the guarantee for the forgiveness of sin asking god to forgive you means you don't believe in what christ did his own belief wow yeah okay let's go to taqwa ghana now prosper is waiting for us papa i want to thank god our loving father for what he is doing i want to thank god for our loving father for what he is doing through you bringing us to a place of accurate knowledge in christ papa please i have two questions one did god need the shedding of blood in order to forgive sins no god doesn't need god is not a dracula he does not use blood it does not require blood it does not demand blood however the death of christ was to pay the price for sin the wages of sin so christ died to settle sin so that man is free from sin and death the second question still from prosper in taco ghana is when was the first animal sacrifice for sin made papa was it in genesis 3 21 no it wasn't that was not a sacrifice for the first time there was sacrifices under the law of moses before the law of moses nobody was sacrificing anything because people lived under the new testament in a promise it was when man rejected god's offer that man now had to come up with all those animals and things which again was moses's teaching ministry to show israel that this god you're running away from is still going to be your way out of sin which is what the law came to do to point us to christ good evening dr damina good evening mr michael bush my name is tumba audu i'm watching from yola in adamawa state what is the difference between god's truth and man's truth god's truth is christ man's truth is you know like like telling the truth or not telling the truth that's the difference god's truth is christ and what christ represents that's the difference papa thank you for your teachings they have enlightened my knowledge about christ in 2015 i became a victim of human trafficking for 10 months in india and it was a close friend who lied to me that i'll be working on schooling there not knowing what's going to be prostitution she told the cultists to beat me and also threatened me with her ballistics because i refused to sleep with nigerian and indian men there and this pushed me to do it until i joined the church over there and they prayed with me then god intervened and i became free from her and this experience has affected my relationship with people and trusting people even though i'm back to nigeria i cut off from people easily once i see a trace of being hurt by them and someone told me this year that i don't have love in my heart but i'm just scared of going through unexpected pain by friends my question papa is how do i show love to people without being scared and also build a relationship as a believer in christ i would like to remain anonymous sir thank you papa well the first thing you need to do is not even to bother about showing love to people is to receive god's love you receive when you receive god's love god's love will heal you when god's love heals you and takes away all of the pain to love people will no more be strong greetings papa my name is evangelist moloko i'm in south africa i'm in joe buck really and he says papa i need help on how to interpret the bible the way you do is there any particular reading material or semen i can learn from all my teachings if you get all my books get all my teaching sit down with them everything i teach is bible interpretation if you stay with them after a while you too will know the way it is done and you'll be able to do it so you can learn by precept that's the best way jessica gochiko is back on the program says dr abel damina is it wrong for young people to date someone to date themselves or should they wait to be led by the spirit for marriage god does not choose a wife for you and god does not give you a husband you have to choose he that finds a wife is ultimately your choice so again like we always say make sure you do it right make sure you do it when you're ready for it don't get involved in relationships that will mess you up distract you and just make you know make a mess of you when you're ready for it stay focused just do the things you need to do for yourself do the things you need to do for the kingdom and just be focused in the midst of fulfilling god's purpose marriage will come naturally with it papa kennedy achi is in japan he rise dear papa you're a blessing to a generation please i need help why did michael and satan dispute over the body of moses in jude 1 9 some teachers say moses was initiated to the devil then police papa where is his body as we speak well wherever the body of moses is is not relevant to salvation does not have any significance whether angel's battled over his body or not is still irrelevant because the new testament didn't give us any details so we are loud where the bible is loud we are quiet where the bible is quiet papa the next one comes from baelsa state pastor isaac omg right papa i'm so blessed to have you as my father but papa i still am not satisfied if not because of my family and my church i would have come to stay in new york with you you have made so much impact in my life and ministry papa you are a blessing to a generation i always pray for god to keep you for us my challenges are one of my members has an issue with her husband which according to tradition the woman needs to kill a good for the man which she insists that she wound why they are threatening her with divorce do i advise her to kill the good just to keep a marriage what do you advise well it depends on what the killing of the goat will achieve if we bring peace i just have this yeah sure okay the person in charge of posting of whatsapp audio messages should also include questions and answers section for there are some intelligent questions that are helping us to get more lighting areas i think that's for the studio people and pastor ijquery i hope you've heard that yes okay we make progress and sharon is my name i'm connecting you from the city of cairo in egypt wow i'm grateful to god for connecting me with you and relief and revealing pure epignosis and i pray he strengthens you more and more my questions are why is it relevant to use anointing oil and so on for prayer as a believer it is not relevant i don't know who told you it was relevant this is irrelevant or irrelevant yes it's irrelevant because the anointing first of all in the new testament you will not see anything about anointing oil only in the book of james who was james writing to in chapter 1 verse 1 to the jews that has scattered abroad so means james was talking to a jewish community why use anointing oil because among jewish people anointing oil was like first aid so when somebody think the first thing you do is you rob him anointing oil it was cultural for the jewish people and then when james was writing he said is any sick among you let him send for the elders of the church let them pray over him anointing him with oil to take care of his psychological issue then he now says it is the prayer of faith that will heal the sick and the lord shall raise him up it's not the oil and that is the only place which makes it not a doctrine and that's why when brother john was writing say the anointing you have received of him abides in you so the believer is the bottle of oil and the holy spirit in him is the anointing oil you don't need olive oil you don't need all those things in the new testament we don't use articles we walk by faith not by sight okay the last question from sharon who is in cairo in egypt is um papa do believers need deliverance does it mean that those who are always seeking deliverance are not born again even though they say they are believers well some of them are not born again and some of them are ignorant they are believers but totally ignorant and they are being messed up a believer does not need deliverance if you are born again and you are still looking for deliverance what is born again born again is deliverance it's a movement from one kingdom to another the day he got born again light came in jesus came in the devil and darkness can't stay where jesus reigns you are the temple of the holy ghost so believers who are still running around looking for deliverance and all of that and if you observe even these deliverance experts the same people that keep falling are the same people that keep falling year in and year out ever learning and never able to come to the truth and he says from such turn away so again the believer does not need deliverance the believer is delivered at the point of being born again the believer only needs knowledge of what he has received in another two minutes so step taking telephone calls on this edition of the program if you're just joining us is day 7 of 30 days of glory running up until the 2nd of august and we just the second part the first part is always papa leaving the church and now i am here fabric kevin in canada rice papa when we go to heaven i understand i don't know where i'm right would know each other that means i will know that was my mother my dad my friends and others so will i still be able to relate with them if this is so the husband would also know that that was his wife would they still be considered husband and wife or even relate you're thinking carnally once we drop this body color knowledge will disappear but we will know ourselves but not know ourselves at this level we will know that we we knew ourselves in christ my name is karaoke i write from kenya thanks pastor for your labor in the world my question is on eternal fire eternal judgment and eternal punishment matthew 25 46 and this shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into eternal life revelation 20 14 to 15 and death and health were cast into the lake of the fire this is the second death and whosoever was found written in the word in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire that's 15. it is part of our discussion on what will happen to men who have rejected christ will they cease to exist or continue to experience destruction for eternity well i will recommend for you so tyrion season five but men that reject christ will be thrown into the lake of fire and will be born to ashes that's what the bible teaches but in order for you to have proper sound understanding get so terria season five you know and it will help you demystify all that in about hellfire lake of fire forever and ever and all of that alexander is in zambia says who was behind the killings in the old testament the devil jesus said in the thief coming no but for to steal to kill and to destroy speaking also he said the devil was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth in hebrews he says jesus destroyed him that had the power of death which was the devil so the devil was hiding in the activities of men and using it to destroy to kill and to take away people's lives that it was the devil in operation okay i'm waiting for telephone calls as soon as that is possible i'll receive justifications here and then we can take you on but the second question from alexander okay this caller is already there okay the first caller hello alexander in zambia the second question because of time and lack of it when the last come we take them angels gave moses the law who was working with those angels for the batman of israel or the israelites and where do those laws where did those laws come from i think that's the question okay i don't even understand the question yes that angels gave moses the law who was working with those angels for the betterment of israelites and where did the laws come from well i think you have not yet listened to the teaching very well i recommend for you the teaching on the law the law and the prophets part one season one and season two however it was moses who gave the law and it was moses who engaged angelic assistance in the execution of the law our first caller tonight many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from hello yeah i'm going for ghana ghana go ahead amen i i am very impressed and enlightened more on his teachings so i feel the gospel okay you want to get more you want to know how to get the materials in ghana more of the scriptures so what you do is if you get up if you get all my books and you order for my teachings and you sit down with them all the books are right are on bible interpretation if you study them well you'll be able to understand how to interpret the scriptures the program is so popular they wouldn't even allow me give them the phone lines again another caller hello hope my radio audience also part of the call crowd hello hello thank you for joining us anywhere you're calling from what does this mean actually because [Music] okay thank you pastor because you were once a slave to sin then now that you're born of god you're the life of god you serve righteousness meaning you now do the works of righteousness you are not righteous because of works but because you are righteous you do righteousness that's what it means okay just for the radio audience and plus 234 806 800 9939 another caller hello good evening sir evening mr bush i'm enjoying your program with our daddy that is good every single this is but from manchester united something happened yesterday and we couldn't have them okay today they won't stop you right now daddy thank you so much sir thank you mr bush i'm enjoying you seriously thank you thank you they stopped him yesterday so tonight he said no they couldn't do that another call down the line hello are you there okay melissa is in south africa papa what did jesus mean when he said no man has seen god at any time or heard his voice it means no man has seen the visible appearance of god ever from the beginning of time until the incarnation when god became a man another caller hello are you there yes hello yes ma'am welcome to our program your name where you're calling from my name is edmund i'm calling from usa wow okay thank you for joining us here on okay go ahead go ahead come on yeah just where are we just go ahead go ahead okay my name is usa we have a question for doctor okay um sir could you please but allow you please talk about um female believers wearing pens or trousers and also using our ascension on the hair section like weave on wings and stuff like that what was the final thing okay so now you want me to talk about we've on and ladies wearing trousers and all of that the bible's position on that is modesty simple there's no problem if a woman puts on a trouser or if a woman puts on a wrapper is dressing undressing is culture if in your culture trousers are okay go ahead wear your trousers it doesn't affect anything at all but the only thing is that the bible emphasizes modesty what about attachment nothing wrong with it it's part of your dressing where your attachment proudly so and enjoy yourself if you have good put on it if you have diamonds put them on it doesn't affect anything the only thing is you must cover your nakedness and you must be decent that's all that matters papa lascala is on the line tonight hello thank you for joining us you know where you're calling from i lost call are you there okay let me move to jamaica papa everyone everywhere in the world because attuned in my name is tanisha hello okay this one is so clear can you hear me loud and clear go ahead hello hello go ahead go ahead hello go ahead go ahead [Music] okay let me run back to jamaica papa and tanisha says i'm watching 30 days of glory from jamaica and there is no campus here oh we are working on a campus in jamaica what you do is shoot a mail to dr ebeldamina we will connect you with our coordinator in jamaica we're working on launching a campus in jamaica so shoot email to me today we'll give you information and connect you i said that was the last caller he couldn't take his turn this is the last of the last callers hello hello thank you for joining us anywhere you're calling from yeah this is called again i have not asked my question okay go ahead i have pastors here they have been challenging me and i'm glad that i brought them to my house to hear from papa directly to explain to okay man of god here they said why would you say god and god did not speak to moses and the bible says god should not be back all right pastor ray and all the pastors in pastor raise us blessings good to have all of you watching in manchester in manchester let me quickly explain god spoke to moses but god did not appear to moses visibly moses never saw god but god communicated with moses and all the old testament prophets through mediums through visions dreams and through different mediums the the prophets and moses they heard from god however in their communication because of their limitation sometimes their interpretation and sometimes their impressions were added to the things that god told them that is why when jesus came he began to correct and put the record straight you ever heard it has been said of old referring to moses thou shalt you know an eye for an eye and a tooth for a toot but i say so jesus was putting the record straight because of the limitation of the prophets and moses in interpreting the things that they heard from god whether in visions or dreams or in a voice so that is what the interaction with that's why we call it progressive revelation the old testament is a progressive revelation that culminated in jesus taking off flesh and blood that is explained in the epistles i hope that clarifies that okay we're done with um telephone calls tonight but let me encourage people like pastory if you have very serious situations like that there is serious situations like that just do a little video of perhaps two minutes and um fire an email you know and then we'll take that as the video a video message we'll check that on the program so just do that you you know the email address to do but let's come back quickly to nigeria abuja favor is this papa how can i believe our prayer in the supernatural oh once you're born again you are ready for the supernatural born again means you're born into the spirit you live in the spirit so you function supernaturally by the word of god papa still in abuja is a orca says god bless you papa please i need more understanding on the person of melchizedek who was he the melchizedek was a was the king of jerusalem used as a typology to communicate the priesthood of christ in the old testament mrs joyce jaconia is in kerby state says is it hellfire yes there is but it has to be explained because a lot of concepts have been taught that are not scriptural so again it has to be explained sure there is hellfire but it has to be explained so my recommendation for you it will take a lot of hours to teach you that is to order for my teaching on soteria season five because that was what i dealt with in soteria season five papa my name is prince i'm in abuja in what form do angels communicate information to men like the case of daniel how angel gabriel was held by the prince of pesha is it that gabriel put on human flesh or in what form was he held that in jamaica had to intervene well angels are not really supposed to be your focus your focus should be christ don't bother about angels at all now but to help you with that remember there is life before the cross and life after the cross before the cross there was a battle between all of them after the cross you and jesus are seated together in the heavenlies far above principalities and powers you don't pray for victory you pray from victory and angels are at the call of jesus to carry out the word of god so don't bother about injust just focus on the word of god and christ and enjoy your life to swaziland next and afonso andrei tembe right how do i explain the concept and teaching or the rewards that come when you type or you give the bible says it shall be given back to you press down shaken together and what about when you pay tithe the windows of heaven shall open and the devourer shall be rebuked is that not saying you should expect something when you give lord those scriptures you are quoting you are even coating them to contradict yourself first of all fighting titan doesn't open the floodgates of heaven heaven is already open for you in christ like i said tithing is not new testament titin is old testament but somebody said abraham paid tithe yes abraham never peed tithe abraham gave tithe means tenth in the new testament we don't give time we don't pay tithe we give generously we give sacrificially and we give to the best of our ability now so in the new testament when we give the objective is fulfilled how much can you pay for the debt of christ nothing so whatever you need god has already given you in christ however you give in acknowledgement of what god has done you given generosity and you give so that you can be a blessing i recommend for you my teaching i have a book on money with a mission and then i have a new book that is coming out this month on what jesus taught about material prosperity those two books will help you and have an audio teaching on what jesus taught about material prosperity for six hours any of those materials will help you a lot to understand where fighting and giving and you know whether to expect something or not when the bible say give and he shall be given he wasn't talking about god he said give and he shall be giving good measure presentation greater shall men men give so that's not giving from god papa we need to go tomorrow is another day tomorrow we return in style for day 8 of 30 days of glory um 2020. and my god what and what i think it's been we apologize to you have talked loads of messages so so so many of them many more still coming in i would still encourage you to send them the man is able and papa we just must leave it here i'd like to say pastor ij aquarium many thanks pastor kufre khan and many thanks for watching protocol everyone many thanks for watching sound engineers many things power city thirty days of your studio you're doing wonderful work many thanks also to you engineer could be baba makes me many thanks for making sure i get here and i get out my name is michael bush good night i'm telling you we're excited mr bush thank you again for continuing to be a blessing everybody else tomorrow is sunday i'll be live on facebook and all the various platforms at 8 00 a.m and then i'll be live again at 11 a.m michael bush and myself will go live for questions and answers at 12 noon tomorrow we're looking forward to having everybody enjoy the rest of your evening remember remember there's a broadcast starting right now on inspiration fm in aqua bomb and at 10 pm tonight there will be another broadcast on my page we love you guys enjoy the grace of christ we will see all of you tomorrow in the services great grace goodbye jesus is the exclusive custodian jesus is the soul carrier jesus is the perfect imprint the playroom the corporate headquarters of the godhead jesus is the executive carrier of the father so if you don't know jesus you don't know the father you can never know the father outside of christ [Music] on adam was deception join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july at 30 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 2nd of august 2020 time 6 p.m to 8 p.m from mondays to saturdays 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv of strong decoder and live on comfort fm uyo by 6 p.m to 8 p.m mondays to saturdays and 11 a.m to 1 p.m every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 p.m to 9 p.m daily be a part of this program don't miss it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,969
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: ZwafoRoBWF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 32sec (7772 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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