Freya's Singing Tips: The 5 best exercises for support

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hi this is Brian with your next singing tip breathing that's a big subject when it comes to singing you breathing is so much influence on the way your voice sounds so if you want to find out the five best exercises for your breath support stay tuned you probably heard a lot of people say sing from a diaphragm or support from your diaphragm that's not exactly correct because the diaphragm isn't just isolated from the rest of your body it's just one part of the whole support mechanism you're going to surround it by a bunch of muscles abdominal muscles upper lower left right and of course your back muscles and if you've ever noticed whenever you're doing a sit-up don't just use your abdominal muscles you also have to use the ones that are right opposite to your abdominal muscles which are your back muscles now here's the first exercise for this exercise you should stand in front of a really sturdy wall or anything that is really heavy that you can't push over whenever you push really hard stand in front of the wall take both of your hands and push against it really really hard and while you do that do the following exercise nah-nah-nah-nah-nah so go up and down however high you can go just whenever you're singing a song that has a really difficult passage that is really high that you're the feeling you're just not having enough support to sing the notes do this exercise and you will see you will get much more aware of which muscles you need to use it is so important that when singing high notes or long sustained notes that you have a good support from the bottom from your ab muscles from your ab and back muscles any muscles that surround the lungs so that the air comes out very controlled for the second exercise you need to have a belt just a regular belt that you wear with your pants take the belt put around your ribs right below your chest and then inhale until your lungs are filled all the way then put the belt right around your ribs that have now expanded to their maximum now try to do this next exercise holding the ribs all the way out without collapsing it's really hard and you will notice you will feel like you have just done a hundred situps do this exercise on whichever note feels good to you hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah now if you do it right the belt should not slide down you should stay all the way expanded with your ribs and not collapse that's really difficult also it's important when you do this exercise the notes are short but your support stays through the rest you don't just breathe in every time after you produce the tone you stay right where you are you just hold your breath and then you keep on going always just let out a little bit of air just the amount that you need for one note in the next exercise we will sing some notes and you will keep your mouth shut now I want you to imagine the following you're in a movie you're sitting on a chair in a hotel room and the bad guys they have tied up your hands and feet tied your to chair you just can't move they've also taped up your mouth so you have no way to really scream loudly you're helpless pretty much now somebody comes in to rescue you but what do you see while your best friend is trying to untie you you see the bad guy coming up right behind him but you can't speak it your mouth is still taped up so what do you do you try to make a loud noise as much as you can ah I know it sounds really funny but what this does it really really activates your support from your abdominal muscles now the barrier that you're creating by just closing your mouth and not letting the air flow out freely really makes you work hard it makes your support work really hard because a lot of air wants to come out but it just can because it can only pass through your nose and not through your mouth in the next exercise we're going to pretend that we're taking a deep dive and we have no oxygen strapped on our back we are just depending on the oxygen that's in our lungs so first of all I want you to close your glottis after you take in a deep breath and then hold it oh now closing your glottis will stop the air from flowing out it's that lid that you can put on so the air just can come out anymore now for that you don't need your ab muscles a lot however if you leave the glottis open you will see how different it feels now leave the glottis open as if you were still wanting to breathe in and out like a dog and keep it open but hold your breath and keep your lungs all the way filled okay like this hold hold all the way breathes in don't let any air out leave your mouth open don't close the glottis okay let go you will notice you really have to use your ab muscles otherwise the air just comes flying out like this now what makes the air come out so controlled is actually all the muscles that are around your lungs for the last exercise we're going to do a very soft very controlled long note pick a note that is kind of mid-range for you not too high not too low and then first of all take a deep breath and then try to sing that note as softly as you possibly can as straight as you possibly can and as long as you possibly can oh I could have sung that note a lot longer I wasn't even out of breath yet except I had a read because I felt like I was dying now if you do that you will really train you're very controlled exhaling which is really important especially if you try to sing long stretches without having to breathe sometimes the phrases are really long and you need to really economize the air in order to make it through the long phrase so these were my five favorite exercises for breath support hope you like the exercise if you liked the video I would really appreciate it if you helped me out by giving it a thumbs up or leaving a comment and of course if you haven't already do subscribe to my channel I upload a new singing tip every Friday and I also have some performance videos that I upload frequently and always remember always keep a song in your heart and always keep on singing because it's really really good for the body mind and soul have a wonderful day you
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 79,191
Rating: 4.9742875 out of 5
Keywords: singing tutorial, how to sing, how to sing better, singing support, breath support, support exercises, best exercises, best singing exercises, Singing (Musical Instrument), How-to (Website Category), Music (TV Genre), Help, Best, Tips, Tutorial
Id: 60jXu4B0R6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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