Quick 5 Minute SINGING Warm Up

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hello everyone my name is Anna and you're watching verba vocal this channel is all about helping you to unlock and maintain an awesome singing voice by providing exercises training videos tips advice and backing tracks but we wouldn't be able to do what we do if it wasn't for the support of our fantastic patrons and that's why Marc and I decided that we want to give even more back to say thank you so in the coming months Marc and I will be adding to the rewards that we offer over on patreon to our fantastic patrons we're planning to record some of our vocal exercises down into mp3 so that you our patrons can download them now if you're not a patron but you enjoy what we do you'd like to support us and see us make more content and you'd also like access to some of those fabulous rewards then it's very easy all you have to do is follow the link in the description box below go and check out what we have to offer but if you're not able to become a patron then don't worry because you'll still have access to all the videos that we put out here to all the videos we've previously put out and we have just set up a new website verba vocal comm which I hope you'll come and take a look at it helps to organize all the vocal exercises that we've put out so you can use them more easily and if you sign up for our newsletter which you can do via the home page of our website then we will send you absolutely free of charge your own quick warm-up backing track for the warm ups that we're about to teach you now so don't miss out www.verbalink.com page then open up to an e and then to an R but I will guide you here we go [Music] you going Oh [Music] keep your relax big space [Music] Oh [Music] good in the next exercise we're going to cover slurred and staccato arpeggios so we're going to start with a hop we're going to do the whole time your diaphragm will be jumping around so put one hand on your tummy to feel that muscle engaging and then the second time around we're going to just do a slurred movement so we're going to join it all together [Music] all right and we'll alternate between the two here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep going sled [Music] we doing [Music] [Applause] very good the next exercise is to wake up our articulate errs to help a forward placement and to set off and set up our twang placement so we're going to start with pars we're doing Papapa Papapa Papapa Papapa Papapa we open up to come down ah all the time thinking the voice forward sometimes people think that coming out through their eyebrows so it's nice and forward placed then the next round we're doing yours Jung yin and yang yin and yang yin yang Ying Yin Yin yeah this isn't meant to be pretty and ideally no vibrato coming down on yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah this is definitely a twang sound so it should be four placed vibrating here and piggy let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] very good well they hope you found that helpful don't forget to Like share and subscribe and now head over to www.fcsexcel.com you
Channel: Verba Vocal Technique
Views: 771,627
Rating: 4.9334664 out of 5
Keywords: vocal warm up, singing exercises, warm up exercises, voice warm up, vocal exercises, singing warm ups, vocal warm ups, how to sing, sing, quick singing warm up, verba vocal, Anna Verba, verba, Scales, singing exercise, Improve singing
Id: Ec-o7vsiBJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2017
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