Freeway Ricky on Harry-O, Suge Knight, Boosie, Kodak Black, Lil Wayne, Death Row (Full Interview)

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all right here we go freeway ricky ross welcome back to vlad tv you already know man it's been a few months i think september was the last time that you came through here we do this so often it's like you know like i'm part of the team and people on the street think i'm part of the team too so you know you're a regular guest yeah yeah yeah i figured you had something you you needed to talk about hey man listen you know i'm a therapist too right so yeah so am i people open up to me from what i hear people tell me everything you don't know how i do it let's go ahead and get into it um first of all someone who you know very well harry oh was pardoned by donald trump recently yeah i heard about that yeah you and harry go back you guys were locked up together right locked up together and on the street together stayed in the same apartment complex uh-huh on beverly glen and pico uh and and uh you know me and his brother dave uh was closer than me and harriet was okay dave got killed on a boat on a boat yeah he had a boat in accident oh okay wow you don't hear that very often no no we were in jail when it happened but uh yeah that's what uh the rumor was that he had a boat in accident okay and i think we've talked about this before but refresh my memory when you guys were on the street together were you doing business together or not so much me and harry didn't do business he did business around me through other people uh but me and him never did direct business okay was there a reason no because he had his thing you had your thing and yeah it was cool you know yeah and like i said me and his brother was was was was was way cool you know okay his brother was big too oh really yeah he may have been bigger than harry huh interesting harry might uh i might disagree on that might disagree on that but um i guess they probably had times you know what eight one was doing better than the other one you know yeah uh uh but dave was more calm you know um harry was you know me me and harry we had a thing we was in this in the cell together where we said he had a double personality you know that was mike and then it was harry oak so uh hario was a little more hot-headed than than dave was so uh i i felt comfortable dealing with dave you know okay so you're doing business with dave his brother yeah okay all right got it um and harry was known as a very flashy guy as well well both of them could have been you know yeah i mean a lot more faster than you yeah yeah last time i saw dave dave had about i don't know eight nine hundred thousand dollars but for cars in the garage he had the testerosa the big bends uh his bucket was a akra legend when it just came out so uh porsche you had to push too so he he was you know he he was he was you know he showed his wealth a little bit i mean how does someone during that era who doesn't have a real job hide all that wealth and all that flashiness because you did it by just looking very poor i guess you know for lack of a better word but for the guys with a million dollars in cars and jewelry and huge mansions like how are you hiding all this well you know the system wasn't it wasn't as sophisticated as it is now i don't think you know we used to go into a bank and get a ten thousand dollar cashier check you know like savings if i was gonna buy a house i would just send uh all the girls to different banks you know and they would come back we'll cash his checks and and we'd go deposit them and nobody would nobody would say nothing these days though yeah no no it's not gold flag no no so and you know then you have people that would take the money you know and clean it up for you you know you had car dealers that you know you bring them 100 000 and put on paper that you bought them 20. they would keep the 80 or no they couldn't put the 20. they got to pay for the car but on paper it looks like you only paid 20. so if somebody questioned you about the car you'd be like i only paid 20 000 for it so that ain't no big deal even though it's a hundred thousand dollar car but were there actual cleanup guys you know because you hear these stories of these banks and these kind of shadowy figures that you bring a million dollars and they'll give you 900 000 back i'm sure yeah it was it was but you weren't really dealing with guys like this oh yeah somewhat there you know i should deal with a guy named bill little you know he was one of the biggest real estate owners in california and he would take you know he would take uh for a house that he was selling for 300 000 you could give him 200 and hold him a hundred and he made it look like he you only paid a hundred thousand for it he was just pocketed yeah he i mean he didn't want to pay taxes on the money so it did him a favor you know now there's 200 000 that he don't have to pay taxes on and um he did you a favor because now you just made two hundred thousand dollars on paper you know it looks like you just made 200 000. errol i did mine more with real estate real estate was really easy you know you could build uh you know like my motel i built my motel for 290 000 and nobody know what i paid for it you know it was just like a building just appeared on this property we don't know where he got the wood from you don't know where he got the windows from and nobody really followed up back then it wasn't like um i imagine that it is right now yeah i bet i bet paper trails electronic transfers everything else like that video cameras pretty hard to really launder money in the same way that it was about yeah i'm sure it's probably but it's probably people just this this this making it easier like that you know wherever they come up with with with uh uh a method of stopping it somebody's gonna come up with a way to get around it so yeah well now you got bitcoin and stuff like that exactly so that brings a whole level and you know i've always said that the only what i would say killer app for bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general is illegal activities other than that bitcoin and credit cards work pretty much the same and credit cards are a lot more stable you know price wise yeah you know i mean you're not gonna buy something with for a thousand dollars with a credit card and have it be worth 500 the next day like with bitcoin you know what i'm saying but for legal activities bitcoin is actually you know you want to go on the dark web or whatever else bitcoin isn't much bitcoin to be used i never i never tried it either um a couple times i wish i would have he took some big hits you know upward and i was like damn i should have bought when they told me to and then a couple weeks later it went under what yeah i would have bought it for so it's kind of like gambling to me this gambling yeah it's exactly like yeah okay then you and harry were locked up together yep how long were you guys locked up in the same prison uh we stayed we stayed sally's for about i i think i stayed in mdc for about a year at that time we were together i wasn't selling these with him the whole time though i was selling with sellers with both for a couple months um and then harry and then harry you had to i left both sale i went straight to harry me and harry would sell these after that okay and while you guys were celie's was he still involved in death row records or was that at the point where we when i moved in the sale that it wasn't no different this was before this was before yeah right because i remember you talked about how you potentially you know could have been an investor in death row but he jumped on it and you told him if you're not gonna do it i'm gonna do it well no that was dr dre oh that was dre that was dr dre yeah he was harry was doing lydia's album mm-hmm when when when i got there he was already working on lydia's album and uh when he was doing it harry used to get all the magazines in the sale like everything every every magazine that you could imagine he had him coming in and uh i started going through the magazines and i saw him on the magazines that dream easy wasn't getting along and um they were saying that dre was having some financial troubles in the article so uh i told harry yo i said why don't you let dre produce lilia um now you have a hit on your hands and dre need the money and i told him that if he didn't want to get race some money that i was going to give him some money and you know harry just took over the whole the whole situation yeah and that eventually became death row records yeah well he went from there because he didn't know dre i didn't know dre you know neither one of us really knew how to get in touch with dre at that time and you know you're working from jail so your phone your phone is not uh you know it's not like the phones you got here you know where you just get on the card all day long you know um we have ways that we manipulated to get on the phone longer but really you only have 15 minutes on the phone ah okay so uh you had to work those 15 minutes every minute that you was on the phone you had to be working so eventually he found uh ron brown who knew suge and that's how the connection came together right and you know you mentioned the whole phone thing i remember i i interviewed the former president of solar records and the whole thing was there was a phone in the studio that was specifically for harry oh you talking about dick griffey yeah well no it was dick griffey at the time but then virgil roberts yeah i know bro that is right yeah new virgin right so i interviewed virgil roberts and we talked about you know when death row was in kind of in solar record studios at the time and there was a phone that was specifically designed for harry o to call and no one was allowed to call it or use that phone and then uh the these producers got on the phone when show told them to get off they said hold on i'm gonna let you know i'm gonna finish and then sugar end up basically pulling out a pistol and we get a phone bill from the studio floor that was something like i want to say eight thousand dollars for a month okay so griffey calls shook in and he says look at this bill this is ridiculous if you can't get those knuckleheads down there to stop using the phone i'm gonna throw you out so uh that night shook comes into the building you know goes up to the to the to the third floor and one of the stanley brothers was on the phone um and i wasn't there so this is what was important to me you know um that he asked the guy to get off the phone and he said and i think the stanley brothers had been part of the world-class wrecking crew and uh they were actually there to try and get dre who by then is becoming known as a as a hit producer to do something for them and so he tells suga he didn't know who she really was he said hey look i'm uh uh i'm want to get uh dre's guest go talk to him and shook said i'll talk to him i run this i said man go leave me alone so sugar apparently goes out goes back downstairs to his car gets a gun comes back puts the gun to his head and says [ __ ] i told you get off the phone so then he hangs up the phone and chuck takes him into the major we had at the studio we had had a big it was a big studio because we we constructed it in the days when you made records with musicians and so you know in in the olden days if you want to do a string date you would bring in the string section from the la philharmonic and that's how you do string overdubs and stuff so we had a we had a studio that was big enough to accommodate all those so suge brings him into the studio and he has everybody you know people for the rehearsal i said i want you all to come in here and he said this is what's going to happen if you use that phone uh and so tell tells uh the guy took off his clothes and he says i'm not taking off my clothes so then he shoots the gun he has by the guy's ear you know pistol whipping himself i heard about that i heard about that incident i didn't know that was there though that was there did we see it yep yeah i know i i went and saw you know uh when i got out dick took me through and showed me you know how he had helped uh should get on and and uh you know he was mad at shook because he negotiated that deal with within the scope for sure and uh he felt that sugan crossed him out on the deal because he he felt that he should have been those are some of the guys that did dick is one of the guys who reasoned that i probably wasn't the king of hip-hop he's one of the guys that talked me out of hip-hop right right i remember i interviewed tarray the journalist and uh he went to go interview suge at death row and he had a little portable you know tape recorder you know back then and you know he's doing the interview and suga's answering all the questions and he's like so uh what's up with the dick griffey uh lawsuit and that's what all everything went what he was saying like one of suga's guys came in like he was around like a pit bull was like this [ __ ] time about lawsuits like what you know like she's like hold on hold on hold on yeah you don't want to hear that you don't want to hear that he's like and he made toure redo the entire interview and answer the questions exactly the same without without you know basically eraser they could redo the whole interview but he said he answered the questions exactly the same every time sugar's actually very smart from what uh from what i understand i i didn't really get to kick it with should when i got out in 93 um i didn't know that sugan harrio was beefing and uh my guy used to run soul train uh reggie reggie rutherford you know rest in peace he died last year uh so reggie called me and say hey uh sug and snoop and jermaine dupri is here on the set uh you need to come down and holla at him so i shoot down and i'm rapping to him and sugar remembers me from jail you know when he used to come and visit harry we all be in the same room and we all be talking so you know he's like oh man come on man let's get together let's do it i heard you doing the theater and was really open armed uh but then i get a call from harry like hey man back up off dude you know don't uh don't mess with dude you know so they're a beefing i didn't know he didn't tell me that they was beefing or nothing like that but i respected his wish you know because you know that's how we had always you know did like i ain't gonna be stepping on your toes don't step on my toes and uh i respected that uh but i only wondered what would have happened if i would have went on to start working with suge you know from that day i might have not even went back to jail in in in uh in 93 you know when they set me up but uh me and shook was was was always cool you know i never had no uh no no beast with suge at all well harry gets pardoned by trump did that surprise you it did okay surprise everybody how do you think he got that well you know trump was trying to make some statements i believe to uh uh to seem uh non-racist so he needed to let some guys out because he had let so many of his of his cronies out then he needed to have some other controversial people from from i believe from a different side of the fence okay fair enough uh well he gets out and uh he does a you know his first post-prison interview with i believe daily mail did you watch that at all no well he actually cried during parts of the interview and uh he said that uh they tricked me into helping me kill my own people you yourself don't feel that same type of remorse no i don't i've never seen you cry or you know really feel like you didn't do anything that would have gotten done anyways well i mean i i i don't i don't go back in the past you know what's been done has been done um and and i'm living in the future now you know if you want to beat me up about me selling cocaine when i was 19 years old when i was dumb as a rock you know when i was the guy that used to climb through the back seat and pop the trunk of cars you know then you hold me you hold me responsible for that but i'm not holding myself responsible anymore you know i'm moving forward you know uh i'm loving life i'm i'm living uh my best life yeah and and um and i hope that harry forgives himself you know and and and allow himself to move on because i mean harry's one of the sharpest guys that i've been around uh he did a lot for me when i was in jail you know with getting me reading books and she taught me about magazines you know that that i could really read magazines and find out what was going on outside the world you know um and and um i can't think he gave me one of my one of my favorite books too but i can't think of the name of it it's about the guy who created time warner and and uh you know what's the name uh it was his book um stephen j ross yeah that's his name that's the arthur but i can't think of the name of the book the book had a a title a winning title something about winning but anyway you know he he he he gave me a lot of the game that uh that i use right now today you know i had to give him some credit for uh uh putting me on that path yeah i mean when i interviewed little d he said that hario is the smartest drug dealer he's ever met but let me say this too man when you talk about guys that was in the streets hustling and that was brilliant here the most brilliant guy i ever met in the streets that was hustling was mike o'haras harry oh out of los angeles that's the smartest business-minded dude that i ever met that come from the streets i ain't gonna say that but you're pretty smart [Laughter] right and you know i actually spoke to harry oh over the weekend uh we had done an interview with boosie and when i brought up harrio's name boozy says some things about harry uh in a disparaging manner because busey's real close to uh jay prince and harry and jay prince has some friction so busy says some things that about harry that we found out actually weren't accurate after the fact that boosie was just kind of going off the cuff so you know little d called me we ended up you know correcting you know some of the things on there and then me and harry spoke and you know initially he was upset you know and i had a conversation with and i explained to him what had happened and you know what my role in this was and i explained to him that things were corrected and you at the end of the conversation he was like i i respect all that and yeah i knew him and jay had had had some some issues yeah uh but i i stay out of their business you know that's a business i'm friends with jay i'm friends with harry and they don't put me in and i ain't in it right you just did an interview with uh jay prince i did how do you guys know each other through harry through harry okay that's interesting cause you know even though you're not don't want to put yourself into it i mean what's happening right now is that i guess at one point harry oh felt that he helped start rap a lot and jay prince saying that's not true and there's some friction over that yeah i don't know i don't know either i don't know what happened with that i just know they was friends you know um i became friends with him you know through the ordeal and that's as far as i know about their business i don't know yeah if he helped start rap a lot or not i've heard those same rumors but i know absolutely nothing about that yeah i don't know either but i have spoken to people who were there during the start of wrapalot and they they don't they're not familiar with ariel's involvement in that at all yeah so that's from my point of view now were there things going on that they were not aware of maybe but i'm talking about and i'm not going to put any names out but the actual people that were around during the very start that was the first time they even heard of that when i brought it up so who knows who knows hopefully he'll get worked out at some point you know harry looks like a guy you know based on my conversation that is very intelligent that does not want to go back to prison uh that's happy to be out and uh you know hopefully he'll make some uh some good contributions now yeah he will he will you know harry harry worked i mean tiredest worker you know all day you know from the time the doors open to day clothes and at night you know writing writing scripts uh books i mean he just he just he was going hard you know he he had learned when we got to prison he had already learned how to how to do time you know because he was locked up for what 30 years yeah i think he had been in jail like two years when i got there he'd already been down two years yeah it's quite a stretch quite a stretch uh like half his life pretty much right yeah yeah or maybe more yeah it's not worth it it's not worth it balling out for a few years and then spending the second half of your life locked up i i can't i can't see a reward for that no it's not worth it i mean even the 20 years i did you know what i've learned about life is that i wouldn't do it for the money again i don't think anyone would but i don't think anything some people don't learn yeah i feel it i know guys to get out and go right back matter of fact while they're in prison they plan on doing it and they read the law books to know exactly how much time they're gonna get when they get back yeah well along with harry o lil wayne got pardoned by trump now i predicted this last november you can watch my interviews with tk kirkland where i said you know after the photo had surfaced of wayne and trump i said ah wayne has a federal gun charge this is going to be a second offense for the same thing he's facing i think 10 years he took that photo for a party and everyone said all this [ __ ] that's not going to happen sure enough we ain't got that part does that surprise you uh not that he would do it and not even take the photo yeah i mean i would i would take a photo to get to get out of 10 years who would it yeah so no that don't surprise me uh i never paid attention to the photo you know i don't really get into to i do get into politics somewhat but not not too too heavy you know i'm so busy with me you know like i got so much business going on that it's hard for me to really like pay attention to what other people were doing or what what they got going on and uh and you know with the pandemic being the way it has you know uh lost a few friends in it and you know it just just keeps me tied up and keeps my mind uh evolving you know i got to keep evolving i can't i can't stand still yeah well kodak black also got pardoned i heard about that one uh before he was pardoned he uh well had someone for him i assume go on twitter and he promised to donate a million dollars if trump freed him then after he got freed he deleted that tweet what tweet well i didn't have to say that what are you talking about so they just playing trump all over the board yeah i mean his lawyer responded to it said oh you know oh no that had nothing to do with it um you know that whole tweet was sort of you know you can't do stuff like that anyways you can't promise to donate money in exchange for a pardon so so that was taken off you know even before but apparently he was taken down right after he got pardoned so well well i don't know i mean i think l.a times did a uh an investigation before even with bill clinton where this uh this drug lord son had went to prison and he was able to finagle his way in and get his son apart from clinton it it it happens yeah i mean how do pardons really come about because a presidential pardon means that you could pardon anyone in the u.s in the federal system not state federal only because i remember busy this whole thing how he was so upset to see murder didn't get pardoned not to explain to him the steam murderer has a state case right that trump can't do anything but when you have a federal prison sentence the u.s president usually on his last day of office so he doesn't have to hear anything from anyone can pardon whoever he wants and then just walk away with no explanation yeah you know now trump gave little explanations for people whatever else but it's not anything that he has to answer to have you heard of anyone actually going through the you know the means to get a pardon or do you just the point the normal way yeah what's the normal way lots of people you file to the uh you write a letter to the president uh-huh and his attorney will get it they'll read it and they'll look at the merits look at how long you've been in prison and they'll decide if they're going to get you apart and little d got a pardon from obama little d did get a pardon you're right he got his uh from obama yeah he got his sentence commute we talked about this yeah he got it i mean i mean obama did you know obama did quite a few people so i know i don't know i know about 10 people got him and it was just from letters or is it through connections these guys didn't really have connections they just you know uh was crack dealers that you know got caught with uh quite a bit of crack you know more than what you're supposed to and got a lot of time and uh obama didn't feel that the time was justified for the crime um yeah yeah well look well i'm glad these guys are out i'm glad wayne and harry oh and uh kodak black are out uh you know from my understand kodak black has another charge that he's still facing but for now i believe he's out he actually tattooed his lawyer's name on his hand after he got out maybe his lawyer might have had to come tagged in i think i think that's what it was yeah cause that's usually how it works you know you hire a lawyer i mean you know from from from reading the articles what they do is they hire a lawyer that's uh went to school with the president's lawyer and and they cut a deal well uh since last time that we did our interview in september uh a lot of violence happened in hip-hop uh king von got killed you heard about that is that the guy in texas no uh king vaughn is actually from chicago the guy in texas is moe 3. okay yeah i heard about that i heard about both of them king vaughn was the first one who got killed uh he got killed in atlanta uh he got into a fight with quando rondo they've been beefing on social media over some nonsense and they ran into each other and uh it was almost like a tupac situation uh vaughn ran up on cuando and just started punching him in the face and then a fight broke out and uh allegedly one of uh kwando's guys pulled out a gun and killed him you know um it really was like echoing the tupac situation where if this guy didn't run up on him he would be still still living today uh when the tupac thing happened were you locked up i was locked up yeah that was my first my first six months i think he got locked up about six months after i was in jail yeah i mean he got killed about six months after i went to jail i mean have you seen these types of things happen you know where a fight just turns into a murder all the time i lived in south central so that was happening all the time yeah that's our gangs that's how gangs kill each other yeah start off as a fight and you know somebody can't take it and they go get their gun and they kill the other one why would most people get into that situation knowing that there might be gun play involved no they can't think you know if you can think if you're a logical thinking person then you would figure a way around that situation which is what uh what i always try to do whenever i'm put in the situation is i try to figure out what's the most uh advantageous way for me to get out of this situation i mean even in jail you know i you know be on the basketball court and file somebody and next time you know tempers is hot and everybody's ready to fight but you got to keep a cool head because you know if you fight somebody might go get a knife oh yeah and that's it yeah that's it it's that simple it's that simple you know the homies ain't gonna let you dangle that you play it down you know like man you're gonna let him do you like that you gotta handle that i mean before prison did anyone ever try to physically assault you as you were going about your day about your business i was almost kidnapped before really almost kidnapped yeah they they i got in the car i mean they put the gun in my head and uh it was my car i turned my car around and i was getting ready to get out and when i got out it was a guy in a lady and the lady she was a nice looking lady and i was looking like damn and before i knew it uh they called my name they said rick and i turned and then he put the gun in my head like and then he told me to get back in the car i was getting back in the car i got lucky it's in my book all that's in my book and and uh you know we had a no kidnap policy we ain't paying no ransoms you know that was our motto we don't pay ransoms oh even if it's you even this is me you know my rules go for my rules go for me too why did you have that rule because we don't want nobody trying to kidnap us okay so so before your kidnapping were any of your guys that were kidnapped no they kidnapped one of my one of my partner's uh daughter one time oh uh but other than that nobody from from our crew got kidnapped okay and what happened with the whole daughter situation he called the fbi uh-huh and they went and got her and called the guys it almost that almost reminds me of the paid in full story you know uh z faison when i interviewed him you know you know what i'm talking about yeah noisy you know the whole rich porter uh situation rich porter's a little brother got kidnapped by like the uncle or something you know in l.a kidnapping had got to be big though you know yeah this was new york but yeah they ended up kidnapping the little brother maybe 85 you know uh guys getting out of prison had turned that that had become the new hustle you know kidnapped drug dealers or the kids right because what do you do okay so this was one of your workers whose daughter got kidnapped uh more like a partner you know uh uh he did his own thing you know but we we we did stuff together too okay so me calling the fbi is a lot different than a drug dealer calling the fbi yeah yeah i mean he he he had a lot of problems doing it you know he didn't just do it as soon as it happened you know he was talking to everybody and and asking questions imagine he probably talked to everybody he probably you know because he knew all of us harry yo i mean he knew everybody okay so he called me and asked me man what you think you know they got my daughter what'd you tell i told him that i would call the feds too my most important thing would be getting my daughter back you know and he was wondering if he paid he thought if he paid the ransom that they may not give his daughter back how much was the wrestler i think they only wanted like a hundred thousand three hundred thousand three hundred thousand okay when the fbi came and got the daughter back did they start to look into who he was and no they didn't care oh okay so it actually worked out yeah they only wanted one thing to get her back and they got her back yeah they got her back a couple hours they called um it's crazy because me and her men the daughter is like way cool she's more my age than he is he's older than i am and uh she was just telling me how um the guy goes to the phone booth because they're using phone booths back then when we still have phone booths to call to make the transaction and by the time he hit the phone booth they say the fans that surrounded the phone booth and follow him back to the house where they had the girl that surrounded the house and uh got on the bullhorn and said y'all might well come on out we got the house around it sure they had a hard time in prison you know a bunch of guys would kidnap a little girl i don't think they get treated too well i don't know uh they they i forgot they was from a gang you know so they probably uh yeah you know they probably didn't have too hard of time i got you uh well the the texas murder you're talking about is mo three who would i i'd actually interviewed him once uh very [ __ ] up situation a very cool guy uh definitely a very high talent and i remember i interviewed him maybe about a year and a half ago and i said you know you have you know beef with people in dallas you know there's a very well publicized beef that had been going on for a while uh you know he talked about how he was getting death threats and there was you know rumors of money on his head and everything else like that and i said well do you do you have security with you everywhere you go he goes nah that's not necessary um you know no one's trying to chase me down or nothing else like that security sometimes with me with the shows and stuff you know when the promoter booked me you know they got their own security you know they come and date me and [ __ ] shout out to them you know but other than that like i ain't worried about none of that so you know i ain't got no security i'm not i'm not out here nobody chasing me now trying to do nothing to me so i ain't worried about none of that and that's exactly how he died actually there's a guy that waited in front of his house well i guess he was at a girl's house there was a guy that waited in front of that house all night when he left the guy ended up basically chasing his car down and getting out the car and killing him right daylight in broad daylight broad daylight yep there's actually there was pictures of the guy you know with a gun out you know wearing a mask they caught the guy within about a week or so and uh he's awaiting trial at this point uh very sad situation uh very very sad situation um and then busy ended up going down to dallas for the vigil and ended up getting shot in the leg yeah i heard about that too yeah i just interviewed boosie yep i just interviewed about that oh yeah and uh in true boosie fashion he said i said so what happened exactly he said i don't know i was asleep in the car and i woke up in the hospital i didn't see nothing i don't know nothing he said police showed up he said like five different cops would like go to the hospital bed and he kept telling him i don't know what kind of car were you in i don't know man i woke up and i was shot i was in the hospital okay so you don't want to talk about that whole thing okay yeah i woke up okay you know there ain't got no ain't got no police report or nothing that really i told him nah ain't no police reporting okay so we don't have to talk about the actual situation i woke up i was in the hospital okay laughing laughing yeah you know when you get shot it's a blessing because god can take you because you're still alive yeah so you're happy that you're alive yeah every time i get shot i'm happy i'm alive okay i mean it's always interesting how this the street code applies to people even when they're the victims themselves yeah i mean i don't know i i don't uh i don't know it's it it's just people adopt uh philosophies and they hold them dear to themselves you know and that's what they live by and that's what they die by and and i get it you know um they just don't make no sense to me though you know that um that these guys are having so much money and and the fame and and they would take that and put it at risk for for really no reasons at all for as i'm concerned uh i don't think nothing is worth dying for when you were active was there like a no talking to police rule across the board for you and your team no we never we never talked about that no no we never sat down and talked about you know uh what would happen if the police came in and what we was gonna say we we never we never made that plan well you've had people actually snitch on you and cooperate yep so maybe that talk should have been had us at some point you know and uh well some of them some of them wasn't part of my crew some of them was but uh it don't matter if you had that talk you know uh when you know when somebody's looking at 40 50 years you know um you're talking about them really being dead you know for the for have over half of their life you know uh what decisions they're gonna make yeah i mean how many people really stand firm when facing life or facing 30 40 years uh you know the ricoh the rico laws is what changed everything from what i understand yeah it's hard do you remember when rico first came in effect no i didn't know about rico until i got to prison aha i didn't pay attention to the law you know my my thing was i was more uh concerned about not getting caught you know not being um you know not getting caught with no drugs you know i'm like if i don't get caught with no drugs i'm good you know and and that's what i thought until you know the feds came up with the conspiracy and and uh that changed the game where you didn't need to have drugs in your possession i i always felt that the police could never catch me with drugs in my possession that was our motto we talked about that that's what my team we worked on not ever being caught with drugs in our possession right because conspiracy means that you're not actually doing the crime but you're somehow involved in it based on what other people are saying yeah something like that something like that yeah yeah not necessarily it could be what they're saying or you know what they could prove you know um i mean a conspiracy is if if i know you're going to do a drug crime and i'll let you use my car they're going through that crime then i just ate it and embedded you in that crime and then now my charges is the same as your charges if you go and kill somebody i can be charged with that same murder yeah i mean i've always said this you know for example in that same vein of what you're talking about if me and you go and do a crime and you kill somebody in the process i'm not charged with that same murder right if me and you doing the crime together yeah yeah you charged with the same the same even though i didn't have the gun i didn't pull the trigger if i part of the crime you have to prove that you didn't know he had a gun right and that you didn't know he was going to kill him those are the things that you will have to prove and that's going to be hard to prove right because that that comes down now to the state of your mind and you know if a jury's going to be looking like oh you you went to the crime to do a robbery so now you're going to say that you wasn't with the murder and you wasn't with the gun right you know it's kind of hard to to to but it's happening people who who have had their cases overturned for that but uh yeah i mean because for example you look at the capitol building attack that happened five people died in the process for you know four of the hillbillies that ran up in there and one cop and i don't see how donald trump isn't somehow tied into these into these deaths because he would be if he wasn't the president that's what i'm saying yeah he would be if if it wasn't the thing about about what donald trump's situation is it could cause a civil war if they try to lock up donald trump you're talking about 70 million people is gone and and um i was watching the program uh last night matter of fact on cnn where they were saying that um these people look at donald trump as a jesus almost as a god you know so if you try to lock him up even though they've locked other people up like that the blind sheik that the the muslim guy he got locked up and he was blind because they said he told his people to do certain things but yeah they they they could like technically they could lock donald trump up that's what i'm saying for example you look at that exact same situation you take donald trump off that stage you put in al sharpton he be in jail right now see what i'm saying al sharpton riled up a mob of people saying that he was cheated and robbed and they need to go down there and fight for the truth and he's going to meet him down there and in the process five people die i can guarantee you al sharpton will be prison right now with nobody oh no question no question i i totally agree okay i'm glad someone agrees with me though everyone else i've talked to like no no you're going too far with this no no he should be in jail he should be in jail he he organized the riot i mean he organized the rally he also told him that we're going to walk down the street together yeah i'm going to meet you down there so that's the conspiracy that's a conspiracy that and that's my point right there that's okay what you described as a conspiracy is exactly what i saw that he would have to prove he would have to prove that he didn't know that those people were gonna break in in in the white house and then it it i mean it's it's a few things you know you have to they got things where you can withdraw from the conspiracy you know after a certain while where you can say you know what i ain't no longer with it but it's it's so it's complicated but yeah they could they could i i believe if i was a prosecutor i could i could i could indict him for for what he did yeah but from what i understand you know he he got uh impeached in the lower house but in the upper house he's not going to get impeached the senate the senate's you're not going to get a two-thirds because i think that uh five republicans even voted to even go forward with the impeachment and they need 17 in order to get a two-thirds majority so that's just not gonna happen well you know this this country is really really divided right now um with race relationships you know the racial thing is is like at an all-time high and uh you know trump played off of that you know he he he played him right into his his his position where he wanted him at and um the senate they don't know what to do you know if they go against him they're gonna lose their seat next next time around possibly i don't know about that yeah it's possible uh it's there is a possibility but i don't know like you also want to be on the right side of history i agree and decide with a traitor with someone who tried to overthrow the government because i really think that like that was really an attempted coup it was a coup yeah it was they had guns yeah they had zip ties yeah that was a coup and they were talking about killing the representatives they wanted to hang pence pence uh nancy pelosi uh all the democrats yeah a whole bunch of them you'll see like everybody yeah so it was a coup i mean it was a a something that i never thought that i would ever see in america i know right when you were watching that on tv or the internet or however else you saw it me personally i felt embarrassed like i knew nothing was really going to happen you know what i'm saying like well because the military was not i didn't really feel embarrassed i saw what blacks have been going through in this country forever meaning well you know when we were going when i was growing up in texas we should have to jump in the ditch when a car come by no because of races so what i saw is the same people now saying that okay if you guys going back this then we're going to get you too we're going to take you out just like we'll take them out and uh it wasn't it wasn't necessarily surprising i've been saying it was going i told him it was going to happen eight months ago i said donald trump ain't going out the white house yeah well he went out the white house though yeah he he he almost had to carry him out he's not saying the same zip ties to hog time yeah man like i said to me it was embarrassing because you know i remember my cameraman when i came in he said that the us is looking like a banana republic right now you know well but to black people we always looked at it like that you know george floyd was just the first time they showed it on national tv you know when they choked him up but you know i don't been choked beating the hair with flashlights let dogs bite me while i'm zip-tied my my feet are zip-tied my hands behind my back they let a dog bite me they plant drugs on us i mean go on court and lie in court and i mean this ain't nothing new to us we totally we totally used to this there was maybe a small handful of black people that actually made it inside the capitol building i saw one maybe two yeah i saw one or two in the in pictures i didn't see him in the capitol building but i saw him pictures yeah yeah i bet he is what do you think would have happened if it was a mob of black people oh well they've been shot out they've been shot down in the streets just a mass murder basically i mean look we see i see a cop they got a cop and they squeezing him in the door yeah they squeezing him and this guy is like he's in excruciating pain and none of the cops do nothing well to be fair to be fair right because i have to play devil's advocate the cops were vastly outnumbered okay there was a whole situation where they purposely put less cops out there because of the optics i have you know i've interviewed the mayor of washington dc muriel bowser so i know people in that administration they were calling for the national guard to come in and being turned down by trump's people because they wanted to look bad so with the cops being as outnumbered as they were and the mob of people potentially being armed in mass i think the cops were in fear of their lives in terms of shooting people no i'm i i'm not arguing with that but i'm saying if some blacks would have had a white cop pinning the door like that did and it was 10 or 15 other cops standing behind him with their pistols some people would have got shot i gotcha i can't argue with that so what i'm saying is that they definitely treated the mob they didn't say they was even taking pictures with them you know some of the cops were taking pictures with you know so so so we know that that mentality is it's all right we've been knowing that it was inside the police force yeah you know that's not telling us nothing we didn't know we already knew that a lot of the cops are racist you know and that's the one way that they take out their frustrations or whatever that they have is by becoming police officers and and uh and punishing us so only thing i'm saying is that that would never happen with black guys squeezing a cop like that i mean i just talked to uh what's his name on my show the other night and he was walking away with a knife and they shot him in the back yeah and paralyzed him wow so you know when you're saying that they was actively squeezing that man you know i'm talking about hurting him and and and they didn't they didn't do nothing so we know that's a double standard well one lady got shot by a cop yeah i saw i saw that too trying to jump through the window that room cleared out nice and quick no one wanted a piece of that well that's the way they would have show if it had been a black mob that's the way they would have did all of them yeah they just start firing off and you know we don't know how many people would have died in that incident i agree i agree uh i guess this one uh rather poorly lady who had been walking around with a sign that said don't tread on me end up getting trampled to death somewhat ironic uh one guy had a heart attack one guy tased himself and had a stroke uh then the cop got killed uh just a [ __ ] mess just a mess based on you know the whole q anon conspiracy that election was stolen and everything else like that it was really just just pathetic honestly that's how i look at it i was embarrassed and the way we've been handing the virus too you know that that that's another um you know trump [ __ ] up where he really like let the country down because he didn't come forward and let everybody know what he already knew you know i agree i agree we probably would be in a much much better shape you know than than oh yeah because you know when when i did your show remember i came on and we talked about it and he had more information than i had you know he could have let the people know we probably would be through this thing already i mean are you gonna take the vaccine when your name comes up nope you're not why is that i don't need to because i take vitamin d3 okay i take vitamin d3 as well you zinc yep i've got about five people at the hospital okay i've showed him how to get out the hospital you know i told you i know the doctor that had the lick we couldn't get him on your show though yeah yeah he got cancelling on us he showed us how to do it and that is d3 d3 high dose of d3 zinc zinc and that helps i see it and you know something uh a guy i know uh out in west virginia he mentioned the d3 thing to me as well and i actually went online and did some uh you know some research and in fact in actual medical legitimate medical websites they say that there does seem to be some sort of connection between d3 doctor's a legitimate doctor doc might be one of the baddest doctors on the planet he should be right now he should be standing right there with dr fauci and president biden he's probably taking more body parts out of people's body than any doctor on the planet huh so he knows about infections uh i mean he's a funny dude dr lester and matthews he he tell me we said when we was going to school them dudes wasn't they wasn't studying they was getting drunk smoking weed he said they could go in and pay the teacher he said i couldn't he said i had to study so um i believe that he's one of the sharpest doctors living right now i mean i think he's a a a medical miracle for us and um nobody listens to him you know even me having friends that i told you know they still didn't do it until after they caught it and then uh then they started doing it and and they've gotten better um but you know my bubble is probably around 50 people and nobody in my bubble was called it well i'm going to take the vaccine as soon as it's available 100 uh i'll take it even sooner you know if i somehow get access to it uh you know uh i believe in the science behind it uh now there's more uh vaccines that are out i mean pfizer and modern have been uh approved told me doc told me to tell you what he told me he said they've been trying to do a vaccine for the common cold for 50 60 years and they ain't did it how they gonna come up with a vaccine for the copa virus in one year he said damn proved it everything ain't ain't been tested yet well 30 million people around the world have taken the vaccine and it appears like they're not catching covet and if they are it's very slight cases so i'll i'll go with what's actually being out there we could agree i mean i mean i mean that's cool but we still don't know the long-term effects of what's going to happen with this vaccine you know they never they've never tried to alter your dna the way that this is they're not altering dna that's not what they're doing i know that that's one of the things that's being put out there but they're not actually altering your dna it's just not true well they are because what it does is the vaccine boosts your immune system right and that's an altering that's altering your dna not exactly not exactly they're basically offering a level of protection against this virus replicating but they're not actually altering your actual dna it's not dna splicing or anything else no but it it alters it because it allows you it does the same thing really what vitamin d does vitamin d boost your immune system and that's the same thing that this this chip that they sent inside you it boosts your immune system as well yeah i mean i'm looking at forbes article right now covet 19 vaccines can't alter your dna here's why uh mrna is naturally made by the body it encodes instructions for your body cells to make protein any mrna vaccine has the same purpose to teach and train your body to make an immune response toward a particular pathogen so the pathogen gets into your body your immune system can attack it they're not actually altering your dna like i said we agree to disagree i'll take the vaccine i cannot take it it's all good it's all good i mean it's cool but if if that's what you if you need it but vitamin d you know i i i'm a firm believer in the vitamin d you know i have total confidence that uh uh if somebody i knew called kovic that that i can have them well in two or three days right with my limited medical experience [Laughter] how many dollars do you have uh three three how does it feel for a man that has three black daughters to see kamala harris as the vice president of the united states i never really equated her to my daughters uh but the fact that she's there i'm i'm i'm glad um you know this is my first time ever voting oh you voted i voted yeah that's what's up because i believe in california what are the rules for voting as a felon you could vote as long as you're not um you have to be off parole for a certain amount of time you're off parole yeah and since you're all paroled you could vote first time your life yeah i voted as well not the first time my life i think it's the second time in my life that i voted well i never felt the need to to have the vote before mm-hmm but this time i felt that i felt if donald trump had got another another term in the country that that he would have told his country all the way up i agree we'd have been in shambles i agree so uh i felt there was a need for me to get out and and vote and also spread the word that uh then we should get him out of there i agree and the one thing that i had forgotten since i hadn't voted in like 20-something years is that you're not just voting for the president there's a whole bunch of local stuff that you're voting for yeah the judges uh laws laws when it comes to prison uh a lot of stuff a lot of stuff that that really people should care about and it's funny how when i talk to certain guests who say well i'm not voting i'm never voting and i'm telling him all this stuff you know like oh listen you got a racist judge in your county you know you can vote them out right and they just didn't even know they had no idea that you could do that yeah and yet these judges stay decade after decade while the people who they're hurting the most just don't vote yeah isn't that crazy it's crazy but why do you think that is well they don't see the importance of it um most of us feel like it don't matter who's in the white house anyway they're not gonna do anything for us so why even bother i mean that was my my attitude yeah well i think after this election people have gotten a lot more political you were sort of forced on you know into it yeah yeah yeah it was definitely uh i mean this was this this has been a trying year you know i mean 2020 was it was a year that probably gonna go down in history for a long time and be talked about yeah yeah i mean i've i've said like if anyone who i've had beef with in 2020 if you want to just chalk it up to 2020 you know we could just squash it like you could say hey man come on it was 2020. come on another guy that's a good that's a good excuse yeah 2020 is a good excuse all encompassing to get you over it you grew up uh in la around crips tukey was one of the guys you looked up to yeah and actually you wanted to be a [ __ ] at one point i did and uh but you never actually became one and you know recently there was this whole discussion uh faison love was the one that kind of i believe set it off where he started calling dave east uh this other rapper from new york a fake [ __ ] because dave became a [ __ ] like in his twenties and uh you know we've interviewed a few people like this uh sat a baby became a blood like i believe in his uh and there's this kind of discussion that's happening like you know how people are perceived when they do that and why they would do that in general you know growing up did you see guys join the crips or bloods later on in life or was it all like something was young you know the crips was young the bloods was young so that was a different time you you know it wasn't old crips and bloods at that time you know it took time for them to evolve you know so no you didn't see you didn't see oh no 40 50 year old crips more bloods i mean we were all like teenagers you know maybe 25 22. 18 19. when you look at that based on what you know now and base what based on what comes with associating yourself with the game because let's not forget the term gang enhancement when if you get locked up for something it might be five years but you throw a gang enhancement on it and it might turn into 10 or 20 years when you see people joining gangs later on in life but what's your take on it confused huh explain well i mean you talking about guys that have built a career for themselves that have something going on and you know gang banging is like a one-way street you know it's a dead end you know you're gonna wind up either in jail or dead so why would you choose that over being able to do concerts anywhere you want to not having any where about somebody looking for you i mean it's like you you bring a whole nother uh can of problems to you that that you really don't need or you shouldn't want you know or maybe maybe you do need them but you you shouldn't in my personal opinion uh i'd rather be making money having fun well but then you could point to someone like a snoop who proudly proclaims himself as a [ __ ] and has gone on to making millions of dollars uh it's gone mainstream has a cooking show with martha stewart you know uh you know was one of the announcers for the the tyson fight uh sold millions of records i mean there's benefits that come with it you know but it could still cost you two in in the long run you know snoop has been lucky you know when he caught that murder case yeah that he got off because that could have really hurt him back then uh but you can do all that without without you know went out to krypton without the you know just get your mind right you know what i'm saying you need all that yeah and i think a lot of it comes from [Music] crips and bloods have been marketed so well oh absolutely right because i remember i interviewed um uh leon the actor he was in the movie colors and we talked about how colors was the first film was the first time that crips and bloods were on the big screen this was actually i believe the first film that actually put bloods and crips on the big screen yeah it was the definitive gang movie um and from the soundtrack to the uh to the extras that were really gang members do you remember when that movie came out yeah what was the effect of that movie in l.a i don't know why is that i didn't pay attention i was i was having too much you know i'm a different type of person you know like it's like i don't let other people tell me what i should like or what i shouldn't like you know i like what i like or what i think i like you know uh and i try not to just go with because it's a fad i think the first time i saw colors i was in prison because i couldn't see nobody want to go watch a movie about gang bangers like you you go watch [ __ ] shoot at each other and try to kill each other and all this money out here you know like i'd go watch a movie about making some money you know i wouldn't watch squad face like five times you know superfly i bought the videotape you know those were the type of movies that excited me you know when when you're talking about uh guys just killing each other for no apparent reason you know i just i can't i can't comprehend that i don't understand it you know and i don't think i'll ever understand it yeah right because colors didn't really have any winners in that movie it's pretty much just you know a bunch of guys shooting at each other and a cop that was sort of mixed up in a certain type of way sean penn played the cop i think robert duvall played like the other cop having that be on the big screen like that and then in the years following it because remember the beginning of hip-hop no one was mentioning gang names easy-e never mentioned he was a kelly park [ __ ] he just called himself a gangster and left it at that but then i think dj quick started talking about his blood affiliation and then you know mc8 then you know you fast forward to 2021 and if a rapper is getting affiliated they are proudly saying that in their music and wearing the colors they're wearing the colors they're wearing the bandanas they're they're talking about it they got their their their gang affiliates and music videos and everything else like that and death row helped that out a lot too you know with shook yeah oh yeah you know that's why it's probably more bloods rapping than uh then there are crips you know it used to be crips used to be the biggest and then it flipped to where bloods became the biggest so i i think that death row had a lot to do with that yeah i think big u when i interviewed him i think he said that had he been out when death row was forming that the bloods wouldn't have been running la the way the way shook had him do you know but he was locked up during that time corrupt i was messing with in 1990 yeah so that was the first artist first artist okay was he affiliated with death row yet or no no it wasn't no death row okay it probably would never even been a death row if i'd him at home okay fact uh yeah and these days it's it's very well marketed by the rappers yeah well we're the news did it too you know they put they put them on tv on the news you know it like you said it became fashionable i mean you know singers start having them in in their videos you know female rappers and singers so yeah it was it was definitely marketed oh yeah people were [ __ ] walking in there their videos i think beyonce was script walking this one first saw videos or something like yeah and now you have crips and bloods all over the world vietnam europe all over the us every uh every city you go to every city you go to um yeah man it's sad i mean personally from my point of view i i think it's sad because you're you're signing up to something that ultimately will have a negative effect on your life more than likely more than likely not always not always but more than likely it's going to create it's going to create that uh a problem at some point oh yeah i agree i totally agree it's a dead-end street you know you're going down you're going down the street where nothing good can happen yeah well uh there's been a couple of high-profile uh arrests that have happened since our last interview uh casanova two times uh do you hear about his whole situation no he's a rapper uh from new york from brooklyn i'd interviewed him some years back and uh when he got arrested uh my name started to trend on twitter for like two days yeah yeah you know i heard people they say they leave your show they get arrested right i said police don't be lurking around this show as soon as oh there was another great rumor that i secretly give all my raw footage to the police before putting it out that's the rumor i heard as well which i'm not sure why i would do that because literally every second of the footage comes out publicly so i don't i'm not quite sure what the what the advantage is for for doing this but you know i i get blamed for anything so casanova gets gets locked up and uh they're like oh it's cause the flat interview you know and i i started to trend for like two days and so that was good for you no not really you don't like training not really not that way not that way let me let me tread for something good let me try for something cool like winning some award or putting out a great interview not not over of some fake rumors like you know i mean well it trend the same way when it came out that it it was uh not you no no when it's not me it gets buried under the rug yeah it gets swept under the rug no no one pays attention to this in fact i remember like there was a fake story i remember it was like this meme that was just going around everywhere uh because this one rapper i had interviewed a bunch of times arab got found and there was a meme that the judge in ar apps case personally thanks dj vlad for helping to convict him and they had this picture of a white judge an arf i don't think he thinks it's a judge for the case there's literally no truth in this like i mean literally the judge did not say i actually went through the transcripts just to make sure and then arb did an interview recently from jail that said vlad has nothing to do like literally nothing to do with my case my vlad interviews have nothing to do with it but no one really covers that part you know uh but we actually looked into the casanova case um so the feds actually allege that he was a leader of the untouchable gorilla stone nation uh he was among 18 members who were charged with racketeering murder narcotics firearms and fraud uh you know covet fraud essentially um he's facing a maximum of life in prison if convicted with a mandatory minimum of 10 years and we actually looked through the case you know i actually looked through the paperwork because you know my name got dragged into it so number one where was you at right number one vlad tv is not anywhere in the paperwork first and foremost uh there was one statement in the paperwork that said that in interviews uh he had talked about stabbing inmates which he did talk about in our interview but he also talked about a bunch of other interviews as well but what was in the paperwork was his instagram posts he had posted pictures of guns and weed uh his icloud photos from his phone and text messages to other alleged gang members there was also six wiretaps that were used ultimately the judge denied a 2.5 million dollar bail that he had he had basically him and a bunch of people he knew put together two and a half million dollars between money and property and whatever else uh the judge ended up denying that uh so now he's gonna have to fight his case in prison fight his case from prison yeah when you look at cases like this and you look at now there is so much data that the police could get the feds could get between your phones your instagram everything else like that you know because there's a picture of him like holding these big bushels of weed right but he's in cali but then they have text message messages saying that he was actually using that weed and distributing it to other gang members you see what i'm saying like and then there is you know pictures of guns that he posted on his instagram story but also there was stuff like that in his personal phone and so forth when you look at these types of situations is there really any chance of people getting away in this day and age well you have to be way smarter than i was way smarter than harriet was you guys are pretty smart well we didn't get away [Laughter] so when you look at it uh you know you gotta you gotta be you gotta be disciplined smart um know when to quit you know and and know what you're looking at you know i can remember when when we were at lawn park a couple guys that was going out and commit crime they studied the law they knew exactly how much no i ain't going this much i'm going to stay right under that number right there because this is the amount of time i can do and and a lot of these kids they they don't they don't really analyze what they're doing you know they just go out and start doing stuff and you know you wind up with situations like this right here is there a real statue of limitations for this type of thing for drug dealing for drug dealing yeah seven years seven years right it's really five but they can't get a waiver from the judge to get him two more years yeah cause you know people have this great conspiracy that like because you know i've talked about my botched you know cocaine kilo deal from the late 90s that i did and people are like oh vlad must be working for the fed still over that case but uh that's way past the statute of limitations but can't they do something like if it's an open case they could still if you indict it if you indict it and you run oh if you don't if you don't come and face it aha then the indictment can stay open forever aha okay so if you were indicted 20 years ago and they still open aha but if you were never indicted you could talk about all the dirt that you did yeah five years five years is really but they can also go extra to it if they it's hard to judge most judges won't let them do it but if it's the right case they will because the way it works is that you have a right to defend yourself in a reasonable amount of time and if they let five years go by you know witnesses for god evidence has been moved around and a lot of stuff come up so they really like you to do it fast that's why they say a fast and speedy trial but if it's the right person you know they can say okay give us an extra two years on this guy right here because of this okay so you could say i moved a billion dollars with the cocaine 10 years ago and there's nothing they could do about it no really nope wow especially if it's just cocaine now if you put a murderer in there no statute no statue limitational murder right well there's another case and i got blamed for this one as well because i had an interview with him at one point uh a guy named rallo from uh atlanta so he has a pretty interesting case i heard around though uh in 2018 uh he was caught with almost a thousand pounds of marijuana uh worth around two million dollars yeah i think i was in atlanta when he got out on bail right well this is how it happened because i actually looked into the whole case today i want to get your take on it so rallo and 10 people board a private plane from atlanta to sacramento uh four days later they came back where uh federal local surveillance saw him and other passengers transferred 37 packages wrapped in holiday paper from a jet to a van which was and that van was registered to rallo's uh home address shortly after the van was loaded georgia state patrol arrested three men wearing rallo fam goon attire inside the vehicle because it was driving without the lights on wow authorities found 520 pounds of marijuana worth of roughly 1 million dollars in the van here's what makes this this part kind of interesting a day after those arrests rallo posted a picture of himself in a swimming pool with the caption i've lost more than a man have gained in a lifetime have you ever lost a million dollars at one time a week after this instagram post authorities received a passenger list from the flight and connected rallo to those men four months later uh they were notified that rallo and eight others traveled to northern california again this time they allegedly transported 17 packages containing marijuana weighing 444 pounds back to atlanta the packages worth 880 000 were loaded into a chrysler 300. not long after the car left the airport authorities stopped and took eight people into custody rallo who remained on the plane initially refused to comply with authorities commands he later exited the aircraft which smelled the marijuana when police dogs were brought in to assist so there you go you got two million dollars that he's connected to from private flights going from the bay area where marijuana is legal back to atlanta where marijuana is not legal he was supposed to get bond but his bond was recently revoked when the police found that he had a apple watch that he was they claim he was still doing drug deals on with the watch since he's been out of prison no he's been in prison the whole time now he was out on bail i think i so i saw he got out and bailed a couple he may have gotten out briefly but he's been in prison for quite a while now when i was in atlanta it was in the newspaper that he had a big picture of him in the paper i don't know it might have been two or three years ago when you look at this situation as someone who is involved in transporting large quantities of drugs where were the mistakes that were made along the way in this particular situation well i wouldn't have but one person in the van i would have had a car following the van and the car in front of the van so we to recognize that the lights wasn't on somebody would have recognized that the lights weren't on immediately yeah when i mentioned the part about the lights that's when you kind of groaned and i was like oh you're like no not the lights yeah how you forget the lights on especially in georgia dark as it is uh those are some of the mistakes that they made and um you know we never flew we never flew drugs on airplanes you know we we just felt uncomfortable with going in uh charting and playing you know 30 40 000 you know it seemed like they going to ask questions you know like who is this kid you know what does he do you know why does he need a plane chartered uh back and forth and then the pilot should have smelled the marijuana as well and and they could have turned him in okay so you never charted a private flight during that time no never it was just too much of a red flag for me i mean you know i'm a low key dude you know we throw that [ __ ] in the trunk of a car put three or four cars on the highway and and and get it there okay but you guys were also getting stuff from overseas i didn't they brought it in to me i didn't i didn't go outside the country to get it you were involved in once it hit the u.s that's when you took over right okay but moving it across the country was always done in cars for us yeah that's what we did okay it was before that you know before they were stopping cars on the highway too you know they used to didn't you know it used to wasn't profiling it wasn't racial profiling back then that started kind of later on down down the road when all the cops found out you know that blacks were controlling the cocaine business i've always thought that it was just odd to me that you have artists who are are successful at being artists like rollo has a real fan base casanova has a real fan base now you know granted these guys are innocent before being proven guilty you know maybe they had nothing to do with this and this whole thing is they're being dragged into something that maybe people are just telling on them because they're the high profile guy and they know so personally i hope since i know both of them i hope they both get freed and can walk away from this but if they do get convicted of it i guess it just doesn't make sense to me why someone who actually has a career and is making legitimate money to still have one foot in in an illegal business and are risking it all when they honestly don't have to yeah i don't know i question the money that that entertainers make right now there's that too you know i don't i don't see it um the way a lot of people see it you know um you would think that i don't know i just don't don't see them having the kind of money that that is betrayed you know and a lot of it you know the record labels want you to believe that these guys are rich you know i i i used to tell when i was working with a few rappers i would tell them you know why would somebody go and pay 700 to see jay-z perform and they won't pay ten dollars to come and see you perform and some of those guys were great artists and you know my my philosophy is that jay-z everybody believes jay-z's rich and so if you believe that they're rich you want to be around the rich and famous so you will pay to be around the rich and famous and somebody that's poor you're not going to pay to be around them you don't want to be around them you know you don't want to associate yourself with with being poor wow i've never heard it broken down like that before the the image of success yeah i mean because you know i remember i just interviewed a little bibby you know who has real money and he was talking about how he was spending seven thousand dollars a month on designer clothes that he could only wear once on instagram you know and his friend kevin gates was like i spent 300 bucks a month i buy a new pair of air force ones a new nike sweatsuit a couple of shirts and underwear and i'm done and if anyone questions me i'll pull out 50 000 on my pocket and call it a day you know it's a couple thousand dollars on sweaters a couple thousand more outfit you know i look up i look in my closet and then i look at my bank account i'm like man this [ __ ] ain't right you know and uh you know like me and kevin gates are [ __ ] with gays like i used to talk to gates a lot he like man baby man like [ __ ] all that [ __ ] man like you only wear that [ __ ] one time man and you know what i'm saying like he like bro he said baby i spent three hundred dollars a month and he like i buy a nike jogging shoe some polo box polo on shirts socks and one pair of force ones he saw what i said you saw where that [ __ ] oh my he like what what's somebody gonna say to me baby if somebody want to talk about me call me dirty i'm gonna put out fifty thousand they face and i'm like he said he spent 300 and he got way more money than me at that time you know and i'm like and i'm spending about six seven grand at least daddy is right you know what i'm saying and uh i mean he's right instagram really is it's a very weird place because i get caught into myself like if i take a picture with someone i'm wearing something designer i feel i can't wear it again in another picture or an interview because they're gonna say oh this guy just has that people tell me that too say you wear the same thing all the time but that's but that's the whole point but it's okay it's me it is it's okay for me because i don't care well it's okay for everybody people just people just want to think otherwise well i don't really like i said before i don't really do what i do for other people you know i do what i do for my my family uh myself and my friends you know so that we can be in a certain position yeah in in life and that's what's important to me you know how somebody think you know i'm doing you know you think i'm doing bad and you think i'm doing good that's you that's your perception you can do that you know but i'm not gonna do that i'm gonna do what i feel that i need to do to put myself in a position that i want to be in right well and i also understand that why you would be a criminal and do songs about criminal activities and then do interviews about criminal activities you know the cops have been letting these other guys get away with it who never done who never done crime so they have to the cops have to investigate to see who's lying and who's telling the truth you know many of them is so dope and you know and kill people and so the cops i don't think the cops just go by their records if they would you know they'd be they'd be lying in the jails with rappers uh so they don't just get a tape and listen to the tape yeah a lot of rappers who got locked up though but not not from just their tape no no not at all they're gonna do some they're gonna do some evidence they're gonna have some evidence right right and that and that's the thing you know people like you do interview glad you get locked up no you do an interview vlad and then you do a major crime right and there's a chance and then you get locked up but you would have got locked up with or without that interview the interview really doesn't doesn't matter at that point because let me tell you busy who was facing who was on death row facing multiple murders said that in court for a day and a half they sat there and listened to his music being played to the jury they do that they play the whole day of my music okay so they did this to you too they were playing boosie they played a whole day eight hours of boosting music the whole day explaining lyrics a whole day it was a whole day a whole tuesday they played a whole day of my music they're pinpointing all the time she's talking about murder death gang banging yeah but that's just for character though still yeah but that it's it's different it's different it's different in character and i'm showing your character and then i'm showing it as evidence i i i can almost guarantee you that they told the jury that this tape has no bearing on his innocent or guilt just the lifestyle that that that he believes in and that he lives uh because they couldn't you can't that would be like if an actor was going to court he played a serial killer and he was going to court for killing his wife that they would say uh um well look at this movie he played and he was a serial killer so yeah but they still did well that's never been done for an actor but it is being done for for rappers all the time but only the ones that they have evidence on yeah see if the fbi has already if the fbi arrests you 98 of the time you're going to be found guilty yeah so if they arrested you if they if they took the time out to arrest you yeah the feds are no joke you automatically yeah you automatically 98 chance that you're going to prison i know one person well i know two people part of the same case three people three people in a federal case that got away with it that's irv gotti ja rule and chris gotti yeah they didn't do nothing murdering they didn't do nothing murder inc be the fed case no they didn't beat the fed they got dragged in a federal case they got dragged in the supremes case yeah and they had no evidence that irv gotti had did nothing but they were still being charged well they do yeah the feds do that they'll throw you in right you know about this case obviously yeah i read i read i read about it i read all the auto articles and everything they had no evidence that that irv had took any money you know or got money from def jam you know to start the label so yeah uh um they had no evidence in that case so they didn't really beat the case they that shouldn't have never been a case they never irv never should have been indicted but he did yeah yeah i mean you get overzealous cops you know right they'll be like you know [ __ ] this guy irv you know he he got to be doing something he likes he likes supreme you know and and throwing him in there so do you know supreme no i don't know sabrine gotcha uh bill cosby still locked up uh he recently posted a vlad tv interview with sinbad on his instagram oh yeah yeah that was actually uh kind of flattering uh lunell actually did the interview but she did a four-flat tv so there was a vlad tv logo on there i mean as someone that grew up watching the cosby show where like at a certain point in my life like bill cosby was one of the biggest celebrities on earth uh the fact that he's posting vlad tv content he also shouted out boosie which i think was because of our interview as well because busy talks you know about you big man you big black hey not big enough uh you know i would have liked for him to have done that if he was out of prison but i guess i'll take i'll take what i can get um do you think that bill cosby will get out i don't know how much more time he has let's take a look i think he only got seven years he should be close should be closer to parola now he was sentenced in september 25th 2018 for three to ten years in state prison you say 2018 so he's been in so three years would be well but then but then doesn't the state you could do fifty percent yeah it's eighty-five percent he probably could be eligible in three years so he probably has another year and he'll be eligible for okay well three to ten years would he be eligible for a year and a half uh maybe it's sometimes those laws will be like you got to do the three oh you gotta do the three but then after that then you become eligible any day aha okay so later this year he might get out right very old man he's like what is 80s i think at this point 90s i don't know i never really i mean you know i wasn't the cosby's guy no i was trapping man okay he's 83 years old and yeah i was trapping man i wouldn't watch the cosmic show that did not relate to you at all not at all not at all well i mean speaking of prison biden announced that they're no longer going to be doing business with private prisons you heard about this uh i think i did hear a little bit about it uh biden ordered the justin department not to renew contracts with private prisons have you ever been in a private prison have i been in a private prison i'm sure i have um which one i can't think of it right now i'm sure i have i know i've been in private county jails uh um i don't know i don't know if i've been in a private prison or not what is the difference between a private prison and a government prison well the private prisons they wear white shirts and they don't say b.o.p department of federal bureau in federal prisons that's what they say on their jackets they all employees of the government they get less money at private prisons in in uh than federal guards they get minimum wage as a as a private guard why are you trying to shake up things man i'm glad he won i think he's going to help us get this country back on on the right track and make marijuana legal too well i mean first i think it's a good thing i'm glad that he's not renewing private you know contracts with private prisons i think that uh there shouldn't be four for-profit prisons i i think that that's just a a type of business that should just should not happen yeah and a lot of it you know when the people who are putting you in prison invest in those prisons so it definitely makes it worse you know when the cops have incentive to give out more time and you know i remember one time reading an article where the private prison was suing this the city because they wasn't sending enough people to prison so you know you open up a lot of doors when when you start uh letting people own prisons yeah you're still in the marijuana business heavy uh after our last interview uh i had mentioned that i know about this uh this marijuana business that's close to our to our studio yeah i made some phone calls you said you were interested in potentially doing some work with them absolutely so i made some phone calls i set up a meeting all of us went over there you ended up meeting with the owner of the business and i'm in the room this whole time yes and i got to see a legal drug deal unfold in front of my eyes like i i almost felt like i got to sit in and saw freeway ricky ross like in action do his thing i will say this the speed that this deal came together was like nothing i'd ever experienced myself well you know i don't take a lot of time you know i like to do my stuff quick you know get it over with either we gonna do it or we're not gonna do it um talking and and you know i i like to just go you know let's do it i saw it it was like all right what do you want okay cool we got this all right the graphics will do that all right how much you need and it was like it was so fast and quick and uh i'm not going to say who you're doing it with or anything else like that that's your own business but like i said watching it unfold just from a business perspective was was very was very cool yeah yeah well you know i've been i've been doing pretty good right now i'm working on getting my own grow right now working on a 20 000 square foot building i saw there was a video on your instagram that has this huge like a warehouse space and it said first of many [Laughter] i'm not putting you on blast because you put this up yourself oh no i i want everybody to know i ain't i ain't i just come from oklahoma looking at two more you know um okay i'm um i i tell you i want to be the biggest so so these are grow houses grow houses yeah i'm gonna start growing my own weed now i've been buying it from everybody else and now i want to grow my own why why grow your own uh indoor as opposed to just buying a plot of land somewhere and just having some big outdoor growth well indoors more is more uh upper level weed you know really yeah yeah they like indoor better than they like outdoor uh but i'm gonna do some outdoor too you know i'm gonna go up to santa barbara and buy me a great big chunk of land up in santa barbara and started growing up there um i'm still you know i'm still new in this business uh but you know i found out that the skills that i used in in in the cocaine business was was well suited for for this [Laughter] uh if you're a fighter now you've been my fighter he's going to fight for a title really remember the one i brought here last night i do yeah not fear charles he's getting ready to fight for uh uh uh his first title um and i got another kid that uh we got coming in this week is is they saying that he may be the best fighter ever ever ever better than floyd mayweather his name is floyd too his dad named floyd coincidence huh did you watch the tyson fight oh what yeah i watched it i was what'd you think ah you know they got paid they got paid hopefully did you watch the pre-fight jake paul and nate robinson i'd watch that one too i watched the whole i watched the whole event yeah i thought it was uh well you know the wii business put it on weed maps was the biggest sponsor yeah of that whole event yeah yeah i remember john sally pointed that out and he was saying how he thinks that weed maps may have scared off some of the other advertisers i'm looking at that black felt and i said how was that not being advertised and i kept thinking why is it no sponsorship all this and then when his fight came on it started lighting up yes over the stage yeah but the reason there was no sponsors is because a major sponsor was weed maps yeah i don't know why else i don't know why they probably need to see money anyway we mess probably gave them the seed money to kick it in you know we they the wheat business got that money so um i'm trying to tap into it man yeah i mean mike tyson's heavy into it in fact i think in our interview because i interviewed mike tyson's since last time oh did you i did well let me let me just preface this a little bit it was a vlad tv interview primarily done by zab judah zab judah interviewed tyson i hopped in at the end and asked a few questions okay uh but it was really a zab judah interview i need to give him his proper yeah yeah his problem mike is cooter you know i interviewed on on mike's channel i remember that and i like that i like mike i was a little disappointed that they didn't invite me you know having to fight inside of l.a knowing that i'm in the boxing that they didn't call me and say hey man you want to be a part of this he had a lot going on because it was his it was his promotion yeah so they had a lot to deal with uh but what mike said mike is actually heavy in the marijuana business and in fact i think he he said he has like two banks where you could basically deposit your money because you can't put your money in a regular bank we got into the marijuana business i believe we have some marijuana banks now we banks yeah i didn't know that yeah you should look into that because you can't put your money in the bank right you can't open up a bank they taking it now they're taking it now yes bank's taking money now okay aha okay because i thought for a long time you couldn't do it at all that's like well you can't put bank america chase u.s bank you know those guys and they all shut my accounts down um you get your money back yeah they give you money back i tell you hey that money come get it so you've had accounts of these banks they've shut it down and said cook absolutely cut off my credit cards everything all of it so where can you bank right now in the marijuana business i mean can you say or would you keep that credit unions credit unions they don't care they don't care they got you well before i let you go uh we've had some deaths um in the world uh deebo aka tommy uh yeah did you know yeah i knew they go well really yeah that character was actually based on big u oh is that right we had an interview with jack thriller actually did the interview with uh with tommy and he said he based the demo character on big u i told you i pulled that from big u i used to mess my background of what i wanted this character be perceived because the whole thing about how bad this guy was is when ice you put the gun on they said what you gonna do with that besides make me mad wow i didn't know that small world um how did you feel when he died um no no i mean to me death is part of living you know i don't really yeah you know i don't really get emotional about somebody dying i don't i don't know i'm a strange animal you know i just don't you know my mom i didn't go to my mom's front row really when she passed yeah if they have a friend where i took my kids and we went to the tennis courts and did what me and her and them would have been doing played tennis and uh that's what she liked and that's what i did i mean everyone deals with it differently man there's nothing wrong with however anyone handles it yeah so i just look at i just look at it different than a lot of people you know they say in some places you know if you cry at the front when somebody died the whole village will be mad at you really yeah yeah because they believe they really believe that this person is going to see god and that you're jealous [Laughter] uh larry king died uh this is someone who i looked up to a lot you know when i got into you know doing interviews i wasn't looking at the hip-hop journalists who i always felt were just basically just fans and would do pr jobs and give a bunch of softball questions you know i looked at 60 minutes and larry king harry king was good was good he was good he would ask questions unapologetically and uh yeah i actually had a picture with him real journalism real journalism uh ecstasy from houdini passed away i didn't hear about that one yeah and uh cicely tyson most recently i saw her on the news the other day yeah great actress great actress and you had a few people pass some of your friends actually from covet mm-hmm about eight seven yeah i know a lot of people though you know uh not close friends uh i've been fortunate that nobody that's you know in my immediate circle somebody that i talked to every day or every other day these were like people they died before i even knew you know yeah like i'm getting a call hey you know your boy just passed huh what so yeah you know knowing what i know about it i've been able to uh to save all my friends yeah well we're still in the middle of uh the pandemic so uh you know you know tommy uh actually had covered once already and was planning he had it twice well he had to he died when he got it the second time yeah he was actually looking forward to taking the vaccine he was saying that there was a final chico was at his house today right the day before he died my my co-defendant really yeah he was doing a movie and uh he was over there talking to people about getting on the movie yeah and uh he said devo didn't even tell him he had coped well that's kind of [ __ ] up yeah it was he could he could have caught it himself he couldn't he he you know he had to quarantine and yeah go do the the the swab and all the other stuff that they do yeah it's crazy well appreciate you coming back uh you know you and i you actually had the first interview with us at the start of the pandemic and uh i'm glad that we're both still here healthy mm-hmm uh doing free so far so far we've both been corona free but we but you and i have also i feel are responsible adults yeah we're not going to concerts no we're not packing ourselves in with large groups of people you know we're doing our interview in person but we are socially distanced we wear our masks as we're coming in and honestly like even before covid i've been in a house you know in my house would there literally be two or three people sick with colds in my house and i would wear a mask and wash my hands every time and i would walk away i'd be the only person in the house that would not get sick so really wearing masks washing your hands socially distancing it actually works and as long as you really follow that you have a much better chance to get through this i agree hopefully during our next interview cover will be wiped out and we could have the new roaring 20s i hope so i'm ready to go back to work there we go until next time peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 148,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 83lrl576VpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 21sec (6561 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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