Mob James on Suge Knight, 2Pac, Puffy, Keefe D, Boskoe100, Tekashi, Kodak Black (Full Interview)

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all right here we go mom James welcome back and glad to be back blood oh yeah you were one of our biggest guests last year what that shocked me my son that little new cliff with everybody that she had on there if I think of us from one to ten one to seven and my family was like yeah right where you do this at which me where I do it at thirteen million and I said thirteen million plus watch was flat and saw me and I was like wow names like down so I mean the numbers are public I mean you could just go to youtube you know my family since I started talking just you know first started talking it was like you know they don't see nothing in that I didn't see nothing in that but speaking on you know glad to talk let me let all of this out of me so for them to see that it was it was like a confirmation you know my family is actually like proud to say that I'm doing right now today and and I appreciate you for the man that opportunity cuz I don't think if I would've did Vlad I wouldn't be where I'm at right now you know I did great kidding but Vlad put me right there you know what I'm saying after doing you then I get Norman steal a phone call from him you don't know me from nowhere and and Here I am doing the podcast for a year you know what I'm saying so and it's doing good and and I didn't believe in that and this is the first time I ever did that so and it's doing real good so I appreciate well yeah you got the gangster Chronicles podcast yeah which I watch well I listened to every episode do my Spotify you'll see there's you know every episode has been listened to at least mostly through it right you know you do that with Alex Alonso and Reggie right Junior it was currently incarcerated yeah we'll talk about all that and you actually had a whole tour in Australia that you did loved it loved it never been treated the way I was treated out there in my life those those people are beautiful you know I've seen stuff that I wish we had here you know what I'm saying the food was was healthy the the people out there the skin was clear you didn't see obesity you seen everybody is in the gym everybody is walking everybody gets along with everybody so and every city I went to it was the same way same way it was just a beautiful place man that was your first time out of the country ever ever yeah and you went to the farthest possible country the 14-hour flight yeah I didn't believe the deflect is what got me because that was a long time up in the air I was scared is all our dose with that one because I didn't know what to do up there all that time and then up trying to sleep I couldn't then I didn't want to drink and then I just start watching TV man I was picking alone his shows I watched Suze am like maybe five times because it was like two and a half three hours long so if I get past this I'm almost there right so I worked it out man but it was beautiful it was beautiful I want to go back well you actually had kind of a situation in Australia yeah with a white woman oh my god go ahead explain it man we were we were doing the show and we was talking so now we just talking to the audience and everything this lady just well previously I was talking to her she had her son there which was a mixed kid and she was showing me pictures of her his daddy you know in a casket and all it is and I mean she was cool you know just general conversation so doing the show see just you know too many drinks I guess and she was just I got a question and and you know Gregg was like one second let them finish no let her talk so when I said that she said why is it how did we did ex-cop and a [ __ ] and the whole artist blew up I didn't have to do nothing I didn't have to say nothing it just I mean everybody got up and no she [ __ ] didn't know she [ __ ] you gotta get the [ __ ] out they was ready to beat her up I said she got it right to her opinion y'all don't touch it don't touch it and no no they put her ass out of there told her to go during your son you got to go well she showed you a picture of her husband in a casket who shows pictures like this she was crazy like whatever like let me tell you about my my dad here's a picture of him in his casket like what who does this daddy all my kids are mixed in you know I'm just conversating you know she bought two shirts I signed the shirts when she did the the [ __ ] thing all these white people jumped up all of these people got up and and was ready to have better and I was like no she got it right to her opinion I can't I can't unfold at this point I'm way out here so I can't get the doll you stupid [ __ ] I can't do nothing that stuff so I let them handle it and they'd and and I was shocked I was like man wow really me this actually reminds me is kind of funny today there's got a sprung in my mind but just yesterday there was a video that we posted of a white rapper you know like a battle rapper doing every style where he let me go ahead and play it for you what reaction do be do you expect from Nancy what reaction did you expecting that I mean I don't feel sorry for I'm actually kind of annoyed he kind of looks like me I don't want anyone running up on me thinking I'm this I mean some people just just stupid like that you don't know saying just because you rapping in your in a battle rap you think you can use a choice of words like that no you got to be smarter things it might be repercussion with these black guys in here filling a certain kind of way you know what I'm saying which I taking personal but we called each other [ __ ] every day was when the white man said or white first said it is wrong we know where we come from we know why they use the word but I mean it is what it is sometimes mean he should have said that no I don't feel sorry for him until he should have seen that and he just got chin-checked yeah he walked away from that yeah he got his I mean were you really insulted when that woman said that kinda she used the hard R and everything yeah it was you know she took me by surprise because all of these people how they treat you and then when she said that I'm looking like Oh now is this what these people really want to say to me but when they attacked her it gave me like okay I'm cool so I don't have to trip so it worked out real good well I want to get into some some current events yeah you know there's something that you guys do on the on the gangster Chronicles well since last time do we talked to Kashi 6-9 got sentenced yeah he got two years yeah number one what do you think about that two-year sentence it's happening everyday it's happening every day and I think is is sad because you know the police play people to give him two years and then to give them the time that they gave them when he is a part of all of this it what it tells you about your you know your justice system you know they let cats go that they know committed a murder but we want him if you give us him and you testify against him we let you go or we lighten your sentence I think it's backwards now all this [ __ ] that this dude did man well I actually did some research on the trial and I have a breakdown of everyone involved in it so he got two years like I said ten people took plea deals bat got 20 years shaadi who was kind of like his right-hand man obtained got 15 male murder got 11 roll murder got five-and-a-half crippie got five ish got 5 CUDA B I don't think his sentenced yet but he's facing five years right on top of that two people actually took it to trial that was the the trial he actually took the stand and testified against yeah both of them were found guilty Harv is facing life in prison and nuke is facing 20 years and he got to I mean in fact who to be so there was a video that surfaced which has him essentially putting a hit out on Chief Keef say my god I got 20,000 for you to go shootout or something right the shooting happened the guy who did the shooting got 5 years and the guy who sent him to do the shooting got to bike backwards you see what I'm saying it's backwards I I think that it sends such a skewed message to the world that says go ahead and create as much chaos as you want go ahead and get a bunch of guys I was going to do a bunch of a bunch of dirt a bunch of crimes a bunch of violence a bunch of shootings because those shootings were happening you know everything robberies were happening and as long as you're telling everyone they'll all get busted but you'll be ok you look you look at a slap on the wrist and and it's I mean I don't want to go real deep into it like that but isn't it's designed for it to be that way you know somebody and you don't want to do that like so that somebody is gonna spill the beans you know it's just so crazy we know all of this we know all this [ __ ] that's going on we know how the police work we know how the fares work but we still do it knowing that that this is a chance but then we [ __ ] up and get to whining and crying when it happened to us you know what I'm saying Takashi this little cat should've never been in a any organization such as the Bloods you know what I'm saying getting down like that they're going cat that got money paid his way in and and and look what he what he calls well does this kind of remind you of another person who joined the Bloods and paid his way in and had a bunch of people do a bunch of violence on his behalf just like that bro just like that bro so would you would you compare Takashi to Suge Knight in a certain type of way the way the way they handled a business conducted business yeah I don't I'm not gonna put you're gonna know that snitchin type of [ __ ] yeah I wouldn't put him there you know though we're not talking about that sure they're not snitch on any money at all right but in terms of their overall positions no well is the difference because when she came she came in God somebody that was familiar with the hood and and he took that one person which is me and tried to create something else and their deaf role just fell in his lap well that's what shadi was shoddy was the connection to all the ninth ray Bloods but when he went shoddy when in his shoddy got this cab with the money which is six-nine and they doing they are they just robbing people they are they doing stupid [ __ ] six nine I don't have to do that you know what I'm saying but it wouldn't no females involved and I see it it's it's similar but it's not the same you know and and and I say that because you got all of these rappers nowadays trying to get into a gang why you can't Scout money yeah I don't have to do that y'all ain't children y'all ain't 17 18 years old it's too late to try to jump in the game I be a gang member at 35 years old you're too old for that [ __ ] you got money live your life and and you know a lot of these cases making mistakes like that well and this is something that kind of hits close to home with you being that you're in a bike club for a long time yeah sure this is brand-new news but apparently this is now surfacing there was a huge brawl that happened in 2015 Twin Peaks that left nine people dead and 20 people injured a bunch of bike gangs just had an all-out brawl are you familiar with this at all yeah nine people dead 20 injured a hundred and seventy people were charged every single person refused to cooperate and all the hunters heavy charges have been dropped not a single person decided to say okay the motorcycle said is totally different from the street now because they truly believe in the code and a lot of cats you wouldn't be able to come back to the bike said you couldn't go to another motorcycle club you know what I'm saying I was a chosen few and I was the president in Las Vegas and I mean I said was just so tight we lost a member and in Vegas got killed yeah yeah you dare somebody to speak on it you know what I'm saying and you got people you got the one-percenters out there that not playing not playing and you know those guys believe in Brotherhood you know when you give one that that turn it's like a raft it's like a wrap they come to your house they come to your baby baby showers you your daughter's wedding they don't you know they're [ __ ] don't care well your dad was the chosen for you remember right now my my pops missing piece was the rising Suns okay my real father is a chosen few for 38 years okay so you end up joining the chosen few yourself yeah later on did you consider yourself a one-percenter yeah we did one percentage we did the same thing okay and explain to everyone what what a one-percenter is well one percenters is is bikers dad above the law don't give a [ __ ] about the law they do them which is could be many of things they just to themselves and ain't taking [ __ ] from nobody else everybody got their own perspective of what a one-percenter is but that 1% of the rest of the biker world they don't give a [ __ ] about 99% and they actually have patches to say 1% yeah yeah well they identified itself and people you know I look at the the white boys more like the HH The Outlaws Hells Angels em they ain't no joke and you know they really believe in that that's all they got you know what I'm sayin and it sense we do too but we don't take it as serious as they do you know what I'm sayin you got some clubs out there Sin City outcasts that's really with the everything but it's a lot of cats out they claim to be one percenters they're really not okay so did you essentially leave mob Piru and join the chosen few why actually left the neighborhood at the at my brother was killed wasn't doing nothing and there was six out went in purchases of 2007 roll King and pop said come on and join the club and I thought when it join then it was something that I thought I had in the hood you know what I'm saying with with my homeboys so I was loving it I was loving it I became president after a year remaining the president for I think six years or so and found myself doing the same [ __ ] you know pistols in the saddlebag this was on my hip in the middle of different [ __ ] you know ready to do this and do that and it wasn't worth it in the chosen few is that essentially a black it's black Mexicans whites okay so it's everything yeah right cuz I'm doing some Google searches and the pictures are mostly mostly black members well white boy are you just recently passed last week was the first white boy in chosen field okay so it was originally a black crew yeah you know they change them whoever didn't like the fact that you know we was doing our thing and then we just start taking different you know people Indians we had we had mixed of everything so yeah chosen few was it was the place what are the other major black biker gangs you got Sin City you have Outkast you have the soul brothers you have oh man so many second and none you have the deuces would you say the Rough Riders is a example of one as well or the Rough Riders is a yeah but they're not one percenter they're not known percent of club is just a Fight Club but you know yeah you got you got a lot of good cats in in every bite so you go and leave my pyro you'll leave a blood gang and you join a motorcycle club and it becomes a motorcycle gang essentially well I go never label that as a game it was basically Brotherhood you know us doing us in and having dances and meeting certain women and you know you know going from from you know from California the San Diego to Denver you know just just on the runs and then it you know it turns into you know you got a lot of hatred and [ __ ] inside the club you know brothers want to kill each other inside the club so if this is what I signed up for it's time for me to leave because I don't need this fart you know what I'm saying I'm not going to prison for you know somebody I'm Ryan side-by-side with that that I will give my life for it cuz I'm wearing this patch this patch me and everything you have people that want to take your patch you have people that really try to destroy your club so I'm in it 100 so come take my patch I have to kill you come take my patch you're gonna see why they call me big Jay and and you're gonna sing and every don't care where I went how I roll I'm press it up all the time did you guys get into actual fights with other you know with other you know bike gangs along the way we I mean you could I call it a fight when both clubs is fighting at each other Ryan says I say beam people as I'm beating up people when they don't fight back we did a lot of that some clubs some some people didn't fight back you know what I'm saying because they were scared of chosen few you know understand so I mean it has his pluses and adage but that don't make you know tough captain when people don't fight back so we really didn't get a run for our money ever because they weren't ready for it well since last time that we talked kodak black yeah went to prison yeah he got sentenced almost four years for basically falsifying information when he was buying guns yeah those good he bought a bunch of guns one of which ended up at a shooting situation and he was really at the time one of the biggest rappers in the world platinum singles gold or platinum albums features from everybody sold out shows probably getting a hundred thousand-plus a show and why are you doing that you know I'm sad and and and we got to look at it like this all these brothers is making this money all these brothers from the entertainment from from sports to whatever they're making out of this money but still want to be gangsters you got to decide what side of the fence you're gonna be on and this is the the demise of the majority all these cats they want to be gangsters you don't have to be against it you've made it let's do something else let's try to do something else man since I've been doing this plant I have been then I bought blankets I've been giving it to the homeless I hit a 7-eleven or whatever I see homeless people that I stopped parked the car get out you want some hot food you want this and give them money or feed them blankets big pots of chili to face deodorant all of this you know type of said just trying to give back not counting the people that I feel that deserve it you know what I'm saying like like him dogs something we just found him now he's having a baby at 18 19 years old now I got a sin all of this baby stuff so he don't have to worry about nothing because there's hen dog son so I know what I have to do you know what I'm saying I can't fall back and slip into this BS you know we got too many rich cats out here that's just one of being the [ __ ] why these dudes need to check themself man they did it's a better way yeah I mean Kodak just had a long history of arrests I mean even the judge said that look everyone makes mistakes but you've been making mistakes since you were like 15 and that's gonna follow you you know what I'm saying yeah so now he has almost four years or he's gonna lose probably tens of millions of dollars [ __ ] he had the money anyway I mean he was all he had money and didn't do the right thing when he got the money down here in jail you know what I'm saying just look at it you're shittin ice and all of these cash your six nines all these guys got money to being a long night I don't want to be in the limelight as you know I've done that and these guys don't have to do that you know what I'm saying but why it seem like it's a plot to me the other men are sending sending these people in here to beat Isis and and turn I don't why would they do it why would they do it muscle memory you used to doing things a certain type of way your whole life stupidity is a [ __ ] it's a mug I don't want courage but the stupidity is one thing to to to come from where you were to having it is another thing and then understanding what you got and then and then make good of that these dudes ain't doing that they getting rich and now I wanted to surround myself with 400 guns you can only shoot one at a time you know you don't need that yeah I think the most prominent example that was Chris Brown Chris Brown grew up in Virginia comes to LA and starts claiming blood throwing up gang signs in the club and the surroundings like I said they you don't you don't have to do that because your entourage do it you pay them to be the gangsters I don't have to be the gases and and these guys if anybody in your entourage don't come get you grab you and walk you out of a situation and let whatever happen happens then they not good for you come on man you the money these we understand this is the money right well at the Tupac situation yes what Chris Rock why don't you want to be like this man you Chris Brown yeah Chris Brown you got money you and movies you don't have to be a thug you don't have to be a butt there's that there's that allure you know like that for some reason and I opera see don't understand I mean look I'm I interview and I'm ended up being friends with Crips Bloods you know Colombo crime family people right it men like all that never once that I ever want to get involved in none of that no we come in we do the interview we may form a relationship afterwards but it's never I never touch on any of the stuff they used to do before or try to get involved in or trying to get them involved in whatever I have like if I ever have a problem I'm not gonna call one of my you know gangster homies to go try to handle it you see I'm saying here is it's like now you're kind of in bed with them and you know you you starts - well you're in bed with them already you know I'm you guilty by association but what yeah but you know I know them but we've never done anything outside of interviews yeah you see what I'm saying I don't want to have a situation let's just say that one you know I've had situations where someone who's gang-related gets mad at me for some reason I'm not gonna call some other dude from some other set to go handle that why not because now that other dude I owe them a favor you see what I'm saying like I'm now the dick they could turn around and start you know how should I put it they could potentially start extorting me over that situation you see what I'm saying you know it's like let me just say like let's just say okay like this one this one gangster figure is mad at me yeah this one this one gangster figures mad at me for whatever reason so I call this other og that I know to go handle it and he handles it now he has an artist I want you to interview my artist I want you to do this post I want you to do this when does it end when does that favor get and get you know checked off you should never become a favorite here I got chicken you take care that for me you know saying I got paid for doing that that men don't owe me nothing okay so you would handle situations you just get paid if you want the situation done no strings attached no nothing yeah I do doc take care that for wool okay all right so let's just say that you go get with this person say look I just got paid 5 grand top on the table no I wouldn't tell em I got paid to whoop your ass no right no but what I'm saying is then you risk that the problem that those two people get together and say you know we could actually make more money by keeping this going over a certain amount of time oh you wouldn't want this cat killed took out no you just want to beat up no I won't even want to beat up like I'm just I don't want no one beat up you just want a problem to go away sometime see I'm gonna say what you don't want to say if a problem is that bad and that problem could become worser for you to be a thorn in your last because this cat won't let up and this cat is trying to get from you but then you find a solution and you find a person that will go over there and handle that and you don't have to worry about it no more your family ain't gotta worry about it no more why wouldn't you say years and and we ain't gotta talk no more after that I hear what happened through the streets and that's done that's yeah but then those tough situations have a have a way of coming back right now thank crazy yeah let's just say let's just say that person takes upon themselves to go kill that person and they get caught and they say well you know if Vlad is the one who put me up to it he gave me this amount of money he ain't got no audio he can't say Vlad put I gave you give him that money that I just give him that caught up with some [ __ ] that that you do work for hire people get caught no we're for higher fly not everybody should need telling him and they hire police to join I'm not even talking about murder front I've just taught my handling problems the way all the Canada's like look I have some close friends some really close friends that I've known for ten plus years yeah that we'll have conversations with people yeah that I'll have my own security I have you know I'll pay I'll pay actual security and so forth and if I have to go to the police I'll go to the police safe right if it gets to a certain point and that's that I'm not gonna take someone who I kind of know and have them get involved as something to potentially create more problems on top of problems because that's how the mob that's how the mob would do this is one of the reasons why these people in this industry have issues because they thinking just like you you know what I'm saying if they wasn't thinking like you were thinking like I'm talking right now and they could have got rid of shield a long time ago they could have got rid of all of these guys that's beating up these people in the industry and and and forcing them to sign them taking money and all that [ __ ] wouldn't be there I never quite understood how she was able to bully people with money he was a smart individual she had what you call a he had a conversation and I've always tried to figure out kind of did shield take all of these these gang members these these penitentiary cats and get him to do whatever he wanted them to do how did she'll take all of these guys and when he went to jail one phone call y'all parked the cars if if I'm having fun with y'all y'all shouldn't be having fun and he's and and in the cars park how did he do that how did he do that I don't know I'm gonna tell you how he did it he did it by thinking and then letting us know or think that when we come home everybody getting the bonus we're gonna get new cards we're gonna yada yada so everybody wanted to stay around to see this happen this month area now everybody wanted to stay around because we didn't have no nobody had no other choices but to stick around and give up the cars because they wanted and expected more when he got out so everybody sent only asset until he came was just a dangling carrot exact situation so I'm a holdout and wait to see what he got for me maybe it's more money and a new car at different cars so I guess is the part that I understand like whenever I saw Suge come whenever I saw shook out we've been in the same room like maybe three different occasions so usually a club or a backstage or whatever I've always had armed security with me every time yeah ex-lapd or active LAPD or active sheriff or whatever else I always felt like I'd be I'm not gonna go talk to him yeah I never wanted to just because of all the you know the stories I had but I felt like if he ever let's just say here the issue with me and he try to approach me I got a guy with a legal gun next to me how far is this gonna get you see what I'm saying like like and at what point like I'm not hugging it out I'm not you know it's not gonna be something whatever I have a guy who's legally carrying a gun who could legally shoot you and we'll take the stand and explain why he did what he did but that's a cold thing because the guys that he had had pistols okay not knowing that yo guys are police officers right at any point anything can go bad anything can go bad especially on our side cuz we're drinking like a month okay everybody party in some some guys you know smoking a weed and highs [ __ ] so when the when the situation happening ain't nobody thinking you see a pistol pop and it can go bad just like that right but out of all your situations that you've ever been in a death row I've never heard of actual shootouts no you see what I'm saying they never went there they never went there all fish Fighting's all fistfights so yeah all fish fries all fistfights so what I'm saying is I'm not the only person who uses police security no I mean death row is using police security yeah so no one's really gonna go shoot it at a cop in a public place no one's gonna try beat up a cop in a public place a ex-cop or a cop there's some cops they got the ass whupped out there yeah check on you but why the super pheasant some cops that got the ass work doing that security did we know there was police no guys that I use you could either look out and say okay this is clearly a cop this is this is not well I ain't trying to mess with the foliage but you know our being a presence but right afro had police officers right that that you know off-duty were just like shield homeboys mm-hmm was just like the homies so I mean do it matter do admit I had an incident in Vegas when you know these cops joined a motorcycle club started a club and this this guy particularly God wanted to move his club next door to mine and and I wouldn't allow that because y'all the police for one but y'all in my world now you're not feeling moving next door to me all kind of [ __ ] happens in this Clubhouse you know what I'm saying [ __ ] the drugs that do everything so y'all can't move next door to me so y'all better find somewhere else to me this my circle you know what I'm saying and four police officers on the bike said to to come in and want to be a part of that it was a no-no you know what I'm saying especially mingling and kickin it in this and I know what happened how do you stop someone from renting a space next to yours how you enforce it I I stopped a lot of cats in Las Vegas when clubs didn't understand I tried to do their own thing in Las Vegas I approached them and your club is either y'all do this I'll do that you know what I'm saying I had a point a point B if they didn't wanted what's called I took their colors and by taking any colors I took the veces off their body took him to my Clubhouse and hung her mother side down wait wait wait so you would get into a confrontation with another bike gang member yeah Kleinberg yeah bike club yeah and when the conversation didn't go the way you wanted it to go exactly you would physically take their vest off exactly what would they do nothing was there it was there usually a gun involved analysis of them no oh man I had when I was a president I didn't have to shoot I didn't have to shoot nobody in Las Vegas I didn't have to do that because I mean we had a rule either you abide by our rules or do what you're supposed to do and if you didn't do that then the only other one is to take them colors off you are no longer here you cannot right wear those colors in Las Vegas ever you know what I'm saying some clubs I sit down it's I just don't want to see the colors no more if I see the colors I'm taking the colors and my way of taking them you can give them to me or I can physically take them off your body so on my bar I had colors uh how many how many vests that you take me off people Oh one day we took me took quite a few 20 30 50 no not not not 50 I'd say about 15 20 okay different clubs you know this new club starting up they didn't want to listen to nobody it was clubs they thought they was gonna do what they wanted to do it was close that didn't quite meet the standards of being bikers you know you know what I'm saying if your members let your president get beat up then y'all shouldn't be here your president is it's the club you know understand you had presidents that didn't want to stand up just because they were presidents they thought they didn't have to fight they go giddy no no well you're not the world's toughest man everyone takes a loss in life there's always going to be some of the fights better than you who who's gonna swing before you can you can't you could you know get up get off a shot that's just life when that day comes so you never took al that whole time no no no okay no and if I did I'm I'm at this point where the the choices is to resort back into BAM or accept that as women like man I'm out here doing a man's thing so I mean and that comes with it but no fortunately everybody option a the baby who was you know one of the hottest rappers and I like that I like him too I did an interview with him right here yeah I liked uh I mean he's really with the [ __ ] we talked about a whole home invasion situation where he shot somebody what really woke me up though was probably I'm kickin it dough okay because I'm here to screaming so it couldn't be true no so they're probably you know not great on screen but I come straight out it's like a long hallway but my room is at home Holloway come with his hallway turn the corner boom it's like a little wrap around it to the living room you see them saying in the kitchen overhead evaporites in living room in it's pretty much like the front though that way seems big-ass apartment it's like a house as there isn't anything any [ __ ] you know I mean when I got down come I turn the corner change bones shake him my turn the corner I see is it like this I see like iseas [ __ ] you see what I'm saying but they some of them over there going through [ __ ] oh the right I don't rummaging through your house with this yeah look that ain't in clear the spot you know okay veining make sure what nobody in there they going through posters and [ __ ] so they don't even case the whole house to make sure they ain't get a chance to I met him right there before you get there first bear so now you're face-to-face it was a couple of creeping so me and his mother this is plenty it's plenty of them it was like six people like five I saw five six people okay and then guide them so I I turned the corner like I said well that Oh some Chinese Bond [ __ ] you turn the corner huh I see how they make it now oh I still weren't expecting that you know I mean like I said I buy six [ __ ] and they the closest one to me he just closes you know I mean what he'd come into it and then I'm turning the corner papi there and they soon back - okay this are shooting back yeah yeah okay time did you get hit not here not right then we we lightly touched on a situation at Walmart where someone ran up on him and his family with a gun and he killed him in the Walmart self-defense right and it's interesting because he has an artist named stunner for Vegas he was there during our first interview and actually did a solo interview with him a couple months ago and he was like listen man Noah could say nothing bad about the baby name one thing you could criticize the baby before and I said well he has a short temper right temper one thing's for all about it isn't even real quick I think there's a short temper I mean I think he's too rich to have the kind of temporary okay boom that's what I could say but that ain't no flaw but that's like I can only P but I can say that it's people in yo shoes you feel me like or somebody that's right at that label but I can't nobody else say well you got a son cuz like you fit me baby don't start with nobody and in in the room with having a short temper because I mean you got to be on what he's doing and what all these guys doing some of them is faking the funk you could tell the ones is really witty yeah well he's really with it yeah and literally a week after that interview drops there's that whole situation with the club promoter you heard about this where well basically the story is that he you know he did a show and the club promoter didn't have like ten you know he was short of my ten thousand yeah I think he that's wrong yeah they beat the dude up and then I pulled his pants down and poured like apple juice on him and took a cell phone or whatever the baby got arrested they wouldn't they want to give him bond for like three days he finally got you know he's finally out and then like literally a couple like a week or two later he gets into it with like a valet at a hotel that's like trying to film him and his daughter he ends up shoving the dude and it's caught on camera and I'm like yo this temper I understand that this is probably what was necessary in his previous life you know if someone shortened our ten grand you can't be that guy that everyone knows you could short him ten grand it's not gonna do and that's what I'm trying to say sit like that you can't dis ain't hood we gotta know the difference when we're in the hood and then we're out here dealing with these white people you know making this money and being around you know people that got money he didn't have to do that he didn't have to do that if you gotta use your lawyer which you can't a lawyer to do all of this that's a job but your lawyer to get your money you know what I'm saying it's all to you but I mean just being and having that mentality oh you think you're gonna show me it makes you react quick they're quicker but man just baby that does a smart little dude he could you could tell he with the business he says stop and say em I don't have to prove myself to nobody no more I made it I made it so if you just start doing some some things different he'd be alright but against the mentality angle you're not gonna last long in the business it's not gonna last and the reality is that when you're making millions of dollars you gonna lose tenth in here and there that's just what happens when you're dealing with that much money it happens but if you tell me because I'm working for this I'm out here performing for this that money is due to it so if it's due to me good to me don't thank you for not I'm not saying that you shouldn't go get it this is where you get a lawyer yeah you know this is where you are you know you could I don't know if you could file a criminal charge against because that's technically theft isn't it in a sense however they put it yeah it's his money he should go and get it but trying to get that ten thousand my guess is he lost millions in the process yeah and and that's where we need to learn because understanding you know you never know Pepsi might have been looking at him for the next commercial and then they see this and say ah look at America right I mean some people are scared of us period you know and and I'm speaking as black men they scared when they see us walk across the street in coming you know either tucking that purse or clinching a pocket people just gonna be scared of you and then they're timid ated by the way you look the way you dress so those are points took him from you already that you've got so we got to think like baby and all of these other brothers out here that's making that money and being successful you got to change your attitude because you in a different world if you don't do that you're gonna be treated as you was treated in the hood yeah like I interviewed busi recently and that dude is crazy yeah he had our biggest interview your number did yeah yeah yeah he beats you by like half a million or something yeah but um you know we talked about how if you look at the world as a whole dark-skinned people get treated worse true then lighter skinned people and you know we talked about that you know he he feels that dark skin causes more fear in people let's see don't really bother me because I'm from Louisiana I've been around this racist [ __ ] the black of the [ __ ] the light of the trigger I could you say the black of the [ __ ] the light of the truth you know and that just come from they just come from all kind of [ __ ] like you pull over clean-cut light-skinned guy most of the times they don't want him out you know if he's dressed regular they'll still won't he it might not be as bad but if you pull over a dark-skinned man uses regular clothes and I've seen it as far as experiment they tougher they tough on you and he also feels that light-skinned like light-skinned black people are sometimes viewed as weaker which is why sometimes they try to overcompensate ok it's all the same thing but people just have they they different dependent pinions on darker people right we look more aggressive than the light-skinned rarest you were a dark-skinned and your brothers as well all dark-skinned all darts and people are afraid of you know dark-skinned to me you know I'm saying especially the the facial expressions that they carry the way they walk you know what these cats called it swag or whatever they just they scared it's not my fault that they scared how does that make you feel now when you're 50 something years old 55 55 years old you're not trying to hurt anybody you're just your grandfather right you you you do indigo podcasts you go to Australia none of that none of that none of that BS you used to do your walking around and these people or they cross the street there's you could see the fear in their eyes yeah how does that make you feel these days I mean I'm used to it I'm used to it and now to each his own now to each his own I think back in the days the way we used to deal with it is is like taunting we used to put people like that when the more ladies the whole a person like this we all in the line buying food you don't have to hold you first like that that's nice give it here something like that and they may be doing this [ __ ] I mean and then just make him look foolish you know I had one one white lady that was giving me my money but she like did it like this look like I got germs on my hand and you scared me and do [ __ ] like that so I mean you just let them know that they're stupid you know what I'm saying and I might feel the same way about you but I mean it is what it is man you're gonna be scared regardless and there's nothing to be scared of but you have you have people that you should be scared of so it's a balance man but no it don't bother me no more well unlike the the situation with me where I didn't actually say what you thought I said yeah there's a situational bosco 100 where he actually did say something so apparently Bosco who I've interviewed as well a couple times here he went on gangster Chronicles yeah he was a guest early guest yeah I have not personally heard that episode yeah but from what I understand he was very respectful and shaking hands down hands you know that dude you know and I thought it was real cool but you know we was going to use him as a third wheel would read she we was going to use either him or spider lope when the boss decided not to jump just throw somebody in the seat I don't know if he got wind or whatever he goes on his show and and all this rat [ __ ] and this Reggie of ready wait a minute this dude was just just BAM so I felt we need to I let this cat and then he get to talking about my brother you know what I'm saying let me say about you brother he said that that I spoke on bond tree telling what they're all doing and them wait a minute for number one this is my brother you know you don't know nothing about my family if you got a problem with me keep my family out of it for number one and if you feel as a man that you have a problem you should address them when you can don't be cool with me and shake my hand and then go back in think I'm supposed to bite into this little bush that you're talking about if you feel like that handle your business you know what I'm saying that's why I separate myself from from these clowns I think got time for that [ __ ] so yeah he spoke so that's why he was calling you a rat because you were speaking about your brother getting killed and so forth well he on that one saying that Reggie telling I'm telling and I've been called all kind of [ __ ] all kind of [ __ ] and in the hood you know- saying I told on some of the homies or whatever I've been waiting 17 18 years for the paperwork before so I mean and I still move around so my thing to them my thing did anybody that felt that way how do you business I'm not hiring you know do you think let me see where I want to understand against any [ __ ] buddy I've been out of penitentiary since 1988 ain't been jail yeah how do people feel now that you're actually doing a podcast and you got these huge interviews and everything else like that they look at you the same way do you feel like there's a certain level of jealousy or are they happy for you I think everybody that that that I deal with that I allow in my circle is happy this is about time you deserve it yada yada like I said every everybody ain't goin everybody ain't gonna be happy everybody ain't goin like the [ __ ] that I'm doing but you know that part don't matter to me you know what I'm saying everybody that I [ __ ] with this is is on board and and they're just loving what I'm doing it was so many cats mad hearing that I'm going to Australia going on straight because the first thing is you can't go to Australia because he's going to jail he's been going to jail I've been going to jail so I got my passport I'm gonna err so you know people talk and and what cats need to realise is my book is gonna talk all day it is how you react to it and I just keep it pushing I just keep doing me man and and you know enjoying life in a different in a different light I'm good I recently had an interview with King tone he's the former leader of the Latin Kings of New York yeah you familiar with Latin Kings yeah okay did you ever deal with him in the prison system or nothing okay they're mostly in East Coast yeah organization Latin Kings at one point were the the biggest Latin gang in America like twenty thousand members I that the New York set was huge yeah the the level of viciousness that these guys took things to kind of was on another level there was a power struggle at one point this guy King blood who was a leader there was a I guess a situation or about the leadership one of the members they found him in an abandoned house somewhere his tattoo was cut off his body was burned his head was cut off and they never found the head King blood who was you know the leader at the time I guess was found guilty of actually ordering hits from prison letters yeah King blood was given the harshest prison sentence of anyone since World War two right he was sent to 250 years with the first 45 years in solitary confinement where he could only get visits from his immediate family of which he had none yeah that's because they had to figure out a way to control him because look at how much power he got you know what they say he was doing through mail phone conversations through talking to the brothers that was you know about to be released ordinance said from his position you got to be a powerful cat got to be so to give him that is they don't they say we finished shut you down and they shut him down yeah you know King tone was like almost in tears talking about the situation he's like yo you don't have anyone to give him a hug or you know anything like 45 years of solitary confinement that's a lockdown when they talk about keep blood a sinner that's still buried alive I get emotional that's my [ __ ] I love him and guess what you want no son never met him never touch them isn't that who Jesus side with a bunch of killers prostitutes and [ __ ] no good you know the 250 year sentence you're [ __ ] around and go crazy you being there talking to yourself you're being there writing on your skin you [ __ ] lose your mind that's a that's a long time that's a long time but they said we gonna teach you something you know understand so he was an example that's all he was yeah he was an example have you heard do you know anyone who got some sort of ridiculous amount of time the only one who's gotten life sentences I know a whole bunch of people got a life sentence how many people do you personally know they got life sentences everybody I know that's that's on my side of the fence and I was 20 people way more than that 50 people way more than that a hundred people yeah you know a hundred people I know ignore doing life in prison from from from my days to now this doing life in prison to my MA Piru no no different than different people okay how do these people do you ever talk to them like before they go in or yeah how does a person get that around his head that hey I'm doing life in prison I'm never getting out I'm going to be in this cage with a bunch of men until I'm dead I was in CMC in prison with a guy that had life and he just basically said I'll never be able to touch money again I'll never be able to touch no [ __ ] again I'll never be able to do none of the things that I wanted to do walk to the store none of that said and that's pretty what pretty much what you get after they gave you life you know you got guys come back to that sell out to get in life and be ready to tell the whole setup it just don't hit you what and and all bets are off you know you get them lifers they don't give a [ __ ] I mean I'm doing time so you don't have a choice and in life is you don't want to deal with you don't want to be a selling with a lifer because they can kill you in the don't matter right I'm already doing life yeah it don't matter what so you want to stay away from him the one interesting thing about the Latin Kings you know when I was doing my research was the level of organization yeah they have a bona fide hierarchy yeah they have a set of rules organized people follow those rules and this is why they were able to get to the levels that they got right now and some of your own interviews you you even said that in your set there was no oh geez there was no leaders I didn't consider none of us to be the leader or you know Jesus just to me one of the guys is older than me that's been here longer than me you know what I'm saying his level of gang banging is totally different from mine you know what I'm saying you're og because you you older you know what I'm saying but all your og doing the same [ __ ] I'm doing you're on the same page with me you are they putting they're working and doing what you supposed to do like me some of the big homies was just going to jail you don't I'm saying going back and forth on violations I'm out here doing this that and the other so I didn't put nobody on the pedestal as you the leader of the hood or or we're the ones that's doing it we was all equal we to me everybody was the same those cats that we did bust the week on were totally different what is Buster week Buster week is something we did when you know some of the guys that didn't participate and none of the shooters none of the fights none of their nothing they just did them but represent the neighborhood so we would take it upon ourselves these guys that that ain't one of us let's just go and just just walk the hood and start whooping the ass and we would walk the neighborhood and okay there go what's called him right there he turn is it always my turn I got him and just going just do and these are my Piru guys yeah just start beating these guys and you ain't from the hood and just take the dope second taking a cars and doing all kind of [ __ ] they will stick around after that they never check what are you gonna go I guess was me do I have a lot of money you just stuck where you are well I mean if David did that then they'd have been all right they wouldn't have to get multiple [ __ ] get beat up every other week yeah you know I remember a freeway Ricky he touched on this one of our early interviews where he said that black gangs usually don't get very big because it's usually just a group of people without a hierarchy yeah when you talk about a [ __ ] gang you know I'm talking about thirty thousand what a blood gang you know forty fifty thousand so it's it's it's a it's a different and then you know each segment might have its own leader yeah so who's the shot-caller so you're saying that when you look at other gangs there's actually one person at the top who's commanding the entire operation and you just don't have that black gangs from what you've seen mm-hmm okay you know but as someone who runs a company and who leads a company I understand that my skill set is very different than some of my employees right now I can't do certain things that they do and they can't do certain things that I do and over time I've become a better leader and I've learned how to conduct myself and I've learned how to negotiate certain things and so forth why was there never that in in the gang structure because some people are just more level-headed than others some people could strategize better than others some people are getting better getting money than others you had that you had you had that aspect of it organizing let's say drive-bys you had guys to do that you had guys that knew how to hunt people you know do drive-bys without the reckless driving and all that [ __ ] it just wasn't we sit at a table and we this conduct this this happened this we need everybody to go home to my family we didn't we didn't have a leader everybody did their own thing those cats that was making money made more money than some of us some of us was mad at the cash that was making money because they wouldn't put in the hood so we never had a we did it never became an organization if it would have would have been big would have been good I think it worked out best that way for me cuz I damn sure win finna take no orders from nobody to tell me who I need to do where I need to go and so it worked out good well sure kind of became a leader in a way leader of what you know I think Greg Kading touched on this where basically all those should wasn't mob Piru before once he came in with all the money he essentially became a leader of our Piru in a way not only not totally different sure pay to pay people to do certain things then make him a leader of my power sure was in calling meetings and all the homies came and conjugated she wasn't wasn't when he came through the hood sure was looked at a superstar like on a night that's different they looked at that they didn't look at all that's to be homie all the big homie with the business and never that you know so shared money was an influence for all of those guys and everybody to come in so without the money you're nobody you just shield nice lived in the hood never gangbang never did nothing so our leaders no no he had death row he had two home he's working for death row and he paid for it for the services of of us which everybody thought was schooled and accepted what he gave he never even never a leader a shark : well I had Melvin farmer on my show mmm-hmm he was one of the founders of the a tre Crips okay and he says something interesting he feels that the Crips and bloods are anti black organizations and they also were one of the forces that stopped the civil rights movement meaning that when you look at that the track records the Crips and bloods usually commit violence towards other black people yeah man we fightin this is my opinion we fighting against ourselves and we fighting others we are the biggest cause of black man getting killed you could say the police and whoever you want to but just think about it every day we lose in a 15 14 13 yo 20 year old black man because another black man killed him you just lost your cousin just lost my cousin he's how old 20 20 years old yeah he was in his neighborhood no he was going to a liquor store on Crenshaw and Rosecrans and that was that rollin 60s I don't know who go that far down but anyway he was just going in the store and the guys walked up on him and shot him and you know everybody be bitching it and I'm talking about black people everybody bitching and crying about this and that but you need to stop we hurting each other so bad so bad and this is one of the reasons why I'm glad to do what I'm doing down to get these cats to understand we don't have to live like this we choose to live like this this the way I was living ain't living you know what I'm saying and and now that I understand it it may be too late I'm 55 [ __ ] years old but we killing ourselves man a 20 year old that's minding his own business too two guys I guess walked up to join I mean I don't know what happened but you would think from the outside looking in there's some sort of gang-related element of this fort why else would you just murder another person in a city in a in a store where you know there's cameras like it could be all kind of situations they probably know him they probably say what you're doing in our hood do you see what I'm saying like I'm not saying that your cousin is a gangster I'm not I'm not I don't know him I'm not going to disrespect him at all under saying that when you look at the situation yeah he wouldn't no gang member right but when you look at the situation there has to be some sort of gang related elements yeah for someone to get killed in that type of fashion yeah a [ __ ] 20 year old man like oh man like I think missing me because I don't want to tell my some old lad I've dated but man like he can't even legally drink yet he can't do that he can't do nothing can't do nothing and it's just you know you got all of these guys out here trying to stop the violence you know we had the kitchen Crips and the East Coast on the show you know they stopping that beef with the East Coast and the F their chains you will never be able to stop this [ __ ] that we started that this [ __ ] that the older guys created and we followed and they gonna follow after me and follow after them you got me which comrade man is a 20 year old just losing his life by this crazy it's horrible did he have kids of his own no and and and you know I can't call I lived their life I lived the life of going out shooting people I lived that life not giving a [ __ ] if I killed you or not I lived that life so I can't sit here and be a hypocrite I can't sit here and be this this person to say are they [ __ ] up and they this and that so how do I react to it man we just need to stop doing with the [ __ ] we doing because I realize that that by hurting this person whether this person was killed whether this person lost a leg whether this person that's the I I'm hurting your family I'm your mom's your pops your sisters just because there's so many people affected by your death my death you know what I'm saying and I realized that when my brother was killed so many people Christ so many people in my family from that they lost everything you know what I'm saying because of the things that Allison was doing for him you know some cats and in prison you know felt that that you know man we lost them really you know what I'm saying so just saying the fact that what what this gun gonna do to not only the person you're doing but everybody else you might you gotta want to stop did they catch the two guys who did it no they're still out there yeah pulling up here they were leaving the hospital she had just identified his body and I mean is his curse let's just say those two guys walk in the room right now sit down next to you and be like well are bad homie but we're doing what you used to do you asked me to keep you 100 yeah oh it wouldn't be nice it wouldn't be nice it wouldn't be nice man I mean I ain't no saint I ain't no saint I ain't gonna sit in a lot of nobody and saying no saint what would I do if the guy that walked in here killed my brother I mean with [ __ ] I'm gonna do you know understand those guys coming here and just man our back the way I think now pay for your crime do do it do what you're gonna do because if you don't go to jail sooner or later you're next somebody's gonna do you and that's how it normally worked you know understand so I don't know him I don't know how it happened so if the two guys get caught and end up getting I mean you talk about a murder life in prison or you know 40 years or whatever else ice you had to pay would that give you a sense of closure or do you still are you still in the mentality that unless you actually well now today I would feel if they doing life in prison or well you know ain't nothing you can do don't go and retaliate on their people for some stupid [ __ ] they did you know what I'm saying it's crazy because the [ __ ] that I used to do we had a we had a gang in Compton that every time I went to did some to them they came and they did it to our house I went back and did it today house or we seen each other we had a shootout retaliation is a [ __ ] you know I'm saying and if you ain't prepared for that I don't think that that ain't coming your way then you you living in a different world but it [ __ ] happens like I say I can't be this person is saying oh man ain't [ __ ] up I did this I'm a hypocrite if I if I say they out of line I'm mama I can't do that yeah I remember uh when I interview trade deed he went into the story about how he got it shot in the back so I walked back out and was getting the change for rockin when I walked back you just got some kind of like funny feeling you know I looked back at the dude he was jacking off with automatic weapon and he just started popping so I was right in front of the car so I ran away from the car ran back past him into the store so I would draw the fire away from the kids and he shot me and passed and shot me in the back lungs collapsed I had a catheter and I said I had to get 32 staples in my stomach yeah and his lungs collapsed yeah and I asked him a similar question the guy that shot you came in and said you know my bad homie I was I was doing what you were doing he said I'll shake his hand I said yeah cuz I was doing the same thing you know you do that now yeah back then no I've been shot four different times I've been shot right here I've been shot right here I still got bullets in my hand I've been shot in the back back here that's a 9-millimeter that's a 38 this is shotgun I don't know what the hell this was right here but I was shot I mean doing shooting at people I've been shot so you never know what's gonna happen you know I'm saying but I took them all you know what I'm saying my little brother Timmy he'd been shot 13 times on one shooting you shot him once right I shot him once that the first time you got shot the first time he got shot by me the second time he got shot 13 times and then he got shot away one time after that he got shot 13 times and one in one instance yeah and he survived that yeah damn was that was that situation about being at the wrong place at the wrong time and in you know when people recognize who you is back then gangbanging was serious oh that's what whoo and they when they shot him I got I think he hopped over a bar or the store clerk or whatever and they needed to [ __ ] him up down down his legs he was he was he was [ __ ] up but it was like when I heard he was shot 13 times I'm thinking these fools that killed my brother so being my man my mom's get to the scene and officer ready right is there so I'm sitting here I'm working with my grandfather in front of the house so I ain't got no shirt on I got this little t-shirt on and then I see all of these Crips right here so thinking that my brothers in the store dead my first reaction was to go out that he's all these critic is sitting right here so Reggie and I think officer McDonald James McDonald same name as me on some other officers grabbed me handcuffed me and put me in the backseat of his car for your own protection yeah but and I didn't have nothing but I'm this is how I'm thinking and I'm my my children is pumped and I'm thinking my brothers and they're dead so before anybody could say something to me my mom only thing was to attack so when they handcuffed me and put me in the car I'm sitting here and I'm musty from from working up on in the house and I mean but that's how I'm feeling retaliation that's all that that's all I was looking for you know then my brother mantri he gets shot ten times he didn't make it so what all defense it all depends on you know if there's young time I'm not but how well you know we talked about bun tree quite a bit in our interviews mm-hmm what I didn't know until I watched your interview with Alex Alonzo mhm was that your brother did nine years for strangling a dog the police dog okay could talk about this old soul story huh you talk about the story but what happened yeah him and coven of the homeboys went to this one they came out with the CC riders said and [ __ ] wouldn't having it you know they was they would they had a big meeting at a park and the police was patrolling it now my brother nothing to go over here and you know whatever and see the police they takes off michigan lady in front of them they blowing the horn for the move why y'all didn't go around the lady the car they driving don't have reverse so they came [ __ ] back up it's a funny story they stupid [ __ ] so they couldn't back up now he come all of these these police so they all jumps out the car and take off my brother is up on our house hiding they tell him come out we send the dog in Athey he don't respond they let the dog go the dog goes up on the dare to get him so when the police hit a dog he choking the dog out cuz the dog had him he had the dog and he got dog so now he children the dog out police go up under the the house because why the [ __ ] the dog sound like that I guess I don't know but he said after he choking the dog he see all these lights on him he let the dog go dog take off soon you go past the police he gets out of there so the police come and they hit him with the little sticks and whack and even all that [ __ ] they dragged him out he go to jail he gets assault attempted murder on a police officer and then because the dog is technically a police officer so you get that count instead of giving him 25 years for the dog they gave him he took a deal for the nine but eight and he did his time you do nine years because you choke a dog that's already biting you yeah doesn't that sound crazy well it's a police officer and and the dog was to restrain him but you think I'm gonna sit here and let this dog drag me out by my arm up on their house and the police is crazy with that [ __ ] they say stop resisting I cannot stop resisting when you beaten the [ __ ] out of me right or a dog is not on my arm and the dog is on him so he did he wouldn't let the dog eat his arm off so and he got the marks he had the marks only where the dog had him not good well I guess while he was doing his time that's when you hooked up with Suge yeah and you're talking to him and you're telling him all these these crazy you know stories of you partying and Death Row's coming up and he's like yo save a spot for me and they smile for me and and he didn't know sure get the tire he didn't he didn't you know nobody really dealt with [ __ ] in the hood you know what I'm saying biggie little begging them they lived on the same block whatever but she'll never let say sugar never hung on the corner sugar never hung on Stockton or Diane with all the homies just you know kicking it shield never went and hop the gate it comes to driving through the school and kicked it with everybody and just sat there in jail so it was it was that's a big difference so he he never did that you know what I'm saying well once you came in and started rolling with sugar sugar want as many Bloods as he can yeah and you would literally bring like 50 Bloods backstage at shows first the first but was a super first concert I was already dealing with him and and I mean it was a good it was good you know I mean Sugar's taking care of me I'm fresh out of prison I'm flying to North Carolina with disc added you know having a good time with and the Budweiser super fest we was working for Wes and this one he was doing security so I mean come and ask me how many the other homies can I get how many you won't and he said get as many as you want many as you can and because bonnie hummus it was nine hood am street else it was behind no it was all the Bloods we knew well we had the Bonnie on his hanging on Pine Street with us because they was hanging with the homegirls and all that you don't want to go to a concert for free get in there would whoop and [ __ ] everybody was loading up and about [ __ ] by the time you know what he's seeing the parking lot it was like what the [ __ ] all these [ __ ] and he was loving it well during the early time of death row there was the friction that started to happen between hereo and shook yeah and you know the story's a bit hazy because hereo allegedly was a person who financed death row although when you look in like for example key foodies book or you talk about you know conversations I had with Reggie there was another guy named Pat who was the real financier but at this point we'll never know but but Harry Harry Oh was a serious guy yeah in LA did you know Harry owed oh he had connections now I never told him but he was like a major major drug dealer yeah he was financing I think he was on the first put on Denzel Washington yeah he was the man he was the man where you know what and I can say being a death row and when Harry Oh was calling up there it was pick up right there was a special phone yeah their phone the river pick up talk to him did it just this time went by don't answer his calls no more right were you there with the situation at the studios whether the two producers got beat up well we've got I wasn't in there for nothing but it was over that phone it was them I was robbing one cat picked up the phone and answered he got his ass for ya you can't don't touch that phone that was for other people though right well Harry oh you said had had hitters this team yeah so so we should kind of worried over his own life potentially doing bad business with Harry oh I think I think Shield was worried about his life in general because sure was making a lot of deals and promise and a lot of people said that you know he was just forgetting who we [ __ ] with who we talk to and a lot of people were getting mad at shield because he didn't come through on his promise and he just didn't remember he had so many people that he was doing this [ __ ] with and then he had catch that damn I'm tired of him in my pocket you know what I'm saying type of [ __ ] but I mean it was was there ever an issue with hereos people yeah yeah this pretty much everybody I mean I mean you asked me a question that that that that ain't been nice in 20-some years so infinite I mean that's something that that that you really just don't put out there like fair enough yeah well a death row and you've touched about you know we've been talking about this a lot is that a lot of people got hands put on them a lot of humor I remember there was a there's an interview I did with turay he's a journalist he was on BT and it also was a writer for like Rolling Stone and stuff like that so he goes into this kind of interesting story where he was doing an article on dick Griffey who was the president solo right yes yeah I know who was partnered with death row early on and he's hanging out with dick and dick is always mentioning Suge and one days ago you want to go go hang out with show come on let's go so they go over to death offices and you know the human sugar our friendly with each other and they're talking about like this back room they're kind of laughing about this back room you know or I guess people get their ass kicked you know about this back room I read in wrong the Red Room I guess the door is on like the handles on the other side and so they're doing I guess dick leaves and they're doing this interview and he's asking you know he's recording you know he's got a little portable recorder and he's recording this conversation you know this interview and yeah he's going through a bunch of stuff and sugars answering everything professionally and he goes well by the way what's up with the the lawsuit that you have with with Dick Gregory and at that point everything changed [ __ ] was like what the [ __ ] you say to me and then he said the way he described it was so interesting he said that this this big dude just comes in this looks like he straight out of prison like all chiseled rocked up oh yeah and he was like here's ago man this [ __ ] talking bout some lawsuits this dudes like what and he was like I don't like to compare black men to anyway the guys black himself right yeah I don't like to compare black men animals but it was like almost like a pit bull like being held back by a chain like the guy was just ready to just yeah you know just just destroy him and Isaac it's my [ __ ] table lots of lawsuits right and he's like he's trying to leave what shug's not letting him leave and then and then basically he's like man I don't want to talk about this lawsuit [ __ ] he's like ok no problem you know you're not going anywhere and he said that they now ask me those questions again if he had he went through the whole interview and he said Suge answered every question identically he said that this guy's had a like I'm like a weird memory where he literally goes through every question answers it identically and then they get to the end of the interview they don't ask the last question then he's free to go he says you know you done burnt your bridge with death row and you [ __ ] up and someday you're gonna warn us for an interview or a ticket or something and we're not gonna [ __ ] with you and did it and I'm like yes yes yes yes and I think journalism is out the window I'm just trying to survive this moment like yeah yeah yes yes yes yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry so he finishes his little rant and again I start walking to the door and he's like where are you go and sit down and I'm like ah we're not done so I sit down and I'm in the back of my mind I'm leg I haven't been hit and I still have the interview I'm scared out of my mind but I still do have this interview with Suge and he goes rewind the tape to the beginning and I'm like ah [ __ ] now I'm gonna lose my interview and I came here for nothing and through Ryan to the beginning is his press record and I do and then he starts to give me the same interview again with that and I'm no longer able to talk so I'm no longer part of the conversation but he is answering the same questions and giving the same answers for 40 minutes in order in the same so it's like Total Recall of the 40-minute conversation we just had which is very very hard to do but he was just talking about the terror that he's going in and if he wanna did it that way he probably would have got his ass one he probably got picked up and tossed on his dam here so you've seen this a lot how many people did you see get beat up a death that's giving myself a lawsuit to look people people came in there you had you had some people that were straight stupid some guys that coming in straight stupid playing the gangster [ __ ] or whatever and and put to the test you know what I'm saying and and it wasn't good you know what I'm saying you had [ __ ] outside the office acting like that getting the ass work I think that was one thing that that was was strong and shield favor that he had cast that was beating the [ __ ] out of my focus with no question asked and it worked but everything don't last forever did you know about the sam snead situation no okay I know Samson you got got him yeah yeah that has something to do with Tupac or something you know I know some people that were there what had happened you know and then at one point Tupac shows up dad's did it to an Instagram post a while back he said before Tupac was on death row and cursed by Suge he was Crippin with thug life I told him the night we did the five songs for the all eyes on me album I said POC you know what Dad said POC don't let this gangbang come between us aka death row versus dogpile true facts yeah you know about this no I don't know he had a conversation about that with him but you know I always have a problem when I talk about Tupac people think I'm hating on two five people think I'm mad cuz Tupac didn't put me in a song for one I'm not a groupie for number two I don't know half of the songs or none of these cats that put their music out there like that cuz I'm not a fan like that and I never hung with those cats too like I'm kicking it I'm kicking it with Tupac I'm kicking it with dads and crud I don't know I didn't get down like that you know Snoop was the closest one that I ever got to and that's only because I did the court thing the security is right yeah when he had the murder trial yeah well you said at one point Tupac's attitude started to change he started to spit on people he started bumping into people on purpose yeah she would spit on people yeah I mean to part when he kept within he could be cool and then you know his the way he was and then you know just changing and coming into this like monster this this beast mode no come on who'd he spit on just people in general people that's trying to hide 2-5 got to [ __ ] move move just standing in going to maul you know what I'm saying just spitting on people but why would you spit on a person in general for liking you you know just because you ain't feeling that way I think all of those all of those situations is when you're high and you drink in and all that other said but it don't make it better you know that you're getting down like that he was just a different [ __ ] and then now you're trying to be a part of this over here which he didn't come to the who to say I want to be put on the hood and no [ __ ] like that if that's what he wanted that's what he should have did no he's going through buncher Ian and all of those guys and hanging with them now he got the confidence and he got their approval should I say on you know being from the mob she'll takes him to get him mob tattoo she'll be nice nobody could he do that or are the big homies that was there oh so sugar was the one that I she took two pockets go get that money yeah hood didn't do that chill took him to do that right and some people say means money over [ __ ] but that's what we use money over [ __ ] money only blood you have different sense as for yeah well right after you and I did our last interview anybody fede which I think was probably the biggest interview in the the Tupac world yeah yeah that's happened in the last discloses with Lando you know yeah the last living person in the car there's him that that shot that shot up a Tupac's and shook scar Vegas so you are living in Compton yeah your mob Piru ki fede is South Side [ __ ] right you and keep here about the same age I thank you about maybe you're too older than exactly Yeah right around the same yeah at what point do you learn about him when we were doing they had our otic shot we had a shot of shot I guess I don't think we was in competition but they was doing big [ __ ] over there at their jolly shop and we had just really got started then once once we found out who was doing that that's when he first came up OK Kieffer did keep a devious co-worker won't sell drugs and all this he was one of the big homies over there should I say other than that it was really nothing until we found out where he lived at which my daughter momma told me all about who keep the D ring is it your baby mother is Southside she from yeah okay and ki fede was a major drug dealer in Compton we talked about that your interviews than that right it's not a hidden in piece of knowledge so ki fede who's the uncle of Orlando Anderson yeah who claims South Side [ __ ] is in the same city as you and he's moving a lot of cocaine were you guys ever doing business with Southside now drug wise or was that just a big no no no no one of one our homeboys hung with one today homeboys that was that had big weight over there I mean just kickin it they would they were like it's coming bones other than that we had no association with those guys okay cuz they were essentially your enemies yeah yeah during the time that Suge is beefing with easy yeah and you're around during this time yeah Keef he says something interesting in our interview he said that eazy-e had all the Compton Crips behind him should have never touched him because of that the sugars trying to form this record label he gets into contact with eazy-e but easy he doesn't want to just let his artist go and so forth but ultimately some situations happen and he gets a release for dr. Dre in michelly see yeah I watched that movie and stuff like that oh [ __ ] true because uh he has a whole Alondra behind him a lot of a little bit was harder than a little rosecrans back then you know saying he has a lot of drives of kelly parts and it was salsa spook town just david occasions the whole lotta was born so we put a let the red rat 2vz like that that's a lot easy didn't have all no Compton Crips ready because he's a Kelly part Kelly work crew if that was the case if easy had all the Crips rocking it rolling with him he'd have been rolling like that he wasn't rolling like that you know all of these guys can say what they want and and I give credit where credit is due like go Lando was with the business these guys get on here and then they be talking like the Crips would have like swallowed these power rules and and bam and the 80s the 90s one [ __ ] is new in Compton y'all can [ __ ] with them power rules man and fire rules was dangerous and it was some day had killers too but and we were dangerous in there in 80s we was dangerous in the 90s they they need to stop saying that well I mean to be fair eazy-e was kind of the hero of Compton he's the one that really put Compton on the map in terms of World War II because people look at him like that know what not mean Compton was doing anything already the father's the music yes yes yes so as as someone who was in the Bay Area at the time I can tell you and I wasn't making trips to LA or whatever yeah I had never actually heard the word Compton and so I was less an easy East first I mean first that he really put you know he put Compton on a worldwide stage in terms of music entertainment yeah okay what is with the business this just doing this he was a great businessman that he was I don't take nothing from the dude you know what I'm saying but fathers when these guys get to talking about that he was this gangster he was only just like that no he wasn't let me he had his all bodyguards the other Samoan guys Samoans not Crips yeah if the Crips is rocking with him like that and he got the Crips on his own in his pocket like she got the blood you know [ __ ] with him then you just saw that in him you didn't see that him easy easy one walking with phony Bloods and and knocking down [ __ ] you know come on man okay fair enough keep your demons out of line and I'm gonna say yous out of line with that [ __ ] so leading up to the biggest incident ki fede is now rolling with puffy yeah just like how you guys would show up 50 deep backstage a death row show South Side Crips of show up 50 deep at a bad boy show maybe 25 something a lot of people yeah and they're and they're they're down with the with the [ __ ] so puffy is now however you want to look at it he's now aligning himself with the south side crips and it even kind of starts you know you talk about the hydraulic shops you know he goes into the story about how his uh Impala was in the usher video which puffy was involved in yeah you actually see uh sure dancing on the hood and they ended up like messing up the car and puffy wrote him a check to you know for the damages yeah you know they're establishing a relationship there is a story that has circulated that puffy had a bounty on death row chains now clearly this is not a written contract front-page news as it was and will be for show now for somebody who came with this is not it but there is a word you know and I've talked to the outlaws and everything else at that and within the death row camp the word is getting around that oh yeah puffy is offering yeah and thousand I'm something near death row chain how you would collect this bounty I'm not quite sure the same way Lando tried to get it I seen one I'm gonna snatch this [ __ ] we're gonna get at this cat for it yeah ten grand I'm gonna do what I got to do to get it you know what I'm saying and and that's pretty much was the only way all just killed a cat and get it yeah you know what I'm saying you know if she would've did it reversed it we'd have had a problem trying to get it because those cats ain't out here like that yeah when they see us come and they not there are they it would have been totally harder but when they did that and the way we got win because they took show you see how these these mothered a little annuals or whatever so he used to give away these little bitty-ass different chains and to the mothers and the kids whatever so two of them was snatched somebody saw him and snatched him off of her two people off of two mothers yeah smash the little bitty-ass change apparently that he would the bounty ten grand for this little thing but now we own it now okay snatching so now we know that he said the chains ha so okay I didn't know that part I don't know the mothers were getting their chain snatcher yeah two people two people two females got did changed yeah so now we know it that [ __ ] doing like that them do Billy a stank so now Tracy came to play the Travon Lane situation with Orlando Anderson at the lakeside mall right they try to take his chain so he gets a bit fuzzy we don't know whether the chain got taken or not well it was snatched office off his neck but he got it back cuz we broke but doing his squabble he got his chain back I ain't taking [ __ ] from me so he held up here you know now I know Trayvon Lee yeah we talked yeah so now things are escalating he did now sugar is pressing puffy there there's a hole you know there's lots of different stories behind what happened I remember one at one point Suge home he gets killed in Atlanta J yeah you know yeah friend of yours yeah BJ yeah did they ever find out who killed him well the guy that supposed to kill him is supposed to be in jail I mean dead now wolf yeah who was Puffy's right-hand man yeah his his muscle yeah basically the equivalent of you were bun tree essentially I'm puffy side and puffy was there when it happened yeah were you there no it was just him and Jake out there at that time she didn't wanted at that time he didn't want to take nobody but Jake just him and Jake went out there and it was supposed to been on business I don't think he's it shouldn't got killed I wouldn't hey I don't know what really happened but I knew at that time you pressing these cats he got his hitters and you ain't pistol up so what was the purpose of getting at these dude so you're saying that sugar was trying to push up on puffy yeah well yeah so everybody ain't ain't gonna be afraid all the time everybody ain't gonna be you know the coldest thing is when when when my brother and I never spoke on him or what he do but when he spoke and said we still got on that microphone and told him to come to death row I had him worried because everything in New York was ready to do what they wanted to do but Snoop Dogg when they talk to people he said everybody was talking to everybody but these cats was ready tonight like smash y'all really ain't prepared for that but they had New York cats with them too that that had pistols yeah I mean wolf ultimately getting killed by allegedly the BMF guys he got into a big Meech and decided to pull out guns on him and shoot first yeah yeah those BMF dudes I was around with them in fact I'd even heard that like Meech was begging this dude to like not go there like yo it's not that it was over a girl like Jake no oh yeah yeah apparently he was messing with some stripper that I was hanging out with BMF and then yeah yeah this is a disaster so Jake gets killed how did you feel when you heard that when Jake got killed yeah I was devastated I was mad as a [ __ ] I was mad that she came home back came back by herself I was mad at the fact that you know none of these guys is listening to me at the time you know we falling be falling apart be killing each other we're doing this and we all this [ __ ] that was going on with nobody listening oh my James you drunk you out of Yatta so it was like what do I got to do to show the homies that man we die in here and after Jake is jizz it just went crazy so just separating myself from it and and the way that Jake got killed you know why are you way out here not ready you know what I'm saying this is just sad that all those guys is gone because of just stupid [ __ ] stupidity trying to prove a point trying to be some yang how did shook feel about Jake getting kills because because they were pretty close right no that was just a bodyguard for him yeah Jake got out of jail was hired came through hanging and got hired but then I'm thinking called shielding everybody else by surprise that that Jake had it here and he you know tried to put his foot in the music business and you know he was getting artists he was sending people in certain places and he was getting you know he was hooking up deals think he surprised everybody that he can get into the music business and do what he do and uh didn't last long so Jake gets killed yeah tension is sort of looming with death-row and bad boy Tupac drops hit him up where he talks about having sex with big his wife and you know he's talking [ __ ] about puffy and you know things are escalating and escalating and escalating yeah and then then the story goes allegedly you know Kornacki fede and greg Kaeding was that there was a meeting at a Greenblatt's deli where puffy allegedly offers a million dollars to get rid of puffy to to get rid of cheaper yeah so puffy offers a million dollars to get rid of a sugar into pot yeah when speaking to greg Kaeding about it he he you know he said i'm not sure if it was like a real like i hit it was might have been just a fear thing like you know i'm scared of these guys I'll give you a million dollars to get rid of them kind of kind of situation but you know where is the same thing it's the same thing and the southside guys took that seriously yeah okay so the situation happens in Vegas they pull up to the car and you know ki fede you know we talked about this whole situation shots get get fired sure gets grazed in the head and Tupac dies and then according to Keef Edie puffy calls him and said was that us what happened in terms of key fee Orlando and Diddy at this point so immediately in the aftermath you know did he hears about the shooting finds out that there's you know then Tupac's been shot and it's in the hospital in Las Vegas and according to Keef Edie gets a phone call he's actually with zip the intermediary and they're here they're back in LA and a zip takes a phone call and it's puffy on the other end of the line and it's the phone to key fede and key fede I'm sorry your puffy a Sandman was that us was it you know what just happened out there that's something new yeah that's something new I don't know I don't know why he would even put that in his book speak on it that that just ever I did that data wake up old dogs you don't I'm saying and and I wouldn't even conversate on it because I don't know I mean we need to started start thinking about what we say why would he say that well he kind of felt that puffy that dealing with puffy kind of ruined his life yeah because he promised y'all something he didn't give her you would he what he said right and then then the story actually goes I did some digging on my end based on people around the situation the story was because there's a guy named zip yeah Vaughn zip who was acepted the money okay yeah this was this was kind of a New York gangster Pam whatever who kind of you know who according to Keef he was the one that provided the guns for that night yeah and allegedly puffy paid the money to zip unzip kept the money two million dollar million dollars that they are a half a half a million something a lot of money either way shouldn't somebody go get after that dude for taking a half a million a million dollars that's out of my pocket yeah but puffy ain't gonna give a [ __ ] because I paid I paid yeah and he knows zip is dead now he actually died of cancer okay some years later so now I'm speaking about people who are no longer here so yeah yeah and then once ki fede got back to to Compton his drug connect which I guess was one of Pablo Escobar's guy yeah met up with him and said that y'all are trippin this y'all just messed up a multi-million dollar a month operation over this [ __ ] I'm out he flew his ass back to Columbia never to be seen from again so so his whole area yeah so his whole business fell apart around that dealing with puffy and he felt like puffy was sort of the the common denominator in this whole thing I mean I mean if puffy called him right now in the day he's gonna pick up and maybe talk to him if it's money involved so I mean [ __ ] happens when you you you involved in a lot of legal [ __ ] and you plan to kill people you plan to do this I mean it said what's supposed to go right well you said that in one of your interviews because your your baby mother it's outside that's not clear from you said that once you got back to LA about to Compton you were saying all those guys were essentially bragging about what they did exactly exactly she used to tell me everything every time they step don't California Street our burgers doing a thing or when puffing them came through and was was they conjugated on the block how everybody was talking about how in Lando did did Tupac so that that was just confirmation about what was going you know what everybody theories was anyway so you know them cats went to the hood they bragging about they killed Tupac so it was only right to do whatever was going on by them bragging about it that was all the confirmation yeah well wish we knew already because I was the first one to see keep feeding them when when they uh came up to 66 to I seen the Cadillac and I told them that the South size was here only and them that's all I needed to see right then they here so it's time to lock and load well eventually Orlando testified on shows behalf at trial claiming that he wasn't showed wasn't kicking him and he got paid off a certain amount of money six two thousand six two thousand dollars and according to kee fee them getting paid that money from Suge kind of squashed that beef in terms of on their end like they felt they were even at that point that don't squash the beef that squash okay I'm gonna give me sixty grand I ghost in understand and tell you what the [ __ ] you want to hear that don't solve [ __ ] silica already knew that that he didn't want to go to jail he wanted to pay to stay out of jail so that was his resort of dealing with them that ain't got nothing to do with us the matter at hand is that you know this guy's full of BS what are you dealing with him like that for anyway you know what I'm saying so to go around and turn around and pay 60 grand to somebody to keep you out of jail after the video that's like saying everybody else that was in that fight is full of [ __ ] right so you pretty much said [ __ ] everybody that was in that fight did bunch we have to take the stand or be involved right no not at all he's another one who's the ones kicking kicking Orlando yeah he was kicking his [ __ ] on him but a lot of them came out of that good yeah you know what I'm saying it was just his pride that was [ __ ] up that it was to [ __ ] that did it but nobody else would come because the people wanted to chill night let's get him I got Suge Knight is the Cofer and he started this [ __ ] oh yeah and Keef he actually said that you know after the whole situation he had run into shows a couple times and they talked shook hands seems a bit odd that you're you're cordial with someone that they killed you you know was involved somehow and killing your homey and shot at you as well and but hanging in a choking chigan puffy was talking at the same time that all this [ __ ] was going on you know none of none of none of the homies wanted to listen to me when I told him pay attention to what the [ __ ] is going on fantasy fed tension to us we falling apart we hurting and killing each other we never had that we never had that in the hood and and and all that destruction came when all of this when the money came yeah yeah it killed herself well you fast forward to 2020 toy company Hasbro actually owns death row that's crazy I guess they bought II won Entertainment and then that was just part of the just just to know that Suge Knight was worth five hundred and sixty nine million dollars and and just think where he would be right now today if he was still here and everything worked out good it'd be worth man I said sometimes yeah sorry to interrupt you but yeah I say this all the time you know my interviews I say like if Suge had approached his relationship with dr. Dre differently he would have a piece of Eminem he would have a piece of Kendrick Lamar he would have a piece of 50 cent he would have a piece of beats by dre like as opposed to what ultimately happened was him showing up at the straight out of Compton or sorry uh yeah yeah Sarah Compton you know movie set trying to press some people over a few dollars for using his likeness man Dre was the the man in this situation cuz Dre said [ __ ] this he seen where I was going and he knew this was the bad end so he say I don't want nothing from you then a man and knowing that you have create this [ __ ] you help do the music for this [ __ ] you got something coming bang he said I don't want nothing without their started his own [ __ ] now when when he should see him coming now here come two opportunist yo me and this is what a problem coming in well yeah I gonna be a little easy yeah a while back and he told me that he met up with Suge at one point and he said that Suge was talking about the Straight Outta Compton situation and what say oh yeah they go use my likeness or whatever else and and I guess he said that they need to pay me some astronomical number or even even eazy-e a little easy thought it was silly but here we go you fast forward to Tam's parking lot and you know I've pieced the story together with some people that were there yeah um there was some [ __ ] leading up to that it wasn't just he shows up and then bone jumps on apparently they had run into each other already and had words they did they was at the one side with him shooting first and they had a problem shield bones out she'll get a phone call man let's straighten this [ __ ] out yada yada Mimi opiate amps she'll bounce he goes up there I wouldn't it's old bones [ __ ] happen yeah you know what I'm saying I say should have got out the car and talked to Terry if bones wanted that confrontation he should have dealt with that outside of the car opposed to being in the car you know what I'm saying now regardless of how many people don't like shoot me as one at that time if something fire would happen is she'll get that time he's still the homeboy [ __ ] would have been dealt with you know what I'm saying regardless of what we going through its consequences to everything there's no Terry no Terry Carter yeah good good catch Terry is one of the father of the Bloods right yeah he was he was one of the good ones he was one of those that looked out for everything and everybody over there that's but I know that wasn't sugar intent to run Terry over like that shook was scared sugar had his head down and trying to get the [ __ ] out of there because he was getting sucked upside his head opposed to getting up [ __ ] you know what I'm saying in how to his business she'll tried to take off Terry was in the way man yeah I talked to some of that that was there and they described how Terry got run over and dragged and he was just spitting out blood and and and he knew that he was dying and it was it was a [ __ ] up such a dance me definitely it's a sad situation and you know you fast forward today - you know 2020 and Suge became a grandfather in prison and for the first time and you're a grandfather yourself yeah and you know from all the conversations that I've heard you love it man this the things that I didn't do with my two sons I'm doing it with my grandson yeah and it's a beautiful thing that you know he's showing me how to love you know what I'm saying how to be responsible because I got to take care of this little kid I got to give him Babs I got to feed him I got a instead of feeding myself I got to make sure he eat yeah you know what I'm saying I got to make sure he got clothes and this Christmas here was was one of the best Christmas I had with him because I was able to buy him everything that I thought he should have and it just it just killed me yeah and sugar doesn't get to experience any of that now he might see his grandkid on a visit maybe once or twice a year he don't doesn't get to change his diapers or her diapers it doesn't get to feed bond he might do it in a visit but not not the same no I need the same changing you your grandbaby on the cold table but I mean like I said man I have no excuses for none of the things that I've done he shouldn't have no excuses for nothing it said he'd done it's just unfortunate that here you had a millionaire and then at the end of the day everything and everybody out of death row is broke now are in prison mm-hmm you know what I'm saying so people need to be careful the ditches you dig for other people make sure you walk around if you don't walk around it you're gonna fall in it and that's what he did he fell in his own ditch you're not my pyro anymore no when you look at that organization now like for example when you when you were active did you have to get jumped in no not you personally but other members yes some days yeah so so that was part of the initiation yeah it's like a minute like a certain amount of images you know you get two three two homies to work it out have a little spawn you know session for a minute and if he hold up to it and instead of fall on the ground and fold up you pass the test and just little small [ __ ] quick so certain people wouldn't pass you'll be surprised some of the bigger people didn't pass yeah some people just can't take that kind of pressure can't do it right and then once they get initiated you talked about um was it buster week yeah they would have to put in work I think everybody that that represent a certain neighborhood organization whatever you wanna call it should put in work I'm not the only homie out here you had carry a gun you know you talked about drive-bys quite a bit mm-hmm without any specifics at all because we don't want to have anything yeah rear its head again but can you walk me through the process of a drive-by yeah for sure sitting in the hood chillin you start drinking your 40 ounce of a borrow English some cat smoking weed why they doing it some smoking Primo's why they doing but once you get that bus something going down you get in the car I'd smoke a car let's go still a car however whatever the preference is you get in the car and you you got your shoulders you got your driving and you just ride until you see something that look good okay so how often is it over a specific reason as opposed to reason so it's just in general we're gonna go shoot us some people yeah okay so you guys get into a car is it usually for deeper than just two people it'd be 4d 3d 2d by yourself no just our depends on how you feelin that day but does everyone usually have guns or is it just one person no I think everybody that that rode with us if you got four you got three guns if you've got to you got to guns you roll up and you see an enemy and you start shooting yeah does it matter if there's other people around whoever doing the shooting it mattered to me you know what I'm saying back when we was gangbanging if I don't care if you was blew it out and you walk in with your kid that that meant you had a pass because you with your kids you with your moms these days they don't do that they just start shooting but yeah it matters if you caught a cat slipping either riding a bike or he pulled over on the side of your the light he walking out of the liquor store or he's standing on the corner and they gambling whatever whatever it is I caught you you gonna pay the price for me catching okay so at that point you just start shooting you just let off the whole click you just do what you do are there air is that usually just a regular semi-automatic pistol or was it like ooze ease and white my preference was 238 okay so you never no one ever wanted to use the yeah the heavy hardware and I mean use everything that that that you got out yeah good yeah so are you usually moving as the shooting is happening sometimes it depends if you're chasing them down and I mean you know I mean looking at it and then just just reliving that life you know being chase getting shot at is a cold thing because you're running for your life you know what I'm saying being on the other end of the gun chasing somebody you know what your purpose is so you're trying to take that man life you know what I'm saying but at the end of the day there's all over with you start drinking and you try to forget whether if you killed him or not but you wait to hit a Cyrus after you do what you're doing get on right because you don't wait after the shooting you're taking off you're not waiting to see if he's getting back up or whatever you guys want in fact where you going you know confirmation is the Cyrus if the police coming to the police no tapes many of them we drove back by to see if Oh see you sometimes go back in to see if they got the tape out the cars out there no not right then that's vice versa there's never a feeling of I just shot somebody maybe I should leave town no no no you're in the wrong game if that's how you broke it I'm not gonna ask you how many drive-bys you did but how many drive-bys were you on the receiving end of many just just say let me go your your whole life let's say from 15 to 235 that's a whole lot of a whole lot of days you got with with you doing it and and receiving they don't other than to I gotta say I've been shot four times but they were drive-bys one was drawn to the one here and the one in my back we're okay and right here okay how often when you were the victim of a drive-by were innocent people hit she damn near every other day we had we had a situation you know the blows outnumber the Crips in Compton but those cats had their days - they did just like we did but I think I had to I fed off of it you know it wasn't just once a week it wasn't just once a month [ __ ] let's roll let's you know every time we got a smokers car that was our purpose let's go do what we do and not with just one homie but with with different home you see if I just did this one over here and I come back to the hood and they talking about they finna roll let's go so you do multiple drive-by zermatt then just that's gone so you actually like them in a way I enjoyed being violent yet within back then yeah it was that's that's what that's what our purpose was you gang banging that's what you do you know what I'm saying you're not you know gangbanging not to get shot at you're not gang banging not to be shot you know you're banging because we think and we represented something this hood we protecting this hood which this ain't I said but that's what I believed I believed in the color red and anything else other than that did not matter well when I first saw your interview on Greg Katie's Channel yeah you had a lot of anger towards shook a whole bunch on our first interview a lot of anger towards Chuck right now that you've talked about it a lot you know cuz basically we I did your second interview yeah but your most in-depth interview yeah but now you you're on the gangster Chronicles where you're talking about all the time you're talking about all the time to getting these emotions out are you still a matter should know you got are when I came from Australia some of the proceeds I made off the shirts I sent him two hundred and fifty bucks you said [ __ ] money on his books yeah Wow my son hundred two hundred fifty dollars because I felt I know what it's like being in there and I know what he did for me when I came home ain't got a bunch money but I'm feeling I'm gonna suit you something so you have some on your books no I'm not I'm not mad anymore Alton is gone this is over twenty some years it's time to let it go move on because I'm not going nowhere being angry and I realized that Hayden sure it's not getting me anything you know what I'm saying especially now that he's in the same position as me you back in the hood too I have no reason to be mad at you I have no reason to want to do great bodily harm to you no I'm good so let's see look night go let that situation go death row and I'd be a better person so and I feel good without having all of that in me wanting to do something to somebody because I feel the same kind of way well the thing about life is that you know at forty six years old I realized it's all about perspective yeah right I remember and I've talked about this in somebody their interviews when I was in my mid-20s I decided to do a you know by kilo cocaine with one of my homies Yeah right he ripped me off for seventeen thousand dollars because that one year that one year for Tay you just tried to jump into something I jump in something that I had no busy no business jumping in and he never paid me back that money he basically just ripped me off yeah and and I remember for four decades I was still kind of angry at this situation you know what I've made my life with a lot of money since then and I but I it's still kind of was it was a sore spot I ran into one time and he promised me he'd pay me back and you know nothing happened and I remember when I interviewed Freeway Ricky who was one of the biggest drug dealers in America he said something that really just blew my head up he said but what if he didn't rip you off you probably would have gone to prison he's changed your life yeah by him ripping me off from my very first transaction I did not I mean Anna kilo cocaine that that's a that's a nice prison sentence right there that's not no three months that's that's five years ten years better five and better that by him ripping me off that assured me that I never wanted to do that ever again and I never went to prison I never got busted I just lost an amount of money that in 2020 is honestly not a big deal to me to you to me see that that networks different for one of us you see what I'm saying well but but he saved your life he saved my life you know in a weird type away and and all the anger just went away and the reason I say this is this as much as you've lost messin with sugar and all the bad situations and everything else like that when you look at you're 55 years old yeah you now have a new career and and I see the way you you know because I listen to gangster Chronicles and I see the passion and how much you like it I remember where you guys skipped a show once and you're mad that you couldn't come do your show like you really love what it is that you do you love the fact that you know after our interview you went to Australia in or out of the country for the first time you know me and you talked you talked about how people asked you for your autograph you have other deals on the table that we're not gonna mention yeah yeah if you really think about it Sugar's the reason why you're able to do all that you say my big as if you were just a regular mob Piru guy none of this none of this would have happened I'd to live the way we was living and death row would've never happened a lot a lot of the homies more than the ones we got now probably would've lost their lives you know robbing people doing what we was doing selling drugs whatever so I mean it play a big part but if not for shield my brother is still be here you know what I'm saying so I can look at it and in love yeah I mean that that's that that's the snaggin in the in the theory but but but the growing part of it is I accept at all for what it is it's over is done it was a part of my life that that there's a whole bunch of it I don't appreciate the things I did I'm taking accountability for myself so it's important for me I don't even [ __ ] if I got five years left four years of three months we never know but I want to be in front of this mikan-san where we need to stop and [ __ ] like that trying to pay it back some of the bush said I did pay back and that's why I met with it nod no hard feelings with nothing and nobody I'm cool that's how we're gonna end it Bob James always a pleasure oh man just call me back I come sitting any time with your flat let's do it right peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 953,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, Mob James
Id: MfdFBYRfytY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 1sec (8581 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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