When God Doesn't Restore a Broken Relationship

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this program is brought to you by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world you're gonna win it or lose it in the mind the mind is the arena of faith as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so you've got to you got to make yourself force yourself I'm gonna get my mind and I'm gonna keep my mind state on the word get you about five or six scriptures that you can get your mind state on that word and every time the temptation to think about that break up you get your mind on that word you say it with your mouth you get your mind on that word you say it with your mouth you're meditating that word day and night that's a part of him the Bible says I'll keep you in perfect peace calling all men from around the world join us for mentality 2020 a man that cannot control his emotions is the weakest man on the planet I'm nervous to share this message with you today I got an honest question cuz it's gonna get needy and greedy we should be able to talk about certain stuff real man real talk join us for a revival of manhood at the mentality men's calm you don't want to miss out register now of Creflo Dollar ministries org [Music] [Music] well if you have your Bibles your phones iPads go with me to the Book of Psalms 41 and verse 9 in the NLT and I've enjoyed this series on brokenness but today we're gonna really zero in on relationships and I want to talk to you about it it's a kind of long title but you know we want to talk about today when God doesn't restore a broken relationship what happens when when God doesn't restore a broken relationship you know you know some people are just like you know I really am releasing my faith for God to restore this relationship and and you know you you name it and claim it and you and you and you you pray an extra hour and you come to church and you you know you sit on you know just close to the pulpit as you can because you're really believing God to restore that relationship and and I mean you're making your confession is over I mean you're doing everything you know to do and they're there there's what we got to be careful are we believing we receive something based on our efforts and what we can do so the the question I want to bring up today is what happens when that relationship is not restored what happens when God when God doesn't restore a broken relationship now a broken relationship is one of life's most painful experiences broken relationship what am I talking about I'm talking about maybe a breakup of some sort in relationship boyfriend-girlfriend fiance maybe a breakup it's a very painful thing a divorce that's what I'm talking about here a broken relationship or even a death that's that's a broken relationship that's caused by death and so what happens a breakup a divorce or death or any any situation where you're losing someone you love that person and what happens you know your heart hurts losing someone you love breaks your heart that's what I'm trying to say losing someone you love bricks your heart whether it's through a breakup whether it's through a divorce or whether it is through death losing someone you love breaks your heart now I know you got some super Christians out there and say well no that's not me they're really the only people who can really hurt you or stress you out our people you love it's stranger can call you all kinds of names it won't affect you one bit but when you love somebody and you lose that person you love that breaks your heart now regardless of the issue surrounding your heart being broken what's the promise that we hold on to and we begin in Psalms 41 verse 9 he says even my best friend the one I trusted completely the one who shared my food has turned against me wow that's a that's a powerful thing look here my best friend the one I trusted completely the one who shared my food has turned against me that will cause your heart to be broken and yet God is very very clear that he will heal the broken heart he makes it very very clear that regardless of the situation he says I am determined to heal your broken heart I am determined that regardless of what happened or how your heart got broke I am the healer healer of the broken heart and ladies and gentlemen when we begin to realize that even when your best friend or trusted loved one or somebody you shared your food with your money with when they turned against you that'll break your heart that'll break your heart now sometimes God reunites couple's families but it doesn't always restore relationships that are broken I went through the Bible and that's true throughout the Bible you you look at the relationship between baby and saw King Saul and you know salt was like a father to David and then there was another point where Saul was was trying to kill David and you know I'm sure that was that was that was something that was heartbreaking and then you begin to look at other illustrations in the Word of God we're broken relationships occurred but those relationships were were never never really restored now I'm not saying that God can't restore broken relationships but I am saying that some people don't see those relationships restored and it tears their life up listen to me carefully sometimes God reunites couples and families but he doesn't do it always so don't let your emotions rule your life don't let how you feel rule you rule your life don't let you know emotions are feelings on the inside move by pain or pleasure to take you in the direction don't let negative emotions rule your life don't let those bad emotions from the break-up from the divorce even from the death don't let it rule your life don't let it take you to down a path that you don't need to go down we all have emotions but it's important that we make sure those emotions don't have us especially when they're negative and I tell you I see a lot of people who are emotionally ruled you know 20 30 40 years go by and they still are broken because here's God with the solution here is God with the promise I'll heal your broken heart and we still allow our emotions to reign in our life and to rule in our life and you cannot allow negative emotions to rule your life it will keep you stranded in that same place don't let disappointment destroy your self-identity don't let disappointment hurt you don't let your hurts you know somebody says well I'm disappointed I I feel some kind of way and as a result of it you hurt me and now my relationship with God is hurt you know somebody did something that disappointed you and you're upset with them and now you're upset with God you're upset with them and now you don't want to come to church anymore you're upset with them and now you don't want to read your Bible anymore see you're mad at God who's the only one that can help you and so you got to make sure that that broken relationship doesn't have the potential to cause you to be mad at God or that that brokenness doesn't hurt your relationship with God now a broken relationship has the potential to destroy your life it has the potential to destroy your life but only if you let it broken relationships and the emotions that come with it and all of that stuff it has a potential of destroying your life only if you let it now I'm innocent if you live on this planet the Bible says in this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer the Bible says those that live godly those that live godly shall have tribulation trouble will come so you've got to make sure that you don't let life happen to you you happen to life but it's a choice every person in here who is still suffering from a broken relationship that's your choice or every person who's tuned in today and you're you know you've you've recovered from it you you've gone to God you will out God to healing and deliver you that was your choice see you got to understand you are a free moral agent look at this scripture Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 19 you are free moral agent how long will you allow your life to be broken messed up depressed how long will you be hurt how long will you depressed you got it you got to make a decision every decision is the open door into a reality and some of you're still sitting there thirty years of going by and you're still holding on to the same hurt that's cause you haven't made a decision I've discovered it you gotta want to change you can talk to the greatest therapist in in the world and not want to change and guess what you won't change you have to make a decision to change you got to want to change you got to decide to change and once you make the decision you open the door of reality up and then you begin to see your life changing like I told you sometimes the best medicine for a broken relationship it's time and you got it you got to let time happen and then you've got to make the decision and then you got it you got to walk the journey and do what needs to be done or you can decide I'm just gonna stay hurt nobody likes me everybody hates me that's why I gotta eat cashews with no salt I don't know what it is you got to make your mind up I don't want to live in this brokenness I don't want to live in this hurt it's a sense of rejection it's a sense of you know you know why wouldn't I accept it all of these things you got to go forward yes it's painful yes it hurts but you're not going to get any better not making the decision to step away from that thing and most importantly receive what God has already made available to you look at this scripture verse 19 he says I call heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death I've set before you blessing and a curse see therefore he says if you're too dumb to know what to choose let me give you a hint choose life that both thou and thy seed may live so you've got to be careful not to pass that down to your children the hurt you received from one generation you never healed from that or resolve that issue and then you start acting the same way and put it on your children no make season that's gonna be worth passing down to your children make a decision that I choose life I choose a blessing praise God I choose I choose to live and to take hold of what God has made available to me I mean listen to me there are lots of you right now you you you you know you can wake up in the morning and worry about the things you cannot control or you could wake up in the morning and say you know what here are some things that I can do well you don't understand during the pandemic you know I'm just freaking out and then this and I'm afraid and bad and I lost my job I know stuff happens like my friend Kenny fuller says it's called a life and there are no exceptions but you can make a decision you can make a decision to choose blessing to choose life to choose to live now I think I've said enough let's let's get into this here's the question we want to answer today how do I cope with a broken relationship how do I cope with a broken relationship that that's left me with a broken heart and I hear what you're saying pastor but my heart is broken how do I get out of that now I don't want to make this real complicated I've discovered three things you need to do in order to get out of this brokenness number one you got to stop focusing on the broken relationship that's obvious number two you've got to make your mind up that I'm not going to allow the broken relationship to affect my self-identity I'm not going to allow the broken relationship to to to to mess up my identity I'm not gonna let it affect my identity number three I've got to accept and I've got to be aware that God may not restore the broken relationship I've got to accept and be aware that you know me coming to church and sitting front row and an me coming to church and praying with the prayer team and me coming to church and feeding the hungry that may still put me in a position where that relationship still not restored there's a whole lot of things that are ahead of us and so in this last sermon of this series I want to be very practical today and so that's exactly what we want to deal we want to deal with those three areas how do I cope with broken relationships number one don't focus on the broken relationship how many of you are still focusing on a broken relationship that happened 20 years ago I know people that I mean years have gone by and you still focus on that broken relationship number two don't allow a broken relationship to affect yourself identity you know I told you when in the series that your identity is not determined by people and it's not determined by circumstances your self-identity is determined by your relationship with God and you are you are the accepted in the beloved and then number three this is what we're gonna talk about day number three you've got to accept and be aware that God may not restore the broken relationship well brother dollar but any faith whatever I mean there are people that need to go on and they're still stuck and something that broke twenty years ago and we need to get out of that so part of accepting a broken relationship or a breakup involves giving yourself time and space to heal gently time and space to heal gently it's not gonna do you any good to have this stuff in your head where well maybe if I send them some food every night then they're gonna want me again no you need some time and space to heal gently from that brokenness so let's get into this let's deal with the first one while I focus on the breakup why why folk excuse me why focusing on the break-up is is is a problem why focusing on the break-up is a problem so why is it a problem if I focus on the break-up well number on your energy and emotions are not being used in healthy ways your energy and your emotions because you're focusing on the break-up your energy is going towards that your emotions are going towards that and that's why it's a problem for you to focus on on the break-up your energy and emotions are not being used in healthy ways your that's not a healthy thing for you to do to wake up and use your use your energy or allow your emotions to be so you know attached to the break-up number two you're fixating on the past and missing the beauty and the potential of the present and the future there are things that are waiting for you and your future they're things that are waiting for you and your future and your fixation is on the past and man it's a sad thing to die knowing that you're you you have something amazing awaiting you in your future but you you just you you were so stuck on the past it's almost like having a rope and somebody tied you to the Past put a knot in a rope tied you into the past and there are things that God wants to do for you today there are things that God wants to do for your future but there there's a potential in the future there's a beauty in the future there's a there's a call of God in the future there's an anointing in the future but your fixation on the past is keeping you here your that rope that's been tired and a knot to that hurt through that pain it's stopping you from going to see what God wants to do today and what God wants to do in your upcoming future number three clinging to your disappointment that God hasn't restored this relationship gives you a permanent negative mindset oh my god he had restored the relationship so you're you got a permanent negative mindset and I tell you what whatever your mind is set on that's where your life is set on a permanent negative mindset because God hasn't restored the relation imagine that imagine getting up in the morning when a negative mindset because the relationship has been restored on your way to work with that negative mindset because the relationship had been restoring even getting down to pray with that mindset because that relationship has not been restored and so you got to let go of the disappointment disappointment a lot of times comes when you are expecting something and it's not fulfilled and so you're expecting something to happen but you get up every day and it had happened yet that's disappointment you're living your life in constant disappointment and so we shouldn't live our lives like that imagine having that mindset imagine what that's doing to you imagine the stress that comes over your life because you won't let it go and it's time for you to let it go you got to let it go so instead of seeing the possibilities in front of you you're reliving the pain of the past and you're reliving that same thing over and over again and you got to stop doing that you got to something well past I want more scriptures now I need to talk to you because you got to stop reliving the pain of your past there's some things that are ahead of you there's some better things that are ahead of you and you've got to stop closing up the possibilities that are in front of you as you continue to live by the pain of your past focusing on the break-up is destroying your life somebody said the devil is doing and all focusing on the break-up is destroying your life I mean look at it have you have you evaluated your life right now have you evaluated your emotions right now you're focusing on the break-up it is destroying your life let me give you one more before we leave this you can't grow forward if all you see are obstacles to overcoming your broken heart you can't grow forward if all you see are obstacles to overcoming your broken heart everything is an obstacle and you you're not gonna be able to grow forward you're gonna have to have some peace you're gonna have to do some things in order to get out of this focus this wrong focus let me give you three scriptures here let's look at Isaiah 26 and 3 first practically then pastor Dahl I'm convinced I need to go forward I'm convinced I need to quit reliving and things in the past but what do I do every day give me something practical to do every day well Isaiah 26 and 3 says this I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on the broken relationship absolutely not whose mind has stayed on him he'll keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he what he trusts us in thee and so now you got a choice you keep your mind on the broken relationship when you get your mind on him you get your mind on the word you get your mind on the call of God in your life you get your mind on the possibilities of that future you know you're gonna win it or lose it in the mind the mind is the arena of faith as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so you you've got to you got to make yourself force yourself I'm gonna get my mind and I'm gonna keep my mind stayed on the word get you about five or six scriptures that you can get your mind state on that word and every time the temptation to think about that break up you get your mind on that word you say it with your mouth you get your mind on that word you say it with your mouth you're meditating that word day and night that's a part of and the Bible says I'll keep you in perfect peace hoo-hoos - stay don't be well why because you trust him see it's one thing for you to say I trust God it's another thing to rely on him in the midst of pain in the midst of hurt I mean some people just want God to just magically say voila you know and then it'll be over with but you know when you take these steps to say here's what I'm gonna do I've made a decision to come out of this so I'm gonna go get me some scriptures I'm gonna meditate on those scriptures I'm gonna keep my mind stayed on him and he's gonna keep me in perfect peace now if you're laying around the house all day eating doughnuts and just thinking about the break-up and depressing stuff like that that's your choice and you're gonna have to choose differently if you want to have something different God promised to deliver us from unresolved brokenness and make us whole again Creflo Dollar dives deep into this topic that affects all believers and discloses relevant truths to help you overcome brokenness today's offer is a six message series how to heal from brokenness and is available today for a love gift of 35 u.s. dollars or more he's gonna finish the good work I don't know where you are I don't know I don't know what ditch you falling into I don't know what philosophy you've been buying lately but if God started the work he will finish the work he will use every crazy thing in your life to make sure that the work is finished why because he is faithful as an added bonus we have combined the how to heal from brokenness series with the powerful CD heart of Nations this combo can be yours for a love gift of forty five US dollars or more don't miss this opportunity to order yours today calling all men from around the world join us for mentality 2020 I'm nervous to share this message with you today I got an honest question I won't try to be real cuz it's gonna get me greedy real men real talk we will get down to it at the 20/20 mentality conference real man knows how to control his emotions but a man that cannot control his emotions here's the weakest man on the planet man law is a demonically crafted system of messaging and this messaging is designed to attach our identity as men to pointless things if I were a god and I wanted to develop you and the characteristics of Jesus Christ you know what I would do I would hide your miracle and somebody it takes you to be like Christ to love join us for a revival of manhood at the mentality Men's Conference you don't want to miss out register now at Creflo Dollar ministries org Jesus instructed us to take this gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth with the seeds you sow into Creflo Dollar ministries we extend this good news of grace to people on every single continent they are empowered to see real change in their lives that's exactly what you do when you send in your financial donations to support our outreach endeavors you empower change in people's lives and for that we say thank you and god bless you I'll see you next time right here on changing your world if you want to honor the Lord by sowing financial seeds into Creflo Dollar ministries call the number on your screen or log on to Creflo Dollar ministries org there is a purpose for your life introducing grace life Academy an innovative approach to learning God's Word grace life Academy offers unlimited access with hundreds of hours of online teachings you'll have access to comprehensive video Bible lessons but include features such as eight courses study guides and online community quizzes and more text gla two five one five five five or go online to my Greece life academy.com Creflo and taffy dollar drug connecting with you and here at world changers we understand the importance of using technology to do just that we're constantly working to bring the gospel of Christ to thousands of viewers and followers around the world and we want you to get involved follow us on Facebook Instagram Twitter and YouTube we want to make the word of grace available throughout every voice of social media your generosity allows us to make a difference in the lives of people all over the world through creflo dollar global missions we are providing food clothing crucial supplies and the Word of God to people in the most remote regions of the world because of you Creflo Dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day Thank You partners and friends your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe [Music]
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 10,557
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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