Rendering in architecture in 3ds Max [Free webinar]

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to our webinar so today we're going to go through a lot of interesting stuff so let's just get into it first thing that we're going to do is create this beautiful scene and you may already know that we're going to jump right into it but before that I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and about our rendering school so first thing before we continue on let's see what is our end goal for today let's see if you can hear me it's everything okay so how's the chat oh hello guys so great to see you and obviously we're going to take a lot of questions from you so if you have any questions just ask them now and if they are going to be quite complicated we may stay a little bit longer and answer them in a short Q&A session so guys in our audience there's going to be a little bit of our former students and our current students so they're also going to be able to help you out but we're also going to have a few of our guys in there so guys first thing we are busy at Amin so I'm the main teacher for viz economy and with our great tutors I'm going to be able to teach you in just seven weeks how to become professional so if you found that and well our Instagram is quite intimidating for you I need to tell you that 75% of our students start with zero knowledge of 3ds max whatsoever currently if you think about joining our class just do it because we've got only six six last seats available and well let's just pick some images by random and as you can see all of those works look really really amazing so as I said my name is Mike I've got 14 years of experience and that allowed me to work together with viz economy to share all of my knowledge and honestly all of my experience so you too can be a professional today as I said we're going to work on this beautiful scene let's first see what is our end goal so we're going to go through a modeling then we're going to go through a lighting and obviously we're going to jump into our materials all of that and we're hoping to accomplish in under an hour we'll lining me yes we will talk about lining and we're going to do it as fast as possible as I mentioned we're going to try to allow you to follow this webinar but you don't have to do it now because all of this is going to be recorded guys so you can always go back to this video and watch it later but for now if you want to ask some questions or you found something well it should get a little bit more explanation we're going to jump into it so let's just quickly click on our first render to see what our end goal is and obviously you can see that the background is now missing because we're going to add it as well so guys now without any further ado let's get started so all of you that are going to be interested in following this particular webinar you can download those files that I'm going to use the same PDF files basically in jpg format and you will to be able to follow I've got a little bit of cheat sheets so in case something goes wrong I'm going to be able to jump into it but we're not going to really care about that because this is what we're going to focus on mainly so let's just hide all of that because it's on well not needed for now and where do you start when dealing with architecture like that since we want to create something like this which is going to be quite complicated and believe me it's one of those images that your your teachers are going to love and your clients are going to gasp about so our first goal is to reach this level because we first need to create our model then we're going to create our light and materials so this is our first first step into on our way to glory can you show us of course I can and I will but you have to wait until we get into our materials so where do you start first you need to position your floor plans in this case we used the same method that was mentioned in previous webinars so you can just scale this according to your needs and since we already have the measure so 0 1 2 meters and we scaled it up so in our case it was 1000 by 1500 and a little bit of scaling so 260 percent of scaling as but where do you start right so let's start from the biggest chunks ever that's why we're going to try to start from this super big element on the bottom why because it's going to be our pace and it's going to really help us out along the way but obviously it's not going to be that easy to jump to just create it because we obviously have a little bit extra elements in here but more about it in a second let's now start modeling for objects like this I would definitely try to start with a simple line why because it's going to be fastest and easiest to follow then it's also going to give you the most freedom when you'll be in any need of extra editing or just to add extra changes for now I've added this floor plan just as a background on my on my very simple planner object the next step is simply to add extrude modifier those of you that don't know how extrude works it's just going to allow you to extrude your segments and it's going to produce at change your segment status from a line to mesh in this case we're just going to put it down on 0 so when we start it's going to absolutely not be a problem for us so let's go for negative values because what you should always strive for is to make sure that your ground on your object is on 0 it's going to make your work so much easier in the future so this object doesn't really need to be a spline at this moment but we're still going to keep it this way because there's a lot of stuff that we need to unpack so since we've got our ground we're going to keep it this way for now I'm going to freeze this selection but when I do it's going to get grayed out so instead of that I'm going to simply hide it we could also put this object a little bit lower but it's not going to be that helpful by the way guys and tell me where you're from where you're watching us from because I can now see that somebody is from Greece so hello is it kalimera at this moment I'm not sure but I think it was something like that so let's just start with our interior Aloha hello so we're going to trace the outer line for our exterior because that's the more important element for us at this moment notice that I'm not skipping the doorway I'm continuing this shape just so you know that you don't have to realign those elements in this case it's not going to be possible because it's already angled so we're just going to try to go back to it if we need to it's just about efficiency and not really anything else at this moment we're just going to try to trace those outer walls and we just did you need to remember that all these points are going to have specific choose two types of vertexes the yellow vertex which is first vertex and obviously the vertex which is red what that's one that's the element that we're going to take advantage of my adding shell right after we add extrude to our scene so since we already used extrude for our previous object we're just going to do the same with this notice that it has no thickness that's why we're adding the shell modifier to it it's a little bit chunky but if we go for outer line and make it 15 and by right-clicking in this space I'm making sure that it's set to zero so again I'm going to select this line make sure that the doorway that I previously created is is deleted because we just don't need it we may now go a little bit inside to this house if we need to but at this moment it's just unnecessary detail remember when dealing with exteriors and especially exteriors you don't want to model anything that you don't need since we know that by starting with our line and going from left to right we are able to go inside with our shell that's exactly what I'm going to do for this wall inside so let's just go ahead and create line inside this object from left to right so this way we're going to have a little bit more control because this is going now downwards so it's a quick way to navigate in your splines and it's also going to save you a lot of time if you understand how the splines actually work so okay so now I know it as so many Romanians --have oh hello that's good Poland and India Wow London that's amazing guys so nice to see you welcome to this Academy and as I said I'm Mike we're going to create this beautiful image today so guys buckle up and remember that in our youtube description you you're going to be able to download the same materials that I'm using around here so you too will be able to create basically the same image so have you ever worked with 3dsmax and have you rendered something maybe you work in sketchup and you want to well go level up with your skills well in this case a visit carry me may be a good choice for you you can see that all of that what we're doing it right here is going to be covered in our course basically we're going to go into more detail when we do but for now we're just trying to make sure that we can go through this whole modeling process as fast as possible so for the windows we're not going to use any specific shapes in during our course I'm going to teach you how to use a lot of a very nice tricks like swept modifier for situations like that but since we're aiming for all of you guys that have no experience with 3ds max whatsoever we're going to approach it a little bit in a little bit easier way so just for the sake of this webinar we're going to create those windows using only boxes and basic lines so as you can see buying a simply creating this box and at the size of our walls I'm now able to follow all of those elements that we already have in our on our floor plan so we are going to have to re adjust some of those elements and in a minute I'm going to show you a neat trick that's going to help you out when dealing with objects like that at this point we could actually add a little bit extra thickness to this object or just copy it because it's going to be way back in our image so it doesn't really require a lot of is true Deus Max similar to blender yes it's a 3d software but 3ds max is an industry standard right now the blender people are trying to push a blender a little bit further because to be honest it's a fairly good software but it lacks a lot of plugins and a lot of easy solutions that are already in 3ds max for years and sinn first moment you open your blender you're probably going to read that for a while because I had a little bit of well let's say a crisis when I first started working with Korea's max because it's it can appear to be complicated while blender is just complicated I created 15 to 20 renders in max that's amazing so well you can email them to us we can see what you have created so far and meanwhile when we were talking about all of that we created most of the detail for the window but obviously it it is going to require a bit more because you can see that we've got this X shape a straight plus shape in here so we're going to go ahead and do that as well also what we can see is that we've got a little bit of extra detail that's holding the roof so we're just going to use a simple cylinder for that what is going to be handy when dealing with objects like that is using your regular array method so we're going to do it in a second and does any of you guys know what array is it's a simple tool in 3ds max that allows you to copy as many objects create as many copies of an object as you wish so let's go for array and in this case we're going to try to aim for all of those nice spots in our shot so let's first preview what we're doing since I already know that I'm aligned to my x and y axis I know that I need to move it on x axis and let's add a little bit to it so first of all 250 because I think it's going to be close to the measurement that I need so 2 + 2 5 I think we're getting close to it and yes we're there so we're just going to add one centimeter or two just so it were clear and we are so now we can decide about decide how many copies we want to create in this case we're just going to go for 6 because ok I miscalculated 7 so let's add it in guys hmm so um are you working in 3dsmax right now and talking to us at the same time yes it's exactly what I'm doing right now and this is not pre-recorded that's why we're actually working on this and another proof is our chat so yes I with 14 years of experience I'm able to talk and work in 3dsmax and figure out every solution because as well experience is experience so let's now create a little bit of extra elements for our glass and for our frames so first thing I'm going to do is add a line and as you can see this line is going to be pretty much covering all of this buildings frame we're also going to be able to use this for later need and for later when we will be creating our finer details alive for example detail like glass and obviously our floor but for floor were just going to create another shape just because I think it's going to be a little bit faster and you're going to learn a little bit more today we're going to also use floor generators so those of you that have no experience with three s-max don't worry it's a free plugin that you're going to be able to download from it from the city source website and I strongly recommend you to get acquainted with that because it's going to be super helpful it's one of the industry standards that you're going to really enjoy working with okay so now we have all of our glass created why have I created this in only one object instead of doing this with multiple objects at the same time because it's easier and faster but we also need to add a little bit extra detail to the frame as I said so for now I'm going to delete this extrude and just to save a little bit of time I'm going to delete some of the finer details because we can skip them with a little bit of extra thickness so that's exactly what we're going to do in a second so as our model progresses let's take a quick look at our Instagram you'll find out that on our Instagram we post only and I mean only our students work we don't post my work we don't post any of our tutors work it's just 3d renders created by our students and as I said most of them are joining our course and with zero knowledge of 3ds max so it can be your render in just seven under seven weeks because most of our students are able to create their first portfolio shots for in four weeks so guys let's get back to our scene what we're dealing what we're trying to create now is this frame around here we're also going to add a little bit of extra detail for this cross element but it's going to get a little bit more complicated when we are going to simply break this roof into those chunks you can see that well this is not going to be that easy but obviously in its it is because we know what we're doing so let's continue and let's get back to our main scene now so since we're already on this level I think we can actually create this frame how do we do it we're going to use extrude again so extrude is going to be an extremely useful plugin a straight modifier in 3ds max mostly because it's going to have its versatile applied and it has a lot of options that you can apply to your to your models okay so frame is ready it does appear like it's a little bit chunky because we want it to be that way it's still going to need to be a little bit higher than zero because in this case we don't want it to really intersect with our main ground because when we unhide it right now you can see that well this one's a little bit too much but before we get into a little bit more detail and a roof we need to go ahead and actually create some extra elements around our around our extra around our sorry this is one of the online perks as so that around our exterior so what we can see now is I'm using the same shape that we had in the beginning and I'm just deleting this extrude out of it remember to create a copy first what I did why I did that it's mostly because we want to create this fine frame around the building so you can see it and on this image and we want this frame to be exactly as on this floor plan so how do we do it how do we approach it and how do we do it the fastest way we simply copy those elements so we already have this vertex and we already have this nice outline but we still lack one vertex so let's just use our previously created object and just add one vertex to it or just move the vertex in such a way so okay I think it's going to be in the right position now delete this element and you can see that everything is working we already decided that this building is three 300s and centimeters and three and three 50 centimeters tall so this is why we're going to make sure to actually create this using our shape but there's also this one connection that we also need to remember about and that's when our create line is going to be very very handy so let's take a look at this element again so we need to create a few extra lines and basically it's going to be used later on so let's just do it by clicking on insert you can find insert in your selection and we can now go ahead and go to geometry here we've got insert and we're going to do this break point around here so this way it's going to mess up our model a little bit because you can see that it already went to zero and that's when the snapping is going to be a little bit helpful but you don't have to do it because we already know that the Z value is 3/8 350 how you snap to exact position so to snap to exact position it's best to set your snap into vertex and midpoint and this is going to be the best option to do it also if you want to know a little bit more you can visit our website and ask a few questions but remember our full support works between our working hours and deaths from 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. on work week and remember it's limited for hours to our students options and enable access constraints so this is going to allow you to quickly work with snap I don't really recommend using snap all the way through your remodeling because most of the time it's going to be a little bit confusing and it may cause you a little bit of problems remember that you can stretch out and enlarge all the windows in 3ds max for your convenience and that's exactly what I did right now so just so make it just to make those two points aligned I'm going to make sure to put them at the same position and now we need to create another line around here so for that I'm going to not use insert but create line again so that's when another snap is going to be handy just so we grab those vertexes remember that you cannot connect more than two vertex s at the time you cannot create a cross-section you can only create a continuous and continuous shape in 3ds max so that's a bummer but this is how it works so in this case we need to make sure that this element is a little bit lower than this element because of our floor plan and that really helps us so first of all we need to put this down a little bit in the z-axis so here we go and put that and higher just so we are going to be able to trace it sorry for this object it wasn't supposed to be here it's a little bit of cheating in this way so let's hide it and I actually use the floor plan as we are supposed to so as you can see we're just tracing it and one thing to point out this is just a concept art this is a concept of this house and the floor plan isn't really that precise so it's up to you to decide where you want to put your vertexes and some of them are not going to be in the same position so just bear it and bear with me and we're going to do it as well as fast as possible and in the best way we can so let's just make sure to put those vertexes where we need them so in this case again we need to put this vertex a little bit higher so it's going to create this nice roof again remember this is not a super precise floor plan because it's just a concept art that was created by some company and we really liked the design so that's why we're focusing on this image so how do we now add all of those and nice details around here obviously we cannot just go ahead and extrude it because it's going to take us a little bit of time that's why we're going to use sweat modifier a sweat modifier is super useful and I hope that you're going to like it as much as I do because in this case it's going to save us a tremendous amount of time so you you need to understand that there's a lot of shapes that you can use but also you can use custom shapes for your swept so in this case as you can see it's already set up to work with our with our exterior so we're just going to make sure to reposition all the elements by using all the snaps that we need we don't need to put any offset onto it because in this case it's just unnecessary and from what I can see I still need to flip it so in this case we're just going to mirror it and it works later on I'm still going to outline it because it's going to help us out but we still need to make sure that the length and width is properly so for that I'm going to go for as much as 3035 my 35 and we're going to add something about four centimeters for thickness if you want to make sure that your object is not rotating because your object is already quite stretched out you need to make sure that you turn off banking so this way your the surface of this object is going to remain flat and this is a very nice hint for those of you that are actually going to follow our webinar and I strongly advise you do so we're not yet done with this shape because we want to reuse it a little bit more so since we already have our main shot almost ready we need to add all of those bars on the left and right we need to use them use this shape it because it's going to allow us to actually trace all of the height and width of this object and we're going to avoid intersecting objects and also it's going to allow us to get a little bit extra detail as always so how do we do it we're just going to use scatter to get a little bit more information about scatter and all the techniques that can be helpful when dealing with it you may want to visit our youtube channel so let's now break those two vertexes so go to editable spline remember I'm now working on the third copy of our outline so in this case we're going to break this okay is there an option to change measurements to millimeters of course there is so in this case you just need to go to unit setup and here you got the metrics this is all DD all the details that we're going to teach you during our webinar how do you get to where you are today did you study anything architecture that's a great question thank you for it so my my story with Julius Max is quite complicated because I started when I was a youngster I've I've had a friend who whose father was working as an architect and well he had this one license for Trias max that he wasn't using it on that much because he just didn't know how to do it basically he got it he got this lifetime a license with some kind of package and well I installed his 3ds max on my computer and started fiddling around with it but back then when I was starting if 3ds max was totally different and much much more complicated so the first time I opened it I basically panicked I didn't know what I'm doing and long story short I didn't go back to 3ds max for next two weeks and then my friend downloaded a few tutorials for me and that's when I started to started learning through Deus max step by step but it was a tedious process that really wasted a lot I wasted a lot of time when trying trying to do it that way because I basically went to particles him a particle simulation through all the junk that nobody is going to use for architecture then I luckily got my first gigs as a freelancer and I started working with a bigger and bigger offices at some point I started designing some interiors on my own and well the long story short this is why I'm here thanks to Voytek and and and Anthony I'm able to share my knowledge with you a trouve is economy and that's pretty much it so in this case we're using scatter so you can find scatter at your standard creation panel go to Corona as long as you have Corona renderer installed and in scatter you can just add it in if you want to learn a little bit more about this specific type of scatter you can visit our youtube channel where we created this specific video on this sky a type of a scanner and just so we have our objects start from this very point we had to break those scatters around here and well quickly and effortlessly we were able to position all of those nice elements around here notice that right now we're dealing with a little bit of mismatch around those two objects so remember what I told you that we don't need offset right now this is when we do so we just need to put this offset just so we accommodate both of those objects and voila we're there and now we need to create a roof for our exterior since we're dealing with only one shot we're not going to go for too much and too many details we're just going to go for the most necessary elements and obviously we're not going to go through all those elements that are not and needed in here I'm from India can you tell us about configuration want to are you are using for 3ds max so for 3ds max you don't have to really have a powerful computer a lot of our students start with 8 gigabytes of RAM and fairly I'm now going to say new but not yet very old processors so if your laptop is about 4 years old its proud of five four five years old it's probably going to be good enough so 16 gigabytes is recommended by a physic Adam II because we're trying to create when creating your scenes you want to keep your polygon count intact as you can see I've got already 21 million polygons but that's a small and over estimation because in this case we're just dealing with very simple scene and it's all about this ground object and a few extras that we've added in here nothing really to pay attention to but remember when your scene has more than five millions of polygons it's probably going to lag a little bit so we're still going to reuse this shape so and we're going to create an honor copy for it okay you snapped exact position can you tell us about your systems if you're on GPU so the GPU is not needed for Tullius max that much and mostly because it's word using Corona renderer which is basically your day to day render engine that works with your CPU so your processor plays the main valve violin notice that I've created this copy so just so we can make a little bit more sense out of the one I'm doing I'm going to change the color for this one object and I'm going to delete some of the parts just so it's going to be a little bit faster for us and okay now this shape is going to be used for our roof but how can we actually do that because well it doesn't really look like it's a roof right now first of all we need to pay attention to the positioning you can see that now the position really suggests that well it's not going to work so what we can do is either outline it in inwards so we can just press three go for outline and move this a little bit inside so it's going to look quite like this and you can see that it really works perfectly so what I'm going to do now is delete the previously created line and yes now you've got two options either you can convert this to editable poly and create two extra lines or you can go into more specific mode and use surface so surface is going to be a little bit an overkill for it for a shape like that and that's why I'm going to convert this to editable poly and just to avoid any stretching I'm going to connect those two elements and those two elements so as you can see we already have our object nicely broken but because of the smoothing groups we cannot really see any geometry on it so just for your convenience I'm going to clear this up so let's select this clear and you can now see that all of those triangles are separate and on different angles great like thank you and you so if you just joined I need to tell you that we're creating this image and we're going to do it as fast as possible also guys remember to visit our website that's a vis economy dot uk' and check out our beautiful Instagram where we post our students work this is one of most impressive works on our Instagram because it was very very hard to do and luckily our students a student was really able to do it and you can also see that we're not posting as some random images those are all always with a some 3dsmax proof and also we're trying to get a little bit of shout out for our students because we're really proud of them and so you can see that a lot of those students like Sandra created a lot of beautiful images also you can see that in this case Jordan was able to create some extraordinary exteriors so guys just visit our Instagram and if you're if you want to learn a little bit more about our school also visit our visit atomy that UK website and if you want to learn about our course well here it is so in just under seven weeks we're going to be able to make you a professional in in 3d graphics so we've got two options and in this case is interior and interior plastics terior both of those options are available to you guys and right now we've got only six six seats left so our course is divided into seven weeks and more about it later because I think we're going to now see one exactly we're creating in our trulia snacks so this is not one of those draw a line and then the rest of the ol and tutorial we're just going to go step by step through all of those elements basically yes we're going to cheat a little bit Matt we're going to make this fair and so in this case we're now going to do those chunks as a for our roof but as you can see we still need some floor generator on it so again we're going to create more copies and well that's what we're going to do since we already have this nicely outline it and we can simply go ahead and create this shape like that so we what we want to do is basically make sure that our roof starts exactly where this those beams actually end so let's put this a little bit lower okay I think it's the right position and yes I think we're at the right spot so again let's cap this if you want to be a little bit more precise you can just go ahead and add a little bit extra connections because right now you can see that those elements are intersecting and that's really not going to fly when you will be rendering that's why we're at focusing on adding all those lines that we need so let's just connect this and now our object appears to be black it's mostly because as some of the lines are really inwards and we need to flip this object to make sure that we're dealing with an object that we need so let's just do it and you can see that everything works just fine now it's nice and colorful so I'm going to detach this element as a clone just so we're going to add floor generator to it as I mentioned previously floor generator is one of the most used elements of 3ds max ever because it's one of the most downloaded plugins ever so there are others that are cool but floor generator is going to be most used one so for this we're going to go to edit geometry so in geometry the attach and detach has clone some of my workflow may appear a little bit random to you but believe me I'm working with 14 years of experience and I'm trying to show the easiest and fastest way that really allows you to move from one point to another one object leads to another object and that's how I try to work without really wasting time reusing parts and making sure to not really waste any of your effort because in the end all you really wish for is to be efficient in your work to get more clients and do better work so now we're going to select those three elements that I detached remember when we detach this whole chunk I then detached all and all three objects as a separate object so we have now three elements selected I'm adding one floor generator to all of them and unfortunately floor generator is going to start from a very peculiar position so we're going to just use our direction to change it so in this case you may want to be a little bit more precise because once you use this you're going to probably get a little bit too far so if you want to be more precise with your scrolling you can press alt and hold it since I added my floor generator to all of the objects at the same time I have to right-click on this and make unique so why did I add all of this floor generator to all of my objects at the same time and now making it unique to make sure that all of my length and width is the same on all the objects so again it saves it a little bit of time so let's now make sure that this object is also properly rotated so if you hold ctrl you're going to sped up the process in this case I think we need something around 57 degrees so it's good enough and let's now move on and remember guys you don't want to be you don't want your atomic precision to take away anything from your workflow so let's now make this unique as well because because this one is changing and the let's now make this 90 degrees so fast and easy we created this floor generator thanks to flipping this object earlier we made sure that all of this floor generator objects all of those flooring or objects aren't actually facing downwards so this is another hint for you guys so let's now change this object's color to something else let's take this yellow B color so it's going to resemble our planks and let's see what exactly we have in our viewport right now talking in the tree art this course was the best decision worth every how Brina thank you that's really nice of you great deal greatly appreciated really thank you well that is really amazing because on editable poly is it details were not yet that we haven't really got into editable poly details yet we're trying to make sure to avoid unnecessary details but take a look at this now I'm going to go for full in this in our scatter just so it's going to appear like we have all the objects in the same spot we're going to put them a little bit up so they touch this element and we basically created most of our exterior already but what next we need to add more detail more and more so as I said we're going to reuse this part and that's when this element is going to come in handy I think we actually could go a little bit more dramatic on this on this edge around here because right now we're lacking a little bit of extra detail with this window so probably I'm going to just put this a little bit lower so let's select this deselect that and let's put this a little bit lower so as you can see we're actually intersecting this roof right now so this was a small mistake but obviously it's not going to be a problem why because we're just doing a three render and in reality it's one of the perks of going online so excuse me about that so as I said we're going to reuse this part and we're going to do it right now so what I'm going to do we already use this line and extrude and you know that extrude is going to extrude basically upwards so thanks to that we're able to create this nice nice line around here put it there and now since we don't need this fine detail okayed it's at the back so let's just delete those lines and make sure that this line is connected around here so let's just make it appear so we just want to see a hint of it and here we've got this braking point and we need to create it on our own so for that I'm going to divide this line and just move this a little bit so again let's put it exactly at this division put it down so it's going to be at this spot and we need to focus on the vertexes at the front yes at some point it's going to be a little bit confusing that's why I'm going to hide this window so it doesn't really abstract our view so in this case it let's again select this part and as you can see it's already positioned quite well but I still cannot really see a lot so what you can do is go back to the line go here and show end results toggle it on and off and in this case I'm just going to toggle it on go for shell and this way I can now move my object up and down and see precisely what I'm doing so in this case I just want a hint of it so just 5 centimeters is going to be enough so let's do it for both of the sides and going to look perfect I promise you so again we're going to do the same around here and we've got a little bit of a mess around here because of the extra vertex extra vertex around here so again deleted and as you can see everything is working just fine so let's move this a little bit up so you can see that this straight line is working just perfectly we could break it a little bit more because of this curve this angles around here but it's basically unnecessary it's a detail that nobody is going to notice from the angle of our camera we're not going to pay attention to it remember you want to be as precise as possible but what you also want to avoid getting into too much detail without being sloppy so let's now put this down a little bit so again we're just being a little bit more precise and in this case we've got our exterior almost done we now need to put all the interiors interiors floor and pretty much we're going to be done at that point so let's select the walls and our outline and in this case I'm just going to do a quick outline with line itself so again we're just going to trace it but even if those objects are going to intersect a little bit you may have to think about I think about it a little bit ahead because we want to make sure that our floor object is going to have only one centimeter of thickness so in this case even if it's going to be a little bit too big it's still not going to be bigger than the frame of the window because the frame of the window is a little bit thicker so guys if you want you to learn the most efficient way to work in 3ds Max Beatrice thank you thank you again that's our student and I promise I we we just asked them to give us a little bit of support and thank you for this this this was very well thank you really thank you is it possible to see the preview of course we can so this is going to be our final shot and basically what we're trying to achieve now is this effect because we're first going to rush as fast as possible to our white render position so obviously it's going to take us a while and just for those of you that thought that we're going to create this tree yes we are but we're going to use a ready model because creating foliage like that is going to take you a lot of unnecessary time and in this case we're not going to force you to waste any of it so since our outline is done we can now go ahead and add another floor generator to our object obviously it's going to have the previous settings from our endeavour with our roof so all you need to do is make sure to go for direction and clear it up if you need to have your planks the other way just type in 90 in it's well up to you so now almost all of our mesh is done we just need a little bit of floor gyrator around here so no more editing walls so let's convert this to editable poly select this part here and now we're going to adjust detach it as we did the last time detach has flown because we want to have some kind of object behind this object as well you can see now that if I change the color for it it's going to be pretty much intersecting with this object behind it so we cannot we cannot really see it that's why we're just going to make sure to add a floor generator and always make sure to add at least a little bit of extrusion to it for this final detail finer detail we're going to also add this bevel floor Jerry works only on flat objects yes that's that's definitely one thing you need to remember a floor generator is only going to work on flat objects but is it is it really going to only work with that maybe not because there's a lot of options to really take advantage of floor generator so for example if we go ahead and create any kind of a planet object we can still add a floor generator and then use any other modifier that we need so for example bend if we want to use it on any other specific type of wood or just create a barrel it it's going to be easy so in this case we're going to do a 360 and you can see that we didn't really need to worry about it there are lots of ways on how to add your planks to different shape different objects and we are going to teach you all of that during our course but of course it's all about this exterior right now so I think everything here is done for our outside view but we kind of wish to have this pool around here right so now let's get into it how do we do a pool like that first and just to save a little bit of time I'm going to copy this object because obviously we know how to add a floor generator to an object like that so alt X to make this a trend transparent and we're just going to position this object no need to really show you again how I do a one floor generator so just do a line and outline it and then you're done but what I want to show you is how to add a detail for your pool and since it's going to be a little bit tricky because we want to add this nice frame that you can also see on our preview so let's again take a look at our reference image so in this case on our floor plans you can see that there's some kind of mysterious outline and we want to really use it as well so let's take a second to open our render and you can see that there's some kind of outline that we want to work with also there's a big crater around here that we also want to work with so let's just take a moment and well creating that is going to be a little bit time-consuming you can even see the curvature so how do we do that in a second I'm going to explain everything decrease the quality okay Thank You flora hello why doing 3ds max mode most of the program like Revit ArchiCAD and rhino have an option to and more easy just to import yes you may want to work with Revit but in most of the cases Revit is going to limit or artistic for it freedom and Revit is going to really require you to be super precise about everything and we're all about efficiency we want you to be able to sell your ideas to your clients to your to your teachers to everybody else and that's why we're using 3ds max for modeling yes you could use Revit but you would waste a tremendous amount of time that you're never going to get back yes there are ways to save a little bit of time when dealing with Revit but believe me transporting your Revit model to 3ds max and then redoing it in 3ds max for three at Rudy octopus is going to waste lots and lots more time and remember we're doing visuals not for the final product we're doing visuals for the concept so if you're going to waste time in Revit for the concept well I've got bad news for you buddy so yes for this curvature we can simply just create a box and in this case this is exactly what I did so this box around here is going to be extruded and in in words but we don't need any topology for it because it's just going to be covered with one texture and a little bit of extra oomph so what about this object again we're going to do exactly the same thing and just to show you the that this curvature is going to be nice and precise we're going to make this as curvy as possible my making sure to scale it down as you can see by creating this object exactly on zero I I was able to start my sphere exactly in the middle this is going to be a small cheat sheet for you guys because this is going to save you time and saving time is something you want to do especially with your clients I need to know your CPU riser horizon or Intel I'm all about AMD right now because in was well their offer is not that good at this moment compared to Indies but my pick was solely based on the performance and price per well corpora so I'm using risin a tread wrapper twenty seven twenty nine seventy so that's my setup as you can see we've went to our geometry so the creation panel geometry compound objects proboolean and what I did here is just a simple boolean so let's again take a look at this and okay and okay but before I do that I want to copy this object again because I'm going to reuse this part so let's just start picking one two and done extrude delete and we're going to do the frame I mentioned before so let's just put this on zero let's make sure that this objects pivot is on zero as well as so guys and now we're just adding another swept modifier into it so we don't need any of the offset so let's just make sure to clear it out a little bit of a bar and we now have this frame you can control the width and height of your frame just by simply changing those two values and this is exactly what we're going to do and because this object is going to allow us to work with a lot of interesting options we're just going to add chamfer to it because we want this to be nice and round so let's add a few of segments so it's got it since this object is going to be at front of our camera we wanted to have nice and round edges not too shabby but yeah you know what I mean so in this case you can see that we've got a little bit weird topology ignore it it's okay because 3ds max allows this if you want to be 100% percent precise about it you can just turn off this minimum angle option but believe me it's not going to really do a lot for you so now we're going to create water we still could use the same shape and that's exactly what I'm doing so copy chamfer off swept off delete and we're going to convert this to a dateable poly move this a little bit lower so it's going to be beneath our surface okay so this is our surface now and let's put it down you can go a little bit lower than your walls it's okay you can even in create a little bit bigger object cap it so it's a it's a box in here and just make sure that the box is capped it doesn't have any openings because later on when we will be adding a little bit of absorption to it it's going to work better with the water also make sure that it's not flipped so if it's dark red it's going to work a little bit differently so pay attention to those two details and now we're let's change the color to blue so it's just going to look like we really did that guys everybody knows how to create a tree if you if you are a beginner it's basically going to be a quick tutorial for you Google 3 3d model 3 download and there's a lot of packages for it but obviously I'm going to show you exactly how to do it once you join our course but in this case I'm just going to use a model that I downloaded earlier and we're just going to reposition it as you can see we're not doing a lot to this tree we're just positioning it and if you want to give it a little bit finer more dramatic a look you can always go for 3 by 3 or 4 by 4 modifier and just edit it to your own needs in this case I'm just going to make it a little bit taller and I don't want to stretch the the bottom half of it so I'm just going to make sure that this 3 is dramatic enough for my shot so now this looks quite promising so we can do first preview render but we still need a lot of objects around our scene so let's do a quick preview and let's start our interactive render guys it's really amazing course in the toggle okay thank you add up hey guys I need an okay great hey I can see that even friends are meaning on our webinars that's so cool so this is how our tree actually looks like so let's release this camera and see our main preview as you can see it's well it's looking quite good now we have created our material override by simply clearing this up we can now go back to our previous colors but those are not the colors we want to work on so Corona material and this is how you do the override so afgan go to scene add material override and this is it for our sky we're using Corona sky just a simple Corona sky so in this case this is the most realistic way of doing it and this is exactly what we're going to do so Corona sky it is as you can see everything is working just fine so this is the moment where we can add a little bit of furniture around our scene and yes you can try doing it by simply downloading some furniture or you can model it out on your own it's a lot to you but I strongly recommend you to not spend too much time on a mulling of furniture that's why we're going to cheat a little bit I'm going to go to the scene and copy this exact and object from the scene more information about this amazing plugin again is going to be shared with you during our course and now from one scene to another I'm going to be able to just copy this object always remember to turn off your rendering when copying objects into your scene because it may crash your 3ds max I don't want to override any materials I want to use the same materials that we already have so use scene material will you show us how to make water yes I will in just a second we are going to jump into that so as you can see the furniture is already here we still need a can transplant some of the inside and some of the objects from the inside let's just go ahead and delete the roof for from our previous scene we're not going to use it anyway so let's just copy this as you can see again it's an object with a few flora generators so not really going to go into that because as you know it's just going to be a waste of time to tell you how to create a cylinder in a box with a floor generator so now we can put it here it's probably in the right position it all depends on your personal taste if you want to show this element or not so if you want you can make it higher or lower it's all up to you so now we've got our model almost ready but for now we are going to hide those elements that we don't need so it's the it's our floor plan we're going to add a little bit of secret sauce to it and so let's just put it in so this is one of the elements that we're going to be able to show you during our course and so let's get into it in a second but yeah guys what we're going to create now is the ground and our scatters so scatters are basically going to be very very important for us and if you want to get the same asset the rock that you can see here so let's again take a look at the image so let's do a full screen you can see this beautiful rock and it was downloaded from mangas Kansas for those of you that don't know mega scans this is a website that allows you to download buy or even I guess no they do not share and so you can buy your beautiful assets there so this is where I downloaded it it's free so you you also will be able to follow our steps and now guys I'm just going to browse our Instagram a little bit so I'm going to show you what kind of materials we're going to be creating so we're going to create just like this one for our beams and also we're going to create wooden elements just like those but with just a little bit of twist so we're already going to also show you how to do this kind of material because basically yes it's necessary for our scene so all of those beautiful renders by our students can be done as can be downloaded can be viewed on our Instagram so just take a look and if you want to learn a little bit more about our course just visit visit cata meet at UK click on course remember only six spots are left and to anyone days till they start so it's basically going to proudly as soon as we stop um as soon as we get our full group we're going to start regular recruiting for the next one and I have to give you a little bit of a heads up if the price is going up because we're just well well it's just going up anyway a little bit of detail about our course let's see what we're going to do at week first we're going to teach you how to do basic modeling and we're going to quickly jump into a more advanced modeling and if you want to learn all of that we're just going to go step by step to all of that obviously we're also going to teach you a little bit about more advanced modeling and then we're going to jump straight into light and light creation this is exactly what we're doing right now during our webinar were at this level so we went in under an hour to do our two weeks of course already now we're the next step is a material creation materials tend to take a little bit of time so that's why we're going to spend almost two weeks on it during our course you're going to learn how to position your camera how to do all these shots and how to do post-production in a week five were starting at doing our exteriors mostly we're only planning on how to do it and you can already start modeling it but usually if a week five is reserved for our interiors and finishing it up so week six and week seven is exactly what we're doing right now exteriors so we're going to go from the most basic exteriors to more complicated once you finish your first exterior we're going to be able to jump right into more advanced one so as you can see our students are able to create a beautiful beautiful shots in under seven weeks and all of those shots are going to be part of their portfolios and believe me this is a very important element of your of your career to be able to create all of that okay do you think okay so now let's get into our scene and so since we already know that we're going to create all of those rocks and I'm going to later on a show you the source for this specific asset because obviously it's going to be easy to reproduce and creating rocks like that is not going to be part of this webinar it's just important asset is from mega scans but what we can talk about a little bit is this part here so this is the scatter and just for your information the scatters are basically the main element for our exteriors we've got a lot of videos on it and obviously I'm going to show you a lot of applications for it during our course and basically you're probably going to love it because it's automatic work so we're going to use two types of assets so first asset is going to be this small Bush with just few strands it's more detail so we're going to use this and for our background we're going to use a little bit larger elements and we're going to make sure that they are going to basically a cover the background so both of those elements are going to be super important for us but how do you actually do your ground how do you add it how do you work with it it's very simple we already shown you how to do it during our architecture modern architecture webinar so if you want to go for all the details I can still show you so guys do you want to go through this detail or not if yes let's just go for it are there any special discounts for for the course currently the course is discounted as I mentioned so the price is going up because well some of our promotion promotions are going to end in just a few weeks as so that's why we're going to increase the price so if you are going to join the course with a friend or a few friends you may actually want to email us so we assign the same tutors to you because and I said I'm one of the teachers and basically we are going to make sure that you're going to be able to is it okay to work from Mac yes it is but you're going to have to bootcamp it you don't have to do a hackintosh you can just do a do bootcamp avoid parallel because parallel is basically perfect solution for those of you that just need Windows for five minutes but in reality if you want to work in Windows you better use bootcamp so what I did here was a very very easy setup so let's just try to reproduce the same thing and just for the sake of the webinar so first of all we create a sum planner object and just from left to right nothing specific just make sure to add a little bit of density to it just like that now when you do you want to add a little bit of a little bit extra geometry to it because we need geometry to work with we want to have a little bit of well area to add detail to so for that I'm going to go for 400 by 300 and in this case I'm probably a little bit wrong so we need to go 300 by 400 3 by 400 ok and now we've got probably enough detail so let's convert this to editable poly ok now when it's editable poly as you can see we first want to get rid of everything that we don't need so we're going to jump into our main camera you can see this yellow frame it's a safe frame shift after to turn it on the safe frame is going to work with your camera and it's going to show you what exactly your camera can see that's why I'm going to just simply select everything that it's out just a little bit outside my camera and delete it so I don't need anything that it's not in the spectrum of my camera because well it would be a waste of your RAM so just so we save a little bit of time we're also a little bit of RAM we're deleting that part so now let's go for it and let's add a little bit of extra to it so now all of you guys that don't have any kind of experience with architecture through Deus Max or whatsoever can join our course and learn how to create visuals on your own we're we promise you that we're going to be able to teach you how to do that in under 7 weeks so obviously it's going to require a little bit of hard work on your side but yes it's going to be worth it and I promise you that so in this case what you can see I'm just doing this small changes to curve a my my ground a little bit because I want it to be nice and and random so let's just delete this for a second and how did I really do this randomness on my ground objects basically what you can do is add multiple layers upon layers of noise so for that we're going to increase this Z value to something two-fifty just to show you how fast it can go but we obviously don't want this to be that tall so we're going to go for something around 50 centimeters and it's enough but the scale is still a little bit off so just to make it a little bit more random we're going to change the scale and add another noise on top of it but this time it's going to be fractal so noise and let's just go for it and just change this size so now it's going to be nice and random so let's just go for it and increase the Z value and play around around with our noise and with just two layers of noise we are able to create this ground in seconds obviously when dealing with larger scenes you're going to have to decide which chunks of elements you want to add detail to and where to save a little bit of space but it's all up to you so the same process will apply for the second part so we don't want to go through it as I said it's all online and we need to make sure that you save a little bit of time with us okay guys so the main model is done everything is in place if I forgot something it's probably not that important we can now play a little bit with the offset I can see that now it doesn't really look that good and so we can actually fix it and it's now perfect so let's do a quick preview of our a white render so thanks to the scatter we were able to create all of this foliage around our scene so this is the moment where we actually add our Sun when dealing with a corona Sun you always have to remember that it's trying to mimic the real life so if your son is positioned downwards it's just going and under your horizon it's just not going to work properly so we want this to be a proper scene with proper physically correct elements okay so we don't need this after all and now we're going to delete it because we already took all the parts that we needed so just for the sake of not wasting time of sharing materials or just to do it uew and you can see that both of those materials are already done so let's now talk about materials in a second because well it's going to be worth it but we're still unlike right so my setup for my son is 0 for 3 your default values aren't going to be a little bit different and what we are trying to achieve is the same angle as this beam around here so let's just pretend that this is the default and you know what let's just create one so just so you know that we're dealing with the same setup we've got the default setup around here we can now go from left to right and no we're going to go from a right to left and now position the Sun a little bit up it's up to you to decide how hot how high your son is going to be but remember that in this specific scene were just trying to mimic this one shadow and so it's going to really look good is there any ok so I feel like I'm not okay with 3ds max because I used to use Sketchup but do it your work is amazing okay thank you very much this is really nice of you I promise you that by joining this Academy you're also going to be good and having a little bit of knowledge about 3d from Sketchup is not going to be anything that's going to stop you it's going to elevate your work a lot more because in this case we're just going to focus on and giving you all the details about Corona render and obviously about all the techniques that are best to work with in 3ds max so let's now use this view again so you can see that our scene is already done and now let's quickly try to add a little bit of preview as I said our setting is a little bit different to the previous one so it's going to be a bit different since we added Sun and we can see that it's nice and warm and first thing you want to do is either play with exposure as but just from the professional standpoint I'm going to tell you that you should not fiddle with exposure too much because when you are going to get into this bad habit of going too far away with exposure you're just going to deal with a little bit more noise in your images so try to stick to zero as close as possible and fiddle with lights instead but obviously as going outside the spectrum for some values like up to five even eight at some points is okay but just avoid it if you can and so let's go ahead and decrease the power of our Sun so it's going to be a little bit weaker and but thanks to that we can now see our shadows a little bit better at the same time what we're going to basically focus on is our render itself so let's just add a little bit extra to it what can we do I think that I want to see a little bit more light in here so for that I think by going a little bit higher with our Sun we're going to be able to achieve that but it's a precise type of an eyeball eyeballing it and obviously when dealing with your clients you may want to go for a specific date and time and position your son like that it's one of the perks I'm going to show you during the exteriors guys so those of you that are already our students just ARIMA reminded me to show you that okay so now this size the size of your Sun is going to be responsible for the softness of your shadows as so since we don't want the shadows to be too soft we're just going to increase it a little bit because we don't want this to be a perfect weather okay guy we're almost done now we're almost starting our materials but before we do we're going to work with a little bit of environment so without any further ado we're just going to and show you exactly how we do environment environment can be tricky and it requires a little bit of well a little bit of planning so let just use the best methods for it okay first thing you do is click on render setup and make sure that oh hello attila nice to see you here could you please show us an example between a concept and final product obviously yes but I have I wasn't prepared for this question yes I can guys could you please send to me and the apartment from the war so slaughter 44 so that would be very handy so wait a sec I'm just trying to get the materials for you okay now let's continue so we're going to use a direct visibility override in this case it's going to be very easy to do so because we're just going to basically use one image at the time so how do we do it how do we add this material override it's very simple you go to f10 render setup go to scene and go to an scene and scene environment tab okay now we're just going to go to direct and direct visibility override and we're going to use this map and so this map is not yet plugged in so we're going to have to look for it how do we do it we just simply have to prepare for it a little bit earlier and we have to have it in on our computer so what I'm going to use as our background in this is this image you can see that I already fiddled with it in Photoshop and so don't mind this it's just for the sake of a little bit of time-saving let's just and now add this background okay so let's open it up and wait a second okay so wait a sec or thank so here we have a nice example of render before and after so it's unfortunately daylight versus night light so you can see that as the similarity similarity is there so obviously you want to make sure to get get rid of your wait a sec maybe I have more photos unfortunately no and so next time I'm going to be prepared because this is a perfect question to show you why you should do your you're in your visuals and I have I saved yet no I'm just going on bareback but that's a good idea to save for a once so and 3ds max tends to be one of those programs that like to crash from time to time but obviously it's not going to be a big deal because in most of the cases you've got autosave and if you are more reasonable than I am you probably are saving on on the way so we now need to add our materials since our light is already done since a lot of you asked for it we're going to start from the pool and the water is basically very simple and oh snap I got carried away with the questions hey attila and thank you thank you so let's go for this all right I'm not showing you details because again saving time but let's just put it here and this whole chain is Krona bitmap corn a color correction or an atone map so this is one of the elements that you need to remember about but now we're going to add our Maps so for that I'm just going to grab this file and put it in always and I mean always try to use a background from your sources and use Corona bitmap instead of regular bitmap because it tends to crash your max so it thanks you for the heads-up I always love when you explain lines in the textures Mike thank you thank you that's super cool so this background is now d saturated that's by design so we're just going to make sure to take this away and now we have our background partially this saturated we need to add a little bit of gamma so it's going to be nice and right and as you can see it's now working quite well but it's not yet there we're just going to add a little bit to it in a second because now we need our materials so this is our rushed white bhangra and white materials setup so this is pretty much what we were trying to achieve as fast as possible I think I could use a little bit more scatters around here but still it's going to be ok so for the materials part we're going to jump straight into the ready scene because and that's where the magic really happened so I'm just to save your time we're going to go through the materials and obviously we first need to create our pool so for that as you can see we've got this a beautiful material that we created earlier and we're going to go through this together the one thing you need to remember is that I were for water in this case is going to be 1.33 it's very important so you're acoustics are going to look good also it don't go too high with your friend l in reflection and you basically want to just get rid of your diffuse color because it's just nothing needed in this case and well basically this is the setup but you also want to have the distance this is where you want to decide if you want to go with green blue red yellow whatever it's all up to you to decide what kind of water you want to have in your pool but this is the one element that helps you to get the nice effect on your water noise and noise is going to be added into bump and member that by changing your bump power you decide how strong your hajar going to be so with this very basic setup let's just add our material first materials do it first material to our scene and let's render it but before we get rid of our and material override let's just render it start interactive and let's see how it actually looks like so as I said with this super basic setup we were able to really do a lot and thanks to the absorption that I mentioned to you earlier we are actually going to get really nice and realistic effects because you can actually see that the objects that are submerged in this are actually creating some nice effects and we can actually trace them down so let's just okay I need to use this viewport so you can see that this object is slowly slowly but gradually getting a little bit more and wet and a little bit more submerged so yes it's important for us to add some kind of absorption so the precise and accurate accurate details about a setting a setup of this material is going to be sure during our course so guys again if you want to see a learn a little bit more about our course and our seven weeks training just visit w-w-w it's Academy that UK and see for yourself how easy it is to become a professional and yes you're going to be able to create those in just a few hours so guys and now you can see that I've added this extra element in here so people can actually see sit on this at this pool it's one of the details that was already there so why not just add it in since we're working on it okay guys this is it for this scene and we're going to jump into our second scene and we're going to explore all the materials there and so we can actually see what eggs exactly we're doing so you know what um I think we can actually stick around with this scene because we've created all of this and why just leave it so let's explore this material for this beam so what exactly that it is first of all let's create a new viewport and let's just talk about this material so what we're dealing with is a really easy bitmap a little bit of Corona uvw randomizer is set to those nice options but in reality you want to set it from minus 1 to minus 1 and what it does it build it basically allows you to move the UVW box which looks like this and uvw monks is going to allow you to set up your mapping for the objects to your needs so in this case as I said we're just going to make sure that we fit all the needs of our object so well let's just randomize it a little bit so 150 no you know what threes and 300 okay this looks perfect now what we need to do about it if we want to randomize this texture because obviously creating those beams and changing the texture for each and every element would be a little bit of a tedious work and that's why we're going to make sure that we're going to deal with just one texture and it's going to be randomized left and right and up and down for best to use a seamless texture in this case so we're just going to use one of the textures that's going to be shared with all of our students in our physic a de mie material library did I mention that we share materials and models and lots lots more with our students because we really really want you to learn something and we don't just let you out empty-handed we make sure that you use all of our assets to create professional work just as we do so for now I'm going to make sure that all of those objects in here are excluded for from our scatter a plants like that are part of our course and obviously we're also going to talk about the materials briefly but in this case those are ready materials that we are not going to explore for this specific stone it's one of the assets downloaded that I mentioned earlier this prom mega scans so let's actually see how you can use those objects so again it's a very simple setup in this case we're just dealing with one very important element and that's diffuse well on top of that we're adding a normal map set with bump to 1 okay hi I don't know your language it's probably Russian right so if you could translate it to English I'm going to greatly appreciate it but privyet do you also teach animation only by request this is not the most important part of our course but yes who we're going to go through it on the text to webinar who have our class so as I mentioned we're already and we're already in the middle of our next group so and the group is going to get a little bit more information on that very very soon so that's a good question and it's right on time so as you can see we are already quite far into our model now I wanna make sure that my scatters are in the right position so let's just move some of those outlines up so we're going to get a bit more scatter in here so it's going to be nice and well it's really nice and now let's do the same for the opposite side okay so I'll live it up so we're going to have a little bit more scatter more visible more outside this ground and you can see that now it's there still we need to exclude this object and so the ground object remembering eyes Corona comes with material library and you can use that we're at your will but we created this very simple ground just from one texture or an a coral color correction with no reflection to save a little bit of time when rendering because this is just the background and we want you and your viewer to focus mainly on our shot so okay that's actually a nice request maybe we will maybe we will sew it this ground is a little bit too bright so let's make it darker by using corona color correct and thanks to the fact that we already are and 80% done we're only going to add the most basic materials to our scene and then we're going to go to more exciting element in Photoshop so all the beams are there all the elements are there we still want to get rid of the override on r3 so let's do it right now right away okay now let's get into more interior and materials so since the exterior is done we're only going to do what I said and that's a little bit loca a lower gamma for the ground a little bit less saturation maybe I overdid the gamma okay it looks perfect it's nice and D saturated that's what I loved about it and we're still going to make sure that all the elements aren't working together so maybe I'm going to also rotate this rock a little bit so it's going to look a little bit more like it's being hit by the Sun so obviously it's all up to you to decide what kind of environment you want to create it's all up to you to decide what kind of elements you want to use there and obviously it's all going to work together if you follow our lead so now I think it looks better so let's continue and let's add a little bit more to our scene since we're going to do the materials for the beams we're going to basically select it first and make sure to get rid of the material override out of it and you know what at this point we're just going to add the very very easy materials that we know so in previous webinars that we showed we went through those materials and this is exactly the same thing so detail metal you already know it and let's add it in so how do we do it yeah all the metals are going to require some kind of very very delicate diffuse but they're only going to mostly rely on your reflection so by adding this reflection glossiness map in here we're going to get really decent effects so we still need some kind of mapping and for mapping we're just going to go for UVW map you know what I selected this roof instead of our beams so that's that's a bummer and we're going to reach Ange the material in a second but the beams aren't there so let's add the material and it's there mm-hmm I often not into this game but it looks good how I learned it it it's not an architect University and it's not a game is 3ds Max and it's professional software so if you want to learn how to create images like that visit our website and we're going to show you exactly how to do it so guys we're just going to now create a little bit more materials for our scene and again guys and I think it's good moment to actually get rid of the material override and see how weird it is going to look like so let's start interactive just as I said in a lot of weird materials so especially for the ground and for the pool around here it looks weird and all of those weird weird weird elements and so let's now add material for our class I think the glass is going to be really easy because and in this case we're just going to use glass thin and how to set up glass it's basically the same setup as for your for your water but we're going to leave those values as default because we're just going to click on our thin and that's it this is basically how we do our how we do our class and you can see that it looks perfect obviously we have all the environment and being not yet done it doesn't really fly but let's make sure to add all the materials so without really rendering let's now talk a little bit about basic add amine so guys if you want to learn how to create 3d renders just like those in my portfolio or portfolio of our students which is more important because this is the best proof of and not my skill but your skill guys and by taking our course you in cell on in under seven weeks you're going to be able to create your images just like this and yes all of those are created in 3ds max with our help the help is basically art guidance because physic Adam II doesn't own it's not just you next regular course engine generic in its nature what we try to really do for you guys is make sure that the course is going to teach you something this is basically the best way to learn through the rendering in 3ds max in under seven weeks we have two packages interiors and exteriors with interiors so first we go through modeling then lighting materials post-production and a little bit of insider knowledge on top of all of that you get unlimited support in our working hours in work so basically you get support every day and basically it's the most valuable thing remember you also get your own individual tasks so you may really think well why do they have so many beautiful images because we do not limit our students we have this policy where if you ask a question we will answer it and basically this is all the result for of it and when you will join our course you will be able to pick what kind of style what kind of interior exterior or just an image you want to work on because well basically this is what you want to learn you want to learn how to do stuff okay guys obviously no game I will do thanks okay okay thank you thank you why you never use age your eyes I do not use age your eyes because those are unpredictable and yes you can have five or six of those and your eyes and basically you're going to end up with hundreds of renders that look the same and working with age your eyes are is good and I do recommend it from time to time but in reality when dealing with larger scenes and you want to always have one element which is super important for your professional job predictable results and your eyes are not predictable for exteriors in interiors you may control it and you may actually ignore some of the downsides of age your eyes but in for exteriors it's super important to have predictable results and be in control because your client may really love everything about the image but he wants to move the shadow a little bit what what then your age your eye is set fixed and you cannot really change anything and when moving your age your eye around it's basically going to ruin your life altogether so this is why I don't use age your eyes for exteriors I try to to avoid it mostly because of unpredictability so for our ground and the main object for our base we're going to use a 202 Town 1200 centimeters for this whole object what is going to be important for us in this case is to add a concrete material all of this material could be summarized to do those two textures so one of the textures is our main texture itself and the background or let's say back up texture that's going to preach to be the dirt here we only have a little bit of mixing and a little bit of changes and it's not super important obviously so what we are dealing with here is a lipid darker material just for the detail and a little bit of distance for the for the dirt so let's just add it in to our object and in this case I think we don't have the reflection glossiness so I'm just going to recreate it in a second so let's just add it in a reflection of Lawson s Chronicle or correct obviously you want to have some reflection on the object like that because concrete really looks beautiful when it shines so you have to take in that in account just for the sake of this webinar I'm putting quite random values because in this case we're what we're doing is making sure that our gamma and our reflection is going to be quite contrasting so we get nice and black and white image and obviously we want to make sure that our reflection on this object is going to be nice and strong so usually our webinars are going to take from one hour up to three hours so each webinar is going to be packed with reviews of your current work and obviously with we always show you something new and answer all the questions that are asked during the webinar we also go outside and a little bit outside of our course to talk about everything that our students may be interested in and if we find that found some newer and new hints or something that can help them in on their work in the future we also share that so and now we're going to add this main material to all of the walls inside of this object just to save a little bit of time and obviously we need to make sure that our frames and our windows are nice and black so guys yeah this is almost finished and white material doesn't really need explanation let's delete all of this because it's getting a little bit crowded around here that once you add your material to your object deleting it from your view doesn't delete it from your scene autosave let's take a moment to once again glance over our Instagram I'm talking about it like it's golden an element of our course because it is it's all thanks to you guys we're able to post all of this in a well amazing work I don't have any other works of words for it you can find a few tutorials and a few useful links on our dailies so remember to follow us on Instagram so that's the physic at amine UK and Thank You Leah that's super cool and nice to see you leah is one of my first students and it was some time ago so thank you for visiting what do you prefer for exterior lining is your Corona Corona sky all the way by the way we had is your eyes on the course in in interiors oh yeah that's that's that's part of it so I probably should have mentioned that thanks Mary okay guys so we're getting a little bit closer to finish so let's now create a some a wood and some materials for our floor generated objects so obviously we're not going to go into too much detail again because we just want to do it as fast as possible so what we're going to do exactly is use a material like that so we're going to use Corona multi texture map for our scene so how it works you just load your textures that are supposed to be prefab prefabricated and split into chunks a perfect for such for such scenes so for that I'm just going to make sure to find all of my JPEGs now because it seems like they are missing in this scene so the floor generated objects are always going to have with a little bit of mapping from at the default so you want to make sure to use this to your advantage most of the time you're going to experience a lot of interesting phenomenons when trying to create materials and that's when our course is actually going to get useful for you because as I said we are trying to get as predictable results as possible we're making sure that when you once create an exterior you can reuse the knowledge for your next work for your next interior or exterior you know what I'm going to cheat a little bit and we're just going to grab those materials from at this scene or just you know what we're going to explore them in here because I think those two scenes are almost identical and since I'm missing that sector for some reason we're just going to see one exactly we're dealing with so in this case it's also going to be one of those situations so give me a moment guys I'm actually going to look for those textures and guys there's a lot of you online tell me guys worried from I was really love to see now how our demographic changed and obviously if that's not too much to ask - tell me what you do for living are your students are you already professionals do you know Tullius max at all and would you like to learn how to create beautiful images if yes please visit our website so I really want to know who's watching us just for well it's going to be really interesting to know okay I think I found a good Parque so this is going to be one of the textures we're going to use but honestly we can keep exploring a little bit to see if we find anything better in this case you know what this texture is just perfect so let's get into it and basically go back to our scene so as I was saying we're going to deal with multi texture and that's why we're going to use this batch load textures okay this is really good to see that those textures wear all the time they're so yeah just a little bit of surprise so do you use do you have some free textures to play with for our students obviously yes we but if you want to get free textures go ahead and visit www.hsn those guys are going to help you out this is a beautiful website so I strongly recommend you to do it I mean do it as visited so we're going to create two materials one for those desaturated planks and one for that planks inside more lifelike so in this case we're using a Corona multi map which is a huge element of our course with a little bit of extra gamma randomization so it's going to be nice and random when we add it in for all the objects outside of our scene so the planks that are obviously going to be exposed to the light sunlight we're going to add another D saturated material at the same nature so we almost have all the materials but we still need to do the frames that I started by never but never finished so let's just do all the frames all of those elements at the same time ctrl shift a to select similar when we have selected all the similar objects so you want to make sure that no object that you don't need is unselected so unhide all again and let's make sure to select all of those elements that we need so obviously it's going to be a little bit of manual work at this point because usually when you deal with things like that you have to use layers and as you can see I'm not use them because we're trying to do it as fast as possible but I strongly recommend you to use them as many times as possible in Brazil wow this is good thank you thank you that's that's super cool Austria is that's super cool working with Maya and the path so if you are a student please consider a changing tutorials max depending on what you do obviously because Maya Maya is better for animation and design of that type so if you want to create animation go for maiya but if you want to go for architecture and beautiful images I would strongly recommend you Corona because sorry 3ds Max and Corona ok guys now I think we've got all the materials in our scene ready so let's start our render in a second guys I just want to show you once more our Instagram and in a second I'm going to tell you how to enroll to our course but first let's hit our render I hope that we're not going to need to add any changes to it at this point I'm going to hide some of the objects that we don't need this is our main scene so let's just make sure that everything works and if it doesn't we're just going to simply fix it and make it work okay so all X on this one just so it looks like water so okay in just under okay under two hours this is a very good time guys we were able to create this beautiful image together and online with you in under two hours and everything is there so let's compare this and let's take this to Photoshop in a second and add a little bit to it and meanwhile while it's rendering I'm going to quickly talk a little bit about this Academy online course and so and you already know who our teachers are so I'm mic and you may want to see my work on the hands also Tony is our second main teacher and we also have a dough Wojtek and Tony are our founders and and currently Ann is working as our secondary tutor and so all the with this team guys were trying to deliver the best course that we could have we can come up with and believe me there's really no comparison to others because this is not a not next generic course this is a course that really teaches you how to become a professional in under seven weeks if you feel a little bit intimidating intimidated because this whole webinar was quite well highly paced I know it's a little bit rushed but this is because we're online and in reality when you will be working on your interior exterior you will have all the time in the world to complete it all so what is very important is that you will be able to work on all the assignments from the comfort of your own home and with our support you're going to be able to follow all the tasks and all the homeworks that you're going to be assigned and also with all that you'll get and I'm not sure actually how many hours but tens of hours of video footage that's going to be able to show it to help you understand 3dsmax a little bit better to be honest it's approximately forty hours but since we're constantly recording new stuff and making sure that everything thank you that everything is there we're just constantly improving our course so if you want to sign up to it just go to visit ketamine that you K read a little bit apart about our course and remember that soon we're going to okay this was updated and so probably this and the date was a little bit wrong earlier so if you want to learn a little bit more about our course visit our website read all of the elements that you're going to achieve and remember the most important element here is that you're going to leave our course with best quality portfolio and that's a promise so and now if you want to enroll all you need to do is go to enroll begin your journey enroll when in with 3ds max his academy so yes first you type in your in your name so mike my surname and you can also type in your email so our email is info that vis Academy that you K you obviously should provide your own email in this case and then you can choose what option you're interested in so currently we're we're recruiting people for the 9th of July and this is when our enrollment ends but it's also important to add that as soon as we get enough students into our class we're going to close the enrollment and we're going to help start recruiting for the next group which is going to be in approximately two or three months from from this point in time so you may want to actually consider it we also have this up at two options so five weeks for only integers and seven weeks for only interiors plus exteriors so this is the best seller in our course so this is one I'm going to choose for you guys and then you tell us a little bit about yourself so tell us if you were to introduce max or not and if you have any comments expectations or you want to say as something to us just add it in so in this case you can see that we can and now choose a what a country from you come from so obviously you can pick whichever country you come from and in this case we're going to go for a Great Britain as soon as we find it on this list you know what I'm just go I'm is collect okay so let's go for United Kingdom City London country okay UK and here you just tell us who you are so it's going to be very good for us to understand who you are what are your expectations while you join our course and we treat all of our students individually that's super important to remember that we treat you individually you talk to your during our support hours you are able to talk to your tutors via chat and we're going to be able to basically solve all of your problems with 3d so type in your age and once you do you want to go for this how did you learn about this Academy obviously you want to learn from you may want to learn about of its academy from from Facebook Instagram so whichever is true in your case just pick it and just click on this forum and you can submit from okay okay let's just type something in and once you submit submit this form you will be you will have you will receive a few emails how to really conduct yourself in the next steps and how to prepare for our course you will also be will be sent a few extra emails with a little bit information about us so this is how you can enroll for our course so remember if you want to learn how to create visuals just like that this is the place to go so now we've got our Arend already and we can open our Photoshop and since this render is almost 100% ready with down any post-production we're just going to play around with my favorite tool in Photoshop and that's filter camera roll so guys we're getting a little bit closer to our 2d and so if you have any questions you may ask them now and if we get enough questions we're going to do a Q&A with you so guys if you have it just hit me and yes obviously in Photoshop you don't do too much you don't want to go over drum and do over dramatic shots you just want to add a little bit to it and remember do not over Photoshop your work you want to keep it clean and you don't want to waste too much time because when your client asks you for Iran is reduce you are going to really save a lot of time for a lot of shots if your render is going to be perfect from the very start okay guys this is it this is how you create beautiful exteriors in under two hours and without really talking all about those elements we would be able to early achieve it in under an hour but since I was hoping that you're going to actually get something out of this course and out of our webinar I just had to go a little bit slower so guys as I said this is it please visit our instagram subscribe to our youtube channel give us a like thumbs up has right or ring the bell because we're going to add a few extra videos later on basically the next two week and guys visit our instagram follow us there and visit our website to enroll to our course remember a number of seats is limited do you need to buy truly as max license to be able to join the course in this case no you can work on student's license as long as you are a student or you can also try to use the trial version for the whole duration of our course it's going to be enough and along the way it's going to be really fun to work in this software if you are from UK US Australia New Zealand or Canada you can also Google something called Indy license that can be a great help for to all of you guys that that are just starting your journey with 3d and you already don't have any option to use you're curious max and as a indie lies as sorry as a trial license yes this video will be put up and you will be able to follow all of this if you want to get your floor plans for this video you can visit our YouTube and check our this video's description you can download the floor plans and you will be able to do the same shots as I did so ok ah ok guys this is amazing thank you very much for your attention since we don't have any more questions that this is going to be at the moment where we say goodbye so I'll see you in our next webinar which is coming a really quite soon so thank you again for your attention and see you in the next webinar you
Channel: VizAcademy UK
Views: 225,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0m7fRvH-nxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 55sec (7675 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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