AUTUMN MOOD | 3Ds Max + Corona Renderer Architectural Visualization Tutorial

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foreign my name is Daniel finally finally finally we have possibility to uh go back to our lessons to our free Workshop please write me some information if you hear me well and we will start for today uh today we will work with this beautiful architectural visualization I will try to share with you all my knowledge about it I will share with you all information why exactly I decide to use it to take exactly these pictures how to uh where I take all the assets for this scene and everything else so finally I'm so happy to be there I I'm sure that you too so please write me some pluses to the chat and I will know that you hear me well yeah that's really important and please remember we have a 40 something like 40 seconds delay between me and you you so if you write something on the chat that means I will hear that or read that in a 40 seconds minimum or maybe later because maybe I will do something else in this Workshop probably I will so um today we will create this beautiful image uh I will show you the um incoming story of this picture uh I found this picture somewhere on Pinterest and I decide oh that's really cool uh reference for my one of my projects and I start to started to rebuild it like usual reference because uh in most cases when I work with real project I tried to catch some feelings some mood of the picture to get uh something the same but then unfortunately I saw that is not uh photography this is uh visualization and this is visualization of another really cool school saw Academy so I should tell that but anyway I uh this is uh work of their student I guess I'm not sure about it I do not discover this too deep to be honest honest it is not so important to me but my main goal was to catch this emotion to take this emotion into my works and uh if I already made this and if I able to show it to you why not to show this to you that's why I have no um I don't finish some details of the architecture because that was not my goal my goal was to capture exactly environment the feeling the find some really cool hdri map for that to know how to set up the sunlight what exactly are which assets I will use for this scene for example grass leaves trees bushes maybe small trees maybe shaders so I should know all everything about the scene and that's why we are here that's why I um will share with you and probably and actually that's my first advice to you um uh try to improve yourself with working with references try to repeat references uh so often as you can uh because this war can improve your skills can enhance your skills can make them really cooler exactly visualization skills you shouldn't repeat the picture in your uh in your real projects I know you an artist you're really artists you want to real artists you want to create your own uh your feeling your own mood that's clear but before you will create something yours you should know how to work real pictures and best of all of course real visualization because this is not resultation this is uh uh this is uh visualization with matte painting but we will work with uh I guess matte painting because they are work with May Painting made painting I don't know but we will work only with visualization and this is our um super power that's really cool why the 3D graphic super power because it can be animated that's most of uh the biggest superpower of uh full 3d visualization and of course amount of pictures we can number of picture we can create so many pictures as we want yeah so that's cool so uh let's talk shorter I will try to uh show you all the stages of this work in my opinion all the stage all the important stages of the of this work I mean modeling uh scene setup I will show you all the uh assets and I will share with you information where I take them um uh we will stop this scene and we will create post production in the end and as you understand that's a lot of work and I don't want to spend this Workshop like um five hours I want to finish in a hour and a half so uh that mean I will show you maybe not everything but I will show you okay points yeah really important points of this work uh to make it um uh to make it more understandable uh for you so that's cool uh I mean um of course I will show you all the really important points I will try to avoid long boring modeling long boring explanation how to load something uh so do not try to repeat after me uh you can find all the links about this Workshop in the description below first time in my life I found all the links because that was really difficult accepted only one bushes because these bushes already deleted by their owners owners that was uh Max 3 number 67 and in the very beginning of uh 20 21st um they delete this catalog from their website they remove it totally and unfortunately exactly these bushes you can't buy you can find any anywhere maybe somewhere you can find them but you can't buy it so this is Max 3 number 60 67 and unfortunately you can't uh buy them anywhere officially because they stop selling selling it all other assets uh hdri map it is for free from hdri I haven't um I will show you something um as there I haven't wooden boards at uh that is um CG Source um older uh a lot of textures from texascom uh dry dry forest leaves concrete uh plates uh and all about models I mean uh big this big tree this big pop player uh the small trees smaller to be honest it is not so important to use them but I used them for my work uh and of course grass crossed is important too I found it uh in uh in a Max 3 megas no mega scans yes that was Mega scans so all the links you can find here so guys uh here will be really cool uh Workshop so please first will share the link for this workshop with your friends somewhere in your social media in your uh maybe Facebook Instagram that will help us to share this information and that's how you will say us thank us to that's how you can thank us for this Workshop because it is really important for us to grow our auditory uh and uh show our experience to all uh over the world so uh let's start with this I already um you know the computer yeah computer this software and I already sell like the uh this house with um uh with these boards and this Foundation uh to the first slot so that's is that is absolutely simple geometry with the uh with Maiden from the box extruded I absolutely sure every one of you can make absolutely similar to this that's not our goal and to be honest your house will be different I mean you can make your own house and put into this environment and that will be a little bit different so as you can see I do not model this geometry too much uh I hope that everybody able to create simple boxes and multiply them a lot of times yeah that's absolutely clear and here the same I just made a simple line extruded and got this foundation so that's absolutely simplest thing in the world um you can made it without my help and one additional thing I put into the computer uh all these assets what is this this is uh small trees Big Trees this popular bushes from Max 367 unfortunately you can't buy it but anyway you you know where you can take it and grass grass it is not only grass this is grass elements uh separated elements because Max um because pixel Bridge show give us exactly separated uh elements of the grass I put them together I make them smaller because by default they are something like one meter high I don't want to work with one meter High Grass I I made it much smaller something like 10 times smaller uh and I uh copy them a few times and I made this simple object all other things absolutely uh similar absolutely by default so this is the leaves I want to share with you how this leaves was made in uh that's a try for sleeves I will show you the link this is these leaves you have this link in the description below uh please try to download it uh I was take some big uh maybe not so big like one meter per one meter that's not so important to be honest um and I put there absolutely new Shader I will put it here just to explain how to made it without my help no worries uh Legacy that's cool uh opacity here General Vietnam uh Moon Max textures of course I put everything into one folder I download um hi Alpha and Albedo Albedo yeah so that's only um only three taxes I have here uh and so that's everything you really need for this I add here uh some amount of uh polygons converted to edible poly uh put some UV mapping without any changes so just like this I can go back to the editable poly vertex as you can see if I will modify move this vertex the texture will goes together with it so I should push this button and in this case I should push this button come on I will do this one more time yeah I don't know why it doesn't work first time so that's not so important this button means uh apply all next modifiers and I will move just these polygons to have a possibility to detach all these uh polygons uh to a separate geometry so that's absolutely simple idea something like this I will make a few to just just explain you what's going on here what I made to get these effect I had yeah so something like this I will not continue because with all additional leaves you will make absolutely the same uh I converted to editable poly and just detach these elements into separated okay detach detach detach and with all other leaves the same only one thing you should note before because we will copy it with uh Forest Park so you should have um uh individual position of the pivot Pivot Point yeah so affect Pivot Point only and Center to objects so in this case you will have separated elements when with their own um uh Pilot Point position and of course their own uh displacement but let's talk about this little bit later so that's clear so we know oh one more important thing because I will work with already ready geometry so um this is popular with the original model with leaves because most of models uh you can fire it online that these models will be with leaves how to delete these sleeves because this is Autumn we don't need any leaves we need to see a lot of branches but without leaves almost at all yeah so how to make it uh I will go to the uh original geometry I will select uh some leave geometry and I will see that uh selected geometry have um has um some ID for example trunk in most cases uh have first ID branches or a small uh small I don't know I forget the name of it but never mind we are not about language uh number five uh this is number eight nine so I will select all okay all the geometry nines geometry uh all geometry with ID number nine and I will just delete it without any additional work without any afraid of it uh uh without anything yeah so that's cool uh I will go next element select another I should wait a little bit I think uh go to material and apply opacity yeah that's a cool idea too but unfortunately a positive rule renders will render so render will take some time so uh that's not so cool because opacity will render much longer than no geometry yeah so that's not the same uh well I don't know why it is so difficult I I think I modify it somehow okay I will show you the same uh way to work with the geometry on the bus example yeah so yeah it's better to delete that's true so for example this uh with bushes absolutely the same because I have to delete them so this is just uploaded this is even this is just mesh so I will convert it to editable poly uh uh I will select leaves where uh where is my [Music] so that's cool oh yeah I will select them and I will push delete bottom and I will delete them at all uh unfortunately there is not only six ID we have so seven two so I will select ID number seven two and delete it and I will delete these flowers with uh ID number five uh and I will I think that will be enough yeah so uh that will looks really cool absolutely free so my geometry will be lighter I will have no additional uh geometry I will have no additional textures so my scene will be lighter my render will be faster everything will be cooler because I'm I don't know because I'm doing right uh okay so uh let's go to the clean absolutely clean scene no any preset nothing more uh just everything by default uh this is Corona render uh Corona uh I will select a material it's their Corona too okay I will change a little bit my viewpoints I want to work with that one I will uh I will I will I will I will I will change uh proportion of the render because it is it should be square I don't like square but okay that's cool first part give here perspective here that's cool I will put uh my geometry uh geometry of the house is here oh Bing win laughing that's cool never so love in between uh so that's my uh how geometry I think everything cool everything clear and first of all I will create additional plane I will um add all my geometry grass and trees and all additional geometry to this one to this to this plane yeah that's cool uh I will use minus 20. it probably actually 200 because uh because two because zero level for me always uh it is where the um zero level of the floor of the house it is easier to work with models uh when I will start to set up my scene so that's one of the really important things uh working with this I think I will put some I will create one uh basic Shader that will be basic okay material Corona Legacy uh it will be darker a little bit like 90 80 60 17 something like this that will be enough uh please do not use 100 on it because it is a little bit not great it is a little bit more wide uh gray material it is somewhere in the in the middle between uh zero and one uh 80 180 180 but our geometry it is dark geometry because wood it is dark something dark grass it is something dark if you will compare uh for example grass leaf with something black and with something white and this is rated uh you will get you will understand you will feel that uh it is not in the middle it is closer to the black tones so that that's why we should try to work with the value number 70 60 not more than 80 I think so 70 will be okay uh level that one uh White reflection color somewhere in the middle that's not so important for us and glossiness level 0.5 for exteriors that's really important because for interiors it will be higher uh layer okay let's go to MTL I don't use it in most cases I uh rebuild real shaders in Real Models but in today just for you just for us I will do that it is a little bit more comfortable for you as yeah as I understand I will put here some camera I will go to the camera here um okay I will try to find the position of the camera that looks really cool I want to make it a little bit more I think wider I will use exactly focal length with millimeters uh 25 20 maybe something like this I don't want to make it higher too high maybe uh foreign exactly like this yeah yeah that's cool I will put it into the center uh camera that's usual movements nothing difficult camera clipping not not clipping yeah a little bit higher yeah high of the camera I want to make it like one meter not more than one meter yeah I think that would be really cool camera Target a little bit higher yeah something like this okay camera Target a little bit to left a little bit yeah just to place it a little bit more comfortable into the frame uh so that's cool yeah I will create the Sun and I will put it uh somewhere here oh so I think that's looks cool let's uh push this button to make the render only from this window uh that will be my perspective so I will work in this Frame buffer but I will render always this Frame buffer I think that's cool uh render okay first of all I will just try to find the nice position of the of the Sun of course I will modify it later if I will need it something like this that's just a starting point nothing more uh I will make exposure lower that's cool too and I will create a Corona Sky environment here is really important thing I will use intensity higher and in this case I will go uh deeper into the exposure I will explain you why a little bit later uh let's try to add here my geometry of the oh what's going on here oh that's my that's much more comfortable um capital I will put geometry with grass leaves bushes trees and small trees into my scene that will make myocena's a little bit lower it is possible to do that scene use Coronas cutter no I in most cases you know I'm you should understand I'm not just a teacher of course I'm trying to teach teaching a little bit but I'm an architect and I work with different render systems uh that's why I worked with Forest Park because because I work with a different render system and I show you uh not Corona settings I show you the real pipe my pipeline so that's a little bit that's why I show you first pack because I think that's much better than um uh um everything else uh okay I already delete the leaves from that popular tree we have no any leaves here and also I will delete that one because I don't need it at all this is just one popular three so guys one more time all the links below and please share this link with your friends that's really important for us please try to do that for us uh because we're trying we're working exactly for you uh Forest Park push it here camera clipping no and almost never uh geometry I will add only this popular um yes okay why not uh I will go to transform this checkbox this checkbox and this checkbox okay almost like I need of course not uh uh I will make it bigger of course I want to delete all the trees here so I will go to the areas first of all I will add some painting area and I will paint some new area of course it will be much bigger like uh brush should be my much bigger 5 50 uh thousand millimeters so 50 meters oh uh exclude of course uh and I will exclude them somewhere here so that's my starting point I'm not sure that will be final but I already don't see any bubblers here so um hey I will make this like that okay let's let's try to to check because uh threes and exactly Big Trees it is most important uh elements for our shadows and that is really important thing okay that's already looks really cool let's handle our Workshop let's go home uh of course not I'm joking uh my popular should look should be bigger like one 16. maybe minimum size 120 yup that's cool and they should grow not so often uh I will go to distribution units yeah I want to have some distance between them maybe they are a little bit too too big or maybe my camera should be wider I'm not sure about it now looks really cool looks really cool looks really cool but anyway I want to modify them so I will show you how to do that for example I like everything I see for example I I don't to be honest right now but um I will show you how to modify the density manually of this uh of the forest because it is important for a composition item editor custom edit are you sure yes and push this small button uh and then you can put you can move all of these trees and put them in the positions where you when you or you really need them a little bit too close to us of course here was a little bit too much in my opinion it is uh we can just delete them if you feel like that's too close or too much or you don't need these three in this position at all yeah I want to put it uh to get it closer here okay uh I want to have some accent here so I will move a little bit to the left and I will do the same with this three to make them to put them together and maybe a little bit more I want to no I I want to oh yeah I understand transform I will make uh yeah like that one a little bit more vertical that's much better in my opinion but the right side is too dark so uh and it is dark because a lot of Shadows here because a lot of and other populars here so I can delete some uh part of them to yeah to get lighter feel in there and this is a little bit about composition this is not exactly about uh modeling this is more about scene setup because light and Shadow this is part of um exactly can work with composition because composition this is not only camera position and position of the object in the frame composition this is uh object in the frame plus light and Shadow composition because with light and Shadow composition you can change point of attention uh and color composition I don't talk about shaders and textures I talk about exactly color so like a general color of the object is it brown is it red is it green is it blue never mind yeah so uh right now I I I think that's I think everything cool I will make it a little bit smaller because it is too big in the in the center of the frame yeah that that's better and of course here we have a little bit too much of uh Shadows of course I like the shadows in the in the foreground but that's too much oh one more thing I want to make my sound a little bit sharper so I will make size like 0.3 something like this maybe not a little bit a lot of sharper much sharper foreign guys I will answer all your questions in the end of the workshop so please hold your question till the end because I unfortunately uh I want to pay attention exactly to my scene I see your question but please give me a possibility to work a little bit uh okay distribution uh item editor yeah one more time uh position of the trees and I will continue removing trees here I want to be careful with no as you can see it is that's really important work so we should do it exactly carefully oh that's really cool I want to get a little bit lighter thank you guys I see you uh post some something on Instagram uh and please continue doing that because it is really important yeah I want to clean this part of the picture I can do it like that one but I I won't I I I know how to add Shadows here I want to this is not only these three oh my God excuse me guys that was terrible what about the house model to be honest I can share with you this house model too because nothing secret here but I created by my own in a I don't know 10 minutes just a box and extrude a few times yeah that's exactly what I need uh I like these Shadows here but I um it is not enough of Shadows over there so I will try to place some tree to get some Shadows exactly here yeah I think that's maybe I will root it to make it more dense yeah something like this I I guess that's really cool looking everything and uh the next step is to this is not final version of the lighting but the secret will be in the future so please wait uh oh please wait this moment uh and one additional thing I already show you how to delete leaves from the bushes but unfortunately I should do it here one more time so uh it will takes some small time uh select ID delete them uh what is Select ID delete them select ID delete them okay that's I think that's cool I will add just one Shader to all these geometry everything will be cool uh I can delete this small something because I I don't need them too but maybe just small digitalization that's not bad and here the same uh with this bush the same two select ID delete uh select ID where are you oh okay I will detach because I want to have some small amount of the leaves uh because I saw some Greenery on the bushes but not enough not not too much uh so I will apply material by element random distribution number for example six uh so I will make six times less number of leaves I will select any of the IDS right now for example first one so this is just one of uh the parts detach okay and I will delete all these geometries so this is uh amount of leaves I can use I will use in my bush yeah so that's really cool it's cool and simple uh I will attach uh I will apply only ID number nine because it was exactly leave and I will attach the the sleeve to the plant I think and I can convert it to the blue poly touch that's cool so that's oh that's everything I need and I will work with a with this geometry for a spark apply it here camera clip in no and almost never um geometry selected by at least okay okay um let's go to the transform enable enable and enable that's cool I will go to a area and I will turn off this area because I will paint them uh only in in the places where I need them not everywhere because I I don't need so high amount of bushes but this area will be really big like like that one because I don't want to have a visible Horizon yeah that's really cool everything ready and of course I will clean some territory around the house yeah that's I I think that's cool too uh I will change display type to proxy Cloud yeah that's that's better I think uh I think I will add some area and okay smaller like mm-hmm [Music] okay let's am I am I yeah everything cool uh let's check okay uh as you can see uh I'm not sure I want to have so high steams yeah these trunks so I will put them a little bit lower like minus I don't know minus three minus three maybe more minus 10 no maybe they will have different high but yeah that's a little bit more natural I think that looks really cool and as I told you we have uh the the trees grows pretty often so we don't need to have um an uh medium size of the trees because in my original scene I had it but right now I don't see a real need for this uh I can show you something there was do you see this uh dark blue and light blue trees so light blue trees was exactly to hide the Horizon but right now I didn't have this problem so uh that's why I will not use it link to the um link to the middle size trees you already have uh also have in the description and all the links you have in the description so that's looks already cool I will add the grass and then I will go to the uh to finish my lighting a grass how to make the grass I already told that uh this is grass from the uh the little Mega scans I upload it to my scene uh scale it because they are too big and put attach them together to make some piece of the grass okay I will create new view grass I will take this texture I will apply this texture to this geometry it is a little bit oh maybe not not this this one yeah uh okay that's easiest way to copy it to another view okay and I will apply the opacity to another opacity oh that's this place excuse me for that of course because opacity really important for the grass because I will see all the it will be or white or much more narrow I mean every leaf on the grass so um that's why I'm fighting with that okay I already applied so I can exclude this geometry from the gray material yeah uh let's go to this geometry I have storm um excuse me Forest Park camera clipping uh no but in this case I can use camera clipping but I I don't want uh all these geometry um for example yes uh of course I will use another distribution type I will use exactly full now here everything cool so let's go there and I will I will just uh set up my uh grass only one goal oh it should be much smaller I think like 40 and 45. maybe a little bit 45 15. yeah that's cool and of course distribution uh should be I will put here some numbers because it will be longer like 20. for example 20 I don't know maybe I know but I don't remember which numbers I used before hey yeah and of course right now I use two big area for this uh geometry so I will uh turn off it here and I will use just paint area around my house unfortunately not my house around this house okay sounds like here a little bit between uh bushes but not too deep because I will not see it yeah and that will be much easier to render for my computer much faster everything yeah after backup in progress so I will wait it a little bit please faster yep that's cool uh I will select the grass in the ground uh and uh let's check it one more time okay so the better if I will name the these forests because if uh it is too much of it okay uh the same here but a little bit later uh maybe 12. I I want to avoid this uh holes but that looks really cool no any problems let's check how all my frame looks with um I think everything looks really cool nothing difficult uh so let's go next to them to the to finish our lighting because we should have some really cool clouds on the on the background so how to make it because we already have lighting from the corona sky uh we already stop it so I will open Renaissance top where is it is somewhere here uh okay I will use directly visible overwrite here I will put the just simple Chrono bitmap with the hdri map you can find the link in the description where how do you think about it um where's my oh here you are yeah uh as as usual Azure I'm uploading a little bit slower than we want okay that's cool um I will put it okay not to the Cross but to the basic okay uh so let's start rendering foreign so how we can make it lighter with the these uh output amount that's really useful tool for us um for exactly for this case uh I will roll it a little bit because I want to get some clouds for example like that that's looks really cool I think uh in the uh original frame I forget how I yeah I I made much a little bit more clouds but to be honest I like these clouds too so uh we can we can deal with that uh only one tool I want to share with you right now for example if you want to wrote your um like mirror your hdri map what exactly you can do you because I I made exactly these so you should use minus one tiling and that will roll your hdri map in a different direction so maybe that will help you just remember this for your future projects uh 70 50 I don't remember where I take the uh camera angle no that's not enough 120 something like that kind of looks really cool too yeah that will be better with bigger amount of clouds 40 a little bit darker because it is that's looks really cool really cool I am absolutely happy with that and we can start working with shaders but in most cases when we start working with shaders we think about shaders but that's a little bit not true because we before we will work with shaders uh we should create basic uh basic shaders or color correction or color composition you can name it as you want but the fact will be the same I will name it basic headers and I will uh modify my geometry a little bit for what to catch the general feeling because with the shaders it is a little bit difficult it can be really difficult to uh to catch it sometimes uh so I will uh I will no of course I will not use this geometry where is my render setup here you are I will copy it here foreign okay I will apply this geometry uh and right now I will apply this Shader to this geometry uh I will exclude it and of course first of all because this is Target of my frame so I will try to uh make it more uh more visible more attractive more uh I don't know I I want to see it in the frame it is really important for me so I will make it darker more color red something like that of course darker yeah I like that what I see right now that's really cool maybe a little bit more situated yeah okay on the second point of um uh importancy for me it is um uh gross but right now I see this popular uh for these Shadows is a little bit too strong I want to get uh not so strong Shadows here so I want to find it and maybe uh maybe not to remove but move it somewhere because it is a little bit too strong just run Shadows on the foreground um transform no item editor yeah this one uh I should start rendering one more time and I will remove it for from the foreground I think this is this item as I remember I will check without it maybe it will be enough I should wait a little bit too uh maybe better to find some position for these three to get some uh short Shadows like that one maybe with one long line but like this but to be honest I don't want to spend your time uh because right now we have something here and I think that maybe that will be okay I will move it a little bit deeper because without it not so funny foreign that's cool let's continue with the uh another cheaters I think I will make it a little bit darker and more situated because I want to have little bit higher amount of expression on the foreground uh on the on the mid ground in the middle of the frame maybe not so saturated yeah that's that's cool let's continue with uh uh grass where is my grass yeah uh it is here I will copy this uh oh I already have grass shaders so I can start with I I made it by my own I should remember that I will copy this color I will put it here it is not so necessary to copy the color of course but it is just faster to start with maybe not that's not so important and these colors generally should come be comparable with each other that's most important goal for them and uh they should feels like Autumn because right now they are too light and I don't like that um maybe lighter maybe more situated because it should be like fresh but Autumn I don't know how to explain that fresh in the frame I mean because right now it is not fresh of course I will work with post-production a little bit not a little bit but anyway if it is possible to make it right now better to make it right now because anyway even if you will work with um uh with uh um real matte painting better to have general feeling here in 3ds Max I feel like I want to make it lighter maybe a little bit more yellow I think yeah and of course translucency can be more yellow more saturated and a little bit more lighter then main color I mean yeah I will get more Autumn mood do you feel that too Red I want to make it more yellow they're more green excuse me and unfortunately with denoiser we got um like during time with time color a little bit changed so it is not so comfortable for me but anyway that looks really really cool exactly the exactly what I need uh later I will change the color of the ground but that's later because we want to work with something big and I want to be a little bit faster already so where is my where's my bushes that one I will take the Shader uh from this from this bush of course I will save it but uh uh I will start to work with a general feeling I will apply this Shader one more time because I copy it of course I will start rendering and of course I will add some one more time Autumn feeling maybe a little bit darker it should be like gradient from the ground green ground to the uh to the more or more Brown branches of the bushes and the moon absolutely Brown uh trees so I will stop it because I I don't understand oh because because I should exclude them a little bit darker I think maybe not so such rated I think might just read it foreign but I will remove part of this Greenery but anyway I want to find the color of the of everything like General color composition this is most artistic part of the work and this is Mo in my opinion uh after light and Shadow that's most important part of the work so I will make it much lighter much it red and a little bit yeah exactly on the translucency that's really important okay that's cool that's cool uh I will stop the render because okay a little bit later I I want to change the color of the trunks but a little bit later uh trees oh one additional letter I I hope you will forgive me okay I took the uh the Shader from the original geometry and I will apply some to be honest similar to this uh to that geometry I will take it here one more time oh I think I applied here I will go to the tree yeah that's cool uh and I will modify it here oh so let's start the render one more time important thing always pay attention to the uh color of the trees and color of the background it should be the three should be much darker in case if your uh desaturated Sky will be darker than your trees your visualization will looks not natural foreign and I should exclude it yum so I will push these bottom it will be to Green right now I understand that but I will modify it a little bit later okay right now it's too green of course and it should it should be lighter I think much lighter not so green it should be like more like red but this is exactly about general composition all the colors should looks cool together right now is over situated of course and over dark over too dark much darker than we really need oh the bushes change their color too so because I I should apply another I should copy it but I think I apply exactly a copy of the Shader foreign ER much more yellow not so saturated one more time it should be and of course yeah much darker yeah that's just starting point of course more rad yeah because we have generally we have just two colors here color of the trees I mean this red and this red they are the same colors and this green and this green they are the same too but it can be different shaders of course but color composition should be similar I I hope you understand my point yeah yeah that's that's really cool maybe a little bit lighter maybe right now it is a good time to add a little bit uh of contrast I know most of you like this contrast and most of you use it a lot and that's right but do not use it uh too early that's most important fact so uh to be honest our picture almost ready there is a few shaders uh left to create and we can go to the post-production so uh after a longer render of course uh but I made already rendered so um we don't need to wait a select for example first one yeah this is my I think I will copy this Shader and I will apply this Shader to these trunks maybe not only two first one maybe two third one oh okay foreign uh select ID I will apply this Shader to the trunks I will select so that was a second one what about first one oh I was broke something no everything cool or no I don't know what's going on but why the leaves first one two I detach it and I apply number nine so I broke it some in some moment I don't know where exactly but that's my fault but anyway um let's continue with that one let's check what we got in this case because I think maybe this trunk should be a little bit darker yeah right now as you can see it looks much better uh and yes the trunks should be darker but the same color a little bit more saturated yeah that will be that will looks much more a little bit lighter like 16. yeah that will be absolutely enough uh I I forgot about interior part of the architecture I will make it White I'm in just a few polygons yeah okay I will do it with a by by angle like that one would be enough uh basic I will copy this one too I will apply it here I think that will be enough uh that will be more sharper okay you know what I want to make some distance between these bushes and this wall to make the uh deeper uh like feeling like behind the house we have deeper space bigger space and that's why I will go to the uh second four rest and I will make it a little bit uh area where is my area yeah this one and I will just yeah like that one I think that will be enough uh so what's next next is the shaders uh nothing difficult with shaders at all but uh you should uh right now uh put the shaders into the same um uh into the same amount or level of tone mapping and color mapping which we already have this ready-made uh picture so um let's do that for example this is our trees that's absolutely simple to make it I will just copy this what is this this is ah this is my trunk okay so I will show you how I create them this trunk the trunk is darker than I really need I can show it to you but I hope you will believe me so I have to composite it with um I I have to mix it with uh uh with a original color this one so uh of course wait let's try to check maybe not because I'm not sure maybe in this case in my previous hand that was in this key there was two but right now maybe not I think it is not applied um yeah this is another so I'll put it here and check it one more time we should know that let's move a little bit closer to the original geometry and see and check the is it already yeah we already have the texture on it and to be honest it looks really cool so I don't need to add anything uh uh maybe I will put the same texture to the bump from this distance I will see now any difference what exactly the map on the bomb but I will uh I will have some information in the shadow it will be a little bit more detailed I I believe that will be enough um okay I will turn off this mode I don't need it anymore uh and I will do the same with it two additional shaders I think I don't need to work with more amount of shaders no I I think you know everything about this type of the work and I will make them ground darker in the original frame I put there um I'll I put their uh Shader from the Triforce concrete yeah this is this uh texture all links below all links Below on the ground I put this Shader you you can download it and put it here too but right now for me that's not so important because I I will not see it under the grass that's why I skipped this stage not because it is absolutely not important of course some little bit amount of color not exactly two color red but a little bit Brown like real life it will be more contrast but I'm part of the frame okay so next thing is oh that's really cool lighting here we got this lighting so I like this um next thing is to create Shader for the grass one more time I will use absolute Shader I already made and textures I take from the uh original geometry nothing difficult okay so I have the Shader I can delete it here and I will I can delete all the Shader to be honest this is Shader from previous um model so I can just use this uh textures maybe not rebuild it just um like that one okay as you can see my geometry become much colder so I want to add here color correction you know okay I will make it lighter maybe no it is too early for situation Advanced please yeah I will make it lighter here 1.6 yeah and I want to make it uh warmer like colder to Yellow not so grindler right like right now yeah like it was in the basic Shader no that's a little bit too much maybe not a little bit uh let's take minus 15 I think that will be enough mine maybe -10 no not enough minus 15. okay as you can see uh denoiser kill all the information about colors and that's not a little bit difficult to work that's why a little bit difficult to work with with it because when you work you have little bit more time it not means uh that you can you should spend much more time for this no but you can render do these test renders not in not like five seconds you can do them like uh 10 I don't know 30 seconds and you will understand it much better and you will get better results of course more sharper result but general feeling absolutely the same foreign maybe not so high maybe minus five and I will make it lighter I think yeah this color of yellow will looks cool too that's true uh so I will copy this one and I will apply it to the translucency color somewhere here and I will do the same a little bit lighter a little bit more saturated little bit warmer so uh minus uh minus for example 12 uh situation like plus 10 process something like this not too much and a little bit lighter like 1.6 light point eight light point nine foreign got some information in Shadows after uh some time unfortunately I will make it a little bit lighter okay so guys I believe that's absolutely clear about render and how to set up every all the stages I want to show you the post-production so let's uh uh maybe we will jump to this uh stage because right now uh this is my final picture this is picture for um 30 seconds uh render I think that's absolutely clear how to make this render I tried to show you so fast as I can everything that's why let's jump to the post-production stage uh I will open it please pay attention to the fact I save it with a hdr4 mod not PNG not gpac exactly HDR and I like this format not all the time this is not some killer Ultimate Weapon for something but just this is just uh just an idea how to how to work with the with that so let's uh work with the post production a little bit I want to show you some maybe not Secrets but uh things first of all I will duplicate it to get some additional layer then I will go to camera roll filter and I will work with the oh yeah one more important thing uh I really don't do not apply any uh oh what's going on I do not apply here any anything instead of you already saw no any lot no any uh secrets of the curves nothing that's true so don't be afraid of this um just I I just don't understand why it is become darker but anyway we can we can work with a for example levels I want to make it lighter for some places because I want to delete over Shadows somewhere for example somewhere here in the bush okay control I because um working with HDR uh picture do not supply fill in uh the white color uh and I will and yeah this is six thousand pixels uh render I will make it just softer it's most darkest parts of the pictures I will make a little bit softer because I want to here I don't want to get a lot of Shadows yeah just small thing here on the trunk better to make it yeah foreign that's cool okay let's duplicate it one more time I want to I'm a little bit not understand why it is but anyway I want to remove so high level of contrast here but I want all right a little bit don't understand why it is kill older contrast foreign looks like some preset here okay I will try to do it in a different way I will just remove contrast I know in usual situation we add contrast but right now I will remove it yeah like this uh or it's layers yeah this is just for uh for the grass on the foreground and I will apply here um gradient because I want to have uh these contrast everywhere but not on the foreground because my grass should should feel more natural like that one yeah that's cool but I want to have really dark shadows so I want to I will go to uh curve maybe curve maybe something else it is not so important and I will make some really dark shadows somewhere here like that one this is one of the secrets for you guys who staying with us till the end of this Workshop uh and yes I never work with um with the masks I know uh you can uh you can uh you can show me some benefits of the uh work with uh with the masks but I don't like it I like to paint because in this case I get more uh live uh feeling of everything I I will paint so that's a little bit exactly about about painting so just compare that grass and this grass yeah it is much more uh alive much more I don't know I like it much more of course uh I can make it I can work a little bit longer to get um maybe I can draw some Shadows where we don't have them yeah that's really cool uh one more time I want to make some parts of the trees a little bit lighter like that one one more time I I never tried to explain you some tricks I um I tried to explain you um thinking of the art artistic thinking and that's really important things um no to be honest it is not so difficult to create really cool pictures but you shouldn't you should know what exactly you should dis invent by your own but what exactly you shouldn't invent you you should just take ready uh idea how to work with this piece of something I want to make the three slider here and to be honest I want to add some contrast in the opposite side but exactly contrast like that one yes because uh left right part of the picture looks uh heavier than than left part and I try to uh with these two movements I'm trying to balance them I want to make this part lighter right part lighter left part heavier not darker but exactly heavier that's really important thing okay another thing in most cases I will create some short gradient here to just make um exactly bottom part of the picture a little bit darker to to delete some part of attention from uh from this side because I don't need it at all yeah do you feel that it starts looks a little bit more uh I don't know neutral acceptable I I I I don't know and I want to remind you that was this picture and this picture was looked not bad but just pay attention how much right now it looks much better and we don't do not add any difficult matte painting we just think about what the most important part of the frame uh I want I think I want to balance a little bit uh the house and we will finish no excuse me how to fix it where it was properties oh properties was there yeah okay like this one of course turn off and get a little bit lighter here and just this is not about painting this is about balance that was water that is terrible thanks God here is not my computer uh I mean my computer not there um okay I will fix it later I hope everything will be okay uh so guys that's all for uh main part of the lesson I'm absolutely happy with this picture uh I happy that I show you exactly this picture today so I hope you like this picture too please push the like button under this uh video and I will really happy for that uh one more time um I'm almost ready to answer your questions guys but before that I would like to share with you really important information about my own favorite the best in the world course about it professional architectural visualization so uh this time it is uh professional course professional visualization number 9.2 this course about architectural and interior visualization exactly for adult professional adult professional users yeah so guys who already work in this profession not for beginners uh in this course we will talk a lot about composition about coloristic about color composition about lighting about using different light uh sounds for example um overcast lighting night lighting of course daylighting ambient lighting uh with the additional light lighting night lighting everything because our course exactly about lighting and about light and Shadow composition about color composition about general composition and how to make really cool Final effect that's link uh for you uh for the Early Access this course starts in one month uh so 17 of April so today we start the two give you possibility to join this course if you will um apply this course today we will give you small but little bit pleasurable really pleasurable discount for you uh for this course and you will get a little bit better price but don't join us uh for the price join us to become much better artists that's what about uh that's render Camp about that's me we are ukrainians and we thought about that uh and but I I can tell you everything about this course and um I don't know why this works doesn't work maybe I can click some I will kill somebody maybe I will read review now that's absolutely terrible but never mind I can open uh my uh main screen of the of this workshop and I can show you the final words of the students just finish the the same similar course uh a few weeks ago so uh this is uh sultana's Works uh this is with London's works too uh Daniel uh Daniel's work uh I I I will not read all the names because it will be really long but this is Works made during this course uh exact not before course not after course exactly on the course so if you have not the same works in your portfolio right now please guys join this course uh we have reviews from all our students so please read them uh read it and you will be able to get the same level of visualization you I will work with you uh I will tell you all the secrets I know and I will try to share with you all information uh to make your visualization much better and much more professional your everyday visualization much better and much more professional that's really important thing because this is exactly about everyday work not how to work with a uh I don't know like only one picture in your portfolio that's about pipeline this is about everyday work but this is um what the greatest benefit of this course uh this is not prereq at that course this is live course exactly with me so I will give you every day my feedback about your work uh we will uh work three times uh per week um for absolutely different scenes I will show you all the possible mistakes exactly in your scenes because I will work exactly with your scenes not with pre-builded for me by me since no that will be exactly your scenes made by you and I will improve all exactly your scenes uh your situation your lighting your composition your colors your shaders everything so uh and of course you will get a lot of uh prerequisite lessons from the Rena Camp um about the lighting about cheaters about pipeline about about everything about everything in inside our profession so guys one more time if you ready to uh become a really cool professionals about architectural visualization and you already have some uh experience but you don't have this level of visualizations yet please apply now we will give you small discount for today this is not the greatest benefit for me but this is a really cool small benefit for you so uh think about it you have time till this evening till this uh till this midnight uh at the midnight unfortunately we will have no possibility to give you this uh uh this uh this this proposition yeah so I hope you like this picture all these pictures made in during last course not some of them just all these pictures made in during last course so uh hello from Colombia hello yeah I I saw a lot of people from all over the world so I'm really happy to see you there and join our community because rental Camp Community is really strong so um let's go to your uh questions guys I will try to uh uh move back and I will try to answer a few your questions let's spend for these 10 minutes and we will finish for today I know you have not not enough of time so uh let's do use Corona physical MTL or only Legacy uh uh to be honest I start to use Legacy but I don't uh feel the benefit of it because I I like sometimes to use it for example for metal for a display screen for some special uh tools for some special shaders but not for all cheaters in the world because to be honest I don't like preset I build a lot of um from the scratch because I can make much easier much better result uh then pre-build the cheaters but these physical shaders based on the pre-builded assets or pre-builded setup for example metal for example uh a lot of different preset I don't like this I know how the Shader you should looks like and sometimes Shader uh for example metal shaders should looks like plastic and I should be able to to to change it to make this that's really important for me so um uh that's why I sometimes no not sometimes in most cases I still use Legacy material but I uh try to uh try to take it to the uh I I to try to work with a physical material too uh what is the difference between translucency color and translucency fraction uh translucency fraction I will check what is this because I'm trying no all these names but uh you mean translucency yeah this one uh translucency color this is a color fraction this is a this number so uh this is multiplier of the exactly translucency so uh if you will put here sum up uh in the places where you have translucency lighter you will have higher amount of the translucency uh when you have darker parts of the picture of the texture you will have less amount of translucency translucency color this is exactly about color so I hope you understand that uh I I think I can show you that but maybe on some of Knox workshops or on the course uh because this is not too fast uh uh oh I'm not sure I know the uh I I I know this word because I just I will try to translate it to my to Ukrainian uh uh oh yeah thank you uh yeah I don't know what what do you mean but sounds really cool I'm happy uh regarding the sun intensity on three yes but I make my uh exposure lower what is the difference between translucent yeah I already answered why don't you disable denoise during interaction do do you find this feature kind of annoying no I don't think it is bad or annoying or so many uh bad word uh this I think it is it showed me just um um like concept of my future picture you know that and I like this so I don't think about details I feel the general emotion from my picture that's most important not sure if I miss but I think you didn't show how to do the dry leaves I make I show how to do that in the very beginning maybe 10th minute 12 minutes something like that looking amazing thank you draw attention to the center of the image great tip yes yes one of the cool tips hi amazing yeah hi amazing thank you how is your course different from the course from common Point guys oh you know I buy I bought the chords from the common Point guys and to be honest I I like my work to no forget about this I love my work really and I bought a lot of courses not only from common point and I uh I know all the guys for all the schools from this uh profession and I uh uh I buy I bought them their courses not all but uh I because I I like to uh learn some information too and they of course app absolutely different first of all they are of course prerequisite yeah so they don't give you feedback they work with only one scene okay maybe okay maybe not only one but uh see their pre-builded scene I work with your scene with your mistakes with your situations that's not the same I reckon every day during five weeks every day during five weeks feedback to your work to every stage for your work and that's not the same you know so that's that is the difference during their course uh yeah their course mating with one scene but different lighting Thai lighting Sams in our course we make different lighting Sams in the uh with the different scenes so I take every time every lesson I take absolutely unique situation and exactly your scene with your problems with your mistakes and I explain where is your mistake and I explain how to avoid this mistake how to fix this mistake and what exactly you should do uh to improve exactly this picture to make it much better like like in reference white core is so expensive uh I don't think it is expensive because uh most courses my most courses in the world more expensive than ours so excuse me for that hello for Colombia hello uh do you plan to make tutorial with architectural in urban environment sometimes in the course uh we have this scene sometimes depends on you uh this is first answer second answer it is um uh your goal because uh we had uh Urban environment a few months ago in v-ray so we had it you can you can check this Workshop a few months ago uh and in the future of course I will do this Workshop too I don't know when exactly but I will uh CG uh this course is the best for artistic approach or quiz much better than other courses uh uh ah this is answered to uh better than other courses that only teach that's a little bit true too I like common Point guys and I uh I I don't know them personally but we subscribe to each other on Instagram and I know that guys who know that guys and they know that guy who know me so we are from the same tier same environment um uh and that's true they a little bit more technically we are about art we are about how to think to create really cool picture they are about details about technical details uh we have the same technical details but our focus focus on of the attention exactly on the art that's not the same mm-hmm thanks and uh okay let's go next can you make a video showing how to make Forest Park present cheater work with how to make forward spark presets shaders work with app storm oh Forest Park preset worked with f storm so detailed um I I can but to be honest I don't want to show you things I don't use in my real life because um every month I can uh I can find a lot of new collections with new models I'm not sure I will create uh uh some libraries for shaders for Forest Park because in most cases that will be unique uh geometry with unique shaders I don't use some Library materials even for my projects from my uh from my scenes so I always try to find some unique something for this situation mm-hmm what do you uh why did you use Pure White sunlight this time as you usually do uh because this is a little bit different pipe different uh feeling of the of the picture I want to use bigger difference between Sun and sky and that's why I took exactly uh realistic sunlight but you can get a similar result with the with the color this is just a tool that's not so important uh or if you have a resource to make Forest Park work with f storm Shader no uh I you should know I always rebuild all shaders from all the geometry it it sounds like oh that's takes so much time but unfortunately no because uh in this case you will get much better result and from the first try you should understand that because um uh sometimes unfortunately I didn't save it but uh some um shaders for some assets uh Maiden with a different light I mean texture for shaders for for differentiators for different assets made in with a different light different exposure different color different everything and that's why they not comparing with each other uh do you know this phrase uh Daniel I download this model um why my what model doesn't looks like it looks in the preview exactly that's why I rebuild the shaders because the real uh real geometry with real shaders doesn't looks like on preview and um this model will not match with another model it will have different color different feeling different tone different everything so unfortunately and we and I explained that in my course too to be honest I explained this I don't explain it today but in most cases explain it too because it is really necessary and of course I always do that like for example today foreign how to place people in weather can you please make video about that uh yes we had a few workshops free workshops on the uh before with people you can check them uh and uh uh of course in the course we can do that if you want it depends on exactly on your situation hi I think your course is worth uh uh yeah every year because it's wonderful thank you sitlana yes I love your work and I uh happy to see you here again uh and I'm saying render camcords are the best 100 thank you so that's you you are the piece of my heart that's true Claudia because we have classes three times a week and we have uh classes 24 7 7 support that's a little bit not not true because we're sleeping sometimes of course but we try to yes hello Claudia one more time yeah I'm happy to see you here too of course 24 7R that's not true but uh really we answer uh in the in the chat uh till the late evening and from the early morning and that's true and of course at night we will answer slower and in the day we will answer faster that's clear classes you'll never find same anywhere a teacher who makes correction to this work on daily basis that's true the teaching Rob UE yes of course we have a special prerequisite lesson about it and if you have some special situation I will uh I will show you everything you need about Android because it is really important you should understand the course it is a lot of different um of course has a lot of different um I don't know how to explain uh possibilities possibilities to touch you for example this is our main lessons yeah so this is three times a week uh five weeks during five weeks we meet um and we work with a different uh scenes after every lesson we have of the party after party this is unlimited time to answering all questions and I can show you every um everything you want I can show you our uh for example uh this is our uh chart for this this course this is after party topic and uh people can UNS ask me everything uh in the after party topic and uh for example you you have some question right now exactly to me and you want me to answer this question alive to you face to face and you can record this question here and I will answer in the after party of course we have another chat and guys from the suburb and sometimes me I will answer you on the chat too of but in most cases guys from the support answer you much faster than me because I reckon uh some videos troubleshooting videos and all other things this is daily comments prerequisite daily comments and as you can see you have you will have uh these records of all these um meetings too uh troubleshooting if you have no possibility to create something you don't understand how to create Lighting in your situation uh we help you buy Awards we have pulled you by some support in the chat we show you some video we show you some examples you don't know how to do that how to do that you send me your scene and I will wreck a troubleshooting video uh for exactly your situation about your topic it can be about lighting about cheaters about everything you want yeah so in the end of this course you get really a lot of live information yeah recorded information and exactly for your situations that's really important because this is not about some rebuilded scenes this is exactly about your scene with your mistakes that's that's um coolest benefit of our course and of course a lot of um uh I don't know I here is no information okay no we don't start to feel it uh fill this block technical Basics some modeling some lighting some shaders iron some a little bit about animation a little bit about something else so that it is uh about everything we try to racket new lessons for example I understand we need some lesson about this one I will rack at this lesson uh and uh of course most of information exactly on the live uh on the life lessons but um if we understand this is regular question with regular topic we will answer I will answer because it is really necessary to Daniel are you doing a great work thanks uh thank you to you thank you to being with us that's cool the best place to get Inspire or reference the best place to get Inspire or get preference from oh excuse me guy uh that's not right question because um you know you should find really piece of gold everywhere uh Instagram Pinterest B hands uh art design contemporaries everywhere really you can find really cool stuff everywhere but you you will never find the Ultimate Weapon website uh with the the asks references in the world every time you will need to find something really cool but only one single picture of thousands of pictures so foreign nice work ukrainians uh as talented and they are brave well done guys yes we are and we try do our best thank you to uh uh to support us and and of course join our course you have the internet you have showrooms in real what is ADC oh that's you talking just with each other that's cool so guys use Daniel work for inspiration ADC yes guys so finally we finish for the day thank you guys that was really cool time with you I hope that I give you uh some really helpful information for today so um that's all for today uh we will save the records record of this Workshop so uh be in touch uh join our course till the midnight please guys remember till the midnight you will get this offer from us because after uh midnight unfortunately uh everything ends so that's all for today thank you guys see you bye thank you
Views: 22,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, visualization, vizualization, визуализация, render, rendering, 3ds max,, рендер кэмп, уроки 3ds max, 3d визуализация, обучение 3d max, 3d render, уроки по визуализации 3d max, render camp, 3ds max tutorial, autodesk 3ds max, 3d visualization, cgi, 3dsmax, 3ds max rendering, composition, 3d max, architecture visualization, Daniel nagaets, archvis, archviz education, architectural visualization, exterior visualization, fstorm render, fstorm, fstorm render 3ds max
Id: -T9WGbC4N7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 4sec (7864 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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