free sthil chainsaw rebuild

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all right on today's adventure it's kind of rainy out so I figured I'd do a little workbench work the last week a older gentleman in town and approached me and he had that John Deere tractor and he just he had a lawn service come and no longer using the tractor he just wanted to get rid of it and he knows I kind of play with him so he approached me and said you want that tractor I went over there and I said sure I do so he gave me that tractor we got a couple of work benches that went over to Brian's house and then we also while I was there he also gave me a chainsaw because you want this also and he kicks it out of a underneath one of the work benches and says it's it's got no time on it's probably used at about two hours and then he loaned it to his son-in-law and his son-in-law ringing wood fuel was in it and of course after doing that I ran it with straight fuel and it kind of wasted the top end on it so what's your kick out thank you feel scratches in the bore the cylinder the piston right there that's indication that that top man is just junk it's still you can still pull it over but I'm sure it doesn't often run very well so he dropped it off to one of the local places to kind of go get repaired and I think they told him was gonna be around 200 bucks or so he had it fixed and at that point he just bought him you saw so it just kind of sat there with the exhaust pieces off of it yeah his assessment so um again he bought a new saw and it just kind of gave this one away here's what we got for fuel inside there it looks Kamel try get the camera light to come on yeah you look down in there let me just have to take my word for it it is on a yellow side but there is no oil on it Uchitel so that burned up the top end and I looked up the saw and it's all is actually a very good saw probably you know 500 bucks is so new so I started looking for pop ins for it and then went on eBay and lo and behold delivered to my door it's a complete top in with piston rings cylinder upper bearing and I think see clips and all that was twenty dollars and fifty cents deliver to the house and reviews of the the top is actually we're quite good so we'll see how we're going to make out if you could take you over the journey it's probably the part number of it right there I'm sure it's made in China so anyway we're going to go start tearing this thing down and we'll see what's on the inside of it and see what it takes to get it up and running again alright so I didn't look it up or anything online how to tear it apart so I'm just going to kind of go for it and just start taking stuff off of it to make a smaller package I believe we have to get to those four bolts on the bottom of the crank case but just for ease and safety sake I'll take the bar off and just are taking some stuff off and try to get the plastics off of it and get a better idea what we're looking at and kind of make a assessment from there they already drained the gas out of it and there was much borrow oil that's saying it still so that may use out on us a little bit we'll use that for assembly I'll be back on it nice I've been whittling away take the pull start off the air cleaner the the handle and I try it this this upper plastic piece off and on the other side I could see that there was like a a rubber boot between the intake and the carburetor I took the two bolt off the car wear that I could pull that away it's not happening so I'm gonna see if I can kind of take that all in one unit so I took the pull start off and then there is just the banjo cleanup that's on the inside of there was a screw so that should make that a little easier to get apart and maybe that can all come apart is one assembly and so we go from there hardest part was getting these stupid things out these these plugs with barbs on you're trying to get two screwdrivers in there there and hold this off and flipping around while you're doing it they go on like these locations those locations other than that it's ready straightforward so I'm gonna go take that off of there and see if we can kind of get in a little closer all right getting that to pull away from that was no bargain I ended up to pull I had the bolts off the carburetor but I ended up home fuel line's off of it to try to give it room plug wire and it's got a boot with a clamp on it which the clamp is still on the inside there and then the other part was just trying to get the the kill switch wire enough lengthen that so it kind of pull away from it and go to the side so I got that pulled away and now I think I'm going to try getting this this cap off of the top right here I think if I can get this removed I might be able to get the splits a jug made the jug may pull straight up off the top but the hardest part was getting this large piece out of the way without destroying things and then also to turn around and get all these these fed back into where they need to go without being a total pain or destroying anything so I'm going to try going for that guy there and I'm sure there's probably something down in this corner right here too let's try that I think I mean I popped that guy off of there and I can kind of see the whole jug I won't lie it was a bit of a pain yes to try to get to I'm looking right now or what else is kind of held together I see there's a two wires going down and I see a screw going behind that flywheel you see the head of it when I'm talking about that's connected to the jug so that's going to have to come off so I'm thinking and this is an access hole magneto J do not see and take the magneto off to get to that to get that off of there because that's going to have to come off I believe and screwed into right there so the mags gotta come off and that might even make this assembly reasonably even easier again I'm just kind of winging it almost to the point where is going to go look it up on the computer and get an idea but so far we haven't broken anything so I'm going to continue on all right so I'm gonna get this Meg off of here and gifts also another will better look inside to that joke alright so take the nut off of it and then I got underneath it with a screwdriver on one corner and just like a brass rod right to center of it and you can live it up lay in the crank and that's all you're kind of hoping for you drive the center of it down without damaging it and popped off it's tapered fit now we can kind of see in there we see what we need to go replace that's the screw I got to get out and then I think after that point I could probably just separate the top half from the crank and cater parts you we got I'm gonna blow all this crap out of here first I don't get all the junk in the crack yeah a crankcase and then kind of go from there right bolt my coil back down just that stuff isn't slop around trying to figure out that this is the wire that was fighting me right here but that does not look like it goes to the motor so I don't think that was going to help me even if I did take this apart and took that off first so I figured instead of letting it flop all over the place I'd stick to the dogs and the vise and kind of support the saw when I take apart and when I flipped it over everything just kind of fell out of this one corner so I was able to get that finally the orange plastic out of my way so I finished blowing it out and then see if we can go take those four guys out and see if we can take the pop at the top of the motor off and see if the rest of it will stay in place let's see how that works out I have a feeling that's going to all end up flopping around - what - don't know t get there I got those four out of the bottom a couple of majors kind of sitting there holding in place I'm looking at the this side of it this is the that size I don't see any other bolt holes in there so I don't think anything is under the chain break is is kind of holding it so I think I'm just going to start kind of tapping on it with a brass rod and see if that crankcase will start to split for us all right well if we're going to go hit what a plastic hammer first and so you can kind of get it to pop and separate if not we'll move up to the big guns moving okay the crank stay still no wait I'll show you on the inside a joke yeah that's pretty scored see that okay that ring is stuck in the groove I won't even move on that set poppies that was - oh yeah it's just totally embedded in there so bottom n feels good though and the bearings feel fine so I should be okay so see you about - getting that little piston off of there and then make sure it's to see if it's directional first if there's anything else says this end up has an arrow or anything on it doesn't look like it though let me get that guy off of there and it kind of will open up the other package we'll see how that stuff looks alright so they opened up this little package here with the pieces in to have everything kind of tucked up inside the jug so I think the pieces out and then also got the new piston and you can see it has an arrow on it and generally they are directional and what I did was you can see the em the the detent or the stops for the springs for the yet rings so they don't rotate and they happen to be on the intake side of this piston so I'm going to say that arrow points to the exhaust and give us a direction of which way that piston goes I go one side the clip out of it nice beefy small screwdriver is able to rip that out of there but it looks like it might be pressed and I try pushing on it it's not floating in there or it might be just because it overheated that it locked itself in there so I meant to take this whole assembly kind of laid outside set that on a socket and tap it with a that brass rod or something from the other side to get that out of there and I may have to do the same to reassemble it too but I'll see how that that's the my next goal to get that out of there I see you can drive that piss now there just got a punch in the top side I'm kind of just lifting up on the piston a little bit right there but the death of it was bringing that back that's for sure all right well going to go clean that up I think I need to go pick up some I don't think I have any that color RTV to reseal it all right looks fine put down go clean that up so I could seal to get it all back together again and that's like I take a little ride to the store and I get some red RTV yeah so here's where I am I cleaned up that surface down there at you with scotch brite and brake cleaner and then assemble the new piston on it and I put a hose clamp across the top of it to act as a ring compressor because you have to know there's no cylinder head on it yet piston goes in from the bottom so the jug is um got some oil rubbed on the inside and then I hit will hit this on the wire wheel and then put some red are high tamp RTV on there so now the next part is to get that on there so we're going to see about trying to assemble this guy and I'll pop the camera down here on the sides he'll be makeout goodness plastic camera the hardest part is getting the rings to get over the gap but on the edge here they do have a bit of a taper that kind of helps it get started - the only problem is it's so far up in there you can't see what the Rings are doing in the clamp are doing so we'll see how this kind of goes together other part of it is 2 is the seals fairly important if the crank leak settle on a two-stroke it uses the bottom half of the engine so when the piston goes dama when the piston goes up it sucks fuel in from the carburetor yeah fuel in from the carb the charge of that air fuel mixture goes on the bottom of the engine underneath the piston down in here the oil part of it that you're mixing in the premix kind of sticks to the the crank and the rod bearings and kind of lubricates the bottom end and then eventually goes through the exhaust - but it keeps the that's how that's what the oil is for to help lubricate that part of it and the back side of the cylinder walls right here that mist is kind of just spread around down there then the piston go when it goes back down again it takes that charge and pushes it around the sides and you can see see the veins on the side here I'm not looking at that so on here there's veins fleshlight there's bean see those veins and what that does is allow right there the the charge to kind of go around the cylinder back to the top end and compress and fire again so that's the idea of it and that's how it lubricates it anyway let's even go get this sucker on there see if this hose clamp is going to cause me issues or not I have a feeling now that I'm looking at it it is hmm just try to working with the fingers I can shut you off for a second week they clean it back off and then you go from there what I really should have done was left at risk pin out started the piston it's a cylinder and then put it together if I'm thinking about it but sometimes you just the other problem it's a pain too is it's got some I got to pop that off of there that's the way I'm going to have to do it there's um there's pins that hold the ring in certain spot and it's walking around though so I got to get back apart this is where I am I took a ended wiping the ceiling back off of it because it was making more of a mess trying to get over it so we put that back on but what I got going now is I kind of worked the rings in you can see how far down they are inside there so it would have been normally for the flat surface like this is where you're putting the jug into you could have that that hose clamp just slide right up off of it and the Rings get pushed down again do the clamp you take it out of your way fortunately it's not really able to do that on this one should I sell some kind of specialty tool a little bit so I got the pin in there supporting it right now it's just down far enough for the Rings not to pop out so it's going to be a bit tedious to try to get that sucker in there down without the Rings falling out of it and then I still have to get the clip on this side but has to be done so yeah we're going to do our best on that I'm going to go well swap and put the saw back in the vise again and then try moving the jug on top of it alright we're going to plop you up here and show you showing me how to struggle with this to get it back together might block your view so skip help the hard part's going to get my clip on there without that proofing this sucker out of them soon as I find it they're just still in the pliers it doesn't go very well it just is really going to suck get you a better it has kind of like this half tensioner in the center of it it's going to watch crusty room you know that sound oh you almost just screw yourself yeah this kind like a cutaway in the groove two of the piston if I think if you get it in there yeah can I make sure that things all the way into because if that pops out I'll just trash everything you just got done doing they want to make sure that they're seated really well so now now I'm going to go reseal that crank case up and put it back together oh yeah also was able to get this seal lifted up so I put some underneath it and receded back over the other side still in the retainer on that side I'm sure could have taken it all apart but it I am NOT going to yeah yeah how fans do me all right so let me get some sealant on that and push that sucker back together and hopefully I put it on the right direction yes I did and start reassembling this thing a little backpedaling and when I was trying to reassemble this and find in different ways what do you end up doing there's like a inner white housing so that has to go on before the orange piece you can kind of see it all tucked up inside the upper level and the biggest problem is trying to get that rubber clamped back on that hose I was trying to push the whole same thing down get it tightened up on there and it wasn't happening so I wasn't able to pull the carburetor back and then I removed this ring right here and you know this one's just kind of floating on the outside but this ring on the inside and it allowed the rubber boot to collapse and get it down through the hole and then vice versa when I put it back on after all this white cover was put back in place so uh so now I'm just in the pattern the process of reassembling the carburetor and all the hoses to it again if I you know the first one takes you three times as long as they do the next one now I know everything comes apart it's actually yeah Fillie pretty decent job is just that everything's very tightly packed in there so to speak so I'm gonna eat the car back on there it's the linkage back on there and put all back together and we'll put some fuel in it so it seemed to fire up all right I got all back together got some gas and if I have to work the gas through a little bit I would think and what and may have flooded their plugs that put a bunch of assembly when I put it together I'm going to pop the plug out of it the plugs dry I'm going to dribble a little bit of fuel down and see if that gets the kid or maybe not I would say it's just flooded looking judging by that carbs got a lot of fuel around it so I'm going to try it a little up off idle I'm going to go pull that plug and dry that out and you know that's got all Oh Oh Oh you know let's say that's a success I think the air cleaner has a little too much oil and it was hesitant to flood too so I'm gonna clean up a little bit and it's pretty much it she should be a goer I'm gonna let it probably run and shut it off and kind of break it in a couple of shots you know enemy let it run for five minutes shut it off cool down and just the everything kind of polished up on the inside let's get it all back together I had to chain a little too tight you have to loosen that up and that's pretty much it just let her run for I've been running for about five minutes I turn the idle up a little bit yeah I got my turn it back down after it breaks him a little but this seems good everything runs fine it's not noisy ready rpm down a little bit for now but again I'm going to cycle it a few more time but that it's good to go and rage with Thompson would so four way dollars and fifty cents and the play at about two hours playing with it it ended up being a good deal if I had to go do it again I can probably do it in about about 45 minutes maybe to watch and comment subscribe anybody watching it to hope kind of helps you out if your foot point of them together it's the worst part it's just everything is very small and take together other than that good job take one
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 332,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, sthil, farm boss, repair, piston, engine, blown, diy, how to, Do It Yourself (Hobby), Start, Gas, Chainsaw (Product Category), Gasoline (Fuel)
Id: NdB79eRfWqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2015
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