FREE Snapper Snowblower Found In Ditch Will it Run?

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on the way to the shop this morning guy hooked his peepers onto the snowblower in the ditch with a free sign on it along with some tomatoes of course i grabbed them right away knocked on the door and it is for free so i thought i don't have a snowstorm or 300 for the shop yet could be handy after all old man winter just snuck right in on a guy i've already got snow out here great she said it doesn't run and hasn't run and who knows how long so today i'm gonna see if i get it fired up see if it works that'd be nice and of course we'll just scoot her outside and go test on the thing [Applause] [Music] i just never done a small machine like this on the channel before i'm fairly confused not quite sure what to do with my hands i mean do you do we mean do we walk around this thing too i don't know there's no trunk i'm not quite sure where to start on it to be honest but she's got chains so everything's gonna be fine i don't know about you fellers but i was lucky enough to go to an actual shop class in school and i think that started in sixth grade they let us rip into a little briggs and stratton and that gave me confidence to rebuild my dirt bikes and enduros and stuff like that it's just a crying shame they're getting rid of those classes i just can't believe it anyway i digress it's gonna be four of three things spark fuel compression basic four stroke well we'll give her a gander i'm not a snow blower condo sewer but we'll look at the obvious stuff she's a snaper interstate 524 model no idea what that means i'm going to guess 5 horsepower 24 inches probably wrong i'm sure i am she's got a kamsa and that's made in the u.s guarantee it and it looks like a five maybe three probably four i'm gonna go back to five horsepower she's got chains like i was saying that's pretty handy i think i'm down tire though that's okay we'll bring her up with some oh she's got electronic start all be dipped i wonder if that works i think you just plug cord on her and give her here's the starter there that looks pretty good i'm noticing this that looks like a some sort of homemade oil drain something that an old feller would do i'm gonna go with this is probably an old-timer's rig let's take a look at the auger this looks fairly fine it doesn't look like it was ran through a stubble field and i'm gonna guess that it was probably used on a very smooth surface you can see how flat the blade is there usually if these are run down then you got like a gravel driveway or a bunch of big cracks and stuff like that so the chains and this being flat probably spend its time in a one of them residential unit houses you know what i mean we got four gears oh she's even got rev on her that's nice she'll come back for you traction clutch sure that seems to be doing something blower clutch activation sure shoot control this works she's a little choppy got some sort of yeah we'll fix that up with some duct tape maybe bale and twine but i mean it's all there it's all complete oh look at that so right away we got a loose sparkle later miles will just pull it out take a look sure okay and does roll over so i mean i think it's got everything we we need to see if this thing fires off i might throw her up on a table or something guy's back is just already mad at me and i haven't even done anything i don't know what's this way it's probably 300 pounds something like that they just scoot her up on here real quick [Music] guys just been leaning on this drinking it up there's quite a bit of good going on she's got a plastic fuel tank that's nice we could drain that really easy clean it up it's got the ignition key which is just a funny plastic looking stick there's a normally open switch down here when you remove that it closes that switch to ground same thing happens when you drop throttle there's a little spade down there that makes contact with the throttle lever shuts off the lightning to the unit basically see what we got she's got oil in it it's not bad actually it's low but we'll just leave that be might just put a shot in it but i'm also seeing there's a bunch of screws missing over here on the carburetor cover so there's definitely something going on with the fuel making happener which is almost always the case with these not very typically you lose compression it's going to be spark or fuel but maybe we could start with compression and kind of just work our way down the list here do i even have my tester of course i do i do have a compression tester here we're gonna throw on and just bring all the science into here but for the most part fellers just put your finger over it feel for wind got it plug it all the way up with your finger make sure you get a good push pull got both she's gonna be fine bring that piston all the way to the top like that you shine a light down there you can also see what kind of carbon buildup you got i'm going to sneak you in here see if we can hook our peepers on anything from what i'm seeing it needs an italian tune up pretty good she's pretty carved up so what you're seeing right there not this little lip but on the top side is actually the carbon buildup on the piston i'll bring her up and around here see it moving so she's pretty carboned up but we can clean that up with some berryman's or something like that and here's those screws or something there we're missing so i think we're gonna dig into this next get this out of the way and then we'll test for spark and then we'll get into the fuel make it happener i almost forgot to do the diagramical engineering already throw this here whirly hoes on hook up our gauge and see how many eagles she's got in there okay i better crank it on this side [Music] we are looking at about 80 pounds which is more than enough i'm very pleased with that are you yes yes i am by the by i'm guessing this is a late 90s unit maybe even mid 90s i don't know if you're one of them snaper experts go ahead and bleep bloop that down there in the comments just kind of curious how old this gal is she's got some age on her because the old selectomatics over here basically just plastic powder gonna have to be really careful easing these off where did my pliers there it is easy yes okay well that one's off that's good easier than that last one okay sure yeah yep there we go like i need to work on my small engine noise it's just not up to par well the old cut off switch she's been tinkered on she's in full send mode that's fine i'm gonna leave that the fuel make it happener's making it happen throttle's not stuck the choke that's choking she is pretty dirty though i'm willing to bet that the needle and seats are all gummed up but there's a bunch of junk in there so we're gonna take this off and see what we got going on in there this old hot rod's got primer bulb on her you know if you want to test this there's two really easy ways to do that you can just press it pinch the hose off with your finger it shall stay depressed just like that if it works or depress the hose hit the button should have a lot of resistance there which it does so that's good this could be a pain to start without the primer bulb working and this one is good to go i'm going to tell you something right now for being made in the good usa bay i'm not impressed with how many bruce lee bolts there is on this thing also i wonder what shania twain's doing today i wonder if i could have found a bigger screwdriver no probably not wow get off of there yeah well the old fuel lines just she's stuck on here help me understand okay all right no that's bending down that back maybe i don't know this is just well that was relatively easy to do get this bowl off see what we got she was fighting on me i had to work her back and forth a little bit but it did come around oh yeah well i think i found the problem this is most definitely the no run issue it's just full of junk and even the float pen is rusted in here the needle's moving but it's still not going to run with the fuel make it happen or looking like this so we've got a couple options if anna fellers on a real tight budget you just polish this up here with your toothbrush and really clean her up see if you get everything moving put her back together it'll run maybe a little bit rough i spent 18 bucks brought in this stuff here this is straight from tecumseh they're made in texas did you know that i didn't anyway got a new bowl needle seat gasket floatalyzer or you could spend twenty dollars and just get a whole new unit this one isn't exact but she'd bolt on there and it has the same fuel provision on this side so this will work chokes different but those are kind of your different options all of them are relatively affordable i'm definitely not going to do that option i'm going to try to just clean her up blast in a couple new parts and throw her back on i got a majority of this stuff off and i got to try to work this pin out of here i cleaned this tray up believe it or not before i started because i just wanted to see what she was going to look like and you can see all that fine sediment dirt rust in there i'm not even close to done yet i mean this thing was dirtier than noah cyrus on cmt well guys got issues broke casting trying to get this float pin out she was stuck to it looks like this was busted already if you look up here that's an old break and then this one here is the one i just did so it was barely hanging on what is this a tang i don't know this one's not far from it so this fuel make it happener's junk which means we need to move on with this boom tang low main one chokes a little bit different doesn't have a primer input but that's probably going to be okay because the fuel tank is higher we should be able to gravity feed this bowl pretty good but this is the same as this that's the main thing is our fuel inlet just cap that off so we'll put this one on see if we can make it happen i guess i can at least use that gasket maybe probably i don't know before i put this back on i think the guy is going to replace this fuel line i mean this thing is harder than ric flair's bicep there's just no give in it and putting it back on is going to be tough and the chances of it leaking are about a hundred and four point three percent just gotta snip these two bolts off up here and then i also notice she's got a fancy little on off valve down here she's even been painted someone really loved on this old gal oh look at that kink right there i'll be dipped something else to fix it sure ain't sneaking out like i thought it would take this off first maybe okay now [Music] wow there's just [Music] okay i did go on ahead and discover another issue right now i did and i'll show you that so this part here went up to the tank later and then this part snuck around the head over to the fuel make it happener but when i bent this back look at that this isn't supposed to be here guys adhd kicked in squirreled off hung up another sign it's too low not gonna fix it replace the fuel line here the guys just i'm not sparing any expense took the pit off ran her through the cheek poker clean that up and i even took the tank sat her on the parts washer and just brush her down this is i'm getting serious here this is a full restoration i believe at this point this fuel line took me about 17 days to get in here right and i got this bracketry that just it needs to sit in this tank somehow and then up on the engine but you got to feed this through and also pull on that and dip this down all at the same time just um it's not happening very good is what i'm saying i'll figure it out eventually it's just we're tight in here we don't have clearances that i thought we had how's that look it's not good maybe i could slide this over well how does this maybe on this side is what it's supposed to be try it again bring it down bring it in take a look that's wrong what if i brought it over here that's wrong too whoa where does it go then cross thread this see what happens nope yep i don't know if it is it is well that was a pretty easy process getting this back into place i probably lost the gas cap no i didn't that works it's looking up it's looking sharp i like it it's coming around it's a nice unit not gonna lie still don't know if it runs that's fine as luck would go on ahead and have it the kids go-kart machine over there uses the same sparklator so i have about 342 of these in stock i'm going to test spark just plug this in ground it out to the head here and we'll give her a couple hats hats we should see some lightning shooting out of this thing hopefully well let's just keep our fingers crossed i mean it's not an impressive storm but we've got lightning going on in here so i'm gonna over torque that to 37 foot pounds or 16 elbow clicks click click click click get the fuel make it happen around this top her off with some bad gas and see if this thing will bark off where did that go now the guy's head wasn't bolted to his shoulders loosely mocking this up here so i can cut the fuel line just get it close and then cut it repeatedly until you get it right sure that seems wrong do i have any more clamps well i should but i don't i know i took it off here it is see you just gotta have the confidence basically put the new gasket later on fuel line first probably a good idea ease the clamp back down nailed it swing on there we go you gotta have such delicate fingers to work on these small engines that i do not i can't even see what's going on here is this right it must be well for pete's sake from a rancho i'm back got a ranch made in america 11 millimeter just very disappointing i just put this on and somehow it just falls off you just i need you to go on you got to go on this well for pete's sake if this doesn't tell me what size it is i'm just going to get the torch here in a minute things are getting serious around here the new casting on the fuel make it happener isn't allowing me to spin the bolt like i normally would so i got to take this all the way off apparently i knew that was a 10 millimeter i just do it i'm back now can i hold that well i've never seen such mickey mouse stuff okay put this back in here yeah oh that seemed excessive perfect okay oh yeah that's that's nice oh i need to put the old bra rod in here and i think this goes here we'll bring this around to here am i looking at the right i must be this goes in here and then we'll bring this round so we're going to bring this we're going to bring this around in here and we're going to bring it no it won't you can't bring it down that's clear to me now okay so we're going to bring it in here like this it's been problem maybe i need to get more vanity this completely ruined this thing a couple more bends there we go that seems way way bad wide open shut it down bring it wide open shut it down that'll work just got a triple check now wide open well i think a guy can bring her down from surgery now [Music] sure easier to crank on this way i honestly have no idea what this gas is it's been sitting outside for about a year though so it should be cooked up and ready i don't know smells flammable easy i'm gonna put a little splash of oil in here she's all back together and looking sassier than ever about ready to see if it'll fire up play around with choke a little bit see if we can find the right combination at least you know there's a little one okay got the gas on for a bit so hopefully the carburetor bowl is filled by now we'll go no choke see what happens [Music] oh trying well she runs doesn't even want to fire down i mean that's how good of a runner she is you can see some of that carbon that hot carbon blowing out of the exhaust here so i'm gonna get some carb cleaner while it's running just shoot some straight through the carb hopefully get some of that broke up i'll get some air in the tire and then we could test the clutch here and then see if we can get the auger spanner as well but it's not smoking it's not banging sounds pretty good this might be a actual good unit now i'll get an extension cord and we'll try the electronic start on or even graphic choker well she runs great but i'm thinking there's something wrong with the blower clutch here it's not spinning very fast turn fuel [Music] off i don't know what's under this cover but we're about to find out that's where the cable later goes that's supposed to run this thing yeah it just doesn't seem like it's a burly wound enough to throw snow chocolate belt yep okay chain sure all right well i'm in here and i'm looking at it you know and it might be fine and you can tell because of the way that it is but if you've ever been curious this is the drive cable right here and all that does is swing that arm and drop this little bogey wheel onto this pulley right here and this is just a shaft with these two pulleys and that runs up to the horizontal shaft on the engine just about so when you pull this drive that rubs here that engages the wheels and this one here is the drum and the auger and that's loose but when i pull this it does tighten up so there must be an idler pulley or something in there that kicks out and engages with that so i think this might actually be fine we're going to say it is because i'm pouring fuel on the ground and i just i don't need to waste money so i'm gonna put this old skid plate back on get some air in this tire wheel it outside and let's just see if we can put this thing to work probably the most important test this electronic start perk i don't know [Music] sure doesn't sound good but i'm gonna take it works fine [Music] well not only does it run but it works great all of the gears work tried all them out it goes for that slush like nothing my little unit at home she plugs up right now with that stuff i'm gonna have to uh let's see plug this off looks like i gotta plug this off as well other than that i think it's pretty well ready to rock guys been sitting here thinking about it i got this from a gal probably about my age and she said that she's a single mom and appeared to be raising two younger boys and the more i sit here and think she probably needs a break more than a guy does so i'm going to load this thing back up in the pickup and i'm going to drop it back off at her place on the way home with a little note merry christmas present thanks guys for watching hope you enjoyed it we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 571,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, thrower, restore, repair, junk, free, winter, mechanic, fix, cold start, mtd, murrey, murray, cub cadet, ariens, simplicity, sears, craftsman, yardman, honda, briggs, tecumsa, service, save, troy bilt, toro, tune up, poulan, rust, snapper, revival, snowblower, small engine, 5hp, 3hp, cold, old, start, trash, treasure
Id: 5tBIa-jJA18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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