VINTAGE Polaris AND Arctic Cat Snowmobiles - Will They Run? (WITH MILLENNIAL FARMER!)

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so i'm out here with zach today on his farm and we're going to go play with some old snowmobiles today but they're not just any snow machines one of them is actually a blind year old dad right yeah my dad bought a brand new in 1997. wow it's a polaris polaris xc700 so it's a 98 model okay probably still the fastest sled i've ever written they're animals basically and next to it is a vintage articad of some flavor and we each only saw one photo of it and i said i'll take it so we're going to try to get them running today and if they do run we'll probably scoot them around the yard here maybe find a ditch or [Music] something [Applause] [Music] so we're getting ready to go pick these snow machines up i guess they're in a barn or a kwan set or something about 15 miles from here echo i mean we got some we got some space in here is what i'm saying which is nice we'll roll them in here and hopefully get them running and then we still got plenty of snow out here in minnesota well i shouldn't say plenty there's enough out there though to ski them around a little bit well we just backed up to this climb set here they sit this is that 98 and it's looking to be in really good shape actually we've walked around them a little bit it's been tunneled extended here that was a pretty common thing to do in the late 90s early 2000s because mountain sledding kind of got popular but that's a good shape and then we got an el tigre i think that's uh and i'm going based on the stickers here and then the four vents i think this is a 74 i would guess and it's basically in mint condition i mean there's nothing wrong with this yeah anyway there's an engine in there i think it's a suzuki looks like a suzuki 500 they call that a spirit it's got uh dual makinus mccanna's ma makunis and she's fairly rough i guess maybe doesn't have a key and yeah we're still going to try to get it to run though i'm pretty confident the polaris is going to run looks to be pretty good shape but this one i'm not sure and clearly we have to call it barry that just makes sense and then 22 years this one's been sitting and the guy i guess he's the brother of the owner said he was taking on it doing something farting around the plugs are out of it so i don't know if they parked it because it broke down or if he was just doing some maintenance but i guess we're gonna find out and it does roll over so that's good it doesn't feel quite very good but does yours have fuel in it yeah so you're gonna have some skunky fuel in that thing that's okay we could probably drain that out by the way if you're not familiar with zap or millennial farmer let me give you a little bit of insight basically it's everyday life of a farmer fifth generation farmer actually um six coming soon and it's actually very very good it's it's wholesome family entertainment it's a lot of fun to watch i actually put a link down in the description for you guys so make sure you click on that go check it out it's a lot of fun and you're probably even gonna learn something i know i did and i chuckle quite a bit well should we get these drug out loaded up we should just looking i got uh custom custom wasp nests going on inside the uh dashes here oh yeah you don't see the pine needles move in nice did you look under the hood yet i did yeah i looked under the hood right away which by the way check i mean i got a feeling that's going to shine up real nice look at that oh yeah oh just like when i was a young lad these sleds were scary back in the day i mean these caused more injuries than mike tyson and i ain't kidding yep they were something else and that ironically was the fastest sled on earth for several years with the suzuki 500 but then of course people like polaris figured out how to make snowmobiles and then here we are well they even look at that as long as you stick a paper towel in the air cleaner you know good and well nothing will ever get in there yeah mice will not eat that drive belts on it plugs are in this one did you pull on it yet i didn't i'm kind of nervous magic just fires up first of all make sure you pull your back out on the first try on the first drive she moves boy these have compression how hard you want me to pull that's good that's good let's not screw anything up wow okay well we're gonna drag them onto the trailers here we'll probably let the young bucks do all the hard work yeah and uh get them back to zach's because it's heated and start tearing into these things you just took everything that this guy had [Music] so here's where they were sitting the arctic kitty about 22 years and this polaris was last tagged five years ago i think on the side of the machine but he thinks he might have got it running maybe three or four or something like that but it looks to be in really good shape we were kind of licking on it and the graphics look still really good yes so this thing's going to clean up nice and then the ltgray rad park way up here no real surprises here it just kind of is what it is but these ltg rays they were fast in the day spanish for yard rake or maybe it's tiger one of the three not quite sure the track wasn't really rolling very good this says 75 but it might be an early 75 i'm pretty sure it's a 74 but i could be wrong if you're an articat buff let me know but back in the day someone really liked this machine painted it up with their name had some pin stripes on here but we'll wait to get her in the shed to look at it any closer than this got him drug in here it's actually pretty easy we just threw a rope to the floor little ear there and just drug her on in this thing you know it just keeps getting better as i look at it i'm not sure the only thing i can think of why they stored it without plugs that long is it just it didn't run they didn't care it just got shoved in the corner but i'm gonna start with the usual i think i'm gonna maybe take the seat off see if there's anything in the fuel tank carburetors obviously need to come off then we're going to need work i don't have carb kits again so we got to be really delicate getting the bowls off of these carbs i'm positive these needles are going to be stuck and they were in here playing with the fuel lines surprisingly this isn't that brittle usually you can't even move these these offsprings are even off of it it almost looks as if maybe they were getting ready to take this engine out to be honest look at the suspension on this thing i mean that's fine you can just float in the ditches with that yeah she might be you know just she's a little off windshield there's something wrong with that too i haven't quite figured it out it doesn't look normal so this unit was stored with that gas in it so obviously that's going to be bad so i think that's reason to start on this one is try to get the fuel out of it get the air box off this was kind of just flopping around and we'll need access to the carbs anyway if we're going to be pulling the fuel out and then pull the plugs on this and i think we'll put some wd-40 down all the cylinders and just kind of get them rolling around again this one's got some bird poop and other stuff in it gonna have to try to vacuum that out i think see artifact i already got my seat off over here for some reason i thought this fuel tank would just come off if i took the seat off i thought that bracket had bolts in it but this one's still riveted in and i'm not going to mess with that i'm just going to pull the air box off and the carbs and then i'll have easy access to the fuel line which is on the front right side of the tank and then i'll just try to flush it out with a little bit of fresh fuel and see how much junk's in there thankfully the gas cap was on at least probably got the air inlet off and i just kind of poking around here i found a broken off boot so one of these wires is shot don't know if i'll get lightning out of that hose or not but this one maybe and the ignition coil is unplugged i mean i think my theory is pretty spot on i think they're getting ready to pull this out so if it runs i bet it's got a bad bottom end knock or completely gutless or something along those lines but we'll keep going and the biggest thing is as long as we get spark i might be these are pretty solid carbs so we might be able to bring those back around and at least get maybe one ceiling to firing that'd be enough to toodle around a little bit that's completely wrong that's going to make a lot of racket no brakes that figures so you got these loose in here there we go got to be a little gentle on these or plastic one would think they're rubber but they're not and they like to break around the ridge here see that screwdriver there can you work it out that way push it back this way a little bit these are the temperature sending units so let's go under the sparkle later and i don't know if this one has the gauge or not i can't read but he's got some really nice shiny carbs over here nice and free is that not what yours look like let's pull this off she is plumpful luckily i don't think any got in the engine because the throttle bodies are down but i mean i'm gonna have to definitely get these off the screw strip now so we're gonna take it right off the flange here and i think i got this one fairly loose and hopefully we can get them off without dumping too much in there this one fought me a little bit but we got it off just by taking the whole piece out and this one did come all the way out but you can see they're just plumb full not even sure what that is it's like carpet slash feed bag forward slash wood grain stuff none nothing got in here thankfully there was one kernel in here but that's not bad i'm gonna let these sit for a minute and i'm going to drop some wd-40 down the sparkler holes here and just roll it over a few times just make sure everything sounds kind of scooter before i get too carried away here because something definitely was going on um so i want to make sure that we don't have any huge mechanical damage then we'll come back and take a look at these a little bit closer but even more concerned about lightning issue over here if i can try to booger that up good enough and that just happens from getting carried away pulling the plug off on dead mouse oh sure enough there's our little buddy down there just hanging out we'll leave him be for now these flexo light hoses are pretty nice i'm not sure how much tablespoon and a couple centimeters something like that i don't know and let that sit for a minute and bake look how nasty this is solid varnish slopes are stuck needle is stuck really bad shape i'm gonna try to clean one up if i could get one before i think it might function then i'll spend more time on the other one well i got her pulling over good that actually doesn't sound that bad at all and then i got the ignition out swung that underneath here and then i used the fingernail scraper tool on the leatherman and was able to get this to fire over to on and plugged all this back in and tried like heck to get spark and i wasn't getting anything made sure the kill switch was working went through everything a dozen times and metered out the coil and i've got a dead coil so that's probably what they were doing because all this was unplugged fuel lines were unplugged but they were probably troubleshooting either a fuel issue or an ignition issue and it's for sure the coil this is just shot so um couldn't find one locally so i might be able to find one on the interwebs or the jungle website but this thing is pretty much doa so i'm just going to kind of put her back together ish ish now i'm going to turn the attention over here on zak 700 this one's looking i think we got a chance here i'm sorry about your arctic cat derrick that's okay it happens it's only because it's not a cat those are fighting boards you be careful young man now but this thing looks like it was taken care of it was cleaned i'd think it the only bad thing was it had fuel in it but thankfully the carbs are they look good so carbs are on those are all clean we just made sure the needles were moving floats were fine sheaves look good belt is decent dish chain case had a little metal in it but it's got some oil in it we cleaned up the metal got oil got some coolant we're getting really close he's getting the came with a pine needle option he's saying might needle option in the air box just getting out the ones that i can get to and we'll uh it'll eat up the rest we'll just throw that back on here and then fuel and i think we're ready to start uh i'm saying five poles or less you didn't sound that confident i thought five sounded pretty ambitious i'm i'm gonna my gut says even more than that but uh i wanted to say 17. cool okay with you guys saying five and eight i'm thinking i'm gonna adjust it to thirteen thirteen all right you might have to get it on uh actually how it starts oh my god [Music] headers [Music] i'm definitely i have no brakes i'm getting a lot of pine needles in my eyeballs the brake light works so so that's what in case someone's behind me they'll know i'm trying to stop [Applause] well she ran great add one carb leaking uh that might be the problem there gotta fix that up was just dropping fuel out there but i mean it seemed to run great suspension was doing what i was supposed to do we need some brakes brakes there's no brakes you know take a look in there quick it was a good take peek well the old arctic cat wasn't up for it today but i think with an ignition coil in a couple hours i might be able to get it if that's something you guys want to see put it down there in the comments otherwise i might just put it on the parts file but zach's polaris she fired life sounded pretty good there's five poles telling you and uh derek's pretty much rebuilt the thing already i mean carbs have been fully rebuilt i don't know what he's got some juice and wrenches out here fix the stoplaters we're just trying to have barley pops that he keeps going yeah it works out well for me so we'll drag this onto the trailer big thank you to you zach for having me out appreciate it a lot of fun and until next time keep it greasy side down [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 694,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, arctic, cat, arctic cat, polaris, skiidoo, skidoo, yamaha, suzuki, kawasaki, snowmobile, snowmobiles, snowmobiling, barn, farm, find, will, it, run, start, cold start, cold, millennial, farmer, farms, revival, rescue
Id: veQCUTwcaNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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