I bought an old Ford Tractor! Let's cold start it and plow some snow! - Vice Grip Garage EP58

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but you see a guy is starting on the old c20 project here the fellers got to take this here axle out so I could put the C notch in and some other suspension things but this year rear she's it's heavy it's hard booth so I did the right thing and just bought a tractor with a loader honor and that'll move her bad news is that makes no sense financially the good news is she's got a three-point with a little blade on ER so I can get this snow out of here and snag it out of the way so we're gonna try to fire it up and do the right thing and check nothing and just we're gonna put her right to work this'll work fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mazal give you a tour on it before we play her up she's a 54 dynam got a new room I didn't notice that's nice and supposedly had a bunch of work done to her but you know how that goes guy just can't find their seats dang it daughter down south to me about three hours you know she was in a tree rollin we fought getting there on the trailer and she's got an a 10-block in her as you can see right there that's definitely been swapped on she's got a race and filter that's good and the wiring is you know it's completely trashed and there's zip ties everywhere and nothing is the right gauge and there's Walmart fittings so I'm gonna leave that cuz that's fine and some reason it's got fast and furious gauges all over it so you know what's gonna do wheelies I like that she came with tire chains those are worth at least two grand maybe four if you're in Switzerland SMV sign that's 14 more dollars I was free I dunno this works we had to get her up to ease her on the trailer and how we loaded it actually because it wasn't stay running and it was so cold we just put a skid steer under there and just kind of jammed or onto the trailer and and then I really knitly strapped her down here pretty neat all this loader works of course we've got the tank and leavers and whatnot and the pump actually comes right off the old front crank later down here so the power twister runs the shaft Magoo comes into the whirly Bob and shoots the juice up into here and then so she's a full loader doesn't have one of them drop her out of the bottom bring her back up with the cable operated thing back there it's not fun it's not good how's the GM one wire alternator which is a pretty popular mod I'm glad that's done and out of the way spark plugs it from 1963 that's that's fine that's we don't need it deal with that tire is really good shape I mean this is I got another 15 37 years out of this somewhere around there I ain't even gonna touch that Oh brand-new flapper I mean she's ready to run guys I ain't kidding yeah this should be piece of cake jump up in this thing and twist on it she still got some spring in there when we picked her up I think it was minus 20 and not whatsoever but awesome warming up like this but it's a travelator law we'll kill the trailer back and hopefully I can just ease door down without getting swirly and flipping the quiet [Applause] go ahead just don't peel it down she might just Ottawa oh shoot [Music] [Applause] [Applause] guy who's already learning on this you get to the end of the hydraulics he just she's not having it she shuts right down so here's my idea you drop this here blade and you know what's worked at the bottom that's good so I'm gonna get my perimeter dog around and then I think I'll just wind roar out this way and then scooper over there into the trees gonna clear the flat bat off snip it in the tree row and then go put beats to sleep somewhere out of the way and then we'll get to work you know our guy's been thinking on air and since I know nothing about it I suppose I should at least check on it a little bit yeah that's good then no electric I don't know that's that seems to be fine and what else we got I suppose we should check ok soil here yeah yeah that's good and no pressure sure that's hooked up it's probably got 10 or 20 of those that leaks it's fine this blue wire you don't need that that seems optional and I also notice that gives a little more action up front tire chains sure yeah I'm team tight enough I mean I think she's ready to work I don't even know what else to check yeah that's good oh my goodness glad we did this inspection fair now I got a couple of things I gotta put in here we'll make it round a little better you know get all the HP's out of her yep get off second new tank boy that's good wiring I mean it continues all the way up into here and this is all that's that's factory you know they don't make winter blend gasoline for a guy so I'm gonna whip up some of my own you got to start off with this gas that looks like you know wood stain from the 80s that's fine we're gonna kick her up with some heat you know cuz we're out here in the cold and whatnot and this treats 20 gallons and since this is ten you want to just put it all in there no one wants to carry around an empty bottle and then this stuff here Berryman man I tell you what I probably start putting this into my cereal pretty soon this will clean up your spark laters and combustion chamber and valves all that stuff just you know go until it feels right then since we parked her in a storage unit tear you got to put some stabbed bail on her because it says storage on the front that seems to make sense this will keep that gas fresh cuz it's gonna take me probably forty two point nine months to go through this ten gallons last but not least you want to get some barley in here and that's really gonna polish up some bearings you know you got to keep them safe and then if I could shake this I would but it ain't it just ain't gonna happen my ears are hot too all of a sudden anyway that's the winter blend she'll shake around and she's gonna run like a top well if any guy is curious I have owned a 2n witches you know she's pretty identical to this unit but and Gramps he's got a 9 on which same thing but boy she's been a couple of years since I've operated one of these girls so I guess we'll figure out and see how she goes there we go we're down [Music] wanna hit the ice how think I'd know real vada [Music] [Music] we're in the danger zone [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] it's looking pretty good a lot easier than running out snowblower [Music] oh she didn't like that come back [Music] these thing out it's spring-loaded that holds in place Wow the fuels on no I shut down on me come on oh this ain't good [Music] boy right when she gets you know in the danger zone she just does not like it sputtered a little maybe too much winter bland dinner huh you want to dump this gas on these hot engines here we go now let's go what's that mean I don't know gonna hook in the old jump pack here and that should that should work if she's a freemium model let's go barely hold it just waddle down [Music] I just can't believe that that doesn't work you know come on Wow I guess we'll spin old beats around what sides a battery on I think she's on this side pushing the tractor so I must be there I guess see she's got the delay pop on the hood [Music] stripping that great come on now well this battery's deader than Hank bless his cold cheatin heart so I'm gonna put in that super premium max start 6000 battery and see if that helps a little bit probably could get the voltmeter out and see if she's even charging but this is what I was doing when we were trying to get it out of that tree roll she'd run like a watch and then BAM she would just shut down one of these years I need to figure out but all this Mickey Mouse wiring is but I won't just like cables over here now cuz I went ahead and got the wrong be a tree or the posts are on the wrong side that would be a bummer this is you know this is fun this is well this is good stuff at Ford Beach we fought back I'm shot battery juice all over my leg but I'm just gonna let her eat away at my coveralls you know cuz those are cheap you can't see nothing in these units did you know these only made about 20 horsepower ain't kiddin ya it was a lot pretty sure this is just not gonna work there nope not even close there moves way too much here we go you want to get your positive post as close to the sheet metal on the tractor as possible it's winter if you're hitting bumps you just get sparks flying out of here well let's see if that did nothing Oh [Music] well I had to start at 614 point two times and took all day but you know she this is all it's looking good I mean it did just fine I'm gonna try to clean up a little bit more so I could sneak it in here guys gonna take the carb off and clean her up the power needle needs adjustment that's why she was you know quitting when you give her the onions or put load in or whatever yeah and even though the tank looks new I had to take the card bowl off about every 7 minutes and 14 seconds because it was just I mean someone was growing potatoes in the fuel tank I don't know why but that needs fixing on as well so maybe I'll do some more videos of this in the future I don't know you guys let me know there's plenty of stuff left to do too it does for sure thanks for watching as always guys hit the notification button the subscribe button and if you haven't go ahead check out that membership stuff it's pretty snazzy see you next time [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 617,953
Rating: 4.9409442 out of 5
Keywords: ford tractor, ford tractor restoration, ford 9n, ford 9n tractor, ford 9n plowing, ford 9n restoration, antique, old, barn, find, tractor, left for dead, will it, run, start, cold, 12v conversion, 2n plowing, 2n restoration, ford, old tractors, old ford tractors, old ford trucks, old ford tractor start, starting a 9n, starting a 2n, starting a 8n, 8n, 2n, 3 point, front end loader, plowing, plowing dirt, plowing snow, plowing field, will it start, cleetus, freedom factory
Id: KeI-3_rRLgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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