1952 Dodge Cooling Repair & Paint Buff - Vice Grip Garage EP23

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hey that's the old dodge in the shop took me about 72 and a half months to get her on the car I didn't get her off the car coffin it was really quickly reminded why I need to get the old electronic winch fixed on the trailer I actually need to pee in it put tires on it and bearings and lights just the rate of the man turn that stuff but actually if you guys want to see that do the old down below and let me know when we might just make the video over we're gonna try to figure out why this thing is overheating put some shine on her I'll show you how to do that for about 20 bucks and then maybe even go take the cruise if we got enough light left [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I already got the battery charging of course that's all except one knot I picked up some basic parts here on the really whole thing is the problem but you never know got the old water bubbler here and of course you got to pick up the old for that and lower radiator hose I really hope that's lower radiator hose I don't know rock out oh I trust them and then of course instead of doing you know license plates and registration and that's up I did the right thing picked up an aluminum radiator for it cooling systems can be a little scary for most the good news is there's really only four things that can go wrong of course you got the old head gasket but on this one she's not Melky I didn't see a lot of bubbles or pressure when we first got it fired ups I don't think it's that and then you got the old water bubbler the whirly woo and then of course the radiator I'm thinking I can eliminate two today by fixing those and then all we'll have left is the water pump and I really hope it's not that one because that means they got a new real work but I think we're gonna start with the old thermostat here and see what happens yeah you fellers should know by now that I really enjoy reading your comments what have you and there's a lot of you that say taking the thermostat out actually a cooler motor down but I learned from the old timers that you actually want to have them yeah get off of there you actually want to have those thermostats cuz what she does is eases the old water down as she comes back into the radiator let's the old graduate or do its job before she hits the block again yeah well I'm hopeful it's the thermostat actually this guy got his eyeballs in here and I'll be dipped if the lower radiator hose isn't just split right there German Shepherds about I was totally expecting these to be just froze on that's a different size well I tells a guy that someone's been a mist before you got 9/16 and one side and half on the other okay I guess we got a Japanese bolt on the one side lot of you are probably chuckling because you got these sockets in your tool drawer but you know what I worked pretty damn good you can lie oh well didn't even have to hit it with the hammer that looks factory oh yeah I'll get you in there but I don't believe that's what we got going on I'm gonna show you how to test on them thermostats there's two ways that I like to test on these old thermostats and it depends if a guy's wife's at Walmart or not she's not at home I'll just take the old thermostat throw her in a pan toss her up on the old stove and hit the gas once that water is about ready to boil that thermostat should open if it doesn't she stuck the other way is you just got to get some heat on her however impossible it seems like a relatively fast way to do that yeah well since I'm a s3 certified I probably learned you up something here on the old thermostats even though it may look like a wizard made one of these they're actually pretty simple they got a copper center and a spring all of them well most all of them have a temperature stamped on the old bottom end here at what temperature they should open up on a guy an Isetta overheating the crap out of the car 16 times to see if this opens we're going to take some heat and apply it we want to see that spring go ahead and claps down on a guy and open up the center and that'll tell us she's opening up there you go you can see there she opened up right now so it definitely wasn't the thermostat and a guy wants to save two bucks he can throw that one back in hello I got to be honest with you I was kind of really hoping it was gonna be the thermostat and then I could be lazy on you and said just kidding on a future episode we'll put the radder in but now I suppose I got to do something I hope it's taraji ater and not the water pump so break out the tools here and get started [Music] just dawned on me that I forgot the drain the old graduated before I went ahead and spent 16 days rolling it in here so I'm hoping that it overheated violent enough to just boil all that out of there and I don't got to worry about it I could put up as anything on my floor I'm talking all over down the goose poop but you put some coolant on this sucker and I just cannot stand it okay yep mm-hmm okay yeah well whoever went ahead and engineered on this last time did a pretty decent job they just went ahead didn't put everything back in as far as fasteners in bolts go makes it easy on the next guy what's that look like 3/8 maybe give her a whirl yep well my plan here is to be as lazy as possible not even take off lower radiator hose jiminy Christmas that came down well anyway we're gonna try to ease her up around the old fan blade here and just snip Iran beside it and hopefully not have to deal with kind of fit my ogre arms down in there and get that hose clamp off these look like the original clamps they've got a standard a flathead screw on it and yeah that's just not going to happen all right now it's super easy part is just ease and this radiator out of here oh wait a second oh that buck still full of water all right you just got ease on Oh get that hose under you got to get it under here oh no that don't look great yeah don't spill I don't want that coolant oh yeah they're a hawk huh and then you just oh I got it no big deal good boy what an opportune time to clean all this up and change that generator belt so we're not gonna do that no I forgot this little bear out you could see she's been fixed on a couple times but boy she leakin and still had some issues so we're ball hadn't snag her out anyway still and snip this new champion aluminum one in and it's gonna look really weird underneath this hood you can really tell when the UPS guy isn't in the cars when your package gets delivered like this he really eased her up on the old stuff you know we got here yeah this is honestly way too good for me oh no it's shiny shiny stuff makes me really nervous [Applause] Wow I'll be dipped now guys about 64% sure he fractured an eardrum pulling the old one out but nice thing about this aluminium this she's light and of course she's empty so hopefully getting her back end goes easier the guys just not used to the shiny stuff oh man that's that's too easy well I confirmed something Bad's gonna happen cuz that doin way way too easy well that's the snug as a bedbug just got a snag this couple bolts in here and then while cleaning up the surface for the old thermostat snip the top hose on and I think we'll fill her up with some water and see what happens well before I go ahead and replace the thermostat I'm going to go ahead and clean up the surface with the flap disc here and prevent the guy from changing out the old a second time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you wanna give on them about 10 foot pounds which yeah that's probably right about there and yeah right there just use the use the old forearm torque wrench and look at you about anywhere you need to go boy almighty I could drink some beer at the guy that made these here flex hoses I'm sure are dang handy yeah yeah well I'll be dipped if the old battery I wasn't charging isn't better than Elvis so I'm gonna go to plan H and charge on this bad one I got here one of those Auto digital chargers so when they're all the way dead they don't fire right on so what I did was took one of these here jump packs and you just got a tickle on it a little bit you just just a tickle but you got to be careful because we've got 12 volts and six volts and I think that equals somewhere in between like yellow volts it's not good for the stuff in there anyway but all you need is just a and gets the charger go on I'm gonna go ahead and snip in one of these Edelbrock fuel filters kind of fond of these little buggers and they're about the same price of those glass ones that burned on eleventy billion cars every week and they're nice and small this gas sounds like a baby's diaper well going from this threaded fitting is wrong in three different languages but I don't have the right barbed fitting on there so we're just going to close our left eye and put her in anyway well since she went ahead and fire it up on a guy so easy last time I'm gonna change on the oil I guess you know I don't always change on these oils but this one run so good that I figure I got a reward it somehow plus there was some diesel oil on sale so I went ahead and snagged some of that up and I got about a zero playing 0% chance to knowing how long this has been sitting so good in fashion see if that's even on it yeah that's close enough guys seeing himself died about 15 times and his dreams from the old jack stand fail so like the test on them a little bit before I crawl underneath them and then a guy should always have a jack underneath there so like a drag your body out after they find you hmm forward thinking you don't want to get the right wrench just get the croissant wrench [Music] boy this concrete feels warm what am I even looking at it this little pan is bigger than the RMS Titanic I ain't kidding a fellers this is like the Beyonce of oil pounds boom oh boy she was ready now perfect time for my little pampy full great brand yeah I'm gonna go ahead and not move this thing and just be inconvenience but now it looks like back in the day the old engineers actually wanted a feller to work on their cars made it easy not sure ain't the case anymore that boiling battery you know try it up the old nose holes sure smells nuts did you hear that that's about 14 brains exploding for you young fellers the old oil filters up top I'll be dipped I'm sure all your fellers known this but whether she's a top loader or a bottom I'm sure you run the oil around these rubber rings otherwise they'll bind up on a guy and she'll spring a leak guy I went ahead and grabbed on one of these funnels make sure they're clean men he's a member then this says Cummings on the front so that'll eat ya well guys gonna go ahead and forget we got trash bags as a back window and put some shine on it you're gonna need a couple things here but here's the dealio on the deal oh I'm not a body man but I do know how to make garbage shine you're gonna need a couple things you're gonna need one of these here lanolin whirl or nine thousands you can get them pretty much anywhere you're gonna need some of this sauce you can get her pretty much anywhere this is your cost it's about 20 bucks all you need to know about this stuff is the sriracha digs and the mayonnaise smoothes out and then I got this here Trades pearl machine and it's not good I mean it sounds like gravel and a washing machine but it gets the job done that's about all you need I'll show you how to apply it just like when a guy washes a car what paints you want to start on the old lid and then get to the boot and the bonnet and work your way down especially with the sriracha sauce because she splatters but I know you're excited so we're gonna start on this door because it's easy and you definitely don't want to cut corners and wash it but I'm not so as far as how much you use this I don't know he'll figure it out just put it on and then if you've got a selector for rpm all of it but start out slow eater in get her on there fly it put it on get it in here smear it around and I just you just ease in it now once you start drying up on you then you feed her the onions so I'm gonna finish a part here and then we'll get you in here well here's a little section we ended up with I'm gonna go ahead and learn on you a little bit but I know I know this is a single-stage enamel for a few obvious reasons one it's not the original color - there's these really heavy thick runs about every three and a quarter inches all the way around the entire car and just the way that the paint is chipped I can tell that it's not a base clear which that's really obvious but I was curious if it was a lacquer pain that's not lacquer is applied in many many many thin layers where enamel especially for Guyot paints like me just get her on pretty quickly but then it chips and flakes easy and you could see stuff like that so I know she's a single-stage enamel which means you can really dig on them with the product but if you've got base clear you'd probably use a foam pad and a little bit different sauce you might even wet sand or just clay bar it so be careful before you dig into this and I would probably do a very small test spot somewhere where a guy's eyes can't get on it very good so I'm gonna go ahead and just keep on moving slow process [Applause] to care about 2% I bought your stainless in this case or chrome guy wants to taper down get her out of the way you even put some bags over the winders and whatnot I'll show you one sides kind of done the other is not that looks like so she's she's coming out she's coming out of it she's getting there she's got she's getting some shine well the hooky Lupe's on the old lanolin were like 9,000 gave up on me so we're gonna do the right thing and use a completely wrong foam pad for this application these are definitely made for fine polishing and some tuning where the lanolin really digs but I don't have any other options right now guys just gotta get her done [Applause] and there's what she's looking like guys been digging on it for about a day now and she's starting to come around I desperately need to wash it but we went from a polar Texas or whatever they call it negative 60 to pouring rain today so I can't get this out yet it's got a lot of residue and stuff on it I guy guys gotta get washed off but if I hit my shin on that custom hitch one more time I swear my souls gonna leave my body but we'll keep digging on a little bit more I'm actually gonna sand on the old hood with some 2,000 grit and some 3,000 grit because a guy always likes to layer ID on the hood when you see cars cleaning that up a little bit more and then I'm gonna show you how to clean this chrome up very very cheaply and then see if we can bring her back around and then we'll wait for the weather to break and then we'll go dump some water down on its whole head and clean it up a little bit more well obviously the paint on this car is shot but the guy wants a trick to make a car look like she really came around just focus on the old fender humps and the hood and people will be like Jesus that came out so that's what we're gonna do there's a lot of dirt and bug butts and stuff like that that still stuck in this from whoever sprayed this single-stage on it and I just like to run the old Walmart sandpaper on ER you get them in packs of five no secret here you guys involved on this I'm just gonna do the two hood halves and then polish on or some more see if it makes it look a little slicker well I keep walking by this dent on here she's pretty caved in you know back in the day the kids would lean up against these and smoke some al barrels and these were always caved in like this so I'm gonna run you through all the necessary steps to bring her back out and I think if you pay attention and follow along I'm pretty certain you could do this at home too so step one is you're going to want to put your hand in here and then push it out well back up here on the chrome guy doesn't need to go spend money in all that fancy chrome polish and what have you all you got to do is let your kids waste an entire bottle of Windex cleaning rocks and sticks and once they're done with that you just fill this halfway with white vinegar the rest with water and then dig under the old lady's sink and grab some of these SOS pads you want to get the ones with the soap make sure they're the zero zero zero zero flavor any less zeros than zero zero zero zero like zero zero is going to cause some damage on the old plating so go with the zero zero zero zeros ease on a little bit of this spray doesn't need a lot ease a little bit onto your old pad here and I ain't kidding yeah this is gonna eat all this right off they're still plating it'll come out of it works good on rims two rails mirrors stainless chrome plated all that but if it's scratched heavy like this guy here they won't come out of them of course but I'll do this one side here and wiper down and show you what she looks like all right get the old Windex out some shine on it look at that look at this you're looking at get in here and look at it get your eye in here look at this that's Factory well since it's still raining and I got about 78 billion feet of mud out there I'm also get the my sucker 500 out and see what a guy could find in here instead of a guy testing on it here in the shop see if the old radiator was problem I'm gonna do the right thing I just jump in and see if we can make it 16 miles to the carwash got a pretty good chance this one's got the twirly key that doesn't do anything you just twirl on it about six times and then you gotta find that [Music] but far that's all support that's more backwards oh I forgot this cars got no brakes now I've got to contemplate yeah we're going I just remembered I don't think I've ever put gas in this so I'm gonna ease that up on the old priority list since I'm out here in the middle of traffic the good news is it's got just the right amount of temperatures so I think we snip the old eating problem this is pretty mind bottling guys sitting still here I'll be dipped he's in here let their fluid drive torque Ematic Locker upper converter do hippie works great don't really do like reading your guys's comments I was really confused on this transmission I got this thing and after eating your guys's comments now I'm really confused I just I just gets flustered with all these options captain's log amps cage works fuel got it oil pressure enough temperatures good analytes nope wipers nothing I don't even know what that does headlights two of them this car is way way too good for me never mind horn doesn't work I feel at home this is actually a really neat old - and everything works and just cannot leave it these little guys are like I usually does the self spray but I'm running out of time so I'm gonna sip into this I love digital water shooter [Music] all in all she does quit on me if you're ever going to break down go ahead and do it in the autumn Digital otter shooter well this is gonna be interesting as all hell still don't understand this key I got get that looked at I will pop out the guy's neck that's two months you really gotta get that extra material off the pain you don't want to get cloudy and hot oh she looks pretty good I do recommend the wind dryers in these automatic ones so I picked up some jalapenos in a can I'm gonna make her eat a little bit I'm gonna stop cranking on her getting some smoke out of this guy here and she's liquorice you oh boy is she hot so I'm thinking it's a spark ish you know guys gonna go ahead and give up all my better half ever come to the old rescue no one left gives got lemonade's you just got to trade it for some Bourbons shiny this is [Music] well we're all not quite the night feller was expecting bill dodge learned on me pretty quick he's a field cloth need some electronic digital sparking later shooter work under the hood and I think I'm gonna fix on the brakes a little bit that's slightly inconvenient but overall we accomplished our mission we got the shine on it doesn't overheat it anymore so fixed where's the worst place you guys have broke down bleep bloop it down there in the old comments that was kind of weird that's never happened to me before but made things interesting I guess if you're not already don't forget to subscribe really appreciate it done thank you so much for watching until next time keep her greasy side down
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,038,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1952 Dodge, dodge, dodge meadowbrook, meadowbrook, vgg, vice grip garage, classic car, muscle car, mopar, old car, first start, first start in, broke down car, broken down cars, car buffer, auto detailing, car wax, clay bar, roadkill, flying sparks garage, junkyard digs, old, cars, dent removal, radiator swap, how to replace thermostat, thermostat repair, car wash, vise grip garage
Id: aeXPZeCJqNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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