Sew Sunday 8/8/21 Big Block Irish Chain & Chat

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friends tiffany here welcome to my quilting life today is sunday so sunday where we sew on a sunday or at least i inspire you to take a day of the week sunday and so uh so today's video it just says making something uh new different easy for beginners um i decide i couldn't decide on what i was gonna do and then i need to change the title of this after the video was done but i decided on what i'm gonna make and today's project is so simple anybody can do it seriously and it's going to have a big effect as in it's going to turn out big so i have decided to make a what i call a big block irish chain like seriously like we're gonna do it big blocks and the quote will end up 81 by 95 when it's done as in a big block irish chain and i'll be able to give you guys all the measurements and all that and then again i'll if you guys are going to follow this video i'll change the name after the sunday part to what i'm actually doing because i didn't know till the last minute um anyways let's see who's here today first and check people in and then i'll tell you guys everything that we're going to need for today's project oh because you're still good so i got a postcard in the mail today and it says cue with the view and it has a little uh uh ram is that a ram put around yes okay it has like a ram or a goat with horns on it from sugar sugars ribs big time barbecue in chattanooga tennessee the person that sent me this did not sign it with their name so i have no idea who it came from they just said heart you so love you thanks for uh sharing your time with us you are a true inspiration so if you sent this to me please tell me who you are because i kind of want to know who can know who it came from so thank you for the postcard and it's from tennessee so i actually can add it to my i didn't have a tennessee one so now i do but i kind of want to know who it came from so if you were the one that sent this to me and you're watching the replay please put it in the comments below after the video or let us know during this live stream so that put out a way temporarily so that we can see who's here now do you want to see yeah now there's 50 of them crazy all right here for the fun is here uh we got kim susan jo linda jim is here june angela [Music] paula angela wonder what tiffany's sewing tonight well i'm gonna do an irish chain but a big block irish shane uh we got kathy here alicia june faith carissa cath vicki june katrina maggie crystal i said kim earlier we got stephanie here melina is here uh leanne is here esl frost everyone's saying hi i'm trying to skip that got joy here rowena is here michelle is here judy is here [Music] teresa louise is here kathleen podunk pretties marty linda elaine uh alma shelley you see some of the videos i'm trapped in elevator water up to the shoulders it was bad here we got beverly here did you finish what you were working on last week okay so every sunday for the last three sundays i've been working on a little side project of scraps i decided to take a break from that because that's what i'm just constantly looking at and every now and again it's good to try and do something different and put that one aside and do something different so that's where my brain is right now because i can't keep looking at the same thing until i you know what i mean take a break from it and while i'm breaking i make something new uh we got nita here [Music] and yes okay and then the last comment says the shirt looks great on me so if you guys are new to my channel you can see me make this wonderful shirt in my last video that says i feel like making a shirt let's make me a shirt so and i paired it up with a brown skirt that has ruffles on the bottom see it's got ruffles on the bottom i could have put ruffles on the bottom of this to kind of always go with this skirt but i use this skirt without things so i paired it up and it looks adorable they're saying it looks great it looks fantastic so and i didn't even get a chance to go through the wash because scott hasn't done the laundry yet so it didn't get a chance to like shrink a little bit around my armpit area so it kind of sticks out a little but oops marty wants to know so for others or just for yourself quilt-wise i make for myself and others uh clothing or anything else i make for myself and bags and wallets and anything like that i make for others so yeah lots and lots of stuff all right on to today's video because i really have a lot to put together in a short period of time well not really short i could be here however long i want but um first off to make a big block irish chain you guys know the irish chain has nine patches that run along both ways and you just create a chain piece and then every other block this is just a single irish chain by the way every other block is a solid block simple simple simple okay so for the one i'm making that's going to come out 81 by 95 that's if i did my math correct calculator helped me on that one you're going to need a lot of fabric the first thing you're going to need is a hundred and six five inch squares technically only 105 but i have 106 here um or just use three charm packs three charm packs they are five inch squares that's why i say big block we're i'm not chopping these up at all i'm just sewing them together so three charm packs which are five inch squares or a hundred and five five inch squares if your scraps or whatever you want to use i'm using all blue every single one of these is blue and white blue and white blue and white but mainly blue and then the second thing you're going to need is four and a quarter yards of a coordinating color or your background color i that's like exact though so if you want to get more like four and a half i'm just going to pull four and a half off of here that way you have plenty in case you make boo-boo cuts but the exact amount is four and a quarter yards of fabric to go with this and here is my diagram i drew it on paper i've made plenty of irish chains but this is a big one so i had to actually draw it out so i knew what i could make from exactly what i have here so this is so simple i'm going to show you how to make it but first of all we got to cut some yardage and the first thing we need to cut is 11 5 inch strips because i need 88 five inch squares so we're going to start by cutting eleven five inch strips off of my blue because again this is a blue themed quilt and if you guys are curious what i'm using just so you know it's studio e fabrics it's called it's peppered cottons by peppered cory it's 100 cotton and the color is 45 color number 45 and it's a really pretty blue that looks jean like like jeans all right so i'm just going to cut five inch strips off of here and i'm going to start by lining this up and i'm going to cut 11 5 inch strips everything else i will cut later because i am not in the mood right now we'll just cut this first and then i'm gonna grab my big ruler so that i can cut five inch strips i'm gonna square this off first because no cut from the bolt is ever straight to start with even if it's a fresh briny bolt like seriously they are never straight so i'm going to cut this off i'm just going to come over here so i can use my right handed rotary blade the whole entire time and i'm going to just cut five inch strips and you get eight five inch squares per five inch strip of selvage to selvage so i need one kathy says she's happy to be here she loves watching you you're so creative and talented in everything that you do again i'm cutting 11 off of here three not to count out louder i will totally mess myself up four i'm going to stack them as well i'll stack them nicely to sub cut after this will be number five wendy asks how was your son today she talking to you five oh yeah real quickly real quickly because a lot of people uh were on t's chat last night um yesterday my son the 16 year old who just got his license less than two weeks ago had a a minor car accident and when i say minor as in minor nothing happened to his vehicle major happened to the other people's vehicle uh so he got in his first car accident he's fine she's fine nobody got hurt um what i couldn't say because there's not enough chatting room uh his damage on his car is he broke the driver's side uh turn signal light and it cracked the bumper a little he has a jeep so it's a solid vehicle even though you would think that plastic would break but it didn't her car was like a 2016 to 2018 nissan sentra and it crumpled in her driver's side door blew that airbag blew the side airbag between the two doors and then blew the back door airbag as well but it literally crumpled it in like crumbled it in so he did some damage on her car but it's fixable it doesn't look total like like they would total it type damage you know but they are both okay nobody went to the hospital everything was fine but yes my 16 year old got into his first light first accident and hopefully he now learns to drive super duper extremely safe after we spent six months teaching him how to drive super safe so there's that news all right back to the cutting i was on five right yeah i have no idea all right i could have folded this and totally cut two at a time that i didn't six seven eight and notice i did not press this this can just get pressed out when i put the blocks together yes how are you folks seven eight three more how are you doing i'm doing good uh i'm doing fine wow this is really really wrinkled hold on two seconds we have an iron plugged in do you want me to end i have three cuts left to make and this is so crookedly messed up just two seconds because i gotta restrain my edge up after i iron this that's way crooked yeah it's weird all right i need to restrain my edge up real quick due to the fact that it was very wrinkled those other pieces i won't worry about right now three more cuts like it's sub cut and then the big ones will do after i make all the nine patches and one more so that was yesterday's drama but today my teenage son got a job so he has that to look forward to next week yeah now that his insurance is gonna shoot yeah now he has now he has a job to pay for the car insurance all right now to sub cut all of this up into five inch squares and i'm just lining the selvages up by like rolling the fabric in my hand because you can see that they're like way off i'm just gonna roll it keeping it nice and straight but lining the selvages off so i cut it all off at the same exact time let's spin it around let me get my five inch ruler because it's exactly five inches and all i have to do is line it up on my previous cut and then i don't know why i just turned the ruler around but whatever i'm weird so i'm literally gonna cut bless you ellen says they need to be saving up for your uh quilt shown this week yeah yep next week we're gonna do a quilt show show slash d stash we'll end it and um while we're here i'll let you guys know that uh next week is starting the quilt show slash d stash and i'm also gonna announce i'm letting you know that i'm announcing to pre-announce my 4k giveaway um i was working on how to do it and it's going to be an entry form that you guys will fill out um it i'll be linking it to youtube you know it'll be in the um what you call it oh my goodness i can't think of the word youtube's uh got a community page it'll be on my community page my community tab so i will have that for you guys to be able to enter my giveaway i'm going to fix the end of this one real quick because of that wrinkle it's got a little fold right on the end one two and three so yeah don't forget so if you guys want to purchase a quilt from me i know a lot of people say that they want to because they want something that i've made so the d stash is the best place to get those is when i destash my quilts and there's more than what i have listed on etsy for those of you that purchased for me the rest of you that aren't going to purchase they're it's just mainly to show everything i've made you know for those that are new to my channel and haven't seen the stuff that we do here they will get a chance to see everything that i have at least here at the house that hasn't sold i'm wondering if i could tell if there's a right or a wrong side to this fabric they look the same both ways so that's a plus all right one more cut from this and again i save all my little scrap pieces off of all this so all this will just go in my scrap bin all right and now stack all these guys and i know that i should have done the 4k giveaway right when i got to 4k but i had to figure out how to use the um thing that does you know so that i can not have to write you know however many entries since there's more than 4k of you now i didn't want to have to write all those names down on paper and draw it out of a bowl like i've been doing all these years now it's going to be digital and it's going to run through a program and choose winners for me to make it more easier sandra wants to know what you're making tonight tonight we are making a extra large as in super uh big block irish chain the most easiest quilt to possibly make is a single irish chain except i'm doing it with big huge blocks i'm just going to turn these fillers around very carefully like they're talking about your new tank top there i'm liking it i'm glad because i like it too stay don't move you mean that one monday tuesday i don't know a couple days ago all right here we go let's cut a lot at the same time there's gonna be uh a couple extra blocks but i'll just put them back in my five inch square bin where everything else came from all right there we go hard part is done we'll cut more after i make all the nine patches think this is enough five inch squares look at all that seriously all right we're gonna put this over here and we're gonna get started just lay that on there just like that whatever close my blade grab my squares so what i went and did because i want my lighter of the blue and white to go one direction and then the darker colors the ones that are all darker blues mixed with whatever they're all blues all different shades of blue um to go the opposite direction so what i'm going to do when i put these nine patches together is i'm going to take one of these and a light and this is going to be always in my top left corner so i'm just going to right sides together and i'm going to sew two squares together and a quarter inch seam oops and it'd be nice if i had a better stitch length i was sewing casings on uh for a hanging rod kind of like curtains today all right so i'm literally going to go ahead and just sew one of these to one of these over and over and over until all of these are done because my bottom right corner is also going to have one of these as well so there's 42 of them that i've separated out for what we're going to make am i ironing soon as soon as i sew all these together okay okay i'm gonna take everything through and i'm just gonna bring this up here like this i'm gonna leave this down here because it'll just vibrate its way off and i'm literally just gonna sew all these on [Music] and there's two of each print here throughout the whole entire blues this can be an all blue quilt literally so my irish chain is going to have the blues it's kind of funny so i hope everybody is having a good sunday i am i got lots of stuff done today two um of my things for my design my design my quilt hanging photography stand i made two uh of them have casings so that they hang on the rod so that they don't fall off every time i remove a clamp [Music] and then i made a table runner and that's it that's still a lot for one day you've been busy today yep i've been doing stuff getting it done [Music] and i think only like two of the prints in this whole entire thing are directional so i'll make sure when i put my nine patches together that they are facing the correct direction [Music] technically it's gonna be where's the first one like this is how they're gonna go so it'd be white and then the dark color and then the white will be in the third row on the bottom barbers as well that's exactly what i was planning yep i'm doing it this way instead of the jelly roll away [Music] in my brain i see the jelly roll way all the time and i'm like what would it look like as big blocks using five inch squares anything bigger would be just too much but [Music] you could also use a layer cake to do this just know you're gonna have a lot of extra squares because you only need three five inch um [Music] three okay the word is not coming to me ah three charm packs five inch square packs three of them notice i put the blue on top on that one that's because that's a directional so i want to make sure that that ends up in a top corner no matter what the rest of these don't matter which way they go scott's gonna have a lot to press on but i sure have a lot to sew so while i have a lot to sew what are you guys working on and scott can read it out have loud people that's fine not everybody will comment marty asks you so every day i try to but no there are days that i do not step foot into this room [Music] there's so much brewers on she says i'm working on placemats voice maps thank you fun yes thank you for your package teresa trust me i love it [Music] getting ready to bind a quilt for her new grandson who will be here in late september that's fun lots of babies do in september that's when i was born [Music] emily is working on another bag she says she's currently obsessed oh i saw that in your on your instagram with the tula fabrics teresa says you're welcome alicia says do your eyes ever get tired yes it does take breaks a lot yes they do get tired as in like they literally start doing this in my head and i can't focus so i take lots of breaks it's best to take breaks too get up stretch stretch your legs stretch your arms do a couple squats get some exercising done start her next quilt okay i don't know isn't that joe's the little one that likes you yeah yeah what's her name riley i don't know what she means by cutting and that's the way it's spelled i don't know uh mary almost finished a quilt for alaska but her hand i got the borders on she had to quit before she got the borders on kim's working on supper no sewing care for the funds working on a fall quilt full of pumpkins oh i did one of those and i sold it pretty quickly actually she says she can't hear anything even with the volume all the way up uh leave the video and then come back to it but if you can't hear me i don't know how you would know i just said that sorry best way to fix any problem during a live stream is to leave the video and come back to the video like literally exit out and then go back to my page and restart it over again [Music] tanya made a hubby a nightstand table topper and she had leftovers to make him a placemat shawn's working on a quote for her aunt a scrap quilt with pink roses teapot and greens [Music] got her granddaughter's sundress done now cleaning up finding my cutting table and it got deep cleaning everything else that's funny ann's working on an ncw jim's working on a pizza my kind of man there you go sounds good buddy that sounds yum you know what i might just have that for dinner because i bought what is a red baron right yes you got a little bit of pizza a little red bear and pizza when i went to the grocery store yesterday because i just i can't have i shouldn't eat pizza at all because not only is the cheese bad for me because i'm lactose intolerant but uh tomato sauces tomato paste tomato anything really upsets my stomach but every now and then i cheat also using five inch squares awesome paula's cutting the silva judges of two packs jelly roll jelly roll race ben or patricia is uh any christmas protein in the future are you doing any christmas quilting in the future uh no i don't have anything christmassy i don't really okay so those of you that are new to my channel and don't know i actually don't do any holiday uh stuff but i did for halloween bought a layer cake to make something for halloween so normally i don't use i have a box um with a little bit of holiday fabrics in it and usually any scraps that are hauling when people send me scraps if it's holiday related of any type of holiday whether it be christmas thanksgiving any you know halloween anything i just stick it in that box and then one day i think i'm just going to make an all holiday quilt with all those scraps some of them get mixed in my strings and stuff though quilty graham is working on a rail fence for one of her grandkids susan is hand quilting someday i'm gonna do that too all right mr scotty press them all eric wants to know he says i see a bunch of squares i'm guessing an irish chain yep but a big block irish chain all right press all these towards the door so you're just waving darlene's uh working on posted stamp blocks one and a half inch squares from some of my first quotes i had put it always away and just got back to it that's fun i'm gonna sew now all these to these because either way i still need a blue a dark blue next to this feisty lady is seam ripping men's ties lots and lots of ties we did lots of scenery [Music] i'm not going to sew all of these i'm just going to sew 42 of them and then i'm gonna once he's done pressing those i'll attach one of these to the opposite side for now i'm just gonna get the middles started [Music] okay what did you say to the dark always towards this dark blue [Music] that's the only machine i can think of with a frame that you got to put together i have no idea how many i've sewn already but i'll stop after you have this one's got butterflies on it tiffy loves butterflies [Music] you know i never really ever make all one color tone quilts and this is all blues so it's going to be weird on a cross stitch with lots of houses oh that same one you've been working on that's cool i still don't know how to do that i did one thing when i was um 19 years old because i had just had lexa and i was pregnant with damon and i made alexa a little jar and it said i love you and it had a little character and i just stuck the thread in and followed it to this day i still don't know how i did it and i don't even know what happened to that little jar [Music] mary's raising swallowtail caterpillars in her garden i don't know what that is but i imagine they turn into a pretty butterfly i'm gonna count these and when i get to um that's good to hear sarah one two three four five six oops one one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 i needed 21. one you want me to count all these is that what you're getting no that one i needed the 42 one 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 and 21. because there's one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9 patches i had to count one more time just to make sure so 21.95 so i only need 21 of the middle units i should have known that with 42 being the with the white in the top so before i even um send these over to scott because he's still pressing i am now going to add another of my blue this blue to the opposite side of this because these are my middle block so now i'm just going to open it up and put a blue on the opposite side because my middles are the dark fabric i'm pretty sure this will go together pretty quickly seeing that all it is is nine patches and solid blocks which you can applique on those solid blocks if you want you know for something like this because they will be 14 inch blocks so you can like applique something on i don't have anything for applique so what i'm gonna do when i quilt this quilt is quilt something fancy in all of the blocks should be fun though i've never really made a very large big block virus chain so this is definitely so simple for beginners it's probably one of the easiest things you can do oops that way that would be [Music] i use my tv in my bedroom to watch some videos on youtube but usually i use my phone or tablet when i watch other youtubers i'm the moderator on a lot of channels so it's easier just to have the something i can type with you know the phone or whatever so that the chat screen is up on the tv it doesn't come up there's an option on some roku tvs where you can bring the chat up while on the tv but you can't type into it you can only read it kind of sucks but that's okay susan says uh last time i made an irish chain quote it quilted a celtic knot into one curious that sounds like a good idea yeah if i can figure one out i will probably do something like that and eric says i made a really big uh somewhat of an irish chain it's actually too big for his frames right now he just uses it to hurt his long that arm uh carissa asks how big will yours be 81 by 95. it's gonna be a big down gonna be a big one and that's not even with any borders i may put a two and a half inch since i have lots of that blue left of this blue just a two and a half inch all the way around and maybe find a make it really really big by finding another blue fabric that i have because any blue goes and do a final like four inch border all the way around and then it'll be an enormous quilt which is what i always make queen size or bigger on my tutorials i always like screw up and end up with really big quilts even when i tried for a small one so i'm sorry for that guys i don't know what it is i just like big quilts and i cannot laugh actually i'm just horrible with math but the math on this one i did like 10 times it should be accurate guys people like to buy clean size quilts for good beds yeah actually the most purchased quilt from me is bed size quilts twin full queen and king not very many people unless you guys are purchasing from me or other people like just want something for their couch it's usually big ones the lap quilts and smaller is not really often and then baby quilts is a very often one too once again about your ferris wheel and clamp mainly just a clamp but tell them the whole ordeal this is for binding it's called the binding wheel you can get it at it hooks to the ironing board so hold on let me unscrew it a little bit so you can see oh so this goes on here and it hooks to an ironing board and for this desk right here on the side when the binding is done already with some other stuff but they're wondering what the clamp is you'll the clamp is to hold it right here so that you slide your two and a half inch strip up under this lip up into the slot that's in it and then you would roll it up that's the weirdest thing that just ever happened in here what's that a purse and as you're ironing it you iron some roll some up iron some roll some up and it'll go up under here so it keeps it nice and flat and then when i'm done with it on the ironing board i do the same clasping right like this on this side and i tighten the clasp down and then i pull my binding off and just pull it onto the quilt as needed that way it keeps it completely off the floor oh dunk the whole thing was a gift from sobeka yep she sent it to me but you can buy at the same place have been already put in here at purple whatever purple what i don't know if you have to add the llc just purple hobbies the binding wheel if you just type that in i'm pretty sure a ton of it they're asking about the clamp maybe it doesn't come with it ah i don't know i honestly don't know because was asking where'd you get the clip sent to me by becca so i don't know i figured it all went together because it's all the same color it came from in the okay all of my middles are made so the wheel came in this and the clamp came in this it also comes from it's called wheel clamp so i guess you have to buy it separately i don't know why you would have to they're designed and manufactured in california so it's yeah i didn't get the budget made because and yeah it wasn't uh yeah it's called the wheel clamp all right so all my centers are now made to reese it says it all goes together yeah anyway heather says she's still some favorite blocks together she made three blocks out of scraps yesterday our australian header there all right so here's all my centers likes your tank top thank you i made it and it's in a video from the other day it's probably the video before this video because i haven't been on since i made the shirt i don't think i'm gonna pre trust these with my pressing thing before scott irons them like i said this is going to go together so fast and with scott helping the iron it goes even faster so all he'll have to do is put some heat on these so that they stay laying flat and this little wood um instead of using your finger this little wood press you can find um on she sells these and matching uh seam ripper stiletto combos if you want a combo you can just buy this alone too they are custom made here in america for those that are americans and care about that well yeah eric if you just type in wheel clamp i know what a wheel clamp is for a car you're gonna have to type in the purple hobbies you're gonna have to type in purple hobbies and it took him to carve things oh yeah you're probably gonna have to type in the purple hobbies yeah sorry about that bud you're gonna have to be more specific if you're just putting it in google uh bernie asked will you put the numbers uh for this quote on facebook yeah i'll put them on facebook and then i'll also uh change like i said i gotta change the title and description of this video but um just so that you guys know three charm packs you'll have some left over some pieces left over because you need just a hundred and five technically i pulled out 106. just in case i was off but i don't think i am uh pieces you'll need 105 5 inch squares or three trim packs and then um 88 of these squares technically it is 85 84 technically because i have four left right here um but i cut out 88 because that's how much you get from 11 5 inch strips in total you need um just to do the five inch strips you need 55 inches of fabric yes and or for everything else for the next step which is cutting the background um pieces or the big squares um those are going to be 14 inch squares and you need 98 inches for that in total you need um what did i say already uh four and a quarter yards of fabric total and then obviously your three charm packs you can share any codes for getting money off to help people out because we like discount codes so by all means if you have a discount code for the purple place whatever share it apparently we just help their sales we should be a representative for them yeah there's not very many people that have any i don't have very many options for affiliate accounts with the affiliate account thing that i have i need to choose more because nobody's buying anything from my sewing machines plus account and i found out that they are low on funds anyway so i need to find more places and amazon takes too long to set up and i don't really buy much on amazon so having an amazon account would be weird for me jeanette asks is this denim uh no it looks like it but it's not it's studio e fabrics color number 45. i think that's what it is yes i'm just pre pushing them down for you yeah i'm just ironing them as they are right yeah just make sure they stay nice and flat i just got to sew to the opposite side real quick on the rest of those other pieces on the 42 ones with the white in the corner uh here for the phone ask do you have other quilting youtubers you recommend i'm recently retired and planned i enjoy watching videos while crafting i recommend first off teresa louise is here so it's theresa louise i quilt too she is in the chat so she can put her link to her channel and go over there and subscribe also so becca she's probably not here because scott hasn't said her name and he usually announces it out loud if becca's in here so so becca is another one and you can either type that into the google search or one of my moderators can put a link to her channel in there i also love tea from tea quilts as well so you can go to tea quilts on youtube or again my moderators can one of them can start throwing in links for tea i also love mom and pop quilt shop um again that can be added in and those are my main ones that i watch that are quilting related um there is a lot more um i literally have so many channels that i watch but those are my the go-to channels to watch and anyone that's a quilter on here that has a channel is allowed to put it on like eric oh and eric oda i'm doing a sew along with him too i always forget because he's a new channel now and just started putting videos but eric oda has a channel too and he's a he's a moderator so he can put it in as well all right here's the rest of these okay and while you're doing that i'm going to sew the opposites to this nail okay uh podunk says if you email her she'll give you a code to share let her know you use and love the wheel that she chose not to be an affiliate but i guess you can be is it purple oh okay are you going to do an email all right so now i'm going to add thank you to the opposite side of all 42 of these literally goes so fast fast enough where i'm pretty sure i will have this whole entire quilt made in one video today ellen if ellen is does have you can post your channel on here i just saw her she said something [Music] you guys are allowed to give yourself a shout out we don't mind we support all fellow quilters yep all the channels and if you are a channel and you gotta let everyone know when you are and you didn't hear your name out there from my favorite it's not because i don't like it because i i literally spend all day every day on youtube if you don't believe me ask him he gets mad not mad but bored because he has nothing else to do besides watch tv so i have to stop youtube completely in all of my favorites so that i could sit and watch movies and hang out with my husband you don't have to i'm used to it now i used to get mad at you i'm used to it now you watch it while we're watching movies so don't tell them that don't make up stuff i mainly watch tea while moving well no becca's on when she's on friday nights i watch becca because it's a multitasking friday night donna jordan for big channels you can go to missouri star quilt company donna jordan from jordan fabrics uh it would be jordan fabrics that's just the person uh donna jordan is the owner slash vide video person she's a meme [Music] you watch her too you watch all these people i do there's a quilting marine you can't believe there's marsh with the quilting marine yep he's my buddy there's so yeah so yeah guys there mark was on so yeah the other night so yeah guys rotate with tutorials but they have these stash nights last night was the first time i got on a d stash night in like i don't know eight weeks or more oh and then i ended up having to leave but yeah there's so many channels so many well ellen you're gonna have to talk to each other or kim or somebody because i don't know how to do that unless i'm busy ironing them so even if i did scott doesn't know how to do that yet you know i i gotta you guys gotta remind me teach scott how to do that stuff he can't from there though because i actually don't have any other thing besides youtube on there so he can't like go for links for like the facebook so for those that are also new i do have a facebook group so you could post and share pictures of and ask for opinions and or whatever um of the things that you're working on in the group it's in the description below i also have instagram if you press it i'll square it off in the end it's fine because i did press it it's already pressed but look at how it has a big yeah it's just because of the when i cut the fabric it wrinkled remember you have another one too if there's one i said i'd fix them as i'm sewing okay okay did you see that i just accidentally slid the ruler off the desk good thing i have carpet or else it probably would have broke earlier today speaking of carpet um i dropped my thing right here this went flying over here into this corner and scattered my pins everywhere everywhere and because i have carpet if the pins fall downward they go into the carpet they will go in and you have to look for the top some of them just sit there but i have this little thing it's a magnet inside here from i don't even know where it came from but probably find something like this a harbor freight and i just take the magnets that are in here and rubbed it along the carpet and then took off all those pins put them in the container rubbed this along the carpet again took all the pins off put it in the container until they were all cleaned up so that way i don't step on them because like you guys and me we all walk in our rooms barefooted so yeah i didn't want to step on any pins they went flying flying though not just any flying i accidentally had the thing right here and i was making something and i went click and it went flung it hit the wall and they just everywhere i'm pretty sure i got them all thanks to the magnet so i'm just now finishing there's not very much left to go here and then all i have to do is sew the sets of three together because we're only making 21 um nine patches i almost said four patch before i said nine that's how much i'm thinking i like my border idea so i am going to dig through this room i have tons of different blues to put a border on a small border a small border of that and then uh find another blue and do a big border all the way around not big but like four inches or five that way this would be a 100 queen size when it's done i can get back to reading yeah [Music] a little bit more to go i'm actually going to break some of these off here so scott could start pressing these oh i just sat down and plugged it in i know well it has to stay plugged in or else and you said i can't put another plug over there press them towards the dark again so just do it like this this way anita says you're wearing a tank top you made how cute yep you know how many actual people suggested to me via messenger and or comments you should wear that on so sunday so i did sl asks is there a reason that you don't make strip sets and make your nine patches out of them because these were five inch squares since i'm making big blocks if i was to do it with two and a half inch strips that's the way i would do it amelia likes your tank top also and for those that didn't see in the beginning i matched it with a now covered in dust i mean thread brown skirt with ruffles on the bottom it's cute all right can you start pressing these to the dark please can you i just plugged it in yeah wait you told me i was done this thing will die thank teresa for doing all this for everybody and trying to type and if you guys know um becca actually on becca's website [Music] we just google so becca comes up to her website she actually has a list on her website of favorite channels and pretty much all her favorites are my favorites because they're all quilting related and every time someone finds a really good one a new really good one that nobody has on that list she'll add it to the list [Music] just have to comment in the comment section because there's a comment section of the list did you make a skirt too no i had the skirt i usually pair it with um i have another shirt that has browns in it and i usually pair this skirt with it but now i can pair it with this tank top too nope this will probably go in my for sale quilts when i finally do quilt it yep you'll see all of them next week but this one probably won't be in next week no i probably won't get the quilting i have some client quilts i got to get done my new thing is i quilt one of my quilts i quilt a client quilt i quote one of my quotes i quote the client quilt that way mine get done too because they're just like hanging there some i have to wait a while on because i need 108 or bigger backing for them because they're some of them like one uh one of them is one 12 by 124 it's super huge so i need 108 and then i need to border the 108. [Music] just however they land because you impress these for me towards the dark please oh they're all dark towards the dark they're blues together towards the middle blue okay i'm literally almost done now you throw them together and that's it and then the cutting [Music] and then the layout jay klein figured you would make a pair of shorts [Music] um i can actually take a pair of jean shorts that i have and then the last of this fabric and um i was kind of thinking because the last of this fabric there's about i don't know eight or ten inches of it i was thinking about hemming the bot one part of it and doing a ruffle skirt around a pair of jean shorts just chopping the shorts part out and making a skirt like i had when i was a kid that my mom used to make me in the 80s [Music] it won't be a very long skirt though it'd be like a mini skirt and i don't know if that really goes with the style of the tank top there's also enough to where i can probably just make a headband maybe like a like a tie for my head to go with it i have a ton of shorts because i i don't like short shorts i've never really been a short shorts kind of person i like shorts that go almost to my knees so i was thinking taking one of the pair of short shorts because there's not much to cut off and [Music] i've always wanted to turn them into a pair of jean skirt short skirt skirt type deal like my mom made me when i was a kid i just never done it and there may or may not be enough of this fabric to do that with yeah it's not a moderator i can make him say that oh yeah do that i thought he was i thought we did that last time do you want to be one yeah click on the button there you go now it says you're a moderator see i can do that from this thingy but i can't do links because this tablet doesn't have that ability so you can teach me whatever you want or you so when you come down but i'm not going to be able to do it unless you buy me a new device but i honestly wouldn't like that because then i'd have to learn how to use it and i already know how to use this tablet so honestly he didn't want to learn his new phone i still don't want to learn my new phone i still listen to music on my old phone because my headphones don't attach to my new phone i'm giving these like a pre-press so that they can get done okay now you've got aircraft monitoring i got who else wants to be a moderator emily you want to be a moderator i don't need that many more i'm just joking ah you know i mean whatever if they want to but we need somebody who knows how to do teresa's stuff when she's not here since nobody knows how to i don't get spam so i mean i have a few times gotten some weird creeps that say weird stuff but it's very rare that it happens on my channel don't say that it'll happen yeah this happened before wear what you say oh no way these dragonflies on this one that is awesome that's the first dragonfly patch i saw well that's because all the fabrics there's only two of each fabric that one's awesome all right these are all pressed so here's the outsides here's some of the top like this and then the others once they're done you'll be finished no finish sewing i can't well there's not enough i guess i could start sewing some of these together and then the bottom is just this again like this except my lights oh he's messed up my light pile what did i do wrong lights light that's light i'm just ironing them and then what are you giving to me they're all in one pile lights lights like that and this is a light that was a light this was a light i gotta have that up there because that is actually all right and that's the lights so i'm putting like this no like this sorry so it's dark dark dark light light hopefully it turns out like my head sees it so i'm just going to sew a bunch of these together this was a directional fabric so that's why let's see it there's two of these i think it's the only two that's directional i'm going to make sure that they land in a certain spot every single time and then once this block is together if your quarter inch seam is accurate the block should end up 14 inches i'm just making sure that my seams are nesting up there because that's just like making its way let me put another one on here so that you can see i'm just going to finger press for now it'd be better if i use that because i'm hurting my finger my fingers are a bit on the sensitive side today all right and then this is going to go on this side you don't have to finish it tonight [Music] if i did a video no if you would do one she says i can do another one and just call it exactly that loading a quote with the red snappers i've done it in quite a few of the um well you can just do a short one just a few minutes i'm just showing that yeah all right so here oh let me show you guys here's what crystal have you been feeling uh my stomach still hurts um my stupid uh heda or high desk scan or whatever it's called got denied so this week i go to my gastro doctor and i or next week i go to my gastro doctor i'm gonna totally fix everything from there on so that way this can get figured out and and fixed because i'm really really tired of having super horrible stomachaches well we have bad insurance dude insurance denies everything yep all right i'm just going to continue showing these on i'm almost done with this pile now huh i have more over there than i am yeah right there on the edge this stack yep just next to stick i did it no it's not i just fingered those with this i thought this was the stack that i was adding onto so some of these have been ironed then and some haven't yeah it's this stack that i had here and i added it to that stack so half the stack is done but i'll redo it all right this side and since my seams are all always going towards the blue fabric that makes it super easy for everything to mess up and line up wonderfully and i shouldn't be making one block at a time but that's kind of how it's going right now here's another block [Music] my little leftover i had one square left i only used 105. like i counted [Music] tonya likes the blue fabric theresa i don't know what it is today my fingers are like blocks don't like the fill of fabric today which is kind of weird because we all love the feel of fabric but today i my fingers do not theresa she already answered that she said she would she just got done talking about it did you not hear oh making a video i will and since these blocks are going uh in a quilt next to a big block that's 14 inches all on its own it actually does not matter which way the final seams are pressed because none of these are going to be next to a scene there'll be no more seams to line up oops thank you michelle the only irons when we're on live stream uh no i don't sometimes the irons off the livestream sorry i ask you 10 times a day if you need help if i can do anything so don't give me that i usually say no all right i'm just going to continue sewing one of these to each of these for now because now add the next ones once i run out that'll be all 21 pieces because i prefer to change [Music] okay do i got more on yet you can huh these flat i guess once you're done with the rest of them i got like four and one here do you want me to do the real big ones come on yeah there we go well these ones have not been around yet so these ones need to be done it's a whole lot of blue blue lots of blue and i went through like five different blues for my background until i settled on this one because it looks jean like for those that are new to my channel no i don't pin anything it's rare i pin i did pin stuff earlier today because i was making casings but barbara says kiss me i love your show i love it too because i love hanging out with you guys that's why i like live streaming when i just make a video just to make a video i feel like i'm talking to myself and it's definitely weird margaret s what are the block sizes they will be 14 inches when done they were five inch squares to start i'm making 21 nine patches and then after these are all made while the pressing is happening then i will cut out the 14 inch squares that like i said you can applique so that they're not so plain i'm just gonna do them plain so that i can have fun quilting in the emptiness because we all like an empty block for quilting when you're long arm plus everything goes together so fast when it's this big and i do have a video on how to make the regular two and a half size single irish chain as well with the two and a half inch square i actually haven't even quilted that yet it was done in flannel and i haven't even quilted it yet but i have backing for it now it's on the it will get done sooner or later pile but it's all cat fabric [Music] see the top you man it looks good and flannel cat fabric flannel it's gonna be so fun when i finally finish it um yes i'm talking i designated certain ones to all be for the light file [Music] i am definitely on every sunday at 5 00 pm mountain standard time then the rest of the weekend and the rest the rest of my live streams and or uploads they're all just whatever whenever i feel like it i need to make a new intro video to my channel that lets all those people know that i'm a whatever i feel like kind of person i am not a scheduled person i don't do schedules at all i never have anything really ever planned i'm kind of just a random person i mean random project kind of person that's the word i am a random person but i'm also a random project person foreign i don't do plans for anybody that's curious i don't do plan or schedules because i have ms and a bunch of other medical problems so i never know when i'm gonna feel good and if i keep scheduling things what if i don't feel good and everybody's looking forward to it and i just you know don't go on so i just stick with sunday only that's the only day that i can actually come on and keep that schedule [Music] because i've been doing it every day for over two years every week for over two years now all right now i'm going to add these to the opposite sides for a while there she was trying to come on every day but that that only lasted a week or two those over there because now i'm gonna separate and open these like this and then without even pressing i'm just going to add to the opposite side which is my light colored light blues in the bottom corner there in the top corner here bottom corner there it's the ones i designated as the lighter colors because i really didn't have that many really really lights with blue in them either way the cool to be nice when i'm done so now i'm just going to go ahead and start adding these and then i'll have all 21 blocks made and i put a fresh bobbin in that's the reason why i'm still going and i haven't had to change my bobbin like usual i always run out this time i have a fresh one so no running out right away [Music] it should be soon though because it's been going for a while [Music] [Music] riley says hi all she says i see tiffany is sewing up a storm you go girl [Music] kylie sorry not riley kylie rigby michelle asked what jukey do you have the jiggy tl 2010q what is it like to use it do you like it oh i love it it's an easy machine it's only straight stitch though for those of you interested in a machine like this it only does straight stitch so you can free motion quilt on it because it's straight stitch but if you need zigzags or anything like that this machine will not do that but if you like fast and going fast and you can piece as fast as me like this then this is the machine for you there's other models obviously there's a brother version and then there's a janome version and there's a baby lock version actually too i think i don't know the name of that one though i think the brother is like 1100 pq or pq 1100 i think and then janome is also something with a one i don't know i know some of you probably have it though [Music] eric says a baby locked dad baby lock jazz goes fast [Music] i don't know [Music] i know that the machine that's behind me is slow so i prefer this machine and all that talking about it i ran out theresa says the baby lock one is the accomplish and this time i pre-rolled bobbins i had plenty of time to get ready for today's live stream if you didn't know usually i'm like 30 minutes before i start getting ready but this time actually did everything in advance i just didn't change the name of this video in advance instead i had to get rid of the no commenting thing because it was weird [Music] [Music] well kelly for over 40 years and she recently started sewing with little mother making handbags for watching youtube makes her want to do quilt again she's a new subscriber thank you for subscribing kevin well welcome to my craziness i'm literally like all over the place i can't help it guys i have 80d my youtube channel should be the 80d it's only quilting abv though i believe michelle's asking is your semi-industrial yes [Music] yep it's a semi-industrial machine i've made bags on it i've sewn uh through vinyl with it i tried to sew through eight layers yeah eight layers of vinyl but it doesn't go that that much it goes through about six and four at the most [Music] some vinyls are thicker than others so i should specify marine vinyl it's pretty thick i think you're ringing yep i hear it scott's leaving to answer the phone for a second but you'll be back [Music] all right two more blocks to put together and then i can start cutting the background ones and or my every other block so i should have 21 nine patches in total and then i'm going to cut out my background [Music] which would be 14 inch blocks but we're going to make sure for a fact i've kept a good quarter inch seam i'm pretty sure i will be where i need to be and yes i know i can use my cutting gizmo but these are bigger than the small pieces before i start pressing some of these let's make sure that this came out 14 inches exactly 14 inches so i'm gonna cut my computer back pieces to be 14 so here we go mr scotty some more for you to press okay well you're gonna have to wait you can catch up on the comments then i'll start becca's on now everybody's talking hi becca okay i can iron okay i'm just doing the big ones again yep i'm gonna keep these out of the way though because i need to cut some fabric okay all right so now i'm going to go ahead and cut uh seven 14 inch strips i know you're like what yep we're only going to cut seven this is why we needed four and a quarter yards that's if you're cutting is accurate uh if your cutting isn't as accurate just get four and a half yards and if you're going to do a border like i think i may do then get um five yards so you probably do this with five yards from a five yard cut from the so yeah guys if you buy on their thing and then it won't be plain fabric either you'll have some kind of print or something fabric all right so i'm going to come over to 14 and i'm going to cut seven of these because i'll get three 14 inch squares per strip michael wants to know is this quote for me yes it's gonna be a sale quilt becca sorry i'm just gonna put it for sale so there's one i'm just gonna let it fall on the floor and i'm just gonna keep unrolling and lining up we are doing our quilt show though next weekend becca and we're gonna do the 4k giveaway finally yeah it took me forever to figure out how to do that computery stuff for the 4k giveaway oh she says the answer is it could be yeah okay then there you go that's a very good answer all right there's two so you guys think that could help you to learn how to do the thing for the giveaway yeah so yes hopefully tiffy has learned it this will be three i'm using the lines on my mat angela asks what are you cutting now i'm cutting my background squares which is a big emptiness on my little chart here so the empty spots like i said you can applique something there or whatever i'm just going to quilt something there when i get to the long arm finally my thing started going crooked already i'm going to line it up straighten it back up again it happens with yardage it'll start going wonky i don't mean for it to happen it just happens line it back up again because it kind of decided it wanted to try to move away from me yeah it decided yeah it decided it wanted to move away sometimes that happens too because we're not perfect i forgot what number i was at one two three four so i need to cut three more it's a lot of yardage like i said you almost have 180 people on auction holy moly that's a lot five and two more [Music] angela says you get so much done i wish i could sit at my sewing machine for longer periods of time yeah this just so happened to be two pieces on the bolt and this next piece i'm gonna have to iron that up because i'll be able to get the last cut from that tiff has plenty of down days and she takes plenty of rest she doesn't do it all at once all right we're gonna press this real quick to get my last cut can i borrow that for a second please yep she's amazingly talented that is true but she does take time off that is why i have random videos at random times and you guys beware your dogs right now squeak [Music] kylie asks how big will the finish top be 81 by 95 and that's before i add the borders because i'm going to add borders for a fact i think all right sorry squeak needed to make some noise but i needed to flatten this piece out let's stay pretty darn straight on that side no trim needed all right we're going to cut this at 14 again right there there okay can i keep ironing now yeah and then this last piece is going to go on my scrap string bin so i'm going to just pre cut it whatever um one and three quarters it looks like nope yep yep yep right there right there all right so that just go on my strings marge says your top looks cute thank you all right now to take all of these pieces and open them up and stack them on top of each other so we can sub cut 14 inch squares so i'm literally gonna just and i know a couple of them will have this fold but when i iron it it'll go away so we're just gonna stack them all ellen says uh she loves to watch you uh so it teaches her how to make full quilt in a week with chain stitching it works yep i'm just going to stack all of them at the same time because i'm confident of cutting through seven layers of fabric i'm gonna straighten them all up in a second they won't be this wonky 14-14 is 28 right yes sorry that way i don't have to do an adjustment and just count over the next number so i'm aligning them all up now nicely gorgeous is that a denim you're using no it's not it just looks like it a lot of people have asked that one tonight marge don't worry it looks like it but it's not okay i just do this i'm holding them all together on the selvage and then i just shook it out and i'll use my fingers to straighten it out that one's kind of crooked right there come on get that way there there there we go now they should all be nice and equal enough down just a little there we go and flattening it all out now all right so i'm gonna cut all the salvages off at the same exact time and then i'm going to come and cut at 14 and then at 28 and then undo the rest and i got to be very very cautious because i need all the length i can get oh that's gonna suck restrain it again it moved on me because to get three pieces you need a 42 inch fabric and i only want to cut less than an inch off of my selvage you know so i definitely need all the space i can get there we go one more time nice and flat there we go right there right there let's cut all this off at the same time and i should get three 14 inch squares off of this i'm going to line up with my 14 making sure everything's nice and square nice and square eric says well you're so great to cut it all at once so here's seven of them so far i'm just gonna lay those back behind my chair and then again these have the fold but i'm gonna just pull very carefully over to the 28 and cut and then scott can just a new blade yeah why they're asking oh yeah that's a question it cuts through like a butter when they're new just like that barely any pressure even are we getting off in two hours yeah we're almost done well we're almost at two hours okay all right now i'm going to just open this up and i will get my last 14 inch square i'll line this up right here everything's nice and lined up my last stack of seven should land 14 inches right here this fabric was definitely longer than i needed so this will all go in my strings but i'll deal with that later and put that there close that blade and start putting this together because it should go together super quick so here's my diagram you see that super simple i'll put it on facebook even with my scribbles because my scribbles are readable and what i'm gonna do can i move these over there now are you done cutting because i need the room so i'd be done because it's getting quite hot over here this should go together on the charger and put it on my lap three of these go in the top so i'm just gonna take one of these one of these sew them together there should be no seams to nest so it should go together super fast [Music] so it starts with that and i made sure that my light color my like lighter of the blues is in my top corner so again i'm going to grab another one of these and i'm going to make sure that my lighter blue actually that one's too close to that one i'm going to put my lighter blue up in that top corner again because i want them always up in my top left hand side so i'm going to attach this is a rotary cutter easy on arthritic wrists yes all right now i'm going to add another one of my big squares what's that one called that you use what not called the regular rotary cutter and martel it's the martelli ergonomic cutter yeah that's what it is that did not help i popped thread give me a second to stick this back in the hole and i could start sewing again and if you are too afraid you could always pin your super long 14 inch seam i'm not gonna bother all right so one two let's add a third let's do this one again i want my lighter color in the top corner let's put this one up in the top corner uh anita asks i always seem to want to put the non-patching fabric on the bottom when i sew them together the seams don't flip does it matter that doesn't matter i just watch the seam and technically if the bed if you have a uh a lip on the bed of your table like this even this one has it as a lip right here no matter which way you put your seam your bottom seam um if you have this on the bottom that seam can still flip because it can get caught in there they actually sell um this right here it's called the uh steady betty and it's this piece of sticker that you put on your machine bed between the lip and it'll stop those flippings from happening so just google steady betty i know i'm advertising so many products but um i know i'm not using it but they sell a cup there's a different couple different brands but that's the one i have it definitely helps especially on that brother because it flips seams whether this is on the bottom or on the top if it's on the top i can at least control it all right and then this top row ends with one of these so the big row one is now going to be done so i'm just lining it up i'm just sewing my quarter inch seam and i'm holding the bottom still too so that way everything stays nice aligned [Music] and i'm not back stitching because i really don't have the wants to do that so here's row one i can't even hold it because it's so long like i said it's supposed to be 81 by 95 when it's done so now let's put row two together and so on and so forth can you like actually i'll just fold it and know that this is what do you want me to do oh nothing i'll do it that way i can just pick them up off the floor all right so row two now starts with a solid teresa louise is not a fan of the steady betty she says she tried it doesn't care for it and then we'll add one of these again i'm still gonna keep my light colored blues always in my top left corner i was just giving the general idea of the little things you can stop seeing flipping all right and then one of these line it up line it up be nice if it stays flat this is why people can [Music] but i'm not pinning so now i'm going to add another one of these actually i think that ended up in that one so we're not going to put it in this one we'll put this one on here i'm trying to move them around a little like if you were using all scraps this would be perfect you know kind of like my really uh my um what's the video my time lapse quote that i just did of scraps you can do that with these squares all scrap squares in between and then just choose a nice prominent color as your main color and it should look awesome right so i have three one two all right anita asks should you have the same number of solids as you have nine patches in each row or do they alternate no it's the uh it's the same they all have five of the colors and four of the background fabric no she's talking about your big line the nine patch with the nine patch how many solid pieces are you putting with the nine patch there's four every single one oh with these i'm alternating that big one that you're just holding how many of those oh just every other row starts or ends with a four patch i mean a nine patch sorry so this end with a nine pack started so let's make this so that you guys can get a general idea i'm gonna do this from my lap because it's easier because i'm rolling over things i'm gonna take my first row and my second row i'm going to put them together right sides together just stick this on my lap and the only seams that i need to nest even though i didn't press them yet is the seams between the nine patch and the solid one there's no other seams to nest on this whole entire thing so i'm just gonna come to my first seam and i'm gonna put it where i want it how i want it and i'm just going to nest them with my finger without even pressing and i'll sew to that seam see it flipped as soon as i hit the bed of my tray stop in that seam go to the next one because it is a 14 inch block put the seams the way just hold it in my fingers stop in the seam go to the next it's so easy so so easy a beginner can do this and if you want to cut individual blocks you can the 14 inch you don't have to stack all seven strips like i did that's just how i roll i'm a daredevil [Music] stop in the seam line up the next i'm just making my seams go towards the big block [Music] you want a pin at every juncture do it this quilt grows super fast literally [Music] oops come on stay the way i put you it wants to naturally go towards the big um empty fabric guess what stitch length you're using 2.0 all right so row one and two are now together let me find the top so you're gonna see that the white is gonna go the lighter colors are going to go one way and then the darks are going to go the opposite direction which i will get to when i get further color you think you're going to quilt it with white white or blue or something oh i don't know all right let's do the next row which starts with one of these i'm going to go further down with that guy we're going to start with one of these there's seven they should go pretty quick well you can keep going i don't have to i'm good at two dollars it's on your [Music] somewhere in that range [Music] just know that it's six across by seven down one two let's put a third one in let's do this guy looking so beautiful all right one more of these guys wow all right so that's one two three four five six now to add it to the quilt let's go right here right here that's not how i started it that's how i started it oh i gotta find that right side up block because i already put one of those in here didn't i yes i did so it does go that way i had it the correct direction the first time kylie says you will have this top done in no time oh yeah let's put this down here like that matching these two ends up the way i had it in the first place oh we got three australians on here right in a row look at that all right did i de-thread myself again all right now i'm just going to add this on here and i'll have three rows on and i started it and now i'm just going to put the seam the way i want it and just hold it hold everything nice and flat what the whole thing is seven rows total yeah that's going to be huge that is going to be a big fight going to be a big dog but it's simple and it's easy it says see if this were me i would be laying it out sewing it crying because it's on wrong then ripping then sewing again nope not me you could do it eric you can do it yes kylie says tiffany who's this top four it's not for anybody it's gonna go for sale probably [Music] for sale when i'm finished i think i'm even going to do the back blue because i have so many different blue fabrics i'm going to do the back all blue also just be that quilt that when you're filling blue you cover yourself up you're singing a song i'm blue what do you think about villain or you can think of the leanne rhyme song oh so welcome oh sorry joe says seam ripping isn't so bad after tiffany showed us how to use it teresa shows how to use it and becca shows how to use it too but i think we all learned from teresa except for my long arm or quilt quilting ripping out quilting i didn't show you guys how to seem without quilting on an unso sunday that whole video that sunday was dedicated to unsewing not sewing unsewing [Music] yep i literally now have three rows together and julie asked could you do this as a quilt as you go in rows then sew them together yes you can definitely all right i'm gonna lay it up over here now so i can just hang so i know that that bottom corner is my bottom i'm going to grab another one of these now again i'm starting this one this next row starts with a solid so let's grab a solid and put one of these on and then just continue on down if theresa chimed in they asked that it was hurting all the seam ripping [Music] yeah was all right another one susan says you're inspiring here to make a large irish chain quote this is like the super large deluxe let me tell you you want a big mac this is a big quilt with big blocks and again these solid pieces you can sorry about the fold i did not iron that you know you can embroider something really cool here or you can applique something on there or whatever the sky's the limit it's 14 inches i mean if you're going to embroidery or some on the embroidery machine i would cut a 15 inch piece because you know that the thread's going to suck it down in size and you got to fit it in your hoop so in that case you're going to need like more than 5 yards of fabric but it would look really awesome and then if you want to just keep them like this and then applique something on afterwards that would be really awesome too uh let's do this one i'm just guessing where these are gonna go if they don't end up in a spot that looks whatever oh well because i'm not changing it [Music] all right one two three four this is five so seven total strips by how many blocks in each strip it's six across by seven down one two three four five six yeah six across by seven down and your nine patches every other block and i stopped at this size because you guys like i said you can use four charm packs which is a layer cake worth but you're gonna have an even bigger quilt you do instead you'll be doing uh seven across by eight down but at 14 inch blocks just remember you're gonna have a king size quilt because this one's already 80 by 95 which is this uh the length of a queen bed is already 80 inches in length it's 60 widths so this is gonna have hangover but once i add a border it's definitely going to be big to fit on a queen beautifully hanging over the sides [Music] she says i'm wondering why you did not go with an odd number of the 14 inch blocks in each row that way the nine patch blocks or the solid blocks would be in each corner um because it wouldn't have landed well it would have landed with that one but it wouldn't have landed in one corner with um yeah it would have had been even and even it would have been seven across by seven down for it to end up in each corner um if that be the case it would have been super large and i didn't have enough um blue fabric honestly i had to make sure i knew i was going to have enough and bonnie asked what color is [Music] probably a blue or a white i'm not sure put this right here along this growing so fast yeah but you still got like four more to make yeah i could have not made it six i could have made it five across by six down or seven down but then it'd be really long and skinny i don't know i didn't end it with them because like i said i needed to make sure i had enough of the fabric and i wasn't sure how much i actually had so you're gonna be at least half hour yeah okay [Music] yeah okay you want me to hold that then so i can read comments it'll still look cool come on i want to know if your blue fabric was part of your walmart spree no this one totally different um they don't sell studio e fabric at walmart this was my pricey collection of fabric you guys can see down under there that's my pricey collection of fabric it's all the expensive stuff like i normally buy at walmart and hobby lobby and joanne's and whatever i can afford like better techs and stuff sometimes moda which i can get at you know hobby lobby it's a different it's a different feel than the actual motive from other companies though but every now and again i come across the a bolt of um good stuff and i just stick it aside it's like maywood studios and this one studio e and i have a couple other brands down there and i i use them sparingly because on the normal i can't afford them typically over seven dollars a yard so i can't afford that kind of stuff on the norm unless it's on sale or something somewhere [Music] all right so that's still the top up here this is still the bottom so so far it is quite big already you can see so i'm just gonna again place this over there that way i know that this is my top at all times so the next row what am i at one two three four so on five one two three four five so i start with one of these this time where's that block that i know needs to be upright we'll do this one all right so i'm starting with this and then two more rows after this and i think i'm just going to go ahead and chain piece so the next one will be starting with this on the bottom because that's three rows worth that i'll just do real quick all at the same time [Music] the next one we'll start with one of those scott disappeared with the comments so i have no idea what any of you are saying all right so now i'm going to come back to the top i'm literally just going to chain piece all this together now why because i can i want this one up in the top corner yes [Music] this one [Music] this one you guys are watching a big huge quilt being made right before your very eyes today i think the only thing i'll do off screen is adding borders your bobbin doing um it probably is gonna start running low soon because i just put it in pretty much when i finished the piecing of the nine patches this machine doesn't have a bobbin uh warning like some huh tank top that you made oh thank you patricia s what are you making i am making a giant irish chain vanessa are you going to quilt this or do you send them out oh no i have my own long arm i quilt all of my own quilts and it's all you all free motion no computer i have gotten into pantographs recently but i don't actually use them all the time i only done like five quilts with oops sorry i'm talking to myself uh i only done like five quilts with the pantographs all right one of these and yes i am chain piecing these big huge blocks for anybody that's like what are you doing it's actually not that hard to one piece these together huh single i was thinking of a double when i first um started thinking large blocks but then i was like well these will the blocks will go up i will go through so much so fast if i did it that way so i just decided to do um single or dress is it a king it will be almost king size it'll be nice queen size it'll already have about um 10 inches hanging on each side of a bed but most people have like 14 inch deep mattresses so this will cover that for a queen nicely once it has borders and almost done so these rows all together and then i will sew to that thing and then if i have plenty of time maybe i can throw the borders on all right one more pass so this one will get this well let's get the last block nope not yet and eric wants to know if you're putting borders on this i'm thinking i will yes i don't know if i'll do it today or off camera we'll see how much longer it takes me to put the last these three rows together and then on to the big one because i don't know how long i've been on i know it's been over two hours because scott took the comments and is now sitting on the couch i think all right so with these all hooked together what i'm just gonna do is hook these together right here i'm just gonna leave everything together i'm just going to turn this and i'm going to sew these together and then sew this piece onto it and so on and so forth so how big are your borders i'm probably going to do a two and a half inch border of this blue and then do a i know this seems like so much of this flu but two and a half border of the blue and then i'm going to find a blue and white fabric [Music] to finish it off with a second border probably five inches because everything else is five inches so why not they look more symmetry that way so to be [Music] like 93 or 4 94ish by 109. something like that i'm not sure because my math sucks it'll be somewhere around there things are falling off my table because they like to vibrate off because i sew so fast and i know some of you probably want to go go night night and stuff like that so feel free to leave if you need to um be just a few more minutes for those that are just going to stick around so at least this part is all done [Music] all right so i'm gonna open this up now and then grab this and this put them together auntie ann says you need shock absorbers for your machine yeah sandra ordered the purple binding wheel thingy she says thank you all right so i'm just going to keep hooking these together i should have probably put that on top but i didn't i'll just reach underneath and straighten it out so my hand is literally between the pieces straighten it out [Music] i am getting hungry though for someone who asked if i was tired i am hungry so i think that what i'm gonna do when i am done sewing this set onto that i'm not even going to press the project because it's big and once i hold it up it should lay just sort of nice you guys will see the finished product when i show you in next sunday or something since i am going to add borders to it one [Music] okay technically one more seam after this [Music] stay don't move thank you all right so now this will hook to down here so i'm actually going to bring this and this up here together we're going to put this up here like that and i'm going to pick this piece like this and put it right sides together with that so now i'm just putting the two almost halves together and i'll have made a very large quilt in one video look at that so everything about once your quilt top gets heavy heavy heavy it'll start falling off of your table so if you have a machine that doesn't have a bed just know that you're gonna have some yanking going on and you should hold everything very nicely and steady as you sew it because it's best if it goes on your lap and on a table for those that are new you know and if you're sewing in a room that's like super hot be very rare because you will get warmed up with all the fabrics sitting bunched up on your lap but if you live somewhere with cool weather it might keep you warm i need to reach my hand in between the two layers further there we go again i still don't have comments because scott is not in here [Music] okay that goes that way it got flipped on the corner of the machine again [Music] thank you all right so just a little bit more to go [Music] all right last big square being sewn together now [Music] there we have it folks i have made a very large quilt in one video boys can i have you hold this up please again i will add borders later for now i'm just gonna have scott hold it up so that you guys can see the whole thing in full and then um your turn says i had the day off and i'm spending it quilting my scrap cj i'm not pressing it guys so it may look a little weird at first hold that corner big beast hold on you guys are going to see and once i add borders it's going to be even bigger than this right now it's not pressed but here we go they're they're kind of crooked so give me a second to twist this yeah you guys are if you step back scott it won't be as quick okay well this is as far back as i can so you can see the lighter colors are coming down this way and the darker colors are kind of doing whatever they do sorry for the squeak that's the sound of my thingy so it just needs to be pressed and it's going to get some borders so it could have ended if i had more squares with one more row this way but then it would be way too big as you can see it's huge all right so let's put this back this way and just to make sure that my math was correct they're all saying pretty i'm loving it it's so pretty so it's just a big block irish chain that's all oh that's way past that we're going to make sure that my numbers are sort of accurate if this side is good then that means the rest what's 41 and 41 82 so it's 82 instead of 81 and a half it's 82. so this is probably gonna be like 96 then instead of 95. that means i was off by a half an inch you know which isn't bad actually because my math usually really really sucks 47 and 47. uh 94. really so 82 by 94 instead of 95. okay that works and then it's gonna get borders so i'll do a two and a half and then i'll choose a blue to be um a five inch border the rest of the way around so there's a quarter of it right there nice simple plain quilt look at that that needs to be ironed i'll do it after i add borders you're getting amazing and awesome and looks fantastic and beautiful uh did you use charm packs glass you can use charm packs i used uh squares from my personal pre-cuts that i make i make my own um squares so i used oh man i just realized that two stars were next to each other oh well that's okay oh well he's on i really don't care it works out see you just made it as we're getting off but you made it i like it it doesn't flow exactly like i thought it would in my head because i should have used lighter fabrics but that's okay that whole entire empty space right here all these empty spaces gives me the option to quilt something really nice in every single empty space and i'll add borders and i'm just going to grab a blue that has some kind of white in it fabric and add those and then be done so i'll just use as many strips as i need of this to go around two and a half inches and then i'll add the five inch because i need a separation from the one side that does have blocks ending um that's it guys i'm done i'm gonna go eat i'm hungry and i got pizza that needs to be in the microwave for a while so uh sunday next sunday i'll show you guys what it looks like uh don't forget next sunday is not the the uh is it it's next sunday right no it's not next sunday next sunday i am announcing the 4k giveaway but i'm having a quilt show d stash so if you want to purchase a quilt for me get your pocketbooks ready if not um just what i will give you the thing you just watch and see the quilts you don't have to buy anything it's just um chat and look at tiffany's clothes the and then i'll announce how to um uh how to do the form so that you can enter the giveaway because it's going to be a form to fill out instead of me writing your names down so that's next week and i'll announce how that giveaway for my 4k giveaway goes other than that i'm gonna get off of here i'm hungry so thanks for watching if you're new subscribe like my videos and share them with your cruelty friends and don't forget i will be changing the name of this video to big block irish chain that way you guys can find it later but it'll still be a sunday video so bye everybody goodbye all right i can turn it off i'm right here while i was typing let's take
Channel: Tiffany's Quilting Life
Views: 3,757
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: Quilting, Piecing, Tutorial, Piecing a Quilt, Quilt Top, Piece and Quilt, Quilting For MS Therapy, Have Fun Quilting, Quilting/Longarming, Longarm, Quilt Therapy, Learn To Quilt, Quilting For Beginners, Quilting for Fun
Id: hqOkoXE6QOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 18sec (9318 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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