setup a FREE VPN server in the cloud (AWS)

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you need a vpn to keep yourself safe on the internet safe from people like hackers and people like her and her but maybe you don't want to pay for it you know what that's fine we're going to set up a vpn server in the aws cloud for free let's go okay you'll need two things to get started number one cup of coffee go brew you some come back and see me number two you'll need a free aws account if you don't already have one go watch this video i'll get you set up all right coffee aws let's go all right first thing open up your web browser and go to aws to log into your console i'll click it right here at the top right and get logged in from here we're going to click on services at the top left and then under compute select ec2 now what's this ec2 thing simply it's an amazon service that'll let us deploy a virtual machine in the cloud a virtual computer a virtual server that will run our vpn server so we need to make one of these we're going to scroll down to about the middle here where you see launch instance and we'll click on launch instance click the arrow there and again click launch instance a lot of clicking here now typically you would scroll through here and select whatever image you want they're called amis or amazon machine images and these are basic they just have the operating system installed but we want a bit extra we want to save ourselves some time so we're going to go over here on the left and select aws marketplace this will give us stuff beyond the operating system like we'll have pre-configured tools tools like openvpn so we'll go to the search bar up here and type in open vpn to find that and there it is the first one this will be an ubuntu server with openvpn already installed which is awesome because it's kind of a pain to get this thing going and this is the one we want you don't want to select the one with 10 connected devices you want this guy right here free tier eligible that's what you want to look for when you don't want to pay any money you want it for free right let's keep going so we'll jump on and hit select right here select now let's talk about money for a second openvpn is a free and open source software but this version right here the openvpn access server is a paid commercial option now i don't want to lose you you probably heard paid and checked out no no this version your bring your own license version it gives us two clients for free so you and a buddy can connect to this vpn server for free no worries if you need more than that then this isn't for you beyond that all you have to worry about is the hosting costs for putting this on aws and of course this depends on what size you select now we're going to be selecting a free tier eligible size so let's go ahead and step forward in time here i will scroll down and select continue and here is where i choose my size what we want is the general purpose the t2.micro you want to look for that free tier eligible little icon there so once you have that selected just hit review and launch here at the bottom and then hit launch once more at the bottom right now here you need a key pair if you don't already have one make a new one that's what i'll do right now i'll change this to create a new pair i'll name it i'll just say vpn server and this is important you want to download that key pair click download now this is your only chance to download that key do it right now we're going to use it when we connect to our vpn server to configure it so make sure you have it ready now we're ready we're going to click on launch instances and let's go and it's going coffee break so it has started let's go and click on this link right here and go watch it come up so it's still pending again another coffee break let's do it okay mine is done my virtual machine is ready to go if yours looks like this it says running you're ready what we'll do first is connect to us i'll right click this guy right here and click connect this will show you how to connect to your vpn server we'll go with the standalone ssh option if you scroll down to the example command this will work for most people so go ahead and copy that and what you'll do next is launch your terminal program on linux or mac or command prompt on windows or powershell that's what i'm going to use so i'll paste that command here in the command line now pay attention to this real quick this command is looking for this file right here vpnserver.pem yours might look different if you named your key something else you'll want to make sure that this command is looking in the right place for that file and right now mine isn't because i'm in users chuck i know this is going to be in my downloads directory because i just downloaded it so i'm going to modify that command just a little bit here and put in front of that downloads forward slash vpnserver.pem that way it's going to be looking in the right place and i'll hit enter i'll hit yes to accept that certificate and i'm in this spot's crazy big i'm going to change it real quick oh my gosh it's a bit easier to see everything now it wants you to blindly accept the terms of service we'll put in yes and then the rest of this just enter enter enter enter accepting all the defaults unless you have a reason to change any of this keep going keep going blah blah blah until you get to this point and it starts to initialize your server not too bad right just hitting enter a few times so now it close your connection and it wants you to log in as openvpn a s rather than root and it won't let you log back in as root so what i'll do is just enter that same command as i used earlier i'll change the user from root to open vpn as and that should work just fine i'm in now there's only one thing we have to do here in the command line and then we're pretty much good i'll enter the command sudo pass wd and then the username openvpn this will change the password for the user openvpn this is our admin user and our client user when we connect to our vpn portal i'll show you in a second i'll go and enter that command it's going to prompt us for the password so put a password in remember this password this will be your admin password for openvpn do it once more and done that's it you can close that command line or minimize it whatever now your server is pretty much ready but there's one thing we want to do to make it awesome so we'll get back to aws and we'll scroll down to where we see our public ip address information ipv4 public ip blah blah we're going to copy that copy to clipboard i'm going to open up a new tab and i'll type in https colon whack paste the ip address in there and then i'll put in colon and specify my port which would be port 943 and then forward slash admin to access the admin page ready set go this has a self-signed search so don't worry about that we'll just click advanced and proceed and we're here it's up and running we're going to log in with our openvpn username openvpn and then that password we just created and click sign in now if yours just kind of sits here for a bit kind of weird like this just click stop the x and then refresh and it works suddenly kinda weird again select the agree to all the stuff they want you to agree to and we're in like this is cool right now you can go in here have fun be crazy but there's one thing i want you to change real quick under configuration we're going to go to the vpn settings right there to make sure that all your internet traffic is safe and secure going through this vpn wherever you are we're going to scroll down to about here under routing we'll see an option that says should client internet traffic be routed through the vpn now we want that so we're going to select the option right now we'll see yes all client traffic should be routed through the vpn let's do that and i'll scroll down and click save settings at the bottom here and then one last step hit this update running server to make sure the changes take place bam and that's it as far as the server goes you're done relax have a cup of coffee but we're not done yet you still have clients to connect you want to connect to this right you want to use it how do you do that it's really really easy actually so let's go back up to the top here to our url bar let's take out the bits where it says vpn settings and admin just leave the 943 at the end what's that doing it's taking us to the user portal before that was the admin portal we make changes and stuff here it's for clients for people who want to connect good news is it's the same login information so openvpn and that same password that you created and sign in and then choose your flavor whatever device you have whatever device you want to connect to vpn download that client so i have windows here so i'm going to select windows download once downloaded i will install that guy windows doesn't like it but i don't care more info and run anyway you can't boss me around windows get in your lane bill gates and then i'll click next yeah yeah next install install install and finish and we should have an openvpn icon at the bottom right here i do i'm gonna select that guy i don't need a tour i'll just hit x i agree again they want you to greet a lot of stuff yeah yeah yeah the beautiful part is here is that it's already pre-configured already done it imported your profile if you downloaded it from that page all we have to do is hit connect let's do it boom now we gotta log in again so openvpn same username same password and let's vpn it up i'm connected whoo but am i secure how do i know this is working let's go test it out we'll open up a new tab in our browser here we'll go to google and i'll type in what's my ip and let's see where i'm at yes that's not my home ip address by the way that's the only that we've been using so far that's my openvpn server all my internet traffic is going through this guy we just created and if you want to use your phone so ios android you select these options here it'll take you to a page and it shows you how to do it they have an app it's really easy super simple and that's it you've got a vpn server you're a boss that's that's pretty cool so this is doing two amazing things your computer your phone or whatever you connect to this vpn server you're getting access to a virtual private cloud in amazon or a vpc when you're working in aws and you're creating servers and websites and all kinds of stuff you can have that safely tucked away in a virtual private network or a virtual private cloud and what we just did here today gives you a secure way to connect to your virtual private cloud and amazon you're not accessing public ips you're securely accessing your virtual network and you're logging in devices via their private ip addresses and not only that because we changed our options all internet traffic is going through the server keeping us nice safe and encrypted and we can be wherever we want because i don't know if you noticed i'm in france according to my vpn server that's where i put him in amazon wherever amazon is i can be there too so if you followed this you just set up a vpn server in the awos cloud which is kind of amazing learning aws learning the cloud is a pretty valuable skill right now so if you liked doing this you should go deeper you should go deeper and learn aws and make it a career i've got a course below to get you started the aws solutions architect associate i collaborated with anthony sakura and david bomble it's an awesome course link below it will get you started down the path of becoming an aws engineer a cloud engineer now i know that a few of you may have doubts about this vpn server being free and i get that but it's legit free when you sign up for a free tier account with amazon with aws you get 12 months of free tier access so with our example here when you set up this vpn server and you're running one server in the aws cloud you can run that for 750 hours a month for free if you do the math 31 days in a month 744 hours that's free now sure after 12 months it won't be free anymore but hey 12 months of free anything is awesome after it it will be around 10 a month to run that server in the cloud that's still pretty competitive with any other option you might find anyways that's about it let me know what you think vpn server in the aws cloud i think it's pretty cool you can do this in other cloud providers as well but i'm kind of partial to aws right now so try it out let me know what you think and i will catch you guys [Music] later
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 599,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aws certification, amazon web services, aws training, aws tutorial for beginners, aws tutorial, aws solution architect certification, aws cloud, aws course, aws for beginners, what is aws, aws solution architect, introduction to aws, cloud computing, why aws, aws services, aws security, aws training videos, aws basics, aws certification training, aws introduction, aws training certification, introduction to aws ec2, vpn, free vpn, cloud vpn, aws vpn
Id: m-i2JBtG4FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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