CCNA Lab in the Azure Cloud for FREE! - GNS3 Setup in Microsoft Azure

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hey what's going on guys welcome back to the network juk today I want to talk about your labs your CCNA labs your CCMP labs hey maybe even your CCIE labs deciding how you are going to lab is one of the biggest decisions you'll make when you decide how you're going to study for your CSUN CCNA cccp or whatever because that's gonna be the key to your success not even joking that is the primary thing we want to figure out I hope you don't mind if I make some coffee while we're talking one of the best labbing options out there is gns3 it gets going here hey if you don't know what gns3 is it's a software where you can actually simulate cisco routers and Cisco switches and firewalls and actually a lot more than that you can do docker containers you can basically lab up whatever you want so if you're studying for your CCENT you're starting for your CCNA or higher you can pretty much do everything within gns3 now I don't recommend gns3 for beginners because it can be kind of a a big hurdle if you're not familiar with all the technologies involved virtualization even routers it's kind of a huge hurdle to actually get started with gns3 that's why I recommend for beginners packet tracer and for a lot of things I still do but I've got a different way you can use gns3 now ever heard of the cloud right now for CBT Nuggets on creating a Microsoft Azure course which if you don't know what Microsoft Azure is it's one of the biggest cloud providers and what is a cloud mean it means you're putting your servers or your routers or switches well some of them into the cloud which is just somebody else's computer and really when you get down to it it's more than that but that's what people like to say no I've got an easy way no relatively easy way for you awesome they're gonna bubble for you to set up gns3 in Azure time to advic Coffee Alexa set a timer for three minutes now typically when you setup gns3 you either set it up on your local computer which you know might be your computer right here or you set up on a remote server which is cool that's what I do I have my data center and I have a server there with gns3 on it but you need a lot of compute power a lot of resources needs lot of RAM and you need some CPU to run these some of these router images especially if you're using viral images which are cisco router images you can download from Cisco's viral program if you purchased that I highly recommend using viral images they are amazing anyways so the big problem is that not a lot of people have a beefy computer a huge awesome massive computer with a ton of CPU and RAM and they don't have a server in a datacenter like I do so this is why I love the cloud because with the cloud you can take any computer you want in the cloud and make it as big as you need it to be it's it's awesome that's called scaling up or me adding resources to a server or you can even do like a Windows 10 computer in the cloud now here's the kicker the most amazing part about this yes Microsoft Azure as well as any other cloud provider does cost money that's why businesses use that and that's that's their business however they do have a free trial a free tier for people like you and I who want to test things out specifically for Azure you get two hundred dollars of credit for the first 30 days to do whatever you want in their cloud now let me tell you I've been playing around with Azure quite a bit I've spun up a lot of resources turn turn them down and within 20 days I've only used five dollars so oh it's time to time to turn this off Alexis ed so Alexis stop so for the first 30 days with Azure you get as beefy a computer as you need and we'll see how long that $200 lasts oh it's done and you can have your gns3 server in the cloud and you can access it from anywhere so you could have a crappy little Chromebook or whatever no crappy laptop you might have and you can access your gns3 server in the cloud and you're not paying a dime hmm now yes there is a setup you have to know how to do it hey you're watching this video I'm gonna show you how to do it it'll take you next to no time just the time it takes to deploy the resources which is no time at all I'm excited about this because I think it's it's killer it changes the game for a lot of us now I know if some of you might come at me with an objection Chuck you can't use a cloud provider like AWS or as your for gns3 because you need nested virtualization well you know what you can do that hmm didn't know that did you well some of you might have known that and some of you have no idea what that is don't worry we'll walk through this it's real easy to set up gns3 in the cloud and it's gonna be fun now some of you are probably thinking we'll Chuck it's gonna take me longer than 30 days to get my C sent or CCNA or CCMP what happens with my free trial runs out okay I get what's your free trial runs out yeah you'll lose your 200 all the credit but you can convert it to a pay-as-you-go account let me get this it's gonna leak all over my stuff you could burn it to a pay-as-you-go account and you pay-as-you-go and really it's not that expensive well we'll go through and look at how much it's gonna cost to run one server and here's what's amazing about the cloud which is why it's changing the game for everybody is that you only pay for what you use which means while your labbing yeah you're gonna be using resources you'll be spitting up virtual you could be spitting up virtual machines and routers and switches but then when you're done you shut that sucker down you you're not being charged for those resources anymore that's awesome and whenever you're ready to lab up again spin up your virtual machine in the cloud it's it's incredible I had so much fun playing with this and I can't wait to show you how to do it so you ready let's do this let's setup gns3 and microsoft azure getting in CBT mode CBT Nuggets all right time to spin us up a genus 3 server in Azure now because this is a Microsoft product I'm just gonna honor them by using the edge browser so I couldn't spin that up you don't have to use Microsoft edge but no I just I just do that because hey Microsoft you're good guys anyways first thing you'll need is an Azure account so as your account type in free and you can go to the link that comes up and you can set up your free account what do you get two hundred dollars to explore Azure any Azure service for 30 days I'm not gonna walk you through it I'm actually having a nugget on CBT Nuggets in my cloud concepts course if you want to check it out it's pretty simple to set up your free account you will need a couple things you'll need a phone number and this is where people get tripped up you'll need a credit card now you will not be charged trust me you put your credit card information in it's just - it's just for verification just so they can verify you are a person and not a machine and they will never charge you ever unless you tell them - so what's your free trial ends your 30-day period ends nothing happens nothing you can if you want go in and change it to pay-as-you-go that's up to you you have to do that but it won't do it automatically so don't be weirded out because you have to put in your credit card information I did it twice so and I haven't been charged anything so it's all good once you have your free account the place to be and login is portal dot FS belt right portal Azure com this is the account I was using for my cloud concepts course for many of you this may be strange territory I understand it was for me at first don't worry I'm gonna hold your hand walk you through it my goal for you today it's not to know everything about Microsoft Azure and the cloud my goal is to get you set up in gns3 so you can start labbing right now and wherever you want to be so let's do it the first thing we're going to do is set up our gns3 server in Azure you're not gonna have to do much you're just gonna copy and paste something I'm providing for you don't worry so the first thing at the top here you'll see a little arrow and underscore for cloud shell click that it will open up a command line for you when you first launch it and I'll ask you to set up something it'll be some kind of storage account for your cloud shell go ahead and do it no worries it's not gonna hurt you now my beloved Cisco peeps I know we are at Microsoft the world right now hill we are using PowerShell don't worry there's a script I'm including in the description it'll either be just right there or you can via github now looking at the script right at the top here we have the location user password credential and domain name there are a few things I want you to change before you deploy this because it'll be pertinent and specific to you and what you are doing first is a location right now I am in South Central us I'm in Texas so this is the closest data center to me location is important because it'll affect your latency your performance I encourage you to figure out your closest as your location and put it here it could be East US West US it could be somewhere in Europe it could be anywhere but it's important you change it here or you can leave it as is that's fine too next is username and password if you are not okay with the being CBT Nuggets admin and then this string right here change it if you are ok with it fine and then right here domain name this is the name of your server I encourage you to change this because you might end up creating the same one as someone else so just come in here and name it you know your last name gns3 server whatever you want to do so now I'm just gonna take all of this stuff right here all the way down to new AC VM copy that and this is powershell goodness I'm just gonna paste it right here you ready magic is about to happen right click paste right now so many things are happening it's a knife of funny so once you've gotten past all the above stuff and now enter your new AZ VM this is a command that will create your virtual machine while it's creating let's just chat about this first you can see that it's a Ubuntu server we're setting it at a pretty big size so we can do nested virtualization it's enabled here by default which basically means we're virtualizing a virtual machine inception but I mean I want you to know that right now we just implemented some PowerShell in the cloud and it deployed everything we need to have a gns3 server in the cloud we will go through a login to the server and add some gns3 magic in there we actually need to install genus 3 but this is all we need right here to set up our initial server ok after it's all said and done after it's done all its goodness you should get a little spit out little little of everything you just did the thing I want you to do now is take your fully qualified domain name this is actually your servers domain name that you can access so let's take that let's copy it and launch your favorite SSH client mine is putty I'll put a link to download putty in the description with party launched I'm going to paste my DNS name and there my domain name I'll SSH into this click open Oh a security breach I just click yes and she your username and password and we're in alright now there's only one thing we have to do here one measly thing I want you to open up that script one more time and this is all we're gonna have to do to install gns3 copy from CD temp all the way down to sudo bash copy that we're going to paste it and let it run and right now you look like a complete wizard boss because the matrix is flying by your face and you are installing gns3 on a server in the cloud for some of you this might be business as usual for others this might be incredible for me is incredible I love this this is so exciting anyways we'll let that run and get yourself a cup of coffee it won't take very long at all I think it'll take just a few minutes so I'm gonna sit here enjoy my coffee and get back to it in a moment once yours is done you should see a beautiful message that says gns3 installed with success and would you believe me if I told you that was it that was all you had to do that's crazy right so now let's connect to our genus 3 server you want to do that ok no reason to keep this thing up and we'll just close that yes I want to close we'll get back to our portal in Azure we can minimize our PowerShell or cloud shell stuff pay no attention here I was just messing with something earlier you should be in a dashboard like this now what I want you to do is on the left here you'll see something called resource groups click that these are like little containers that contain all the resources we just created like your server you just made so the one we created was gns3 jump in there and you'll see a list of everything you just deployed with that script we ran the PowerShell script know just while we're here this is so cool you'll notice that with cloud providers especially as you're they kind of piecemeal everything everything is an individual resource you have your network we created you can actually take a look at that deeper if you want we have the server public IP address security group which functions the same way as a firewall or really closely to access control lists the network interface card and then the disk where the operating system is stored if you want to learn more about the cloud you can play with all this stuff and I encourage you to check out my course however you don't have to play with anything you can just jump into the virtual machine which is right here gns3 server you'll see your DNS name right here just copy that bad boy so if you haven't already you need to install gns3 just go to gns3 comm click on download you'll need an account and then click downloads download the latest version go through the setup process pretty standard setup so right now you're setting up a local gns3 client that will then connect to your gns3 server and the cloud once you're finished go ahead and let genus 3 start by checking that box and we are off to the races it's going to give you at first launch a few options the one we want is run everything on a remote server that's what we're doing click Next you're gonna put in the DNS name of your cloud server calm down in the host portion and you could enable authentication but right now we don't have that setup if you're following my steps you don't have a setup right now so don't worry well click Next and we'll click finish you'll notice right over here under servers summary we already see that it is connected and it's monitoring the CPU and RAM of our server in the cloud that is so intense so exciting now at this point you could import any appliance or iOS images you have I have a portable file I'm going to load up which you don't know what a portable file is it's a great way to transfer your gns3 projects between gns3 servers awesome anyways I'm going to do file import portable projects which will have all my images and stuff and it's importing it's loading my huge file with all my images to my cloud server I'm gonna make this go fast no it'll take longer in real life unless your internet connection is insane ok my portable file is up you can see right here I've got two routers actually I've got one router and I've got one switch both of these are viral images which required nested virtualization I'm about to demonstrate that it actually works so I'll right-click this guy click start no errors I'll do the same thing for my router right click start now this won't be a oh how to use gns3 type video that's pretty involved if you need to learn more about gns3 you can go to gns3 comm they have a ton of stuff or you can go to my friend david bumbles youtube channel he has a whole series of videos on how to use gns3 it's awesome but i do want to show you a few things just want to demonstrate that it works because it's amazing I'm going to double click my switch here to connect it should launch the default which is solar putty such a cool addition to gns3 and you guys are on fire so it's still booting up I'll go ahead and launch my router as well by double clicking it should launch it within a tab in solar putty so I'll give that a moment to finish booting up these guys do take a bit of time and while we're waiting on that have you heard of mine on david bumbles new show it's called this is IT it's a show about well IT information technology and we're not just talking about Cisco and networking and we're talking about everything in fact we just dropped a video today featuring Stuart from definite you might know him as big evil beard and it was really awesome and we also have the first episode that was just me and David the week before so check it out I'll put a thing up here and then also in the link below go subscribe to the vistas IT channel or follow us on the social 's and let us know what you think all right back to a gns3 all right a quick swift Enter key showed me it's working awesome let's do a show IP blah blah I always mess that up let's do a show IP interface brief oh that just makes me want to cry let's do it over here show IP interface brief oh yes I love it ah this is so awesome let's connect these two bad boys together just for fun so let's uh go to our connector over here connect that support GI 0 0 GI 0 0 which since four gigabit interface to 0-0 let's get back into our solar puddy and right now all the interfaces are administratively down let's bring those up and give them some IP addresses I'll do you GI zeros well I got an email we're doing no shuts and we're doing IP address zero let's put him and rout in though by doing no switch ports give him an IP address ten dot 0 dot 0 dot and don't think I didn't forget no shuts now let's see if I can peeing our router ping 'fl does anyone else just get like so happy when you see a successful ping it's the best thing in the world let's do it again I'm gonna I went full 5508 so that's genus 3 in the cloud it's amazing but don't go away just yet I'm gonna show you a few things in Azure to make sure you maximize your the use of your resources so let's let's go there real quick so let's jump back into our azure portal portal Dodger comm go ahead and click the your resource groups on the far left over here under your favorites and jump back into your gns3 resource group and select the virtual machine gns3 server this is the guy you're connecting to this is where your routers the switches are living right now it's amazing but you don't want to have it running while you're not using it because again it's a pay-as-you-go system right now it's using my free tier but when my 30 days is over and I convert it to pay-as-you-go that's gonna charge me money so what you'll me to show you how hard it is to do this watch this stop are you sure you want to stop it yes and it stops your gns3 server I'll wait for it to stop here click refresh up here now notice under the status it's saying deallocating that's important you want to make sure that when it's all said and done it is de-allocated because that means the resources are no longer provisioned to you you're no longer being charged for them which is what you want now notice the size of this virtual machine for virtual CPUs in the 16 gigs of memory that's a pretty beefy guy I don't think you're gonna have any problems running most of your topologies here but if you do have an issue you need more stuff you can scale this guy up if you want you can add more resources yes it will cost you more money but tell you what it sure beats going out and buying a physical server buying this huge thing it's kind of hard to you know sell that to your significant other hey honey I'm gonna go buy a $500 server so I can run pretend routers and switches it's kind of hard to sell that but this is pay-as-you-go it's like it's like Netflix you're just paying a monthly thing and once you get past the free trial remember so it's the upfront cost you're avoiding which is so cool you're not having to drop a ton of cash right up front it's amazing for a lap amazing all right so this is taking forever just know that when it's done it will say de-allocated when i want to lap up some more stuff I come back into my as your portal and go to my virtual machine which you can just go up here and type in gns3 it'll take you right to it there's my server right there and when I went to lab I start it up and I start laughing again when I'm done I shut it down they also have a pretty cool auto shutdown feature if you want to use that which it will shut down your virtual machine automatically at a certain time you set I prefer to do it manually but it's nice that it might be nice to have that just in case you forget some I had like at 12 a.m. to shut it down all right guys that was setting up a gns3 server in Azure a cloud provider that I think is amazing now it may not be for you I get it but if you need to lab up some stuff and maybe it's just a temporary thing you want a lab you can easily spin this up just following my instructions and have something up and running within a few minutes maybe 10 to 15 minutes depending on how fast you are now another cool thing is that if your company already uses Azure you could say hey bossman I need to lab up because I'm studying for my CSUN CCNA CCNP whatever can I just deploy this server have it auto shutdown when I'm not using it that's kind of an easier sell than saying hey can I can i buy a server so I can lab can I buy a bit your computer so I can lab that's kind of hard to sell right but anyways I encourage you to try it out just to get your feet wet with something in the cloud because it's fun I mean just you get a free lab for 30 days and you can't beat that and you get a little bit of cloud experience to boot and you have an amazing lab that you can take with you anywhere I it's it's a win win win win win if you try it out let me know how it works below and you might be wondering why did you choose as your versus the other guys like AWS or Google cloud well I'm studying Azure right now I'm actually creating a course on CBT Nuggets for Microsoft Azure the AZ 900 there's some of it already up on CBT Nuggets so go check it out at the link below if you want to learn more about this you want to go further down this rabbit hole because it's it's the future man it really is and I'll be producing the AZ 100 course for that exam which is uh pretty awesome too oh I get really excited and hyper when I have coffee and I always have coffee so I'm always like this anyways guys thanks so much for watching if you want to see more stuff like this let me know if you haven't already click subscribe like this video if you liked it and I encourage you to go check out mine and David bumbles new channel this is AI T where we discuss all things I D all by the way did you hear that CBT Nuggets reduce their subscription price it used to be somewhere around like 80 bucks a month which I know is expensive for a lot of people but they lowered that price to $59 a month which is a game changer the amount of value you get from CBT Nuggets for that price now I'm not just saying this because I have nuggets on there I've courses on there no I'm a longtime user of CBT Nuggets it's how I got my start it's how I got my CCNA it's how I got my CCNA a voice a large part of my career to CBT Nuggets so the fact that it's cheaper than ever is amazing oh my gosh so seven day free trial you can check it out and at fifty nine bucks a month that's awesome so anyways guys that's about it I'll catch y'all later [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 86,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCNA, CCNP, Cisco Certifications, CCNA Training, CCNP Training, CCENT, CCENT Training, ICND1, INE, CBT Nuggets, INE Training, CBT Training, CCNA Study, CCENT Study, CCNP Study, CCNA Collaboration, CCNP Collaboration, Cisco Training, CCNA Study Guide, how to study for CCNA, MCSA, MCSE, VCP, cisco ccna, comptia A+, comptia security+, comptia network+, gns3, azure, microsoft azure, az900, az900 azure fundamentals, az 900 exam, gns3 vm, gns3 setup, cbt nuggets, ccnp, ccna training
Id: FfJXcoqTvrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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