You need a NAS RIGHT NOW!! (How I run my Hybrid-Cloud YouTube business)

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okay yeah this might seem a little crazy but i just put an enterprise nas in my house my lab has a big nas this thing's amazing 16 hard drive bays an 8 core xeon processor two 10 gig ethernet ports isn't she beautiful and you know i think you need one an ass now maybe not one as big as this maybe i don't know it could be something as small as this one or as small as this one so in this video i'm gonna convince you why you need a nas in your house and your business whatever and i'll show you how my nas here is crucial to how i do my youtube business how i run it so yeah let's get nasty this thing it's my new baby and it's crucial to how i run my youtube business now what is a nas and why do you need one nas stands for network attached storage now really nas is just well it's just this this is an external hard drive we all have these right the hard drives in our laptops and our desktops just don't have enough storage for all the stuff we have so we all end up with one of these so a nas is kind of like an external hard drive but one main difference actually there's a lot of differences but one main one is that you know when you connect your external hard drive to your computer or your laptop or whatever it's going to be via usb right i can never get these right there we go a nas is not like that it's network attached meaning no usb you're connecting to your storage over the network over your home network over wi-fi that's why my storage is not here plugged into my desktop here no no no it's it's in my storage closet or my clothes closet actually oh by the way and nas is so much more than just an external hard drive than what this thing does we'll cover that but hold on a second why do that because your external hard drive is probably working fine right like usb not a big deal why do i have to access my hard drive over the internet over the network you know what i'm gonna make a big assumption here i'm gonna assume that your external hard drive isn't working for you all that great i can say that because mine wasn't working all that great for me either either neither i never know when to say those someone comment below on grammar i need help with that i don't either but anyways i've got three huge reasons why i think you need a nast it's why i decided to get an ass and ditch my external hard drive drives because we all have more than one don't we because we have to and these three reasons apply to you if you're a person or even if you have a business so here we go reason number one i ran out of storage i was tired of buying all these external hard drives keeping up with them when i had to go somewhere i had to remember which what video was on which drive and it drove me crazy so that's reason number one why i ditched my external hard drives reason number two i'm scared i'm scared of losing my data hold on if this thing fails if i lose it somewhere if i throw it at a wall during a youtube video i might lose all this data and this is the only place that data lives that's terrifying does that describe you right now yes don't worry there is help we'll talk about that here in a moment and reason number three and this really tied into my business needs i needed access to my data everywhere all the time from any computer and not just for me i work with video editors hello i have to give them my files when i finish youtube video like this one right now in fact this video will be using the process i'll show you here in a bit and why i rely on my nas so much i love it i love it oh my get one anyways let's keep going on there's one more reason but it's like bonus i want to do cool stuff you see a nas is so much more than just an external hard drive you can have some fun like plex server dhcp docker all kinds of stuff it's fantastic especially for business and also especially for home personal use especially for everything you need an ass did i say that so i will cover how a nas helps with those three reasons but bonus i'm gonna show you what i do that's really cool in my environment and why i can't live without a nas anyways here we go how does it help with storage when i run out of external hard drives i'm gonna break something so a usb external hard drive is just one hard drive a nas is a bay of a number of hard drives depending on what you get for example my first nas i got had three slots that i could add hard drives to for my configuration each one of these drives is actually eight terabytes whew so depending on what model of nas you get your storage problems are basically over and you can go small like for example here's what i give my video editors and i don't know i'm gonna show you on the screen i've got one right here this is a synology ds220j let me pop it open for you real quick this guy costs about 200 bucks and inside of this bad boy are two regular internal hard drives that you might put into your computer these are actually four terabytes each eight terabytes of storage and this little guy right here now graduating from an external hard drive to something like this yeah it's awesome but you can go bigger this is more for home personal use but as you saw in my closet i don't have a small home business use i've got a massive server that's used for businesses so yeah you can start small go as small as one bay and the ds-120j move up in the world go bigger you can graduate up to their plus series which look at these bad boys this is the first one i had right here and dane look at how many tribes right here oh my gosh so you can move up to the small and mid-sized business which yeah these guys are pretty killer you're going to put these suckers in your network rack 12 bays of hard drive goodness get the sa series or xs series giving you more processing power got the plus series hey look at that sucker and then of course if you're crazy like me you've got the enterprise model um the fs series are crazy they're insanely fast look at all those iops which is how we measure the speed of hard drives and how they read stuff sa series is awesome and then here's mine this sucker's so big the rs 4021 xs plus it's got 16 bays built in and it can go up to 40 bays with an expansion now most of the nasa's you can buy you can buy an expansion if you're out of space now i know what some of you are thinking why do i need a nas when i can just use the cloud when i say the cloud i mean like google drive amazon s3 if i need storage i can just pay for more storage in the cloud that's actually a great option and for me as a personal you know person and a business i actually use both i use a nas and the cloud i'll show you how i do that here in a moment but this actually bleeds into my next reason why you need an ass why i needed an ass i'm scared man if you have all your precious family memories on something like this if you have your business stuff your files your videos on something like this or some maybe maybe it's better than this but maybe not as good as this or what i have in my closet then you gotta be careful man because there's an old saying in i.t two is one one is none i'm not saying okay i'm saying zero and what i mean is if you have one hard drive that means you have one single point of failure and if this dies all the stuff you had on it that's precious memory is gone that's business data gone that's me working on a youtube video it was on here and then it disappears and that sucks it's happened to me before why do you think i have so many nases or is it nigh like how do you say plural mass i don't know so here's where a nas helps me not be so scared check it out on a nast you've got hard drives right just like this external hard drive but the way you configure these hard drives makes all the difference there's a technology called raid raid it stands for redundant array of independent disks it's a technology we've used in it for a very long time and basically it's how we take multiple hard drives multiple disks and combine them now i'm not going to cover all the levels there are raid levels one zero five we're not going to do that but i will say that the most common one you'll want to use on your nas is raid 5. and what this does is it combines all your disks in a way to where they all are one logical disk when you throw something on there like a video or a picture it will look like one hard drive but with raid 5 if one of your hard drives were to fail which this does happen hard drives fail if one drive fails you're still okay all your stuff is still there yeah you want to go hurry up and install a new hard drive and it will rebuild itself but that's the kind of piece of mind i want if one of my drives do fail i'm still okay i'm still alive let me show you what it looks like in synology this is my big enterprise boy right here i want to jump into my storage manager here now before you comment i'm not in any danger it does say danger i know it's because i'm using a brand of hard drive that isn't on synology's official list i do recommend that you use the official hard drives they recommend but they were the only ones i could get at the time whatever here we go because you right now i've got 20.9 terabytes of storage available and i'm in a raid 5 with data protection heck yes on my personal nas i actually do something different i'm using shr or synology hybrid raid it's our special brand of raid that does some special stuff and by special stuff i mean it does some cool stuff with redundancy and helping you save space anyways you can read more about it in the link below now i've gotta admit something i'm still scared because i get to thinking man what if what if this whole thing fails unlikely but dude things happen power outages god forbid a fire i mean all kinds of stuff that's why i'm a big proponent for hybrid cloud hybrid cloud's great for business no matter what size you are small medium large enterprise and also it's kind of great if you're just a person a person that needs to back up their photos and videos and whatever you have now hybrid cloud is a buzzword and it means a lot of stuff for me it means that i'm using both a private cloud which for me is my synology and some public cloud which might be google drive which is actually what i'm using right now and this is where not all nases i still can't say this network attached storage devices are not all made the same sure at the core they're all hard drives combining together with ray technology but the software that goes on top of them will change the game that's where synology really really shines something i immediately took advantage of the second i got a synology was the backup to cloud let me show you real quick so right now i use their cloud sync service i'm gonna go and launch it real quick cloud sync is exactly what it sounds like i sync my stuff with the cloud whatever i decide to sync from my synology it goes up to the cloud and yeah i've got some stuff up there 17 gigs i'm sorry 17 terabytes in the cloud and you're probably thinking chuck dang 17 terabytes and google drive that's crazy actually it's not that crazy if you are a business i do run a lot of my business using google workspace business gmail and drive and if you do happen to pay for that you get unlimited drive storage which by the way is kind of a hack if you sign up for this it's only 10 bucks a month per user for a business account for a while there it was just me and i had unlimited google drive storage 10 bucks a month do that math man it's better than any other service right now i've got a link below if you want to check it out but anyways what i love about this is that as soon as i put something on my synology bam it's being uploaded to the cloud i got that sucker backed up like you want to see it watch i do have file shares on synology and they're mounted to my windows machine here just jump in there and take a look if i were to add a file to one of my video editing projects here just copy it over real quick and it's wicked fast because i got 20 gigs of awesomeness anyways watch here it goes actually it's doing two things we'll talk more about that here in a second but bam it's immediately syncing to the cloud and that was fast i've got gigabit internet it's awesome now as a person or a small business you do have options on where you can back up stuff too um if i click the plus sign here everything from dropbox to box s3 storage azure storage you got options now i do want to talk about this other thing that's still syncing up here what is that this bleeds right into my next reason as to why i went with the nas i needed my files to be accessed everywhere oh it's already done anyways everywhere all the time and from any computer my synology nas solved this problem in multiple ways but my favorite thing i can do right now is get my files to my video editor asap so right there i just synced a two gig video file to my video editor's house he's not even there like he's at someone else's house right now i know this hi austin but with no input from him bam right to his house because at austin's house lives one of these i bought him a synology nas and i have it set up to where i've got folders on here that are synced directly to his synology bam bam they sync back and forth now what this does for me is first it gets my files directly to austin asap i'll have to say hey austin here's a link come download my stuff and wait for him to do that no no it just happens i'm like hey austin work on this video for me it's already at your stinking house how cool is that the second thing it does is it gives me peace of mind because my stuff immediately gets backed up to an other another site off-site backup if i happen to accidentally delete this file over here you know in my house and then maybe in the cloud it would still be in austin's house whoo isn't that amazing and also i'm gonna be adding this sucker to another video editor's house i'm gonna have files backed up to their place as well how cool is that and in case you're wondering it's done through synology's drive share sync and it's ridiculously easy to use now i want you to notice something real quick notice how it's connected it's connected via the internet so most of the time you might think oh well i don't have a vpn connection between my friends houses or maybe my business offices you don't have to have that between my nas here in my house and austin's house where he has an ass this is just the big bad wide internet nothing special now it is secure but synology handles all that for me which is pretty freaking cool now also as the guy who manages like all these nasties now like if you're keeping count i've got two in my house and then two elsewhere so for nasa's nasa nat nai i don't know anyways there is a really cool way to manage them they have an app here let me scroll through my apps central management system and i can see all of them right here go to my servers there they are check their network their volumes what applications are installed i can see if they have updates they need to have applied i mean it's awesome right now yeah i know i sound like a big synology fanboy i don't care i've been using synology for a long time and what they do is pretty amazing and i depend on them for my business so you know what i don't care now real quick back to having my files be available everywhere from wherever i'm at you might be wondering well chuck how can you access your files from outside your house i understand how you might be able to access your stuff on your network when you're on it but when you're away what do you do do you use like vpn or something no no in fact anyone can access my nas from anywhere check this out first for me to access this portal is actually pretty stinking easy they have what's called a quick connect quick connect address easy for me to say which will get you connected directly to your nas no problem easy doesn't require punching a hole through your nat in your firewall doesn't require any router config it's just it just works and also when i want to share just like maybe one file with somebody like for example i'm collaborating with synology on this video they do want to take a look at it before i show it to you so how would i share that video with them this might be a way right here i'll go into my file station which i'm of course if you not haven't noticed by now i'm managing all this in a browser really easy i'll go into my file share here and let's say for example this dark web website i want to share with them i'll just right click this and say share now i'm not going to show you the entire file name because you'll be able to see some stuff i don't want you to see but this file can be accessed from anywhere now notice it does show my relative path on my synology so if i were to navigate to it from here on my home network that's how i get to it but from anywhere else this is the guy i can add a password to it i can share with my individual users on my system here or just have a simple password when i save that let's see what happens i'm going to access this sucker from outside my network and just like this bam there it is i can download it now you're probably thinking chuck why do this you can just share it with google drive right i mean all your stuff's being uploaded to google drive yeah sure i actually prefer this though because it's often faster and more convenient and there's one big thing i hate about google drive like with a passion and that's what it does when i upload a bunch of files so for example i might be sharing a project file with somebody and it has a number of files file one two three four whatever when someone tries to download those files google drive will compress it to a zip which takes forever and then finally let you download it but it doesn't only just do that it takes all these files and like messes them up like it doesn't break them but it puts them in weird orders renames them which is super annoying especially for video editing projects so that's why i definitely prefer synology when i share files with people and then one more thing this one's kind of killer this thing isn't always on right like i have to plug this in and be connected to it it has to power up get usd power like whatever my nas however is always on always there always ready to give me my files when i need them so anyways by now i think you should probably be convinced like you need an asp right you're running out of storage you're scared and you need more access to your stuff a nas will do that and if you want to go extra like i do hybrid cloud backing up stuff to your nas and to the cloud that's obvious when do that but not for some of the bonus stuff the stuff that is really freaking cool both for business and personal let me show you real quick now first this actually kind of ties into i'm scared my computer has been having some crazy issues lately like one day i came in here i tried to turn it on and it did not turn on scare the crap out of me now it turned out to be a simple power supply issue i replaced my power supply i'm golden but if it wasn't like if my hard drive just died or my motherboard fried or whatever what would i have done i have a lot of important stuff on there i would have been screwed but i wasn't another synology feature i love is their backup feature i can back up my pc which let me show you i'm gonna open up another app here they have a ton of apps so cool it's called active backup for business let's open that now obviously it's great for a business but you can actually use it as a personal person it doesn't matter if you have a synology nas it's going to be there but notice what i can do here i can back up pcs windows pcs physical servers virtual machine machines machines file servers so check out what i have here my massive machine here i've got that sucker backed up it'll back up every week it backs up on a schedule i don't have to worry about it so if this thing does happen to just croak on me i can restore my stuff from synology i backed up my virtual machines check this out synology will integrate directly with vmware vsphere which is esxi hyper-v and i've done that i've got two esxi hosts here synology will jump in there and see those individual virtual machines and back them up for me it's like right now i've got my uh domain controllers in my house they're backed up in case i lose these it was still backing up 96 almost done so for personal use no brainer right like you got some special important files you want backed up as a business oh my gosh yeah back up your pcs give the synology to your employees take it home so they can back up their computers there you can have those synologies back up to your essential synology at hq like the oh it's so cool and of course backing up your virtual machines clear when now having a nas isn't all about just data and backing up things and storage you could have some fun too so let me show you on my personal nas here let me get logged back in yes i have dedicated this one to my personal use now yeah it is secure you can have two-factor authentication you should always have that one of my favorite apps i have running on a sucker is plex media server if you don't know what plex is it's basically a way to have your own movie library your own netflix so you can watch from the comfort of your home even if your internet goes out man you got plex media server you're solid back to business here this nas can do so much it's a little ridiculous now i stay back to my business one i have these same apps available on my personal one too i've done them before with no problems but some things you can do first of all you can run virtual machines on this also open that service up real quick i've actually got a load balancer running in this sucker kemp which is my last video if you want to check that out link below and up somewhere over here you can run docker docker images right here it's awesome i have a couple running right now actually let me see yeah i'm running ubuntu and uh a website i was testing let me just jump in there real quick bam i'm accessing a container so cool and then of course some super serious business stuff like you can run a legit ldap server which you normally might run off like a microsoft server like microsoft active directory but you can do the same thing on the nas in your house that you're going to buy right you can run your own ldap in your house you can run your own dns server and getting even more businessy again back to the business waters here you can have iscsi you can have storage for your virtual machines on your synology which i actually have right now if i log into esxi vmware's portable here under my storage i've got synology as a data store so when i create a virtual machine it can use synology which is attached via the network it can use that as its storage as its main disk and you can do this with any synology of course it'll perform amazingly awesome with the bigger models like the one i have the f series the xs series and abcdf series like all those amazing ones and seriously i could spend all day here talking about the apps on synology they even have an app store let me go to it and they have a lot more than what i'm talking about here like you can have two synologies that are the same and have ha or high availability but anyways the last thing i want to focus on is synology drive let me jump into it real quick synology drive is synology's answer to google drive you can have your own version of google drive in your house or in your business it will function just like google drive or box or whatever you use you can have team folders users with access to their own drives there's an awesome app that gives you access to everything and it's wicked fast so yeah nas nases nasai nai they're amazing i depend on my synology nas for my business every single day i love having quick access to all my files right here in my house i love being able to share my files quickly and easily with all my teammates being able to share with my clients from anywhere in the world and also do a ton of other stuff it's it's needed it's required for me now for you you might just be a person with personal use cases for storage please do me a favor and get rid of this i mean i mean wait until you get a nas first you can transfer all your data to it but you owe it to yourself to back up your data and have from some protection right because you got to be a little scared if you're just living off this plus if you're a nerd like me oh my goodness you could have an entire home lab on that nas running docker containers running dns you can run your own vpn ldap plex and i i can keep going you can do so much and then of course as a business like me you can get a serious nas a serious server that can meet all your data needs making sure your data is redundant and secure you can have ha you can have off-site backup things are fast i mean you can do so much so if you're a person or a business or if you have any kind of data that you don't want to lose then yeah get an ass do hybrid cloud do the whole shebang make sure your stuff's protected anyways let me know what you think of the video in the comments below do you have a nas how do you use it do you not have a nas why don't you have one let me know why you don't have one i can't find a good reason for you not to have one and of course if you want to learn more about synology and what they do and how they can help your business link below as well but yeah that's about all i got today guys i hope you enjoyed the video make sure you like comment and do all that youtube stuff you know you gotta hack the algorithm ethically of course and if you want to support more of what i do here making educational tech content on youtube consider signing up for my membership link below buying some coffee networks coffee merch whatever anyways yeah that's all i have i've had too much coffee i want to keep drinking i don't care still good i'll catch you guys next time you
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 323,330
Rating: 4.8765912 out of 5
Keywords: Nas, network attached storage, synology, synology nas, hard drive, external hard drive, networkchuck, network chuck, hybrid cloud, hybrid-cloud
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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