Free Keyword Research Course for 2022 - Keyword Research for SEO, Tools, & Google Ads

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what's up everyone welcome to the surfside ppc youtube channel this is going to be my keyword research course where i put together a bunch of the videos that i recently published related to keyword research you can see each of these videos below and you can see the timestamp so you can quickly go to any portion of the video if you're just interested in something specific these are all videos that i've recently published in my channel so if you've watched any of them you're going to see the same exact content but what i want to do is put it all together in a course so if anybody hasn't watched any of these videos they can easily find this and learn everything they need to know about keyword research for seo keyword research for google ads for youtube i went over some free competitor keyword research tips so really anything you need to know about keyword research is going to be in here and we are going to get started with my keyword research tutorial for 2022. in this i start going over how to come up with a keyword list and some different strategies you can take in order to start building a keyword list for your business so starting here we're going to get into how to create and organize your first keyword list for your business and how to actually group together different keywords to understand how they all work together today is going to be my keyword research tutorial for 2022 so i'm going to go over the exact process i use to do keyword research and how to come up with a keyword list where we can start targeting keywords and topics with our content so ultimately the goal of this video is to drive more conversions for our business by understanding what people are looking for on the internet when they go to different search engines so getting started i want to go through my step-by-step keyword research process basically just four steps here i usually try to find relevant keywords for my business and build a keyword list based on the products or services that i'm offering so you need to really understand what is it that my business offers next you want to organize your keyword list into topics and subtopics from there you want to understand search intent for the different keywords and topics that you've come up with and then last but not least obviously so we can rank in search engines and so we can target keywords with our ppc advertising campaigns through google ads and other advertising platforms we want to create and consistently improve website pages that solve for search intent so you might hear me say keyword intent or search intent throughout this video those are the same exact things it's basically just understanding what people are looking for when they do go to a search engine and they enter a set of keywords so next in order to find keywords what i like to do is go over some different keyword research tools that i like to use i'm not going to be going through any paid keyword research tools in this video there are paid services like scm rush there are paid services like ahrefs so there's a bunch of different options out there that you can choose from but i really want to go through some of the my favorite free keyword research tools or at least keyword research tools that have free versions so starting at the top here the google keyword planner is my number one keyword research tool now it's not going to give you every single keyword that you're looking for it's not going to give you every piece of information that you need but using google keyword planner alone you can come up with an endless list of topics that your business can be targeting so that you're driving more conversions keywords everywhere is a chrome extension that i use you probably will see it throughout this video and i'll show you how to use it as well keyword surfer is another chrome extension answer the public comes up with a bunch of questions related to a specific keyword or topic that you enter along with a ton of different keywords as well souvl so this is looking at some of the best searches on different search engines and then google search console is for after you've created content after you put out these pages you can see what keywords you are ranking for and where you can continue to optimize now five bonus tools in case you're looking for some additional information keyword tool dot io word tracker seo ability keyword tool dominator and uber suggest so i'm gonna go through all these throughout the video and show you how i use them but what i want to do first is i want to get into step one here and with step one i want to show you how to find keywords and build your initial keyword list so the way that i do that is with the google keyword planner and today i'm going to be showing you this from my website so on this website there's farmhouse decorations you can see bedding you can see furniture lighting rugs shelves so all sorts of different farmhouse type products basically anything you would put in your own home i'm trying to find things that are farmhouse themed so coming over to the keyword planner what you can do is go to this page directly if you've never used the keyword planner you will need a google ads account so create a free google ads account and from there what you can do is just click on go to keyword planner and this will open it directly i will put this link in the video description and i will also link to every single keyword tool that i talk about in this video in the video description so you can easily find them but if we open the keyword planner here and you can see i already have this open so if you do have a google ads account go to tools and settings and underneath planning you're going to see keyword planner and that will open up this page right here and usually what i do is i start with discover new keywords and i enter a list of keywords here that i want to expand upon for my own business so in my case for farmhouse goals let's just do farmhouse decor we could do farmhouse furniture farmhouse bedding farmhouse rugs and you can enter up to 10 keywords here usually i don't enter too many keywords we'll just enter five for right now now again you can always come back here and continue to expand your keyword list as you go so just using these seed keywords right here so these are all short tail really popular keywords it's going to help me find a ton of long tail keywords that i can start to target with my own website so you can enter a domain here to use as a filter so using your site will filter out services products or brands that you don't offer but you don't really need to do that so usually what i do is click on get results here okay so after we click on get results if we scroll down here you can see it gave me 8 000 different keyword ideas so that is a huge number of keywords obviously we're not going to target every single keyword and some of them are going to be a little redundant but you're going to see our keywords up at the top here you can adjust location targeting language targeting you can adjust the search engine here but usually i just keep these three as is because that matches for what i'm targeting and then it's going to show you the search volume from the previous 12 months so you have the option to adjust that as well over here on the right hand side you can refine keywords i usually start in the refined keywords here so you can see brand or non-brand i try not to target any branded keywords so i get rid of retailers here you can keep scrolling down they have other brands so a lot of these when people are looking for specific brands i'm not going to target them with my content i'm not trying to rank for when people are looking up amazon or home depot or anything like that i'm just looking for non-brand keywords so next you can adjust different products rooms styles colors and others here all i'm going to do right now is remove the branded keywords so that only got rid of so we went from 8065 to over 7200 so we'll click on x here and open this up a little bit and now what we can do is as we scroll down you can add some filters you can adjust by average monthly searches so i can just say okay show me the keywords with the most average monthly searches so you can start to see some of those here what i like to do is add a filter and i try to remove some where the average monthly searches and you might want to do something like greater than or equal to let's just say 200. now you can adjust this depending on how many keywords total you have you can go maybe down to 50 maybe you want to go up to 500 or a thousand and just focus on some of these really popular keywords at first and then as you go kind of focus on some of these smaller keywords i will tell you keywords that get less average monthly searches are generally easier to rank for just because you don't have as much competition for some of these long tail keywords so let's just go to 200 here and then the other thing i like to do is add another filter so sometimes what i do is keyword text contains and i'm just going to do farmhouse here just because i'm going to get a lot of keywords here that don't contain farmhouse and i really just want to focus on those farmhouse type keywords now i'm down to a little over 1200 keywords you can keep adding filters here so maybe you want to do less search volume or something like that but from here what i usually do is i will just download this so at the top right corner you can see here we can download this you can download it directly into google sheets i usually just download it as a csv file whatever you feel more comfortable working with and you can see here this is the file that we ended up with so in this first column here it's going to have all of our keywords currency it's showing us dollars i usually just get rid of this and i usually get rid of all of these different columns here as well so if you're interested in some of this data you know how much search volume by different months and you can look at actually average bids through google ads for right now i'm not really concerned with any of that i'm just looking at keywords and average monthly searches now keep in mind if you're using the google keyword planner and you can't see the exact number of average monthly searches you need to run an active google ads campaign however you don't need to get too caught up on these numbers i would really just focus on if you do add filters such as over 200 searches per month that's fine and it will also already rank them by which ones have the most average monthly searches you're just going to get ranges of data which isn't a huge deal so we have our keywords here we have our average monthly searches and this is basically how i build a keyword list so i'm just going to the google keyword planner enter entering some seed keywords that i want to find some more ideas for and you can see these ones at the top have a ton of average monthly search volume so as we start scrolling down here a little bit you're going to get into these ones with about 100 and you're going to find a bunch of different options here where you might not have nearly as much competition in search engines as you would for something like farmhouse lamps or farmhouse furniture for example farmhouse wine cabinet 480 average monthly searches so if i create a page on my website with the best farmhouse wine cabinets for sale some different themes some different colors maybe some different design ideas then it's going to help me rank much easier than just saying maybe i'm trying to rank for farmhouse cabinets so i know it's going to be tempting to say okay well you know something like farmhouse lighting gets over 12 000 searches per month i'm gonna go all out to just rank for that one keyword a lot of times you're better off focusing on some of these keywords at the bottom as well as these ones at the top because they're going to help drive as much traffic and you need a lot of keywords to drive a lot of traffic so coming back over here that's step one how to find keywords and build your initial keyword list now step two what i want to go over is how to create a list of topics and subtopics based on your keyword list so i've already started doing this so we're gonna kind of fast forward through this a little bit but i'm gonna close this out and i already have a spreadsheet open and you can see i've come up with some different topics and if we scroll down here you're going to see my keyword list right here so i've started to go through some of these main keywords and what i've tried to do is pull out some different topics so for example as we scroll down you might see something here like farmhouse front porch i don't really need to see that as its own topic that's a sub-topic as we come up here of farmhouse porch so if you see over here on the right hand side i have farmhouse decor as one of my main topics and then within that you're seeing all of these different subtopics here as well so coming back over here you want to create a list of topics and subtopics based on your keyword list so if we come back over you're going to see over here on the left these are all different topics for my business now in terms of farmhouse decor farmhouse furniture it's all going to be product-based searches for the most part now there are some people looking for design ideas and things like that so that's where search intent will come in which is step three but we're not going to get there yet so as we come down here i'm going to be doing a lot of examples on farmhouse porches because i haven't created any content on my website about farmhouse porches so i'm going to show you how i would go about targeting that keyword however before i do that the way that i do come up with topics is i'll look at my keyword list and i've gone through a lot of these already so for example farmhouse tables for sale i don't view this keyword any different than farmhouse tables now something like farmhouse decor you could see farmhouse fireplace decor that would be a sub topic for me within farmhouse decor but i would create it's my own separate page of content specific for fireplace decorations farmhouse ottoman that's its own topic in my opinion now something like joanna gaines farmhouse mansell decor i'm not going to target that keyword because it has a brand in there however something like farmhouse baker's rack here that's going to be its own topic so i've actually set a separation here and you can see so i've done a lot of these up top here but as we come down so farmhouse lanterns i would consider that its own topic now it would be within farmhouse lighting that would be basically the topic above this but this is why it's important to come up with topics and subtopics and you're also going to have additional subcategories as well so farmhouse lanterns now you're going to see farmhouse leather sectional so that would be within farmhouse sectionals in terms of topics so i would go up to the top move this keyword up there for right now i'm not going to be doing that so we'll keep coming down okay so we'll keep coming down here and you're going to see a lot of different people looking up dining tables people looking up coffee tables again those are subtopics within a larger topic but farmhouse bathroom accessories that's going to be its own topic so farmhouse bathroom accessories then we'll do a few here so we'll keep coming down so farmhouse office desk that's going to be its own topic and these are going to be pages that i kind of view as i need to create my own separate page of content to make sure that i'm solving what people are looking for somebody looking for farmhouse lanterns is looking for something completely different than someone who's looking for farmhouse chandeliers or farmhouse bathroom lighting so hopefully that kind of makes sense as we go through this because you're going to see things like modern farmhouse desk so i don't view that as i need to target this keyword separately too i would view that as i need to target this keyword when i'm targeting farmhouse desks i need to make sure i have a solution for people who are looking up modern desks so we'll do a few more down here so farmhouse shelf decor i would want to put within farmhouse decor right here farmhouse accent table so i consider that its own topic keep coming down farmhouse mantle so that's another one that i can consider its own topic and again you're gonna see coffee table decor dining room chairs recliner so recliner i would consider its own topic and then as i do this i basically just move these topics to the very top so as we come up here all my topics here and we'll just paste it so these are all individual things that i want to make sure i target with my own content but i can also understand you know something like farmhouse fall decor would fit within my farmhouse decor category so hopefully that all makes sense i mean you're not just looking at all these individual keywords and saying okay i need to target this one with a page i need to target this one with a page i need to target this from the page because what you're going to end up doing is creating too many separate pages of content when it's not really necessary for some you can kind of look at it as an overall page that's going to kind of cover a lot of different keywords and i'll show you why in a little bit but for right now step 2 create a list of topics and subtopics based on your keyword list so what i try to do is go through my keyword list and pull out keywords that i think have should really have their own page that should really have their own solution so it again this is going to vary based on exactly what it is that your business offers because if i come back over to the keyword planner and let's just say i look up keyword research so in the google keyword planner i look up the keyword so i'll make sure we get rid of our filters here i get rid of them in a second but let's just say i'm targeting keyword research i click on get results i need to get rid of these filters so x out okay so i'm looking up keyword research you can see they give me some different things to broaden my search but as i come down here so we're looking at these keywords by average monthly searches so google keyword planner i would consider its own topic within keyword research as we come down here keyword research tools that would be again its own topic but something like google keyword search i probably wouldn't say okay i need to create a page about that as we come down here scm rush login i'm not going to create a page about that keyword finder so you might say okay let me create something about keyword finder which is a specific tool that people are using now if we come over here and we just look at keyword by relevance you might see something like keyword tool keyword research tool that's the same exact topic you don't need to create separate pages for all of those keyword finder that's again a tool that would be completely separate so suvil that's one of the tools that i'm going to go over here google keyword search again nothing i would target separately semrush pricing nothing i would target separately so as you come down here you're kind of looking for okay youtube keyword research that's a completely different topic to me than just keyword research because we're just focusing on one search engine keyword search volume so again that's a little bit different that might be something you want to go after within your overall keyword research topic page so by breaking these down into more of topics and subtopics you can kind of get a better understanding of how you're going to organize your content and how you're going to organize your pages so that you are actually solving for the different types of search intent that you're going to come across as you continue to grow your business so next is going to be number three so number three to continue on to kind of what we're just going over understanding search intent for your keywords and topics so i'm going to go through some examples here and let's just say we're talking about the home depot so the home depot has a ton of different keywords that they target if you just come here to all departments you can see all of these different keywords here so they have everything from appliances electrical flooring area rugs paint plumbing so all of these are completely separate so their keyword research process will probably take weeks or even a month or more because you need to find all of these different categories and subcategories and let's just say for example i have a website where i'm selling dishwashers so within appliances i'm selling just dishwashers so what i would probably do is try to target all the different types of keywords that people are going to use as they go through the process of buying a dishwasher it might start with somebody who doesn't know what a dishwasher is what is a dishwasher so you create a page going over exactly what a dishwasher does how it works why it's beneficial now somebody might be looking up best dishwashers so you're going to see 10 best dishwashers 2022 and a bunch of different articles that are very similar to this now people might be looking up specific brands bosch vs kitchenaid dishwasher again bosch first kitchenaid dishwashers reviews and top picks so maybe someone's just looking up the best bosch dishwasher the seven best bosch dishwashers of 2022 so you can see it's hard to kind of create one page of content that targets all of these different keywords so understanding what people are actually looking for and you might even see something somebody comes down to a specific product bosh 300 dishwasher reviews and you're going to see the top ranking page are customer reviews on the best buy website for this specific dishwasher so the more people kind of get down the process of the keywords they're searching based on what you're offering you need to make sure you have solutions on your website for all of those different keywords so that's step three is understanding search intent for your different keywords and topics so as you come across different keywords kind of knowing what exactly people are looking for and how you can solve some of their problems even if for example someone looking up what is a dishwasher this might not be an ultra valuable keyword for you but maybe you drive 10 20 people to your website a month that are looking up more information about what a dishwasher actually does and maybe they eventually become customers the more that you can target the more that you can kind of solve your customers problems all throughout the entire process the more conversions you're ultimately going to drive so understanding search intent where people are in the buyer process which keywords actually go to help you drive new sales versus which keywords are actually just trying to give people some more information getting people to your website so all these can be very valuable for your business and you want to make sure you're focused on all them because the more information you cover the better ultimately it's going to be in search engines and when you're targeting for ppc advertising campaigns so the next thing i want to go through is step four is using topics and subtopics to create pages that solve for search intent so this is an important one because we've kind of come up with a bunch of our different topics and it's like where do we go from here so the example i'm going to be going through here is we're going to scroll back up is farmhouse porch so i don't have really any content on my website about farmhouse porches so let's just say how i would go about targeting this keyword and coming up with some subtopics related to farmhouse porches now the first thing you might want to do and this is we're going to go through some of my different keyword tools here is just search the keyword directly into google if you come to the bottom you're going to see some different keywords people are looking up and it's going to help you expand the content you're building now a couple of the different keyword tools that i went over the first one is going to be keywords everywhere so keywords everywhere you can just go to keywords install for chrome install for firefox it is an extension that's going to show up on the right hand side as you're searching it'll also show on youtube and other search engines as well but let's just say we come to google every time i search a keyword they're going to come up with a list of related keywords so these are some of the most related keywords based on google these are the ones that we just saw at the very bottom we also see people also search for so some of the different ways this search is used and then my favorite part is long tail keywords ideas swing decor lights furniture columns so what i can do is copy this list and then what i'll do as i'm creating content is create a separate sheet on my excel spreadsheet whatever one you're using and let's just say i do farmhouse porch and then we're going to paste all these keywords here so we'll get rid of this row right here and now you can see farmhouse porch ideas swing decor lights furniture so it's just another way to kind of come up with a bunch of different subtopics for our main topics now the next thing we can do is if we come back over to google is another one i like is keyword surfer so this is going to come up with more keyword ideas and some of them are different than keywords everywhere i would say i use keywords everywhere the most but what i do like about keyword surfer is this gener generate article outline so if we click on generate article outline and we scroll down here you can see they have some different things here of things we might want to cover as we go try to target this keyword so 21 of the prettiest farmhouse style porches for your inspiration 35 welcoming and beautiful farmhouse porches so these are basically just headline ideas but what i like about this is it's showing me exactly what people are looking for by giving me some different solutions for how to solve it so someone who goes to google and looks up farmhouse porch as we can see from all these google search results is going to get a bunch of ideas and designs so that's ultimately what people are looking for when they're targeting this keyword so that's why i like using this article outline because it's going to tell you this is what people are looking for when they search this specific keyword now on the other hand someone who goes to google this one's pretty obvious but google's farmhouse porch signs you can see from the images it's signs that would be on your porch a farmhouse themed porch and some of the different signs and now this one you're going to see completely different results so amazon etsy kind of more of shopping results so if i'm targeting farmhouse porches i need to make sure that i'm doing a bunch of design ideas if i'm targeting signs i need to make sure i have a list of products for sale so understanding that intent as you're targeting keywords is really important and it really helps as you kind of come up with okay which ones am i going to write their own separate pieces of content about and for these it's going to be i would probably write a piece of content for porch and porch ideas this would be the same thing this would be separate this would be separate this would be separate furniture would be separate and then what i would do is create a really good page of a lot of my favorite farmhouse porch furniture and then i would link this page to my farmhouse porch ideas because ultimately what i'm trying to do is show i have covered the topic of farmhouse porch to its fullest fullest extent so if someone is looking up farmhouse porch swings if someone is looking up modern farmhouse porch it's someone's looking up some ideas for farmhouse porch railings all of these different things i have it covered on my website so when someone searches for farmhouse porches they might say okay farmhouse goals has this topic completely covered we're going to rank them on the first page so hopefully that makes sense going from keyword research to actually your content that you want to rank and help you drive conversions for now coming back over here and kind of to finish off the videos i just want to go over some of these different keyword tools and how they're used i've gone over the google keyword planner i've gone over keywords everywhere and keyword surfer now let's do suville real quick because this is a very easy one to go through so if we go to souvl all you have to do here is enter a search term so we'll do farmhouse porch and they're going to give us google amazon yahoo bing youtube and then over here not always the greatest but you can see here in google so ideas lights swings decor christmas decorations columns railing furniture railing ideas just looking at this i have about eight different pages that i can create on my website coming over here amazon i can see what people are actually looking for to purchase so signs furniture pillows swing bench yahoo with yahoo bing and google you're gonna get a lot of the same ideas but what you can do is click right here and download all this information and then use this as well as you come up with your topics and subtopics so the next one is going to be answer the public so same thing you only get a few searches per day for answer the public it's either two or three but usually i don't use it too often but if i'm doing something like farmhouse porch okay they gave me 188 results you can download this as a csv file as well so they have this visualization here so i kind of tend to look for just the data so they'll look at different ways that people have asked questions related to farmhouse porches so who when where why how not a ton here some different prepositions so porch with rocking chairs with swing on double wide with beams so you can find a lot of different keywords here my favorite is at the very bottom so right down here the alphabeticals so you can kind of go through this and see some of the different keywords people are searching so as you're trying to go over a topic it's a great way to really understand what people are looking up the most and then last but not least some of the most related keywords here so just looking at this it's pretty obvious the different types of subtopics i would need to create pages of content about for example lights swings decorations railing christmas decorations and then really if i'm trying to target the specific keyword of farmhouse porch it's just going over some different design ideas so this is kind of how i go through the idea of okay i'm coming up with this keyword i want to target and how am i going to rank in google by solving this topic completely so that's ultimately what your goal is and it's not easy especially the larger your website is that's why it's very hard to rank for these popular keywords but if i want to rank for farmhouse porch i need to make sure i have all these different things in my website so that when people are searching for it google and other search engines look at my website as a place that has a great resources for people who are looking up those keywords so this is kind of most of these keyword tools here so the last but not least is google search console and i'll go through these five tools very very quickly but google search console once you have some of this data you can see how many clicks impressions you've driven your average position in search results and your average click-through rate so i'm hoping to really improve these numbers this year for farmhouse but if we scroll down here you can see the actual search terms that are driving the most impressions for my website so not always farmhouse keywords specifically but you can see a bunch of different keywords here that are driving impressions and there are thousands of keywords from my website that are driving impressions and then if we come to the top here i can see which keywords are driving clicks so some people just looking up the brand and then other people as we come down here all these different keywords you can tell a lot of them have farmhouse somewhere in the keyword because that's what i'm targeting and then as we come up here a little bit the other thing you can do is click on specific pages so this is really where i like to get to is i'm trying to rank better for some of these betting keywords so i click on this individual page and i can actually look up the search terms that are driving clicks and impressions for this page so it might help me say okay let me break out some of these into their own topic so that i can rank higher for them but for right now this page is ranking pretty well it helps drive clicks to it and ultimately helps drive sales so that's where all these keywords come into play is you need to target a lot of them unless you're ranking really high for these popular keywords which is difficult you need to make sure you're targeting a lot of these long tail keywords that people are looking up whether it's farmhouse christmas porch decorations so i create a page like that then next christmas maybe i can drive some sales that's kind of how your outlook has to be when it comes to keyword research and going from keywords to conversions so last but not least these other keyword tools so keyword you can look up some information for different search engines here but i just entered farmhouse decor and you can see they give me some of the top keywords here related to farmhouse decor and then it starts getting into alphabetical now with this you can come up with a lot of different ideas that people are looking up and sometimes i like to use this for example if i do the farmhouse porch idea if i enter that keyword in here you can find a lot of different keywords that people are looking up and it just gives you some different ways to target that keyword now they do have a pro version and that will give you some more data as well word tracker they give you 50 keywords every time you enter a search and you get 12 searches per day so you can see i enter the same keyword here and you can see they give you search volume competition i don't focus as much on competition because the main way that i like to look at competition is if we're looking at our average monthly searches you usually have more competition the higher up you are here so for something like farmhouse furniture if you go to the first page of google for farmhouse furniture it is major major companies like amazon like wayfair so it's really hard to actually compete with them for that type of keyword so as you come down here and you start targeting some of these long tail keywords farmhouse dining room wall decor if i put together a great page just about dining room wall decorations which i have it does help drive more people than some of these short tail keywords so competition isn't something i focus on too much because it's really hard to measure but if we come back over here so this is they'll give you some different information as well seo ability so they'll give you three different keyword searches per day and i just entered farmhouse decor and you can see all these different keywords they've given me next is keyword tool dominator same exact thing so you're going to see a lot of the same keywords here but all of these different search tools that i'm giving you will give you a lot of different unique ideas and you might find something here that will help you you know farmhouse decor gift ideas so that's something i don't have my website so that might be something where i say you know let me do 100 farmhouse decor gift ideas and we'll see how that page does last but not least uber suggests they give you three free daily searches as well all of these different tools have pro options but their free versions do give you a good amount of information so again if i enter farmhouse decor i could see search volume they give you some difficulty scores so kind of helps when you are looking at competition but keyword ideas here if i do view all keyword ideas they'll give me a lot of different options here and i do like uber suggests they used to be basically my favorite free keyword research tool but i know they ended up making a pro version which actually works pretty well too but really just wanted to focus on the free versions here so finishing off the video find relevant keywords build a list of keywords come up with the topics you want to rank for and then come up with that list of subtopics and really what you're trying to do is understand search intent and create content that solves search intent and as you consistently do that you are going to rank higher and you are going to create pages that will do much better if you are running google ads campaigns for the second part of this video i'm going to be going over how to complete your seo keyword research list so kind of taking the first tutorial for 2022 my keyword research tutorial and how to take it to the next step to where your seo keyword research list is complete and you are ready to start creating content for your business so let's get into it so for me what i generally do is use the google keyword planner and a couple of other free tools to come up with topics so ultimately what i'm trying to do is find some of these short tail keywords some of these main topics that people are searching and i want to create pages that rank for those topics so coming over to the keyword planner real quick what i did in that video is i went through my shop page and i went through all the different products that i offer on my website and then i took some of these different keywords like farmhouse bedding we could use farmhouse curtains and i went to discover new keyword and entered those keywords here so i did farmhouse betting things like farmhouse furniture farmhouse rugs farmhouse decor and we'll just do farmhouse curtains here as well and when you're searching for different keywords for your business what you do is you want to pull out those short tail keywords so these ones i entered are all short tail keywords so the next part after we come up with a list of the different topics that we want to target which is what i did here is we want to come over here to the left hand side and pull out everything that we think is unique and something we should have its own specific page for and then what we can do is create essentially sub category pages under all of these main category pages now this is going to vary depending on what it is you're writing about and for my case for farmhouse goals it's very product based so if we come over to my website and we click just here on product categories what i'm going to be doing is trying to find a bunch of different subcategories in this video i'm going to show you how i do it for a specific topic like betting but that's essentially what i try to do is find a bunch of different sub categories because if we come to google and we just search farmhouse betting here you can see the companies that i'm competing against bed bath and beyond amazon a lot of advertisements here some images kohl's we have target we have wayfair overstock so i'm not on the first page here but if you look at some of these different brands here that are on the first page they're incredibly popular so it's difficult to rank above them so that's where long tail keywords come in so essentially what i do is i create my keyword list and you can see coming down here all of these represent different topics and i already have a lot of them on my keyword list already but farmhouse christmas decor that's its own topic that i can expand on with a ton of subcategories like ornaments and tree skirts and christmas trees and all sorts of different christmas products that i can actually target for those specific keywords so that's essentially what we're trying to do here is come up with a list of topics that we want to rank for and then if we take farmhouse betting for example so we scroll down here looking at some of these examples what i like to do is take my topics and then link them so i link them to specific cells in my microsoft excel file so let's just say we click on farmhouse pillows it's going to bring us down to farmhouse pillows and show all of the different ways people are searching for farmhouse pillows so if i only have one category on my website for farmhouse pillows then i actually have opportunities for doing different sizes here for doing pillow shams which are a little bit different lumbar pillows christmas pillows farmhouse crochet pillow patterns so there's a bunch of different things here that i can try to target with my own website so that i'm if i'm not ranking for this specific keyword i could at least rank pretty high for some of these long tail keywords that don't have as much competition so if we scroll down here and we do farmhouse betting so we're going to take farmhouse betting so what i like to actually do is come over here to the farmhouse bedding this cell here and just click on it go to insert at the top and click on link and we're going to click on insert link here and then we're going to do is enter the cell where that is so in this case it's d104 we'll click on ok and now when i click on farmhouse betting it'll bring me right down to where farmhouse betting is so it'll bring me to all my different keywords so i can easily find them so what we're going to do next is figure out ways to come up with long keywords here and this is essentially how we finalize our keyword list we're coming up with a list of topics and then every time we click on that topic so when it's time for me to create more content about farmhouse coffee tables or basically create new subcategories of farmhouse coffee tables i can click here it'll bring me right down to coffee tables and i can see the different things that people are looking up and if i have pages on my website for all of these different types of products farmhouse coffee tables with wheels then when someone goes to google and searches for that keyword i'm gonna be much more likely to rank and it's also so targeted that i have a list of coffee tables with wheels for sale that people can see that they're gonna be more likely to purchase than somebody who is just searching for rustic coffee tables because that's a huge broad category where people are not really sure what they want yet somebody looking for something this specific knows exactly what they want so for farmhouse betting the way that i expand my keyword list after i come up with this list of topics is first you can use the google keyword planner so just enter farmhouse betting there so that's one thing you could do we'll click on get results now the other tool and i've talked about this tool a lot recently because it's it's become such a great tool is keywords everywhere you can install it for google chrome it's completely free they do have a paid option but the free option gives you a ton of information so if i go to google and i just search farmhouse betting every time i search since i have keywords everywhere enabled for google chrome you can see it comes with up with a list of long tail keywords so i can take these keywords here and i'll generally copy these keywords i'll just open up notepad and i'll paste them and then what i do is go through each individual keyword and try to think about if i think i can create a specific page of products for that keyword for example amazon canada i'm not going to be doing on a budget is something i could potentially do i'm not going to be doing target maine usa or pottery barn so farmhouse bedding quilt i would generally just look at farmhouse quilt as its own keyword so i'd get rid of this and i would make sure i have farmhouse quilts over here as its own topic so that's basically the way that i look at different topics and subtopics is what people are looking for so if we come back over and we'll finish our keyword list here so i'm just going to go through this pretty quickly okay so all these right here i consider to be completely unique now something like farmhouse style betting i'm not going to target that specifically i consider the page with farmhouse betting to target that keyword so that's not something i'm going to be targeting and if you're wondering how do i know whether or not i should be targeting some of these long tail keywords specifically i have a really good example here so one of the things that came up was gray farmhouse betting so with keywords everywhere i went to pinterest and if you go to pinterest and you do a search here you're going to see a link right underneath when you have keywords everywhere enabled that says find topic ideas for farmhouse betting so if we click on that it's going to pull up a bunch of keywords related to farmhouse betting using pinterest so if we scroll down here what you're going to see is farmhouse betting sets romantic that's not a keyword i've ever targeted before and then we have gray farmhouse bedding so what you can do is simply do a google search so i did gray farmhouse bedding and you can see first off the images are definitely highly geared towards gray farmhouse betting and if we keep coming down here you want to look at what's ranking so you can see there are specific pages for this search term that are ranking high now amazon has just far mouse betting sets but they're also amazon so they rank very high for a ton of different keywords kohl's you could see the word gray in here so not every single one but if you do see a few gray rustic and farmhouse bedding if you do see a few of these it shows some type of opportunity for you because if you can create pages for those specific keywords that's ultimately the goal of keyword research is to find these long tail keywords it's showing 320 average searches a month so if i can create a page for this and if we just scroll down so at home it's showing items one of 30 out of 46 so they have a total of 46 bedding sets that are considered gray and have a farmhouse theme so i can do the same thing on my website and try to get more than 46 then that's something that i can potentially use to rank higher than them now the other keyword was romantic farmhouse betting so this is a keyword i never even thought to target but if we scroll down you can see wayfair romantic farmhouse betting so a bunch of these have the word romantic in the title so if you're seeing specific keywords that people are typing in into google and you do a search for them yourself and you're seeing there are pages for them then it's probably worth doing it on your own website even though it's only showing 50 average monthly searches for this keyword it might be something worthwhile to drive a few extra clicks every month to my website so coming back over to microsoft excel and coming over here so we went through a bunch of these different keywords here and let's just say we're going to use all of these here we're going to copy them now one thing you're going to see is country farmhouse betting farmhouse country betting we never really need to worry about the order of the keywords but we don't need them twice so we have farmhouse king size betting farmhouse betting king i would consider both those both the same keyword so instead of ticking betting and ticking stripe we'll just do stripe get rid of this one okay so we'll copy this right now we might have some doubles in here still but we'll paste these here so this is essentially what i do is i'll paste these keywords from keywords everywhere and then the other thing we can do is use a tool like just enter your main keyword here farmhouse betting and it's going to pull up some of the top search terms from google from amazon from yahoo and bing youtube we have answers over here so you can download this just clicking right here sometimes i'll just copy a bunch of keywords and go through them so just copy like this go right over to notepad paste it and we're going to get all the keywords listed here as well so go through them one by one and you'll find some different things for example boho farmhouse betting i don't know if that was my original list so since we did gray and romantic as our examples before we'll add those to our list so we have gray here we'll come back over to microsoft excel and we'll do romantic okay so we have a bunch of different keywords and then what i can start doing is creating product categories for these different keywords and adding products to those product categories so this is how i essentially go through and finalize my keyword list and i do this for every single topic so next would be bar stools after that would be end tables and then chairs and as you do this you're going to come up with a ton of different topic type keywords for example farmhouse wall decor within this is farmhouse signs i probably consider that its own topic but i'm just going to keep it in wall decor here for now same with farmhouse tables so you come in here you have end tables dining tables coffee tables so these are all essentially subcategories of farmhouse tables but they have their own subcategories as well so it's a great way to kind of keep all your keywords organized and then as i'm saying okay i want to rank for the keyword modern farmhouse so when someone goes to google and types in modern farmhouse i want to rank for that keyword and the best way to do that is to make sure i'm covering all of these different topics many times with unique pages but essentially i want them all to link back to my main page for modern farmhouse so i can rank for as many of these keywords as possible take advantage of that traffic and ultimately drive more sales now the last thing i want to go over is once you start creating more and more content the next thing you need to do is use the google search console so we're looking at some data here in the google search console for farmhouse goals specifically what i did is people who are searching i just did specific dates here and did for the search terms farmhouse betting so people who have queries containing farmhouse betting here we click on apply if we scroll down it gave me let's see how many at the bottom here so 77 total keywords so this is just another great way to find a bunch of different long tail keywords so blue farmhouse bedding black and white farmhouse bedding i can basically go through and make sure i'm covering all these different colors that people type in all of the different styles that people type in all the different sizes from king to twin basically all the way down to crib so making sure i'm covering all these keywords and i have specific pages on my website where it makes sense so shabby chic farmhouse betting i don't have a page on my website about that so you're going to see 203 impressions so that's something where if i create a page and then i have a title that actually matches that and i have a list of products for sale that would be considered shabby chic farmhouse betting sets i'd be more likely to take these impressions and turn them into clicks that's ultimately our goal here it does it is a difficult process and you do need to understand how to go from topics to content so if you're writing about different types of topics if we just come back over here to the keyword planner one more time and let's just say we're writing about wordpress so we're just gonna search wordpress here we're gonna click on get results okay so if we scroll down it's giving us the most relevant keywords here so basically what you would do is take a bunch of these keywords and make sure you're writing content about that them or make sure you have a list of wordpress themes on your website a list of wordpress plugins on your website you can also take a keyword like wordpress plugins and you might have something like the 20 best wordpress plugins you need for 2022 the 10 best wordpress hosting platforms how to create a wordpress website wordpress templates for your store wordpress templates for a business website so you can take all of these different keywords here and essentially what you're trying to do is come up with topics that you can write about even if we come up here and we add a filter and we just say we just want to focus on wordpress keywords we take that enter it as a text match it's going to pull up everything that people are looking for with wordpress so pricing free wordpress hosting all of these represent potential content ideas for your business so as we scroll down here what's the best wordpress page builder or five best wordpress page builders wordpress plans so maybe you go over some different hosting plans how to create a landing page in wordpress so all these represent different keywords different problems that people are typing in there's 450 here just using one search of wordpress and entering one filter so you can find a ton of different keywords here and what you can eventually do is start with a website enter a competitor's website here so i know very popular website so if we just take this we still have our wordpress filter here so it's giving us over 1700 keywords almost 1800 keywords and you can see here if we just look by average monthly searches for example wordpress tutorial help with wordpress e-commerce for wordpress how to clear cash in wordpress wordpress membership plugins these are a ton of different keywords that you can target if you have a wordpress blog the hardest part is creating content not finding keywords but you can use these tools completely free keywords everywhere the google keyword planner you just need a google ads account and then all of these will give you plenty of keywords to target the really hard part is creating pages for all these different keywords so hopefully this helps in finalizing your seo keyword list understanding how to organize your ideas and some of the topics you want to cover and the more that you create the more you're going to rank over time so continue to create that content and you're going to keep ranking high next as you already might know there are hundreds if not thousands of keyword research tools out there most of them are paid keyword research tools so what i try to do is find my 10 favorite free keyword research tools that will all give you some unique information whether it's a keyword research tool for an app store whether it's just trying to find keywords for youtube or different ways to expand on your keyword list and find more long tail keywords so let's get into my 10 best free keyword research tools for 2022. so i'm going to go through each keyword research tool individually i wanted to list them at the beginning because i assume people want to know which the 10 best tools are that i believe now if you go to the description of this video you can find links for every single keyword tool so if you're having trouble finding a keyword tool just go to the description of this video and you'll be able to find everything you need about these tools i'm going to go through them one by one pretty quickly just go over some different examples that you can use them for but hopefully this is helpful as you are building your keyword list whether it's for search engine optimization whether you're trying to just find new content ideas all of these will help you as you use these keyword research tools so let's get into this and let's get started with the google keyword planner so we'll get started here first with the google keyword planner which is available through google ads it's a free keyword research tool when you do have a google ads account so you're going to need a google ads account to get started and you also unlock all of the data from the keyword planner when you're running an active google ads campaign so in order to find the keyword planner you can either go to the link directly so it's slash keyword planner or when you sign into your google ads account you go to tools and settings come to planning and click on the keyword planner from the top menu now once you're here what you want to do is click on discover new keywords and you can either start with keywords here to find a bunch of long tail keywords related to whatever you enter you can enter up to 10 keywords at a time or you can start with a website so both features are really great when you are looking for more keywords so let's just say for example i'm going to be using wordpress throughout this video let's just say i want to find keywords related to wordpress so just an easy example so what you do is enter a keyword you can enter up to 10 and we're going to click on get results now this is what it's going to look like after you perform a search you can broaden your search at the top they have some recommended keywords up at the top here you can refine your keywords over on the right hand side this also gives you a lot more information for if you are looking for some different ideas i'm going to click the x and refine keywords for right now but if we scroll down here it's going to sort keywords by relevance and we can see all these different keywords here related to wordpress so it's a great way to understand what people are researching when it does come to wordpress you can use filters so you can make sure that keyword text contains wordpress or a specific word that you want you can sort by average monthly searches to make sure that there's either a certain amount of average monthly searches so what we can do is if we just click on average monthly searches here we can get an idea of overall search volume so as we scroll down we can see some of the top keywords related to wordpress now the other thing we can do is you can build your keyword plan and actually build a google ads campaign through the keyword planner i have a couple videos on my channel about the keyword planner that i just recently did so if you want to find those look in the video description i'll link directly to those videos because there are 20 30 minute videos on their own so the other thing we can do is if we come up to the top rather than starting with keywords we can start with a website and we can either use a specific page or use an entire website so one of the biggest websites related to wordpress is so we can use the entire website click on get results and what it will show us is the most popular keywords and the most relevant keywords for their website so you can see here by average monthly searches if we just go to keyword by relevance you can see some of these different keywords that they have here and this is where filters would come in so you'd want to say let's make sure average monthly searches is at least 100 we'll click on apply and now that will get rid of some of those just 10 searches per month so you can see there's a ton of keywords here just simply entering one keyword of wordpress and one website so if you're looking for ideas enter your top keywords here based on products or services that you're offering and enter a competitor's website here enter a couple competitor websites to find new keywords so number one is the google keyword planner i would say this is the keyword tool i use the most you'll see it a lot in my videos because i do think it's a very good keyword tool to start with now the next two tools i'm going to go over i'm going to go over back to back because they're both extensions that you can install for chrome for keywords everywhere you can install for firefox as well i'm using google chrome so that's the example i'm going to use so first is keywords everywhere the next one is keyword surfer so this is available through keyword server extension you can add it to chrome completely free now there's these tools each do different things but when you do go to google and let's just say i search wordpress and google at the very top here you're going to see powered by surfer it's showing me average monthly searches for wordpress and then the average cost per click for google ads campaigns for wordpress so over on the right hand side is where you're going to see a ton of information now both of these tools have paid options so i'm not going to be going over any of the paid options here but their free versions are great in of themselves so if we scroll down you can see overall trend data for wordpress over time so it's dropping but still a very popular keyword and then as we keep coming down so this is keyword surfer right here on the right hand side i want to first show you keywords everywhere so you'll see the different logos here this is the keywords everywhere logo first it's going to show trending keywords there's only one here it's going to show related keywords so this gives us a total of eight different keywords and then my favorite thing is the long tail keywords at the bottom so if we're searching for wordpress you can see all of these are different long tail keywords and what we can do at the very top of google is click on find long tail keywords for wordpress and it's going to show us a ton of different keywords that people are typing in related to wordpress now next and this is what i love about keywords everywhere is you can go to something like youtube and when you're on youtube we can do a search for wordpress and up at the very top here there's find youtube keywords for wordpress and then we also have some search insights here as well so if we do find youtube keywords for wordpress we're going to see the same exact thing and it's going to pull up the most popular wordpress keywords so it helps you find a ton of different keywords now the paid option will give you search volume and you will get more information from the paid option of keywords everywhere but the other two things you can do and we're going to switch up our example a little bit here just because wordpress doesn't work as well is let's say you go to and we're searching for camping you can click find amazon keywords for camping and it's going to open up the same exact page that we keep opening specific to amazon so you can find some of the top keywords related to camping and then you can even do the same thing on pinterest so on pinterest i did the same thing for camping you click on find topic ideas you're going to see the same exact page so keywords everywhere keyword research on the go basically what i like to do is if i'm working on an article or if i'm working on something specific i love to search in google click on find long tail keywords here or just scroll down and look at the list of long tail keywords and see if there's anything i can come up with i also do this when i'm looking up youtube tags i just try to find some different long tail keywords for whatever topic i'm covering now keyword surfer so coming back over going over the third tool here keyword surfer what i do like about this one is if we scroll up a little bit so they give you different keyword ideas there's 93 keyword ideas here they do give us some search volume and they show similarity for this keyword to the keyword that we entered up at the top so if we keep going over here you can find a ton of different ideas give us 93 total ideas so you just want to pull out the ones that are going to be the most relevant for content that you can create the other thing that i like is if you click on generate article outline they're basically basically going to look at all the different pages that are ranked high in google and they're going to give you some different ideas that you can use in your own article so you don't want to use their exact outline but some different things six reasons to use wordpress in 2022 how to get a wordpress site for free now it's not going to be perfect so you might want to say how to create a free wordpress website aspects of wordpress that aren't free so if we keep coming down here there's a ton of different ideas that you can look through if you're generating an article different keywords will work very well for this so i just wanted to go over that for keyword surfer you can generate articles and then the other thing i like is it does show you average monthly search volume and some estimated bids for google ads okay so the next tool is going to be soovle so and with this one when you enter a word here or multiple words it's going to look at the long tail keywords basically the autocomplete search suggestions for google so you can see the logos in the background here we have google we have amazon we have yahoo we have bing there's youtube over here answers and then they also have a wikipedia section but i use suville a lot when i am writing content because if you're looking for some different ideas for example if i'm writing about wordpress hosting what you can do is look at some of these different keyword ideas here so wordpress hosting cost free wordpress hosting providers so aws if we keep scrolling down so bluehost so just some different ideas that you can use so with cdn a content delivery network so it gives you a bunch of different ideas for long tail keywords and i think souvle is the best as you are creating content to find more ideas now next is going to be the google search console so what you want to do when you do create a website is add your website to the google search console you can use google tag manager or google analytics to actually authenticate your website so what's going to happen is you can look at your website and you can see how many clicks how many impressions your average click-through rate and your average position for any period of time through google so it gives you a ton of information about how your website is actually performing in google and then as we scroll down you can see the top search queries that are driving clicks and impressions to your website we could look at our top pages here and see what pages are driving clicks and impressions and if we scroll down here this is giving us a thousand keywords so if we look at 500 keywords you can see there are a ton of different ideas and this is really helpful as you're looking for what keywords are driving traffic to your website and then the other thing that you can do is if you click on specific pages so let's just say i click on this farmhouse betting page and we go back over to queries and we scroll down it's going to show which search terms are driving the most traffic so clicks and the most impressions so it gives you some different ideas where you can say okay let me pull out a keyword like farmhouse comforter farmhouse comforter set king and create their own pages so that i can drive traffic specifically for those keywords and really optimize better for those keywords so you can see here this is showing me 899 different keywords for a single page that have gotten clicks and impressions or at least impressions so google search console i am going to update my tutorial for google search console this year but it's a great free tool offered by google to see how you're performing in the search results so the next tool here is google trends i'm going to create an updated tutorial for google trends this year as well if we scroll down they have some examples at the top they have the year in search 2021 so you could see google trends data for last year if we scroll down they have recently trending as well so this is a great place to be if you're looking for ideas if you are covering news they're going to give you a ton of trending searches and you can find even more here now what i do like here is if we do enter a search term like wordpress we click on enter so we have wordpress the search term it's going to show us interest over time so this is from last year to this year if we scroll down you can see interest by region so this might be useful depending on the keywords you're targeting they have related topics now what you can see here is related topics they show rising and top i don't generally use rising because sometimes it's showing basically for google trends so it's showing you which topics are actually showing more relevancy towards whichever keyword you entered but let's just say click on top you can see wordpress website plugin theme web hosting so some different topics that are related to the keyword same thing with related search queries so some of these aren't really overly relevant to our keyword for example reddit soccer streams so if we scroll down we click on top again you can see it's going to give us 25 different search terms that are highly relevant to the one that we entered and then the other thing we can do is if we scroll to the top here so we have wordpress let's say i want to compare this with shopify and we can add another comparison we'll just say wix so we're looking at three different search terms and you can actually see the interest over time in the different search terms and it's going to give you some more information so it's showing compared breakdown by subregion wordpress shopify wix interest for each of them as we scroll down the other thing that i like is that it breaks it out each individual keyword that you entered so it gives you the interest by subregion for that keyword and then related search terms you could look at rising and top as well so google trends a great free tool to give you a ton of information about any keyword that you enter and you can also use it to find breaking news and whatever stories or keywords are actually trending currently so the next keyword tool is keyword and there is a keyword tool pro here so this is a free and premium tool but what i like is they have different search engines here so we have google youtube bing amazon ebay play store instagram and twitter so if we're looking up wordpress here you can see there's a ton of different keywords one of the things i do like is they show us alphabetical keywords which keywords everywhere does as well but as we come here you can see some of these at the very top are the most popular keywords and then right when we get here to wordpress admin it's starting to show us different keywords basically in alphabetical order so if you're looking at each letter of the alphabet you can see wordpress admin alternatives those are very popular keywords as you get into b so backup blog themes block editor so you can see some different keywords alphabetical and as you get into each individual letter from a b to c it'll show you the most popular keywords at the top so just a great tool that you can use for google youtube being for example i can come to the play store here and let's just say so it's showing wordpress mobile app wordpress blog app course dashboard what you can do here is enter something like puzzle and it's going to give you 139 unique keywords related to the play store so as we come down you can see exactly what people are typing in specifically for the play store so it's a great way to look up different keywords for different search engines because a lot of times we just optimize for google but you cannot buy us for youtube as well for amazon depending on what it is you're selling now looking at the play store is going to bring us into our next keyword tool which is app tweak the keyword suggest tool so they automatically enter play here you can search the app store or the google play store you can change your country here you can change your language click on suggest and they're going to give us a ton of keywords again in alphabetical order so you can see exactly what people are typing in to continue on to our other example before we'll enter puzzle here click on suggest and it loaded so we can see some of the top keywords here related to puzzle so you can see right here these are very popular puzzle keywords and then as you're looking for some different ideas if you're creating a puzzle app you might be able to say okay let me make sure i'm creating a puzzle based on some keyword that you're seeing here so gives you free keyword suggestions for the apple store and the google play store so let's come over next one is answer the public so this is a very popular tool they do have a premium version and they only offer two or three total searches per day so if we come in here and we just enter wordpress again so we're going to do wordpress and click on search so we'll scroll down it gave us 391 results for wordpress and what i like about answer the public is they give questions they have prepositions comparisons and alphabeticals so they have a lot of visual data here so you can look up specific words that people ask basically about wordpress and you can use these to answer questions now i prefer just using data i think it's just easier to read but you can see our wordpress plugins free our wordpress website's good can wordpress host my domain can wordpress handle heavy traffic so these are different questions that you can answer within your content and then as we scroll down here you can see prepositions i like to use data again so wordpress for beginners for windows for business and as you can see here there's a bunch of different keywords that you can target so next is going to be comparison so we'll click on data again so wordpress and shopify wordpress or wix wordpress or squarespace wordpress or shopify these are all good topics that you could easily target with content and then at the very bottom you get alphabetical keywords so just using answer the public we have 391 different results and it's a great way to expand on the content that you're already creating okay last but not least is keyword it so keyword is a unique keyword research tool it's the reddit keyword research tool and what you do is you enter the name of a subreddit below so right here you're going to enter the name of a subreddit so if we use wordpress okay so you can see we have a wordpress subreddit we click on get keywords what this is actually going to do is extract keywords from the specific subreddit that we entered so we did wordpress we scroll down you can see a bunch of different keywords here and what i like about keyword it is they have a bunch of unique keywords that don't always include the main search term that you entered or the main subreddit that you entered so for example you can see advanced custom fields clear dns cache google analytics code so these can all be different keywords that you can relate to wordpress and a lot of times in reddit people are asking questions about these things so you can say how to avoid brute force attacks with wordpress if we're looking up here what is the best wordpress ecommerce plugin so all you need to do is come up to the top here enter any subreddit so there's marketing subreddits there are basically subreddits about any topic so you just want to enter that here get keywords and it's going to pull out keywords that people are actually searching and then the other thing you could do is click on context so if you click on contacts you could see they have which free wordpress themes to use what's a good free theme for wordpress so they're basically pulling up the conversations that people had that use this keyword so there's a ton of different information that you can use and then you also get monthly search volume on the very top of it so a ton of different ideas here using these different free keyword research tools now coming back over here one more time just to recap the video so google keyword planner is my favorite free keyword research tool you can enter a single keyword you can enter multiple keywords you can enter competitor websites you can enter specific pages and find every relevant keyword you need to keywords everywhere a great extension to install on chrome and you can find keywords for a ton of different search engines keyword surfer gives you additional data about average monthly search volume what people are actually bidding in google ads souvl i like to use if i'm writing an article and i'm looking for basically what people are typing in and related to whatever i'm writing about google search console you can see how your website is performing in the google search results google trends what is trending some related keywords there as well keyword tool dot io gives you a ton of information from different search engines app tweak keyword suggest tool perfect for finding keywords for specific app stores and then answer the public you can see we entered just wordpress it gave us 391 different questions prepositions and alphabetical keywords last but not least keyword is going to extract keywords from a specific subreddit so different keyword research tools for different tasks if you're running google ads campaigns you know how important keyword research can be especially as you're targeting the search network and making sure that you're targeting all the top keywords for your business so what i go through in the next portion of this video is how to come up with a keyword research list specific for google ads now keep in mind you can use our other keyword research tutorials because those should be guiding your content decisions and the types of pages you're creating but our google ads keyword research tutorial will give you a little bit more insight into creating a ppc advertising keyword list so to get started you're obviously going to need a google ads account so it's completely free to create an account you're only going to be charged when you actually start running advertisements so you want to start by creating a google ads account because that will give you access to the google keyword planner so the google keyword planner is the best tool because it is built for google ads customers to find keywords for their campaigns so one thing i want to show you just before i get into the entire video is i did recently do a keyword research tutorial for 2022. it's about 30 minutes long and it's going to show you how to create a huge list of keywords for your business so if you need a little bit more help with kind of coming up with more relevant keywords based on your products and services then this is the place i would start but what i'm going to do is i'm going to start really quick in the keyword planner just to show you a few things that you can do so when you are looking up new keywords the main thing you really need to know is what are you going to be advertising what is it that you want to actually sell to people when they do click on your advertisements so for this example i'm going to be using my website and i'm specifically just going to be going over some different bedding keywords so you can see here i have farmhouse bedding sets farmhouse throw blankets farmhouse duvet covers farmhouse quilts so if i'm promoting those things and i'm sending traffic to these different pages for example this would be the page i'm going to send traffic for farmhouse throw blankets people come here and as they scroll down there are a ton of different blankets for sale that have a farmhouse theme to them so what you would want to do is start in the google keyword planner and click on discover new keywords and what we can do here is just start with keywords and i can do farmhouse bedding farmhouse quilts we'll do farmhouse throw blankets so you basically want to enter the main keywords that you're trying to advertise here some of the things that you're trying to sell so that's what we're going to start with you can enter up to 10 keywords as you get started so we'll do a few more here so we'll do farmhouse duvet covers farmhouse sheets and farmhouse crib betting so these are the seven different places we're going to be sending traffic so i'm going to be doing the main keyword for each of those different pages so all we need to do now is click on get results and once we click on get results now you can adjust some different things up at the top here your location targeting your language targeting you can also adjust the months here to see search volume for different periods it's always going to show the last 12 months so with the main keywords we added they're gonna show them at the very top here and then as we keep scrolling down it's gonna have a bunch of different keyword ideas based on relevance now we can do is adjust this by average monthly searches if we scroll over here they'll actually show you the top of page bid the low range and the high range so basically how low advertisers are bidding and how high advertisers are bidding and then overall competition here as well now if you are running advertisements so you can see these are in my account i'll show you that in a little bit if you are running a campaign already then this will show up in your account the last thing i want to go over is average monthly searches here it might only show you ranges of data it might show 0 to 100 100 to 1000 1000 to 10 000. i wouldn't get too caught up on average monthly searches you're basically looking for any keywords that get any searches at all and that's where you want to start so let's just say for example i want to use these different keywords and i want to start with these different keywords to target for my campaign what you can do is click over here on a keyword and you can click multiple keywords at a time and you can click here to add this to a plan so you're creating a new keyword plan or an existing campaign so if i click click on plan click on new ad group i can do something like farmhouse betting okay we're going to click on create that's going to create the new ad group for farmhouse betting you can choose your match type for keywords now for i generally target phrase match keywords i'm going to go over match types in a little bit but i generally choose phrase match and we can click on add keyword so what that's going to do is it's going to start creating a keyword plan so you can see over here keyword plan and what you can actually do is create a campaign directly through the google keyword planner so we're going to do one more example here if i click on farmhouse quilts one selected we're adding it to our plan we're going to create a new ad group for farmhouse quilts since we're going to be sending traffic to a different landing page for this ad group click on create so now we have two ad groups a phrase match keyword and we're going to click on add keyword here again let's click on x here we're going to come back out to the keyword planner now when you do have your google ads account you go to tools and settings go to planning and keyword planner also if you just google go to and enter google keyword planner you can be brought right to this page for the keyword planner click on go to keyword planner and it's going to open up this page right here once you have a google ads account so let's come over to our five step process and get started so my five step process for google ads keyword research is first you want to understand google ads keyword matching i'm going to go through that right after i go through each of these different steps next you want to create a list of landing pages where you're going to be sending traffic to you want to list the main keyword for each landing page then you want to expand your keyword list for each page and last but not least create an additional keyword list as you are creating your campaign i'm going to show you why that's important so first google ads keyword matching so obviously step one understand google ads keyword matching and here is the example directly from the google ads help page so if someone goes to google and searches lawn mowing service if you use broad match keywords so there's three match types broad match phrase match and exact match if you use broad match keywords you just enter your keyword without any quotes any brackets you're just entering the keyword just like this if you're using phrase match you're going to put quotes around your entire keyword and if you're using exact match you're going to put brackets around your entire keyword so if you are using broad match and someone goes to google and searches lawn mowing service your ad might show up for something like lawn aeration prices so essentially google is looking for any search that is even remotely related to your keyword so if somebody goes in and searches for lawn aeration prices that may match if somebody is using the broad match for lawn mowing services now next is phrase match phrase match is what i use the most often so this is ads may show on searches that include the meaning of your keyword so for somebody who is searching lawn mowing service you can see these three right here all very similar key keywords even if people use you know something like landscaping service to cut grass that's the same exact thing as somebody going and searching for lawn mowing service so with phrase match you're getting and you're going to see down here moderate matching you're getting really good keywords and really good search terms that are going to match your keywords so you don't have to worry too much in the terms of broad match someone looking for lawn aeration prices might have no interest in the lawn mowing service they might just be looking for okay how much is this gonna cost me i might do this three months from now when it's the spring or something like that so for broad match you're really leaving google in charge of your advertisements and when they're gonna show because they're gonna show for a ton of unrelated search terms now last but not least is exact match this is gonna be the most tight of all of them so lawn mowing service grass cutting service it's only gonna show for the keyword that you entered and searches that are very close to the same meaning as your keyword so i the way i kind of look at it exact match is for really tight budgets phrase match for tight budgets and budgets that are a little bit larger and broad match is for companies that just have massive budgets and you just want to make sure you're spending a ton of money on google ads and you don't want to miss anything that is even remotely related to the keywords that you are targeting so for the most part i would say phrase match works the best for most businesses because that's going to give you the best of exact match the best of broad match and you're going to make sure that your keywords are really targeted towards search terms so step number two you want to create a list of landing pages for your google ads campaign so if you're not familiar with a landing page it's the page you send users after they click your ad so somebody clicks on your advertisement that's going to be the page that they see so coming back over here to my for my example for farmhouse goals if i'm using these different pages for my landing pages then what i would want to do is copy the link address for all these different pages and you want to set up a spreadsheet that looks something like this so we paste our landing page url here our main keyword for each landing page so i have farmhouse betting and that will actually bring us to step three in our process here so list the main keyword for each landing page so as we do this what you want to do is come up with a list of landing pages where you plan on sending traffic to so my next one would be farmhouse throw blankets so we enter this as our landing page url our main keyword farmhouse throw blankets okay so then you would want to keep doing this for all the landing pages where you want to send traffic to and the way i kind of look at building a google ads campaign is i like to group create ad groups in my google ads campaign for the different landing pages where i'm planning on sending traffic if someone is looking for farmhouse throw blankets i don't want to send them to a page with a bunch of farmhouse bedding sets they're two completely different things even if they do seem related okay so i would keep doing this now for all these different landing pages here i could just do this with a couple of different examples so we'll just use bedding sets and farmhouse throw blankets now the other one i want to show you is quilts so we're going to copy that too because i'm going to use an example for quilts a little later on in the video so we'll do farmhouse quilts okay so now we have three different landing pages where we're going to send traffic these to me all represent ad groups so the ad group would be farmhouse bedding farmhouse throw blankets farmhouse quilts so they're different ad groups where i wanna create specific advertisements so i'm actually matching the advertisement with what people are typing in and looking for when they do go to google okay so next is gonna be step four so if we come over here to step number four what you want to do next is expand your keyword list for each page using the google keyword planner now there's a couple other tools i want to go over as well and what i'm going to be doing is expanding my keyword list specifically for farmhouse quilts right now just to show you some different examples a couple other keyword tools that you can use completely free you can install it for chrome or firefox and the other one is keyword surfer it's keyword surfer extension i'll put all these links in the video description so you can easily find them and you can add this to chrome as well so once you've done that what you can do is do a search for farmhouse quilts or whatever your keyword is and when you do that search keyword surfer will actually show you the average estimated monthly search volume and it will show you the cost per click for google ads campaigns just so you get an idea of how much you need to bid for each click to your website so we do farmhouse quilts here using keywords everywhere if we scroll down you can find a ton of long tail keywords that you can also target for your campaign as well now the other thing we can do is if we come back over to the keyword planner all you need to do is enter that main keyword here so farmhouse quilts and we can click on get results and as we scroll down here now you can keep building your keyword plan so i can keep adding a bunch of these different keywords to my plan but what i like to do is look up using the keywords i provided so i did farmhouse quilts now this is where step five comes in so you can see this one right here sawyer mill betting so i'll copy this keyword so going to step five create an additional keyword list you can use for future seo and ppc efforts as you do your google ads keyword research you're going to find your there's going to be a lot of keywords where maybe you don't have a good landing page for so what i like to do is just say additional keywords over here and i'm going to paste this first one here make sure it matches and we'll do a bottom border so we have additional keywords sawyer mill bedding so i don't want to tar target that specifically and send people to my farmhouse quilts page but if i do have sawyer mill betting products on my website then what i can potentially do is take advantage of 720 average monthly searches and send people to a page that just has sawyer mill betting for sale which is a specific type of betting so i'm not going to send that traffic to my quilts page what i would rather do is say let's do something like farmhouse quilts king we'll copy this keyword and we'll enter here for additional keyword now a couple others that i know so basically i'll just come here and do something like i'm in the wrong okay so basically i'll come here and say modern farmhouse quilts farmhouse quilt sets and i know there's vintage farmhouse quilts and you can find a lot of these keywords both using the google keyword planner so as i come down modern and vintage those are two that i saw so farmhouse quilts queen that's another one that i can target now you can see here sawyer mill patchwork quilt so that's another one there so you can find a bunch of these different keywords as you continue to build out your keyword list and it helps you as you even make pages just for search engine optimization or creating pages of content if i can create a page that lists a ton of different sawyer mill betting for sale there's a good chance i can get it to rank because it's not going to have the same level of competition as something like farmhouse bed spreads or something like farmhouse quilts where there's a ton of different people with great pages on their website that list those types of products so as we come down here we have farmhouse quilts queen so you can create this huge list of keywords and then as you're building your campaign or even after you publish your campaign if you just have this one keyword in here you can go back to your campaign and easily add these additional keywords so if i do come over here and i go into my existing campaign so this is a campaign that i have through google ads right now i'm basically just doing it i'm going to be using it for tutorials but you can see here i have an ad group farmhouse quilts if i click on it what you're going to see is i only have two keywords here farmhouse quilts and farmhouse quilt sets both phrase match keywords so let's just say i want to add a new keyword here so again this is where the quotes come in so if i just did something like farmhouse quilts this would be a broad match keyword because there's nothing around the keyword if i do quote farmhouse quilts it's now a phrase match keyword and if i do we'll do brackets farmhouse quilts this is going to be an exact match keyword so just so you know how to distinguish those different types of keywords i generally enter all my keywords with quotes so you can do what works best for you depending on your budget so you can also use the built-in keyword list over here so enter a related website enter your product or service so if i do farmhouse quilts click on enter you're gonna see a lot of the same keywords that we saw through the google keyword planner so it's another built-in keyword tool that you can use so i could say let's do farmhouse quilts king now farmhouse bed spreads that's something i can add over here to my additional keywords so farmhouse bed spreads come back over so we could do modern vintage farmhouse quilts queen so again you don't have to go through the process of coming up with these additional keywords i think this is helpful if you're creating a campaign with a ton of different ad groups and you just want to want to kind of go through and find some of the best keywords but you can just use this built-in keyword tool here as well farmhouse style quilts you don't need a ton of different keywords because if you just have a phrase match of farmhouse quilts it should match all these keywords as well but it is helpful to kind of see performance for some of these different keywords and make sure you're not missing out on some of these popular searches as well farmhouse patchwork quilt farmhouse quilt bedding farmhouse star quilt king quilt so this is good for now what i would do is just put quotes around all these keywords okay so now we have quotes around all these keywords so what we can do is save and that will add all of these keywords to this exists existing ad group now the other thing that you're going to be able to see is within your ad group you can find search terms and you can also add those to your ad group as well so if i go into search terms this is going to give you a good example of how phrase match works so country quilts that is a search term or keyword that i am not targeting at all so within my keywords i was just targeting farmhouse quilts and farmhouse quilt sets in a phrase match so some of these different things farmhouse quilts king you can see i already have that country quilts i can take this and i can add this as a keyword if i don't want to target something like country quilts i can add it as a negative keyword so just another part of your keyword research if i want to add country quilts as an exact match that's something that i can do as well as we scroll down here you might see something like martha stewart farmhouse quilts so what i could do is click on this add martha stewart as a negative keyword because i don't know if i actually carry those products in my website and people who are searching for something specific in google are usually looking for exactly that and they're not going to find something different and say okay let me purchase this instead so if i do have a ton of martha stewart farmhouse quilts for sale then i can target this keyword if not i would rather just enter it as a negative altogether so hopefully all of that makes sense now if we come back over here and we come to our list of ad groups here you can see i have this farmhouse quilts ad group so just to give you an example of how i structure my campaigns if we come into the farmhouse quilts you can see the different keywords i have here if we go to ads and extensions you can see my ads completely match farmhouse quilts farmhouse quilt sets and there's a bunch of different headlines that can be put in there as well and if we come back here again to all my list of ad groups and let's just say we click on farmhouse comforters for example you can see some of the different keywords that i'm targeting here for this one i'm targeting rustic comforters as well and you can see these keywords will still drive conversions because rustic and farmhouse are essentially synonyms but what we can also do is just look at the ads and extensions real quick just so you can see so rustic comforter sets farmhouse comforter sets so my advertisements are going to be closely matching the different search terms that people are typing in and ultimately that's my goal when it comes to google ads create advertisements and use landing pages that are really going to match what people are looking for that's always been my goal with google ads now to finish off the video a couple of quick examples here let's just say for example your and you want to start running some advertisements for the different themes you have on your website if we come over to their menu you can see they have a ton of different even just under wordpress they have e-commerce themes they have mobile themes real estate retail technology wedding themes corporate themes so all of these different menu items have a ton of different drop down so if you're sending traffic to this website and let's just say for example i want to target people who are looking for shopify themes so i'm targeting shopify themes as my keyword i don't want to send people to this page right here i want to come into the e-commerce section over here and as we scroll down you can see shopify so if we click on that you're going to see shopify themes and templates so that's going to be the place where you want to send traffic to so if i go to google and i search shopify themes you can see at the very top there's an ad for shopify just matches exactly what i typed in not sure what the hyphens are if we come down here so 2021's best shopify themes now it is 2022 but this is still a really good advertisement overall professional and mobile commerce ready choose your theme and start selling today and then they have 45 000 plus wordpress themes templates from two dollars now these down here free e-commerce templates so not terrible but i'd rather have an advertisement that says free shopify themes thousands of designs and free images easily online store website again this i would rather have something like best shopify themes because people are looking for exactly what they type in or something that will closely match that now the one last thing i want to go over is let's just say you're ahrefs you have this tool website traffic checker it's part of their overall tool for ahrefs and i'm saying i don't know what keywords are the best for this landing page what you can do is take the actual page itself and you can see the start trial right here i'm i'm sure they probably use this as a landing page but if we take this page right here and we copy it and we come back over to the google keyword planner what you can actually do is we'll come back to the front page under discover new keywords you can start with a website and you can enter a specific page and you can either use your entire website so this is another way to kind of get started with what you want to promote problem is it's going to give you too many keywords in my opinion but what you can do is say i want to use only this page and i want to get results now using just a single page they gave me 382 keywords and they have keywords by relevance so it's giving me basically the best keywords that are going to most closely match this page so if i'm creating an ad group i can say okay let me target website traffic estimator see best free website traffic checker maybe i want to get rid of the word free and add that as a negative keyword so that people don't think that it's going to be a free tool and people who are looking for a free tool aren't going to click on our advertisement and just bounce immediately to look for a free tool site traffic checker website traffic analysis website visitor checker so you get all these different keywords that you can target within your ad group see in this specific ad group you could have hundreds of different keywords and they all go to that main landing page here so this is a great way to find additional keywords for your landing pages and you don't need to basically use single keyword ad groups so those were always a very popular thing with google ads but now you really don't have to focus on that i focus mainly on what landing page am i sending traffic to and what are the keywords that are gonna most closely match that landing page so these are some different ways to do google ads keyword research to come back over here just to summarize the video understanding google ads keyword matching i would highly highly recommend targeting phrase match keywords for the most part broad match keywords is going to lead to worse campaign performance and exact match keywords might limit your overall search volume now creating a list of landing pages that helps you understand where you want to drive traffic to what your main keywords and what your long tail keywords are for those landing pages then you want to list the main keyword for each landing page because that's the keyword that you can use to come up with a bunch of relevant long tail keywords again you don't need to target 100 keywords per ad group but it does help to have some different keywords just to make sure you're targeting everything expanding your keyword list for each page so as you go through you want to make sure you find all the best keywords for each page you can also find negative keywords for example that keyword free when people are looking up their website traffic for ahrefs that's something they can as add as a negative keyword to make sure you're just taking out that traffic altogether last but not least create an additional keyword list you don't necessarily have to do this but it's nice to kind of come over here and say okay here's a bunch of different additional keywords and i can use those to create content for those keywords and maybe eventually run advertisements to those pages down the line so at this point i've gone over the google keyword planner pretty extensively throughout this course but in case you still have questions or still looking for a little bit more information for every little detail of the google keyword planner this next portion of the video will show that to you so let's get into how to use the google keyword planner from start to finish so the first part of this video is accessing the google keyword planner and the best way to do that is to start by creating a google ads account if you don't have one already once you have a google ads account and you're all set up and ready to start running campaigns what you can do is just go directly to this page right here and i'll put this link in the video description so you can easily find it so what you want to do is click on go to keyword planner and that's going to open up the keyword planner and give you a page that looks like this now if you've never used google ads before and if you've never used the keyword planner before you might run into an issue when you create a new account you're going to see screens that might look like this what's your main advertising goal if you do see the screen what you want to do is click on experienced with google ads now it might bring you into a new screen saying to create a new campaign and select the campaign type that you'd like to create so what you want to do is click on create an account without a campaign that's going to allow you to get into the google ads interface where you can access the keyword planner so let's get into the keyword planner and get started so now getting started with the keyword planner the first thing i want to go over is i have an old google ads account here that i use for tutorials in the past and i don't have an active campaign running so what might happen if you start using the google keyword planner for the first time let's just say you enter a keyword here you want to find more keywords related to keyword research so we're going to click on get results so what the keyword planner is going to do is bring us the most relevant keywords based on whatever keywords we enter at the very top here and you can see for average monthly searches they're giving us a range of data and at the very bottom here you're going to see to get more detailed statistics run a campaign so if you're looking for more information in terms of the exact number of average monthly searches and to get the full google keyword planner what you want to do is run a google ads campaign however i wouldn't worry too much about knowing the exact number of average monthly searches because having a range of data is not the end of the world basically this says there's 100 to 1 000 average monthly searches for souvl so what that means is there might be 500 average monthly searches for example so it doesn't really matter that much that you have the exact number here you can still target these keywords when you're creating content or for your google ads campaigns so what i want to do next is show you the features of the google keyword planner and i'm going to come over to my other account where i actually have the search volume data and everything like that so we can look at the full version of the keyword planner now when you get in your google ads account if you go to tools and settings and then under planning in the menu you can click on keyword planner to find this otherwise just go to this page here click on go to keyword planner and it will open up this screen so i want to start the first thing i want to go over is how to use keywords to expand your keyword list so you can see here it says start with keywords so what you want to do is enter products or services closely related to your business now you might have to do this multiple times if your business has a bunch of different products for sale for example if i come to my website farmhouse goals i would do different searches for bedding for curtains for decor for furniture for lighting because you don't want to try to find all these keywords at once what you can do is for example for farmhouse betting i can come in here and say just enter some different related keywords that i know are related to betting so quilts comforters so all these different types of keywords is a great way to get started and to expand my keyword list specifically for farmhouse betting so i'm going to get rid of these for now so let's just say i want to expand my keyword list for farmhouse furniture so there's a couple different ways you could search here you can start with keywords which i'm going to show you or you could start with a website using either the entire website or a specific page so starting with keywords let's just say enter farmhouse furniture and we'll enter some related keywords here so tables okay so i've entered nine keywords here all related to furniture and some of the more popular types of furniture that people are looking for for the house so you can enter a domain to use as a filter so it will filter out services products or brands that you don't offer i generally don't do this so i'm not going to do this now and you can see here their tip is try not to be too specific or general so meal delivery is better than meals for a food delivery business so essentially you want to be entering keywords here that you think potential customers are going to search and google to find a business like yours so using these keywords we can click on get results and this is the first way to look for keywords and to find a huge list of keywords now i'm going to go through every part of the keyword planner coming up i just want to show you some different ways to actually get to this screen where you have a ton of keywords so entering these keywords here it gave me over 6 000 keyword ideas which really is just too many so i'll show you how to filter out some of these different keywords but if we scroll down it's going to give me the keywords by relevance so the most relevant keywords based on what i entered and just going through here you can see i already have a ton of keywords i can start to target with my content and with some of the products i'm selling on my website so this is really helpful as you're trying to find different ways to target people based on what they're searching related to your business so we're going to come back over here and the other way you can find keywords is to start with a website so starting with the website allows you to enter your entire website or a specific page on your website and what the google keyword planner is going to do is return a huge list of keyword ideas again and it's all going to be keywords that they find the most relevant to our website okay so i've used the entire site and we're going to click on get results and then i'm going to go back to the keyword option and i'm going to go through every part of the keyword planner so we'll click on get results now okay so using our website now i don't use the website option that often but what you can see is it's giving me the most relevant keywords on my website so these are all different keywords that i know i have specific pages for i have a page on my website for farmhouse tv stands for sale i have page on my website for modern farmhouse coffee tables for farmhouse coffee table sets but the other thing you're going to find here are different keywords that are really just generic keywords that are not really completely related to my website i don't target just the keyword bar stools i target the keyword farmhouse barstools so if you enter your website and you do average monthly searches it's going to give you a ton of keywords here that are going to be extremely popular so a ton of average monthly searches but very very difficult to rank for so that's why i generally don't use my website i prefer to just enter keywords and then go through the different keyword ideas they give me so let's go back to the keyword ideas and for this i'm just gonna enter a few different furniture keywords so we'll do farmhouse furniture okay so we just have four keywords here and we're gonna click on get results again and now we're looking at the mo the keywords that they gave us by relevance so if we scroll down again these are all very relevant keywords based on the ones that i entered now the next thing i want to go over is average monthly searches here the three month change year over year change competition and then the top of page bid and the top of page bid high range so they give you the low range and the high range the other thing you'll see over here is account status so if you're already bidding on a keyword it's going to show in account here so i'm bidding on some of these keywords in my campaign so you can see it's showing that it's in my account so we'll scroll back over and our i'll start with average monthly searches so if we scroll to the top you can see they give you the average monthly searches here so for some companies and businesses there's a ton of seasonality this there isn't a ton here so it kind of dips a little bit in the summer pretty popular showing in january 2021 and it's giving us the data from the previous 12 months so it's actually december 2021 so what we can do is say all available and it's going to give us from january 2018 to december 2021 so you can see it's grown pretty well almost doubled basically from 2018 until about 2020 2021 so there's a ton more searches now so it's always good to see growth in terms of search volume what i'm going to do is i'm going to scroll down and just look at average monthly searches for all these keywords here and if you scroll over it'll show you the average monthly search volume for each individual keyword and how it kind of goes throughout the year so obviously if you're looking at things that with christmas and different things like that it's gonna show you a spike around november and december so something like christmas trees which it showed earlier obviously has a huge spike in the beginning of december so this can be really useful if you're looking to target a specific keyword and you want to look for when the most searches happen so if you're trying to optimize for different times of the year i could say okay usually in may or in june or july this keyword tends to peak so i want to make sure three four months beforehand i'm already optimized for this keyword so i can take advantage of that search traffic so that's one thing to keep in mind as you're looking for average monthly searches the other thing i like to look at so competition basically every single keyword on this list is high competition and that means there's a lot of advertisers bidding on these keywords so competition is looking at the total number of advertisers that are bidding on each keyword and it says relative to all keywords across google so sometimes you'll see competition as medium or low so that means there just aren't as many advertisers bidding on those keywords and to look at a little bit more about bids there's top of page bid the low range and top of page bid the high range so this gives you an idea of how much advertisers are bidding on these different keywords it can be very useful as you're setting your own bids for google ads or trying to kind of understand how much you think you're going to end up paying per click if you are targeting these keywords so that's search volume and bids now the one thing i just want to go over very quickly is you're going to see here keyword view so the other thing i like to look at sometimes is grouped view and this almost separates your keywords into google ads ad groups so it's going to group together similar keywords but what i do like about this is even at the very top you can see bookshelf so this is a good keyword that i can target and if we click on this drop down arrow you can see it pulls down some different long tail keywords related to farmhouse bookshelves so if you are creating a page about the best farmhouse bookshelves i can make sure i have a list of modern farmhouse bookshelves of white farmhouse bookshelves so just some of the different things that people are looking up pretty frequently and it's going to help me create my content and kind of optimize it towards what people are searching for the most so that's grouped view so let's come back over to keyword view now we can keep going through this they give you a ton of different groups but if we come back over here to keyword view when you do a search and in the keyword planner and you get your results you're usually going to have refined keywords so if we refine keywords what you can do is exclude brand or non-brand keywords you can exclude if since i'm looking up furniture here i can say you know what i don't want anything related to tv stands i don't want anything related to stools i've already have those keywords covered so i can remove them all together so it helps you get rid of some different keywords it also helps you see some of the different keywords they pulled out so farmhouse wardrobe for example is a keyword i haven't targeted yet so that's something i know i can target so refined keywords is good for not only excluding keywords but also seeing where you might have gaps in what you're targeting with your content now what i generally do here is for brand or non-brand keywords i don't target most brand keywords for farmhouse goals some types of products i will which i'll show you in a second but for stores i'm not targeting pottery barn farmhouse furniture so i'm going to get rid of all these stores all together if we keep scrolling down they have other brands so if i do carry some of these different brands i might not want to get rid of them for example if i have walker edison products there's no reason for me to exclude that keyword but what you can do is exclude the other brands here and it helps just to refine the keywords and we went from 4 300 keywords to 3 800 keywords so it's a great way to remove keywords that you weren't going to target altogether now if we keep scrolling down you can see they have room here so they're going to come up with a bunch of things that you can refine based on what you type in so it's going to be different for every single search and the different products or services you're looking up they're going to give you different ways to refine your keywords but you can see down here there's different things that i can get rid of altogether if i know i'm not going to be targeting them and that's where refined keywords really comes into play you can reset it you can expand all of these so you can go through each individual one for right now i'm just going to click on the x that's refined keywords you can see i have 77 concepts excluded helps you get rid of keywords again you're just not targeting okay so the next thing we're gonna go over is some different ways to refine your targeting and use filters so if we go to the top here you can see it's set for united states as where i'm targeting if you're not targeting the entire united states you can get rid of this and enter the location here that you're targeting for example let's just say you serve the state of texas you can choose that as a state let's say you're just in los angeles county you can go to los angeles and you can target the nielsen dma region you could actually target los angeles county so you can choose exactly where you're targeting and then what that's going to give you is the average monthly searches for that specific area rather than the entire united states for a local service company for example let's just say you're a plumbing company you target the entirety of los angeles county and then you're only going to see the keywords that are relevant for that area and the average monthly search volume for those keywords so you're not going to see how many people are searching it in boston or how many people are searching in minnesota or anywhere around the country you're just going to see that specific region so i usually just keep my location as united states so we'll keep it as that for right now but i just wanted to show that to you so we'll click on cancel next for language targeting so you can actually choose different languages here and what you want to do is target the languages that your customers speak so i usually just keep this as english so that's another option that you have now you're gonna see google and google and search partners i usually just leave this as google i just think the end search partners isn't giving you exact data and i prefer to just focus on google when it comes to search volume i'm usually just looking at the last 12 months that's usually automatically what it's going to give you but you can look further back just to see maybe search volumes increasing maybe it's decreasing and you can see trends throughout the year again for seasonality for different types of keywords people looking for different things throughout the year so that's some different options you have when it comes to targeting now the other thing you can do is they usually give you broad in your search here and they're going to give you some different options for keywords that you can target so i could say let me target farmhouse dining room furniture farmhouse furnishings i can add these to broaden my search i'm just going to keep my search as is but it's an option that you do have we've already went over refined keywords so we're going to scroll down here and go over filters so filters can be used for a variety of reasons you can do keyword text must contain a certain keyword you can do it does not contain a certain keyword and if you want to enter multiple keywords i can say i want to make sure my keyword text contains farmhouse or rustic so we're going to click on apply and i don't think that removed all that many keywords from our list but just an option that you have for either keyword text must contain something or let's say it does not contain things like cheap affordable i could do budget friendly you can enter free here for furniture i could do something like near me and click on apply and now any keyword here that was near me is going to get removed so sometimes it's a good way to get rid of some different keywords that you know you do not want to target okay next if we come into filters again so average monthly searches i'm going to go through that in a second competition if you're looking for specific competition low medium high you can choose that so i usually don't do competition here that often so if we come and do more filters add impression share so that's something here that you can that you can optimize by and that's gonna actually take the data from your google ads account so you can see for the most part i don't have a high enough impression share for any of these keywords because i have a very limited budget for the campaign i'm running this one is showing that i have less than one percent ad impression share and the rest if you get a dash here just means you don't have enough data so i don't really have much here that i can use to refine my keyword list so i'm not really going to worry about that top of page bid low range you can choose whether or not you want the top of page bid to be a certain amount on the low range or the high range again not something i'm going to do at this point if you're building a seo keyword list you don't really need to worry about any of these down here now one thing you might want to do is average monthly searches so some different options here you can say average monthly searches is greater than or equal to let's just say 100. so there's going to be a bunch of keywords at the bottom of the list here that have barely any average monthly searches and if we just look at them real quick so we'll look by low to high you're going to see some of these down here have zero searches and some of them are just going to be things i'm not really going to target specifically with my website so what i might want to do is let's just use average monthly searches and say it must be at least 100 average monthly searches for us to target it okay so you can see here now it's showing 1100 keyword ideas so that got rid of a ton of keyword ideas that are probably at the very bottom of the list what we could always do down the line is go back and look at some of those keywords that might be less than 100 the other thing you can do is add a filter and say average monthly searches must be between 100 and 1000 for example and what that's going to do is give you a ton of keywords that might not have a ton of average monthly searches but they're going to be a little bit less competitive and they're going to be easier to rank for than something like farmhouse dining table where there are a ton of advertisers bidding on this keyword and there are a ton of huge websites that have farmhouse dining tables for sale so it's very difficult to rank for a keyword like this with 33 000 average monthly searches that is a very valuable keyword so sometimes you can look through ranges of data using the average monthly searches here and it gives you a ton of opportunities so some of the best keywords on my website are keywords with less than a thousand less than 500 average monthly searches because they're easier to rank for and easier to get on that first page of google for so we're going to get rid of click on the x here for now and what we have is 1100 almost 1200 keyword ideas related to farmhouse furniture so what you can do now is download this list either as a csv file or what we can do is download it using google sheets so if we click on that you're going to see a file name and then it's going to save to a specific folder so i'm not going to be doing the google sheets right now but you can see how easy it is to download to google sheets if you do use google sheets so what we can do is we'll download the csv file and just open it just to show you what it looks like okay so this is what the file looks like and they're going to give you all the different keywords that we have here the average monthly searches we have the three month change the year over year change so some of the different trends the bidding the competition level in a form of a number and then they actually give you searches by month so this is january 2021 this is february 2021 so they're actually giving us how many searches for these individual keywords for each month so if we scroll down you're going to see there's a ton of keywords here so usually what i do when i'm creating an seo keyword list is i go through this list and i pull out every keyword that i find unique so something for example like a farmhouse filing cabinet so as i'm coming up with different keywords related to farmhouse cabinets farmhouse filing cabinet is something i can target specifically with a page that's just listing the top rated farmhouse themed filing cabinets for sale and it could be something that i used on my page for farmhouse office furniture so that's kind of the way that i look at it farmhouse trunk coffee table that's something that i can optimize for on my farmhouse coffee tables page and maybe i try to put together a list of different products for sale through the shop of my website of farmhouse trunk style coffee tables now something like farmhouse style cabinets that's not a keyword i would really optimize for altogether it's just i view that as the same exact keyword as farmhouse cabinets however as i am optimizing for something like farmhouse beds farmhouse bed frames i can say farmhouse twin bed frames that's something with 590 average monthly searches so that's something that's worth optimizing for so as you scroll down here and you start looking for more and more keywords you're really trying to find keywords that even if it's something like 390 searches a farmhouse linen cabinet a farmhouse display cabinet these are different things you can try to optimize your website for by creating pages where i'm listing products for those types of keywords for sale so it's going to give you a ton of different ideas now something over here like rustic farmhouse entryway bench i would just target the keyword farmhouse entryway bench so some different ways to look at keywords is you don't need to say i need to optimize for every single keyword that's here what you really want to say is okay farmhouse bar table that's a good keyword to optimize for farmhouse chest that's a good keyword to optimize for by itself liquor cabinet that's one to optimize for by itself so these are different pages i can create on my website whereas something like white farmhouse cabinet i might just want to put that specifically on the cabinets page so some different ways to look at keywords is to kind of understand which ones you can pull out as their own topic and other ones are really just going to be viewed as a sub-topic within basically a larger category so it can be difficult as you are doing seo keyword research to understand the keyword intent behind each individual keyword what people are actually looking for what you can actually optimize for and rank on google with so that's something you're trying to always improve as you go but if you do come up with a keyword list like this one with over a thousand keywords as you keep coming down you're just gonna have a ton of keywords here that you're really not gonna ever ever really optimize for because it's just not worth it ultimately so this is how to kind of do seo keyword research using the google keyword planner the other thing that you can do is if you are trying to expand keywords for an existing page so let's just say for example i have a page about farmhouse coffee tables and i'm trying to find every relevant keyword to farmhouse coffee tables what you could do is search that keyword and click on get results and what we can do is look at the most relevant keywords based on what we entered and you can see here so white farmhouse coffee table square farmhouse coffee tables lift top coffee tables so making sure i have all of these variations on my page where i am trying to sell farmhouse coffee tables and then some of these for example round farmhouse coffee table that's something i can create a separate product category for now you can also to take it one step further is let's get rid of this go to a website you can use a specific page so i can enter the farmhouse coffee tables page on my website and then it will just pull keywords from that page and try to find the most relevant keywords and i need to make sure that i'm optimized for those keywords as best as possible okay so the next and last thing that i'm going to go over is how to create a google ads campaign through the google keyword planner so you can actually build a keyword plan and publish it to google ads and i did just create a full video about this topic on my channel i will link that video in the description so if you're interested in building a google ads campaign using the google keyword planner from start to finish but what i want to show you is a few different ways that you can build a keyword plan and forecast some data so if we click on broaden your search we'll just add some of these different keywords here so farmhouse table farmhouse chairs and we'll just do farmhouse furniture so kind of the same ones that we looked up before and we click on get results again so if we scroll down here so what we can do is select individual keywords and you can see here we have the keyword selected we can either add it to a to our plan or to an existing campaign so if we click on existing campaign i can take the campaign that i'm running right now and add this keyword to it create a separate ad group and it will allow me to start targeting more and more keywords within my campaign now if we don't have a campaign yet to add it to what we want to do is add it to our plan we want to create a new ad group so let's just say our ad group matches the keyword that we are targeting the way i look at ad groups as i'm building a google ads campaign is they should all have a landing page that is really relevant to the keywords in the ad group and i can create advertisements that actually match what people are searching for so when i'm creating a new ad group for farmhouse coffee tables i want to add this keyword in here we're going to click on create to create this new ad group and then you want to select your keyword match type i generally go with phrase match keywords i think it gives you the best of broad and exact where you have plenty of search volume and the searches are going to be relevant to the keywords that i enter so we're going to click on add keyword here and now what that's going to do is start building our keyword plan so if we click on keyword plan here you can see we have one saved keyword and it's going to show the average monthly search volume for that keyword so if we come back over to keyword ideas we can continue to build our plan we'll just add a couple more here so we're going to add farmhouse table to a plan we would create an ad group do farmhouse tables click on create phrase match keyword and we'll add that keyword farmhouse chairs so same thing i would create new ad groups for all of these i don't want people who are looking specifically for farmhouse chairs to land on a page with farmhouse tables or farmhouse coffee tables so what you can try to do is create ad groups and really keep it as organized as possible something like chairs and tables because they have so many variations what you might want to do is we'll do farmhouse chairs our new ad group is do an exact match keyword because that's going to keep the keyword relevancy as high as possible for those ad groups that are really much more broad whereas something like if we come down here a little bit farmhouse desk i would target the phrase match keyword for farmhouse desk so for example farmhouse table and chairs so for targeting the phrase match for that keyword it could go into either one of these ad groups so that's where you might want to use exact match as you're creating your plan so we'll just enter exact match here just to keep going with the example but what we can do is if you do have a whole campaign built here and let's just say you created a huge plan you have hundreds of keywords what you can do is forecast that data so if you come over to forecast it's going to show our draft plan you can see bid strategy to maximize clicks or you can choose manual cpc i would recommend just doing maximize clicks here and then you can update your location targeting your language targeting i usually just keep this as google and what it's showing me since i'm recording this in january 2022 it's showing me the forecast data for the following month so it's giving me february 1st to the 28th 2022 the forecast data so i'm obviously only targeting three keywords here you would want to target much more than that but if i come in here and let's just say my conversion rate is five percent my value per conversion is 25 so we'll click on save so it's showing that with a 15 average daily budget i would get 44 conversions for 420 dollars so my cost for the campaign would be 420 i would drive 880 clicks my click-through rate would be 3.9 percent and it's actually showing my conversion value at 1.1 000 with a return on ad spend of 2.6 or 260 percent so my average cpa would be 9 and 51 cents and then my value per conversion here was 25 obviously these are pretty generous numbers 5 percent conversion rate 25 value per conversion so if your conversion rate is 2 if your value per conversion is fifteen dollars then you might not see the same exact overall value from a campaign four hundred twenty dollars in cost two hundred seventy dollars in conversion value so if you know your value per conversion on average maybe using google analytics data maybe using the data you have from shopify or whatever you're selling whatever it is if you know your conversion rate and your value per conversion you can enter that here and it just gives you more data so you can understand what to expect from your campaign now if we adjust our bid strategy at the top here to manual cpc one thing you might see is if we do set a max cost per click you can see it's going to show what you can get from this campaign if you adjust your max cost per click up or down so you're eventually going to reach these points where there's no reason to keep increasing your max cost per click because it's only going to hurt your overall conversion rate but as you come down you might be able to say okay if i set my max cpc at 94 cents so click down here we have a dollar 62 for example my cost is gonna be three point four thousand my conversion value still really not good enough to run this campaign but you can kind of have an understanding using this forecast data of how much you're going to get for your campaign now what we can do next is click on create campaign just name it choose an average daily budget so they're recommending a very high budget here i could say i want a 10 daily budget click on save and it will launch the campaign all we need to do is create our advertisements and our campaign will start running now last but not least i'm going to click on cancel one more time if we come over to tools and settings planning we click on the keyword planner if you're working on a plan so for example this is the one we were just working on this is one i implemented previously so it's last modified a couple days ago it will save your plan for years so if you are working on a plan you can continue to work on it and work on it and work on it over time and then launch your campaign when you're ready so the keyword planner is a great way to build google ads campaigns now the other thing you could do is get search volume and forecasts i prefer to just to create a plan and go to the forecast like i showed you but ultimately to use the keyword planner click on discover new keywords start with keywords here if let's just say for example advanced auto parts reached out to me and said we want to promote everything on our website i would basically go one category at a time so if we look at breaks here you can see i would enter the keyword breaks i would do break pads break shoes break rotors break calipers i would enter all of these different keywords here to find as many keywords as possible related to breaks and then you would keep doing this for all of these different categories obviously keyword research can take a very long time but it is vital to come up with these keyword lists for example like this one that we built here to really understand the types of keywords that people are typing in and what you want to do is go through your keyword list pull out the topics that you know you can target with your website and the target you want to rank for and the more and more that you do that the better and better you create content and create pages whether it's products on the pages whether it is just general information the higher you will rank over time so that is my google keyword planner tutorial come to google ads get started with using it if you're creating campaigns if you're doing search engine optimization research it's a very great free keyword research tool even if you don't get all the data for average monthly searches you still get a ton of ideas the next portion of this course is going to be focused on youtube keyword research so if you are creating videos and you're trying to grow a youtube channel it could be really helpful to understand how to find the top youtube keywords based on the types of content that you're creating so in this next part of the video i'm going to be going over how to do youtube keyword research in 2022 and how to create a keyword list that is specific for youtube videos so five different things that i use keywords everywhere keyword and keyword are all free keyword research tools now you can also use the google keyword planner but i'm not going to be going through that in this video i'm just going to be focused on these three keyword research tools and then also how to use the youtube search results and then how to research using popularity both popular topics and then maybe some popular things within that would fit into your youtube channel so for this example i'm going to be pretending like i'm creating three fake youtube channels one about wordpress tutorials one about horror movies and one about just nintendo switch in general so let's get started with keywords everywhere this is my favorite keyword research tool outside of the google keyword planner so with keywords everywhere if you go to you can install their chrome extension or their firefox extension and just using the free version if i go to google and let's just say i search wordpress and google we scroll down here and we look on the right hand side they're going to come up with a huge list of long tail keywords here so 20 of the most popular long tail keywords related to wordpress and just looking at these long tail keywords i can come up with at least 10 different video ideas so that's where i like to start is with keywords everywhere the other great thing about this is you can go to youtube and just enter a search term here or wordpress if for example for me i could do something like google ads or facebook ads or something like that and then over on the right hand side you can see find youtube keywords for wordpress and if you click that it's going to open up a huge list of youtube keywords related to wordpress and the only thing you're not going to get search volume here but what i found is they generally put these keywords in order of how popular they are so you can see here wordpress tutorial for beginners wordpress tutorial obviously i would look at those as the same exact keyword or the same exact topic but how to create a wordpress website full wordpress course wordpress e-commerce websites wordpress elementor wordpress seo theme development so there's a ton of different keywords here that you can use that will help you get started with creating different topics for your youtube channel so coming back over here just clicking on this link right here on the right hand side of youtube once you install the keywords everywhere extension and then also when you do a search in google you can find a ton of different long tail keyword ideas so this is going to help you get started by coming up with a ton of different topics now the next tool that i'm going to be going over is keyword it so this tool actually uses reddit to come up with some different ideas for you so let's use our horror movies example so if we come over here and looking at horror movies let's just say i don't know where to start but if i come over to the reddit keyword research tool and i'll put this link in the video description it's and what you want to do right here is search for a subreddit that would most match your youtube channel so in this case they have a specific horror you know this is just horror movies and hard tv shows so if we click on get keywords what the reddit keyword research tool is going to do is it's going to look through the horror subreddit on reddit and it's going to pull out a bunch of the top keywords and what's good about this tool is you can come up with a bunch of unique topics so you can see something here sean penn movies so you can see hey what horror movies is sean penn in if there's not a lot then maybe it's not worth making a video for but as we come down here you're going to find a ton of different ideas new alien movie resident evil movie keep coming down and you can just find a ton of different ideas here so as you go through you can kind of find okay maybe i'll create a video about the best john carpenter movies maybe i'll create a video about the best david lynch movies and kind of go through all of these different and these are basically just keywords that you can use as topics for your videos so it's there's a ton here you know as you keep scrolling down i wouldn't focus too much on the search volume over here because what you're really trying to do is just come up with video ideas for your channel and even just looking you know right here top horror films when we start coming down horror comedy movies sci-fi movies maybe say the best horror sci-fi movies the silent hill series bruce campbell so you're coming up with a lot of these different topics and as you build out your youtube channel and you're creating more and more videos it really helps to have all of these different topics so that's number two is going to be keyword it so if we come back over here number two for keyword it so that's going to give you a ton of different ideas and if we do a quick search for nintendo switch as well so we'll come to the top okay and we scroll down you can see there's a ton of just unique keywords and unique topics that will really help you create a bunch of new videos and it's not just your standard okay here's the most popular keywords it's basically hey here are a bunch of keywords that appear a lot within this subreddit so it's showing that people who are talking about these different you know topics related to your youtube channel the things they are most interested in so top two keywords everywhere keyword it i like both of these and i use them pretty frequently the next one is gonna be keyword tool dot io so if we come back over and we open up keyword they actually have specific search engines for youtube bing amazon ebay so you can look up keyword research for all these different search engines so if we click on youtube here and let's just say we're going to use our wordpress example again so we'll say wordpress and we're going to search okay so at the very top you can see 402 unique keywords you can see a lot of these keywords are the same ones that we saw with the keywords everywhere tool but what i really like about using keyword is they start giving you the top keywords and they do them alphabetical so you're going to see right here wordpress app wordpress api wordpress advanced tutorial so these are the top keywords basically from a to z so wordpress app as we keep coming down wordpress blog wordpress blog tutorial for beginners so if you go through and just kind of say okay i can do a video about wordpress basics wordpress backup so as you're creating your list of keywords and let's just say i do wordpress basics wordpress backup what you can do is take these keywords and say okay how to back up your wordpress website so very simple to go from keyword to content idea by using keyword and what i've found is the alphabetical keywords they give you so as you get into c as you get into d these different keywords at the very top for each letter are going to be the most popular so wordpress contact form if we come over here and say wordpress contact form so you could do content idea best contact form plugin for wordpress so very simple to go from keyword to content idea and then all you have to do is focus on creating really great videos and people will continue to come back and watch your content so if we come back over here that's the first three so all completely free keyword research tools and then number four using the youtube search results so sometimes you might be saying okay i don't know what to do with this keyword let's just say something like wordpress basics you're like i don't know what to do with this keyword i'm gonna use a different example here but all you need to do is go to youtube search wordpress basics right here see what comes up so if i don't know what to create when it comes to videos for the nintendo switch why not look at the most popular videos so we just search nintendo switch we scroll down so 25 new switch games nintendo switch review top 10 nintendo switch game so you can already see okay maybe i should really focus on creating lists of the top games so as we keep coming down where to start so basically how to use the nintendo switch right here you're starting to get some different ideas of okay this is what people are actually watching 2.1 million views and if you know how to use the nintendo switch very well it should be easy to create a 15 20 30 minute video for how to get started with it and as you keep coming down you can find even more videos so unboxing pretty simple you purchase a switch you unbox it show everything that's in the box keep coming down an announcement trailer now some of these are from nintendo themselves so it's kind of hard to recreate some of these but even as we keep coming down there's a video down here and you can see kind of how many options you have to create so seven new exciting games coming to nintendo switch in january 2022 so this was created eight days ago so if you say okay at the beginning of every month i'm going to go over the 10 top games for this month at the beginning of the year you say here are the best games that you should buy in 2022 maybe you create a video about you know which nintendo switch games are coming out so it gives you a lot of ideas by just simply using the youtube search results now in addition to using keywords everywhere so as we come to the top here you can also click find youtube keywords for nintendo switch and that's going to give you a ton more ideas so coming into number five researching using popularity so let's just say i don't know really where to get started with nintendo switch what you can do is basically go to the game store you could use best buy you could use the nintendo game store you could use gamestop and if we scroll down here you can say nintendo switch best sellers so the best sellers are obviously the games that people are going to be looking up the most videos for so if i have a huge section on my nintendo switch channel about minecraft maybe i say okay let me do mario kart 8 deluxe tricks or different things like that you can come up with a ton of ideas and let's just say i'm using mario kart 8 deluxe i purchased that i'm playing the game and what i want to do is i want to create a video about that what you can do is just enter that search term right into youtube so you can see eight deluxe maybe you want to enter that and you could see unboxing gameplay two player so there's not a ton here but you can see tips and tricks at the bottom but let's just say we search this again using popularity so basically using the best sellers for nintendo switch and then using the youtube search results you can say okay what should i kind of create on youtube so that i can get more views mario kart 8 deluxe gameplay walkthrough part one so this is an hour long video of someone playing the game and going over how to play it so you can see deluxe bundle and what you want to do is try to look at which videos are getting the most views so 807 000 views for mario kart 8 deluxe on the nintendo switch it's a 13 minute video so mario kart 8 deluxe all tracks so full race gameplay so you can just basically record yourself playing the game maybe you come up with so you can see here fastest carton bike so people are looking for tips and tricks people are looking for are looking for gameplay or some different bundles that you can purchase so just using basically popularity and the search results we have five to ten different video ideas that we can create about this game and then also we can include this game as we put together our list of the top games for 2022 or whatever it is so the other example for using popularity so coming back to horror movies let's just say i don't know where to get started what people are going to look up the most go to something like imdb or something that would match for whatever your youtube channel is about and if you just click on the menu here we go to movies let's say browse movies by genre and we come over here popular tv show and movie genres we click on horror it's going to come up with the most popular movies right now so you can create videos about upcoming movies otherwise what you can do is say maybe number of votes so that's the total number of votes that people have actually submitted on imdb that represents that people have watched this movie a lot so look at the movies with the most votes the silence of the lambs the shining so stranger things the tv show the walking dead these are all different examples of ways to find popular horror movies and tv shows and then you can create videos about them on your channel now the other thing i can do here is us box office so see which movies made the most at the box office so that's gonna help me say okay people have spent a lot of money watching this movie so it the exorcist it chapter 2 world war z and what you can do is create videos about these movies and also kind of combine the top 10 horror films of the 1990s the top 10 horror films of from 2000 to 2010. so it helps you kind of come up with different lists and then you can also go over you know world war z what what was the movie trying to present so different types of videos like that if you're someone who loves horror movies it should be easy to kind of create those types of videos obviously that's not really what i'm doing so i don't have the best examples for what type of videos people are watching but just kind of going through some of the different examples with different channels here wordpress horror movies nintendo switch and then coming back over here and different ways to find these keywords and topics now something like keyword it isn't going to work for every channel something like researching using popularity isn't always going to work for every channel but what you can also do and this is my last thing because i use this every now and then as well is let's just say we're using wordpress so go right to the wordpress website and click on learn so what you can look up is basically the types of lessons that people are looking up from wordpress so they have workshops they have lessons plans so let's just say i click on workshops i'm seeing the exact types of topics that people are looking up so how to style your site with global styles you can see all of these are different lesson plans and you can recreate these lesson plans on your own youtube channel and you might be able to do it better than the way that wordpress actually presents them here but you can see all of these right here how to create a poster page with the wordpress block editor that's a video that you can create for your own channel so sometimes going within something like wordpress and i've done this before so if you use google ads going right to the help center and you can see here if i'm click on explore features they have ads extensions landing pages ad groups keywords bidding targeting measure results bulk uploads and edits campaign settings these can all be separate videos i can also use these to kind of go over my complete google ads tutorial so these are a bunch of different ways to find keywords and topics for your youtube channel and it's all completely free now you can also use the google keyword planner and kind of come up with a list of keywords that way as well but usually what i like to do is kind of come up with keywords like this and then come up with the content idea because if i say something like youtube keyword research for example so that's a keyword that i came up with what i can do is something you know five ways to do keyword research for your youtube channel okay and then i create a video like this i post it to my youtube channel and that's how you go from keyword to content idea and how you come up with these different keywords so so we all want to do things as well if not much better than our competitors but a lot of times our competitors are ahead of us so doing keyword research and doing competitive analysis can be a great way to grow your website because you can find the different pages that are driving traffic to your competitors and what you can do is create content for the same keywords that your competitors are targeting and in this portion of the video i'm going to be showing you some free ways to do competitor keyword research now if you're looking for some paid tools you might want to look into tools like ahrefs moz pro or even you can choose one of those tools and they can also be very helpful but in this portion i just want to focus on free ways to do competitor keyword research now one thing i want to go through before i get into this video is if you're looking to do this in a great level of detail you might want to opt for a paid tool like sem rush ahrefs or spyfu all three of these will give you a lot more data than some of the tools that i'm gonna show you right now but they all also will charge you a monthly fee so the rest of these are going to be options that are free now the other paid tool that offers some free tools that we're going to use is moz so you can also look into using moz as well but what we really want to start with is finding who our competitors are so if you do go to this website at the top here so it's it'll pull up a bunch of their moz pro tools and some of the free tools that they offer as well now if we come in here one of their tools is called true competitor so you only get two searches every single month so i've already used one of my searches so i'm going to use the second one now and what you can do here is enter your own domain and then find the closest competitors that have the same serps as your website so i'm going to enter my domain now and we're going to click on find competitors now in order to use this tool you do need to create a free moz account so just create a moz account and i will link to this url in the video description so you can easily find it but what you can see here is it's going to pull up my domain first and then as we scroll down it's going to pull up some of my top competitors it'll show our overlap in the search results and then they'll also give us a rivalry score as well so basically how closely related we are to some of these different websites so this is a great way to start by finding some of your different competitors here and what you want to do is look at who you have some different overlap with what has the highest rivalry and what you can do is pull out some of these different competitors and try to find the ones that are closest to your website i even though amazon is the top one listed here i don't really think i compete with amazon at all obviously it's just i do have some overlap because they rank really high for a lot of the keywords that i'm targeting as well you can see the same thing down here with etsy as well so they are competitors when it comes to some of the keywords i'm targeting but obviously they don't view my website as a competitor so what i try to do is find the closest competitors that are in the same exact niche that i'm in so the other thing that you can do is just basically do a search for some of your top keywords so in my case farmhouse decor i can use something like farmhouse furniture and just look at some of the different websites that are ranking high in google now the one website that always stands out in search results is antique you can see if i scroll down here for with moz you can see it's down here antique and you can also see if i'm on farmhouse decor so they have they're right at the top of the second page for farmhouse decor so they got a ton of traffic a lot more traffic than my website but what we want to do is try to find some of their top pages and top keywords so the way you can do that to start with is using a tool like keywords everywhere so you can install this for chrome you can install it for a firefox it is a plug-in or an extension that will give you a lot of different information for all different search engines like google bing youtube pinterest amazon so you can go to all these different search engines and they will show you a lot of detail about some of the top keywords some long tail keywords based on what you're searching so the other thing that they'll do is if you do a search so i have farmhouse decor here and you find your competitor in the search engine results if you scroll over here for example so we're scrolling over their traffic per month we can click on view top pages so we click on view top pages it's going to open up a page that looks like this and it is a top 1000 pages for so i can actually see right here what some of their top pages are with how many total keywords these pages have that they're ranking for and i can see which pages on their website are driving the most traffic back to their website now we can also do this by using a tool like so i've already entered here one thing you can do is upgrade to a seven day free trial and just cancel your free trial before it actually starts charging you and you're gonna get all of this data but what we can do is scroll down here and see some of their top seo pages and they'll show us their top 10 pages that are driving them traffic so if we look here just seeing some of their top pages obviously their home page does really well so i can look at their homepage and try to see how i can improve my own homepage on but what we can see here is they have wall decor they have ceiling lights they have furniture christmas decor lamps tables mirrors curtains and rugs so i can kind of look at this and say okay i need to make sure that i have all those pages on my website and that my pages are good enough to rank especially above my competitors that's really where you want to start is trying to find some of your competitors top pages so once you go through this moz tool maybe you do some different google searches to find some of your top competitors what you can do is start looking at their top pages and the way i like to do that is with keywords everywhere by clicking on their top pages as i go through the google search results and the one thing you can see here is so if we come over here to uber suggest you can see one of their top pages here is wall decor so if i come back over to keywords everywhere you can see i have wall decor here as well so if i click on this it's gonna actually open up the top keywords for this page so it gives me a ton of different ideas and i can actually see what their cert position is for all of these different keywords so it's 622 different keywords for wall decor so as i'm trying to optimize my own pages on my website so if we come back over here we scroll down my page for wall decor is right here so farmhouse wall decor i can make sure that i'm doing as much as i possibly can to rank for that keyword so that's one thing that you want to do is starting with is finding your competitors and finding their top pages and you can do that with moz you could do that with keywords everywhere you can do that with ubersuggest and then another tool that will give you some data is when you come in here you can go to competitor traffic research enter your competitor's domain here and you can see so this is the page you're going to get here so competitive research overview so we have antique it's going to show you their total traffic total organic traffic and paid traffic if we scroll down here you can see some of their top organic keywords so they obviously have the first position for the keyword antique farmhouse their search volume is over 20 000 per month that drives them a ton of traffic to their home page but if we scroll down we can also see again some organic competitors here some really big websites though and as we scroll down top pages on organic search so if we click on view detailed report we're going to see a lot of the same thing that we're seeing on uber suggest and again if you sign up for any of these paid services you'll get the entire report for all these different pages so that's where something like sc ranking you can use moz pro you can sign up for spyfu ahrefs or semrush and get all of that data so i'm just showing you a free option here now one more website i want to go through is so you can enter your competitor's website here you can also enter your own website and it will pull up some of your competitors it'll pull up some of your top pages and different things like that so just another tool to find more data about a competitor but once you have your competitor you find some of their top pages you want to start to expand on that by actually finding some of the keywords that they're targeting so there's different tools you can use in order to find your competitors top keywords and even some of their top pages so if you're looking for their most shared content you can enter their url into and when you enter their url here so i have you can find which of their pages have the most engagement so looking at different shares on some of these different social media channels so you can see most of this is just pinterest and this will work better for certain niches it's not the greatest for something like decor but for something like news or something like sports you can find a lot of websites top content and you can use that content to actually guide your own content decisions so as we scroll down here i can look at some of their top pages by shares on pinterest and it will give me some ideas for different products i might want to add to my own website so the next thing we can do is after we're looking at some of these top pages on our competitors website we can use moz again so again we're using some of their free tools here they give us 10 total searches per month for ranking keywords so you can enter 10 different competitors here i entered just clicked on analyze and if we scroll down you can see over 9 000 ranking keywords but what i can see is which keywords are ranking first if we scroll down here all these are ranking they have the top position in the search results for all of these different keywords here and then as we come down we can see which are ranking second and they'll give us the first page data there so as we click on two it's going to stop giving us data so it'll give us these first 50 keywords and it can help us kind of understand some of the different keywords that we can target that i'm not actually going after yet so for example let's come to the top again so monthly volume here that can help guide some of our decisions so something like rustic farmhouse chairs i can make sure i have a page on my website that is specific for rustic farmhouse chairs and as we're looking at some of this different monthly search volume here what you want to do is find keywords that you can target that have good average monthly search volume as well so pretty strong monthly search volume like distressed farmhouse table reclaimed wood farm table so we can find all this data here just by coming to moz and going to their keyword their ranking keywords here so it's another tool and i will link to all these tools i'm talking about in the video description so you can find all of them but this will help us find some of their top ranking keywords now another tool i want to talk about is word stream their free keyword tool so if we scroll down here we can enter a website url or a keyword to find suggestions and this is going to be based on google ads and bing ads data so for this i can do is come here and enter antique click on find my keywords and what it's going to do is show 25 of 500 keywords for whatever website that we enter so you can see here it's showing search volume for some of these different keywords here it's showing our average cpc for google and it's also showing for bing and then overall competition so what you can do is click on email all my keywords and if you click on this you enter your email address it's gonna say are you researching keywords for your business or someone else so i can say my business or my client email my keyword list so that will allow us to send some different keywords that we can actually use again for competitive analysis and just kind of competitor keyword research so just another tool that you can use for free is word stream now last but not least the two tools and probably already know if you watch a lot of my videos but the keyword planner the google ads keyword planner and also the microsoft advertising keyword planner so both of them will allow you to enter a website so if we come here we can enter our landing page which in this case we're going to enter our competitors website we're going to use the entire website and then what we can do is click on get suggestions and if we come back over to the google keyword planner we can do the same exact thing rather than starting with keywords we're going to start with a website so we're going to enter our competitors website here use the entire website now the other thing that you can do is as you're looking up some of these different top pages so for example as i'm going to make sure i'm optimizing my wall decor page making sure i'm targeting some of the keywords that they're targeting as well through my wall decor content let's just come here copy this link address i can come over and i can enter this exact page here and then rather than using the entire website i can use only this page so click on get results and that's going to give me the most relevant keywords on this page so it gives me 511 different keyword ideas i get keywords by relevance i get average monthly searches so it's going to rank them by relevance and you can see here all of these keywords are really highly related to what i want to target on my own page for farmhouse wall decor you can also add a filter and just say i want to make sure my keyword contains farmhouse click on apply just so it gets rid of some of those really broad keywords and you can add another filter and say i want average monthly searches to be at least 50 to get rid of some of these just 10 keywords and things like that that just have 10 10 or a little bit less average monthly searches every month so that gives us 136 different keywords for a single page that we know that is driving a lot of traffic back to this website so coming back over to the microsoft advertising keyword planner don't mind my error message up here this is an old account that i've actually just used basically to use the keyword planner but if we enter our landing page here so we scroll down it's going to give us ad group suggestions so what you want to do is click on keyword suggestions but you can also use the ad group suggestions to kind of come up with some different content ideas so farmhouse living room farmhouse plan so and then if we click on it you can see some of the keywords within this ad group so it might give you some different content ideas as well but if we come over here to keyword suggestions it's going to show us the most relevant keywords for i've already put a couple filters in here so my average monthly searches is greater than or equal to 100 that just gets rid of some of these really low monthly search volume keywords and then keywords to include farmhouse so if i come through here you can see all these different keywords that i can target so it's giving us over 400 keywords here that we can look at so there's a ton of different ideas by going to the microsoft advertising keyword planner using the google ads keyword planner and just entering our competitors website so basically just to recap really quickly so in order to find competitors use the moz true competitor tool enter your domain you get two total searches per month so make sure you use them wisely enter your own website you can enter a competitor's website here too try to find some of these different competitor urls once you have them what you can do is either find more competitors by going to google searching for your top keywords finding websites that are in the same exact niche as you for example antique farmhouse is in the same niche as me whereas something like is not so amazon obviously carries all the same products that my website does and has a lot of the same pages that they're ranking for but it's just so vast compared to my website that that's not your competitor your competitor is a website or a business in the same niche as you if you're using scroll over the traffic here and what you can do is view their top pages and you can use that data to try to find which pages they're ranking for which pages are driving a lot of traffic and what keywords are they ranking for with those pages so you can click on any of these individual pages here and it will show you which keywords they're ranking for and then you can also use a tool like ubersuggest enter your competitor's url you can find their top pages you can also find some of their top organic search keywords through ubersuggest they'll give you some of that data as well so if you're using some of these different tools like keywords everywhere uber suggests moz it's going to help you find your competitors and their top pages you can also use something like to enter your website or a competitor's website you can use buzzsumo to find some of their top shared content you can use the free moz ranking keywords tool that will give you their 50 top ranking keywords for and you can also enter other websites here as well now what you really want to do is make sure you're keeping track of all these keywords and one thing you can do is use something like the google keyword planner enter either a specific page or the entire website and you can export keywords at the very top so just click here export keywords to a csv file or directly to google sheets and you can use all this data as you are trying to rank higher for some of these top keywords that your competitors are already ranking for and ultimately what you're trying to do is target all these different keywords with your content and for some of them you might need to create their own separate page for example farmhouse kitchen wall decor targeting this keyword will help me rank higher for this keyword and this keyword and this keyword so as you're targeting more and more keywords you can use your competitors and use some of their successes to try to actually just copy exactly what they're ranking for so this is a free way to do some competitor keyword research again if you're looking for a lot more data i would recommend a paid tool scm rush ahrefs spyfu or even the paid version of moz as well now last but not least for this course i want to go over seven unique keyword research tips just some different ways to look at coming up with keywords and building a keyword list so that you can continue to create great content for the people that are visiting your website and if you follow this entire keyword research course and you are creating great content along the way it's going to help you increase your rankings in google and other search engines and also share your content on different social media channels and all over the internet so you can drive more and more traffic so to finish this course seven unique keyword research tips we're gonna get right into it tip number one is to research each keyword on your list to see what pages are currently ranking high on google so when you create a keyword research list much like this one here what you want to do is take some of your individual keywords for example i'll take this keyword farmhouse betting and you want to see what is actually ranking on the first page of google and you can even look at other search engines as well like bing you can look at something like youtube but if we come over here to google and we look at farmhouse bedding you can see right here so we have amazon we have kohl's we have target we have bed bath and beyond wayfair so we get down here to piper classics all of these different pages here are just listing of products so to your ecommerce websites when people click on them they're going to see a listing of products for sale related to farmhouse betting now to give you some different examples let's just say i want to rank for the keyword types of flowers so we come in here we scroll down you can see these are more list type posts so right here 50 most popular types of flowers we have lists of 300 flower names a to z now the other thing is if you are using a tool like keyword surfer as we scroll down here you can actually see how many words are in each of these blog posts so it helps you get an idea of how long you should probably write a blog post in order to rank high at the very least you should see some of these as a threshold you don't need to write a 19 000 word article but you probably do need to have at least 2 000 at least 1 000 words to rank on the first page for a search term like this now last but not least let's just look up something like best travel backpack you're going to see here all of these examples are a list of some of the most popular travel backpacks rather than something like your standard ecommerce listing of products so understanding what ranks for each keyword could help guide what types of content or what types of pages you're going to create on your website so that you can rank high as well now tip number two is going to be to focus on long tail keywords if you want to rank for a popular short tail keyword so we're going to come over here to the google keyword planner to show some of these examples and let's just say i want to rank for the keyword farmhouse decor so if we scroll down here you can see this has average monthly searches almost 91 000 but as we scroll down here these are all very popular keywords but what you want to do is come down here and get into this about 300 to 500 range and look at all of these different long tail keywords so something like farmhouse fall mantle decor farmhouse shutter wall decor so all of these are different keywords that we can target on our website and it's gonna be much easier to rank for something like farmhouse entryway decor farmhouse lemon kitchen decor it's gonna be much easier to rank for these keywords and there's still plenty of average monthly searches to drive traffic to our website and what's going to happen in the long run is it becomes easier to rank for something like farmhouse decor on google if we are targeting keywords like farmhouse shutter decor farmhouse easter decorations so these are all different keywords you want to target and the best way to to actually rank for that short tail keyword is to focus on some of the long tail variations next is gonna be tip number three and i've gone over this in the past but in case you're not doing it already so keyword mapping you can organize your keywords by mapping them to website pages so if we come down here to our keyword list again we're looking at all these different examples one of the things you might want to do is say okay for farmhouse barstools what is the page on my website that i'm actually targeting this keyword with so in this case i could come over to my website and we can come to our farmhouse bar stools page and this is the actual page that is targeting this keyword so what i could do is copy this url and then all you want to do is enter it here in microsoft excel or google sheets or wherever you're actually organizing your keywords and you want to do this for all of these different keywords that we're targeting and what it helps you do is in the long run as you are targeting a lot of different keywords especially some of these long tail keywords here so let's just say i'm creating a page for farmhouse kitchen wall decor i can create a separate url for this individual keyword than i would for farmhouse wall decor so it allows you to target a lot of different keywords by actually mapping the pages on your website that are targeting those short tail and long tail keywords that you want to rank for and to take this one step further as we are focusing on some of these different long tail keywords so for example if i come to google i search farmhouse bar stools you can see a lot of these down here are some different types of long tail keywords so black farmhouse bar stools white farmhouse bar stools backless farmhouse barstools those can all be separate categories on my website and then what i can do is just make sure i'm mapping the pages on my website to those other keywords so that i can continue to rank for them as well okay so next is gonna be tip number four tip number four i'm gonna do pretty quickly but enter your top competitors into the google keyword planner if you go to enter your own website here it's going to come up with some of your organic competitors so you can take your top organic competitor here and enter them directly into the google keyword planner you don't need to create an account or anything to get this page you can also use the true competitor tool through moz so this is a pro tool but if you do create a free moz account they will give you two search queries every single month where you can enter a domain and it will show you all of your top competitors and you'll find who you're actually competing with and then all you need to do is go to the keyword planner and enter that website directly into the google keyword planner and you can find a lot of their top keywords and it gave me 261 keyword ideas so i can go through this and try to find some of the keywords that i'm not targeting already that is ranking for so it gives me some different opportunities to try to get some traffic all you need to do is when you're searching instead of starting with keywords start with a website enter the website here use the entire site and click on get results and it's that simple okay so next is tip number five so if you are running a google ads campaign what you can do is use your search terms report for more ideas so go into an individual ad group if you're running a google ads campaign so you can see i have a search campaign here i'm going to be using this for a lot of tutorials soon but let's just say i come into this farmhouse quilts ad group so i need to find more long tail keywords related to farmhouse quilts so what i can do is i'm looking at the last 30 days click on my search terms report and what you want to do is find search terms and rank them by clicks and impressions so as we see here what are driving the most impressions so country quilts country quilt sets you can see a lot of things for king size there's going to be queen size down here twin size so right here feathered farm quilts that's a keyword i've never targeted before so it's something i can try to target on my website vintage farmhouse quilts so another long tail keyword variation modern farmhouse quilts so you can get a bunch of different ideas here and things that i'm not already targeting and that's basically what you want to do so country patchwork quilts i'm sure farmhouse patchwork quilts is also a popular keyword so it allows you to find more and more keywords to target with the content on your website so if you are running a google ads campaign use that search terms report to see what is actually triggering your advertisements because it's going to be very relevant keywords especially in my case i'm targeting a lot of phrase match keywords so with phrase match it's going to find some very similar keywords and you're going to see all of them in the search terms report so that gives you a lot of different ideas for when you are optimizing for search engine optimization as well as your google ads campaigns okay tip number six is gonna be a very quick one so use your top blog post to expand on your content ideas so for this example i'm actually going to use my website so with this two of my top five blog posts 101 beach themed bathroom ideas 101 beach themed bedroom ideas so you can see right here this post alone drives a ton of traffic every single month it's based on all the other pages on my website this is one of the more popular pages now a ton of traffic maybe isn't isn't accurate but uh it gives me an idea to be able to say okay 101 beach themed kitchen ideas 101 beach themed living room ideas 101 beach theme entryway ideas porch ideas patio ideas so all these different keywords that i can target seeing what is already ranking as you go through your keyword list and you do create your keyword map you might say okay the page i created for this specific keyword is doing very well let me copy that strategy for the other content that i'm creating so number six using your top blog post to expand on your different content ideas and expand on the keywords you're targeting based on what content is working for you tip number seven and last but not least so sometimes when you're building this large keyword list the thing that we kind of forgot to do is make sure we're creating high quality content for all these different keywords now in this case content is going to be product listing pages basically e-commerce website product pages so if i'm trying to rank for something like farmhouse bedroom furniture then what i want is a huge selection of different types of farmhouse bedroom furniture sets headboards all sorts of things that you're going to find in a bedroom so you want to make sure for example if i'm targeting the keyword farmhouse bar stools it's a very popular keyword if i'm sending traffic from my google ads campaign to that page if i'm trying to rank with this page what i need to do is make sure that i have a ton of different subcategories here a lot of different unique products make sure i have really good product descriptions and make sure people come to my page knowing that this is going to be the best resource on the internet for farmhouse barstools so a lot of times we create these large keyword lists and we forget that we really need to create this high quality content for every single keyword we're targeting and sometimes it might take us several days a week several weeks to even complete a piece of content or complete a product listing page so that we're ranking high in google so don't focus on saying okay i need to target 10 000 keywords you need to focus on saying today i'm going to target farmhouse entryway and i'm going to make sure i create the best resource on the entire internet so that i rank high on google and other search engines so number seven make sure you're focusing on content creation page optimization landing page optimization because it's more important than just building a list of a ton of short tail and long tail keywords okay so this is the end of the course thank you for watching all my different videos hopefully you found everything helpful and you are ready to create your keyword list you are ready to start creating content for those keywords and the more you follow the top keywords that people are actually searching and looking for and the more you understand search intent the better your website is going to be because you are going to be creating content that solves the problems that your customers are having so if you have any questions about this keyword research course please leave in the comment section thank you for watching today and make sure you subscribe to the surfside ppc youtube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 394,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyword research, keyword research course, keyword research tutorial, keyword research 2022, seo keyword research, keyword research tools, competitor keyword research, google ads keyword research, google keyword research, youtube keyword research, google keyword planner, keyword research for seo, keyword research for ppc, keyword research for google ads
Id: 4EbSuSXlvn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 22sec (10282 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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