Choosing between Max Conversion Value or Target ROAS? Google Smart Shopping Explained with FeedOps.

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this is smart shopping explained by feed ops when you have a google smart shopping campaign you will need to set a bid strategy for most retailers the question is whether to decide between maximize conversion value or target roast roast stands for return on ad spend both options are designed to drive online revenue and both do as described maximize the conversion value of the campaign or target a specified return on ad spend so which one should you choose it really depends on whether your campaign is brand new or if it has been running for a while if your campaign is new we recommend that you choose maximize conversion value if you have a specific revenue target in mind you may be tempted to consider target roas but we don't recommend this on a brand new campaign when you choose maximize conversion value as a bid strategy google will prioritize spending your daily budget while trying to get as much revenue as possible this is a good thing for a new campaign because google's machine needs to learn before it can produce optimal results as google's machine learns about your product and your customers your roast will naturally start to increase then when you have some history usually more than 100 sales then that is when you can consider shifting your bid strategy to target roas when you're ready to choose target row us google will prioritize achieving your target row us over spending budget if you set a five hundred percent target ross and have a one thousand dollar budget google will make as many sales as possible while staying as close to your target row as possible this is why some campaigns don't spend their entire budget google won't show your ad unless your roast goal is achievable if you set the target row as much higher than your competition your ads may not show at all if this happens you should shift back to the maximized conversion value with a fixed monthly budget so when choosing between max conversion value or target rows as your bid strategy at feedups we recommend for a new campaign setting it to maximize conversion value and then when you have some transaction history switch the bid strategy to target roas keen to get started if you have an ecommerce website you should have a google smart shopping campaign and feed ops can help
Channel: FeedOps
Views: 796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 01zhTES3s6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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