Salvaging a Crashed Kubota Mini Tractor.. Owner wants it gone!

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oh hey guys i've been offered this uh gray market kubota for 400 i've just got to get it out of here the owner was pulling stumps out and trying to clear a bit of land got himself in a bit of strife here so he wants to get rid of it and um he's going to get himself a bulldozer which is probably a sensible decision more suitable for this sort of work these things are pretty tippy and renowned for sort of going over if you look at them wrong it is very similar to my little kubota mine's l1-18 so it's always good to have a spare parts machine apparently it ran for about 30 seconds like that before we shut it off so hopefully no damage it should be all right um it was just idling it doesn't look like there's too much oil or fuel lost in there otherwise the the water will be rainbow colored so hopefully it's um it's got still got all of fluids so i'll try and pull it out of here assess it and check all the fluids in there and then try and get it running so it doesn't look to be any damage looks like it's just sort of rested on this mud guard and that's um that's protected a weather but um everything else looks okay ah the radiator is a bit low i'll have to get some coolant for that oh yeah plenty of oil there doesn't look like it slipped any i suppose that's the breather there and um it wasn't over far enough to dump the oil out so that's good must have been pretty close though [Music] plenty of diesel it's a three cylinder diesel nice little engines these but really hard to get parts for these grow market machines no one wants to know about them in new zealand that i've found there's a sight glass down here for the gearbox oil it's on a bit of an angle so it's not really showing it's either full or empty oh yep that's got heaps in there looks nice and clean too he did say there was a problem with the front end apparently it licks quite a bit but he couldn't find parts for it so he's just left it as it is and uh just tops it up every now and then and looking at this um axle it looks like it's leaking out of that seal so probably needs seals at the least um i'll check the oil in there i might as well dump that out because it's probably got water on it as well because that side was fully under [Music] oh yep there's water coming out of there that well is looking a little bit rusty as well and watery so it's obviously had a problem for a while so that's something i have to get onto fixing that front end brown and rusty looking that's not right yeah yep that's just as bad it's uh brown brown sludge in there it's not ideal so we'll get all that out of there and um put some new oil in there while that's all draining out i'll see if i can get the engine started nothing at all there's a light there but nothing much happening i think that battery might be dead maybe it's leaked out all its electrolyte sitting on such an angle i bought another battery just in case so i'll put that in the water in there okay so it was almost full oh yeah it's gonna i wonder if it's got any oil in the cylinders from being on such an angle what's that looks like a decompression either maybe well maybe i'll pull that out and um try it in case it's got oil in the cylinders or something so it doesn't hydraulic itself [Music] [Music] oh she fired [Laughter] so oh that's sounding pretty good actually thankfully it doesn't look like the engine has suffered any damage uh it did smoke quite a bit at the start there so there might have been a bit of oil on the cylinders maybe um but that's soon cleared up it's just sort of fuel smoke now by the look of it that's awesome looks like it'll be able to drive out under its own power which is a relief i didn't really want to have to winch it out all right all the oil is drained out of the front end so put those bungs back in and top it up let's see how much it leaks [Music] that well that's just leaking straight out of the side oh well looks like i have to do something about that so i'll try and get out of here this is probably the worst bit here there's a wee steep bit and then it goes up a hill so we'll see how i go [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] it's quite a tight squeeze on there and because the ramps are so short i had to dig holes for the back wheels to get them down a bit so it wasn't so steep and um ended up just crawling it on without sitting on the tractor because i didn't trust the ramps but got there in the end you can see all this oil has leaked out of the front diff so that's probably the first thing i'm gonna have to do on it pull that apart and um try and get some parts for it which could be interesting hopefully it's just a standard seal or something but i have a feeling it's going to be those bearings as well because you can see how that doesn't look right that join there it's the bushings or bearings i think so that's horrible quite possibly as ruined this whole housing here because it's just moving a good 5-10 millimeters it may just be too far gone and too expensive to replace all this so might just have to turn into a two wheel drive maybe what a mess that doesn't sound healthy at all look at the state of that let's go bevel gear worn out that's not looking great tonight my chances of getting a new one of those right she's done a bit of hard work i'd say you can see the putting in that bevel gear that sounds so bad there's no teeth missing by the look of it they're just they are a wee bit worn out though you can see that circle up there it's sort of only half on so she's been swapping around there for a while oh that looks a bit brown rusty so that bearing is pretty rumbly as well so i'll replace that all right that comes out of there oh what's going on yeah yeah see the b rings are just totally shagged in there top and bottom hopefully it's just a matter of replacing those oh that ball bearings just fell out of there oh yeah that's what's left of the bearings the last of them just fell out of there so i'm just using a soft hammer so i don't do the end of the shaft or crack anything there we go that's got it oh what a mess let's put some metal in there so there's two bearings there one for the bottom of this housing and one in there so that one there is a obviously quite rugged so pop off that circle up and smash that out of there there it goes [Music] one circlip so i should just be able to pop that shaft off there now um too worried about it's quite tight so i'll try and press that out of there there's the bevel gear [Music] that's quite damaged you can see it's sort of pitted because it's been so loose it's been sitting away from the other um gear and not contacting properly so it's sort of dug in where it shouldn't be it's probably gonna be fine for years like that um especially if it doesn't do any really heavy pulling but ideally that should be replaced so we'll have a look for another one of those but i don't like my chances if i can't find one of those they'll just have to go back on kind of looks like there's two bearing races in there and this is just because the um onion has been rubbing on the casing it has sort of curved it and made it look like a bearing yeah that's probably what's happened see how the weight has been sitting on that bearing and pushed over the circlip so that's going to be tricky to get out i think hmm i've got a job on my hands but it looks like it is salvageable which is a relief i've just got to try and find the right bearings for it and seals i'll go and have a look for a parts manual and do some investigating so we'll leave it there for now and um come back to it another time when i've got some parts thanks for watching guys catch you next time
Channel: Marty T
Views: 107,018
Rating: 4.9771323 out of 5
Keywords: Tractor, rolled, tipped, accident, mishap, saving, recovery, recovering, grey market, gray market, Kubota
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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