I got BURNED on this Compactor from an Auction! (Bomag BW213)

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[Applause] what's going on everyone welcome back to the channel now i swear i recorded an intro clip for this video but for the life of me i can't find it no matter by now i fear you guys know the spiel anyways so as some of you may know i've been in the market for a padfoot compactor here for a little while and i finally found an auction that had one not too far away so i took a ride up and sure enough it looked pretty decent and ended up picking it up for 22 thousand dollars now that is more than i would like to spend on one however the things are just unobtainium right now as you guys all know the world is very crazy right now and uh things are not what they used to be so taking what we can get here i do need the thing so beggars can't be choosers and here we are loading up and bringing it home [Music] [Music] [Music] tell you what this sucker is a little bit loud so uh yeah i'm pretty happy with that thing huh that's pretty big compactor what do you think roscoe huh we think you like my new compactor huh we gonna build us a nice big shop with this thing so most of you already know but the reason i've been in the market for one of these things is i need to put a whole bunch of fill across this area i'm gonna bring up that back pin right there a little over six feet so i need to have something that really packs in the dirt good and this thing will do it now it is overkill for what we're doing i could have gotten away with a smaller machine but really the smaller machines are going for almost the same money so why not get a big one so this is a 1987 i believe the auctioneer told me he said he called to a uh called to a dealership and got them to confirm 1987. it's a bw213pd now that pd basically just stands for pad foot which is what kind of drum this is these big feet uh get better compaction when you're doing earth compacting they're not necessarily very good for rock but they do work but uh definitely the best thing going for dirt now there are people that call these sheep foot rollers and i guess you could use the terms interchangeably but really this is technically called a pad foot now a sheep foot looks a little different it kind of looks like this here you can see how that's quite a bit different from these pads so this thing has a 150 horsepower six cylinder deutsch diesel engine in it which is an air-cooled diesel we've done some work on the channel with these before that's actually the same engine but much smaller on my smooth drum tow behind compactor over there we're going to be getting back onto that project here hopefully soon i'm going to need it as well to do what i'm doing out here it seems like this unit runs really good the only thing i can really see that's wrong with it it's got a tire that's seen better days this tire's really dry rotted as you can tell it's got all these cracks all through here but honestly that tire is going to be probably just fine for everything i'm going to do with this thing uh it's not going to be that big a deal but there's a few little things i need to address on it um i don't think any of the gauges work so i want to make sure we have the temp gauge and oil pressure gauge if nothing else um i don't know what all this mumbo jumbo is down here but we got an oil soaked rag hanging out from underneath the dash so i don't know what that's about but we'll try to address that the starter the starter does not like to engage sometimes you'll have to uh turn the key three or four times before it'll engage the engine and crank it over as soon as it cranks it over it's fine but so we'll have to probably just the starter solenoid we'll have to address that i think although the guy the guy that helped me uh get it started today up there where i picked it up at said that he worked for the company that i bought this from for 11 years and this thing has been doing that for 11 years and it's always started so yeah that's i don't know that says something i don't know what we got some oil leaks going on back here in the hydraulic department so we're gonna have to check those out maybe we can just tighten something up or there's an o-ring that needs replaced what they gave it to me with like three quarters of a tank of fuel which was mighty nice of them so happy about that well you didn't really think it'd be that easy did you come on it's me you're talking about nothing just works it's got to be kinda a little bit broken so i went to start this thing up yesterday to move it and you know it was a little chilly and the guy that i got it from told me that this thing is cold natured it doesn't like to start when it's cold so i'm cranking and cranking and it's just getting slower and slower and slower but i didn't crank it for so long that i thought i'd really be draining the batteries so uh i ended up having to boost it to get it going so after i got it running i threw a volt meter on the batteries and here the alternator is just not charging so that could be part of our problem here so i'm gonna try to remove this alternator here right now and you can tell it's not original because there's some sort of home brew mounting going on there but i'm going to try to remove the alternator take it down to the store have it tested oh now yep i seen that coming [Music] well we're back to the old nothing's ever easy you know should be super easy to remove an alternator but new that bolt was seized in there bad it just snapped right off this one is also seized and i'm having a heck of a time i haven't gotten it to move yet either so [Music] [Music] so i won take note people on today i was victorious we're gonna replace this bolt well i took the old alternator down to the local parts store and they ran a test on it and said it's no bueno so 65 later got me a new alternator got new hardware so we're not struggling to take that out try to throw it on here and hope to the heavens that it charges the battery got her all bolted in and wired up here let's fire it up and hope this thing makes some power [Music] this is another problem we need to address the starter doesn't always engage uh [Music] [Music] well so the big dirt moving job here at the farm has turned into the the diesel creek proving grounds i guess you could say this roller went down um three quarters the way through the second day so we got some things to fix on it but anyway what happened is the fan belt for the deuts diesel here got shredded so there's a belt runs off the crank down here and up to this big blower fan which forces air across the engine and pushes it all out through these fins and that's what keeps the engine cool there is no radiator water pump nothing it's all air cooling on a deutsche diesel there's supposed to be a warning light on the dash that comes on if the thing overheats and it doesn't work apparently because this thing was cooking off oil and uh definitely overheated but alas no light came on by the time we saw the little bit of smoke from the oil cooking off we come back and examined to find that the belt was indeed missing and no airflow as uh as you guys can see it looks like it's gonna be a treat to get a new belt on this thing yeah fun times so i'm kind of a shame to show the so i'm kind of ashamed to even show the uh the state of the filters and everything on this thing you know i ran it like this for two days with that in there which isn't horrible i've seen plenty worse but you know definitely needs blown out good and i'm gonna replace the inner one because it looks it looks like it's uh seeing cleaner times while we've got a couple days to do it we're also going to go ahead and do a complete service on this thing so oil change fuel filters and i was just looking down here at the sediment bowl i don't know if you guys can tell but there's quite a bit of crap in there that could use cleaned out so we'll uh clean that out too while we're at it i can't tell for sure yet but i think that's a hydraulic filter that looks like it hasn't been changed since this thing was new so i'm going to try to spin that off of there i guess and replace it all right well the next thing we're going to worry about is the starter here um the starter has gotten worse in the few times that i've even run this thing when i picked it up from the people i bought it from they said oh yeah the bendix doesn't engage all the time which i knew listening to them started up before the auction but they said it's been doing that since 2013 and never been a problem well it's annoying i'll tell you that i could have dealt with that since 2013 and then on top of it i think it's something's wrong with the actual starter because it doesn't turn over very fast and i think the problem might be in the relay because i was cranking it the other day and it just started billowing smoke out of the relay and the connections are tight and everything the wires didn't melt it was coming out of the inside of the relay so there's a problem in there and then i can take 12 volts on a jumper cable and jump it directly onto the hot lead going into the starter motor and it'll crank over a lot faster so we'll see what it costs i might send it out get it rebuilt or i may just buy a new one yeah so you can see how that might get a little annoying oh yeah well now that's out we can have a little gander at it and just looking at the bendix the teeth aren't torn up or anything but the whole thing just seems pretty darn wishy-washy worn out makes all kind of gritty groany noises when you spin it it's not good so yeah i think we're just going to go ahead and replace this guy or get it rebuilt like i said the bad news is in here on the flywheel where the starter engages you can see those teeth have been incurring some damage from the crappy bendix so that's a bummer but it doesn't look like it's a show stopper and it also seems like it's just in this one spot where the engine probably likes to stop these teeth down here don't seem so bad so another thing we can do to help starter performance before we install the new one or rebuilt one we're going to clean up all these connections really good we're going to make sure we have a good clean bare metal surface here hopefully this thing cranks over worlds faster than it does because i think that's the reason it's a little hard starting is just turns over too slow all right well i just got back from the parts store with a box full of filters here and a new belt for the blower fan i'm gonna go ahead and try to get all this stuff installed i'm gonna go ahead and start with the blower fan here but as you guys can tell it's gonna be a lot of fun to fish a new belt onto this thing it looks like we're going to have to remove this rubber isolator coupler here at least it's coming loose good time for a ratcheting wrench of course i didn't bring them all right there's three bolts now that's undone there we go to take out one two three more bolts and i think we can slide the coupling back and then hopefully get our belt on [Music] so so i had nothing left to the original belt hardly to go off of so i cut and trimmed a piece of old belt and wrapped it around this thing just to get an idea but there's a variable of the tensioner pulley over here so i kind of guessed really in the end probably could have gone with a 3 8 belt versus a half but this should work anyways [Music] just got to release the pulley tension [Music] maybe on and voila looks like that belt's gonna work hot diggity back in business now it has another groove over here to have two belts on the fan because the fan has two grooves as well but the the tensioner pulley only has one groove so i don't know if that's not the original pulley or what but we can only run one at this time [Music] glad we got that buttoned up as soon as i get a starter back we'll be ready to go well fresh off the internet here we got us a new starter [Music] that should do it right there [Music] oh yeah this bendix is much much better than that old one a lot tighter let's go ahead and throw this thing in nice thin layer of dielectric grease across this area will keep this thing from corroding up again in the future too and losing any contact i don't really know that that's our problem but if we fix it it won't definitely won't be a problem [Music] that's great just drop that on the ground that's probably fine yeah i think that's actually in the manual yeah they want you to drop the starter on the ground before you install it that's it's called the drop test i dropped it because i can't hardly reach when i counted the tire being so tall ah i need a stool there we go got a bolt started we're good now so all righty moment of truth here is the starter going to engage things contact oh it was perfect it engaged so nicely heck yeah right let's give this starter a true test here we'll fire this thing up and get this engine heated up so we can drain the oil i also decided to start tearing into the electrical here and figure out the gremlins and the push button control here because they had the push button they had the vibration control what should have been in the handle here rigged up into a toggle switch over there uh maybe i should have left well enough alone because i think i kind of opened up a real bag of snakes here but it is what it is i got the diagrams and stuff i picked up a manual so hopefully we can sort all this mess out too anyway here we go throttle contact that starter works so much better than the old one anyway let's let this heat up thank you that's no good no good at all all right so the starter is working excellent but we have a problem back here that i didn't notice when i put this belt on i had nothing left of the original belt so i just kind of guessed it a length based on wrapping a old piece of other belt around there and i was close but apparently i need to be a little bit smaller because the belt is rubbing on this bracket here so belting gonna last too long like that so it's a real bummer but i need to pull that coupling back apart take that belt back off and get a smaller one so that we clear that bracket pretty good chance things get messy when you're unscrewing the hydraulic filter too so i got plenty of pig mats down there to catch everything [Music] yep see good thing we had those or that would be all over the ground i don't know what it is with bees and heavy equipment in the springtime that every spring i fight bees just buzzing all around machines for whatever reason they just keep going into all the little holes and exploring things like there's no pollen in this thing for you it's just oil and diesel leave it alone on the more serious issues here look at this lack of planning on an engineer's part now i before i go too hard on them i do have reason to believe this engine is not original to this machine i believe it is remanufactured or something but the oil drain plug projects straight on top of the pumpkin there so it's just going to make an absolute bath back here and make a mess it's going to be a disaster there's no way around it but i'm looking at it and i think the oil pan could have been turned 180 so that would have been ideal but obviously somebody screwed the pooch on that deal well this is what i came up with to try to catch this mess it's a forma funnel duct tape to a magnet back there on the pumpkin hope it works that worked out way better than i expected i really thought i was about to take a bath on that one redneck way saves the day teeny little bit of splattering off the screen on the oil pan but man that was it looking good probably one of the messiest oil changes i've ever had to deal with unreal [Music] now the good news is it felt right in the top of the drain pan where i wanted i got that sucker on there fuel filters have an o-ring like this some oil filters you have to replace this too but there wasn't one on here so that's not good without this o-ring in here it can bypass the filter i'm trying to get i'm gonna try to slide the oil filter in here and it's pretty big filter and it's pre-filled of course so it's kind of hard to get a grip on and i got some pretty fair sized hands and it's still a challenge all right that was a tough one all right well we got all the filters changed and i just finished adding the oil through this uh fantastic funnel setup i got going on here to add the oil because it's a bit of a goofy place to put the oil in if it was one gallon jugs it wouldn't be a problem you could just stick a funnel in right here and uh you could tilt the one gallon jugs up under the fender here but with the five gallon pails that i use it's pretty darn impossible but with the bigger pails that i use it's pretty impossible without a bucket pump and i don't have one out here so i found this piece of hose cleaned it out good stuck it on the end of the funnel jammed her in there yep just as i suspected there was an air pocket in there all right i think we got fuel pressure i think it's gonna run contact there we go right on the money turn our attention back to the air filter here this is the old inner air filter which you can see is pretty uh pretty crusty looking so we got us a nice new one here [Music] guten type as most of you know i despise electrical work although i am getting better at it still very frustrating for me to uh just try to film it and figure everything out at the same time so basically it would have been very boring anyways it was just me scratching my head staring at a wiring schematic for several hours but the wiring diagram doesn't even quite replicate what's actually on this machine so i made it work i hooked everything up and it's gonna function but there's no two-speed vibration we just have full-on vibration it hits as hard as it can if it's vibrating it's wide open so that's fine with me a machine like this you really don't ever want the slower speed on smooth drums i know that there's times when that's applicable but on a pad foot not really something we need to worry about too much originally when i bought this thing the vibration control was rigged up into that toggle switch over there i ripped out all their hack job wiring and put in my own hack job wiring and tidied this up a little bit but i have the they have the vibration control back in the forward backward handle where it belongs so i don't know if you can as you guys can probably hear that solenoid activating so yeah you don't have to be leaning over your shoulder and trying to flick that switch now you just hit the button right where you're supposed to so they had all the wires going up to this control were all gutted and not where they're supposed to be so the way this system works is you're actually completing a ground circuit when you push the button you're completing the ground which latches the relay over here so that's a latching relay and so you got to push the button to latch it push it to unlatch it and i don't know what caused them to go the other route and just put a toggle switch on it but i can tell you that they had the ground for that switch grounded right to this piece that moves back and forth which doesn't work because it's on a plastic bushing so there's nothing actually grounding out through this handle so i had to relocate the ground over here to something that's actually grounded and it worked but i'm at the point right now where i'm just going to button this thing back up and get it ready because tomorrow i need this thing to be 100 ready to go we're going to finish putting in this lift on the building pad and hopefully have this building pad completely finished so the old bowmag is going to get a workout tomorrow well all right with all that taken care of i think uh i think the old bowmag's about ready to roll get it cuz it because it's a roller and okay [Music] so so this [Music] all right boys and girls that be my new compactor here there's still a few more things i may or may not do to it i still don't think the vibration is hitting quite as hard as it should be i'm pretty sure that the issue there is going to be the motor that drives the shaft inside the drum here so i have to have this machine available to me for tomorrow i it has to be work ready so i can't tear into it right now and get any more in depth with it probably what's going to happen is after this building pad is done i'm going to take the roller and really go through it again test out the flow rate on the pump and the bypass on the motor and we're going to get to the bottom of that issue and make sure that this thing is hitting as hard as it's supposed to other than the vibration issues i am happy with this machine it does everything it's supposed to start stops vibrates whatever i don't know that i'll hang on to it long term i it's really a bit bigger than what i was looking for but it suits the bill for right now and in the future if i find a better machine i'll probably pick that up and let this one go but anyways that's all i got for now if you like the video don't forget hit that thumbs up button really helps me out doesn't cost you guys anything and if you haven't already be sure to subscribe so i can catch you on the next video if you're looking for any diesel creek merch don't forget we got hats t-shirts stickers everything over at the merch store link down in the description dieselcreek.com as always thanks for watching and i'll catch you on the next one [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 874,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bomag, Hamm, ingersoll, dynapac, caterpillar, Volvo, compactor, sheep foot, pad foot, deutz, diesel, drum, 213pd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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