Free Affiliate Marketing Course for Beginners [Zero to $10,000/Month]

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hey everybody adam enfroy here and welcome to this free course on making your first ten thousand dollars a month with affiliate marketing now while 10 000 a month might seem like a lot it's only really about 333 a day so think of it that way so this affiliate marketing course is everything i learned as both an affiliate manager so managing over 4000 affiliates to promote a product as well as what i learned as an affiliate blogger making over a hundred thousand dollars a month with affiliate marketing so whether you're a beginner when it comes to affiliate marketing or an experienced affiliate marketer maybe you're stuck at a few thousand dollars a month this course will help you exactly understand what it takes to make life changing money with affiliate marketing so this course is broken down into seven sections including affiliate marketing fundamentals the content first approach to affiliate marketing uh creating your affiliate marketing website writing your affiliate articles finding and joining affiliate programs and then the advanced affiliate tactics to get you higher commission rates and if you stay until the end i'll give you the exact game plan to make your first ten thousand dollars a month now i'm excited to get you through this but before we get started i want to invite you to watch my free master class covers how i make 300 000 a month with my online business make sure to click the link in the description below and through that you can also sign up for our flagship coaching program blog growth engine where if you want you know ongoing support unlimited coaching calls 40 hours of content you can do that so make sure to click the link in the description below sign up for that free master class and let's get into the topic for today all right so first in this course we're going to talk about affiliate marketing fundamentals and why affiliate marketing is the best form of passive income so think about affiliate marketing this way you're really living between a product search on google and a purchase people are clicking your affiliate links and they're going to other products and buying them so it's the most passive form of passive income because you don't have to ship a product you don't have to become an e-commerce brand you're not selling your own product you're not doing customer support all of that all you're doing is recommending products and getting commission checks every single month so it is my favorite form of passive income because it is the most passive it takes work up front to get there but once you're there and you have that passive income engine in your life it's the most ongoing passive income engine when you're ranking on google in an evergreen way every month just making money sitting there ranking and getting clicks on your affiliate links so it's selling other people's products and this is also the best because we don't yet have an audience if we're just starting out we don't have a huge following so we can't sell our own product or course yet so we're building a content strategy and affiliate marketing can help dictate that and we promote other people until we eventually maybe promote ourselves a few years down the line but it's a great entry-level passive income stream and the best one to start with now you need organic content that makes money in an evergreen fashion so people want to know can i make money on social media with affiliate marketing can i just do a couple posts can i spam something on facebook the answer is no we to build a real affiliate marketing business we need ongoing and consistent clicks on our affiliate links which requires evergreen month after month clicks on our affiliate links which typically comes from google or a blog and youtube so these are the two engines that you want to use but you need that organic content we don't want to just push ads to stuff and keeps you know spending money on ads it just doesn't work now you also need to promote companies and products that can make you a lot of money in your niche so we don't want to just promote and make commissions on a pair of socks or a t-shirt or a pen or something that you know isn't very competitive and not very compelling won't make us much money so there's a direct content strategy that you take to make the most possible money and there's three main types of affiliate programs that you can join and three kind of types of ways to think about this so the first is high ticket which is really high priced products so a really high price you get a 10 commission on something really expensive that adds up faster or there's recurring so you know software for example is billed every single month so if you sign up for a software service or a subscription box you get billed every single month and affiliates that promote those programs can get paid every single month for as long as a customer remains a customer so recurring affiliate programs bring a lot of stability and month after month revenue increases and then there's volume game so a lot of articles so i'm going to show you some examples of what i mean by this so first let's go over high ticket i googled best roth ira and nerd wallet sits here number one nerdwall is a huge company and they have a blog and it's they're ranking number one for best roth iras and when you sign up through one of their affiliate links here this is fidelity merrill e-trade nerdwall's getting credit for that sale so they're getting a commission on everybody that signs up for a roth ira retirement account through that now these are probably not affiliate links these are actually probably more like direct deals that they have with these companies at this point at this scale but think about it this way if somebody signs up through an affiliate link and signs up and creates a 500 000 retirement account nerdwall is getting a commission on that so a high ticket in this in the finance niche is based on like large retirement accounts large loans and percentages of hundreds of thousands of dollar items so nerdwallet could very well make fifty thousand dollars or maybe ten percent on a five hundred thousand dollar retirement plan so that's very high ticket and doesn't require a ton of clicks to make a ton of money with affiliate marketing next we're going to cover recurring and that's for software so here's an article i googled best vpns for iphone or best iphone vpns and then i found these number of different companies here nordvpn surf shark and private internet access i looked up surf shark affiliate program so surf shark pays a 40 revenue share on all new sales so every single month you get 40 of the product price ongoing so recurring affiliate programs are a great way to make money month after month after month and they kind of trickle up so the cost of the software might not be a ton every single month but if you get a certain number of sales you can keep scaling that maybe go from 200 to 400 600 800 and you look back two years from now you're making 10 grand a month but it's all this recurring safety net built in by all these subscribers that you're getting credit for and then let's cover just volume so this is a lot you know of blogs and affiliate uh affiliate bloggers that promote physical products so when we look at something like switchback travel they write about all kinds of different things but i searched like hiking polls and best hiking polls which they wrote an article on here on the best tracking pulse of 2022 and here's some affiliate links and if i go to the black diamond ergo cork trekking pole it's 140 bucks and when i look up the rei affiliate program they can make a five percent commission on that so really they're not making a ton of money with that but there's a volume play here because they have you know in the physical product space there's so many different products you can write about as an affiliate so they have everything from backpacks camping biking climbing snow hundreds if not thousands of articles that make it up based on promoting like products that are a hundred dollars and making a 10 commission on that you make up for that by having a ton of articles on those things so those are the main ones there's high ticket recurring and volume we'll cover it in more detail but when you start thinking about blogging and affiliate marketing know that money is dictated like a business so the more money to be made the more competitive it is you know is it a volume play is it recurring is it high ticket and everyone is competing in the space so e-commerce brands are competing software companies are competing affiliate blogs are competing media companies are competing little blogs tiny logs all kinds of websites are competing so what i mean by that is if you look at something like best hiking boots there's the google ads but then we have again switchback travel so that's the website we just looked at that's a blog then you have rei so they're also ranking for that then there's another blog outdoor gear lab gear junkie clever hiker new york times is also on there so there's a lot of different both media sites brands themselves and affiliates at play here now the word best really signifies i want to see a comparison list post so that's where a lot of blogs live is promoting best products and transactional list posts if i take out best and just do hiking boots for example you'll see that it's going to be more companies themselves that sell the products so there's rei dick's sporting goods famous footwear timberland outlet so you know blogs get in here as well because they can still rank for the head term hiking boots but then there's amazon dick's sporting goods so it's a mixture between blogs people selling the products people dominating the space now the good thing about you know competing in the space as an affiliate is that you can funnel money to your website by promoting brands all you have to do is rank the content on the line after that you just send them the traffic you don't have to worry about shipping returns customer service branding any of that stuff but you can make a lot of money doing it if you're good at seo so affiliate marketing really requires a number of different skills one of them understanding affiliate marketing but the other is like understanding seo how to rank content so we're gonna cover a lot of that today and now i'm an affiliate manager who turned into an affiliate marketer full time i make over a hundred thousand dollars a month from affiliate marketing from my website that's just one of five revenue streams i make over three hundred thousand dollars a month so i'm probably uh understand this better than anyone else in the world i don't say that to brag i just say that to kind of show you that when it comes to affiliate marketing i've seen both sides i was in a unique position it's really just kind of luck of the draw the position that i was in i'm not saying i'm any smarter than anybody else i just have the experience on both sides being an affiliate manager seeing affiliates making money how to promote companies and then also becoming a blogger becoming an affiliate and making you know seven figures a year as an affiliate so you can make a lot of money with affiliate marketing that's what i discovered on the on the brand side is that you you know these brands are paying a ton of money to affiliates they have budgets for this stuff you can make a ton of money i made 50k from a single affiliate sale so here's one of my dashboards for augusta precious metals you can see that uh one month this year back in april i had 47 visitors 18 leads 38 conversion rate to lead 15 qualified and two trades were completed and i earned fifty thousand dollars fifty thousand seven hundred thirty eight dollars so that was based on a five hundred thousand dollar retirement plan so again it was a different type of retirement plan i didn't need a ton of clicks but i made a ton of money doing it so just start to think bigger when it comes to affiliate marketing i see people that say i can never make five thousand dollars a month or ten thousand dollars a month well i've made over 100 so if you can you know just use some of these tactics and strategies that i teach on my youtube channel in this video and others you can actually get there but you can make a lot more money than you think brands are aggressive they're willing to pay a lot of money to affiliates if you're dominating for you know brands live on online so brands have a social media budget a google adwords budget they have you know typically just a digital marketing budget and some of that is for affiliate marketing so they have money to spend if you're ranking for something that they would like to rank for they will pay you so it's really you know a way that brands can pay you for ranking content there's pockets of opportunity everywhere so the internet is not too saturated new products will be created all the time every single month new niches are rising up and new products are being created and timing is a crucial component of this and we'll discuss that but an individual any individual can compete in the 2020s with the right strategy so if you actually know what you're doing a little bit when it comes to content and link building and joining affiliate programs things i'm going to teach in this video you can succeed but first we have to start with a content first approach to affiliate marketing so what does that mean well affiliate marketing revenue is based on transactional intent so if somebody is going to go through an affiliate link and purchase something before that even takes place they have to want to purchase it right they have to think something in their head and want that product that's why it doesn't work as well on instagram or people are just passively scrolling and it's like oh i really need that expensive product it doesn't happen that way people think they already know that they want something when they go to google and they search for a you know best laptops best credit cards best golf irons best anything anything that they want and they want to read comparisons and see what if it's good or not they want to read reviews now that transactional intent them ready to buy occurs in their mind before they ever make that search that needs to be present and that's what's present on google so we have to write the right articles but we have to have a content first approach to affiliate marketing so we can't just say i want to promote a golf club first i'm just going to blast it on facebook and instagram and and try to you know have you know whatever it is we have to think hmm what does a content first approach look like and this all starts with finding keyword opportunities because keywords are at the heart of this if we're going to rank for stuff we have to know what to rank for what can actually make us money so this even comes before thinking about an affiliate program it's what keywords are we going to rank for we have to find keywords that aren't too competitive so they're not oversaturated with media companies and that you know blogs that have been ranking for this thing for 10 20 years now we need to find things that are new and on the upswing so this is basically new and emerging keywords in your niche that you can rank for so 16 to 20 of annual google searches are brand new so things that have never been searched before products are being created new product categories and new you know gadgets and different types of new products are created all the time so what we have to do is we have to look for low competition best posts so when i say best i mean these are transactional list posts that can make us affiliate revenue so it's best plus product category best camping tents best laptops for gamers best living room sofas anything it is a product that has the word best we can make affiliate revenue on and we want to find ones that are low competition so to do this what we can do is yeah there's a lot of different tools we can use free like google keyword planner but we really need to deeply understand what we're going to rank for so this is when i would use a tool like href so ahrefs is the best keyword research tool out there on the market by far it is a paid tool but you can pay for a month and then cancel you can do all your keyword research if you want to cancel if you need to i pay for it every month because if you're serious about making money with affiliate marketing it is the best piece of software to find keywords to track keywords to see what's going on with seo and all of that so what do we do we use the keyword explorer so this is basically we're putting in keywords to find data on them we want to see how many times they're searched every month and we want to see how competitive they are that's pretty much it we just want to see how much how much their search and how competitive they are if they're searched a ton and they're not very competitive that's a great opportunity if they're searched very little and they're very competitive that's not a good opportunity so we wanted to start creating our content strategy maybe that includes what are the first 10 articles that we're going to write for affiliate revenue we can base that on finding these opportunities with hrefs so i'm going to put in the word best because best signifies transactional intent now what i'm going to see is i can search it gives you data on keywords but i'm going to do the matching terms tool so that means that with best best must be included in the keyword and matching so it'll include every single keyword out there that includes the word best so we're seeing it's a little bit too broad here there's best western best buy credit card it's the best is a little bit too broad what if you put in best plus your niche so if we put in best plus living room for example we can see a ton of different uh ideas for posts that we could write in the living room space so if you're an interior designer you have a blog you want to write about stuff you could write about the best living room chairs living room lamps chairs area rugs rugs all these different ideas or what if we put in patio so we've got best patio furniture umbrella patio heaters all of these things and we can see that it shows the monthly search volume here uh that's monthly so 5800 searches a month and then the keyword difficulty so this is a score based on how difficult it is to rank so 100 is the hardest zero is the easiest and we can just start looking at these different things and we can see like if i put in something like best software for example and i want to see all the different software affiliate articles that i could write so we can see it's more competitive because the keyword difficulties are in red the numbers are higher so we've got animation tax software project management software so you can see these are all pretty competitive in the software space software's competitive or like credit cards you know that's going to be another one that's really competitive look at that cashback credit cards if i were to click on one of this one and even though this is last you know years 2021 you'll see that like who's ranking for this stuff nerdwallet forbes bank rate the points guys cnbc wallet hub us news investopedia credit karma value penguin almost impossible to rank on the first page for that now it's the ship has sailed you need a competitive media site writing about finance back 10 years ago to even think about competing for best credit cards so that's you know you want to think about these people want to get into like software they want to get into finance they want to get into like make money online niches it can be a little bit more difficult than just like physical products so things like golf if you search for the best golf on ahrefs you can look at this look at all these different articles that we could write on keywords around best golf shoes clubs bags rangefinder drivers grips all of those things and you can see if i click into this then we can view the actual keyword explorer overview so i'm going to go through this really quickly so best golf clubs for men we can see the keyword difficulty is 19 so this is medium but i think it's pretty low out of 119 is pretty low and then we have the volume is 4.2 k and the traffic potential is 21 000 a month so what that means is when everybody searches for stuff online they search a little bit differently so the way that your grandma searches google and the way that your cousin searches google is going to be different than the way you do so best golf clubs for men i could search a number of different things related to this that isn't that exact five word phrase but google understands context they understand you know what you mean by that so this is considered a parent topic and there's lots of different variations of that keyword that aren't exactly best golf clubs for men that include getting this number up higher so all the different random variations around this main keyword when people search for that on google you'll get that traffic potential higher so then you see that and you can see this is the search engine position history over the last couple of years so you can see what sites have been going up and down in the exact position of the top like six ranking sites here we can see there's a lot of volatility here and we can see these are the top 10 ranking sites and this is the main serp overview that we want to look at and this has the top 10 results the titles of the articles the links to the urls all of that stuff and then what we want to look at there's a lot of data here it's a lot of a lot of information but what we want to mainly look at is dr and you are so this is authority so when we think of competition it isn't just how good is the article it's how authoritative is that website that's ranking how many links do they have pointing to them how many media mentions do they have how trustworthy are they so when google ranks content google's made to organize the world's information and they want to show the most trustworthy and trusted sites that they know are going to work over time so what happens is big sites come in like some like golf monthly they have a domain rating of 71 which dr is a number from zero to 100 based on the authority of a site so a site like youtube facebook google their dr's are like a hundred and then you get down to a site like forbes which is like a 94 and then you know big media sites are like 80s and then you get down to the 70s and then you see like some smaller golf blogs here like is a 31 and still ranking so they don't have many links they don't have much authority but they're still ranking on page one and getting thousands of visits a month to this so this is what we want to see so we want to see well if if the first page is just all media sites with domain ratings of 90 or higher then i'll never rank for it so i shouldn't do it but what are we looking for we're looking for things that we actually can rank for and if you're a new site your domain rating is zero so it's going to take a few links and a little bit of work and maybe some guest blogs to to get that up but overall what we're looking for is we need to see the domain rating of the sites and then the url rating so url rating is also a number from 0 to 100 that's based on how many links are actually pointing to this specific one article here so we see that like for example has the most links pointing to their article they have 533 backlinks 38 url rating for that page 76 domain rating so a lot of these aren't really real links they're just in this seo tool most of them probably aren't but what we want to look for here is lower dr sites ranking on page one which we see so anything that's like you know 40 50 or less is actually pretty low and we can outrank it so we want to see if there's a site that's low authority and new and they don't have a ton of domain rating yet and they're still on page one that's a sign that i can also rank for it too so that's what we're looking for so we see this site 29 42 31 41 41 33 that's a really good sign that like with really good content and a new blog you could rank for this because these are lower domain rating sites on page one so what happens is there's all these search engine fluctuations and google's always testing stuff and they want to see what's the best like we see like okay best sellers in golf clubs that's amazon's here on page one well their domain rating is 96 how is the site like skilled golf at 31 out ranking them well because the content's a lot better and it matches that exact search better uh than amazon like amazon just has a bunch of category pages and they're going to rank for a ton of stuff but you can beat all of these brands by creating good content so if you come in and create really good content in this format then you can compete so we're really looking for again to confirm we're looking for best keyword opportunities in your niche so come up with like 10 ideas write them down find things that are low competition with low dr sites ranking on the first page that we can actually create content around put them into your content calendar and you realize like okay how much money can i make with affiliate marketing for this well golf clubs we're going to cover entire sets that could be a thousand dollars so if i make 10 commission on a thousand dollars and i get thousands of visits a month and i can make maybe a thousand to five thousand dollars a month with a specific article like this so it's a big numbers game it's math there's a lot of little nuance to it but just know that you want to search for these best opportunities with keyword tools find them and have a content first approach to affiliate marketing next let's talk about creating your website for affiliate marketing so if you don't yet have a website it's actually not very technical and not very hard i'm not a technical seo guru by any means but i have a simple website and it's just about creating content creating a website so we we use wordpress for this because wordpress is the best website program for bloggers and affiliate marketers it's the best for seo hands down no really competition here no need to worry about it just go with wordpress and then what i recommend is cadence for your theme so you can have cadence theme with cadence block so cadence is a free wordpress theme and you just basically create very nice looking websites with cadence you sign up with web hosting so you sign up for a company like bluehost or wpx you put in your domain name you get your website you get into your wordpress dashboard and then you import the theme cadence and then it starts and it really is just easy as you see here drag and drop editor you can choose the template that you want you can make it look nice and then you can also add in cadence blocks which is really good because it gives you specific blocks that you can add in there's no like design there's no there's no coding here but you can create a lot of different blocks like you know columns and boxes and things that you would see in affiliate articles but that's a really good thing to use it's just cadence and then you have plugins so you also want to have a number of different plugins like you can use thirsty affiliates to track and organize your affiliate links you can use um wp rocket to speed up your website you can use short pixel to compress your images i have another video on the exact toolkit that you can use just know that you can use a number of different wordpress plugins then you want to install google search console and google analytics so you have to submit your site to google search console in order to rank so you submit your sitemap to google search console now you know it used to be google webmaster tools and what that does is it tells google hey on the site i exist index my content when you can so index it and then they index and rank it based on what's on the page how good it is and then how many links are pointing to you so i have other videos as well on on-page seo that you can look at to know exactly how to do it we'll go over it shortly then also google analytics so you can see how much traffic you're getting and then we start any website with your core four pages so you have a home page that kind of just says you about you a little bit of information the good thing is that can change and evolve over time it doesn't have to be perfect my homepage changed tons of times as i figured out and evolved in my nation discovered new things you have an about page that tells your personal story so you can have you know you want it to be somewhat um vulnerable in that like you don't want to just share it like it's linked in like i'm the greatest at this and i'm the best at this sure who you really are that's what people like to see and then you have a blog archive so that's your blog role like different you know how the blog posts are laid out and then your individual blog post template which is basically just if you can use microsoft word you can create a blog post all right so let me show you just a few not not just my own examples but actual student examples so our students that have gone through blog growth engine and have successful blogs so here is uh the site eddie he makes over 7 200 a month with his blog and here's a simple affiliate article on the nine best ai marketing tools so you can see that he starts with the intro he has his affiliate disclosure and then he's got a uh table of contents you can use a tool like easy table of contents to create that and then you have you know what are the best marketing tools is an h2 you have your introduction and then you have the actual list so it's very easy layout some nice images key benefits pricing wrap up and a button so really nice looking article here on the best ai marketing tools and you can make money these are all affiliate links you can make money that way here's another student example uh samantha at digital who makes over ten thousand dollars a month with her blog but she has an article here you can see there's tons of different opportunities she writes about like citizenship and nomadic travel and saving money and all of that and she has one of the best uk bank accounts for british expats in europe very specific very cool article and you can see again running down this list answering questions she also has is monetized with ads and then she has all these different programs and affiliate links so number one this is one with an affiliate link and down the list here's another successful student pablo who makes over four thousand dollars a month with his blog through affiliate marketing and he's is actually in spanish it's and he has these six uh graphic design programs and this is all in spanish and you can see though it still works the exact same way what are the best graphic design software programs and he's got affiliate links here adobe photoshop call to action button canva call the action button and you're making money with affiliate revenue every single month through these programs another successful affiliate student is david from roman fitness systems he's got an article here on the best plant-based protein powder of 2022. so you can see that in any niche like fitness software outdoor indoor you know it doesn't matter you can create these articles in a templated way so he also has helpful information on what to look for different serving sizes and then getting to the list best overall and then you can see these affiliate links here so tons of different students finding success not just me but lots of students making four figures and five figures a month through creating affiliate content with simple website and good affiliate articles okay so we have a website we have keywords we want to make money with affiliate marketing you notice we haven't even gotten to joining the affiliate programs yet because that comes at the end the money at the end of the rainbow comes but it takes a little bit of work to get there real work actually build a sustainable business around this stuff so next we're going to talk about writing your actual affiliate article so how do we actually do that what's what's the on-page seo that we use how do we monetize this and how do we do it we have to realize that affiliate articles are a science they're not an art it's not about creative writing going from a blank page it's about a templatized way to rank content on google and make money every single month so you need to templatize these articles so they're easy to mass produce so when i say mass produced we're not saying low quality we're saying we need to write a lot of articles not every article is going to rank that we write so we need to systematize an easy way to write a lot of them to make the most possible money you know i have hundreds of articles on my blog i'm in over 300 affiliate programs you're just it's hard to know what's going to work without just doing this a lot now we can also want to add three to four affiliate links per product or brand so in each one like number one is this company you want to add some affiliate links in there i'll show you an example of that adding a call to action button and then h2 and h3 structure for featured snippets starting with the top five or seven so we don't have to say here's the 25 best whatever it is we can start with like here's the top five best and then over time we can update this content to rank it you know blog posts are infinitely updatable assets so we don't just start with 25 that would take forever why don't we start with five or seven and then start a new post and do five or seven and then we can update them over time so that's based on data so based on what's working so you might create an article on the top five whatever your product is and then you see that you're ranking on page four for it you update it and you're on page two you get a few links to it you're on page one then you're getting traffic to it then you can make money but you update this content over time so it's not just you know passive income isn't completely passive we can't just write the article and then it'll live there forever it slowly goes down the rankings unless we just do some simple updates to it and that's kind of the format but let's take a look at one of mine for example so here's one on the best email marketing services so we have the you can see there's an exit intent pop-up to an affiliate link here i have with my convert box exit intent but we have the url so the best email marketing services we have the title 21 best email marketing software services and platforms of 2022. i like the title format of numbered list posts so we see an odd number because people like odd numbers more than even numbers for some reason than the target keyword then what i call search intent trigger words just some extra stuff at the end to make it clickable next we have the introduction so we want to have the target keyword in the introduction right there early on then for this post this wasn't like this at the beginning i had a much simpler version but this is a five column approach that i used and this is with um this is called wp spectra it's another one used to be called ultimate add-ons for gutenberg but you basically just set five columns this is text image image button pretty easy to layout but i have this section here going over the top picks and a quick sentence on them and then the affiliate links you don't need that you can just go down to here and you can see this is my introduction i've got some internal links i've got yeah mainly internal links here i also had a video made to review the top options but here's where we get into it so this is what is the best and then here's the target keyword so this is an h2 heading so the top your title of your article is in h1 and when it comes to blogging there's you know h12345 and h1 is only used once in the article it's the title it's the most important h2 are the second most important and the format for this is always the same what is the and then plus your target keyword what is the best email marketing software what is the best golf club what is the best camping tent whatever it is and you have a little bit of information on it and then you have your picks and these numbered ones are h3 headings which is the answer to your question so this is an h3 heading this is just normal paragraph text then i have a this again is new as well so i had this built through uh wp spectre as well but my take section was a button again you don't need it at the beginning you just write content add some images in key features different things pricing what you like and dislike and a button call to action button to go to your affiliate link and then you'll see number two is exactly the same as number one so h3 heading best for this a take content you know you have an affiliate link here i have an affiliate link right in the main heading right here i have an affiliate link here and this button i have another one right here when the first dimension of the brand then if we go down it's also the button so you know and a couple more so you can have three to five like affiliate links per section but you see this article has been updated so many times over the years and it took a while to get to this point like i started it maybe at the top five or seven options and then have moved it down from there to create more content and make it longer but it's all standardized it's all how you do it it's all adding that you know templatized way of doing it and using keyword research tools finding the right keywords and creating content with the right h2 and h3 headings so here's another secret when it comes to creating content that ranks on google for affiliate revenue is you need to use an ai based seo tool like surfer seo as well to actually tell you what to actually put exactly in the article so a tool like surfer tells you how long it should be how many paragraphs there should be and the exact keywords and number of times to use them in different variations of the keywords and everything so when google scans an article for you know that you want to make money with affiliate revenue on it has to think okay how do i know this is a good article where it has it has a number of different semantic keywords which are different variations and keywords and phrases that it thinks should be in the article based on its machine learning and a tool like surfer seo is one that tells you this stuff so you can see that it tells you literally the the keyword to use and the number of times to use it so landing pages is typically used 11 to 18 times in an article on email marketing services targeted messages is typically used one to three times so you get a content score with this and that's kind of an ai seo way to appease the search algorithms and write good content for google by having the right different versions and semantic keywords and write keywords in the right places so again we start with keyword research we find a best transactional post that's not too competitive we write the title we put that keyword in the introduction we write an introduction first h2 heading what is the best plus target keyword then your list then we use an seo tool like surfer to get all the different variations and get a good content score try to get like 75 or higher it doesn't have to be perfect but the better you do that the more the better your initial rankings will be so that is how you create affiliate content with your blog so let's talk about finding and joining affiliate programs so here's how you find affiliate programs to join you base it on your keyword research so a part of your keyword research is kind of seeing okay i'm writing i'm ranking for this keyword are there affiliate programs what companies are there can i join them and you start looking it up then you just google the keyword or your niche plus affiliate program so you can look like golf affiliate program camping affiliate programs software affiliate programs there's tons of articles to find these different affiliate programs out there you just search for it and then you find the affiliate page for the individual brand or company and then you can also look for affiliate links and other ranking articles so if you google something that you want to rank for look and see in the other you know ranking sites that are already there are there affiliate links if i hover over a link does it show a unique tracking code or a go or recommends type cloaked affiliate link and then you can see okay they're in that affiliate program it exists somewhere i need to find it so you find these affiliate programs so you start ranking for content you start getting some traffic in then you start joining these programs at that point we don't want to do it right away we're not getting any traffic it doesn't make sense yet for you or the brand so again this is a content link building game to get to affiliate revenue when you're ready to join affiliate programs you basically just fill out an affiliate application a lot of people say i won't get approved i don't have any traffic yet i can't you know i need this well here's the here's the truth you usually need a website to be approved into an affiliate program and sometimes not all the time but sometimes you do need some traffic so you know they might ask you how much traffic are you getting is it ten thousand visitors a month one thousand hundred thousand five hundred but you need some you know if you're going to promote a brand and they're going to add you to their affiliate program you need to be able to generate sales so that comes back to actually ranking content actually having a way to promote them so the thing with affiliate marketing is it's taught so wrong on youtube if you just look at these videos about making money you know right away and stuff and yes you can but to make life changing you know five figures a month type revenue where you can quit your job and just become a blogger or an affiliate marketer full time you have to actually have stable and consistent revenue which means you need to get traffic you'll need to get traffic eventually anyways so don't worry about joining the affiliate program until you're already getting some traffic in then you just grab your affiliate links and paste them in so once you're approved in the program you get your affiliate dashboard and you can see everything inside of them and then you can grab and copy your affiliate link and paste it into your content you can use thirsty affiliates again to you know redirect and cloak that link and make it look nice and then all you do after that is just track your results and commissions so you start tracking how many clicks you're getting in these dashboards how many sales you're getting and i view them all i just have a lot of bookmarks in chrome so i have a lot of different chrome bookmarks to see most of them are automated so most of them just withdraw money automatically to your paypal you don't have to track it all the time you don't have to worry about it there's not really a great piece of software that compiles all this information in one place i've tried some but you're going to be in a lot of different affiliate programs you can even start with just amazon even though they have low commission rates you start with amazon you add some links and over time you replace that with the actual brands affiliate programs but overall you just track results and commissions that way so let me show you a couple of the dashboards that i have and just show you some different examples okay so here is a partner stack dashboard of mine this is an affiliate network that i'm in a lot of different affiliate programs and you can see like add zuma airslide animaker a lot of different software companies are in um partner stack but you can see like this is the number of clicks i've gotten how much how many uh how many stuff i've sold and my commissions how much i've earned so i made over five hundred thousand dollars with just the programs within partner stack you can also see uh this is my bluehost dashboard blue has actually moved their program into impact from this individualized platform but i wanted to show you it because like this is an individual pro company running their own affiliate dashboard and you log in and you can see okay in this month before it stopped i made 7 250 i had 58 bluehost sales and made money that way and you can see like links you can click on the link button you get it to copy and paste there's another one for buzz sprout like it shows this is another individualized affiliate program not a network so it shows you how much money has been made over the course of time uh thousands of dollars every month so each one has its own you know reporting they're pretty easy to figure out you just you know log in you see a dashboard you see basically how much you've made how much money you've made the actual stats and then your affiliate link so you just take that affiliate link paste it and you start viewing stats in this dashboard month after month so next let's talk about optimizing your affiliate content so you have an article you've joined some affiliate programs you added those links links in now what do you do well you want to think of each blog post as its own mini business so if one post is ranking for a specific keyword on google you want to know how much money is that post making on a post by post basis so i have an article on like podcast hosting for example that might make me 10 to 13 000 a month or i have another one on screen writing software that might make me three to five thousand dollars a month and you can look at these individually and see how much money you're making based on the individual article but each one is kind of like its own mini business and you need to be monetized that way now you want to think of your entire blog for affiliate marketing as an apartment complex so if we have an apartment complex and each apartment unit is an article on your blog is it monetized is it occupied is it making money or does it need is it just space that's you know withering away is it monetized at all are there any ads on it is there any affiliate programs on that page so you start filling in the gaps and filling in these units with affiliate programs and making sure that you at least monetize the top three and you should really be making data-driven decisions on all this based on traffic and revenue potential so start looking at your google analytics what's getting traffic what's not is there something that's getting a lot of traffic but you're not monetizing it yet with affiliate programs could you join a few and add them in is number one making way less than position three is making do we need to switch up the results how does this all work these are all based on data now you want to mainly monetize the top three spots so when we look at a top 10 article most people click the top three results it trickles down like number one might get thirty percent of clicks then twenty then ten and all the way down the list so you don't need to monetize every single one like if you have a list post and it's the top ten best whatever you don't need to monetize all ten necessarily just aim to get the top three added you know get affiliate links into the top three positions you're at least covering your bases there now you can add an affiliate content blocks too you can optimize it you can make it look nice you can add different columns different buttons all of that that happens over time it doesn't have to be perfect right away all you literally need to rank is like a few images and then just straight up text on these articles and then you can manage your affiliate links and dashboards simply by just creating chrome bookmarks categorizing them with different folders for different posts and looking at them that way there's a few pieces of software you can try but they're not the best so just look at it that way make sure to look at your dashboards over time and make sure that you're getting paid all right so let's talk about a little bit more advanced stuff and that's affiliate marketing and negotiation tactics so as an affiliate marketer you're actually in the power position if you have the ability to create sales for companies and you're ranking for high value product keywords you're in the power position brands will want to work with you and you can start negotiating and making more money out of this now remember affiliate marketing is a business this is a business period if you're scared about changing the order of things or reviewing every single product and making sure that it looks perfect and i feel bad if this brand is over this brand like no one cares this is a business every single major media site makes money based on who pays the most that's the sad state of the internet i'm sorry to break it to you but that's how the internet works it's not based on real reviews and actual feedback it's based on who pays the most money now typically the brands that pay the most money are all actually the best company in the niche because they're actually putting effort towards their affiliate marketing they're putting effort in these things and they actually have the biggest budgets which makes them probably the best for market research and the best company so it actually kind of works in their favor that way but we have to treat this like a business now this business is run with these transactional list posts most brands don't want to be put in random informational content about how to do this or business ideas or things that don't directly relate to their transactional product-based keyword so this business is run with these posts so here's the top three things that you can offer to a company as an affiliate number one increase a brand's position in an article they're already in so you can have an article on the best you know hiking poles and you have a brand down here at number seven you can negotiate with them and say hey i'll add you number one if you pay me this or if we can do a guest post exchange or if you'll do this or that for me so number one the easiest thing is to just increase the brand's position in an article they're already in it takes like five seconds you just move them up the list and you can get paid that way or another one is add them into an existing article in a high position so maybe that company in that hiking poll isn't even in the article yet but they reach out to you they want to be included you can then say okay i'll add you at number one for this much money number two for this or number three for this or i'll join your affiliate program and add it here see which ones are making the most money but you can add that's valuable to them so there's some brands in the software space that will pay thousands of dollars more every month to be moved from number two to number one in one article because it's all about brand perception and if everyone's recommending them number one and all the top ten results on google they're going to get more customers so it's valuable to them and the number another one you can do is write new content with them in the number one spot so you could write a new transactional post if you don't have it yet add them in the number one or number two spot and you can do that so these are the things that you can offer as an affiliate to a brand to start the negotiation and make more money so when we think about starting a negotiation we have to start it you know with a little bit of strategy we can't just reach out to them if they're already number one in the article and there's not even affiliate link there you're just promoting them number one for free well then we don't have much you know power in that relationship in that negotiation you should always start by being able to provide them more so maybe they are number three or number five in the article then you start the negotiation and say i'll move you to number one so you have to be able to give something of value to them in order to make money and get value in return so this whole thing is about monetizing these top spots looking at data seeing what makes the most money filling it in like an apartment realizing that hey this article is getting traffic there's brands that are bidding on this keyword in adwords and like they're paying ten dollars a click why am i not making any money for this well you can start filling in those gaps with affiliate programs with sales efforts and with actual treating your blog like a media business how do we actually get to ten thousand dollars a month let's actually talk about it if we're just starting from zero how do we get to our first ten thousand dollars a month in different niches and different strategies because there's different ways that we can do this based on our content driven approach so here's a couple different ways to get to ten thousand dollars a month first is volume affiliate marketing so this is again most common for less competitive physical products so think common products you can find on amazon so home goods indoor and outdoor goods gadgets things in the kitchen things in the home things that cost between 100 and 1000 you know you can make some good affiliate commissions on but you're not going to make necessarily hundreds and hundreds of dollars every sale but for physical products they get a lot of search volume you can write a lot of articles and it's less competitive the pros are that it's easier easier to rank for and less competitive but the con is it takes a lot of articles to make uh to make this money and this is actually the what i recommend for most beginners is you start with physical products and things that aren't as competitive because you can rank faster you get more early wins you don't have to worry about waiting you know six months to a year to try to start ranking for like really competitive software finance type things but this is a volume game so let's look at some math so if we make a 10 commission on a 100 product so somebody clicks your affiliate link for a 100 product and you they buy it and you make a 10 commission that's 10 per sale so at that normal price range if you're writing around you know writing about products that are a hundred dollars you would need a thousand sales a month so basically you would need you know ten dollars times a thousand sales a month is ten thousand dollars a month so you need a thousand sales every single month now to get that you need a hundred thousand affiliate link clicks so that's a one percent conversion rate so if one percent of people click and affil that click your affiliate link go and buy then you would need a hundred thousand affiliate link clicks and this could be a blog with 200 000 visitors a month with random affiliate articles so if you're writing um in a niche that's physical product related and you have 200 000 monthly readers you can make 10 000 a month with affiliate marketing now if with that traffic level you would also be making you know probably i don't know three four thousand dollars with ads so you really could supplement that where you'd only need about six thousand dollars a month with affiliate marketing but just start to get this math in your head that this is the ballpark that you would need if you're writing about like 100 physical products in a volume game similar to what switchback travel does so this takes a little time to create all these articles you can rank content quicker the money trickles in but it also takes more traffic to do it so this is a strategy it's one way to do it and it's actually what i recommend for beginners because you can rank and make money faster you can you can get some quick wins under your belt another one is high ticket affiliate program so this is fast but a little bit more unstable so think these high price products so like a thousand to ten thousand dollars or higher so like a little bit more expensive stuff and this is actually better than the first one because we want to write about things that can make us a lot of money so we can make a lot of money with less articles a little bit more competitive and harder to rank so products that cost a thousand to ten thousand dollars you know are gonna be more competitive the more money there is to be made the more websites enter the space and try to rank for it now there's also you know a lot of some people in this area between a thousand and ten thousand don't technically check out and buy stuff online that's like ten thousand dollars it's kind of rare so in these niches we want to find things that are like five two thousand five thousand and again have a volume of articles for it let's look at another math example so a ten percent commission on a one thousand dollar product instead of a 100 product now that's a hundred dollar commission per sale and we only need 100 sales per month so that's 10 times less sales which also equates to 10 times less traffic so now you only need 10 000 affiliate link clicks this could be a blog with 20 000 visitors a month to higher ticket affiliate articles so you start writing about things that can make you more money you need less traffic to make that money it's simple math so try to find products in your niche that are a thousand dollars or more and then you can start realizing that you don't need as much traffic and especially if you supplement this with ad revenue next let's look at recurring so recurring is like software and things that you get paid out every single month so this is the most stable to build a business with but it also takes time and it's competitive so for this thing software the pros are recurring payouts that bring stability and slow and steady growth to your business and the cons are as competitive very hard to rank for because software is competitive and you can make money doing it so here's a math example so this one's a little bit of a tricky math example so bear with me let's say you make a 30 recurring commission so that means that every single sale that you get you make 30 of it every single month that every that that customer pays that means that every single month you have to make around thirty thousand dollars a month in actual sales over time now when we think about software and we think about payment plans the average price is around seventy dollars because you know when we look at the ones that you wanna join typically the lowest cost is like a 29 plan then a 79 plan than 150 or like a 250 plan when we average them out we realize that most people buy the lowest tier plan software but when we look at the math it typically averages out around like 70 dollars so for that you would need 428 sales and then when we're talking about software there's a trial period so it's not just click to sale with an affiliate link it's click to trial to sale so you need 428 sales which equates to 4280 trials or 42 800 affiliate link clicks so this is just back end math taking a step backwards so we would need 85 600 visitors to your affiliate articles over the course of time 6 to 12 months so this could be a blog getting 8560 visitors a month to software related articles you get 8 000 or so visits a month to these types of articles you get recurring commissions built in and the next month you get another 8 000 visits and another and another another and then by 12 months you look back and you have 10 000 a month in recurring commissions just baseline at that point so it's a little bit tricky the math is a little bit weird it's hard to figure out and understand but just know recurring affiliate commissions they grow over time it might start at like 200 then 400 than 600 800 a thousand or you know if you're getting increasing them by 500 every single month you know you look back in a year you're at six grand for the month so a little bit weird math but know that this could be in the software niche a blog just getting about 8 000 8 000 visits a month let's look at another example because that was a little tricky extremely high ticket finance affiliate programs fast but unstable as well so think extremely high priced products like retirement accounts 100 000 to 500 000 or more pros you can make a ton of money with way less articles cons extremely competitive and hard to rank anything that can make this much money you bet nerd wallet's gonna be there value penguin credit karma investopedia all these major sites are already ranking for this stuff so it's a little bit harder we might be able to spot pockets of opportunity let's look at a math example on this one 10 commission on a 250 000 retirement plan is 25 000 commission per sale you just saw one that i got was 50 000 in commission the time of this recording i had another one that came in for 25 000 commission so to make ten thousand dollars a month with this formula you need less than half a sale per month because to make you know if you're making twenty five thousand dollar commission you really just need that every other month or so to make ten thousand a month this could be literally a hundred affiliate link clicks at a one percent conversion rate so 100 people click your affiliate link one percent of them choose to check out uh retirement plan that's your 25 000 right there so this could literally be a blog with 200 visitors a month to high ticket finance affiliate articles so we have a wide range here we have anywhere from 200 visitors a month all the way up to 200 000 visitors a month what we have to realize in all of this is that traffic does not equal revenue and there's plenty of paths you can take in order to make ten thousand dollars a month we can go extremely competitive and try to focus on less traffic we can go high volume with lots of articles that we actually can rank for and you know get a lot of traffic and make ten thousand dollars that way the good news is you can do all of these techniques at once if you really want so for me for my blog for example there's ad revenue so five to ten thousand dollars a month in ad revenue there's expensive high-end products that i rank and get affiliate commissions for there's lower end ones that don't cost as much that i make money for so you can have a multi-faceted pro faceted approach just know that you don't need to do just one of these solutions to get to ten thousand dollars a month but here's the truth it's very hard to know we'll actually make money until you actually do it so with affiliate marketing yes we need to create content yes we add our affiliate links in but something that you might think will make a ton of money might not and then something that you think will make no money will actually make a ton of money there's no way to know the conversion rates of a product category how well you know these brands make sales because once you send an affiliate link click to a brand it's on them to actually make the sale the checkout experience the trial experience whatever it is you just don't know until you start doing this and writing a lot of content so physical product niches are more are much less competitive than software and finance so we have to remind ourselves that if you're brand new to this and you want to start making a little bit of money faster go after physical products things that aren't as competitive and affiliate marketing has been taught wrong for so long so somebody you know this is a real business i hope that this free course and all this tutorial and this information is helpful and shows you that this is a real business model there's plenty of ways to do it but we need a strategic business-minded approach this is not a get-rich-quick scheme it's a real business model that takes time but once it you know once you spend the time doing it it's the most passive form of passive income out there it's a great way to start a business because you don't have to have your own product you don't need an audience and it dictates your initial content strategy now it will take a lot of articles and joining a lot of affiliate programs it's not just i'm going to join this one or two or five and then i'm going to make a ton of money you're going to need to join 10 to 20 to 30 over time of different affiliate programs promote these links add the links in to make real money but with the right strategy and consistency it is totally possible so if that was interesting to you if this free course was good make sure to also check out my free master class i just scratched the surface of affiliate marketing and what it is in this video there's tons more nuanced content how to strategically join programs add links and how to get your blog up and running how to do seo make sure to watch my free 60 minute training on exactly how to start a profitable blogging business in the 2020s and through that if you want the coaching and support if you want the one-on-one unlimited coaching 40 plus hours of video content weekly q a's live calls work with my team work with our blogging coaches and our community of over a thousand bloggers you want to join blog growth engine through there so make sure to check that out please like the video comment with any questions on affiliate marketing check out other videos on my channel on affiliate marketing how to make money blogging how to monetize stuff and make money online again like the video comment below and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 120,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing tutorial, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing 2022, affiliate marketing course, affiliate programs, affiliate marketing course for beginners, affiliate marketing course for beginners 2023, affiliate marketing course 2023, affiliate marketing step by step
Id: h7C9PkIptDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 51sec (2991 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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