Blogging Business Course [From Zero to $10,000/Month Step By Step]

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when it comes to creating the stable audience machine we have to realize that we're still living in the world of web 2.0 so web 2.0 is the world that we're in and that's kind of this 2.0 version of what the internet is when web 1.0 started there was things like netscape and aol it was very rudimentary version of the internet web 2.0 is more like user engagement social media software companies sas the world that we're in basically before the world of web 3 takes over in however many years from now but we're still in this world of web 2.0 for a very long time there's still plenty of time and opportunity out there to to make a business for yourself in this world before we get started i have an exciting announcement and that is the launch of the brand new blog growth engine mastermind so at the exact time of this video going live right now we have a huge promo going on and the price of blog growth engine is at a discount in the lowest that it will ever be we've put a ton of work into our flagship coaching program now with three full-time coaches a private slack link building group to help get you links from day one a community of over a thousand bloggers just like you and unlimited coaching calls for life so that's right one payment and unlimited coaching calls for life you have a blogging question just click a calendly link book a call with one of our coaches and that is unlimited which is pretty insane and now with the blog growth engine mastermind you have exclusive founder access so that's a private community with me also our ceo and co-founder colin our bge mastermind coach andrew and our blogging head coach eddie so there's also exclusive content in that mastermind you can find nowhere else but now the mastermind is a big investment so it's a multiple four-figure investment if you're not prepared to invest money working with us don't apply for the mastermind but the bge coaching program is perfect for you so make sure to click the link below this video check out our huge promo going on and let's get into the topic for today so we're in the world of web 2.0 today the most the two most popular websites in the world are google and youtube both owned by alphabet so google gets sixty thousand sixty three thousand searches every single second and they have eighty nine point three billion visits per month to people that are googling things i mean it's determinant of itself googling things it's not going anywhere they have so many employees working on this search network and making and giving the best possible results to people that is their whole point of google is to organize the world's information and then provide the best possible and trustworthy answer to the reader so that's what google does and then with youtube there's 2.6 billion monthly active users basically almost you know a third of the world probably is that number is on youtube every single month and a billion hours of content are watched every single day so it's an insane amount of searches and insane amount of videos being viewed so these are the two platforms that people are on in the world of web 2.0 this is where people search for products and information is google and this is where people consume video based content and brands are built and that is youtube and we really have to realize that internet purchase behavior drives monetization so to make money online a purchase typically has to be made somewhere unless we're relying on very passive and low hanging ad revenue for something a purchase has to be made whether they're purchasing your course or they're purchasing a product through an affiliate link or something like that a purchase has to be made and purchase behavior drives revenue so where do people make purchases well they make them on like amazon obviously they make them through google by searching for products and information they make them through youtube by viewing recommendations on videos like you know camera reviews and stuff right and then we have to talk about inbound versus interruption marketing so these are two very different things inbound marketing is what things like google and youtube typically are where people are actively searching for stuff and they find you because they're actively interested in it so for example if somebody you know wants to find my blogging course and they search how to start a blog that is inbound marketing because they're already in their mind they're already interested in what i'm recommending and giving them and they're searching for me that is the best form of marketing because they're already you know the user is actively already looking for you they might give you their email address they might buy your course but they want what you have versus interruption marketing which is very social media heavy so things like you know passively scrolling on instagram and facebook and then seeing an ad pop up on your screen that's interruption marketing you don't want it it's just there it's annoying like you know that ad on facebook it's like yes it could be targeted to you and it could be interesting it could be the makeup that you want or the clothes that you were looking at but it's still interruption marketing and that works for like e-commerce brands typically that for physical products but it doesn't work for content creators as much anymore so we have to talk about those two differences so we're mainly focused on inbound marketing getting people to you're being served up when people are searching for things online purchase driven searches are really important so when it comes to even things like affiliate marketing people are searching the internet for things like every product best laptops best credit cards best gaming pcs best modular sofa blogs are a mediator between these purchase decisions youtube videos are also mediators with information to sell courses so in this world of web 2.0 we are living and learning and being involved in google and youtube so back in 2019 you know i started my blog as a side hustle the first side hustle on the side of my full-time job and with just myself and two freelancers i was able to scale it to 80 000 a month in revenue through mainly affiliate marketing and ads mainly affiliate marketing but i learned a lot in the startup world and in the content world and seo world about what blogging is in the 2020s i rejected the advice of bloggers teaching how to blog that all the articles they wrote from 2010 so i wanted you know i created a new way and a new system for this so i'm pretty pretty much at the forefront of it and in this lesson i want to teach you you know what blogging is today and exactly how to get started if you want to start in the 2020s so first we have to talk about what blogging is and is not so blogging is a science it's not an art it's not um you know writing like ernest hemingway and starting from a blank page or updating an audience it's actually being the mediator of purchase decisions so somebody thinks of something into their head they type it into google and your blog is the one that shows up and is mediating something to you know help them make a purchase a blog lives between a thought and a purchase that is what a blog is it compiles and provides information to help people buy things when we think about like how people consume entertainment online yes blogs used to be a thing that people would consume for entertainment they'd read interesting vlogs but that has just completely shifted to social media and youtube now where blogs are primarily information driven not they're not about entertainment they're about information think about something you might google it's more like you know some medical thing that i need to know or you know how to do something that's interesting or like you want to purchase a product and you're like searching for the best versions of a couch that you want or something it's informational driven people you know they don't read an entire blog post anymore they skim it they click affiliate links they purchase products they look for information google's serving it up in unique ways now where you might go right to this part of an article you need google has the featured snippet and answers that might just give you the answer so there's all these different things but blogs are based on information and purchase decisions ranking on google in an evergreen way month after month and funneling money basically through affiliate marketing and selling courses so it's about ranking on google in an evergreen way blogging today is not creative writing if you want to rank on google and make money you can't be a creative writer you have to write in a structured format almost the same way every single time with the right semantic keywords in the article the right headings the right formatting so it's more about formatting than it is about art form it's not a hobby you know if you want to do blogging as a hobby you can just know that you're not going to build an audience you're not going to make money uh and it's not a way to update an audience over time it's not the old days of like a web blog or whatever they used to be called where you update your audience you talk about your life you say what you're doing no one reads blogs for that anymore this is a way to build a new audience month after month by ranking on google that's what blogging is today and basically there's two paths when it comes to blogging there's your content so that's actually what is written in the articles that's your actual articles on your blog so that includes keyword research what you want to rank for the content writing itself the on-page seo so where to put the keywords and how to structure it with the goal the end goal of publishing content creating articles that's what a blog is then there's the other side though the side is a little bit more difficult and tricky there's the link building side so that's guest blogging that's you know writing articles on other blogs linking to you with hyperlinked text to your blog showing authority passing value and ranking on google which is a sign of trust getting backlinks so that's link partnerships this is off page seo with the goal of getting links so these are the two paths really you need to master these if you want to get traffic so and make money with that so we can't just magically create a couple blog posts add adsense to our blog and then you know links to our course and hope people will buy it we need to focus on the attention first and that's what this you know this specific chapter in this course is about is getting that attention eyeballs on our stuff first you have to set up a blog and this is actually pretty simple you can find all this stuff on you know youtube and google and find the exact ways to do this click by click step by step in my course i also teach exactly the exact setup and click by click you can like view over the shoulder of how to do it but basically i just want to cover like to set up a blog you set it up on wordpress wordpress is the content management system to use basically over everything else because it's just the most popular the most known is the best for seo hands down it's the best one then you can pick a theme a theme is basically the template or what your design of your website looks like cadence is one that i recommend for that cadence wp and it's really easy for you know new bloggers you just set it up it has all the templates and stuff that you need you can create content blocks with cadence blocks that's free and you can have those little cool things you know like images and headings and like columns and anything you would want basically to make your blog post look good then there's just four core pages that you need on your blog there's your home page so that's you know a home page is not meant to tell the whole story but it's like in two seconds your homepage should kind of tell people what your site's about so you basically usually have a hero image across with hopefully your face on it a little bit of information one or two sentences about what you teach and why you're teaching it you know a little bit of other sections down below about about you perhaps a little bit of preview of that some of the main content in your blog don't ever think at home pages are pretty simple then there's about page so you want to have an about or my story page on your blog that's basically about your life we don't want this to just be like a linkedin account or all your professional things or things that make you look good this is about being vulnerable you know on my about page i talk about my life basically from birth up until now and all the struggles i dealt with and like you know that vulnerability actually is a good thing to have in your about page your full story why you're teaching what you teach what your story is and journey is up to that point that's what an about page is good news is you can always edit it and tweak it over time and then you have your blog archive so that's like your actual layout of your blog posts not every blog even needs these but you can you know what that looks like they're already pre-designed and then your blog post template itself so every blog post template is basically the same it's like you can have all your blog content here maybe a little sidebar or just the full width is a blog content it really doesn't matter but blog posts you know if you can edit with microsoft word you can basically edit with wordpress because you go into the page editor the post editor you add your you know you highlight your bold text you add hyperlinks you add images in all of that stuff and it's pretty simple and then there's a number of different plugins that you can use for your wordpress blog so there's different things and there's certain ones that i recommend and i have youtube videos exactly on the exact you know plugins that you need for wordpress but there's certain ones that you get like there's one called short pixel that compresses all your images and makes them smaller to make your site load faster there's one called wp rocket that gives you the speed settings that you need to load your site faster as well there's one called thirsty affiliates that cloaks all your affiliate links there's one for seo called yoast seo that helps you you know index your site in google write your meta descriptions and stuff like that so there's a number of different plugins you need as well to get started but really it's about not overthinking it it's about creating this minimum viable website what we call an mvw and then create starting to create your content and moving on and now a word from our sponsors so do you want free google traffic are you struggling to rank and not sure how to go about it and the idea of hiring you know an seo agency is that outside of your budget well there is a better way and it's called the hrefs webmaster tools and it's free so this amazing resource will audit your website and prioritize the needed changes to improve your search engine rankings so imagine what you could achieve as more traffic starts coming in beyond more leads and sales ahrefs webmaster tools helped you analyze backlinks from other sites and find important people who referenced your content so that could lead to future partnerships and collaborations all kinds of things now if the idea of getting google to work for you sounds confusing ahrefs offers helpful tutorials on search engine optimization so isn't it time you start getting more search traffic so visit webmaster tools today and get this free tool working for you so you can find the link below in the youtube description again visit that's webmaster-tools and by checking out our sponsors you are supporting this youtube channel but really when we think about it blogging begins with keyword research so this is how we find stuff to rank for so when we think about it it's one blog post equals one target keyword so we're going where the fish are we're going where people actually search for stuff so we have to know what we want to rank for and it's it's interesting because there's like a million possible things we could write about we could write about how to do things ideas any number of different keywords that is searched online there's billions of potential paths so how do we choose the ones that will actually make us money help us sell courses and make money through affiliate marketing and actually build a real business well it's actually really simple first we start by adding keywords and blog post ideas into a content calendar so you can use like google sheets for this to start adding your keywords in that you want to write about and this is the key so for affiliate revenue you want to find new and emerging products in your niche so think about it this way there's really two main types of blog posts out there that you would ever write so any blog by itself even as a course creator has only two types of articles how to do stuff and the products you need to do those things how to transactional that's it so think about it this way if you're a golfing blog there's only two types of articles you'd ever write how to you know how-to articles how to swing how to chip how to putt how to grip it how to do this thing in golf how to you know all those helpful articles showing you as an expert getting people to sign up for your email list getting them to hopefully buy a course and then there's the affiliate articles the best of the transactional posts those would be like best irons best drivers best pitch uh best putting you know putters best pitching wedges all of the actual products in the niche that you recommend you create list posts for and you push people to uh your affiliate links and help hopefully they buy stuff and you make commissions that way so those are the only two types so when it comes to transactional posts we need to find new and emerging products in your niche so for example for me if i'm teaching people how to make money online and i'm writing about software as my niche i could write about something like best web hosting as a keyword but that one's very competitive it's been around for like 15 years 20 years people have been ranking for this thing for a decade timing is a crucial component of ranking that not a lot of people talk about so how do i find these things that aren't saturated that's the key well 16 to 20 of google searches are new things every single year that have never been searched before so i can rank for things that are newer so think about it this way instead of what best web hosting i would write something on like the best virtual event platforms or the best you know money making apps or things that are just newer and we can find these with keyword research tools think about it this way too if you were in the kitchen niche you wouldn't want to write about necessarily the best microwaves and the best refrigerators those have been around for like 10 20 years online you know if you went on shark tank and you said i created this really cool refrigerator it keeps things cool and it has a freezer which freezes things they'd be like this has existed for 100 years or however long it doesn't make sense content creation is the same thing so you got to think like shark tank what's new and emerging what things haven't been written about what things can i teach that aren't old and saturated and that typically comes by using keyword tools to find new and emerging products in your niche so when we talk about staying ahead with your content calendar there's all different blog posts that we write but there's best posts we'll cover that how-to informational posts these can be for course sales and then there's other ones you can randomly do ideas posts really long lists unique stories to give your blog kind of that strategic advantage that people want to come back to but i just want to show you keyword research in a nutshell and how to find these opportunities there's a really good tool called ahrefs to do that and there's a thing called the keyword explorer so ahrefs is a paid tool but it's the number one best seo tool out there by far and if you it's good for doing your keyword research coming up with your content ideas themselves and then you know if you wanted to you could do it for a month and cancel but really it's it's the best tool by far to do keyword research with there's nothing else really like it and yes you can use like google's free keyword planner but it's not going to give you the the insights that you're really looking for so this is how i use the ahrefs keyword explorer so this is the keyword explorer you can type in anything here to get keyword ideas to write for blog posts so again if we want to sell courses or if we want to make affiliate revenue there's two different things and we covered it there's two different types of blog posts we're going to write first i'm just going to put in how to how to it doesn't make sense no one searches just how to but i can use this matching terms tool to see every other thing that includes the word how to every other possible search so there's things like how to screenshot on a mac how to tie a tie how to delete an instagram account how long to boil eggs and this is sorted by monthly search volume so every month 454 thousand people search for how to screenshot on a mac it's probably the most popular one we can go all the way down the list but this is too broad right this is covering every niche how to get rid of fruit flies how am i gonna make money from that that doesn't make sense it's too broad what if we put in our niche so again i'm gonna go back to golf and i say how to golf now people don't search how to golf that's kind of broad too but look at all these different potential articles you could write if you're a golf blog how to hold a golf club how to swing how to grip how to hit how to play golf how to clean golf clubs how to re-grip how to calculate your golf handicap how to hit a draw on golf these are all low competition high volume terms that blogs could rank for if you're a golfer and trying to teach people so that's a really interesting one look at all of these now in the same way in the golf niche you can also put in best golf for the transactional affiliate post so if i put in best golf you see a number of different articles that could be good for affiliate articles so this is like best golf shoes balls clubs bags clubs for men rangefinder drivers 20 21 grips i'm just going to go on one of these and i'm going to go best golf irons and i'm going to click through that to see what is actually ranking for that so this is kind of the keyword view in ahrefs and it shows you the difficulty is 35. it says hard but that's low out of 100. the volume is 3.1 k a month the traffic potential is 18 000 visits a month because when we think about keywords this is a little tricky detail not everybody is going to search best golf irons exactly in those exact three-word phrase there's going to be people searching for all kinds of different variations of that top golf irons best golf irons of 2022 most popular golf irons there's literally thousands of ways that people like think and search and type it in but this is considered a parent keyword which is the one that is mostly used in google you know rewards so google is good at compiling all those different variables and then providing you know the best possible information so we can see what is ranking for this and we can view the position history of what's been ranking for this over time this is the top results but when we go down the list we then see what are the top 10 sites ranking and we can see there's golf monthly golf digest t3 today's golfer and we can view all these different competitive metrics but we can see here's one with very low domain rating low authority barely any links to this site yet but they have best golf irons of 2022. we can see is this article monetized well there's ads on it so it looks like they're probably a member of mediavine ad network because that's kind of what they look like with the banner along the bottom and on the right hand side but then we can see all right they have at a glance what are the best golf irons tailor made and this is an affiliate link an amazon affiliate link that if someone purchases the taylormade golf club through this article there's a cookie store on their computer by clicking this link you can see it in the bottom left it's kind of a unique tracking link here and they would make you know this site skill golf would make affiliate commissions based on the percentage that amazon pays for sports equipment basically so that's one version of it so we can see these are good for affiliate marketing and it works in any niche so let's go back again to this and just look at another one so like for example if you're camping you could say a tent how to how to draw a tent how to set up a tent how to stay warm in a tent or you know if you're in camping you do how to backpack and you can find all these different articles how to wash a backpack how to draw a backpack how to pack it uh all these different things what if you want to sell a course like how to you know for me it was like how to start log so that one's good that one's competitive but i started ranking for that one how to start a blog will teach people exactly how to start a blog and then i can push people via different ways to sell my course so how to is good for selling a course you know a lot of the ones that are like best clubs and stuff like that like if you're a golfer these are affiliate driven articles so half of blogging i would consider in your mind think of half of blogging as affiliate marketing product reviews half of it is how to do things and sell your course so you can write both of these types of articles basically you find it by looking at the search volume trying to find things that you know find ways that you can rank and then stack ranking these and writing out your keyword research so ultimately let's take a step back we're looking for keywords because we want to rank content for our blog to make affiliate revenue maybe for products and then also get people to view it for how to do stuff and then sell our course so how do we stack rank and like create a content calendar and write down which keywords we want to actually put into it in google sheets because we can say okay if that was a golf blog i could say best golf irons that's a pretty good one the difficulty is 35 there's a lot of volume there's a couple low volume low domain authority sites ranking so how do we start looking what do we look for how do we find this well we look at a couple of different key competitive metrics so let me just do a random different example like if you're a fisherman fisher woman and you want to teach a course on fly fishing or something random like that well let's find other matching terms and articles around fishing so we can see that's an interesting one best fishing kayaks so this is a good one for affiliate revenue kayaks are probably somewhat expensive i would imagine the difficulty is lower the volume is very high and then what else do we look for well we see on page one we look in this is a lot of information here but there's really only a few things you want to look for the key to ranking content online is finding things that aren't too competitive or saturated yet and the number one way to find that is by looking for sites that have a low domain rating or domain authority that are ranking on page one so we'll cover this shortly but link building is another component of blogging and that includes you know what authority sites are there so a site like there's not actually many authority sites here but if we look for one that has a really high domain rating like for example 77 the they're ranking number 10. they have a lot of links pointing to their site which gives them a higher domain rating domain rating is a hrefs metric which shows basically the strengths of a website's backlink profile so think about something like facebook or youtube or google they have domain ratings of like 100 almost and then you have brands like big brands like maybe forbes new york times their domain ratings are like 95 because they just have so many links pointing to them from other websites so this is a number from zero to 100. when you start a blog your domain rating is zero you have no links pointing to you yet so it's hard to rank against a site that has thousands of links like the new york times key is we look for keywords that have lower domain rating sites on the first page and this is a good sign for this one because we see there's this site they have a domain rating of 10 which is barely any links it's a brand new blog and they're still on page one for best fishing kayaks same thing with best fishing kayaks they have a domain rating of 18. still very low very few backlinks that they've ever built to this blog and yet they're getting 1600 visits a month to this article on fishing kayaks so they're definitely making money with very little backlinks so the key is ignoring many of these columns and just looking at domain rating and ur which is url rating to find low competition sites ranking on page one for these specific keywords so when there's two different things there's domain rating and then there's url rating for domain rating that's again a number from zero to 100 based on the authority huge sites are you know in the high 90s in the software and the niches that i'm in like ranking for software and business stuff my domain rating is 79 so i built a lot of links to mine got it up there but if you're in fishing if you're in camping you might only need to be in the 20s get a few links do a little bit of outreach get a few guest posts to start ranking but it's good to look at so what we want to do is we want to dictate what are we going to put in our content calendar well i'd say put in when you're just starting out don't overthink it if you're going to start blogging what's your content strategy start with like half how to and informational keywords in your niche half transactional keywords in your niche about products and then you start stack ranking it based on you know revenue potential and things like traffic difficulty so you want low difficulty high traffic potential and then you want to find at least one to two other blogs with low dr on page one that are ranking basically that shows you new blogs can rank i can too so there's tons of different ways you can do keyword research you put in best plus your niche so you can put in like best sofa you know if you're in the indoor space or you're in the interior design you go to matching terms and you can find things like their sofa covers reclining sofa isn't competitive you start to see things with lower keyword difficulties try to look for ones under like 20 let's say leather sofa cleaner we see it's things that make a lot of money are going to be more competitive because that's just how the internet works so you see something like leather sulfur leather sofa cleaner is less competitive well it's like cleaner isn't that expensive so you're not going to make a ton of affiliate commissions on it something like best modular sofa that's an interesting one those are expensive they're thousands of dollars it's a newer search with up trending search volume high traffic potential and there's a low dr site three of them decor hints beth a personal brand and as well that is ranking here with barely any links so you start to find these opportunities this is a good one or you know you just look for all these different things using the word best and how to so start to build up the content calendar because it all starts with keyword research you can also look at ideas posts so ideas are good ones if you put in ideas everyone's looking for ideas at the top of the funnel when they're blogging so you can find things like dinner ideas tattoo ideas you know all of those things or maybe you're in the fitness niche and then it's exercises so you start to narrow it down to what exercises am i going to write about how am i going to sell my fitness course well i need to get traffic to my blog i'm going to do exercises i'm going to filter it by making the keyword difficulty maximum 20 so that i find all low difficulty keywords to rank for and then i'm going to look for one of these like long head bicep exercises keyword difficulty of six high search volume up trending search volume and probably a number of low ranking low authority random blogs that are ranking for this domain rating of seven very low bodybuildingmealplan.com24 so there's so many pockets of opportunity out there the idea is just you know you want to rank content on google with your blog you want to do it for how to post and best of posts maybe some ideas posts or exercises things in your niche that people are searching for to find you but you do that by using the matching terms tool finding things with low difficulty scores good search volume and low authority blogs ranking on page one all right so we have a target keyword that we want to blog about now what do we actually do how do we write this article well again it's more about assembling content in the exact same way every single time optimizing it for search engines and for human beings not just starting from a blank slate and doing creative writing so we have to talk about on-page seo so what we actually put on the page to rank this content on google and we have to basically optimize this key uh this blog post for that specific keyword that we put in that spreadsheet so how do we do that well i'll show you exactly how so you have to optimize your on-page seo for a specific target keyword and you have it in the title in the headings in the semantic keywords with a tool called surfer seo and then internal links so we have to talk about that so let me go to one article to show you exactly how so this is an article of mine on the 19 best website builders so let's talk about on-page seo well what is on-page seo again going taking a step back about blogging google is looking for the best content to rank online half of that equation is the actual articles on the page so google uses machine learning to basically scan every single article online go to every link again scan everything and scan basically all the words the machine learning it can't like read images but it can read and understand the context and content within your article so what do we actually put in the article how do we make it good how do we optimize it for google that's what we're talking about now so my target keyword here was best website builders so i used ahrefs and i found best website builders and that was my target keyword i put it in my spreadsheet and i'm like okay how am i going to write this what do i actually do well there's a number of different places that we put this keyword and you know an exact format for this so we have the target keyword in the title so this is the h1 heading which is basically the title of the article we have it in this format so with list posts that are these transactional affiliate type posts we have a number plus the keyword plus this what i call like search intent trigger words this is basically not 100 required but this is the format so you have a number and odd numbers actually work better than even numbers they get higher click-through rates on google for some reason then you have your target keyword plus all these search intent trigger words is basically clickbait here to get people to click on it so that's a good you know formula for your title you also notice that the keyword is in my url specifically just that keyword so you notice it doesn't have 2022 in it the url is basically the only thing that you can't change when it comes to the blog post you can change the title you can change all the text and the images and all of that but the url has to remain the same that's the only thing that can't change and that's because you might get backlinks to it you might link to it from something else and we need this url to stay the same and that should just be your domain and then the target keyword right here so you put it in there you put it in the title earlier the better you put it in the introduction paragraph so it's good to put it early then we get some content here there's an introduction i have a five column list here of all the top website builders and i talk a little bit more about how to choose it and what you need to look for and how you compare it basically an introduction and then we get into the first interesting point here now this is an h2 heading so h2 headings basically when you're blogging there's like h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 and it signifies the importance of the content so h1 is your title that's the most important piece of content h2 is the second most important thing so your first h2 you have your h1 then you have your introduction that includes the keyword then you have your first h2 that includes the target keyword in the form of a question what is the best website builder then we have a little bit of content then we answer that with these h3 headings so this one dot and then zero that is an h3 so questions are h2s the answers to your questions are h3s that is what google likes to see that is how they structure and add you in featured snippets and make sure that it is formatted correctly and tells search engines exactly what your article is about for example if this entire blog post was just paragraph text it would be hard for google and search engines to understand what's the most important part of the article but when you have the h1 as the title and you have the h2s in this certain format which the h3s is the answer that's what google likes to see so and you can see that we're assembling this content in the exact same way every single time h2 what is the plus your target keyword then we have the list and you can see this is you know lots of edits that i did and adding this templated box you don't need any of that you can just do text that's all you need but you have the h3 you have the answer number one is this company and you have just some feature sections like what are the key features of this company user experience pricing and then a button basically with your affiliate link here pushing people that product then you have number two and it's the exact same format every single time so you're basically templatizing this in the exact same way giving the right features pricing and the things that you need in this type of article and it just goes down the list and it's a templated way to do it in my course blog growth engine we give the exact templates for these things but you see this is a science not an art and then you know the article is very long this was done and updated many times over the last couple of years but we have the list and that's really that simple then you can add another h2 just like underneath what is a target keyword so we have what are the best what is it like what's the definition of this target keyword i have added an infographic here this is an example of one that i've updated a ton of times over the years then we have other random related questions what is the best one for small business what is the best one for e-commerce and then we have an faq and you can use a tool like yoast seo to add like an faq schema block so these little questions can show up in the google search results as well but this is a very very comprehensive article on website builders and we have internal links as well so internal links are important to send people to other related articles on your blog and you typically add them at the beginning and the end of the content so also i have an affiliate disclosure here which is really important any article that has affiliate links on it required by the ftc to have uh a disclosure and you'll see i have it a couple of times once here and then once again up here so this is a sidebar this is all the content here and this is exactly how to do on-page seo so that's how you do the headings that's how you add the content in for a best dove post there's also how to guys like i have one on how to start a blog basically you'll see that every single blog post you ever write is a list people love lists people's brains think in lists so even a how-to guide is a set of steps like how to start a blog well number one you set up a blog and that's an h2 choose your niche do all the things i'm teaching in this video start it by installing wordpress every how-to guide that you do is also a you know list so you think in a list it's easier to write and manage this content when it's a list so you start writing it you create you know maybe it's just 250 words a day or 500 words a day but you start with in the middle and kind of creating the content that way and eventually it becomes a minimum viable post that you can publish now there's one more step here and that's using seo tools and ai tools for the 2020s that actually helps you with semantic keywords so we're going to get into that now in addition to hrefs the only other tool that you would need for seo potentially would be this tool called surfer seo so surfer seo is your on-page seo tool that helps you write articles and they have integrations with google docs and with wordpress so you can use this not just in surfer seo but also in your blog it's 49 a month it's really the first like tool that i recommend bloggers get outside of just you know setting up their website which is really cheap and affordable if you're using free hosting and a cheap cheap hosting and a free theme but really this is uh surfer seo in a nutshell so when it comes to ranking on google semantic keywords are also important so the machine learning is smart so for example if google scans your article and your article is supposed to be on something like california beaches well i wouldn't just expect to see like california beaches a number of times in the article it's getting smarter and it's expecting to see semantically related keywords related to it so for california beaches that could be things like ocean and sand and restaurants and all these different random words that you can't possibly think of in your brain you rely on these ai tools to do it so here's an example of one on you know this is optimized for you know selling sell online courses there's an article i wrote on how to sell online courses and this has a content score basically what you do is you go down this list and you can see this is exactly the keywords that you need to add into this article and the number of times to add them so what these tools do is they basically scan the top three to five pages of google and stack rank it based on what other what google is rewarding and how many times these keywords are being used to help you understand how to create a robust and interesting article and what google expects to see in it so for example it'd be hard to think of all these things like online course marketplaces target audience sales funnel video tutorials landing pages but google expects all of these words in this blog post so we can't just write from a blank page and expect to rank on google we need to use ai tools to tell us literally what words we need and google expects to see so you just go through this list and you start writing your content as your template templatizing it out you add these keywords in these number of times and it gives you a content score and it shows you how many words are typically in an article what the content score is how high it needs to be and then like if you get to say 80 it's a really good place to aim for so you try to get an 80 and surfer and then you publish the article and that really is masterful on-page seo based on that target keyword and what i taught you just in this video so you can do that and you might start ranking for low competition keywords immediately or you'd be in the first couple pages if they're low competition now some really competitive keywords you might start on page eight for or something and not get traffic for right away but you start to develop this blogging strategy based on data and science and semantic keywords and on-page seo and keyword research rather than just writing random content so you get it in the surfer and you get that score to 80 then you publish your article so really not every article is going to rank after you hit the publish button what we need to do is create a content assembly line what i teach in my course so content assembly line is how do we create as many articles as possible especially for doing this on the side of a full-time job to sell courses to make affiliate revenue to get traffic to our blog this is basically just getting raw traffic organically is what we're talking about in this lesson so again that starts with keyword research and then the next phase is writing minimum viable post number one so that is how can i get it to where the semantic seo is good enough maybe it's not the top 20 companies maybe it's the top five or maybe it's not the top 100 ways to swing a golf club right it's like the basic format of it good enough move on is really the mindset you need here so you start with keyword research you write minimum viable post one then you you view data to see your initial ranking maybe you're on page four maybe you're on page two already but you start to see what actually is working and you keep doing this over and over again with all the articles in your content calendar then you can update it if needed then you get better rankings and then monetization comes later so this is the content assembly line method and we go deeper in my course but really it's like you get your initial ranking then you view it if it's on page two and it's not that competitive maybe you update it again if you go back and update it maybe do a little bit of link building for it but you build this in a content assembly line method until it starts ranking because to make money you need your content to actually rank now let's talk about link building so we talked about keyword research on page seo the actual stuff that you write that's easy because you can just stay behind your computer create content use seo tools use a tool like grammarly too to help you with your grammar and punctuation and grammatical errors and all of that to make it look good now we have to talk about the second half of blogging one half is writing articles seo google all that the other half is link building link building is authority link building is how do you get other sites to link to you to look at you as a sign of a trustworthy website so when you think about the world wide web in general and you start a new blog and it's like a spider web they're actually called google spiders that crawl every single website and go from link to link page to page and scan the entire internet to organize the world's information what if you just start a blog well you're on the outskirts of that web you're way over here with no links no threads nothing pointing to you it's going to be harder for google to trust you out of the out of the gate yes you saw there's some sites with low domain ratings like 10 or something just a few links that are getting traffic because those keywords aren't competitive but link building is a crucial component of it authority sites are kind of taking over in a lot of niches and things are getting somewhat saturated in certain old niches so that's how google works it's on page seo what's actually in the article and then what's the relationship between other sites to your blog like are you do you have some links do you have some signs of trust because if you do if you have a link from like the new york times or even a blog in your niche that is linking to you that shows more trust than none so the goal is to continue building your domain rating up over time surpassing sites in your niche first getting in the ballpark so you can compete and rank for stuff but then over time doing some link building because it's just been taught wrong so historically so links are that sign of authority and trust and there's different ways to do link building so first is guest blogging guest post that's writing other articles on other blogs and linking to you so there's an entire strategy on this i cover this in depth in specific youtube videos on my youtube channel but really it's this is a process of getting outside of your comfort zone a little bit and doing outreach to others so this can be on linkedin via email all these different ways like sending messages so basically link building's been taught wrong for a number of years so there's different strategies like broken link building so that's when like there's a link that isn't it's 404 on a page and you say replace that broken link with my link or you can do link reclamation you mentioned me but you didn't link to me or guest blogging i want to write a guest post for you let me you know let me do that but a lot of it's taught wrong links links are like a value exchange links have value in the real world you know when you think about links if i can get a link from a high authority site and that link helps me rank for content and i can make money from that content well then links have value links are actually really valuable more valuable than you'd think people sell links like a link from a dr70 site might be worth 500 or a thousand dollars there's brands that charge three thousand dollars for a mention on a news article for example like yahoo finance or something like that so links have real value so you have to be able to provide something of value in return to get that link most old link building tactics just basically teach this is how you ask for this type of link and like most people just ignore those requests because people's inboxes are just inundated with those types of requests so you have to kind of elevate your link building game a little bit and it's really simple so again you might set aside a few hours a day to start writing your blog posts 200 300 words a day with the goal of maybe publishing at least one article a week that's kind of the minimum to stay in the game and then maybe it's just sending five outreach messages a day to start this guest blogging and building relationships to do link building so that can be as simple as hello first name of person my name is adam and i'm starting a new blog at you know adam if i'm just starting out you can also use professional experience like i'm currently my day job i do this just give a very brief background on you and say then you want to kind of give them a little bit of something in in an exchange of value so rather than saying i'd like to write a guest post for you let me write the article and link to my blog that seems like work on their part you can say something like you know i was interested if you'd like to collaborate on content i write a lot of articles in the golf niche for example maybe link to one there and you know i'd be interested to know are you open to guest posts i'd love to write one for your site and then you can kind of bait them a little bit by saying something like i also write a lot of other guest posts in the niche that you're talking about i can link to your content in those again links are a value exchange so maybe you'd be interested in just collaborating and getting to know each other you know something like that it's it's a low pressure way to just build relationships in your niche niche however you want to say it i say it both ways but you start to sending these messages out getting to know people this isn't like a tactic give me links this is just getting to know people and then you start meeting other guest bloggers and people that write for a lot of other blogs in your niche and then maybe you trade links between each other like i'll write a guest post on this site and i'll also link to you you write a guest post over here and you link to me then you're not always doing all of this link building on your own so this is a game and i teach this system both on my youtube channel and in my course it's a very deep subject link building is but it's a way to build authority to your site and build links to it but it's just a basic way of saying this is who i am i'd like to write i'd like to start collaborating with you on content you can use a template in order to really accelerate your outreach process and then help your website get links which is the second half of seo so there's the on-page seo what you're writing and then who is linking to you and if you can master both of these you will get a lot of traffic to your blog and you will make a lot of money so ultimately we have to think about making money with a blog and that comes down to many different factors there's your content strategy there's keyword research there's the search intent and mastering what people want to read there's analyzing the competition with ahrefs and seeing you know what you can rank for then there's monetization how do you join these affiliate programs how do you make money selling courses we'll get to all of that monetization stuff first but it starts with your nation it starts with just this flywheel effect of actually doing it so the more that you can just start doing it and taking action the more that you'll learn and the better you'll get blogs are infinitely updatable assets they're not just things that you can't update like you can update a blog post an infinite number of times you can update your homepage an infinite number of times you can change the entire theme of your blog i've done it a number of different times but really the key is it's hard because you have to know keyword research and then to know what to rank for you have to know what affiliate programs to join to make money or how to sell a course through your blog post and you have to know kind of about search intent and what to write and how to do on-page seo and link building there's a number of different disciplines here when it comes to blogging and it's like digital marketing so the key is you can be good at one you can get it too it's kind of having that multi-disciplinary approach to it and the only way to get there is to just start taking action start learning how to do it and just build that website do keyword research and just start taking action on it so at the exact time of this video going live right now we have a huge promo going on and the price of blog growth engine is at a discount in the lowest that it will ever be we've put a ton of work into our flagship coaching program now with three full-time coaches a private slack link building group to help get you links from day one a community of over a thousand bloggers just like you and unlimited coaching calls for life so that's right one payment and unlimited coaching calls for life you have a blogging question just click a calendly link book a call with one of our coaches and that is unlimited which is pretty insane and now with the blog growth engine mastermind you have exclusive founder access so that's a private community with me also our ceo and co-founder colin our bge mastermind coach andrew and our blogging head coach eddie so there's also exclusive content in that mastermind you can find nowhere else but now the mastermind is a big investment so it's a multiple four-figure investment if you're not prepared to invest money working with us don't apply for the mastermind but the bge coaching program is perfect for you
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 71,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blogging, adam enfroy, how to start a blog, how to start a blog step by step for beginners, how to start a blog for beginners, how to start a blog 2023, how to make money blogging, make money blogging, blogging business, make money online, online business, affiliate marketing
Id: 6uUP6HpqRCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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